Author Topic: “New Year, New Angel Part III: Now What?”  (Read 1511 times)

Offline Ariana Angelos

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“New Year, New Angel Part III: Now What?”
« on: March 29, 2024, 08:58:30 PM »
(Miles and Carter were used with their handler’s permission)

Ariana would end up being pinned by Kayla again in the Mixed Tag Team Title match Main Event but that didn’t mean that all was lost for Ari as she was taking on two old foes in Seleana Zdunich and the Golden Briefcase holder Georgie Robertson in a Tripple Threat Match at Blaze of Glory! But before then? She was taking on a newcomer to SCW in Ericka Moore in singles action at Climax Control!

Ericka had been extremely impressive since signing with SCW including an undefeated streak that would undoubtedly put her on the shortlist for any future title opportunities! Ericka was also set to take on Ariana’s fellow Go Gym Graduate and friend turned enemy turned frenemy Krystal Wolfe in singles action at Blaze of Glory and you could bet that the Aussie was keeping a close eye on the matchup! Can Ariana score the win?

Ariana’s soon to be former home, Las Vegas, Nevada
Wednesday the 20th of March 2024, 18:00pm

So yeah, things aren’t going well for me this year, aren’t they?

Lost more matches than I’ve won, lost my mixed tag team title match to Kayla (again) and suffered my first ever draw, things could be going a lot better, let’s put it that way.

I was even considering entering the Blast from the Past Tournament for the second year in a row but I wasn’t sure if I was up for it, right now? I’ll just focus on taking my Climax Control bookings as they come, same with PPVs, speaking off, my streak of never missing a PPV was kept alive when my Triple Theat against Seleana and Georgie was announced but there’s one little catch: there’s two more shows between now and Blaze of Glory.

This week’s show which I’m not booked for and next weeks show, Climax Control 390, granted there’s no guarantee that I’ll be booked for the show but I won’t exactly complain if I was.

God knows I’ve done enough complaining since my first match with Courtney Pierce!

”Okay, Miles, bestie, thank you for helping us with the move.” I thanked Carter and his fiancé as I turned to he three men (Francisco was there as well) with the checklist in my hand, today was the moving day as we were finally set to move into our new house in North Las Vegas, everything had been set up at the new place, bills, internet, TV, everything, and the only thing left to do was move us, the pets and other stuff to the new place. ”So, Peaches has already been dealt with, we managed to coax her into a pet carrier by playing kitten noises over Francisco’s phone.”

“And the phone is still in the carrier? With Peaches? A feral cat?” Miles asked and I nodded before motioning to the cat carrier with peaches inside, she was content for the moment and was actually purring. “You’re not getting that phone back for the rest of the journey aren’t you Franky?”

”It was either that or get her into the carrier the normal way, she doesn’t like being picked up, my sister actually thought that me and Ari were into rough sex for a minute there.” Francisco explained and Carter and Miles nearly burst out laughing. ”Until I pointed out the lack of scratches on Ari.”

”That she could see!” I joked getting a laugh out of the guys. ”Luckily Athena’s a lot more reasonable when it comes to transporting her as you guys found out when we travelled up to Seattle for the Christmas when I was the Bombshell Roulette Champ and, well, dogs are happy to go anywhere so all that’s left is the electronic equipment and toiletries.” I added before setting the checklist aside. ”Any questions?”

”Where are the doggos anyway?” Carter asked as he looked around. ”I know we heard them when we pulled up.”

”Zeus, Echo and Oreo are in the backyard letting off some steam, they had the zoomies before you guys arrived.” Franisco responded as he motioned towards the backdoor to the year and they glanced out the window seeing the three dogs playing. ”Kinda hard to concentrate on getting stuff packed with one full grown Golden Lab, one border collie puppy and one blue German Shepherd puppy who just want to play.”

“Fair enough, we’ll grab the doggos once they settled down, which will be a while since they know that there’s visitors.” Miles nodded as he got the idea. “And I guess that’s why we’re getting the pets last.”

”That’s mostly just the dogs, Athena is easy enough to find as she’s a house cat and has a few favourite spots.” Francisco explained and the guys nodded as they got the idea. ”I’ll handle Athena, I’m her favourite human apparently.”

”Only because you had to take over feeding the pets when I was recovering from Courtney’s attack.” I reminded him before settle the checklist aside and set about getting everything packed.

The Disaster Diaries, Ariana’s new home, Las Vegas, Nevada
Monday the 25th of March 2024, 11:00am

(start vlog, on camera)

I started my vlog in my new office in my new home, Athena was laying down on the desk purring adorably.

”So, you like the new place? Me and Franky moved in with our pets last Friday.” I commented before stroking Athena. ”At that point I only knew one thing about my future, which was the upcoming Triple Threat Match against Georgie and Seleana at the PPV, two things have changed since the however, one: my opinion of Georgie has soured a lot from when I last faced her at Summer XXXTreme thanks to that stunt she pulled at last week’s Climax Control, the other thing?

I have one more match before Blaze of Glory, and it’s against someone new, not just to me but to SCW itself! Welcome about Erika, hope you’ve enjoyed your stay so far.”

I commented as I brushed some hair over my shoulder.

”Take it from me Erika, managing to stay undefeated in the Bombshell division isn’t as easy as it looks, so the fact that you’ve made it this far without a loss to your name is pretty impressive.” I added as Athena rolled onto her side. ”But nothing lasts forever and that’s another thing you’ll learn soon, Krystal’s got you at the PPV and she’s been making noise about ending your streak, but just like most things in SCW? I’m gonna beat her to the punch!”

Before I could add anything else Athena rolled right off the desk nearly making me jump from the thud.

”Jesus Christ Athena! Are you okay?” I asked the cat as I turned to her and she seemed none the worse for wear, she was on her feet looking at me like “what?”. ”I’ll have to cut this short here Erika but think on that, won’t ya?”

(end vlog)

Ariana’s old home, Las Vegas, Nevada
Wednesday the 20th of March 2024, 18:45pm

It had taken a good while but we had managed to get most of everything packed, only thing left to do was get the dogs in.

”Okay, just to check, everything that doesn’t have four legs, eyes, and meows and/or barks is in the moving van, right?” I asked the guys ad they quickly nodded. ”That cats?”

”Athena’s good to go, same with Peaches.” Francisco responded before he motioned to the pet carriers with the two cats inside. ”I’ll get them into the car and you guys grab the dogs.”

“Sounds good.” Miles nodded before Francisco took the pet carriers out to the car. “What’s the plan of attack here Ari?”

”Leave Zeus to me, he’s the biggest of the three on account of being a full grown dog and he’s most comfortable on the lead when I’ve got on him.” I explained with a nod as I grabbed Zues’s lead. ”Unless several months have passed whilst we were packing away stuff? Echo and Oreo are still puppies, small ones at that, I guess you guys can carry them.”

“Big strong men like us? Easy.” Miles responded with a grin and Carter nodded in agreement. “Though Mrs. Thang will probably have a few things to say about smelling dogs on us.”

”We’ll just tell her that we did things doggie style.” Carter joked and I nearly doubled over from laughter. ”If you want to go first feel free, Zeus any good?”

”When it came to keeping his man parts out of anything with a vagina in the Greek Myth? No, not at all, but the dog Zues is a little angel on the lead.” I joked and the guys just shook their heads. ”Tough crowd! Anyway, get ready for the puppies.” I responded before I went to let the dogs in, Echo and Oreo raced right between my legs and were quickly picked up by Miles and Carter respectively, Zeus stood in front of me with his tail wagging and I was able to get the lead on him and joined the guys. ”They aren’t being too much trouble right?”

”Aside from licking our faces off, no.” Carter responded as he shook his head before we took the three dogs to the car, Zues happily hopped in the back with Oreo an Echo and I got in the front ready to drive.

”Cats ready to go?” I asked Francisco and he nodded. ”See you guys at the new house.”

“See you then.” Miles responded before they got in the car and we drove to our new home following the moving van.

The Disaster Diaries, Ari’s new home, Las Vegas, Nevada
Monday the 25th of March 2024, 18:00pm

(on camera, promo time, start vlog)

As I started my latest vlog I had my Blue Bay Shepherd Puppy Echo laying in my lap, stroking her all the while.

”When I look at you Erika, I see someone who I match with very easily, we’re both high flyers, we’ve wrestled some of the same foes, I reckon we can have a good match.” I stated before shaking my head. ”But there’s no way around it Erika, I need this win! My record has been pretty bad over the past few months and I need to turn things around before my mental health takes a nosedive again!” I added before letting out a deep breath. ”It’s either gonna be you this Sunday or Seleana or Georgie at Blaze of Glory that gets me out of this rut, either way?

I won’t be winless for much longer.”

This will be fun.

”Am I looking forward to this match? Absolutely, a match against new competition is always a welcome sight to me, does that mean that I’ll go easy on you Erika? No!” I added before holding up two fingers. ”I didn’t win two titles in SCW by going easy on opponents Erika, same with challenging for the World Bombshell Title twice last year! I’m a lot more formidable than some people with have you believe and I’ll happily show you on Sunday just how formidable I am!”

It’s that simple.

”It’s nothing personal Erika, it’s just business and business for me has been pretty bad.” I stated plainly before Echo started licking my chin. ”and this is why people say that you should never work with children or animals, especially when those animals also happen to be children, isn’t that right Echo?” Echo barked in response and I grinned. ”She’s a sweetheart as you can see, and I can be at the best of times, not as sweet as SCW’s Sweetheart Sam Marlowe but pretty sweet, piss me off though?”

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

”Then the gloves come off, don’t make that mistake at “New Year, New Angel Part III: Now What?” because I do have an explosive temper, otherwise? I look forward to this match.” I added as I brushed some hair over my shoulder. ”And as you bask in the glow of the Golden Angel’s light? I will claim victory as the Greek Angel Ariana Angelos!”

I turned off the webcam as the scene fades.