Author Topic: Ted  (Read 425 times)

Offline SenorVinnie

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    • Senor Vinnie
« on: August 14, 2020, 09:23:18 PM »
Good Vinnie, Bad Vinnie…., who is the real Vinnie??? Part three

Internet championship.

The shot opens with Senor Vinnie seated in a restaurant at a table for two, there’s two plates filled with food on either side of the table and yet there’s only Vinnie to be seen. The camera zooms in on the newly crowned Internet champion, who is seemingly talking to himself.

Good Vinnie: Now I have to thank you for the suggestion of ordering some sea food at this restaurant, I have to admit that this is one delicious dish. What do they call this cuisine???

The camera turns towards the empty seat as we suddenly see Vinnie sitting down at the other spot of the table and grabs a fork before pushing it into a piece of meat.

Bad Vinnie: Your welcome Vinnie, this typical fish is called Fish Sticks. I picked this up during a stay in the Netherlands, where I saw a commercial about a brand that is called Captain Iglo. Comparing the nice crispy fish as a Golden reward. It stayed with me for a long time and I….

Vinnie excuses himself as he grabs a napkin and wipes some spots of Fish Sticks off of his mouth and walks over to the other side of the table.

Good Vinnie: When was that stay Vinnie?? I mean you opened your eyes this past December. I cannot remember us ever visiting that country in Europe.

Vinnie walks over towards the other side of the table and nods his head to what the “other” Vinnie just mentioned.

Bad Vinnie: That is true Vinnie, I merely visited the Dutch version of Netflix, using your VPN program that was very interesting. I watched something and then saw that commercial that intrigued me about Captain Iglo. That I just had to try it and liked it.

Vinnie walks over towards the other part of the table and takes a sip of orange juice before taking another bite of the Fïsh Stick.

Good Vinnie: I figured it had to be something like that, I like it. It’s just such a sad thing that it gets cold this quickly.

He places the fork next to his plate and stares at the reminding fish sticks and sighs

Good Vinnie: Would it help if I just throw it into a microwave back into our hotel room Vin???

This time he decides to be seated in the chair as we see his eyes twitch a little and shakes his head in disagreement.

Bad Vinnie: Unfortunately Vin, this is really a one time thing. If you allow it to get it cold and then heat it up again then you will realize it will lose all the possible flavour it once had. It’s just like eating pizza, you cannot save it for another night you know??

He takes another sip from his glass and gurgles for a few moments and then swallows it in one swift move.

Bad Vinnie: That sure has hit the spot wouldn’t you agree?? No wait, I have a question to ask you before you answer that.

Good Vinnie: What’s that??

Bad Vinnie: Did you know that our friend Pete is dating a dog???

Vinnie’s face suddenly changes into a look of surprise.

Good Vinnie: What?? Is he cheating on Iris????

A look of shock emerges on the face of Vinnie, a look that does not last long as Vinnie slaps himself in the face with an open hand for a few times

Bad Vinnie: Calm down Vinnie!! Of course he is not cheating on that flea bag!! But I wonder what in the hell came over you to even encourage something like….. THIS!!!

He extends his arm in the open air in front of him, emphasizing the final word in his last sentence.

Bad Vinnie: Now I am the last one that would disallow something out of the ordinary. But you have to admit that it does not make our cause to protect the internet a valid one wouldn’t you agree??

Good Vinnie: What do you mean??

Vinnie stops talking, he taps his fingers after a few moments on the table that he is seated in as he clearly did not expected this question to come from one of his personalities.

Good Vinnie: Vinnie???

Bad Vinnie: I am thinking!!!

Vinnie nods his head, as the apparently Good Vinnie understands the position that the Bad vinnie had put himself in. He grabs a napkin and unfolds it in front of himself and tries to make a figure out of it.

Good Vinnie: What are you doing???

No answer comes from “himself” as he continues to make a boat out of the napkin.

Good Vinnie: A boat Vinnie?? Seriously?? That is what kids used to make out of newspapers. But that does not answer my que….

Vinnie puts a finger to his mouth, telling himself to be quiet as he grabs another napkin. This time he has the napkin in front of him, but isn’t doing a thing with it.

Good Vinnie: Vinnie???


He scratches his head before putting his arms across his chest and awaits the answer that “he” would give “Himself”

Good Vinnie: This is going to be good.

Vinnie remains silent for a while before an imaginary lightbulb appears above his head and has an snister smile

Bad Vinnie: I knew I was te smart one of between the two of us.

There’s a moment of silence

Bad Vinnie: You may ask yourself what in the hell Pete dating Iris has got to do with a napkin turning into a boat and another one still being a napkin??

There’s another moment of silence.

Bad Vinnie: last year it was you dating Valora, causing you two to get wed on that boat.

Vinnie rolls his eyes when hearing the first part of his own “explanation”

Good vinnie: Yes, so???

The smile returns as Vinnie continues to educate “himself”

Bad Vinnie: Isn’t it obvious??

Vinnie scratches his chin for a few moments, clearly he is thinking about the obvious part of it all.

Good Vinnie: Not really, unless you want to suggest that these two want to wreck havok next year on that cruise ship?? I…..


Vinnie startled over his own reaction towards himself suddenly quieten

Bad Vinnie: Thank you, as I was about to explain is that Pete had his heart set on asking that mut to be his wife on that boat. But noooo, you…..

Vinnie suddenly blinks with his eyes in utter shock.

Good Vinnie: Wha?????

Vinnie nods his head

Bad Vinnie: Yes Vinnie, but you were so selfishly wanting that trip on that little rowboat to be

Good Vinnie: Row Boat?? I…

Vinnie silences “Himself” by putting a finger towards his mouth as he nods in understanding.

Bad Vinnie: Thank you Vinnie, I would appreciate it if you did not interject when I speak, unless I tell you to speak you got me?


Bad Vinnie: This is an example of a moment that you could speak Vin.

Good Vinnie: Oh excuse me, I…

Vinnie puts once again a finger to his mouth.

Bad Vinnie: But just like your opportunities to beat Fenris, you blew it and now have to wait for another opportunity. So please keep up will ya???

Vinnie nods in understanding.

Bad Vinnie: Good, I knew you would come around rather quickly.

He is bout to say something as the shot fades.

And I was 'round when Jesus Christ
Had his moment of doubt and pain

Good Vinnie: Howdy yall!!

We open up on Vinnie’s hotel room as he is rocking on a rocking chair on his balcony, supporting the internet championship belt across his lap.

Good Vinnie: I know that all my little Vinnie fans have been desperately waiting for me to speak, so I asked upon social media for those to speak out or hold their peace forever.

He smiles while winking with his left eye.

Good Vinnie: Now I can hear you all think, Vinnie?? Isn’t that a wedding thing that turns up in all kinds of bad movies?? And yes, you are right. But I was not hoping for people to propose to me, I was asking people to make themselves relevant. Therefor making my title reign relevant, so I issued an open challenge.

His smile turns into an even bigger one

Good Vinnie: And I know that all of your little heads are going crazy, wondering who would possibly answer my open challenge. I know that a little group of you do not know who has answered, as social media is an environment that is not yet suitable for your precious minds. You see, there are a lot of foul mouthed people who like to say mean things about you. Like yours truly, I have been told many of times that I am an not so bright guy because I talk to a cactus.

He pouts his lips for a few moments to emphasise that he does not like those “mean remarks”

Good Vinnie: And yet nothing will keep me down from being the best internet champion that you have ever witnessed in your entire life. But back to my challenge, I got two responses from two familiar names. Teddy Warren-Steele and Caleb Storms. And Teddy has received the opportunity to be my first challenger, my first threat to my championship and my first opportunity that it was not a fluke to have obtained this championship.

He pats the title with the palm of his right hand before rubbing the gold plate with his hand

Good Vinnie: And you have to understand that Teddy has faced me before when I was World champion, in a non-title match. Hoping to earn a championship opportunity down the road. Well obviously we all know how that turned out don’t we??

He grins as he shakes his head.

Good Vinnie: No Bad Vinnie, it is my turn to talk. You have your spot later on if you are nice and keep up with the rules of the game. But back to you Teddy, did you still think back to that day amigo?? Did you ever wonder how you possibly had lost to a man of my stature?? Or should I say lack off? Its basically the same routine that you oh so normally minded wrestlers would come up with. Brilliant minds think a like huh?? Well I guess except for a few, you all were proven wrong by the most brilliant mind of them all…. El Senor Vinnie.

The name I am sure that has haunted you for a long time huh?? Just like Griffin Hawkins I am sure, just like who else has tortured you on Social media as of late…. And why is that Teddy?? Because you are a bigger fool on the net than yours truly??? Tell me and I will phantom with amazement of how you could always come up with the simplest things EVER…. Before I just have to shake my head and tell you no.

No Teddy, it’s quite obvious that I did this for a reason. Issuing an open challenge to get rid of those who have been a baggage to my life. Baggage, or should I just compare you to weeds?? No not the drug that people like to use to get high…, the annoying and disturbing growth that will haunt your garden and the rest of it all if you do not keep your garden protected from it. Where you have to pull it out, only to know that it will always comes back once you get in contact with it???

Oh I may be the lucky one so far, knowing that this is merely round two. But how long will that last senor Teddy?? Will you want to haunt my life until I slip up once and have you brag about it for eternity?? Or will you just realize that just like those tweet wars you have been part off…. That none of them you could ever win?? Just like facing the man that once again has become champion.

El campione senor…

He looks over to the belt and taps it once again

Good Vinnie: Sooner or later I knew that you would throw your name in the hat and tell the world that you will do better this time. That you have learned, that you have mastered to dive into the sanity that is my insanity?? How quant to almost predict word for word what will be uttered and what could be assumed step by step. It’s like Austin all over again, but unlike you… Austin has at least the talent to back up his words… and when he does not, heat least will never deny it…. Hardly something that I could assume a man of your lack of stature could do???

Now I know I may not be the biggest name when it comes down to many title reigns, but at least within twelve months I have earned two titles. What have you done for yourself lately?? And don’t worry, I am not going down with the obvious taunts of remarks that others do. That ability to do so with the ability for you to utter the words of did he really say that will be Bad Vinnie of course.

He winks at the camera

Good Vinnie: It’s quite the tale isn’t it?? How one tale went down, but by merely fighting and keeping your head up would end up with prestige. Where to as the other is just still finding the first page after the prelude of your tale of your existence. Maybe it would be wise to just step over to DVD and watch your career wash away before your very own eyes Teddy. Perhaps hurtful words, but they are meant with the utmost of respect and truth amigo. Something that you cannot profess to the world with a serious look on your face that anyone else has ever done something like that for your career.

I know you will thank me down the road when someone is foolish enough to enter you in the hall of fame ceremony of 2030. Perhaps another addition would be created for those who have contributed to the industry in a fashion that none of the wrestlers themselves would ever think of you. Making you feel just as special as anyone else that deserves to be there.

He taps his chin for a few moments and sighs.

Good Vinnie: Forgive me, I have allowed one slip of the tongue and allowed myself to be infected with Bad Vinnie’s personification of how he would tell you how much he cares…. How much he loves you, how much he wants to tell the world that he would not mind sharing a car with you down the road to get to another venue to fight in. You know, the classic days when wrestlers had to be kayfabe 24/7 to convince the wrestling fans that they truly were who they said they were. You know when someone bothers you when you try to decide whether to buy a Slim Jim or something else that only costs 2 bucks.

I know you have had those moments Teddy, I am sure we all have. But some of us survive by holding on to hopes of greener pastures….

He taps the championship belt to emphasise what he was trying to say

Good Vinnie: While others just sit there and do nothing, those who sometimes have a one in a million shot of ever obtaining something. And you once did… didn’t yoU?? And I have often thought of you in that perspective, merely to question myself whether I wanted to be remembered as a second rate Teddy. And just like many Care Bears who hate a Teddy Bear… I had to say no Teddy. No to everything that made me realize that I did not wanted to ride someone else’s coattail… even if it was merely a potted plant. I just hope you understand that after this Climax Control, you will come to realize that I have not stabilized in my career as you ave senor. Oh no, I have moved on and learned so much in the past year…. That I am even better when  even started at this joint. Being the hottest rookie prospect that got to challenge the almighty Fenris… only to fail just as you have done so many times senor. And that is where we differ, that is where we will move to different paths in the crossroad that has kept you down for way too long. That is were I want to remind you that I allow you to flourish as contender…. But fail into being once again an SCW champion….

Adios senor.

With that the shot fades

We cut back to Vinnie at the restaurant, still discussing with himself as the mood has gone a bit more entertaining. Solely upon the fact tha Vinnie has ordered a bottle of Dom Perignon and already has had two glasses filled before him.

Good Vinnie: So tell me Vinnie…,

Bad Vinnie: Arghh.., alright. I thought we could have kept this up for a few more weeks. So we could fill up some time for this stupid camera team to shoot for future shows. But NOOOOOOO Vinnie has to know it all, because he is basically Mr. I want to know it all for crying out loud.

Good Vinnie: Well…, I do like to know things

Vinnie grabs a glass of Dom and sips from it before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

Bad Vinnie: You see Vinnie, do you remember those dreams that you had with Pete being so vividly in them??

He nods his head while sipping some more

Bad Vinnie: Now do not be so enthusiastic for crying out loud!! But its ok, I know that you are too stuck up with yourself that you could have passed for Spock on crack. But it’s about Pete, he has always tried to convince you that he looks up to you.

Good Vinnie: He does???

Bad Vinnie: Of course he does, we are 6’8 for crying out loud!! But back to the point, when you got married on the ship he was so sad he could not be there. Then he met Iris and he had hoped that one day he could have done the same like you did… even do the dance as a married couple would do after the ceremony is over.

Good Vinnie: I…..,

Bad Vinnie: Did I say you could speak???


Bad Vinnie: Pete is crushed he could not do it on the night that you won the internet championship belt. He was devastated that you had success, that Iris was there… and he could not do anything else but be happy for you. And that is wrong Vin, you need to make it up to him.


Bad Vinnie: You can answer Vin

Good Vinnie: Well I will talk to Bill and see what we can do. I….

Bad Vinnie: Talk to Bill?? You need to get Pete a dog collar ring to give it to Iris. You need to get that guy a tux, you need to do more than just talk to Bill!!!

Good Vinnie: But…,

Vinnie grabs the other glass and downs it with a few tries before placing the glass down on the table and wipes his mouth.

Bad Vinnie: No more alcohol for you Vinnie, you talk funny when you are getting drunk. I cannot allow you to drink anymore!!!

He grabs the other glass and downs that one too, causing both glasses to be empty in rather quick pace.

 Bad Vinnie: The kid has feelings, he has so many spines that yearn for attention from that mut. He has brought her Pizza and any other fattening food that the slobbering dog likes to eat. He has given her diamonds and he has brought flowers… Hell…  he even wrote a poem.

Good Vinnie: A poem???

Bad Vinnie: Doggies shit, doggies bark… but when I look into your eyes I want to tw….

Good Vinnie: YOU CAN’T SAY THAT!!!!

Bad Vinnie: Oh whatever, you just need to tell that cactus that next year is going to be HIS moment son. Or else I am going to make it very difficult for you to be a champion if you do not accept my warning words.

Vinnie’s eyes grow huge

Good Vinnie: Wha???

Bad Vinnie: Oh hell yeah, you cannot deny the fact that my determination got you that shiny shiner belt. You became relevant mostly because of yours truly!!!

Good Vinnie: I did beat him last year without you Vin.

Bad Vinnie: And you allowed him to eliminate and injure you at the last show of last year…. So don’t start with what was your best day of the year. And even though it was great to see you gloat and be a success… it is now MY TIME and Pete’s!! So why don’t you be a good little boy and allow Pete to have his moment as I am allowing yours. Because if you don’t??? I will be the one that haunts your dreams even worse than Pete did.

Vinnie sighs and nods his head as he accepts the words that “he” uttered to himself.

Good Vinnie: Fine, because I remember the bathroom dream and I sure as hell do not want to see you filled with bubbles….

With that the shot fades.

Made damn sure that Pilate
Washed his hands and sealed his fate

Bad Vinnie: Ahhh…, it’s finally my time…. I had to bore myself with Vinnie’s excuses these days of why he is the champ. But we all know it was me wanting to open my dad’s eyes. So before I enter my opponents attention…. How are you dad??? Will you be at my college graduation party in a few years dad?? Are you proud now?? Do you recognize me as the equal to your big time career??

Wait…, Equal?? Hell nah!! I surpassed your ass and made you look like a fucking clown!! But no, I will allow you to challenge me for the belt if you want it…. Because if there’s anyone out there that will solidify my career as a champ it will be YOU. To at least make me tell the world that I did not get lucky, that I did not told that I am a paper champ and that I deserve it…… So why don’t you be a big boy dad and challenge me for the open challenge that I issued with this idiot that is called Vinnie.

But then again…., I need to talk about you don’t I Ted??? That’s right, I will call you the respectful way that I could call you Ted… and that is the way even that idiot Vinnie should do. But don’t tap yourself on the shoulder as being a big boy by this Ted…, because I pressure you to become a Ted. To be deserved to be a Ted for the rest of my life as long we get face to face every single time in that six sided ring. Because if you don’t do it after this Climax Control Ted…. I will make you regret ever being respected by the current SCW Internet champion called Big Bad Senor Vinnie.

Now I know, I know that this sounds idiotic, that this is what I will be calling myself… but who are you for instance to stop me Ted?? Are you the man that once held a championship?? Are you the one that surprised and shocked many?? Or are you just that one that is just stuck up between hair that is stuck everywhere on top of your head?? Giving aliens enough radiation so that they could watch how the planet Earth makes a complete joke of itself thanks to idiots like you. The only difference is that those idiots are capable of making a difference…. And I’ll be damned if I am going to allow you to get one on my watch

But don’t worry son, don’t worry. Because when I am done with you, I may persuade myself to call you uncle Ted. You know, it sounds funny and it sounds like as someone that is just merely related because you married family. Someone that is never going to be liked at parties, or allowed to turn over the meat on the BBQ son. Words that may sound weirdly coming from a man that has got a split personality… yet, it will always be a better suit than you will ever be son….

Choke it up…. I am the champ and you are not.