Author Topic: Nice Try.  (Read 315 times)

Offline Evie Baang

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    • Evie Baang
Nice Try.
« on: October 26, 2018, 08:55:58 PM »
 Off Camera;

It had practically been one month since the bet was laid down in the Jordan household and to say that both Ben and Evie were living on the edge would be an understatement. Ben was already grumpy his wife was turning into a nice woman, to some that would have been a thing of beauty. However, Ben didn’t fall in love with this new shell of a wife he was living with, he fell in love with the evil, wicked woman that was the super spy, the one that kicked people’s arse just for looking at her incorrectly. Now he was listening to her talking about buying a flock of sheep, it just wasn’t the same, she wasn’t his Evie and he couldn’t put his finger on it. Truth be told, he still loved her, let’s not get that excited about divorce rumours because they were in it until the end, it was just marriage was like the sea at times. Rough and rocky, yet still and calm.

Evie couldn’t put her finger on why everything seemed to be breaking down around her, all she knew was that Ben had posted four little words on Twitter to Odette Stevens and well ever since then her blood had been boiling. It was cationic the levels of rage that was swirling around her body and even thought they had played a good roll of hamming it up for cameras and on Twitter things at home were still not cushy. If anything, it had seeped down and had gotten worse. Their nights were spent sleeping back to back, both as suborn as each other, as they refused to make the first move to fix things. It wasn’t whom Evie was, she wasn’t the type of girl that would chase a boy. She was the type that made him work for it and right now Ben didn’t seem to care about the situation. His head was in the clouds as he was focused on getting himself better with his on and off treatments.

It had been another one of those nights, the two had slept in the same bed, but didn’t interact and as soon as morning broke Evie had moved from the bed and headed down stairs to the kitchen. If there was one thing about Evie and Ben that people didn’t know is that everything in their house had a place, everything had a home and it was neat and perfect, almost too perfect but that’s how Evie liked to keep her living quarters. It took a while for Ben to get on board, but he had learnt in time not to mess with Evie’s system… after all he knew what was good for him. As Evie stepped into the kitchen, she had seen the bowls still left in the sink from the night before, after Ben had spent his evening bashing away at the keyboard playing Football Manager.

Evie’s hand balled into fists, as she tried her best to just let this one slide she knew Ben wasn’t in the best way as of late and things like two dishes in the sink, wasn’t high on his lists of priorities. Yet, the sound of her husbands footsteps slapping against the wooden stairs was enough to drive her to the edge and give her a little push. Ben yawned as he made his way over towards the kitchen, seeing his wife standing at the sink he found it hard to swallow the lump that had formed in his throat.

“I was going to get to them” He pointed towards the dishes, hoping that would save him.

Evie just turned to look at him and Ben could tell from the look in her eyes this wasn’t going to be a good day for them. She just flicked on the tap, letting the water warm up before she filled the sink to wash the dishes. As Ben watched his wife, put the dish washing liquid in the water he made his way over beside her. Giving her a little nudge.

“I’ve got this.” He pushed her lightly again, in a friendly manner to try and break the ice.

However, as he knocked Evie off balance she came back firing with a shove of her own. Ben was taken off guard as the stinging feeling of his wife’s hands slapping against his chest tore his attention from the dishes.

“What the fuck is your problem?” He couldn’t hold it back anymore, he needed to know what the hell was going on with his wife.

Evie was beside herself, never in a million years did she think she would put her hands on her husband. Well in a striking motion, in other ways she had no issues with touching him. Yet, she was mad, and she couldn’t stop herself from what flew out of her mouth next.

“What the fuck is my problem” she fired back at him. “What the fuck is MY problem?” She was repeating herself, so Ben knew she was pissed.

“I didn’t strutter.” His accent made that seem a dead and cold as it was.

Evie just wiped her wet hands on the tea towel before she tossed it on to the bench beside her.

“Oh, let me see… maybe it was the fact you played into everyone’s hands when they say they don’t believe this marriage is going to last when you called it… and I fucking quote all that malarkey.” Normally stuff like this wouldn’t have bothered Evie but right now she was livid.

Ben had to take himself back down memory lane to remember what his wife was banging on about, but when he did it hit him.

“Bloody hell, Eves… that was near on a month ago.” He scratched his chin, confused as to why his wife would hold onto something like this for so long. “Plus it was a joke.” Just a simple shrug of his shoulders was all he could offer.

Evie just turned to face him, her eye narrowing. “Like our marriage is to you, huh?” She went to take her leave from the kitchen as she side stepped her husband.

Ben didn’t want Evie to leave he wanted to hash this all out, so he could figure out what was eating her alive and why it was bothering her for so long. Reaching out he lifted up the closest thing he could find, and he tossed it in her direction. It was a light tea towel, that just floated to the floor in front of her.

“Did you just throw a dish rag at me?” Turning back to look at her husband she was furious.

“Well I didn’t want to throw anything that would hurt you?” Was all he could argue back with.

Reaching out Evie opened the drawer that was next to her, finding the set of forks. Lifting one out of slider, she walked back towards Ben whose hands flew up in innocence. Evie didn’t waste anytime pressing the prong of the folk into Ben’s bare chest. Evie was crazy, but when Ben looked at her, he didn’t seem scared it’s just sometimes she wasn’t the best with words. Yet he could feel the folk seep a little deeper into his skin.

“I’m all good, I don’t need me nipple pierced thanks.” His sarcasm dripped from his mouth as he smirked down at her.

Truth be told this was the most action he had in weeks, and the wild look in his wife’s eyes was enough to have to egging her on for more.

“It doesn’t feel good does it?” she was making reference to being hurt and well Ben knew exactly what she meant.

His hands lifted up to brush to fork out of her hands, before cupped either side of her face bringing his lips down to hers. Soon enough, he had backed her up into the walk in Butler’s pantry and as he was trying to take Evie’s mind off what he had said in a joke. Evie was feeling around behind her, reaching for anything and everything. Soon enough their kiss was interrupted by the sound of flour being dumped on the top of Ben’s head. He broke he kiss, looking down at his wife in disbelief. She was childish at times.

“Make your own fucking pancakes.” She said with a wink, before Evie went to walk off.

Ben took off behind her “Now, now… let’s not say thing you’ll regret.” Reaching out her grabbed a hold of her hand.

Evie spun around the look on her face said it all she had had enough. “What the fuck do you want from me?” her voice was raw and honest as she looked at him.

Ben just looked down at his wife, feeling the seriousness of this question he stopped what he was doing and let her know.

“I just want you to be happy.” His face dropped it was all he ever wanted for her.

“Then why do you get so bent out of shape when I am happy?” she barked back.

Ben just dropped his hands to his side, feeling a little defeated. “I’m talking about you being real happy and not fake happy… I’m talk about you being the woman I fell madly in love with… I’m talking about the evil fucking Evie that treats the rest of the world like shit, but could look at me and I knew… I just knew I was the odd one out that you could be the real you around. I’m talking about the Evie I married… the one that didn’t care what the world thought, the one that wouldn’t get so cut up about a joke. I want my hell cat back, that I know is still in there… I don’t want the fake picture-perfect wife, you’re trying to become… I want the woman back who couldn’t give two fucks about what people outside think… because you knew everything at home was good.”

Ben laid it all out on the line, leaving Evie a little speechless.

“I want you Evie… I want you as how you were… not this betty housewife Evie. Not this Evie that wants to buy sheep? You don’t even like lamb?” He threw his hands up unsure what to say or do next.

Evie just turned on the balls of her feet and went to walk off. Leaving Ben in the kitchen alone. The Cockney king just sighed before he headed towards the fridge. Opening it up, he reached in to grab a drink and some breakfast before he even thought about cleaning up the flour bomb Evie had just tipped on him. One thing was for sure things weren’t looking any better in his household. As Ben gather some items to make an omelette Evie made her way back into the room, taking Ben off guard as he flinched.

“Did you just go to throw bacon at me?” He Aussie accent was curious as she looked at her husband who was juggling food in his hands.

Ben just snorted. “I wouldn’t waste bacon.” Yet as he said that he tossed a carrot over in his wife’s direction.

And that my friends is where all hell broke loose and well, Ben and Evie acted like three-year old’s as they entered a food fight for the ages. As Eggs, flour, water, pots, pans and bacon was sent flying across the room at each other. The two lashed out, letting each other know why they were upset with each other. It wasn’t a traditional method of helping ones marriage, but it seemed to be working as the two were finally opening up to one another. After a solid twenty minutes or so, the two were now wrapped up in each other’s arms as they looked down at the mess they had created.

“We really need to clean this up, we have a party tomorrow.” Evie looked at the state of the kitchen, feeling a little foolish, yet it was good to have her Husband’s arms wrapped around her.

Ben just brought his head down beside hers, so he could whisper into her right ear. “You wanna be domesticated?” He left go over her, before he brought his right hand across her arse cheeks with a vicious but playful spank. “Have at it.”  

Winking at her as he left the scene of the crime Ben went upstairs to wash off leaving Evie alone with the mess that was their kitchen. Just as Evie was going to make a move to start cleaning, she had a second thought. “Fuck it, I’ll just call in the cleaners.” And on that note, she followed her husband’s footsteps and headed upstairs to clean up.

As Evie meet up with her husband in their bathroom, she made her way towards the basin, to clean to flour out of her ears as she noticed Ben turn the shower on behind her. He had already slipped out of his boxers and only the steam on the mirror was keeping his reflection covered. Looking up at her in the reflection of the mirror he smirked.

“That was quick.” He toyed with her as she looked back at him in the mirror.

“I don’t clean… I hire a cleaner… spoiler alert… I’m a terrible wife.” She winked at him.

However, Ben wasn’t shocked to know Evie wasn’t truthful with him about her ever clearing their house. It was just a front she put on. Ben just ate up the distance between them, his chest pressing into Evie’s back as he looked at her in the mirror, the shower raining down in the background. Reaching up, his right hand played with the small strap of her night gown, before he slipped it down her shoulder.

“So, what’s my one hundred k, going towards?” He mentioned the bet as if it was nothing.

His hand moved towards her other strap as he pushed her silk nightgown down, Evie just looked at her husband in the mirror and smirked.

“I already spent it… I brought the block of land next door.” There was no remorse in her eyes as she just smirked proudly.

“Don’t like neighbours huh?” He said with a smile.

Evie just looked at him up and down, as his lips pressed into the side of her neck kissing her softly. Evie just turned in his arms, so she could look up at him.

“I hate it when they complain about the noise.” With a single wink, Ben knew what she was implying and well…

That’s where we can leave the two crazy lovebirds.


Trinity, Trinity, Trinity… you begged for an open challenge and well here you fucking go. You thought you would be safe to call out Evie Baang you though that she would be distracted and miss what you had said and that she would just let it side. Well, aren’t you wrong? You’re so fucking wrong.

First of all, Evie has never issued an open challenge so when you opened your mouth in that little pipe bomb segment you were looking for, you had already shot yourself in the fucking foot. Evie would call people out for an open challenge, that something beneath her… every fucking champion does it, because why they want to be seen a fighting champion… Evie on the other hand, doesn’t need to call anyone out for it to be known a fighting champion it is what she fucking is.

She doesn’t need to fluff the pillows of the rest of the Bombshell division to give them false hope that one day they could be the one to answer the challenge and beat her. Why? Because it’s not going to fucking happen. Not now, not ever… the Sin City Wrestling Bombshell Roulette Championship is where it’s meant to be and that’s around the waist of Evie Fucking Baang.

It took balls to step up and basically call her out but learn this… on Sunday night you’ll be choking on those balls once Evie steps into that ring… she will make you eat every word you have ever said about it and she’ll make it look easy. Because why? Because that’s just what she does and right now you’re a stepping stone on the path that Evie is leading on her way to facing Sammi Marlowe…

You will be the example that Evie will show the world, that they better think twice before they use her name as their cheque. You tried to use her name to slingshot your career and on Sunday night you’re going to learn the hard way… that the best thing you can do, is not poke the beat that is sleeping with in.

For a dragon, you’re fucking stupid and at Climax Control, the dragon will come head to head with the wolf and the reality is… real will always beat myth and what’s real is Evie and her reign as the Sin City Wrestling Bombshell Roulette Champion… what’s myth is your warped sense of purpose… thinking that you even have a slight chance of walking out of this match unharmed.

You’ll be the beckon, the light the other bombshells will follow when they think it’s a wise move to step up to Evie Baang, you’ll be the evidence that the world will need when they ask… does Evie still have it in her? The answer is yes and all the evidence you need will come with the body tag… Trinity Jones attached to it.

Evie will see you at Climax Control and she is going to remove any dreams you have of capturing her Sin City Wrestling Bombshell Roulette Championship, within a single snap of her fingers… you’ll be left where you fucking should be… at the back of the line.

Thank you for waking the beast Trinity… I just hope for your sake… it was worth the self destruction.