Author Topic: Somewhere Over the Rainbow  (Read 340 times)

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    • Raynin
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
« on: April 27, 2018, 11:55:09 PM »


The sounds of pugilistic performances could be heard throughout the facility.   Whoa, that sentence was totally full of thirty-two dollar words.  Hmm, let me rephrase that in a way that's a little easier to understand.  That just means that there was a lot of fighting going on all around the building.

The Angels of the Fallen had known that there was more that Diamond needed than they were able to give.  Diamond was so used to their fighting styles, it was easy for them to face one another and have the match come to a stalemate.  So, Darknyss had made a few calls and arranged for something a little bit different.

They were at Randy Couture's Mixed Martial Arts gym, and Diamond was looking around, wondering what was about to happen.  Darknyss came over with ten women grouped off into pairs.  Five of the women were Crystal Hilton's height, weight and build, and the other five were Mercedes Vargas's height, weight, and build.  Diamond frowned and looked around with a feeling of dread in the pit of her stomach.

"Hey now Lady...  Why do I get the feeling that I'm not about to like what you're about to have me do?"

Darknyss chuckles and grins.

"Cause, you're probably not about to like what I'm about to have you do.  You're gonna face off against these ten women in pairs.  You're gonna simulate your triple threat match, gauntlet style.  They're gonna group off in teams, and when one person on each team gets pinned, the next person enters the match until you've pinned every one of the women on one team.  If you get pinned, there's a five-minute break, then the teams start over from the beginning."

Diamond's jaw drops and she looks around at the women.

"Are you tryin' to kill me or something?  There's no way I could do that!!"

Darknyss walks over and slaps Diamond across the face hard, and Diamond's eyes flare at the shock.

"What the fuck Lady??!!"

Darknyss glares at Diamond and puts her finger in her face.

"I don't EVER want to hear you say what you can't do!!  You keep forgetting that you can do WHATEVER you put your mind to!!  Have you forgotten the gauntlets we used to do in Sensei's advanced classes?  We faced off against thirty other people, one right after another!!  And you never... EVER backed down!  Not once!!  You fought and fought and you didn't stop!  You had a broken nose, a busted lip, cracked ribs and a twisted ankle, and you still didn't stop!  So, you don't DARE start giving up before you even begin!  I won't let you!"

Diamond swallows and looks at the concern in her friend's face and she nods slowly, rubbing her cheek.

"You didn't have to try to take my head off with that shot though."

Darknyss quirks her eyebrow at her friend.

"I'm not sorry I did it though.  Something needed to wake you up. Now if you want to win back your championship, you better start getting serious!"

Diamond nods and looks around at the different mixed martial artists surround her.  She takes a deep breath, and clenches her fists, letting the breath out slowly before she turns and walks into the cage.  She steps into the center of the ring, and closes her eyes, letting everything leave her mind except for the task at hand.  As she waits for the sparring match to start, a voice over starts going through her mind.

{ "How badly do you truly want it?"  That's a question that keeps running through my head every moment of my life.  I keep putting a goal in front of me, and I keep trying and trying to reach for it, and that goal keeps getting closer and closer, then just when I get close to it, it will sometimes seem to leap miles away.  So I have to keep clawing my way back towards that goal. }

The first two women step into the cage, and she opens her eyes as she hears Darknyss yell out.


The two women aren't interested in each other, and both come right after her.  She starts to duck and dodge strikes and slipping out of hold attempts.  The moves start out a bit static at first, but after a few moments, they become smooth and fluid, almost as if she's dancing between the opponents standing against her.

{ When I hear that question running off in my head, it does something to me.  Most people who hear that question start to question their desire for their goals.  I on the other hand, start to work harder towards that goal.  That question pushes me unlike any other question that could be asked of me.  Because it's not asking me whether or not it's something that I should be striving for like most people would believe it to be.  Instead, it asks me, "Just how effort much are you willing to put into what you're working towards?"  It's a challenge to me, not a question for validation of my desires. }

As she keeps moving, her body starts to learn what to expect from these two women who she's facing off against.  It's like she'd seen these moves before, and that's when she realized that Darknyss hadn't just found people who were Crystal Hilton and Mercedes Vargas's sizes, but that had similar fighting styles.  As she kept dodging and throwing strikes, it was like she could envision her opponents were the two women she was destined to face in only a few days.  It gave her more of a desire to take them down.

{ See, that's something that I know if my opponents were asked, they'd say that they would do a lot for what they wanted, but I don't know if they would go as far as I would.  The thing of it is, I would give just about anything for what I've made my goal for Climax Control, short of taking someone's life.  I would put my body on the line for my goal.  I would give my blood, my sweat, my tears, my bones, my flesh, whatever it takes.  I've been training like a maniac to try to get myself ready for this match.  And it's not just any match...  It's the Main Event match!!  Which means that when Mercedes, Crystal and I step into the ring, I'm gonna put that extra little bit of something something into what I put out in that ring. }

She locks one of the women in a grapevine arm bar and looks out the cage at the other women who are standing outside of the chain link, and she keeps seeing Crystal and Mercedes' faces over and over again.  This makes her give pause, and she lets up the pressure on the woman's arm, and the hold is shaken off.  She rolls backwards as she just misses getting her head taken off with an axe kick.  She looks and sees Darknyss blowing a handful of crystal dust she's pulled from Diamond's mojo bag onto the last couple of women, and watches as the glamour settles over their bodies.  Darknyss turns and yells at her.

"You needed to be in the right mindset for what's coming up.  I thought this might be helpful."

Diamond nods and gives Darknyss a thumb's up, which was just enough distraction for her to get hit from behind with a double axe handle to the back of the neck.  She's dropped to her knees as the voice over continues.

{ See, I've got something going for myself that Mercedes and Crystal don't have.  I've got the true desire to become the Sin City Wrestling's Bombshell Internet Champion.  I've got that fire that's running wild in my gut, pushing me towards becoming more than just some regular old Bombshell who just sits on the side lines and looks good, and laughs at some useless joke, and wants to be on the arm of some man.  None of my friends are like that.  We stand on our own two feet.  We live, eat, breathe, shit, and fight our lives as Champions, regardless of if we are holding the gold around our waists.  We bring the people running to the ticket booths to get the chance to see us in action.  We decorate the billboards, we fill the centerfolds of magazines, we grace the covers of not just sports magazines, but fashion and beauty magazines.  We're the biggest thing to happen to Professional Wrestling since the invention of a wrestling ring! }

Before she knows it, the first two set of women have been taken down, and the cage door has opened to allow the next woman through the door.  She's not even sure if this person looks like Mercedes or Crystal at this time, as the only thing on her mind is getting this next person taken out.  She dropkicks the woman into the side of the cage and rolls back up to her feet, then launches herself at her in a spear, driving her into the cage wall, then she links that into a belly to belly suplex, arching into a bridge, only to forget about the other woman in the cage who kicks her in the stomach.  She collapses, trying to catch her breath as the onslaught continues along with the voice over.

{ Think about it.  Who in their right minds would put their bodies through hell unless it was something that they wanted with their entire being?  My mind, my body and my soul are all screaming for the chance to be able to get that title back around my waist.  And now that the chance is here, just having a monkey wrench of Mercedes Vargas being tossed into the mix won't be enough to stop me from getting that title back.  I should have never lost it in the first place.  I'm better than that.  I'm better than what I believe I'm capable of.  But I slipped up a few months ago and let go of my grip on it.  I let the title slip from my fingers.  My mistake.  But it's a mistake I'm not about to let happen again!  That's something you can believe! }

The woman she's suplexed has shaken herself out of her stupor and is returned to the onslaught against her.  The two women are stomping her into the ground, and all she can do is curl up into a ball as she tries to retain her thoughts.  That's when she hears it.  Darknyss calls out to her.


Diamond's eyes flash open, flaring a bright green and it's as if a new wave of energy floods into her.  The other women feel the change in her and they back up almost as if a shockwave has pushed them off of her.  As the power floods her body, she slowly uncurls herself from the floor and turns towards her opponents, lifting a hand slowly and beckons them towards her.  They look at one another and charge towards Diamond, but she too launches forward, ducking under their swings, and pivots quickly, coming back around towards them with a double clothesline.  Now Diamond is on the offensive.

{ You see, unlike my opponents, when things get rough for me, I have the ability to dig down deep inside of myself and come out with something unexpected.  Whether that's an unexpected move, or a handful of crystal dust, I always have a surprise in the cut.  I'm the kind of Champion who will not only ask you "how bad do you want it?", but I will show you how badly I want it.  And right now, I'm wanting that title really bad.  I'm craving it like a junkie craving their next fix! }

Diamond is moving like a woman possessed as she punches and kicks, clotheslines and body slams, suplexes and DDT's her way through the next couple of groups of women, and she doesn't miss a beat.  Every hit she takes, she gives two in return.  Every time she's knocked down, she starts to come back stronger.  And the harder she fights, the brighter her eyes burn.  Outside of the cage, Darknyss and Gothika are roaring in pride at what she's doing.  Until a lucky kick rings her bell and she drops to the ground.

{ Where I'm concerned, I don't know when to quit.  The only way you're gonna be able to count me out is to basically render me unconscious to get a pin or a count out on me.  I'm done being nice.  I’m done being patient.  I've been patiently waiting for my chance for long enough.  The time for action has come.  And action is exactly what you're gonna get from me when we get in the ring.  Non-Stop Action packed, adrenaline filled frenetic energy has been filling my body, and when the bell rings at Climax Control, there will be no containing it!  I'm gonna let it run rampant, and when the dust clears, there will be a new Bombshell Internet Champion crowned.  And her name will be Diamond! }

Darknyss opens the cage and runs in to check on Diamond.  Diamond is laying there, her eyes clearly glazed over.  She slowly comes out of it, and Darknyss helps her sit up.  She puts a hand to her head and blinks slowly.

"Emme!  Emme, are you alright?"

Diamond nods slowly as the room spins around her.

"Yeah, I'm alright. I just need a minute."

She takes a deep breath and sighs, putting a hand to her forehead.

"Did you get the name of that mack truck that hit me?"

Darknyss chuckles and ruffles Diamond's hair playfully.

"Yeah, her name was Clara.  Do you think you can stand?"

Diamond slowly climbs to her feet and looks around at the women outside of the cage.  They're almost all scuffed and ruffled, but they all look like they're ready to go another round.  She sighs and looks at the two women in the ring and looks back at Darknyss.

"Are you sure I can't have ten minutes instead of just five?"

Darknyss chuckles and pushes Diamond's shoulder.

"I guess I could be nice.  After that shot you took to the dome, I can give you an extra two minutes."

Darknyss turns around and claps her hands, and Gothika tosses her a bottle of water.  She cracks it open and hands it to Diamond who drinks it greedily.

"Thanks.  That extra two minutes would be greatly appreciated.  And I think not just by me, but by the other women.  I almost had her too."

Darknyss nods and grins.

"True, but Carla's the queen of sneak attacks.  She waited for the perfect moment and laid you out with a side shuffle kick to the side of your head.  Truthfully, since she's so short, I was surprised she could actually get her foot up to your face.  But she's stretchy that one."

Diamond chuckles and shakes her head.

"I don't think Crystal and Mercedes are that flexible.  But you never know.  The whole point of this exercise is to be prepared for any eventuality, right?"

Darknyss nods and pats her on the back.

"You got it chica.  You never know what new tricks these chicks have decided to add to their arsenal.  They know how much of a threat you are, and they're not about to pull their punches.  You know what the question is?"

Diamond nods.

"Yeah, I know.  How bad do you want it?"

Darknyss chuckles and picks up a mirror from out of her bag and holds it up to Diamond's face.

"Not me.  THIS is who you need to be asking that question to."

Diamond holds up the mirror and starts asking the question over and over again at her reflection.

"How bad do you want it?"

Darknyss yells at her.


"How bad do you want it?"

Darknyss yells at her again.



Darknyss points at the cage and smirks.

"Now, get back in there and show me just how bad you want it!!"

Diamond turns to the camera and smirks.

"So Crystal and Mercedes...  Are you ready to show me how badly do you want it?"

She steps back into the cage and pulls the door shut.  She peers through the chain link towards the camera and her eyes flare bright green.

"I'll show you how bad I want it."

She turns back to the stand off against her opponents and they lock up as the scene fades out.

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  

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