Author Topic: Shining star  (Read 380 times)

Offline Amanda Cortez

  • SCW's tough and ticklish Biker Chick
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    • Amanda Cortez
Shining star
« on: April 11, 2018, 11:07:02 AM »
 “What the fuck is this?”

Completely shocked Amanda looks at the new match card in her mail from SCW. At first, as Christian had told her that SCW is back, Amanda has been happy and was proud to be on the new show, even if it’s only a one time appearance as every year, but then she sees that her partner is Konrad Raab, a person she knows from GZWA and whom she really can’t stand.
It’s really long ago since Amanda has been a member of the SCW roster and she always wanted to come back, but she never found the time to do it. Then SCW closed and so it was too late, but now they opened again and in some way she is happy and proud that she got asked to participate in this show. For a moment she even thought of a real come back, but that’s too stressing for her and with her family she really doesn’t find the time to wrestle every week.

“And I was so happy to be back for this one show and then they put me in a team with this idiot. There are so many wrestlers whom I like and whom I respect, for example Roxi, Keira, Dimitrii and many others, but what did they do? They put me in a match with Raab at my side as my partner. That sucks completely.
If it wouldn’t have been SCW, then I would have told them to fuck off, but here I can’t. I like the bosses, I like the company and I also like most of the wrestlers there, but not this sore loser Raab, this bloody motherfucker.”

Amanda growls and clenches her fists. After this bad news, her good mood is really gone and it has ruined her day. She’s not really ambitious and does that wrestling stuff just for having fun, but with such a partner it won’t be fun. She still thinks that she will be able to win this match, but it will be a pain in the ass and she will be happy when the whole thing is over.

“Shit, shit, shit …this really wasn’t necessary. I’m in that job for such a long time, I held so many titles and I know so many people whom I respect and they gimme this idiot. It’s not only that I think he’s crappy in the ring, he also goes on my nerves with his endless and boring talking about titles and how much he respects this business and what in means for him. It’s ok that he sees it this way, but I don’t wanna hear this crap.
I’m not here for getting any fucking title, I’m here for meeting some friends and for having fun, but the fun is ruined. Damn, in some way I even hope that our opponents win, so that I won’t have to team up with this idiot again. Prolly even a loss is better than this crap.
I hate gender mixed matches and I hate Rap, so the whole thing almost is perfect. I don’t even know anything that could be worse.”

Really frustrated she sighs. The whole situation is so hilarious that she almost has to laugh, but sadly this is no bad joke, it is reality.

“Damn, I already can hear his stupid talking again. It has been a pain in the ass at GZWA and I’ve been so happy that I didn’t had to meet this fucking idiot there. I ignored him on Twitter, I didn’t watch his matches and I couldn’t care less about what he’s doing, but now I can’t ignore him any longer.”

She shakes her head and laughs out.

“Just imagine what this moron just said. After he heard that he will be my partner, the onlt thing he wanted to know what titles I held during my career. God, that’s so desperate. And then he didn’t even had the guts to ask me. No, he asked my friends. That’s really just laughable. If he would be normal, he would have asked whether he should train together with me, but nothing like this. Haha, all he wants to know is that title crap. Prolly he needs this for jerking off, because with his ugly wife sex is too boring. Eww …”

Amanda shivers and laughs again.

But anyway, if they want this pairing, then they can have it. At least my opponents aren’t as disgusting as my tag partner. I don’t know much about them, but that’s ok. I\m in this business for such a long time, so that I won’t make the mistake to underestimate them. I know that Ben Jordan has been tag champion and that means that he’s used to do tag matches. I also know that he had to do something with Raab’s brother, but I don’t know exactly what it is. I just heard that he helped him with his problem with women, whatever this means.”

Again Amanda pauses and then she laughs again.

“Well, that seems to be a problem with the whole Raab family. Konrad also seems to have a problem with women, at least with me. Prolly everything scares him that has tits and a pussy. Oh god, how desperate, and not only that, it’s also dangerous. Then Brittany Williams will prolly scare him too and he might run away. Shit, I’m doomed.”

It takes a bit, but then Amanda becomes serious again.

“But now, after Raab can’t live without knowing what titles I had, I will help him out a bit.
At ZXWWF I have been

The Gen-NeXt Champion
The Vixen Champion
The Women's Tag Team Champion
The Diva Tag Team Champ
The VWA Champ

And at it has been

The Titan Title
The Women'sTag Team Title
The Women's Primestar Title
The Women's Heavyweight Title
The Women's Champion
The Bombshell Title

And at GZWA I held the TV Title and the heavyweight Title.

Well, I’m pretty sure that I forgot a few from some other companies I’ve been in, but for you it should be enough.”

After lighting a cigarette Amanda inhales deeply and blows out a smoke ring.

“But as I said before, for me this stuff isn’t important anymore. Years ago it was, but life made me change. I’m still here in this business for two reasons. The first one is my family. They pay good and I need all that money to pay the college for my kids. And the other reason are the fans, at least here at SCW. I know they love me, their cute Goddess, and I’ll do everything not to disappoint them. So I’ll even do this match with that crappy partner and I’ll do my best to win it, so that they all can see me again in the next round. But even if this shouldn’t work out, well, then they will see me in the next year at the next tournament.”

Amanda drags at her cigarette.

“But wait, maybe I’ll do something special for them. After this show I’m gonna do a huge party for all of them, where everybody will be invited. Well, almost everybody, but not …Raab.”

Then the door opens and Rose stands there.

“Did I just hear that name Raab? Damn, it seems that we never get rid of this idiot. Isn’t it enough that we have to deal with him at GZWA?”

“It is, but don’t worry about it. I’m only booked for this tournament, so it’s no bigger problem. I’ll just try to ignore him.”

But Rose sees this different.

“You can’t ignore him. He’s your partner and as soon as Jordan gets tagged in, he has to fight too. So he can ruin the match for you.”

But Amanda only shrugs.

“Well, that could happen, but it won’t. I’ll just be the one who pins Brittany and then Raab can do whatever he wants. I can fight alone and I don’t need him for taking a win. It doesn’t matter whether he’s there or not, he won’t come into action and nothing can happen. But even if everything goes wrong, who cares?
At least I don’t. Ok, it’s nice to take a win, but for me it’s enough to make a good performance for the fans. They should be happy and that’s all what counts.
By the way, as we talk about making them happy, what should I wear in the ring?”

Now it doesn’t take long before Rose answers.

“Hehe, that’s easy. The best thing would be nothing. Most of them even only wanna see your boobs and your as, so as less, as better.”

And Amanda giggles. She won’t come without clothes to the ring, but she will chose a skimpy and sexy outfit. After looking into her locker, she shows Rose a belly free top and a really small shorts, that shows more than it does hide. After putting it on, she poses for Rose and smiles.

“And I’m sure Raab will be pissed after he sees me like this. Then he can say again that I don’t take all this serious. But who cares about what this idiot thinks? At least the fans will love it.”

Rose smiles and pokes Amanda’s ribs, so that the pretty redhead giggles and squirms.

“Prolly they won’t only love it. They wail wanna have you in bed. Hehe, at least I want that.”

Now Amanda shakes her head.

“Is sex the only thing you can think of?”

“Yes it is …”

But Rose can’t continue, because Amanda kisses her with a passionate long kiss. She presses her body against Rose’s and shoves her gently to the bed. Then she pushes her on the bed and kneels above her, pinning her down. She leans forward and kisses Rose on the lips, while she grinds at her wife. Rose moans and purrs. Her hands run over Mandy’s sides, down to her legs and she lightly tickles Mandy’s ankles, so that the pretty redhead squirms and giggles.

“Shit, that’s so much better than this stupid talking about wrestling, about titles and all this other crap. Life is really too short for wasting time with idiots like Raab, so let’s forget him, at least for now.”

Again she kisses Rose and then they switch off the lights and cute noises can be heard. A few hours later Amanda awakes again and goes to the kitchen. She’s still a bit tired and exhausted from making love, but it’s time for her to stand up and do some training. Not very motivated she gets dressed, drinks a coffee and is on her way to the gym. As she arrives there, a camera team stops her and she’s a bit surprised. She has retired a pretty long time ago and so she isn’t used to these interviews anymore and she also doesn’t know what to say about her opponents, especially as she doesn’t know much about them. So she cuts the reporter off.

“Please …no questions about that match, my opponents or my stupid partner. Please ask me something else, maybe something about my sex life.”

She giggles a bit, but it seems that the reporters want to know something about the match.

“Ok, it seems that you don’t give up. So I tell you something. What I think about my partner, you prolly already know, at least if you look at Twitter. But then let’s come to my opponents. I can tell you that Jordan was a tag champion before Dimitri dethroned him and that means that he is really dangerous, but thanks god that won’t be my problem, it’ll be Konrads.
My problem will be Brittany Williams and this really can become a problem. Damn, it’s so long ago since I’ve been in this company fulltime, that I really forgot whether I’ve faced her before or not. Damn, it can be possible, but I can’t remember. Fuck, it seems that I become old, but anyway. I might be too old to remember such things, but that doesn’t mean that I’m becoming stupid too. I still have some wrestling skills and I don’t make the mistake to underestimate any opponent, so I also won’t underestimate her.
But there’s something more. I know the bosses here and I know that they only hire the best wrestlers for their show, so Brittany must have been really good. But anyway, that doesn’t mean that she will get the chance to win against me. Let her have wrestling skills, experience, or whatever, it won’t help her. I will be the one who pins her and takes the win.”

For a second Amanda smiles, but then she becomes serious again.

“And if we should really lose, then it’s because Jordan pins my partner, but this isn’t my fault. I will have to face the female part of our opponents and I promise that we will make a fucking great show, that none of you will ever forget.
You all know that I’m not back completely. I’m retired and it’ll be a one time appearance, so I make sure that it’ll be a fucking great appearance, filled with action and fun.
And I think that most of you know me and know that I always keep my promises. So it’ll be an awesome show, with me as the shining star, whether I win this match or not.”

Now Amanda turns around and walks off.


Huddle me, tickle me, I'm so cute

Records Amanda
Win: 20
Loss: 13
Draw: 1
Thrown: 0