Author Topic: Good old times good bye  (Read 369 times)

Offline Amanda Cortez

  • SCW's tough and ticklish Biker Chick
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    • Amanda Cortez
Good old times good bye
« on: December 11, 2017, 06:15:28 AM »
 â€œSadly every good things come to an end ….”

Amanda just came home to her boat and has checked all her emails. Since she has retired from wrestling a few years ago, she doesn’t get much mails anymore and her life has become pretty quiet. After all that stress in the wrestling business she now offers boat trips or helps her wife in her flower shop.
She has been a pretty good wrestler and also won a lot of titles, but this is long ago and she almost can’t remember anymore how this life has been. If she thinks back it’s all so strange and she doesn’t understand anymore that she could ever have loved such a life. Ok, she has loved the success and the fans who were cheering at her, but it has also been stressing and chaotic. Now, years later, she can’t imagine that this aggressive and arrogant young woman is the same Mandy as she is now.
Even though her life isn’t filled with action anymore, she still doesn’t miss much and she enjoys her life. It’s quiet and full of happy moments with her wife Rose and also her kids, who are almost grown up now. As she remembers this, she is shocked for a moment and fe3ls so old, even she is only 33. Damn, but sometimes she really feels old. She looks onto the mirror and as she only sees some light wrinkles near her eyes, she is a bit eased, but also decides that it slowly becomes time for some Botox.
She turns around and looks at her ass and her legs and sighs. Damn, she has really a few pounds too much and some train g could help there, but her wife Rose loves her the way she is and so she only shrugs.
Then she remembers the mail again and sighs. It’s from SCW and she has heard that this place will close soon and they have asked her whether she will perform there for a last time. Without hesitating she writes them back, “yes”. She presses the send button and smiles.

She really never wanted to wrestle again, but this mail has changed everything. She has been at SCW years ago and she has loved this place. It has been something like home for her and most of the people there have been like family, or at least like very good friends. So hearing that this place closes makes her really sad and she has been so choked that they have asked her to perform in one of their last shows. She looks at the mail and thinks of all the great moments she has had there and it drives the tears into her eyes. She always wanted to return one day and then she retired and now it’s too late to return. This will be the last time where she will see her old bosses, friends, the fans and all that stuff. The last time she will stand in the ring and hear the cheering of the fans and the last time she will raise her arms in victory. Damn, this is really so sick.
She tries to fight back her tears, but she has no success and now she sobs. It takes a while, but eventually she can stop sobbing and now only a sniffling can be heard. She wipes away her tears and sighs again. Damn, she really had had a great time there a d she will miss all this, but anyway, life goes on and she will survive it.
Now she puts her iPad away and stands up again. Her mascara is ruined from the crying but she doesn’t care and now she smiles. She’s really happy that she will have the chance to perform there one last time and to thank everybody for the great time there. Well, and then her wrestling career will be completely over. It’s still a sad thought, but she knows that she will leave the business with a great last performance and this makes her so proud. Again she smiles and then, slowly she begins to think positive. After this last performance she will be able to eventually close a chapter of her life and then a new one begins. It might not be as glamorous as before, but she has everything she needs, a family who loves her, enough money to live and a job she really loves. It’s so much fun to spend all day on her boat and also her modeling job is fun too, at least most of the time. For most modeling jobs her ass and her breasts are too big and she doesn’t fit into the clothes, but she gets booked for fetish photo shootings pretty often and that’s fun too and it brings her a lot of cash.
But it’s not only the cash that motivates her. She is a bit kinky and so she loves this job. And in her free time she loves it to perform at Renfaire festivals, a thing she shares with her wife Rose. The two tattooed young women perform there as pirate girls and they always have so much fun. Well, and now she will have even more time for all these nice things and that makes her feel better and almost forget the fact that she will never wrestle again.
She looks at he watch and as she sees that it’s still pretty early, she thinks about what to do now. She will have to look whether she still fits into her wrestling gear, but she doubts it. She opens her locker and pulls out some of her clothes and as she already thought, it’s all too small. Damn, then she will have to buy some new stuff.
The next thing on her list is going to the gym and start some training again. She will also need a personal trainer who can help her to get rid of the ring rust. So she calls the gym, where she has spent so many hours and after some talking and explaining what she has in mind, they tell her that she can come there tomorrow and start her training. They promise her that they will get her fit for her match. Good, it seems that everything will become good.

And now she still has some time left till Rose comes back home. For a moment she is a bit worried that rose couldn’t be happy with her decision to wrestle again, but then she wipes away this thought. Probably Rose will understand her and help her with her preparations as usually. It feels really good to have a partner whom she can trust and who loves and supports her whatever happens. So what shall she do now?
She’s pretty excited to tell her love the news and for a moment she thinks of driving to her little flower shop, but she still has some work at home. She has to clean up everything and also buy some food for dinner. And then she also has to do some preparations for a pirate show next week. Well, there isn’t much to do, because it will only be a short fighting performance with swords and then they will get arrested and put in a pillory or the stocks for the rest of the day. So the whole thing will be pretty relaxing and the best thing is that they get paid good for it and that they will have some fun, at least she hopes so. The last time they had done such a performance, her stepsister Casey has also performed there as one of the soldiers who arrested them. Then they have put them in the stocks and her mean sister has taken away their boots and tickled their feet. Damn, at the beginning it has been pretty funny, but then some more people have joined, and so the two had to laugh and shriek for the rest of the day. At first Amanda wanted to kill her sister, but then she calmed down and all in all it had been fun and so she wasn’t mad at her sister anymore. So now she takes her phone and calls Casey. As her sister answered the phone, she tells her about the next performance and whether she wanna join. After Casey agreed, Amanda also asked her whether she will help her out with her training for the wrestling show and Casey agrees. She’s the owner of a gym and also has wrestled for a few years, so taking her as her personal trainer will be really good and it makes her chances to take the win even bigger. But even if she doesn’t win, at least she wants to make a great performance. She hates it to become old and still wants to look as good as the young chicks.

And this makes her remember the small wrinkles in her face and she decides that it’s time to do something against it. After another phone call she leaves her boat, climbs into her car to drive to a doctor to get some Botox injections. During her ride there, she looks into the mirror again and thinks that her lips could be a bit bigger too. So it’s time to solve this problem too. Two hours later, she sits in her car again and even though her face hurts a bit from the injections, she feels good. Before she drives home, she stops at Rose’s flower shop, to show her the results. Rose loves her also with wrinkles, but she likes what she sees and gently kisses Amanda. Then Mandy informs her what has happened today. At first Rose is a bit shocked, but then she smiles and promises to help her. Especially the thing with the Renfaire festival she loves.
And now she’s really curious and looks at the match card. She smiles and then she starts to laugh.

“Well, this is really funny. You’ll have to team up with Odette, Vixen, Alexia and Zuri and your opponents are Roxi, Keira, Delia and Vixen. It seems that all your friends are your opponents now.”

For a moment Amanda is shocked. She has just seen that she will have a match, but she hasn’t looked what kind of match it is. Now she growls.

“Damn, that really sucks. Roxi, Keira and Delia I really love and I would have loved it to be in their team. Damn, my last match and I’m on the other side. But teaming up with Odette is cool too. I already lost against her and I know that she’s really strong, so it’s good to have her in my team.”

Now Mandy lights a cigarette and inhales deeply. She smiles and looks at her wife.

“But at least it’s great that I will meet them all in one match. I know that I have talked really bad about them, especially about their superhero gimmick, but I love them. They are really my friends and they were always here for me. And Deliah was the boss of my stable. Shit …I’m so happy.”

“Even though you’ll have to fight them?”

But Amanda only shrugs. She would have preferred to have them in her team, but she doesn’t care much. Ok, she wants to take the win and look good in her last match, but if not, it will be ok for her too.

“Yeah, even if they are my opponents. It’s just so wonderful that I will see them again. Look, it’s so long ago that we met and had our fun, but I always enjoyed their company. So I’m pretty sure that it will be the same time this time. It will be a fair and cool match and the best team should win. Hehe, and this team will be mine.”

And now Rose starts to laugh. Amanda has always been a bit cocky and it’s cute in some way.

“Haha, that’s true, but don’t forget that all your friends also know all your weaknesses.”

This thought makes Amanda giggle, but she only shrugs.

“Well, this is true, but who cares? I know that they will never really hurt me and that they will fight fair. And if they think that it’s funny to tickle me into submission, well, then they shall do it. I prefer it to win, but losing in such a way is ok for me and I can live with it.
And after everything is over, we will all meet backstage and party. Yes, it will be the biggest party SCW has ever had. And then I will try to meet them more often. They are really such good friends and I’m thankful that I have the chance to see them again. And then I won’t wait years again till we meet the next time. Hehe, I’ll invite them all to our Xmas party this year.”

Seeing Amanda being that happy makes Rose smile and she kisses her wife.

“You’re so cute.”

But now Amanda shakes her head.

“No, I’m not cute, I’m deadly and dangerous.”

Rose rolls her eyes, but she nods.

“Ok, you’re deadly and dangerous. But now we still have to get you fit for your match.”

Hearing this makes Amanda nod and she tells Rose what she has already organized. The thing with the gym, the personal trainer and also her ring gear. And now Rose laughs again.

“So you don’t fit into your old ring gear? Hehe, but I think you don’t need it anyway. Hehe …your opponents will rip off your clothes and bring long fluffy feathers to the ring and then you’re doomed.”

Amanda fakes to pout.

“That’s mean, but anyway, it will be fun. But I still need something that I don’t look too fat. Damn, I don’t wanna disappoint the fans.”

“But you aren’t fat, just a bit curvy and I love you the way you are and I’m sure that the fans will love you too.”

Amanda raises an eye brow.


Then she wraps her arms around Rose and kisses her. And then the chaos starts again. Amanda tries out her old ring gear and it’s really too small and so the two go shopping. Mandy isn’t a real fan of shopping, but together with Rose it makes fun and at the end they found a really sexy outfit for her. Satisfied and happy she looks at Rose.

“Damn, I never thought that this will be so hard. And now I’m hungry.”

Now it’s Rose’s part to giggle. I thought that you think you’re too fat and now all you do is talking about eating.”

Playfully Mandy punches Rose’s arm.

“Hey, that was mean.”

“Ok, ok, I’m sorry. So let’s get something to eat.”

They go into a restaurant and after a pizza and some ice cream Amanda feels better. She knows that she should go to the gym soon, but right now she’s too tired. Rose tries to motivate her, but she fails.

“Don’t worry, I’ll train tomorrow. And, to be honest, it isn’t too important. Look, the others became older too and so my chances aren’t too bad. And even if we have a bit ring rust, we still are better that all these new girls. I know that each of us could beat them with ease.”

After they have finished their meal, they drive back home and have a nice evening. Amanda is really in a good mood now and talks about the old times. But the next day Amanda starts her training together with Rose and her sister Casey. At the beginning she has some problems, but after a while she manages it to do all her old wrestling moves. The only thing that isn’t so good anymore is her stamina, but that’s a thing she can’t change in such a short time. She should stop smoking and work out more often, but now it’s a bit too late. Maybe she should change her life a bit in the future, but she doubts that she will really do it.
Now the trio makes a short break and Casey massages Amanda’s shoulders while Rose massages her feet, but not without tickling her a bit. Amanda giggles.

“Hey, that’s mean …”

But Rose continues and plays the innocent one.

“But laughing is good for your stamina and we should also try to get you used to it. Haha, that’s your weak point and you don’t want that the others will take advantage from it.”

Amanda sighs.

“Well, that’s true, but I’d prefer it if we would do this stamina training at home in bed and not here where everybody can see it.”

“But you look cute and sexy when you laugh and giggle.”

And now Amanda roles her eyes.

“Well, if anybody wanna see this, they shall book me for a session. Then it brings us some money and we always need money.
But now let’s go back to some real training. I know that I’m mostly pretty lazy, but look, this will be my last match and I really want that all the fans will keep their Goddess in good memory and that they think of a great wrestler when they remember me. Nobody shall say that I lost my spirit or that I’m too old for this sport.
Ok, I am too old, but who cares as long as nobody sees it? Like usually I’ll make a great show and I’ll make sure that they will never forget me. Damn, the whole thing makes me really a bit sad, but I’m also thankful that Mark and Christian booked me one last time. That will be great way to say Good Bye to all my friends.”

After this short speech Amanda has tears in her eyes again, but then she wipes them away and continues her training and so she does the nest days. She isn’t as young as during her career at SCW, but after a weak full of hard training, she is fit again and she knows that she will make a great last show before she retires and this thought makes her really happy.


Huddle me, tickle me, I'm so cute

Records Amanda
Win: 20
Loss: 13
Draw: 1
Thrown: 0