Author Topic: "Stranger Things Have Happened!"  (Read 677 times)

Offline Krystal Wolfe

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"Stranger Things Have Happened!"
« on: July 19, 2022, 03:01:19 PM »
Krystal and Ariana would get the win at Summer XXXTreme X when Ari pinned Twisted Sister and with the start of the new cycle AND SCW’s first ever full tour of India things were going to be interesting for the SCW Superstars and Bombshells over the next two months between now and Violent Conduct VIII, and that proved especially true for Krystal Wolfe and HB Carter on the opening show of the cycle.

Why? Because the two Go Gym Graduates were competing in a Strange Bedfellows Tag Team Match against Zoey Lukas and Miles Kasey! What WAS a Strange Bedfellows Match? Well, it was a standard tag team match on paper but with one major twist, all four competitors would be competing in their sleep wear! Within legal boundaries off course but it presented an interesting challenge for the four world class competitors but can the Go Gym Graduates get the win?

Krystal’s home, Las Vegas, Nevada
Sunday the 17th of July 2022, 18:00pm

Well, that was fun.

At the rate it’s going? The Summer XXXTreme Cruise might be my favourite SCW event and I’m not just saying that because it was the event I attended as a fan back in 2015, between getting to relax on a cruise all week and hanging out with fans before the show starts (not to mention the events the bosses have us doing) it’s proven to be a ton of fun, even if my event (trivia night) proved to be such a flop that they let me help Jessie with her Karaoke duties instead.

Hey, they can’t all be winners.

Speaking of winners, all in all Summer XXXTreme ended up being a good night for the Go Gym for the most part, me and Ari got the win over The Metal Maniacs and the only downside was Levana Cade losing (again) to the newcomer Georgie Robertson but she’ll find a way back onto the card somehow despite being the Go Gym’s biggest choke artist, what’s that? I’m being harsh towards my fellow graduate?

Levana peaked when she reached the Blast from the Past semi-finals and hasn’t been able to reach that same success level since, it’s harder not to look at her that way unfortunately.

There was other big news coming out of the event as well, Chrystal snapping in her eternal quest for attention and Masque finally being defeated in singles competition by Roxi being the most notable and I’d be lying if I said that I wouldn’t want a taste of the Internet Gold myself but I had to wait for Roxi to inevitably vacate the title first, and away from the ring?

Well, my younger cousin Cassie fell in love with another woman on the last day of the cruise, which also happened to be her nineteenth birthday, so yeah! It was a pretty good cruise for my friends and family all things considered.

[font color=#00FFFF]”Okay, let’s do a quick checklist before we head off to Mumbai.”[/color] I commented after we had seemingly packed the last of our stuff, we had a long ass flight ahead off us (20 hrs to be precise) and we wanted to make sure that we didn’t leave anything behind. [font color=#00FFFF]”My wrestling gear?”[/color]

”First thing you packed.” Makayla reminded me and I nodded as I turned to my wife who was sitting on the couch in front of the suitcase, Cassie was sitting a bit further down the couch exchanging texts with her new girlfriend Becky as she had already done her packing at her parents’ place. ”Same goes for toiletries.”

”Considering I got the runs the last time I had Indian takeout, I think we’d be in trouble if you hadn’t packed that.” Cassie chimed in and I chuckled whilst Makayla just shook her head. ”Speaking off, I was looking up Indian cuisine earlier, can you believe that most of my favourite Indian dishes aren’t even Indian?”

”Yeah, from what I understand from Makayla it’s a lot like Americanized Greek Food, the authentic stuff can’t be beat.” I responded and Cassie nodded as she got the idea. ”And as the one who trained to be a chef and was one briefly before the Ring Rust Café flopped, she would know.”

”It was a good place, but it could never recover from the controversy that surrounded it’s opening night.” Makayla responded with a sigh as she shook her head. ”Also Cass, the Indian place you ordered from had a one star review on Yelp, you had no one to blame but yourself for that!”

”Details, details! Not my fault that the regular Indian place I order from had closed for the day due to a death in the family.” Cass responded with a shrug and we shook our heads before I got a text. ”And I managed to bring that place down to a negative star rating once my tummy stopped doing acrobatics!”

”Didn’t even think that was possible, the negative star review, not your tummy doing acrobatics.” Makayla chuckled before seeing the look on my face. ”They’ve sent out the first card of the Indian Tour, haven’t they?”

”Yeah and I’m going through it now! Candy’s got Twisted Sister in her return match, Lachlan Kaine’s returning against Hitamashi, Georgie Robertson’s making her Climax Control debut against Jessie………..” I trailed off as I read my next match over and over in my head, where the bosses high when they came up with this? If so did they raid Cass’s stash or Scott Oliver’s stash, or worse, both. ”Strange Bedfellows Tag Team Match, me and the debuting HB Carter against Zoey Lukas and Miles Kasey.”

”Strange bedfellows?! Look, I know Kasey’s a gorgeous guy and all but they realize that your married right? Zoey I’m not sure on and Carter’s dating Laz so what’s the deal?” Makayla asked with a surprised look on her face before I showed her the match description with my thumb pointed towards the fine print. ”All four participants must wrestle in their best legally binding sleep wear?!”

There was an awkward silence between us as it set in, hell the strange stipulation had caused Makayla’s Greek side to shine through her accent briefly, that silence was soon broken by Cassie nearly dying of laughter, followed by her falling off the couch. ”OH MY FUCKING GOD! THAT IS GOING TO BE EPIC!” Cassie roared in between fits of laughter and I glared over at my younger cousin. ”That is totally karma for you dragging me to countries were weed is illegal!”

”I’ve only dragged you to two such countries and technically you LIVE in a country where weed is illegal! You’re lucky that Nevada has recreational use legal, even if you are underage!” I pointed out and Cassie quickly shut up. ”Guess I’m going to have to pack an extra pair of pyjamas because there’s no way in hell I’m sleeping in the same set that I wrestled in! especially in a country as hot as India!”

”Just try not to make it too hot, or do I need to remind you of the “legally binding” thing?” Cass reminded me and I shook my head, I had checked the weather in Mumbi ahead of time, it was going to be cloudy for most of the week with rain on Sunday but temperature wise? It was nearly thirty degrees over there. ”Just sucks that I can only be in India for one week because I’m about to enter my final training stages at Hero Academy.”

”Don’t get us wrong, we’re proud of you Cass, especially after all the crap you endured at the PTA Gym.” Makayla assured her and Cassie grinned in response. ”But it’ll suck not having you around, at least you’ll have Becky to keep you company.”

I’m not sure if my wife noticed it but Cassie’s expression turned to one of worry when Becky was brought up, we both knew that it was Cassie’s first relationship and if there was any issues from her parents about Cass dating another woman, I would’ve heard it and they would’ve head from me luckily for her I decided to changed the subject. ”And if you have trouble finding work after graduation somehow, feel free to namedrop me! Being a relative of a Go Gym Grad and a former champion carries a lot of weight.”

”Thanks Charlotte!” Cassie thanked me and I grinned in response, Makayla left the room shortly afterwards to make sure that all of her stuff was packed for the trip and for lack of better term, Cassie pounced. ”Charlotte, I know you started fating Makayla when you were around my age so can I ask you for some dating advice?” Cass asked awkwardly and I nodded before sitting on the couch opposite Cassie. ”This probably goes without saying but it’s about Becky.”

”I was about to say, seeing someone else already?” I teased my cousin who responded by playfully flipping me off. ”What’s the problem? I thought things were going great between you two, even after she admitted that she couldn’t make the India trip.”

”And they are, but I’m starting to worry that things are going too quickly between me and Becky.” Cassie sighed before kicking off her boots and laying down on the couch, god I’m starting to feel like a shrink! I’ve got enough problems of my own! ”We met on the last day of the cruise, that was this past Monday AKA my nineteenth birthday, since then we’ve been on a couple of dates, had a few first kiss opportunities interrupted, twice by you, and we’re already calling each other girlfriend, as in lovers, I don’t know, is that too fast by today’s standards?”

I was starting to wish I had left this to Cass’s parents, I love her like a sister but in the end, I’m just her older cousin and she’s their daughter, if anyone would have the right advice for Cassie it was them but they wouldn’t be seeing her in person for a week due to the India trip. ”Cass, I was there when you first met Becky remember? You two hit it off right away! Unfortunately, I don’t know if any advice I could give you would be more helpful than any you’d get from your parents.”

”And the next time I see them will be when we touch down in Mumbi tomorrow and I video call them.” Cassie nodded as she got the idea. ”Okay, somehow ignoring the fact that we’re related, do you have any woman advice? You know? Girl to girl?”

”Hope you’re not expecting something out of a Romantic Comedy, can’t stand those things!” I responded with a chuckle and Cassie grinned before sitting up to flip her hair out as it had started to get tangled. ”As cliché as it is, listen to your heart, it’s clear as day that you and Becky are crazy for each other but I’m sure she’ll understand if you want to slow things down Cass, especially as your about to spend a week in India.”

”Thanks Charlotte.” Cassie thanked me as she sat up and not long after that Makayla entered the room ready to leave for the airport.

Hero Academy, Las Vegas, Nevada
Tuesday the 19th of July 2022, 08:15am

Soooooooooo yeah, remember that part about Cassie coming with us to India? Well, she did, for not even half a day!

You guys should know by now that Cassie is a wrestling trainee and has been for just over a year now, Christian was right to say that she had training commitments off course but we had no idea how right he was because I got a call from Keira back in Mumbai that can be summarized in one sentence: “Krystal, you remember that Cassie’s graduation match is today right?”, I knew the day would come eventually off course, Cassie wasn’t going to remain a trainee forever and she would graduate eventually, so why were we travelling to India when we knew that?

Aside from my SCW commitments? The simple fact that that Keira had told me this weeks ago (as in, during the lead up to Summer XXXTreme X’s Go Home Show) and in all the chaos that had ensues since then I had completely forgotten! Same goes with telling Cassie!

To make a long story short, I dragged a half asleep Australian Teenager out of her hotel bed, told her to get dressed and pack her wrestling gear whilst I booked an emergency flight with Kayfabe Airlines, flew back home to Vegas, stopped by her parents’ house so that Cassie could get changed into said gear and be ready to go as soon as we arrived at Hero Academy and probably broke the speed limit at least once whilst driving her to Hero Academy.

Luckily it was still early in the morning by the time we returned to Vegas (around seven fifteen I’d say) so there wasn’t that much traffic, foot, car or anything in between! And how did it go? Well, blood was spilled between Keira and Cassie but in the end, I was no longer the only wrestler in my family.

And frankly? I couldn’t be prouder of her!

”Seven years ago, I thought my final exam as part of my Go Gym training was brutal.” I commented as I entered Cassie’s room in the medical wing and my cousin, who was still wearing her wrestling gear and had a bandage on her nose, grinned when she saw me enter the room. ”You just made that look like graduating kindergarten and have emerged stronger for it! How do you feel Cass?”

”I’ll say one thing, sparring matches don’t really do much to prepare you for the real thing, do they?” Cass asked with a grin as she brushed some hair over her shoulder. ”As for how I feel? Rough but I guess that’s something you get used too after a while? If nothing else I managed to hold my own with a veteran of the sport.”

”Cass, I don’t mean to undermine your achievement out there, but I’ve wrestled Keira four times and twice in singles competition, I could tell that she was holding back even after you busted her nose.” I responded as I shook my head and Cassie nodded as she got the idea. ”I doubt Keira will admit it publicly, we both know that she’s a proud woman, but I think deep down she wanted you to succeed just as much as I did.”

”Yeah, I guess that makes sense.” Cassie commented before the medic finished his check up on her. ”What’s the news doc? Is the rebel princess ready to go?”

Not sure if Cass had caught on but I did raise an eyebrow when she called herself “The Rebel Princess”, I knew she had changed her profile name on Twitter to include that nickname but I didn’t think much of it. “Well, the good news is Cassandra that your nose isn’t broken, Keira likely just caught a blood vessel in your nose with that kick, give it a couple of days and you’ll be right as rain.” The doc assured her and my nineteen year old cousin grinned broadly. “Might leave a cool scar.”

”And scars have looked cool on exactly zero women.” I responded as I shook my head with a chuckle. ”Other than that, she’s free to go?” I asked the doc who nodded in response prompting Cass to hop off the medical bed and follow me to the parking lot. ”I’m flying back to India first thing in the morning via Kayfabe Airlines, we need to celebrate your graduation and you need to start shopping around for a home fed ASAP., not to mention your official ceremony on Friday.” I explained to Cass who nodded as she got the idea. ”Also, Rebel Princess?”

”I knew that would come up eventually, I wanted my own brand for when I graduated and the 420 Gal was funny for a time but it could only get me so far.” Cass admitted with a shrug and I had to wonder if she had been listening to what Hero Academy’s trainers had to say because I knew they had been saying the same thing. ”And well, I’m rich and I’m a rebel, Rebel Princess fits me to a T!”

”Yeah, I guess it does.” I commented with a nod as we reached the parking lot and returned to my car, once the doors was closed and Cass was in the passenger side seat and I was in the driver’s I turned to my younger cousin. ”Look Cass, I know you’re a lot smarter than your stoner activities would lead anyone to believe, but today marked the start of the rest of your life, it’s not going to be easy but if anyone can apply herself to this crazy sport, it’s you.”

”Watching you over the past several months in SCW has helped me prepare for that but I know there’s a lot for me to learn.” Cass nodded in response and I nodded as I rested my hands on the steering wheel. ”There’s still a lot more for me to do to prepare myself, I need a place of my own, I need to know how to drive, I can’t have my parents or you drive me to every show! What would the other wrestlers think?”

”I get what you’re saying, first impressions are important, but you’ll shut up any doubters when they see what we already know, that you are a natural in the ring.” I assured my cousin and Cass nodded as the teenager got the idea. ”I can arrange for you to have driving lessons as soon as I’m back in the US next but I have no idea when that could be, might want to talk to your parents about it in the meantime, sae with getting your own place.”

”Yeah, I’ll do that as soon as I’m back home, once I’ve broken the news that I’ve graduated off course.” Cass nodded as she got the idea. ”Anything else or are we going to spend all day in the parking lot?”

”I don’t know, I kinda like the view of your favourite Wendie’s.” I joked as I pointed out the chain fast food restaurant that Cassie had been frequenting since the PTA Gym days. ”But I do have one last thing to say before I take you home, anything happens, good or bad, you have my number, same goes for Keira and Roxi and off course your parents! Don’t keep things bottled up because that’s one of the worst things you can do as a wrestler.” I commented before letting out a sigh. ”Trust me, I know!”

”And I’ll take “things that cover way too many topics to list” for $200! Oh look, the daily double!”! Cassie joked and I had to admit, whilst the joke was in bad taste, it was enough to get a laugh out of me. ”You don’t want me to repeat your mistakes, right?”

”So many members of the Bombshell Roster still view me as an egomaniac because of my Bombshell Roulette Title Reign, the saga with Matthew doesn’t help.” I admitted with a nod and Cassie said nothing but the look on her face said that she understood perfectly. ”Shall we go?”

”Let’s!” Cassie nodded before we drove off to deliver the good news to Cassie’s parents.

Wondering the streets of Mumbai, India
Wednesday the 20th of July 2022, 16:00pm

*promo time*

This will be interesting.

”India, I’ll admit that I don’t know as much about the Subcontinent as I do about Greece! Don’t have any Indian relatives and last I checked my wife was Greek-Australian, not Indian-Australian! Not saying it couldn’t happen because Australia’s kind of a melting pot in that regard but India is still playing host to SCW’s first full tour of the Subcontinent and I’m finding myself in a unique tag team match on the first show!”

And that’s saying something!

”Let’s look at the match on paper for starters, it’s me and fellow Go Gym Graduate, SCU alumni and all around good guy HB Carter teaming up to take on Miles Kasey and Zoey Lukas! Already this match looks great on paper, Zoey’s been impressive since her debut, Miles has been a constant title contender for a damn good reason and me and Carter? Well, our reputations precede us at this point even though this is Carter’s official SCW debut!”


”But, there’s one big elephant in the room and no, I’m not saying that because we’re in India! This is a Strange Bedfellows Match! We will be wrestling in our pyjamas! Somehow I doubt my training at the Go Gym prepared me for a match like this but then again, my Roulette Title Reign proved that I am nothing if not adaptable! So, let’s talk about the other parties in this match, shall we?”

Starting with Carter.

”Carter is someone I’ve had more than my fair share of arguments with but he’s also one of the funniest guys I know and a hell of a wrestler to boot, this will be his first official match and it’s my job to help him ensure that his Climax Control debut goes the same way as his  bestie’s SCW debut during the Greece Lightning Tour and I know you’ll be watching this match closely Ari, all I can say is good look on that “Can a Greek Girl make Spaghetti Carbonara better than an Italian Chef” video that you can look forward to me and Carter kicking ass and chewing bubble-gum, and we’re all out of bubble-gum!”

Next up is Zoey.

”Zoey is someone that it can be argued, has the most to prove in this match because out of the four of us, she’s been in SCW for the shortest amount of time and yes, I’m counting Carter’s SCU Time in that! Her past two matches proved that she’s not one to be underestimated, getting the win in her debut against Jessie Salco and helping her sis get an important win over the Gem Stones, but what’s next for you Zoey?”

Good question.

”That’s the question on everyone’s mind since that match because Alicia’s beef as far as we can tell has been settled! I’m sure she’ll be the first to correct me on that but until then the question hangs above your head and this match won’t be a good start for you Zoey, excuse this will be the first match where you will suffer the bitter taste of defeat but don’t worry, I’m sure a local chef has just the thing to wash it down!”

Next up is Miles!

”Miles, arguably the catalyst for this match and for the sole crime of being a gorgeous guy with a nice butt! How I got roped into this is a mystery to me to be honest, I’m a married woman and I’m married to another woman for that matter!” I said as I held up my wedding ring for emphasis. ”And like I just said, even I’ll admit that I can see why Miles has so many people drooling over him!”


”Not literally because one, that’s weird and gross and two, Covid is still a thing! Joking aside Miles has repeatedly proven why he’s not just a pretty face, body or butt, and no I’m not even going to comment on a certain pair of equipment between his legs, if we saw THAT during the match my partner would never recover! But that aside, it’ll come down between him and Carter who I’m sure is just giddy with excitement over this match and I’m confident that Carter can get the job done!”

It's that simple.

”This is easily the weirdest match of my career to date and that’s a career that includes a Bombshell Roulette Title Reign so take that for what you will! But Zoey and Miles would just be as formidable if they were wrestling in their underwear and the same goes for me and Carter and so, weird stipulation or not, we are going to have a hell of a match but that just leaves the big question, who wins? Well, stranger things have happened!”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

”Let’s get the obvious joke out of the way, any SCW fans with crushes on myself, Carter, Miley or even Zoey, for as short as her tenure has been, are going to be the real winners of the match but as for the participants of the match? My last match ended with a win under the Team Go Brand and this match won’t be any different as I turn the page on this weird chapter of my SCW career and welcome Carter to SCW with a win! See you strange bedfellows on Sunday!”

I walked off as the scene fades.