Author Topic: Roulette Championship: Krystal Wolfe (c) v Keira Fisher-Johnson  (Read 1849 times)

Offline Mark Ward

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Roulette Championship: Krystal Wolfe (c) v Keira Fisher-Johnson
« on: January 09, 2022, 03:36:12 AM »
Post all roleplays for this match in this thread.
Limits: 1 roleplay per week, 7,000 word limit.

Good luck!

Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger, those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the LORD, when I lay my vengeance upon thee

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No longer doing show reviews, I already know we're that damn good!

Offline Krystal Wolfe

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“How It Started!”
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2022, 07:13:37 AM »
Krystal would end up losing her last Climax Control match of 2021, getting pinned by Keira after being hit with the Seven Sins and then put through a table with glass bulbs whilst Jessie was hit with the Ray of Hope to prevent her from making the save! However, the question now wasn’t whether Krystal would be at 100% in time for the title defence against Keira at Inception V as SCW had taken an extended break following the Christmas Special and the SCW Roster was given a chance to rest up for holidays.

Whilst Krystal’s relationship with Christmas was complicated as that was the day her dad murdered her mom back home in Adelaide, Australia, Krystal was appreciative of the time off for obvious reasons beyond further assisting her youngest cousin Cassie with her training to be a wrestler as it gave the defending Bombshell Roulette Champion a chance to recuperate ahead of her toughest defence yet at Inception V which was emanating from Reno, Nevada his year, can Krystal retain her title? Or will Keira Fisher-Johnson be the one to end her record setting reign?

Sunrise Hospital and Medical Centre, Las Vegas, Nevada
Monday the 20th of December 2021, 18:00pm

Have I mentioned how much I strongly dislike Christmas?

Seriously, between witnessing my mom’s murder at my dad’s hands (and baseball bat if we’re being honest) on Christmas Day in 2012 (when I was sixteen, making next Christmas the ten year anniversary of that event so yay for that) and everything that happened on the Christmas Special last night I’d be half-tempted to take wrestling bookings on Christmas Day if it weren’t for the fact that everyone else in the world views it as a day to relax and be with family.

I guess I have to be the Grinch because of my fucked up childhood! But there were some upsides to this break, for one thing it guaranteed the fact that I was going to set another record as by the time Inception V rolls around I’ll be 245 days into my Roulette Title Reign officially breaking another one of Sam Marlowe’s records as her third reign lasted 231 days.

Just for a bit of context here, Sam set that record in 2018, by the time Inception V rolls around, it’ll be four years since that record was set and before I came around, none of the champions that have reigned since then have come close.

And this is only my first reign with the title, who knows what my future reigns will bring.

”Ugh, did anyone get the number of that Santa’s Sleigh that ran me over?!” I grunted in pain after waking up, I eased myself up into a sitting position and quickly realized two things, Cassie was sitting at my bedside and that I was at the hospital. ”How long was I out Cass?”

”At least twelve hours, give or take a few minutes.” Cassie responded as the eighteen year old checked the time on her iPhone. ”Makayla will be picking us up as soon as your discharged, she’d be here but she had to home-school Rachel and make sure Garrus was fed.”

”I figured as much, what about Matthew and Marty? They were ringside for the match.” I asked and Cassie shook her head as my younger cousin shifted her weight. ”Let me guess, they needed to get back to the HQ to deal with the day to day operation.”

”They did send their regards for whatever that’s worth.” Cassie responded with a shrug and I nodded as I got the idea. ”You’re thinking that you made the wrong choice to hire them already?”

”Cassie, the last time I lost this many matches during a single cycle were during my losing streak, which I guess is kinda appropriate considering the next Supercard will be my one year anniversary as an SCW Bombshell and of my Supercard debut but still!” I sighed in response before running a hand through my hair and Cassie nodded before crossing her legs. ”Before I hired them on? It took Andrea Hernandez to finally end the winning streak I had been on since I won the Bombshell Roulette Title, but since High Stakes X I’ve lost more matches than I’ve won.”

”It’s not like your losses were too Chloe Benton and Apple Coren, Kate’s a former champion many times over and Team Hero are legends for a reason.” Cassie pointed out and I had to admit, my cousin had a point, off course the war with Team Hero was far from over. ”Though I am fully expecting Kate to try to parley that win into getting a title shot against you if the reign survives Keira.”

”Let’s be honest Cass, that’s a big if, and Keira’s held the Roulette Title before.” I responded with a sigh as I leaned back in my hospital bed. ”Much as I hate to say it, I can see Keira being the one that ends my title reign, I’ve had a hell of a run and I’ve broken two of Sam Marlowe’s records in the process but Keira’s a legend for a reason, and she won’t make this easy for me.”

”And then the question becomes, what’s next for you after the title reign?” Cassie nodded in agreement and if we’re being honest, I hadn’t really thought about that, throughout this whole reign I had been living in the moment taking each defence and non-title match as they came but after the reign? That wasn’t something I had thought about. ”I know you’ve got your sights set on Amber but that’s if her reign survives Johanna.”

”I take it Amber retained over Bella then?” I asked and Cassie hesitated clearly forgetting that I had been taken to the hospital before the main events started. ”What else happened after I left?”

”The title match for the men’s World Championship was announced as a Fatal Four Way, Austin James Mercer, Senor Vinnie and Brother David Shepherd are challenging.” Cassie explained and that gave me pause, thinking about a clash of Wolfslair as Alex Jones took on Austin. ”And that’ll be Mac Bane’s first defence.”

”Huh, so Mac got his win back.” I commented as it dawned on me. ”That will make the World Title scene even more interesting.”

”Yeah, especially since everyone will be asking the same thing, will Mac’s reign survive that four way?” Cassie nodded in agreement before she stood up to give herself a stretch. ”Speaking of titles, how will you prepare for the defence against Keira? The Go Gym’s closing for the holidays, right?”

”Right, last day the Go Gym will be open this year is on the 23rd, it’ll be opening back up against on the 2nd.” I explained with a nod before Cassie sat back down. ”That still gives me three days to get some last minute training in and that’s when me and Jessie aren’t helping you with your training, between that and the three weeks I’ll have to train before Inception V I should be more than ready for Keira!”

”Here’s hoping, in the meantime the Prime Time Associates Gym is closing on the 22nd, my family wants me to spend time with them but I got to get my training in somehow.” Cassie responded and I nodded with a grin on my face. ”I know I’m really good for my experience level but I still have a long way to go.”

”Cassie, I know your dedicated but you also need to relax! Mental health is just as important and all this effort will be  for naught if you crash and burn.” I assured my younger cousin and she leaned back with her arms crossed, clearly thinking about what I just said. ”You’ll set the wrestling world on fire when you graduate but it’s the holidays, at least try to take some time off.”

”This coming from the woman who’d be defending the title every week if the bosses let her?” Cassie teased me and I shook my head in response. ”I know you said as much to Jessie when I was sparring with Ari last week!”

”Keep up that sass and I might just ask Tempest if she’s interested in being your sparring partner.” I teased Cassie and that quickly shut her up, after that we continued to chat until the doctor officially discharged me and I was allowed to go home.

I had a lot to think about over the Christmas Break, whether it was the Cassie situation with Matthew or the upcoming title defence against Keira but one thing was for sure as I headed into the first year anniversary of my Supercard debut.

I had come a long way since that loss to Ruby Steele at Inception IV, and no one could take that away from me!

Krystal and Makayla’s home, Las Vegas Nevada
Saturday the 25th of December 2021, 12:34pm

What else do you expect me to say except Merry Christmas!

And this Christmas was a first for several members of the household, it was Makayla’s first Christmas since she moved stateside (same applied to Cassie but she didn’t live with us), Rachel’s first Christmas since we took over custody from Kirsty and Garrus’s first Christmas full stop.

Granted the fact that Garrus is still a puppy means that he doesn’t understand what Christmas means but he’s going to get a lot of fuss today and to him that’s all that matters.

”So, we’re waiting for Cassie to arrive before we start opening the gifts?” Makayla asked as we sat down in front of our respective present piles in the living room and I nodded, the momentary silence was interrupted by a loud squeak as Garrus played with his present. ”Obviously we’re not counting our four legged friend over there.” Makayla chuckled as we glanced over at the German Shepherd puppy.

”I’m still amused that Ariana tried to explain the concept of Christmas to a puppy.” I responded with a laugh before the puppy turned his attention to us. ”I know German Shepherds are among the most intelligent dog breeds out there but that only really applies to how easy they are to train we could probably get him to bark “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” if we wanted too.”

”But we won’t, because we don’t hate our neighbours that much yet!” Makayla responded before Garrus turned his attention back to the toy without a care in the world. ”So, how are you feeling? I know Christmas has been a tough day for you for most of your adult life.”

”If we’re being honest? I’m putting on a brave face for Rachel, I don’t think she wants to see one of her moms crying on a day like today.” I responded with a deep breath and Makayla nodded grimly. ”And I know you meant well but you popping the question to me on this day would’ve made it worse, especially since next year will be the tenth year anniversary of my mom’s death.”

”All I can really say to that, is we can raise a toast to her memory and rest easy, knowing that her murderer is never getting out of jail legally.” Makayla nodded in understanding but the grim mood was cut off when the doorbell rang and Garrus went racing off, letting off his little barks along the way. ”That’s probably Cassie.” Makayla commented before she stood up and went to get the door.

So, over the Christmas break I kinda realized something, I never explained how me and Makayla met for the first time, it wasn’t over Social Media (because dad didn’t allow it in the house for fear that he’d get caught abusing me and mom) but my one escape from that life was school, and it was when I was in my late teens that I had met Makayla.

To put it simply, I was viewed as an outcast by the rest of the school, the quiet metalhead girl who didn’t attend social functions and kept to herself, well it was Makayla who made the most effort to become my friend (and eventual lover) and well, one day I just opened up to her about everything, the abuse I suffered, my mom’s rape and murder, everything, and it became clear to her that unless she got me out of that situation I wasn’t going to live to see my eighteenth birthday and the rest, as they say, is history.

And as quick side note: I like to think that every student at my high school who ignored me based on my reputation went “holy shit, that’s Charlotte Thompson?!” when I made my Climax Control debut last year.

”HEY GARRUS!” The excited voice of my youngest cousin broke my inner monologue and I glanced up to see Cassie fussing over the puppy, with a bag of presents at her side. ”Sorry for the wait, I had a big breakfast!”

”It’s fine, come in!” Makayla instructed the teenager who grinned before stepping over Garrus to get inside the house, it wasn’t long before my youngest cousin joined me in the living room. ”Hope they left enough room for Christmas Dinner at least.”

”So long as we don’t have it too early, I think I should be able to eat our combined body weights in food.” Cassie responded with a grin and I raised an eyebrow at that. ”What? Don’t think I can do it Krystal.”

”I’ll just point out that you’re talking about a little under four hundred pounds of food and leave it at that!” I responded with a laugh and Cassie shook her head before reaching into the bag and handed me a small gift box. ”Huh, I was expecting something bigger.”

”And there are so many dirty jokes I could make about that if we weren’t cousins.” Cassie laughed before handing me the rest of my gifts and doing the same for Makayla. ”But that small one isn’t from me, it’s from Matthew and the rest of the Prime Time Associates staff.”

”Didn’t think they had the budget to get me a gift, especially since Matthew dropped all plans to recruit Taylor Blazer after her loss to Chloe Benton at the Christmas Special.” I responded with a shrug before I opened the small gift first, it was a ring box, not unlike the one Makayla had been carrying around before I popped the question to her, and I opened it up.

It was a ring as I expected, a small modest golden ring with a custom designed plate, and it didn’t take me long to recognize the design, after all, it was the plate of the title that I’ve held since May. ”Full disclosure? I had no idea that was the present, Matthew didn’t want to risk you catching wind of it.”

”Tell him that I love it and I’ll be wearing it long after I lose the Bombshell Roulette Title.” I responded with a genuine grin and Cassie nodded enthusiastically as I put the ring on one of my fingers, the three of us continued opening our presents until Cassie got to the big ones from me and Makayla (mostly me but still) and her face lit up the moment she ripped off the wrapping paper on both.

”NO FUCKING WAY!” Cassie responded with a squeal as she looked at the boxes for the Nintendo Switch and PS5, two consoles that I knew that she had been pestering her parents about but was always told no due to financial reasons. ”So wait, these smaller gifts are?”

”Games, ones that I’ve played on stream and ones that I know you’ll enjoy if your game tastes are anything like mine.” I answered for her and Cassie quickly opened the other gifts, for the Switch she got Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Metroid Dread, Super Mario Maker 2 and Super Mario Odyssey, for the PS5 she got both Spider-Man and Spider-Man: Miles Morales, the Demons Souls remake, Deathloop and Hitman III. ”Had to really dig into my SCW revenue to get both consoles and all those games, I hope you like them.”

”I don’t like them, I love them!” Cassie responded enthusiastically and I grinned in response. ”You’ll help me get set up, right?”

”I will, soon as we get everything cleared up.” I assured her and Cassie grinned and before long we were doing just that.

PTA HQ, Las Vegas, Nevada
Tuesday the 28th of December 2021, 14:00pm

Well, this is not how I expected to be spending my Christmas break.

Just to bring you up to speed, after Cassie got her PS5 and Switch she jumped right into multiplayer gaming on the PS5 and hilarious tweets followed where she dropped more sexual innuendo about playing with herself, then several guys and one other woman, no harm done right?

Then one of the guys she played with sent her an unsolicited dick pic, and look I know Cassie looks older than she but she’s still eighteen for fucks sake! Anyway, after I read him the riot act over the phone I thought that was the end of it.

Oh, if only.

 ”If I had known that getting her those game consoles would lead to Cassie potentially having a stalker, I would’ve just got her a computer instead!” I grumbled as I parked the car, Makayla was with me as we were looking into a school for Rachel to start attending in the New Year at the time but those plans got derailed. ”And it would’ve been a good gaming PC too, not the aging eyesore that her parents call a family computer!”

”We’ll just have to save that for her birthday in July.” Makayla responded as I parked up and we quickly got out of the car. ”But instead, we have this wanker to deal with who’s claiming to be Cassie’s boyfriend! You said she was single, right?”

”Single and not sure where she falls as far as her sexuality goes, but we both know that will come in time.” I nodded in response before we marched into the building where Cyrus and Andreas were waiting for us. ”Please tell me you still have this guy in the building?”

“Wish we could but I needed a bathroom break and Andreas took his eye off him for a second.” Cyrus explained and I nodded as I got the idea. “He was long gone by the time I got back I think he caught on that no one was buying his story.”

“We do have one saving grace though.” Andreas added as he motioned towards a nearby security camera. “We got his face on the cameras, Lizzie is retrieving them now.”

”How did he even get this far in the first place?!” I asked as I messaged my forehead in annoyance. ”First time I came here I had to be buzzed in to be let into the parking lot, and only trainees, employees and wrestlers who are managed by Matthew and Marty and any hangers on are allowed past this point!” I added and the two large men shook their heads in response.

“My best bet is that he walked to the HQ and got past the security barrier.” Lizzie chimed in as she walked up to us, tapes in hand. “Matthew’s personally reviewing the security tapes from the parking lot as we speak but you’ll be relieved to know that he never got past reception, Cyrus and Andreas kept him talking long enough for me to ask Cassie about it.”

”At which point she called me and I came over, can I see her?” I asked with an annoyed grunt and Lizzie nodded before leading me deeper into the HQ, we saw Cassie in her street clothes chatting with another female trainee before I cleared my throat and she looked up. ”How are you feeling Cass?”

”A lot better now that you’re here.” Cassie sighed before the other trainee walked off to give her some privacy. ”I don’t know what the hell’s going on but I just want to go home and call it a day early if we’re being honest.”

“No one here is blaming you for that, and we’ve got his ugly mug on tape, there’s no way he’ll ever be allowed back into the building.” Lizzie assured her as the retired British Bombshell folded her arms. “And Marty has told me that they’ll be ramping up security from now on.”

”No offence Lizzie but after what happened today? I don’t think that’ll be enough.” I responded as I turned to the taller Bombshell. ”I’d feel more at ease if I started driving Cass to and from the PTA HQ for a while, and her community college if need be.”

”Are you sure?” Cass asked and I nodded without hesitation. ”I agree on one condition, I chose the songs we listen too in the car for the first week.”

”Considering that we have similar tastes in music, I don’t see that being a problem.” I nodded in agreement and Cassie grinned but internally I was hoping that the extra precaution wouldn’t be needed.

PTA New Year’s Eve Party, Las Vegas, Nevada
Friday the 31st of December 2021, 23:50pm

What a year it’s been.

I’ve been tweeting about this fact up and down since it became clear that I was ending 2021 as the Bombshell Roulette Champion and that by the time of my eighth defence against Keira I’ll be 245 days into the reign but looking back on where I was this time last year compared to this year? It’s been a hell of a ride.

Or to put it in more perspective, this year I kicked off 2021 by competing in a Number One Contender’s match for the Bombshell Roulette against Royal Purple, Mercedes Vargas and Alice Knight, next year I’m kicking it off by defending that title against someone who I wanted to face since day one, the fact that I won the title from the winner of that Fatal Four Way Match has not gone unnoticed either.

What will the New Year Bring? I honestly don’t know, since my defence against Bella they’ve been throwing tougher competition at me to try to get the Roulette Belt off me starting with Seleana Zdunich at Disneyworld and this just feels like another step in that direction, off course now the question becomes, if the reign survives Keira, who’s next?

“Enjoying yourself Krystal?” I looked up after taking a selfie and posting it on my Twitter feed to see Matthew standing there, drink in his hand. “I have noticed the number of selfies you’ve taken, mostly by catching glimpses of it on Cassandra’s phone.”

”Don’t let Cass hear you call you that, you know how much my little cousin hates her full name.” I responded with a slight laugh before pocketing my phone and turning to my manager, the party was mostly the trainees at the PTA Gym plus Matthew, Marty, Cyrus and Andreas so me and Makayla definitely stood out from the crowd. ”But yeah, I’m enjoying myself, there’s only so many times I can hang out at the Golden Ring Cassino for New Year’s Eve, right?”

“Right, and that’s something I wanted to talk to you about, New Year’s that is.” Matthew responded and I raised an eyebrow when he said that, without another word Matthew led me to another part of the building. “I see your enjoying the Roulette Title ring I got you.”

”This thing hasn’t come off in public, it may as well be glued to my finger.” I joked as I followed Matthew into the hallways, I took a moment to look at the Roulette Title ring before realizing that he had stopped. ”You led me here for a reason, didn’t you?”

“You were always quick to catch on.” Matthew responded before reaching into a nearby closet. “There was one other gift I wanted to get you, but it couldn’t be completed in time for Christmas so consider this a late Christmas gift.” Matthew added before he held it out to me, it was a long black and gold jacket, clearly custom made and then he turned it around to show “The Gold Standard” Krystal Wolfe on the back. “I don’t think coming to the ring in that t-shirt is befitting a woman of your talents, don’t you agree?”

”Been meaning to phase that thing out for a while if we’re being honest, I’ve had it since my career started and it’s starting to show it’s age.” I admitted with a grin before trying on the jacket and found that it fit perfectly. ”That explains why you asked Makayla for my measurements but I’m not changing my nickname to The Gold Standard, there’s champions who have held their respective titles longer than me in SCW and it’s kinda generic if we’re being honest.”

“Perhaps, but you wouldn’t exactly be the first wrestler to have more than one nickname either.” Matthew responded before checking the time on his phone. “And look at that, two minutes to midnight.”

”If your goal was to get “2 Minutes to Midnight” by Iron Maiden stuck in my head, mission accomplished.” I responded with a grin before we re-joined the rest of the party just in time for the New Year to ring in.

Is it wrong to be proud of how far I’ve come in the space of a year? Going from one of the worst losing streaks in years to a Bombshell Roulette Title Reign that’s lasted over two hundred days? Not to mention only losing three matches since winning the title in May, I doubt there was any real competition for me in the “Most Improved” and “Future Star” of the year categories this year and I’m only getting started.

What will 2022 bring me? Who knows? A lot can happen in twelve months as I’ve demonstrated, but I’m ready for it, whatever it is.

PTA Press Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada
Saturday the 1st of January 2022, 18:00pm

*promo time*

Yeah, I’m doing my promo at a press conference, what off it?

“I would like to thank you all for attending this press conference.” Matthew kicked things off outside the PTA HQ where I sat at the centre of the desk ready for the questions. “2021 was a huge year for Prime Time Associates and especially Krystal Wolfe as for the first time in her career, she is starting the new year as a champion and all I can promise at this point is that 2022 will be an even better year for her.”

You have no idea.

”And that year starts with my title defence against Keira Fisher-Johnson at Inception V which will be taking place at the end of the month.” I continued before placing the Bombshell Roulette Title in front of me. ”I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Keira is on my bucket list of people I want to face in SCW but at the end of the day this title is what it’s all about, any questions?”

“You said that this match is you checking off a bucket list item.” One reporter stated and I turned to him. “But you faced Team Hero in a tag team match at the Climax Control Christmas Special alongside Jessie Salco, a match you lost.”

”I knew that would get brought up, I guess I had better clarify on that a bit.” I responded before shifting my weight. ”Whilst I have wanted to face Roxi and Keira since my SCW career started, that was a tag team match and my bucket list refers to women who I want to face in singles competition! I’m not saying that the Tag team Match doesn’t count because that was a war between four women vying for momentum heading into Inception V.”

“Many people are saying that Keira will be the end of your title reign.” A female reporter chimed in and I turned to her. “Do you have any comment on that?”

”If we’re being honest? I can see it happening, Keira is a hell of a wrestler and a Hall of Famer for a damn good reason after all.” I stated causing a murmur among the crowd of reporters before I continued. ”But that doesn’t mean that I’m giving this title up without a fight! I’ve fought tooth and nail to prove myself in SCW as both a competitor and a champion and I’d not only be doing a disservice to myself but the title and the women I’ve faced over the past eight months, and yes, I’m even including Char Kwan because for all the shit she did to me over the course of the High Stakes XI Cycle, she still gave me a hell of a fight.”

“One last question before we jump into Krystal’s promo.” Matthew announced to the crowd causing another murmur before another reporter put their hand up. “Yes?”

“Krystal, there has been rumblings since your two hundredth day celebration that you are being disloyal to the Go Gym, some might argue that the fact that you are doing a press conference at the PTA HQ reinforces that, any comments on this?” The reporter asked and whilst I was annoyed at this being brought up again I managed to keep my cool.

”The Go Gym has done a lot for me, from training me to become the wrestler I am today to helping me move to the US in the first place but I am not disloyal to them.” I responded as a frown appeared on my face. ”Have I spent a lot more time at the PTA HQ since I hired Matthew and Marty as my managers? Maybe, and whilst they do have training facilities here I have not made use of them for the simple fact that their facilities aren’t as good as the Go Gym’s, in fact that most time I spent there was when I was watching my cousin Cassie train at the Gym here as she is an aspiring wrestling trainee.”

“May I ask something as a response?” The same reporter asked and Matthew gave her the go ahead. “Doesn’t that create a conflict of interest?”

”If you want to be cynical about it, then yeah, I guess it does, but I didn’t learn about Cassie training here until after I hired Matthew and frankly? She’s a natural in the ring, when she does graduate any promotion will be lucky to have her as a part of their roster.” I responded before letting out a deep breath. ”Okay, that’s enough questions, I have a promo to do.”[color]

What a year.

”Strangely enough, the one thing that’s coming to mind for me is a certain meme, namely that “How It Started vs. How It’s Going” thing because comparing how 2021 started for me to how 2022 is starting for me is like comparing manure to ice cream but I think I’ve covered that topic enough already! But still, this past year has been nothing short of amazing for me and the fact that I’m kicking off 2022 by taking on Keira Fisher-Johnson in a title match just further reinforces how far I’ve come in the year since my PPV debut!”

And now for the elephant in the room.

”There’s no avoiding it, I lost the tag team match against Team Hero at the Christmas Special and spent most of the following morning have glass shards pulled out of me in hospital and trust me when I say that that wasn’t fun! I suppose the big question on everyone’s mind is whether I’ll be at 100% by the time Inception V rolls around and I’ll just point out that the PPV is at the end of the month and that tag team match was right before Christmas, if anything, those who question whether I’ll be ready for Keira are asking the wrong question! What they SHOULD be asking is whether Keira is ready for me!”

“Err, Krystal I know you said no more questions.” The reporter interjected as I turned to him. “But what exactly did you mean by that last statement?”

”What do you think?” I asked before I cleared my throat. ”The last time SCW had a Roulette Champion as dominant as me was back in 2018 and that campion was just inducted into the Hall of Fame, but over the course of my reign I’ve broken two of the records set by Sam Marlowe’s third Roulette Title Reign and I’m just getting started if you ask me! Keira the fact is that SCW is long overdue for a changing of the guard and my Roulette Title Reign is paving the way for that change! The fact is that I’m the most dominant Roulette Champion since Sam Marlowe and I’m going to continue my dominance heading into 2022!”

And beyond.

”The old guard can’t keep it up forever, it’s just a simple fact, and sooner or later the new guard will take over, that is what I was talking about when I said that the era of Team Hero is coming to an end! Sure, it could be argued that the ending of my tag team match against Team Hero alongside Jessie Salco disproves my point but I’d also argue that that’s why I prefer working alone whenever possible because when I’m working alone, I don’t have anyone to blame but myself for when I fuck up!”

I added before taking a deep breath.

”Keira the fact that you are one of my dream opponents still remains but for you? That dream is about to become a nightmare! I’ve worked way to hard throughout 2021 to bring this title back to prominence for it to end on my first match in 2022 and regardless of what the wheel stops on I am ready for anything and everything that you can bring to the table and then some! I just hope that you are ready for me.”

It’s that simple.

”Future Star of the Year, Most Improved of the Year, Most Improved, Streak and Comeback of the Year, I didn’t earn those awards by sitting on my ass and resting on my laurels, I earned those awards by defending this title whenever possible and against any number of opponents and Keira? I don’t know what 2022 will have in store for me beyond this match but if 2021 was any indication then it should be even better! For me that is, for you? Well, I’ve got some bad news for you Keira!”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

”The bad news is that I’m walking out of Inception V with the Roulette Title having successfully defended it! You will be my toughest challenge to date Keira, there’s no denying that but along those same lines, I will not be denied my destiny and that destiny, for me, is to make 2022 the Year of the Wolfe! And that year starts by you being struck by “Down Under Thunder” Krystal Wolfe and that is ready for Prime Time!”

The press conference continued as the scene fades.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2022, 07:57:51 AM by Mark Ward »

Offline Keira Fisher

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A New Chance?
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2022, 10:26:18 PM »
The scene opens up after the Christmas show. Keira is seen in the locker room of Team Hero as she is helping Roxi who was sitting on the chair, showing off the spots where she had some glass in her body. Keira slowly begins to remove them to make sure it didn't hurt Roxi too much. Once she gets the last shard out, she sits it on a metal plate and smiles. She then says

Keira: There you go, all the shards out of you.

Roxi: Thank you, Keira.

Keira leans in, giving Roxi a kiss on the lips. She pulls back, saying

Keira: It's not a problem. I'm just happy I got to team with you again, baby. Makes me feel good.

Roxi was about to say something, but Keira quickly says

Keira: NOT in that way. You knew what I meant.

Roxi: I know, love. Trust me. It's rare for Team Hero to be in the ring together. But each time we do, it's a huge reminder of what we do.

Keira smiles a bit as she lets Roxi's healing to kick in. As that happens, Keira begins to take out some of the shards out of her arms a bit while Roxi was doing the same to Keira's back. it takes about a few minutes to do so, but Keira was now cleared of her shards from her body as her healing was slowly kicking in. Keira turns and says
Keira: Thanks, Roxi.

Roxi: You're welcome, baby.

Keira slowly stands as she goes over and kisses Roxi again. She takes a deep breath as she says

Keira: Well, we got a good bit of time off. I guess I got to spend it training.

Roxi: No, I mean, Christmas IS coming up and all. We can delay training til after the New Year's.

Keira gives a smirk over this, relived in a way. She needed to relax after all that's happened. She then says

Keira: Yea. You know, me going after Krystal for the Roulette Title makes it feel like the first year I joined SCW.

Roxi: How so?

Keira: When I first started. I think people had doubted me from the get go. Especially when they thought I would cash in on the World Bombshell Championship. But, I proved everyone wrong. Now...

Keira takes a deep breath, saying

Keira: Now things are different. I'm not the one people doubt anymore.

Roxi: Well there's still people who doubt you, but you have erased some expectations and added better ones. It's now those doubts you have to erase.

Keira: Yea. Along with a few others.

Keira turns her head to Roxi slightly, asking

Keira: Has Jean....been popping up lately?

Roxi: I think that's your department.

Keira: Yea, but now yours too. See...there's a....favor she owes me

Roxi: We are NOT having a threesome.

Keira: As much as I love that idea. Sadly, it's not that

Roxi: She doesn't come here looking for me, Keira. Just you.

Keira starts to rub her own stomach, hinting to Roxi about what Keira was talking about
Keira: Somewhere in that Void of hers is the infinite multiverses out there. Jean has the answer I'm looking for

Keira begins to cry a little over this

Roxi: I'm sure when the time is right, she'll be back, I guess.

Keira: Time's running out. Either I get a second child or she finds a way to cure what Sin did to me....

Roxi: We'll figure it out.

Keira: I hope so. Maybe this is why I'm trying to get my mind off of it. Why I want to face Krystal. She...She reminds me of....

Keira sighs, saying

Keira: ....Me.

Roxi: Yeah, I'd say that's a fair comparison.

Keira: Her battle to adopt....the love she shares. It's like ours

Keira looks at Roxi, saying

Keira: She wants a we have

Roxi: Well, I hope she gets it.

Keira: She will. She did. But it's making me wanting a second child even stronger

Roxi: I've always told you the choice is yours.

Keira: I know. Jean is the answer to that choice, whatever she can find

Roxi: Well, then there's no need to stress over it.

Keira sighs a bit

Keira: I can't help it.

Roxi: Look, when Jean finds something, she'll be back. You'll only make yourself sick counting the days.

Keira: True.

Keira looks up for a bit and asks

Keira: You wanna go out flying? We haven't done that in ages. All we ever do is transmit from the arenas to home

Keira turns her head back to Roxi

Keira: I want to spice it up a bit

Roxi: Do you really want to carry all these bags?

Keira: Not really, but at the same time. It's a drag. Once we get home, that's it.

Roxi: Sure, that's fine

Keira: You transmit, then.

Roxi grabs her bags and transmits the two away

As They arrive home, Keira sits the bags down quickly

Keira: Suit up

Roxi: Sure.

Keira goes and suits up. As she does, Roxi in her outfit helps Keira out as they go to the roof. Roxi leans in, kissing Keira deeply for a moment. Keira pulls away, asking

Keira: You ok, Red?

Roxi: Sure, why?

Keira: You kissed me like you had lost me years ago

Roxi: I can't kiss my wife?

Keira begins to get a devious smile on her. She then says.

Keira: Hmmm. I don't think so. In fact....I'm going to go rob a bank now

Roxi: What? What is wrong with you?

Keira: Better catch me....

Keira blows a kiss and flies off, giving out a cat and mouse game with her wife. She giggles a bit

Keira: Better catch me, Bedlam!

Roxi: What is wrong with you?

As Keira is near a roof, she gets tackled onto it by Roxi and pinned to the ground

Roxi: Now, care to tell me what got into you that quick?

Keira: Nothing. I thought we would spice things up tonight. City's quiet.

Keira smiles as she looks up at Roxi

Keira: Do you know where we are?

Roxi: All the rooftops kinda look the same after a while.

Keira: This is the first rooftop where we staked out for a patrol the very first time

Roxi: Hmm... so it is.

Keira: And look down there

Keira points to where the bank is, quiet for once

Keira: Our first time stopping bad guys as a team

Keira takes her hand and slowly lifts up Roxi's mask to show her lips, saying

Keira: And...our first Lady Bedlam...and Lady Kat

Keira slowly begins to kiss Roxi on the lips, holding her close to Keira

Keira: Sorry. It felt like you were jealous earlier

Roxi: I'm not jealous. Jean is... someone special to you.

Keira: Then why did you get so defensive?

Keira looks into Roxi's eyes

Keira: You get that look the same way I do every time Kat is around

Roxi: Kat? I haven't done anything with Kat in like 3 or 4 years.

Keira: Thank God....

Keira quickly shakes her head, saying

Keira: Sorry, point stands, though. You get super jealous around Jean. Why?

Roxi: ... Is that a serious question? She literally hits on your every time she visits! Non-stop! And I don't see you putting up much of a fight  when she does so.

Keira: And?

Roxi: And... you are acting like you don't understand why I would be upset about this.

Keira: Cause I've been there before....and have to remind you that I'm yours....

Roxi: And that doesn't stop Jean now does it??

Keira: It didn't stop Kat....

Keira leans up, kissing Roxi

Keira: Roxi...I'm yours. Always yours. What do I got to do to make you understand?

Keira sighs, asking

Keira: Want me to give up my powers?

Roxi: What? No.

Keira: Then what do you want me to do to prove it to you?

Keira caresses Roxi's cheek slightly for the answer

Roxi: You don't have to prove it me. There's nothing YOU need to do. It's Jean you have to convince.

Keira: You don't think I tried?

Keira slowly sits up

Keira: I've tried over and over. It's like she lives in her own world sometimes

Keira sighs

Keira: I'm sorry, Roxi

Roxi: Just so long as there are some boundaries, that's all.

Keira: There are. Once I get this favor fulfilled. It's done

Roxi: If you say so.

Keira: I promise, Mi amor...

Keira gives Roxi a reassuring kiss

Roxi: I trust you.

Keira: Good. Cause almost 10 years together. Why would I ruin that?

Roxi: Stranger things have happened.

Keira: Cyrus, Sin, Multiverse....

Keira smirks a bit

Keira: Need I go on?

Roxi: You're only making my point

Keira: Jean isn't even in the top 50

Roxi: If you say so.

Keira: Doubt me one more time, Roxi Johnson and I'll double that Hero suit into something you won't like...

Keira gives Roxi a hard slap on the ass to hint it

Keira: Got it, missy?

Roxi: Relax.

Keira: Then you're going to doubt me?

Roxi: When have I doubted you?

Keira: Feels like now with Jean

Roxi: I'm not.

Keira: Ok, now....can we relax up here? Please?

Roxi: Sure, I'm plenty relaxed.

Keira: I mean...enjoying the night relax. Seeing stars. A....Date.

Keira leans her head on Roxi

Roxi: I love you.
Keira: I love you too

The two begin to just relax as the scene fades


The scene opens up a few weeks after Christmas and a couple of weeks after the New Year. Keira and Roxi kept up their training and to make sure the city was safe. If anything, both have calmed a whole lot since then. As Keira is seen putting the clothes up, Roxi enters and kisses her

Roxi: I'm going to the store. Need anything?

Keira: I left a list, babe.

Roxi: You mean the dictionary's length for food?

Keira: Ouch, babe. You wound me....

Roxi: Is that a lie?

Keira goes to defend herself, but remembers something, saying

Keira: WAIT! I know what I forgot to add to the list

Roxi: You're saying, out of all you forgot something!?

Keira: Yea...Milk.

Roxi gives off a facepalm

Roxi: We always get Milk, it only lasts like a week.

Keira: I need more. I want to bake a cake

Roxi: A cake? for what?

Keira: Oh...nothing important

Keira smiles, wanting to get the cake ready for a birthday

Roxi: You know that's not for a while yet.

Keira: Crap. You're right. I guess I don't need extra milk

Roxi gives a slight giggle over this. She gives Keira a soft kiss on the lips as she says

Roxi: I’ll be back in a bit. Love you, baby.

Keira: Love you too.

Roxi turns and walks out of the room as Keira finishes putting up the clothes. As she sees the three leave, Keira begins to straighten up the bed. As she pulls the sheets to fix it, she notices that it was stuck. She looks at the bed and notices someone on it, saying.

Jean: Hey, beautiful.

Keira: AHH! JEAN!

Keira backs away quickly, screaming


Jean: Thought I would get comfortable on this side of the bed. If you want to join me in your bed.

Keira: Jean! GET OUT OF MY BED!

Jean smirks as she turns and sits up, slowly getting out of bed. She turns and smiles at Keira, saying

Jean: Jeez, Keira. So mad. You need a massage sometimes.

Keira: Unless you got an answer on how you can figure out my situation. I would love for you to go back to the void. Cause right now, I’m ready for Roxi to beat the crap out of you.

Jean: Are you sure? Cause she was looking like she wanted a threesome when she tried to deny it.

Keira: DAMN IT, JEAN! What have I told you about spying on mine and Roxi’s conversations from the void!?

Jean: Do it often so I can get a view of your beautiful–

Keira gets close to Jean and pins her to the wall

Keira: Say one more word and I’ll kick your ass myself.

Jean: Don’t threaten me with a good time.

Keira sighs as she lets go, knowing this wasn’t going anywhere. She then looks at Jean, saying

Keira: What are you doing here, Jean?

Jean: Besides wanting to see my favorite woman in the world?

Keira growls in anger a bit before Jean says

Jean: Ok, ok. I thought I would come and give you some progress on what you wanted. I may have some good news.

Keira perks up a bit as she lets Jean talk

Jean: First, the bad news. There’s nothing in the multiverse that will grant you a second child right away. Meaning that by the time you decide to step down and try, it’ll be too late.

Keira sighs a bit, but then Jean continues

Jean: But the good news. I may have slowly pinpointed a universe that may have developed a cure. You’ll still keep your powers and all, but it should reverse the effect that Sin has done to you.

Keira: That’s great!

Jean: But…

Keira: But?

Jean: I can’t give you the timeframe on when I can get it. It can be tomorrow or months from now. Meaning you may still have a risk of not coming in time.

Keira sighs again over this. Jean goes over and says to Keira

Jean: Don’t give up hope just yet, Keira. Hell, you’re facing that Krystal Wolfe chick at Inception. You got a Title match against her. I know you’ll kill it. Considering she’s got a hot body and all–

Keira’s eyes widen over this, screaming

Keira: JEAN VALE! Seriously!?

Jean: Please, can you blame me? Since you won’t give me any attention.

Jean then quickly raises her hands in mock surrender, saying

Jean: I’m kidding. But still, in terms of everything. You got this, Keira. Like Roxi, I believe in you. You got this.

Keira nods, but Jean looks over the window and says

Jean: I better get going. I’m wasting time at this moment where I could be finding that universe for the cure. Once I find out anything else. I’ll tell you.

Keira gives a nod. Jean goes over and hugs Keira, saying

Jean: Relax Keira. Good things will come to those who wait. Just relax and behave.

Roxi: That’s what I keep telling her.

Jean breaks the hug quickly as her and Keira turn to see Roxi at the door. Roxi then says

Roxi: Jean, I hope you’re here for the favor you owe Keira.

Keira: She was. She’s getting close–

Jean gives a smirk as Keira says in a annoyed tone

Keira: AS I WAS SAYING. She’s getting close to finding the answer. Some’s not good, but it’s not hopeless yet.

Jean: Like I told Keira. I just need a bit more time, Roxi. Once I have it, I’ll come right back.

Roxi: I….I believe you, Jean.

Keira raises a eyebrow at this as Jean says

Jean: T-Thank you. I know we have our differences, Roxi. But I do have Keira’s interests and yours by heart.

Roxi: I know. I just need to be reminded sometimes.

Roxi looks at Keira as she smiles at her. Jean nods a bit as she goes over and hugs Roxi. Roxi does hug back for a moment. The two break it off as Jean goes over to the other side and says

Jean: I’ll be back soon.

Jean vanishes as Keira turns to Roxi, saying

Keira: I think I’m back to square one. Time’s running out, I think.

Roxi: Keira, look. Jean said she’ll find a way.

Keira sighs a bit as she lays her head on Roxi’s shoulder, saying

Keira: I know, but I don’t know how fast it will be…

Keira turns her head and looks at Roxi, saying

Keira: I feel like every time we have something good going, it takes a huge left turn and it just goes to shit. I can’t wait for another world destruction attempt to happen with the way it was going at this point.

Roxi: Keira, you seriously need to calm down. You know these things turn out good in the end. Give it time and give Jean time. That’s all I ask, Ke.

Keira gives a small smile after hearing all of this. She then says

Keira: I just realized, you kept your jealousy with Jean in check.

Roxi: Yea, yea. But still, just relax. You still have a title match to train for, Keira.

Keira: Yea, I need to. Want to come with me?

Roxi: Tell you what, let me put up the groceries and I’ll join you. Maybe we can use the updated Gravity Chamber.

Keira grins at this as she says

Keira: That’s not a bad idea to be honest. It’s been awhile since we went down and dirty.

Roxi begins to cross her arms after Keira says that. Keira quickly says

Keira: I seriously need to start choosing my words very carefully.

Roxi: It might help, babe.

Keira giggles as she leans in and kisses Roxi again. She says

Keira: Go put the groceries up and I’ll see you in a few moments.

Roxi smiles as she turns and walks out of the room. Keira goes to get her gear as the scene fades


The scene opens up hours later in the basement of Keira and Roxi’s home. Keira is seen entering their training room, enhanced for them to go all out if needed. Keira was in her gym gear as she waited for Roxi to enter inside. She sees the door open and sees Roxi, now wearing her gym gear as well, enter it as she smirks out a bit. She then says

Keira: About time. I was starting to worry.

Roxi: Had to make sure Mom was watching Nate while we worked out. I see that you had a bit of a warm up.

Keira gives out a smirk as she says

Keira: I did. I thought I would get a head start since it’s been ages since we’ve trained in the Gravity Chamber together like this. But are you ready for me? You sure you can handle me?

Roxi gives her eyebrow a raised look on this. She then says

Roxi: Oh. I can handle you. But can you handle me?

Keira gives a smirk over this, saying back

Keira: You know I can. But don’t get mad when you tap out to me, babe.

Roxi: Oh! Getting cocky now, aren’t we?

Keira: I can back it up, Roxi…

Roxi smirks as she shouts out

Roxi: Computer, 300 Times Normal Earth’s gravity!

The computer whirrs as the chamber becomes a bit heavier. Keira smirks as Roxi says

Roxi: Bring it, then.

Keira rushes as well as Roxi as the two begin to land blows on each other. They don’t hold back on the punches and kicks either as Keira throws a hard punch to Roxi, sending her flying down and hitting the ground. Roxi gets up and rushes up, tackling Keira and slamming her down. She goes for a quick Camel Clutch, but Keira slowly begins to escape from it, throwing elbow shots to Roxi’s head with her free arm. Keira escapes and throws some more elbows into Roxi’s face and gives her a clothesline. Keira flies up and fires a few ki blasts down towards Roxi. Roxi sees this and quickly dodges each one of the blasts, but the last blast hits her back before she could land on her feet as she lands instead on her stomach. Keira lands on her feet, saying in a cocky tone

Keira: Come on, is that all you got, Roxi? Has old age finally got to you, baby? Maybe Kat might have an easy time on you if she sees those grey hairs.

Roxi slowly stands. She rushes and blasts Keira hard, making Keira fly. She flies above and gives a double axe handle to Keira’s back, making her land hard on the ground. She then says to Keira

Roxi: Says the woman who just didn’t see me coming cause her ego got in the way.

Keira stands as she aims her hand at Roxi. She builds up the energy and quickly shouts out



Keira fires a huge blast as Roxi places her hands to try to block it. She was able to fire it away, but the explosion sent a huge shockwave, hitting both Roxi and Keira and sending them down to the ground hard. Keira groans a bit as she slowly stands. Roxi does the same as the two rush towards each other. The two slam a fist into each other, hard. The impact, making them fall down hard and breathe heavily. Keira chuckles as she says

Keira: Wow. That was great. You know how to press my buttons.

Roxi: Same with you, but seriously? A grey hair remark?

Keira slowly sits up and looks at Roxi, saying

Keira: I’m sorry, baby. I just wanted to make sure you got fired up. You know I never meant to make you upset.

Roxi: I know, Keira. We got a little overboard this time. But, it was worth it.

Keira smiles a bit as she slowly stands up. She goes over and helps Roxi up and holds her gently. She then asks

Keira: So, what are we eating for dinner tonight?

Roxi: I was thinking steak, unless you’re too good for Ribeye Steak nowadays.

Keira: Please. I’m never too good for Ribeye Steaks. It’s the best steak after intense gravity training with the best woman in the world. My love, my beautiful wife.

Roxi: I thought so. Now, Ke. I believe dinner awaits. I will need some extra hands with the steaks that the butcher special made since I said it was for you and me.

Keira giggles, saying

Keira: He actually did it. He’s a good person. That’s why I love local groceries!

Roxi smiles as she and Keira begin to exit the room to prepare as the scene fades


Well, just like I predicted. The final Climax Control of 2021. Me and Roxi have once again proved to the world that we are the best tag team of not only the Bombshell Division, but the best tag team of ALL time! So before I go into my little talks like I usually do. If anyone in the Bombshells Division thinks that they can down the legendary Team Hero.

Just watch our last match. We’ll go through Hell and BACK to make damn sure you know that we’re the best!

With that out of the way. It’s time for me to set my sights on getting back some Championship gold. I mean, I did go for one already in the form of the Bombshell Internet Championship. While that is still my goal. I want to see if I can finally become a Two Time Champion. What better way to do that is to go for the one Championship I first won in my first year in SCW.

The Bombshell Roulette Championship!

It feels like things have come full circle. While I absolutely want to become a Grand Slam champion and prove that I am not in my wife’s shadow anymore, that will be put on hold. There is a challenge now that I am seeking. Much like SCW is giving new blood a chance at major championships, I feel like I am starting over, and seeking new opponents. And now, I have a new one, and a chance to begin again.

Yea, that title was the first one I held when I came here, beating Crystal Hilton for it. Granted it was after she had a match with someone else and she retained. But it still counts. It double counted after I retained it that same night. That championship showed that I wasn’t just one and done around here. I wasn’t a fluke. I was here to stay and I would be a threat for years to come. And I think that right now, I have proved that if you give me the chance, I am as good as anyone on the roster right now. People didn’t think I could hang, and I proved them wrong. They didn’t think I was capable of competing with people like Mercedes Vargas, or Crystal, or even my wife.  But you know what I did? I got to the top of the mountain and I stood alone. But because my run at the top wasn’t the longest in history, I’m still considered a flash in the pan. I still have to prove myself. But it all started with the Roulette championship. Now years later. I’m back, going for it once more. But with someone I wanted to face for a good while.

Krystal, you have my attention, and the attention of the rest of the roster, even if they don’t want to admit it. You have had a death grip on that Roulette championship and that is impressive, because that championship has had a lot of owners, and very few if any, have held it longer than you. That is impressive and you should be proud of that. Now it becomes a question of how long can you hold onto it? How many tables can you go through, how much glass can be stuck to your body? How many times can you fall off a ladder or swing on a cable? The law of averages says not that long, but you have defied all the expectations that anyone could have set for you.

Krystal, I won’t deny you that you’re one of the best I’ve seen in a SCW Ring in a long time. You don’t have to prove to me that you’re a worthy opponent. Your track record speaks volumes and I could tell by your drive, your fighting skill. Especially part of that fighting skill that showed me that you would do anything to make sure that child would grow up to be in a loving, caring home with a family that loves her. You’re a lot more than just a wrestler, and that may be one of the best things about you.

You don’t have to prove that to me one damn bit.

But on the other hand…

In terms of you and I? I want to see if you can prove to me that you can beat me. You already failed at that at Climax Control. Facing Team Hero is a different beast, though. Me? Not to give myself and ego boost, but let’s face it, Krystal, you have turned back a lot of challengers. Many of the same people over and over again, all of them hungry for your championship, but you have been hungrier than they were. But me? I’m different. I’m going to put more pressure on you in a way you haven’t had before. More than you have ever had in your career and your title reign. I’m going to push you to be at your very best, because the moment you slip, the moment you are not giving me everything? That’s the moment you lose the Roulette championship. I am more than just the next challenger Krystal. I am coming to take that championship from you and I’m going to force you back into a corner. I’m going to make you fight, and fight like you never have before.

You already know that I love the thrill of the fight. The spirit of competition. But me taking that Bombshell Roulette Championship from you will be ICING on that cake! You fought the rest, Krystal. But now you have to fight the BEST! I know right now that this match could be anything. It could be ladders, it could be tables, it could be some other kind of extreme match, but let me just re-state for the record, I’ve had that championship. I’ve held it in my hands and had it around my waist, and I really got used to it, and I’m going to do everything I can to hold it again. You learned from the tag team match that if you slip up, you will lose. But I don’t need my wife to fight this match against you, and you don’t need Jessie to help you either. This is about US. This is about you and me, facing each other and putting on a hell of a show and making sure everyone knows just how important, and how prestigious that Bombshell’s Roulette championship is. I know it means a lot to you, but it was my first championship. The first one I won here, when nobody expected me to. And now, the expectations are high. Very high in fact.

I’m not about to sit here and just be another person who was unsuccessful in beating you and add to your long list of successful defenses. I will fight you with every fiber of my being and I will not hold back, even though we are friendly. I’ve been through plenty of fights like this in my career, so this isn’t something where I’m walking into this match unprepared. I am expecting the unexpected like you wouldn’t believe, and I know I have what it takes to hold that championship again.

But I understand this moment and what it truly means for me. I have been failing to win the Internet championship time and time again, and one day, I feel like I will win it, but right now, this is my focus, and I know a lot of people don’t want me to be in this position and they will take a lot of joy in seeing me fail. It makes all their doubting and all their words mean that much more. That’s why I have to beat you. It’s why I am going to put so much pressure on you, because there’s just as much on me. I know you have handled it so far, Krystal, but this is going to be more than you have ever had thrown at you before.

Can you handle it?

I know I can.

See you soon.

Offline Krystal Wolfe

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“How It’s Going!”
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2022, 09:32:47 AM »
(Gabriel was used with permission from his handler)

It was the week of Inception V and quite possibly the biggest challenge of Krystal Wolfe’s SCW Bombshell Roulette Title Reign! Keira Fisher-Johnson was on Krystal’s bucket list of opponents and Krystal has wanted this match to happen going as far back as the build up to High Stakes XI but will this be a case of be careful what you wish for? Krystal was going all out to prepare for the match including going back through the SCW archives and watching every match Keira has competed in since her SCW debut to prepare for her.

But will it be enough? Krystal was unable to get the win over Team Hero at the Christmas Special when she was teaming with Jessie Salco but as Keira pointed out in her promo, facing Team Hero as a team was different from facing Keira and Roxi in singles competition, can Krystal retain the title? And if yes, who will be next to take her on? With the Blast from the Past Tournament on the horizon, that was a tough question!

Krystal’s home, Las Vegas, Nevada
Thursday the 13th of January 2022, 18:00pm

End of an era.

That can apply to several things, I’ll grant you that, but there are two things that I’m personally applying that phrase too, the first is the Dungeons and Dragons campaign that I’ve been running for just over two years as a DM with Makayla, Ari, Carter, Aron and Os which is ending next week, I’ve been planning the second campaign with that group since before the Christmas break started and fingers crossed, everything goes well.

The other thing? My Roulette Title reign has the potential to also end next week.

I’ve said it before but I’ve had a damn good run with the Roulette Title and that was before I hit the 200 days mark and with the defence against Keira coming ever closer, I’ve got a lot on my mind at the moment, Keira is someone who I’ve wanted to face since I enrolled at the Go Gym and whilst the term “dream match” gets thrown around A LOT in wrestling, this is a literal dream match for me! It also happens to be for my Roulette Title and as I’ve already said, I can see the match against Keira being the end of my reign.

After all, Keira is a legend for a damn good reason and I couldn’t get the job done with Jessie when we teamed up to take on Team Hero at the Christmas Special last month so where does that leave me?

A bundle of nerves, and that’s putting it mildly.

”Charlotte, I just put the dinner in the oven, should be ready by about six thirty.” Makayla’s voice broke my train of thought as I poured over the finer details of the upcoming D&D campaign and I looked up to see my fiancé standing at the doorway. ”How goes the planning?”

”You mean for the Dungeons and Dragons campaign or the title match against Keira?” I asked Makayla who shrugged her shoulders in response, it didn’t take me long to figure out that she meant “both”. ”Campaign planning is going well, hopefully Aron won’t be too salty over me setting it a hundred years after the events of the first campaign but we’ll see! At the rate I’m going the campaign primer should be ready to go by the time I’m finished with the last session.”

”We agreed that Aron needs to branch out a bit, I get that Tristan is his release from putting up with Fenris all day but he can’t play the same character in every campaign.” Makayla nodded in agreement before she stepped into my office and kissed me on the lips. ”And the match against Keira? I know you’ve got some serious doubts about the reign surviving the title match.”

”Yeah and the fact that I lost more than one match in a cycle for the first time since the Blaze of Glory Cycle isn’t helping!” I nodded in response as I ran a hand through my hair. ”My winning streak since the start of the reign was ended by that match against Andrea but I quickly bounced back with the two title defences, on the Halloween Show and at High Stakes XI, but this time? I started the cycle by losing a non-title match against Kate Steele, bounced back with a tainted win over Mercedes Vargas only to end up back in the loser’s circle after that tag match against Team Hero! At least my appearance on Underground allowed me to bounce back and end the year with a win!”

”Is that doubt I’m hearing in your voice?” Makayla asked as she folded her arms and I nodded reluctantly. ”Charlotte, the rest of the Bombshell Roster has finally realized how good you are, just look at everything you’ve accomplished since you won the title from Royal Purple!”

”Yet there are still idiots like Andrea who think I’m a fluke even with the record breaking reign.” I sighed as I stood up to face my fiancé directly. ”Guess I’ll have to do what I’ve been doing since day one, proving the doubters wrong!”

”Failing that, it’ll probably be a while before anyone comes close to your reign after it ends.” Makayla pointed out with a grin before stepping forward and kissing me again, this time though the kiss was returned and nearly escalated from a make-out session to a full on round of sex.

Key word being almost. “Mommy?” Rachel’s voice rang out and we broke the kiss to turn our attention to our three year old step-daughter with Garrus in tow, wagging his tail as the puppy watched on. “I can’t find my teddy!”

”I’ll help you find it Krystal still has work to do.” Makayla assured Rachel and Rachel grinned before they walked off, Garrus on the other hand joined me in the office and lay down at my feet.

Jessie’s home gym, Las Vegas, Nevada
Friday the 14th of January 2022, 18:00pm

Same shit, different day, or year as the case may be.

Now that the New Year had started and things were getting back into the old routine, in and out of wrestling! And yes, that applied to Cassie’s training as well, okay technically the PTA Gym opened back up for training on the third but there hasn’t been much of a chance for us to train her, largely because we’ve been so busy preparing for our matches at Inception V.

”Are you sure that your ready to spar with me Cass?” I asked my younger cousin as she warmed up across the ring from me, you’d think that I’d be one of the first to train with her given that we’re related by blood and all but my wrestling style is very different from the style that Cass seems to be going for so we waited a few weeks until we were sure that Cass was ready for a wrestler like me. ”You realize that my style is more power and submission based, right?”

”Yeah but you also use several high flying moves, hell you retained the title over Seleana with your Corkscrew Moonsault!” Cass pointed out and as much as I hated to admit it, she was right, the Critical Hit and Athletics Check were both key parts of my wrestling move set. ”Besides that, I’m not going to get better by just sparring with Jessie and Ari!”

”Besides that, the era when every other female wrestler is a high flyer seems to be giving way to more varied styles.” Jessie chimed in from the side-lines where she was watching alongside Ari. ”There’s some outliers like Chelsea Skye but the last Go Gym Graduate was a French Lesbian Fenris and wrestlers like Myra and Amber have a prominent place on the SCW roster.”

”And in Chelsea’s defence, she does come from an Olympic Gymnastics background so she’d be crazy not to put that athleticism to use in wrestling.” Ari chimed in with a shrug before me and Cass started sparring in the middle of the ring, this lasted for a good few minutes whilst Ari turned to Jess. ”So, how do you think Cass is progressing Jess?”

”Cass seems to be getting better every time I see her train, say what you will about Matthew and his cronies but as far as training the next generation of wrestlers goes? They definitely know what they are doing!” Jessie replied as me and Cass traded submission holds though it was clear as day that submissions were one area that Cass needed serious work on. ”They are teaching you the basics of submission wrestling, right Cass?” Jess called out to us and we stopped sparring for a minute.

”Yeah but submission wrestling is so boring!” Cass called back and given that I used a submission hold as one of my finishers I shook my head with a chuckle. ”Who even uses Submissions as their main form of offence anyway?” Cass added and I let out a loud laugh at that.

”Oh, just your cousin who happens to be the reigning Bombshell Roulette Champion, Myra Rivers who was the longest reigning Internet Champion and quite a few other examples.” I pointed out as I backed off from my cousin and Cass went to respond but quickly realized that I was right. ”Like it or not, sooner or later you’ll have to get better at submission wrestling if you want to be a successful wrestler!”

”You know she’s right Cass.” Ari chimed in but before Cass could respond the door to the basement opened and Shane poked his head in. ”Is dinner ready Shane?” Ari called out to him and Shane shook his head.

“Sadly no, Jake just chased off a guy who was asking about Cass, might be the same guy who sent her that dick pic over the holidays.” Shane explained and we shared a look before we rushed upstairs to meet up with Jake.

“Whoever that guy was, he’s long gone.” Jake explained as Cass made herself comfortable. “But we did get a pic of him via the security cameras.” Jake added before passing the pic to us.

”Yeah, that’s the guy who sent me the dick pic and showed up at the PTA HQ.” Cass nodded grimly and I let out an annoyed huff as I folded my arms. ”What the hell does that guy want? He realizes I’m eighteen, right?”

“You may be eighteen but you do look older.” Shane pointed out and Cass had to admit that he was right. “Not excusing this bullshit off course! What measures has Matthew taken?”

”He hired more security guards and made it clear to them that this guy is not to be allowed anywhere near the building as long as Cass is a trainee at the PTA Gym.” I responded with a frown as I folded my arms. ”But if he does escalate past this point, well I’m a trained boxer and my fist will be having a very intimate meeting with his face.”

“Failing that, I served in the US Army and that came with me being taught a variety of mixed martial arts techniques……..” Jake trailed off before an idea jumped into his head. “Cass, would you be interested in learning self-defence from me?”

”Are you sure?” Cass asked as she turned to Jessie’s much bigger brother. ”Besides the fact that I’m already getting such training from the PTA Gym, Krystal, Jessie and Ari, isn’t a 6ft 10 guy teaching a girl whose 5ft 3 just a little weird?” Cass asked and Jake chuckled as he shook his head.

“I taught Jessie self defence when she made the decision to train to be a wrestler and she’s even shorter than you.” Jake pointed out and whilst Jessie gave her step-brother an annoyed look for that Cass nodded as she got the idea. “So, what do you say?”

”What do I have to lose? Besides, I need to work on my submission game and you teaching me those Martial Arts techniques might be my key to doing just that.” Cass admitted and Jake nodded before they shook hands on it.

We attempted to go back to training after that conversation but it quickly became clear that Cass’s head wasn’t in the game following that incident so we decided to call it for the day after that, good news is that she should be okay for the next training session with us.

Bad news is, we don’t know what her stalker will do next and she knows it.

Go Gym, Las Vegas, Nevada
Saturday the 15th of January 2022, 10:00am

Been a while since I spent any significant time at the Go Gym if we’re being honest.

No, I haven’t had another falling out with Gabriel but between my commitments with the PTA and everything else, I just haven’t found the time if we’re being honest, but that changed when I helped Adrienne prepare for her match against Myra (back when we were under the impression that it was still going to be a Triple Threat Match with Diamond Steele included) and since then I’ve been spending more time at the Go Gym trying to prepare for the match.

And speaking of things that I haven’t done in a while it was high time I chatted with Gabriel about my next defence!

“It’s been so long since we’ve had a chance to chat Charlotte.” Gabriel commented as I stepped into his office, once I closed the door behind me I sat down in front of his desk. “But I know that you have been busy since High Stakes XI.”

”Between getting things sorted out for my wedding, SCW and my Twitch Commitments, busy feels like a major understatement.” I admitted with a shrug and Gabriel nodded in understanding. ”Not to mention helping my youngest cousin Cassie with her training.”

“Yes, Ari told me about her.” Gabriel nodded as he leaned forward. “Must be in your family’s genes because she said that Cassie is a natural in the ring, much like you were when you enrolled at the Go Gym.”

”And she is, though her style is more aerial based.” I nodded in response as I shifted my weight. ”I only really have a few concerns about her, some are minor such as the fact that she’s a stoner but there is stuff like the fact that she apparently has a stalker and she might be being exploited by the PTA Gym, not to mention her family who had enough money to move here in the middle of a pandemic but not enough for her to enrol at the Go Gym.”

“Everyone’s financial situation is different but I can see where that concern is coming from.” Gabriel nodded in understanding as I shifted my weight. “If I where you, I’d make it clear to Matthew that if he tries anything with Cassie that will affect her training, then you’ll terminate his managerial contract.”

”That’s been at the back of my mind, what to do if he is exploiting her.” I admitted with a nod as I learned back. ”Cass is only eighteen and naïve about how the wrestling business works, she’ll learn eventually but I’m hoping that it won’t be the hard way.”

“If she had enrolled here, that wouldn’t be a problem, I make it clear to all young students that the wrestling business is not an easy one from day one.” Gabriel nodded in agreement, I off course already knew that from training at the Go Gym as a trainee all those years ago. “Speaking of which, it seems that one of your dream matches is coming true at Inception V.”

”You can say that again, but right now I’m not sure if my reign can survive Keira.” I admitted as I patted the Bombshell Roulette Title that was resting on my shoulder. ”The fact that the past cycle has been a rocky one hasn’t helped if we’re being honest, the only reason my win/loss record at the end of the cycle was tied at two a piece was because I picked up a win at the last SCU show off the year, but with losses to Kate Steele and Team Hero? I’m wondering if this cycle will be my last as champion.”

“Kate may not be the most popular Bombshell around but she is an excellent wrestler, and Team Hero are legends for a reason.” Gabriel explained and I nodded in understanding as it sunk in. “There is no shame in losing to a team as legendary as Team Hero, you just have to prove that you can beat Keira in singles competition.”

”And what better way to do that than to retain the title on the anniversary of my Supercard debut?” I asked Gabriel who nodded in agreement before I let out a yawn, need to get back into the habit of being used to being up as early as 6:00am I guess. ”But I do have two goals heading into Inception V, first one is obvious, retain the title, second one is to avenge my defeat at last year’s show.”

“Such a shame that Ruby can’t even get booked these days, even as the reigning Blast from the Past winner.” Gabriel nodded in agreement and I frowned, the fact that Mark got a second chance at winning the tournament and not me was still a sore point. “Speaking off Blast from the Past, I’ve heard it through the grapevine that you’ve signed up for this year’s tournament.”

”Last year was about checking off a goal from the bucket list, this year is about me avenging a black eye from last year.” I nodded with a frown on my face and Gabriel shifted his weight without a word. ”I don’t care who I get put against in round one or who my partner is, I’m not losing in round one again.”

“Just remember that you have access to the Go Gym’s facilities if you need it.” Gabriel nodded as I stood up and went to leave. “That should be all, if you’re wondering if we’ll accept your cousin should things go south with the PTA Gym, she already has your good word supporting her, it won’t be a problem.”

”That’s good to know but hopefully it won’t come to that Gabriel.” I nodded as I made my way to the office door. ”Now if you excuse me, I’ve got a match to prepare for.” I added before leaving the office.

PTA Newsroom, PTA HQ, Las Vegas, Nevada
Saturday the 15th of January 2022, 21:00pm

*promo time*

Almost time for the toughest match of my career.

“Welcome to the PTA News Update, I’m Marty McFarge.” Marty introduced the audience as he shuffled his papers. “Tonight’s top stories: will Ariana Angelos’s latest creation finally be called for what it is: a crime against the culinary arts? Just who is this “Masque” character and what does she want with Amber Ryan? When will the bosses give the people what they want and book The Troll against Fenris in a Lion’s Den Match? All this and so much more BUT FIRST! My guest tonight is the reigning Bombshell Roulette Champion Krystal Wolfe!”

The camera panned over to me with the title over my shoulder.

”I would say that I’m happy to be here but I just want to get this over with.” I admitted as I looked at my nails absentmindedly. ”Unless this show’s viewers have been living under a rock since High Stakes XI, they should know who I’m facing in my next title defence and why this match against Keira is a dream match of mine! As for whether I’m ready for this or not, well, that will answer itself, won’t it?”[color]

“I suppose it will but just humour me, will you?” Marty asked and I nodded in response. “Krystal your title defence against Keira is being predicted as the end of your title reign, do you have anything to say about that?”

”Well, those predictions clearly aren’t coming from Denzel Porter because he has me down to retain the title!” I pointed out as I shifted my weight. ”But at the same time I’m not going to sit here and pretend like Keira is like everyone else I’ve defended the title against to date, she’s a legend in SCW and you need only look at her accomplishments to see what I’m talking about! But this iron grip on the Bombshell Roulette Title isn’t being loosened any time soon, I’ve put this title back on the map with my reign and I’m not giving it up!”

“I would expect nothing less.” Marty nodded as I got ready for his next question. “Kate Steele has been campaigning for a shot at the Roulette Title since she beat you in a non-title match at the beginning of the cycle, what do you say to that?”

”I wasn’t aware that title shots were being given out for fluke victories?” I asked mockingly before flipping some hair over my shoulder. ”That aside, I’ll refer you to what I said during the contract signing between me and Keira, I’m a competitor first and a champion second and if she wants a shot at me, all Kate needs to do is ask! But right now? I’m busy with someone who I’ve wanted to face since I enrolled at the Go Gym so Kate will have to wait until I’m done with Keira.”

“Let’s talk about that bucket list of yours, Keira and Roxi are your only confirmed named as of now, but who else is on there?” Marty asked and I shook my head.

”Most of the names have moved on but there’s still a few left, and I’m not revealing any names just yet.” I added before leaning back in my chair. ”Keira just happens to be the one who came forward first but she isn’t the only current roster member on that list! As far as I’m concerned, those names will reveal themselves in due time!”

“Speaking of time, I believe it’s high time that I let you get on with your promo.” Marty added as he checked the time on his watch. “The floors all yours.”

”I was wondering when we’d get to this point.” I nodded in agreement before I got ready to cut my promo. ”Inception IV, one year ago was when I made my SCW Supercard debut and it was the only Supercard in 2021 that I was defeated at! This year is about two things for me, picking up where I left off in 2021 and avenging two blemishes on my 2021 record, one blemish will be rectified in the next cycle but until then I’ve got the toughest defence of my reign to date in Keira.”

This will be good.

”Keira I’d say that I respect the hell out of you as a competitor but I think that’s redundant at this point because I don’t think you’d be on my bucket list if the respect wasn’t there, do you?” I asked before patting my title. ”No, you wouldn’t, would you? I know you are a legend of the Bombshell Division in singles and tag team competition but I’m not backing down from this fight, off course, I know you won’t back down either!”

Something’s gotta give.

”But then the question becomes, what will it take for either of us to win this match?” I asked before thinking for a minute. ”Obviously the Roulette Wheel will play a huge part in determining just that, but I’ve been champion long enough to know how cruel that wheel can be, or do I need to remind you of the time when I defended the title in a mud-pit match? I like to think that I know all the tricks that wheel can and will throw at me but who knows at this point? But there is one thing I know for sure Keira.”

And it’s a big thing!

”That this match will be everything I dreamed off and more! The fact that the Roulette Title is on the line is just the icing on a delicious cake!” And now I’m being reminded of that cake Adrienne baked me for my 200th day as Bombshell Roulette Champion. ”I would apologize for making you hungry Keira but you’ve got the biggest appetite I’ve ever seen and my cousin is a stoner! Joking aside, the mutual respect between us was always there but the real question is, can my reign survive this title match?”

I think it can.

”Now, if we’re being brutally honest? I’ve had my doubts about the reign lasting past this defence since the match was made official but here’s the thing Keira, I’m not about to let those doubts get to me!” I added as I grinned broadly. ”You said it yourself, I’ve proven myself to be one of the best Bombshells in the division and anyone who thinks otherwise is just delusional at this point but this match is between an all-time great and one of the best current Bombshells in the division, that’s all that matters in the end but can a prodigy like me beat an all-time great?”

Good question.

”I don’t think I can beat you Keira.” I commented causing shocked gasps from the others in the studio. ”I know I can!” I added and the others in the studio breathed sighs of relief. ”Sorry for the bait and switch but I couldn’t help myself! Keira you were right when you said that facing Team Hero as a team is different from facing them individually but as far as I’m concerned? I can’t think of a better showcase for that than this Roulette Title Match because not only will I make it to eight defences by beating someone who inspired me to become a wrestler but I will avenge that loss at the Christmas Special.”

We’re not that different.

”I don’t think it’s clicked in with people just how similar we are Keira so let me give you the rundown, we’re both LGTBQ women’s wrestlers who are in relationships with other women and have young children but that’s just taking our personal lives into account, in our professional lives?” I asked before flipping some hair over my shoulder. ”We are among the best but some people refuse to let go of the past, whether that is your World Bombshell Title reign or my six month long losing streak, both of which happened last year for those who are keeping score at home, even though that is long past us and we’ve moved on with our lives and careers! Those similarities make for an interesting match don’t they Keira?”

But what does it mean for this match?

”Interesting is one way to describe it I guess but I guess another way to look at it is that it’s a test to see if my statement rings true! That the era of Team Hero is over and the era of Krystal Wolfe has begun.” I added before I flipped my hair over my shoulder. ”Sure, it could be said that that was proven false when I was pinned at the Christmas Show last month but you said it yourself, facing Team Hero as a unit is one thing, facing you or Roxi alone is another thing entirely and I’ll prove that next Sunday at Inception V when I retain the title over you Keira.”

What will the future hold?

”The similarities are there Keira! But they are a blessing and a curse because it feels like my reign has been an under a microscope since it began and I’m sure you felt the same way when you won the World Bombshell Title, with some people just waiting for me to fuck up! Hell, those people might look at my losses in this cycle and think that the chinks in my armour are finally starting to show, I on the other hand think that it’s just a sign of the times.” I added before putting the Roulette Title on the desk in front of me. ”Because the bosses have found themselves in a sticky situation by being forced to put me against people who have moved past this division long ago, but I will adapt to this change and my reign will survive through to the next cycle, as for what’s coming after thar?”

Dreams do come true.

”I’ve said it before in this promo but this match has been a dream of mine since I made that fateful decision to enrol at the Go Gym all those years ago! So, with that said I would like to sincerely thank you Keira for making at least one of my dreams come true.” I added as I held my index finger up. ”But now that the sloppy shit is out of the way, I can get down to business and my business is to retain the title over you! And business is going well for me Keira, will the same be said for you next Sunday?”

It’s that simple.

”I’m going to have to be the bearer of bad news Keira, business won’t be good for you at Inception V! It’s like I said last week, my SCW journey can be summed up in the phrase “how it started vs. how it’s going” and it’s been going very well for me since I won the title in May.” I added before flipping some hair over my shoulder. ”And my goal for the first half of 2022 is to make it to 300 days as champion, that gives me until May to hold onto the title and all I have to do is beat you to retain and get that ball rolling.”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

”I know it won’t be as easy as I’m making it sound, especially since I’ve signed up for this year’s Blast from the Past tournament but no one ever said that retaining titles in SCW was easy.” I added before grinning broadly. ”You just happen to be the toughest challenge of my reign to date and I welcome the challenge! But in the end you will be struck down by your longest reigning Bombshell Roulette Champion “Down Under Thunder” Krystal Wolfe! Long nay I reign in the Year of the Wolfe, because THAT is ready for Prime Time!”

“That’s all for today.” Marty announced as he turned to the camera. “Next episode is at Inception V!”

The camera panned out as the scene fades.

Offline Keira Fisher

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A New Keira
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2022, 11:54:55 PM »
The scene opens up not in the world we know, but in another. Jean Vale is seen looking around a lab to see if she could find something. She had been trying to find a cure for Keira’s predicament. Jean also knew that she didn’t have much time left in terms of finding it. If she didn’t soon, Keira would go past the point of no return and she had promised Keira that she would fix this after all Keira had done for Jean months ago. She looks at the bottle and begins to pull out a device to analyze it. Once it shows a negative result for what she’s looking for. She sits it down and sighs. She then says in an annoyed tone.

Jean: Damn. I was so close this time.

Jean puts the device away and turns away from the table. She sighs, feeling like this was next to impossible to find this cure. As she begins to open up the portal to the void, she hears a sound. She pulls out the device she was using to find the cure and goes past the table she was looking at. She sees the door that says top secret on it. She gives off a laugh on this and snaps her fingers, teleporting inside the room. She raises the device a bit to see if she could get a stronger signal from it. After a couple of minutes of this, she would get close to a bottle that was sitting on the table. The blue liquid was giving off the readings it needed for Jean to notice and as soon as she got close enough with the device, it would give off the readings she needed for the cure Keira needed. She smiles a bit, saying

Jean: Yes! This is it! This is giving out the energy of Keira, alright. I found it! I found the cure! This will finally fix Keira’s problem and she might have less worries down the road!

Jean puts the device away and produces an empty bottle she had hidden from the void. She then opens the other bottle and begins to pour just about enough to cure Keira. Once she does, she pulls out the device once more and uses it, showing that it was giving off enough energy to do just that. She gives off a smile as she puts the device away and looks at the bottle. She then says

Jean: Don’t worry, Keira. I promised you the cure. I meant it. I’m coming sweet cheeks!

Jean smiles a bit at this as she turns and snaps her fingers, opening the portal to the void. She slowly enters it while still smiling. She finishes entering it as the portal closes, going back to her prime universe The scene begins to fade as it shows the original bottle having some writing on it, saying, “Dangerous Experiment. DO NOT USE TIL INSTRUCTED. Subject Z.”

The scene opens up days later with Keira coming upstairs from a huge training session to be ready for her match against Krystal. She goes to the kitchen and grabs herself a bottle of water. As she does, she sees Roxi setting up the table for breakfast. Keira smiles as she leans back down and grabs another bottle of water. She shuts the fridge and turns to Roxi, shouting out.

Keira: Heads Up!

Keira throws the bottle of water to Roxi and Roxi quickly catches it. Keira smirks a bit as she says

Keira: Nice catch

Roxi: Heh, guess I’m not as old as you think I am, Keira.

Keira sighs over this as she goes and sits at the table with Roxi. She then says

Keira: Babe, I said I was sorry. I did that to rile you up. To get you to fight since we haven’t trained like that in ages. What do I have to do? Ram my head into the wall?

Roxi quickly turns and kisses Keira. She then says

Roxi: Baby. I was joking. I forgave you already for it.

Keira looks at Roxi and slaps her shoulder playfully. She then says

Keira: You’re the worst, Roxi Johnson.

Roxi: Really? Pot, meet Kettle. You’re worse than I am.

Keira: Really? I don’t post sexy pictures on Twitter.


Keira: Every Tuesday, I meant to say.

Roxi: Yet you still post under it with your little Rawr word.

Keira: Can you blame me? You’re beautiful, Roxi. After all these years, you’re still the most beautiful woman on Planet Earth.

Keira leans in and gives Roxi a soft kiss to reassure her, saying

Keira: And I wouldn’t trade that for anything in the world, my love.

Roxi: Not even for Jean?

Keira starts to give Roxi a stern look as soon as she says Jean’s name. She then says to Roxi

Keira: Babe, not even for her and you know that. Hopefully, she can come through with the cure soon.

Roxi: I’m sorta worried about that. If she does find it. I feel like it might become a version of our equalizer we have here. It might take your powers away.

Keira gives a sigh, but then quickly says

Keira: I know, Roxi. But this is the risk I have to take at this point. I’ve been fighting for a life that I could be proud of for so many years now. Each time we get that, something always happens. Hell, when I get to wrestle at SCW now, it feels like a relief to me. Normal like, that’s another reason as to why I’m excited to face off against Krystal. I know she’ll give me the challenge. But at the same time. I can be just me.

Keira then smirks, saying

Keira: But it would be good to get the Bombshell Roulette Championship around my waist as well. Not going to lie on that, baby.

Keira then takes a deep breath and continues to speak

Keira: But if this cure, whatever form it might come in. If this cure takes away my powers. Then so be it. As much as I want to keep fighting, keep saving the world. One day, I’m going to have to make the choice. I know you always say to me that if I want to step down, that I can. But as long as I can keep on fighting, I will. But if this cure takes my powers away, then I’ll be ok with it.

Keira sighs as she then says

Keira: That doesn’t mean I won’t worry about you when you go out there and save the world. But I know you’ll do fine. You’re smarter than me in terms of your skills as a detective in a way. You’re the best.

Roxi smiles a bit, saying.

Roxi: Don’t sell yourself short, Keira. You’re stronger than me and I will admit that tenfold. If it does happen where you lose your powers. It’ll really suck. But no one in the world will replace you on the field. You’re my wife, forever and a day. But on the field, you’re my partner as well. Powers or no Powers.

Keira gives a smile to Roxi. It was starting to make her feel better in a way. She then says to Roxi

Keira: Thank you. Now I feel better. Hopefully, whatever the cure does to me. I hope it can finally fix me and I can hopefully not worry about trying to go for Baby number two down the road.

Roxi: Me too. But I’m going to hold onto faith, Keira. Faith that Jean will find the cure and hopefully, not what we think it might be in it that will lose your powers or many other things.

As she says that, Nate was seen coming into the kitchen. Roxi sees it and picks him up, giving him a kiss on the cheek. Keira stands and gives Nate a kiss on the cheek as well. Keira then says

Keira: There’s my little monster!

Nate: I’m not a monster, Mama. I’m Nate!

Keira: Hehe. Are you excited for Kindergarten soon?

Nate: I am! I can’t wait!

Keira smiles, but it was tearing her up inside. Her little boy was growing up some more. She take a deep breath, saying

Keira: Well, we got to get you some new clothes for this, don’t we?

Nate: Mhmm!

Roxi: Tell you what. I got to go out today. How about you and I spend some time, Nate? Then tomorrow, you, me and Mama can get some ice cream to celebrate?

Nate: Yay!

Keira: Yay!

Keira smiles as Roxi and Nate begin to get ready. After a few minutes, Keira was now in the living room, sitting on the couch as Roxi and Nate were coming downstairs. Roxi shouts out

Roxi: Keira, we’ll be gone for a bit. If you need anything from the store, call me.

Keira: I will, you two be careful and have fun!

Roxi nods as her and Nate exit the house. Keira slowly begins to lay down on the couch, deciding to go ahead and take a nap for a bit. She slowly closes her eyes and begins to fall asleep. Fifteen minutes later, Keira was woken up by the sound of a poof that was heard. She looks up and gets up from the couch, rushing upstairs. She opens the door to see Jean standing in Keira and Roxi’s bedroom. A smile was seen on Jean’s face as Keira asks

Keira: Jean? What are you doing here?

Jean continues to smile as she gets closer to Keira. She then says to her.

Jean: Oh, thought I’d come by and see if you needed something really hot to look at. Which is me, by the way.

Keira: Ok, how about you try it again and this time, the truth? But with you, that is the truth.

Jean places her hand on her chest, saying in a sarcastic tone

Jean: Keira! You wound me! Why would I ever do that to you? All I ever did was give you so much love and attention!

Keira: And tried to get in my pants several times. It’s not working right now, Jean Vale. Plus, I know you too well.

Jean smirks as she says

Jean: Ok, ok. You got me. I did come back for something important, though.

Keira looks at Jean for a moment, her eyes widened, wanting to ask, but Jean nods, giving Keira the confirmation she needed. She screams out in a happy manner and begins to hug Jean in a tight, but happy way. She twirls around, Jean still in her arms as Keira was celebrating. After a few more seconds, Keira sits Jean back down softly and lets go. She says

Keira: How? How did you find it this quickly!?

Jean: To be honest, I don’t know. Either it was sheer luck or pure skill. I know I was in this lab, checking the stuff out with my device. At first, I thought I had struck out and I was going to leave. But my device went insane. After going deeper, using my powers to find it. I found where it was. Matched the signal I needed for it and everything!

Keira: Wait, signal? What signal?

Jean: I had tuned my device to your signature, making sure that I can find the cure easily. There had to be a universe where it had been made using a little bit of your DNA. Before you say it. I tested it, it’s the cure.

Keira: But we don’t know the side effects either, Jean! It could either get rid of my powers or something else!

Jean: Keira, if you’re legit about another world ending situation by taking this. Don’t worry, it’s not THAT bad. There might be some side effects we don’t know yet. I won’t stand here and straight up lie to you, Keira. But at this point and with how much time you have left before you’re not able to…

Keira sighs as she looks down and rubs her belly, knowing what Jean meant. Jean then continues

Jean: If we have to, we can study the side effects after you take it. But the longer you wait. The more risk it may take and also that it might not work.

Keira thinks about this for a few moments. She had wanted this for so long, but now there might be risks if she hesitates. Keira shakes her head, saying

Keira: Ok, give it to me.

Jean shakes her head, saying

Jean: No.

Keira’s eyes widened over this, shouting out

Keira: Why not!?

Jean: Cause I actually want to wait til Roxi gets here. That way, if something DOES happen. You’ll have me and her to help you. We don’t want to lose you, Keira. Side effects or no side effects!

Keira sighs, but gives a nod, saying.

Keira: Ok, Jean. We can wait.

Keira and Jean begin to head out of the room and go straight to the living room as the two sit down and wait. Keira takes out her phone and texts Roxi to get home soon and that it was important. Nearly an hour later, Roxi is seen opening the door as Nate enters in as happy as he can be. He sees Keira and rushes over to hug her. Keira smiles as she gives Nate a hug back. Nate says to Keira

Nate: Mama, we got some good clothes. I’m ready for school now!

Keira gives a giggle, showing Roxi that nothing was wrong to a degree. Keira then says to Nate

Keira: Good boy. Now go to your room. Me, Mommy and Aunt Jean have to talk about important adult business.

Nate nods as he runs up to his room, being as happy as he can be. As he is gone from their sight, the three turn to each other, Roxi saying

Roxi: Ok, what is this all about and Jean, why are you here so quickly after being here about a week ag–

Jean doesn’t waste any time at all and puts the bottle that contains Keira’s cure in it. Roxi sees it and quickly asks

Roxi: Is that…what I think it is?

Jean: Yep. That’s the cure. I found it.

Roxi: Why haven’t you taken it yet, Keira? It’s what you were waiting for.

Keira sighs a bit as she says

Keira: Yea, that’s the thing. We were waiting for you to get home for this.

Roxi: I’m here now, go ahead. If it can cure you.

Jean: Roxi, you better sit down. I got to explain to you what I explained to Keira.

Roxi could see the look on Jean’s face as well as hearing her tone, way different than what she usually is around the two. She sits down and looks at the two as Jean explains everything that she had told Keira. Once she gets finished, Roxi gives out a huge sigh. She looks at Keira and says

Roxi: Keira, I don’t think you should take it. I feel like I could be right with you losing your powers if that is the case. Plus, we don’t even know what other side effects this thing could have!

Keira: I know, but this is a risk you know I have to take!

Roxi: If it’s bothering you this much, we can try to adopt a child or we could get Christine or someone else to be a surrogate again. Jean could try to find another universe for a different cure.

Jean quickly chimes in, saying

Jean: Afraid not. This is the only one I could find in any of the universes. It’s make or break on this.

Roxi sighs on this as she says to Keira

Roxi: Keira, I don’t want to lose you. If you have no powers, fine. But if that cure takes you away from me. I can never forgive myself. Jean, I know you did all you could. I thank you.

Jean: Keira was the one who asked me to do this, Roxi.

Roxi: I know.

Roxi goes to Keira and looks her into the eyes. She then says

Roxi: I’m going to ask you myself, Keira. Are you sure this is what you want to do? Do you really want to take this risk?

Keira takes a deep breath, thinking for a moment about all of this. She looks Roxi in the eye and says

Keira: Roxi, all our lives, we took risks. I took many myself after meeting you. Reuniting a family, building our own. Going through Hell and Back to make sure we got what we wanted in life. Yes, we still fight and we still take risks. This is a risk I have to take, Roxi.

Keira keeps looking Roxi in the eyes as she says

Keira: I can’t let her win and you know it. So please, let me take this risk. Whatever happens, I know you will save me. I trust you, Roxi.

Roxi sighs, knowing Keira shouldn’t do this. But she had to trust Keira on this. She then says

Roxi: Ok, Keira. I’ll be ready, just in case something happens.

Keira nods as she slowly stands up and looks at the table that had the bottle for the cure sitting on it. She leans down and slowly takes a hold of it. She does give a worried sigh over this. But she knew it was now or never. She takes the bottle and opens it. She takes a deep breath and drinks it. She quickly sits it down and sits down quickly on the chair, just in case something would happen. She begins to groan in pain. Her body began to sweat intensely as the cure was slowly going through her body. She then screams out in intense pain as she falls out of the chair. Roxi and Jean quickly rush to Keira with Roxi screaming out

Roxi: KEIRA, NO! FIGHT IT! FIGHT IT! DON’T YOU DIE ON ME, KEIRA! Jean, you got to do something!

Jean: I don’t know what to do! I seriously don’t!

Keira screams once more before she finally passes out. Roxi quickly checks Keira’s chest to make sure her heart was beating. For a moment, Roxi gets worried, but once she hears a heartbeat, Roxi gives out a huge sigh. Roxi and Jean begin to help up Keira and lay her on the couch to let her rest. An hour later, Keira slowly wakes up and sees Roxi and Jean sitting on chairs. They see Keira finally awake as they go to her while Keira is slowly standing. Roxi asks Keira.

Roxi: Are you ok, Keira?

Keira takes a deep breath and says

Keira: Yea, a little weak. But I’m fine.

Keira begins to see if she could power up. She screams and sees if she could go to her Super Form. After a few tries, Keira stops and gets a bit mad.

Keira: Damn it! It did it. It took my powers. I’m…normal.

Keira lowers her head as Jean says

Jean: Keira. I’m sorry, I…

Before Roxi could say anything. Keira screams in intense anger. When she does, she goes right into her Super form, like it was the very first time again. Keira slowly quiets down and feels her ki energy rise again. She slowly powers down and sighs. She then turns to Roxi and Jean, saying

Keira: Sorry. I guess it took a little more time for my energy to come back. I’m sorry.

Roxi smiles as she gives Keira a huge hug and a kiss, relieved that Keira was alright. Jean smiles as she goes over to the two and hugs them for a moment. She then lets go and says

Jean: Well, I did my part. But I still want to make sure you don’t have any side effects. I’m going to keep an eye on you, Keira. More so than usual. Roxi, if anything happens, you know what to do.

Roxi: I do, be careful Jean.

Jean nods as she turns and vanishes from the living room, going back to the void for the time being. Keira and Roxi turn to each other as Roxi says to Keira

Roxi: You know how to scare someone, Keira.

Keira: I’m sorry, Roxi. I don’t mean to scare you. But for a bit there. I thought it was it. Something was just making me want to never wake up again. It’s strange. But I’m feeling better now.

Roxi: Well, we don’t know if the cure has fully done the job. We may have to run some tests with the GUILD. But once we do, hopefully it’s good news.

Keira gives a nod at this as she hugs and kisses Roxi deeply. She breaks it as she says

Keira: Well, now that we’re waiting. I’m starving! I could go for 150 Steaks right about now!

Roxi shakes her head and giggles, saying

Roxi: Yea, you’re still the same old Keira. Come on. Let’s fix something to eat.

The two begin to head into the kitchen as the scene fades.


The scene opens up a couple of days before the Supercard where we see Keira dressed up to go to the airport. They had decided to travel normal for a bit to avoid anything suspicious. As Keira begins to turn to grab her bags, Roxi is seen coming down the stairs with her bags. Keira does smile a bit as she asks

Keira: Well, ready to go, babe? Plane leaves in 5 hours.

Roxi: Yea, considering all we have to go through just to wait. Best to go ahead and go now.

Keira: Do you have the list just in case we can bring something back for Nate?

Roxi: Of course, dear.

Keira gives a bit of a giggle over this. She then says to Roxi

Keira: Sorry, guess I’m a tad bit nervous.

Roxi: You have nothing to be nervous about. You wanted this match for a long time. You wanted new challengers and now you’re about to get it.

Keira gives a huge smile as she hugs Roxi. She breaks it off quickly as she grabs her bag and says

Keira: Well then, I believe we have a plane to catch. Shall we?

Roxi: We shall!

The two hold hands and exit the house to get to the airport as the scene fades


And here we are.

We are just mere days away, the moment of truth! Inception! Keira Fisher, the challenger. The legend! The hot chick with the blonde hair!

Maybe I should stop right there before I grow an ego the size of Godzilla. Facing off against the Champion. A woman who has that Bombshell Roulette Championship for the longest time. I know she’ll give off a number. But it won’t matter after This Sunday. She is Krystal Wolfe!

Huh, I should have been a ring announcer. Oh well.

The stage is set, and I know we are both ready. All that’s missing from this is Michael Buffer giving the “LET’S GET READY TO RUMBBBBBLLLLLLLEE!” catchphrase, and we’d have everything set up for a match this big. It’s going to be HUGE!

But in all seriousness, Krystal. You’ve been on me on and on for weeks on end, even on Twitter about how a new generation will be ushered in and how Team Hero is the past or some crap like that. I didn’t want to say it like this, Krystal cause I was being a good friend and all. But as the old saying goes. “You’re writing checks that your ass can’t cash!” Sure, you’ve been able to back it up ALOT in your long title reign. Again, I won’t sugarcoat that. But you think, you actually think that you got me figured out? Nah. Your run has been nothing short of impressive, I will always give you that credit. But this match, this is where it ends. This is where I beat you and win the Bombshell Roulette Championship. They say all good things come to an end, and this is where your good thing comes to an end. I can tell you now, based on this run you are on, you will be right back into the title picture, no matter which title it is. I’ve watched and studied you and you have all the tools it takes to be a champion again, but at Inception, I’m going to take you down, because I know that I can beat you.

Once again I give you the example of how your mouth ran and got you a match with Team Hero. I wanted that to be our warm up, but when it turned into basically a Holiday themed Hardcore match. Well…

You were not ready for it.

That warm up turned into a blazing inferno! Yet it was STILL  only a fraction of what I’m going to do to you at Inception. For you see, I know how it feels to hold that title. You already know that. I know most of the stipulations from it’s past to the present, a few new ones might be added in. Which is fine with me. Cause in all honesty, Krystal. I don’t think you’re ready for me in any of them. If it's Hell In A Cell? DONE! A ladder match? You might have a chance, a slight one. Maybe.

Oh! Oh! First Blood match? Haven’t done that in a long time. Sure! Can beat you in that. Proved that when the shards made you bleed! Last Woman Standing? Bring it, can’t wait for that. Hell, I’ll take someone on a forklift match!

Ok, scratch that last one from the idea book. That’s dumb.

What I’m saying is, I don’t care what match will be in effect when that wheel is finished spinning. I have been training for everything that can possibly happen. I have not spent this holiday break getting fat or out of shape, no, once the new year hit, and for the past 19 days, 19 of them, I have been training day and night, to prepare for this match. I wanted to be even better than the match we already had. So, yes, that’s why I’m confident. I have never felt better than I do now. I am ready for this match. I am at the very top of my game. So, I want you to bring your A Game, Krystal. You hold the record, it won’t be taken away from you for a long while. But you want to extend it further? Prove it to me! DO NOT HOLD BACK AGAINST ME, YOU BLUE HAIRED BITCH!

I’m sorry for calling you that. But now you face me at my best. You wanted me at my best? You got it. You get the 100 Percent, Balls to the Wall, No BS from me, I’m going to knock the legit crap out of you and come back for more, you better knock me down the first time cause if you don’t, I won’t stop, KEIRA FISHER-JOHNSON!

Once the bell rings, Krystal, all bets are off. Outside the ring, we can still be friends, but this match is the one where you don’t get to keep that championship. I hope you can deal with not walking away with it. I know you are good with that. I hope you can handle loss, because this time, there is no Jessie or Roxi involved. It’s you and me, and I’m hungry for that title. And everybody knows what it’s like when I’m hungry for something. I want to eat whatever is in front of me. And that Roulette title is going to be a FEAST for me. I’m prepared to do everything and anything necessary to win that championship. I’ve been itching to get back in the ring. I’m bouncing off the walls in the gym at home. I’m hitting things harder, I’m moving faster, because this match is everything to me.

So, while you may have become attached to that championship, you may cherish it, and you may even sleep with it, I don’t know, but at Inception, I’m taking it away from you and you will have to cope with that. On the bright side, you will have a lighter suitcase to bring home. And while mine will be heavier, you can trust and believe that I’m strong enough to carry it with me. You don’t have to worry about me failing with that title, Krystal, I’ve held it before, and I am aware of the responsibilities of being the Bombshell Roulette Champion. So, I know, and you can rest assured, I’ll do just fine, in continuing the legacy you have put on that championship.

I’m like the lioness on the savannah Krystal, and you’re like the gazelle running away from me. You can only run so far, and I’m going to keep coming. I’m going to track you down, I’m going to chase you, and put you in that corner, and I know, they say a trapped animal is the most dangerous, because it understands it’s life is on the line. So, that’s where you’re going to have to fight harder than you ever have before, Krystal. I’m not out for your life, or your career, but I’m still hunting you nonetheless. You should be well aware of the target on your back that comes from being the champion. You have been able to dodge, and avoid and slip by, and even shine with that target on your back. But you should know, I’m a crack shot, and I’ve taken careful aim. And you are firmly in my crosshairs.

The time for talk is officially over, Krystal. I love you, always. But once that bell rings. You’re mine and I won’t stop til I become the one that takes your Bombshell Roulette Championship from your hands. I won’t stop til I’m known as the “One”. The one that beat Krystal in a title match and ended her longest Bombshell Roulette Championship reign. I will be the One, Krystal. I promise you that.

Kisses and Punches,

Your best friend,