Offline Christian Underwood

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    • Christian Underwood
« on: March 07, 2022, 03:17:31 PM »
Post all roleplays for this match in this thread.
Limits: 1 roleplay per week, 7,000 word limit.

Good luck!

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Seleana Zdunich

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    • Seleana Zdunich
« Reply #1 on: March 11, 2022, 08:06:31 PM »

Tuesday, March 8, 2022
Zdunich Residence
Hollywood Hills
Los Angeles, California
9:32 AM  PST

Aurora Zdunich: When do you have to go this weekend?

Seleana Zdunich smiles at her daughter with logistical visions dancing in her head. This weekend would mean multiple shows on multiple coasts.

SZ Thursday night or Friday morning. Halo’s first show is in Atlantic City on Friday.  Then she has a second one back here in Los Angeles on Saturday.

Aurora nods.

Aurora Zdunich: What about Mommy Alex?

Seleana Zdunich: Her show, should she choose to appear or should the company ask her to appear is also on Saturday in Chicago. She is not booked for a match so an appearance depends on whether she is keen to do so.

Aurora’s eyes light up.

Aurora Zdunich: Are we going to all of them?

Seleana smiles, amused and happy to see her daughter’s hopeful enthusiasm. The little girl had not been allowed to go on every trip during the pandemic because of her health status. It had made it necessary to keep her away from most crowd’s and to take extra precaution when she was allowed out. It had also made school a challenge.

It was also what caused the entire situation with Kate “Diamond” Steele and her ex-husband, Teddy Warren, even more galling than it normally would as their daughter, Juliet, had been Aurora’s closest friend and they had spoken to each other every day via video calling and online chats.

Seleana Zdunich: We will endeavour the attempt. Atlantic City on Friday will be easier since it is the only show on that day and we have to be nowhere else then. Saturday becomes problematic depending on what Alex needs to do in Chicago. Halo is booked early on the card in Los Angeles so she will not be able to accompany us to Chicago.

Aurora nods.

Aurora Zdunich: But we get to try?

Seleana’s smile brightens even more than it already was.

Seleana Zdunich: Ja, since you are so keen, we will try.

Aurora smiles excitedly.

Aurora Zdunich: Is Aunt Linnéa on one too?

Seleana nods.

Seleana Zdunich: Ja, she is on the one here.

Aurora’s eyes light up even more.

Aurora Zdunich: Is Atlantic City far from New York?

Seleana cannot hide the knowing grin on her face.

Seleana Zdunich: We will have other family there as well, ja. Halo’s match is with one of Robbie and Alexi’s oldest friends. They are keen to show support and are bringing the children with them. 

Aurora starts jumping up and down. 

Aurora Zdunich: I’m gonna go call them right now!

She hurries off to her room, running right by Christna Zdunich and Alexandra Caldwell-Zdunich in the process. The two women watch the young girl run excitedly up to her room and then turn back to face their Swedish wife.

Christina Zdunich: She’s happy…

Alexandra Caldwell-Zdunich: She’s getting to come along and you just told her?

Seleana shrugs.

Seleana Zdunich: She has the same reaction every time, ja?

Christina and Alexandra both smile broadly.

Christina Zdunich: She does and it's adorable!

Alexandra Caldwell-Zdunich: Totally and completely!

Seleana nods as Christina and Alexandra make their way over and sit down on the couch with her.

Seleana Zdunich: I worry we will have to have Freja and Alexi shield her during Halo’s match on Friday. Three Stages of Hell and the individual stages are not announced.

Alexandra exhales heavily.

Alexandra Caldwell-Zdunich: And knowing that company’s love of certain things…

Christina just shakes her head.

Christina Zdunich: She knows what’s coming.

Seleana nods hesitatingly.

Seleana Zdunich: Ja, but she is also eleven. Alexi has children younger than that. She will not want the triplets seeing what Uncle Eric might do to HayJo and vice versa.

Alexandra nods to herself almost absently.

Alexandra Caldwell-Zdunich: Yeah, I can see why that might be a problem. They’re what, like six?

Seleana Zdunich: Ja, the boys are six, Scarlett is ten, Amber is nine. I do not think they have been allowed to watch their parents’ matches yet. It is possible they will not be allowed to watch the SRW show. Alexi is protective and Robbie supports this with her.

Alexandra Caldwell-Zdunich: Are they the only ones coming?

Seleana shakes her head.

Seleana Zdunich: Nej, Scotty and Angel are coming as well.

Alexandra nods while Christina just looks back at their wife.

Christina Zdunich: So Kaari will be there too?

Seleana nods.

Alexandra Caldwell-Zdunich: How old is she?

Seleana Zdunich: Nine, she and Amber almost share a birthday. 

Doing some quick math, Alexandra’s eyes go wide in amazement. 

Alexandra Caldwell-Zdunich: So there’s gonna be seven kids there, none really old enough to watch everything and only one who’s been allowed to watch anything at all?

Seleana nods and Christina smiles.

Christina Zdunich: No wonder Aurora is so excited! It’s a really big play date trip for her.

The three share a laugh as Seleana nods in agreement.

Seleana Zdunich: More if Michael and Misty and Bam Bam come to support their Maiden sister as well.

Alexandra frowns in confusion.

Alexandra Caldwell-Zdunich: Dice and Bam Bam are…?

Seleana nods quickly.

Seleana Zdunich: Dice… Michael…  is Lexa’s cousin. Her wife is VP of the Maidens in New Jersey. He and both his brothers joined the Chrome Dragons there and talked Bam Bam into it as well since they all lived close by where the charters were going.

Christina Zdunich: And Lexa and Misty did too?

Seleana shakes her head.

Seleana Zdunich: No, Lexa and Misty did not join. Misty is still dealing with the injury that caused her retirement so riding with an MC was not a good idea for her.

Christina Zdunich: That’s Loti’s sister, right?

Seleana nods.

Seleana Zdunich: Ja, so Misty might ask us to say hi to Loti for her when we get back to Los Angeles.

Alexandra Caldwell-Zdunich: And that means more kids?

Seleana nods quickly.

Seleana Zdunich: Ja, Bam Bam has four, Misty and Dice have three.

Alexandra almost laughs.

Alexandra Caldwell-Zdunich: Wow, that’s quite the play date!

Seleana Zdunich: Ja, TJ is twelve, Ray-Ray is eleven, Rosie is nine and Trinity is eight.  Misty and Dice's girls are all younger. Oldest, Mikayla, is about to turn seven. Their twins, Harleigh and Cori, are five.

Alexandra Caldwell-Zdunich: This sounds like a nice trip for Aurora regardless. We go support Halo on Friday. We go to Chicago for me and then come home to support Halo and Li on the SCU show at the Forum. It’s almost like Showtime is back in Los Angeles!

Christina pumps her fist.

Christina Zdunich: Hell yeah!

Seleana nods.

Seleana Zdunich: It is a nice palate cleanser after last week.

Christina’s head droops.

Christina Zdunich: Yeah…

Alexandra starts to frown but Seleana speaks first.

Seleana Zdunich: Jag är ledsen. Jag svek dig.

Christina looks up in shock. Alexandra cocks her head in incredulous disbelief.

Alexandra Caldwell-Zdunich: Did you just say… what I think you just said?

Christina’s shock does not abate.

Christina Zdunich: You have nothing to be sorry for. I’m the one who let YOU down!

Seleana starts to shake her head as Christina allows hers to bow in shame. Alexandra’s fist pounds down on the couch.

Alexandra Caldwell-Zdunich: This is bullshit, neither one of you let the other down! Did you get beat?

She nods.

Alexandra Caldwell-Zdunich: Yes, but it was neither of you falling short! On that night, Andrea and Evie were just better. They got you, now it’s time to learn and move on. Get better instead of sitting here feeling sorry for yourselves! If you do this next week, hell, if you keep this up this week, Friday is gonna be a shitshow! I for one am not watching my wife walk into Atlantic City talking like that so we can watch you get punked in a four-way for a title shot. You're better than this, Christina and you always have been!  How long has Sel been telling you that you ARE the star? How long has she been telling me that I am Dat Girl? You walk into Atlantic City like this and Isa Storm, Azurine Vebbins and Killer Carbajal are gonna do things they should never be allowed to do and will set the table so that when you come home to fight Chloe Benton, Kat Jones, Mercedes Vargas, Lavanna Cade and Bella Madison for that Into The Void Title shot…

She shakes her head.

Alexandra Caldwell-Zdunich: You could out of these two shows with two title shots but if you keep talking this shit, you’re gonna walk out with nothing! Stop making that a self-fulfilling prophecy!

She turns to Seleana.

Alexandra Caldwell-Zdunich: Everyone has a bad moment every so often, Sel. All of us have and you’ve always been the one to look at us and remind us who we are so we keep doing what we do. Now I’m going to be Dat Girl for you! You’ve been a champion how many times despite everything always says?

She pauses to count quickly.

Alexandra Caldwell-Zdunich: Over what, three different companies now?

Seleana nods.

Alexandra Caldwell-Zdunich: You won those championships, Sel. People had the chance to stop you and they didn’t manage to do it! You showed them this Cat has claws and lives that line, there’s only one law in this jungle, when the lion’s hungry, she eats!

Seleana stares at Alexandra and then leans forward hugging her.

Seleana Zdunich: Jag älskar dig, Alex! Du är Dat Girl!

Alexandra smiles and then kisses Seleana lovingly.

Alexandra Caldwell-Zdunich: There’s our lioness!

Christina nods, the tears coming to her eyes even as her wives take her into their arms.

Seleana Zdunich: Jag älskar dig, Stjärna. Jag älskar er båda så mycket!

Alexandra can't help but smile playfully.

Alexandra Caldwell-Zdunich: Ja, that’s me as well.

Christina laughs through her tears.

Christina Zdunich: I love you both so damn much!

Alexandra Caldwell-Zdunich: Isn’t that what she just said?

Seleana nods as they embrace each other lovingly, each making sure to hold the others up.

Seleana Zdunich: Flyg, änglar, flyg!


Thursday, March 10, 2022
Zdunich Suite
Hard Rock Hotel And Casino
Atlantic City, New Jersey
7:01 PM  EST

The camera opens upon Seleana Zdunich standing inside her room in the Hard Rock in Atlantic City, the home for the pay-per-view show she would be attending to watch both her wife and her daughter-in-law compete.

Seleana Zdunich: It is almost time, ja?

She looks away from the camera, clearly not happy at the subject at hand.

Seleana Zdunich: Almost time for Andrea Hernandez and I to come together and fight for real!

Nodding to herself, Seleana paces about the room a little before stopping in front of the camera.

Seleana Zdunich: We have met in the ring before but those matches were never about us, were they, Andrea?

She shakes her head, glaring angrily ahead of herself. .

Seleana Zdunich: I was a pawn, I was a weapon to be used against Christina even though you did not need it! You are talented and skilled enough that you could have focused on Christina and not even mentioned me…

Her teeth grind as a low growl emits from deep inside her.

Seleana Zdunich: But that was not how you chose to do things, was it?

Shaking her head again, Seleana looks up as if staring into the sky.

Seleana Zdunich: No, instead you tried to burn me down so that you could get Christina to jump into the fire and burn her down as well!

Her arms rise up, her hands turning palms up to help her paint the picture.

Seleana Zdunich: You looked to the sky and made sure it was the kind of signal that could be seen from so far away that even the space stations above could see it and acknowledge your dominance! 

She looks and reaches out for something in the distance.

Seleana Zdunich: The beacons are lit! The beacons are lit and Minas Andrea calls for aid!  And Hernandez will answer! Muster the Hernanderirrim

Her hands go wide as she continues to look to the sky.

Seleana Zdunich: You got what you were so keen to obtain, ja?

Nodding, she turns to face the camera, a slight smirk on her face.

Seleana Zdunich: At least, sort of….

She points to the camera accusingly.

Seleana Zdunich: You got some attention. You got some recognition.  You even got a championship reign, but did you really get everything you wanted?

The point moves away and Seleana raises both hands up, palms turned up to ask the question of the camera.

Seleana Zdunich: Christina never admitted you were better than her. Alicia Lukas and Amber Ryan were still both seen as above you and Evie Jordan was always in the same running as well. You were the World Bombsheel Champion and you were NOT given the acknowledgement you craved!  You were never seen as number one.

She nods pointedly.

Seleana Zdunich: For all the smoke, for all the sound and fury, it really did ultimately signify nothing for you because all it really did was let you add another checkmark after your name but little else. You went through all of that effort to end up right where you started. You were the Champion, but you were not acknowledged as anything higher than you were before simp0ly because of how devalued you and everyone else that has fought Christina insists on making her. So what did that get you?

Shaking her head, Seleana gives the camera a look of disgust.

Seleana Zdunich: You devalued yourself and you have obviously learned nothing from that, ja?

She nods as if asking the question to someone that is standing right in front of her and can actually answer her back.

Seleana Zdunich: You continue to do it with me. You tell the world I am not worth your time and all I can think is, how stupid are you?

She nods pointedly.

Seleana Zdunich: You have burned yourself by putting yourself into a no-win situation. If you win, why should anyone care if I was not worth your time anyway. You gain nothing because there will be questions about why it took you so long to rid yourself of the nuisance that was me! You won’t rise at all, you won’t get any new levels to yourself, just more ashes in your mouth! Whereas if I win…

Pausing, she points to herself.

Seleana Zdunich: If I win, you got beat by somebody so beneath you, they should not have been here at all. If I win, you lose more than just a match.

The point moves back to the camera.

Seleana Zdunich: You lose championship standing. You lose championship status and you fall in the eyes of those watching that you crave the attention and acknowledgement of!

Her hands sweep wide.

Seleana Zdunich: Meanwhile, I am allowed to reach in and take from the ashes whatever I want!  I did not ask for much and what I will take from that pile of ashes is what I should have gotten long ago but was patient enough to wait for! The phoenix became Icarus and flew too close to the sun and now those feathers holding you up have been neglected!

She points to herself again.

Seleana Zdunich: From the ashes of what you should have been, I will enjoy helping you on your road to nowhere!  Andrea Hernandez should be a name spoken with reference and held above others but you have made sure that your name is not held the way Amber Ryan’s is, the way Alicia Lukas’s has or the way Mikah’s has been!  You have the talent, the skills and the championship record to have the legacy you wanted but you made sure that legacy sped on its way to oblivion!

She nods harshly.

Seleana Zdunich: From the ashes of the songs they should have written for you, of the remembrance you should be held in, of the esteem that should be shining off your name but are not because you utterly refuse to allow it to happen, will rise the Cat coming to remind you how the jungle works!

The camera zooms in to frame her face.

Seleana Zdunich: I am coming for my revenge, I am coming for your championship and I am coming for you!

She nods as the camera backs off.

Seleana Zdunich:  Välkommen till djungeln! Jag vill se dig blöda!

Andrea Hernandez

  • Guest
Bitter Disappointment
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2022, 07:00:17 PM »
March 8, 2022

A couple of days following the previous Climax Control, and on my own birthday at that, I was taking a bit of a break from the birthday extravaganza to access my laptop in my own production studio located inside of my Paradise Valley home. I was on my laptop, searching for some video clips. There was one that stood out to me in particular dated “February 24, 2019”. When I clicked on the video file, I saw a thumbnail of Seleana Zdunich holding the SCW Bombshells World Championship that she just won. Seeing this thumbnail made me shake my head.

“I can't believe that when I first came into SCW, I was actually a big fan of hers..." I said with disgust, remembering that at one time, I prided myself on honor, tradition and respect which all but led me to actually respect and adore Seleana at first. “...what the fuck was I thinking?”

Feeling that embarrassment going through me, I clicked play on the video…

February 24, 2019

“WOW! I can’t believe she WON!” I thought to myself as I saw what went down at the very moment that Seleana had defeated Alicia Lukas for the SCW Bombshells World Championship. I do remember feeling incredibly happy for her in that moment and even inspired by what she had just accomplished. Knowing Seleana’s story like the back of my head at this point, I was even tempted to shed tears of joy for her. I watched the big celebration and waited for the ring to clear before I went up the stairs and into the concourse as quickly as I could.

“I better get the fuck out of here…” I thought to myself. I even covered my face with a program to avoid any fan detection knowing that if I made one wrong move, I could be busted. My phone delivered a text message alert as soon as I got out of the building. This distracted me and I let my guard down to answer the phone.

“Andrea Hernandez? What the hell are you doing here?”

I looked up to see a group of fans with a camera. I went numb knowing that I was busted and the video camera and knowing the ramifications of what could happen if this hit the Internet had me in a slight state of panic. Initially, I didn’t say a word as a result of said panic.

“Yeah. What the hell is the OCW Craze Champion doing at a Sin City Wrestling event? Can’t you get fired for that if you get caught?”

“Technically yes, I AM breaching my OCW contract by being here and no, I haven’t talked business with anyone from SCW before you even ask that question. Though, what I did see tonight does make me want to become part of the SCW Bombshells division SOMEDAY! Ugh, 2020 can’t come fast enough considering that the end of the year is when my OCW contract expires…”

“Now, if this video were to be on YouTube…”

‘Okay, we don’t need to do that. Let’s just turn off the video and let’s call it a night. I'll sign stuff for you guys, if that’s what you want. Whatever it takes to… you know… NOT have this video on YouTube?”

“Just answer a few questions for us…” one of the fans said. I let out a reluctant sigh obviously trying to get out of dodge.


“So… what the hell ARE you doing here?”

“I came here to see something inspirational and that’s Seleana winning the World title. I bought tickets as a fan. I showed up. Simple as that. Trust me, I am incredibly happy that the loudmouth BITCH Alicia Lukas got her ass handed to her. Holy crap, I can’t stand her… and I’m not even on the SCW roster…”

“Inspirational, huh? So Seleana inspires you?”

“Yeah… you can say that…”

“How so?”

“Seleana has always been an underdog in her career and that is something that I can appreciate and relate to considering that up to this point in my career, I’ve been an underdog myself. I get hated on, doubted on and more or less sexually harassed all the time in OCW from a bunch of outdated blowhards that don’t evolve whatsoever. Seleana is someone that gets shit on all the time herself. She did what I hope to do SOMEDAY whether it’s in OCW, or SCW or any other wrestling company and that’s SILENCE the stupid critics and prove them WRONG! Seleana did that tonight and I admire her so much for it and someday, taking tonight as one of the examples, I am going to do the same thing myself. Seleana is honestly one of the best stories in wrestling right now considering the late start she had in this business and all the hate she gets for who she is romantically involved with…

“Interesting! So, it goes without saying that Seleana is a wrestler you want to face someday?”

“Of course…” I said with a beaming smile.

“That’s about all the questions we have.”

“Can I have that tape? I’ll pay you $200 for it.”

The fans look at each other and shrug, with one of them popping the camera open and pulling out the tape. I reach inside of my purse and pull out two $100 bills trading those for the tape. I nodded at the fans and went my way, both relieved that it WASN’T going to hit the Internet and inspired seeing a magnificent underdog story at the time in Seleana reach the pinnacle of our profession.

“I love her…” I said about Seleana. “Someday, I’ll replicate what she did tonight… someday…”

"It's hard to believe that I once saw her as someone to look up to... especially when I was going through my own stuff..."

June 21, 2020

Two weeks removed from losing the World Championship, I was backstage at this night’s SCW event. I was reeling on the inside even two weeks later, especially considering that my father had just died not that long ago. But there was something about seeing Seleana defeat Violet Amelia Holt for the Roulette Championship that really lit a spark in me. My eyes were tearing up as I saw her celebrate with the championship.

“Maybe I can do the same thing…” I thought to myself. “Maybe I can rise up and regain that world title sooner rather than later and I can have my moment in the sun again. I mean, if Seleana can do it, why can’t I? At least I have a glimmer of hope today…”

Grieving my father at this point, I let out a sigh. Despite that, I felt a little warmth in my heart seeing Seleana give me another inspirational boost with what she just pulled off. Unfortunately, this was fleeting considering my summer of hell would only continue further on this night…

March 8, 2022

I snapped out of that memory for a bit and felt disgusted as I looked back at the blindsided fan interview I had just watched.

“I can’t believe I used to lean on her for inspiration at one point…” I said with a bitter disappointment in the back of my head. “I mean SERIOUSLY?!?!?! How could I be such a stupid fan girl? What is it with these Bombshells that I once looked up to that inspired me so much: Roxi, Sam, Seleana… ALL disappointments once I got to know them. Fuck this stupid video. It never happened. I was never at Seleana’s world title win. I was never inspired by it. It never happened. NONE OF IT HAPPENED!”

I deleted the video at this point from my laptop, all but ensuring that the video of me expressing admiration for Seleana on the night she won the world title would NEVER go public.

“Hell, I remember how excited i was the first time I was ever going to wrestle her…”

Back to memory lane… and I wasn’t sure how disgusted or abhorrent I was about to feel.

November 29th, 2019

“Oh my GOD! I’m SO EXCITED FOR THIS” I squealed out loud like an absolute fangirl to my father who didn’t know how to take my excitement. I had my bags packed and I was all set to head back to Nevada for a match that I was going to have in two days. “I can’t believe that I am about to wrestle one of my inspirations in SCW in the biggest match YET that I am about to have in that company…”

“I’m happy for you, Andrea. I am. But, you’ve got to remember that she is your opponent on Sunday and not an inspiration. This is a huge opportunity for you to really make your mark up that ladder in SCW and to really prove you belong in that elimination chamber. You know that Seleana is going to be one tough cookie. She IS a former World Champion and she just main evented SCW’s biggest show of the year and all that…”

“Aw… dad… don’t dampen my enthusiasm for this!” I said with an exaggerated puppy dog pout on my face that generally annoyed the crap out of him and this instance was no different. “Seleana was one of my favorites before I ever joined that company and she was definitely on my list of one of those Bombshells that I wanted to face in that ring before I arrived there. I know that this is a momentum building match and with the chamber and all of that, but STILL… it’s someone that I can relate to so much and that I want to even LEARN from. She’s overcome so much scorn and criticism just like I have….”

“That’s great and all, Andrea… if you want to fangirl yourself right into a loss…”

“Excuse me? Dad…”

“This is why you haven’t taken that next step yet to become a world champion…” My father reminds me in a scolding manner. “ way or another, you get caught up in the moment. Are you sure that facing someone of Seleana’s caliber isn’t too soon for you right now? I mean for god’s sake, you’ve only been in SCW for what? Three months? Maybe four tops?”

“This match represents the fact that I AM working my way up the ladder! I mean gosh, imagine if I end up WINNING this thing. I know that the odds aren’t in my favor and that I’m the underdog going in against Seleana and all of that, but if I could pull of what some would call an ‘upset’, then that would REALLY put me on the map. There are very few Bombshells in that company that can step up so soon and I KNOW I can be one of them…”

“I still think this might be too soon for you, sweetheart. You’re in a cutthroat environment against some of the toughest competition you’ve ever faced. You’re not ready. Maybe you should try for the Roulette title or something first…”

“No, SCREW YOU! I WILL beat Seleana and I WILL prove that I belong in that chamber match AND in the world title picture! I’m not going to ‘fangirl’, okay? I was just excited that I am facing someone that I can relate to and that I was inspired by. I’m SO beating her ass. Against a high-caliber opponent, I WILL make a statement. PERIOD! That’s what this is about for me. So if you think I am going to be unfocused and that this is ‘too soon’ for me, then I’m about to step into that ring on Sunday and prove you wrong!”

My father gets taken aback by this sudden rage of mine, but he does have a smirk on his face.

“That’s my girl! There’s that fire I am looking for. Yeah, you go ahead and prove me wrong, alright? Because you can admire and be inspired by someone as much as you want but at the end of the day, this is still a business. You’ve got to step in that ring with her and prove that you ARE better than her. Got that?”

I nodded.

“Good! I know you’re looking forward to facing someone you admire, but don’t get caught up in it…”

“I won’t…”

When I stepped into the ring with Seleana for the first time, I was happy and excited. I put EVERYTHING into that match with her with so much on the line and knowing that Seleana was my toughest opponent to date. As it turns out, I WOULD win that match and build some momentum for the elimination chamber match to come two weeks later and it turned out to be a landmark win for me on my subsequent quick rise to the top.

Beating Seleana for the first time gave me a feeling of accomplishment and I felt that it was definitely a positive step forward.

But these days?

I wasn’t so sure about it…

March 8, 2022

I was shaking my head when I saw myself defeat Seleana in December of 2019 for what was, at the time, the biggest win I had in my Sin City Wrestling career.

“I remember when beating Seleana used to have such SIGNIFICANT meaning…” I said with a lamenting sigh.

“...are you seriously saying that beating her carries no meaning now? Really?” I heard Savannah say behind me. I turned the door to look at my younger half-sister who was far from impressed with what I just said. She came into my studio and shut the door behind her.

“Savannah, what are you doing?”

“I was looking for you because I think it’s just… I don’t know… weird that you’re focused on your title defense on a day where you should be celebrating? It’s your birthday for god’s sake! Don’t get so caught up on your career right now. Everyone out there is wondering where the hell you are.”

“I needed a moment…” I said to Savannah, who folded her arms as she was far from amused at the fact that I took a break from my own birthday party.

“You know, you WERE someone JUST like her at one point…” Savannah said, angering me knowing that she was talking about Seleana and reminding me that I too was that underdog story. “It’s pretty sad to see you think that beating her carries no meaning anymore, aside from holding on to your Internet Championship and your winning streak.”

“Savannah, can you repeat, word for word, what I said?”

“I remember when beating Seleana used to carry SIGNIFICANT meaning…”

“I never said it didn’t MEAN anything… just that the significance of beating her isn’t what it used to be considering how hard and how fast she’s fallen in recent years. I’m just… UGH… FRUSTRATED…”

“You’re on an 18 match winning streak, you’ve been Internet Champion for the last six months and you’re frustrated?” Savannah asked with a confused scoff.

“I’ll tell you what’s frustrating me… the fact that my Internet title journey has been nothing but CUPCAKES! Where’s the REAL fucking challenge? Seriously! Who the hell did I beat in that tournament again? Jessie. YAWN! Dani… yeah… REAL barnburner there considering how she’s done NOTHING since she decided to waste everyone’s time since coming back. Mercedes. Fucking MERCEDES! My GOD! If Keira and Bobbie weren’t such CHOKE ARTISTS…”

“Yet, Seleana, Mercedes and Dani are all former world champions…”

“’s been three years since ANY of them held that title. Aside from High Stakes, I’m feeling like I’m putting together a Krystal Wolfe-like title reign. I don’t WANT to face cupcakes, Savannah. I want competition that can actually CHALLENGE ME! Hell, I’m shocked that they haven’t given Alicia Lukas a title shot considering that she wasn’t pinned at High Stakes and even SHE would be an upgrade over the likes of Jessie and Seleana… and that is coming from ME… someone who can’t STAND HER! I’m NOT going to inflate my fucking title reign the way Krystal did facing nothing but C-tier challengers aside from High Stakes! It’s RIDICULOUS that SCW can’t find someone better to challenge me! It’s SICKENING, honestly! I want to ESTABLISH MY DOMINANCE! You see those women in that gauntlet? Kat Jones? Levana Cade? THAT’S the level of competition that I am talking about! THAT is competition that is on a higher tier than Seleana. I beat women like that, then I don’t have the HATERS coming out of the woodwork casting doubt upon me the way that BITCH Crystal tried to do a few days ago. Fucking HELL, I can NEVER be satisfied with anything. I’m just so ANGRY because at one point in time, Seleana would be considered that level but…”

I take a pause from my rant, letting out a sigh.

“You’re disappointed because you were once inspired by her, right?” Savannah asked, shocking me as she hit the nail right on the head. “You don’t even hate her at all do you?”


“And please don’t give me that bravado crap and lie to me because you and I both know that you don’t…”

I narrowed my eyes with annoyance, but nonetheless proceeded with the conversation.

“I don’t… but what I HATE is how far she’s fallen. It makes me SO bitter because I used to be inspired by her story and now I feel SO fucking STUPID that I ever was. Between you and I? I DO want to respect her. She had a hell of a rags to riches story coming up from nothing, being a late starter and becoming a world champion but at some point she just fell off the wagon and suddenly lost her mojo. It’s like she stopped giving a crap and became satisfied with being someone else’s sidekick. I can’t respect her because I don’t see her show that same drive that made her a fleeting champion to begin with. I don’t have any respect for someone that has more or less coasted ever since they lost the Roulette Championship.”

“Be careful…” Savannah warned. “She could come out of nowhere and surprise you. She could very well find that same spark that got her the world title to begin with and based on your attitude, I worry like hell that she’s going to give you a reason to respect her… in the worst way…”

I merely scoffed at this, showing no concern for the possibility whatsoever.

“Savannah, something that you REALLY need to know about our business, and I can absolutely say this coming from personal experience after I lost the world title and went on a tailspin for a while… is that once you lose your edge like Seleana has, it’s VERY hard to get it back. Sure, I got it back, but I did that by changing the way I approach the business while someone like Seleana just gets left behind while most of the division revolves around her. It’s hard for me to come to grips with the fact that someone I REALLY want to respect doesn’t give me a damn reason to. I’m not TRYING to look past her, but I’m SO tired of disappointing challengers. Hopefully after her, I can get some competition for a change!”

“You’ve got to get by her first… and YOU more than anyone being a former underdog story in your own right should know better than to overlook ANYONE no matter who they are or what slump they’ve been in or what have you.”

“Right… sure…” I said, feeling annoyed with my sister more than anything. “Just go… I’ll be out there in a couple of minutes…”

Savannah shrugs, but acknowledges what I just told her as she leaves the room. I looked back at the footage from my first ever match against Seleana and I just sighed and rolled my eyes, further lamenting how much she has regressed ever since that first encounter we had in December 2019.

“I can’t be the only one that’s grown so disappointed in her, right?”

As I left my room to get back to my birthday party, I began to ponder this question…


March 12, 2022

The Internet video cuts to Angelica Romero, my personal interviewer, who is out on the field doing what she does best.

“This message, of course, is approved by the president of the Internet herself, Andrea Hernandez. But, before we get to Andrea and dive into her latest political rally, I want to introduce you all to some very special people….”

The scene pans a bit to reveal three women who are all wearing “TEAM ANDREA” t-shirts and each have differing blonde, brunette and redhead hairstyles.

“Now, these three ladies here… you were all Seleana fans at one point, right?”

“Unfortunately…” the blonde response.

‘Seleana used to be one of the best Bombshells on the roster…” the redhead admits. “But somewhere along the way, it’s all gone downhill. After she held the world title for two weeks, we figured it was a matter of time before she was going to win it again because that’s how good she was. You could believe in her…”

“And now? You can’t! The brunette adds. Seleana has never regained the SCW Bombshells World Championship and when you consider the increased standard of main event competition since her fleeting reign… we know she’ll never be world champion again…”

“You all defected to Andrea’s side…” Angelica begins. “...what is it about her that makes you believe in her?”

“For starters, unlike Seleana, she goes out and she gets things done…” the blonde begins. “She doesn’t make stupid personal decisions. She’s won 18 matches in a row. She’s been the Internet Champion for six months. In fact, I think Andrea has more wins in just this streak than Seleana has since the start of 2020…”

“Andrea could’ve fallen off the rails, but she didn’t…” the brunette adds. “...unlike SELEANA who appears to have mailed it in since losing the Roulette Championship. Unlike Andrea, Seleana is a QUITTER. She has willingly accepted her place as her wife’s sidekick…”

“Ew, don’t get me started on THAT…” adds the redhead. “But seriously, being a Seleana fan is embarrassing now from only having the world title for two weeks, getting to the High Stakes main event in 2019 and losing, being the first elimination in an elimination chamber, needing two tries to get an Internet title shot and only winning because her competition was weak…”

“What good does Seleana have to offer anyway?” the blonde asks with a scoff. “We’re team Andrea all the way. It’s only a matter of time before she’s a world champion again. We’re all betting on a WINNER. Once Seleana lost to Krystal Wolfe for the Roulette title, I was done with her…”

“TEAM ANDREA!” all three young ladies exclaim as they all leave the scene and leave Angelica to conclude the quick segment.

“As you can see, Seleana Zdunich has a dwindling fanbase and even her most hardcore fans, who once stood by her as she unseated Alicia Lukas for the world title many means ago, have not only GIVEN UP ON HER, but they have completely defected to Andrea. It’s astonishing that Seleana even HAS a fanbase anymore considering that she’s been nothing but a disappointment to her fans ever since she lost the Bombshells Roulette Championship. But don’t take my word for it. These ladies are just THREE in a number of growing ex-Seleana fans that are fed up with the fact that she can’t even attain MEDIOCRITY anymore. Let’s send it over to the President of the Internet herself… where she is RALLYING her cause and bringing ALL of the ex-Seleana fans together…



I walked into the auditorium and took my familiar place at the podium and the audience that was in front of me was very raucous. I could only laugh when I heard a few “FUCK SELEANA” chants from the crowd. There were so many anti-Seleana sighs that it felt surreal. There were posters of her with her face X’d out. There were signs that were deriding her as a failure. There were even a few “FIRE SELEANA” signs in the crowd. However, my appearance brought out a raucous cheer. I soaked in the cheers for a bit before I began my political rally.

“Thank you! Thank you! You are ALL wonderful supporters! I never imagined that inviting a bunch of FORMER Seleana Zdunich fans would draw such a huge response but THANK YOU for your support. Seleana, take a look around you. What I have done here is gather so many people that you have let down: your FORMER FANS, the ones that have jumped ship and come over to MY side! You’re wondering why I would bother with this since I don’t necessarily CARE about fans in general. Well, let’s just say two things: ONE, I wanted to demonstrate how much of a letdown you have been to your fans for so long and TWO, I wanted to share this auditorium tonight with people that I can RELATE to. You see Seleana, the fact of the matter is that these people aren’t the ONLY ones you’ve let down. You let ME down too! I first came to Sin City wrestling and I saw you as an inspirational beacon of light. I bet you didn’t even know that, did you? I saw you as one of the STANDARDS of this Bombshell division and so did all the fans you have let down that came here tonight to let their voices be heard! You were the SCW Bombshells World Champion… if only for about two weeks or so… but you still did it. The first time I was to wrestle you, it felt like such an honor…

But in hindsight?

It’s become an embarrassment. I saw YOU as a pillar of this division at one point? What the FUCK was I thinking? I bet you thought that you and Crystal were going to end my winning streak last week just because Evie Jordan and I ‘weren’t going to get along’, right? SORRY but… she had a job to do and she did it and now you come into this Bombshells Internet Championship match with NO momentum whatsoever! You are coming into this title challenge against me with not one, not two but THREE consecutive losses! You should be ashamed of yourself because like I said last Sunday, the mark of a champion is how strong her challengers are and when you go out there and you lose three straight matches as a title challenger, you not only make yourself look bad, but you also make my championship look bad and worst of all, you make ME look bad! I don’t have any fucking control over who my next challenger is, but what I do fucking know is that I am NOT GOING TO SETTLE FOR A FUCKING KRYSTAL WOLFE FLUFFY BUNNY TITLE REIGN WHERE ALL OF MY CHALLENGERS ARE TOO DAMN EASY!  I can’t believe I am even SAYING this, but why the fuck is it YOU and not Alicia Lukas standing across the ring from me this Sunday? Alicia wasn’t even PINNED at High Stakes and yet, they have her shuttled off dealing with FUCKING CANDY? REALLY? Alicia deserves this damn title shot more than YOU do.

You’re showing that Inception was just a one off fluke that provides you a gasp of an opportunity to be relevant again but you are NOT going to be relevant again at MY fucking expense. WOW, you beat BEA BARNHART, someone that you’ve beaten MILLIONS OF TIMES to get this title shot! Holy SHIT, I should FEAR the woman that beat one of the FIVE WORST BOMBSHELLS ON THE ROSTER! WOW, you beat DANI WESTON who more than anything has proven that she should’ve never bothered coming back in the first place considering she’s had like TWO wins since she came back in like 10 or so matches. WOW! Fucking BRAVO! You know what the damn bitch is about this title defense though? You are to me what Bea and Dani BOTH are to you! You’ve NEVER lost to Bea Barnhart… so Bea Barnhart is just as much YOUR bitch as YOU are my bitch. We’ve faced off against each other HOW many times? I’ve lost count at this point. Holy shit, it’s like you’re the Crystal to my Mikah at this point because you’ve NEVER BEATEN ME.

You’d think I’d take PRIDE in this but the fact of the matter is, I don’t. I am about to retain this championship against someone that hasn’t beaten me. What’s the CHALLENGE in that? Hell, I can’t even say that you’re going to give it your best because you’ve been dogging it ever since your Roulette Championship reign ended and you can fucking deny it all you want to, but I have seen the difference with my very own eyes. The Seleana that I witnessed when I first got here? She was hungry. She was competitive. She was driven. She was main eventing High Stakes for fuck sake on the same night I had my first ever High Stakes match. Being in the ring with THAT Seleana was a badge of HONOR. The Seleana that you have become? I don’t even know who the FUCK that woman is. For all the potential that you had to become one of the next great Bombshells in Sin City Wrestling history, you have done NOTHING in the past two years but slip, fall, fail, lose, become increasingly irrelevant and prove that your fleeting two week world title reign was nothing but a mere fluke. When you look at the history of the Bombshells Championship, the fact of the matter is you are either a poor woman’s version of Mercedes Vargas considering you both have fallen off in recent years very damn similarly or you are an upgraded version of Electra Styles, the WORST Bombshells Champion in SCW history that SOMEHOW beat Roxi for the belt many years ago, then lost the title right back to her and was never heard from again. It’s NOT a good look for you either way.

What the HELL makes you think that you are going to be the one that ends my winning streak and takes my title from me, huh? On top of the fact that you’re the Bea to my Seleana, you are also the Dani to my Seleana because just like her, you’ve FADED… the only difference between you and her is that you still win a match every once in a while and pull some sort of fluke out of your ass. Sadly for you, you already wasted your fluke getting this title shot to begin with. You’re not READY for me because you didn’t beat anyone worth a FUCK to get this shot against me and on top of that, it took you TWO tries to even get the title shot when you consider Jessie won the first opportunity. You want to talk about DANI being lost, which you are RIGHT, she has been… but that’s like the pot calling the kettle black. You just hang around the locker room, happy to be your wife’s little toy and little sidekick bitch becoming completely irrelevant while you happily stand in her shadow and that’s ALL I will say about that because I know you’re sick of hearing that. I mean, you want to talk about DANI and how she stopped surging when she lost the title… but SO DID YOU! Even though you WON the Roulette Championship eventually, you STILL won it off of fucking VIOLET AMELIA HOLT! If that Roulette Champion was anyone else not named Candy, you would’ve never won it to begin with. When Alicia smacked you around and took that title back from you, that’s when you started to go down the drain… and I wouldn’t even be in SCW for another five to six months.

You talk about BEA needing to step up. But since you lost the Roulette title can you name ONE time where you’ve actually done that? No, Inception doesn’t count because that’s peasantry competition and all that, but if you were in that match against just about ANYONE in the Bombshells gauntlet, you’re not challenging me. If it was ANYONE from that gauntlet?

Kat Jones is challenging me.

Levana Cade is challenging me.

Hell, I’ll even go out on a limb and say that Bella Madison is challenging me…

But NOT YOU! Sure, you were talented enough to win that triple threat, but the fact of the matter is that you were FORTUNATE enough to have had the opponents that you had that night. Period!

Truth be told, I don’t want to be or even SOUND dismissive of you, but the damn fact of the matter is that i DO deserve better challengers than you because unlike SOME champions, I don’t settle for powerpuff defenses like Char Kwan and act like my title reign is worth something when I’ve spent 95Z% of my reign defending against wrestlers like that. This is YOUR chance to FINALLY do something but if your career since losing the Roulette Championship is anything to go by, then the most likely outcome of all is you falling short to me, supplying my 19th consecutive win and then it’s right back to obscurity with you where you can hang out with the likes of Dani Weston and Sam Marlowe and talk about the “good old days” when all three of you were actually RELEVANT here. You ask Dani what the fuck happened to her, well I pose the same question to you. What the FUCK happened to you? Seriously! I thought MAYBE there would be a glimmer of hope with you when you won this title shot to begin with and yet, the first time that you actually step into the ring to wrestle a match, Do Nothing Kriger is beating your ass and of course, you couldn’t take the fact that I laughed at you for being such a failure of a contender so you had to put your hands on me just to get SOME form of dignity. And you know, that WOULD be nice and everything, only you had to face Diamond Steele and LOSE to her too. Of course, it goes without saying that you lost to Johanna because you were too worried about me. I was at ringside watching you compete against her and I knew deep down in my gut that you were going to lose to her, I just knew it. I didn’t have to interfere or anything… and sure enough, you lost to her. You were talking lip about me going into that match, seemingly caring more about me than her and what do you know? It costs you.

Then you’ve got your match against Diamond and oh my GOD that was FUCKING EMBARRASSING. I mean, when you go out there and lose to the top contender for ANOTHER championship, that TOO reflects HORRIBLE on me, my title reign and the title that I hold. You know why you lost that match, Seleana? On top of the fact that you just weren’t good enough to begin with? Well, for one, you kept name dropping me and you continued to keep worrying about me which put you behind the eight ball AND the nine ball at that point, but you had to willingly volunteer to step behind the TEN BALL too when you’re preaching to Diamond about fighting and how you tried to focus so much of your time talking about honor, respect, focusing on ‘fighting for what we’re capable of’, and WORRYING about interference and even calling on your opponent to stop anyone from getting involved. You’re reaching out to an OPPONENT to be on your side when you’re supposed to be beating the shit out of them AND focusing on trying to prove that you’re ready for me? My GOD, no wonder Diamond beat your ass! You can’t have any priorities straight whatsoever. In fact, you’ve fallen SO far off the wagon that the only notable thing you’ve done since you’ve lost the Roulette Championship is violate practically every fucking state marriage law in the United states outside of Utah if you know what I’m saying. Holy CRAP, why the HELL would you attach your name and whatever is left of your declining reputation on that? HEY… HEEEYY…. We don’t need the fire marshals damn it…

I take a quick and sudden pause with my rally when I see that the audience has a pinata in the likeness of Seleana Zdunich. Someone hangs the pinata from the ceiling and another person comes in with a torch to light the pinata on fire! I stand there with shock as the anti-Seleana crowd completely cheers this. A security guard comes in with a fire extinguisher to put out the fire while the “FUCK SELEANA” chants continue.

“THAT… right there, Seleana, is what I am talking about… you’re SUCH a disappointment that your fans have left you and are even burning you in effigy. Look in the damn mirror and realize that all you EVER fucking do nowadays is disappoint your loved ones and anyone that cares about you. All you do is disappoint your fans… whatever amount of fans you have left. Yeah, go ahead and watch this video and get angry. Yeah, take everything I said to heart. Go ahead and get pissed off like you always do when someone worth their salt calls you out on your shit. But the fact of the matter is, you will ALWAYS be a disappointment. You had one HELL of a career for someone that was a late bloomer and a late starter and not ONCE have you considered that your constant disappointments have affected your fans to the point where they give up on you, are chanting profanities about you, calling for you to be fired and… well… burning a freaking pinata of you! THAT is how mad you have driven your fans. THAT is how much you have been a disappointment to them. This of course, is without mentioning all the family bullshit, but now is not the time to get into all of that. You and Crystal, both of you, are horrible excuses for women, horrible role models to your daughter and anyone that looks up to you and people that need to be excommunicated from Sin City Wrestling in my opinion with the fucking laughable bullshit you willingly choose to be a part of all while you’re the BETA of your marriage and just going along with anything that FUCKING CRETIN does just because of LOVE and LOYALTY and all that GARBAGE!

UGH, WHY did I EVER have ANY respect or admiration for you at ALL? It’s disgusting! But that’s okay! Because at Blaze of Glory, I finally get to put you behind me yet again. I am going to do the same thing that I did to you last year at this very same event and what I have done to you every single time I have wrestled against you and that is BEAT YOU! I am your KRYPTONITE, bitch! I am the ONE Bombshell you’re NEVER going to figure out and when it is all said and done, you are going to go back to the Zdunich family prostitution ring that infests SCW and just about any other company in existence in this business with CORONAZDUNICH and you are going to have to face ALL of your loved ones and embrace and face the reality that you are what you have been for the last two years…

Nothing but a BITTER, MASSIVE, SUPERFLUOUS DISAPPOINTMENT THAT WILL NEVER, EVER be SCW Bombshells World Champion AGAIN! The fact that they gave the likes of you, Dani and Bea an opportunity to become the next challenger to my championship is DAMN INSULTING and when I am done with you, this company’s championship committee better STEP THE FUCK UP and give me a challenger that IS going to be a threat to my streak and my title. You ain’t it, Seleana. SORRY! NOT SORRY!

Give me Alicia.

Give me Levana.

Give me Kat!

Hell, Myra never got her rematch for this belt! Give her to me too!

ENOUGH with this cupcake Seleana, Jessie, Mercedes GARBAGE! Blaze of Glory will mark the END of me having to settle for challengers like THAT! At this point, what you have become reduced to Seleana, is my personal MESSAGE BITCH… because what I plan on doing to you is exactly what the Bombshells division should FEAR from me, Andrea Hernandez, STILL the SCW Bombshells Internet Champion, STILL undefeated, and STILL the most dominant Bombshell IN THE ENTIRE COMPANY!

I’m Andrea Hernandez, about to be RE-ELECTED to an unprecedented FOURTH TERM as the president of the Internet… and I APPROVE THIS MESSAGE…

Now y’all better behave and not set anything else on fire… idiots…

I rolled my eyes and left the stage while the crowd in front of me completely cheered. The “FUCK SELEANA” chants rang out louder than ever as the transmission ended…

Offline Seleana Zdunich

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    • Seleana Zdunich
« Reply #3 on: March 18, 2022, 08:15:09 PM »

Thursday, March 17, 2022
Parking Lot
Zdunich Zoological Gardens
Los Angeles, California
9:45 AM  PDT

It was a warm day in Los Angeles and Seleana Zdunich was going to take the day to make sure preparations were taken care of for the weekend while she was getting herself ready for her Blaze of Glory 10 match with Andrea Hernandez. Even with Blaze of Glory happening here in Los Angeles, Seleana was going to be busy prepping for family like her sister, Zenna, sister-in-law, Linnéa Lacroix, Linnea’s sister, Alissa, and Alissa’s fiancée, Kelly Taylor, to all come over and stay at the house. Her daughter-in-law, Halo, was also likely to come up and stay overnight in her old room with her wife, Brittany Williams-Annis. Halo was likely to be bringing her fellow Shieldmaidens, the SCU GRIME Tag Team Champions, Jane “The Hammer” Harper and Chiaki “Chi Chi” Sanada, 2 Broke Chicks, as well so it was likely to be a full house.

Relatively speaking, of course.

Considering how overly large and showy the Hollywood Hills mansion was, it was unlikely to actually be full but it would definitely feel fuller than usual with that amount of friends and family coming to at least stay the night on Sunday. Blaze of Glory 10 was definitely going to be a family affair what with Seleana, her wife Christina, Linnéa and Halo all booked between the SCW pay-per-view and the SCU pre-show. 2BC made it two more associates booked Linnea, Alissa and Kelly added other familial connections for two others booked on the show in SCU Combat Jenifer Lacroix being Linnéa and Alissa’s cousin and SCW Bombshell Roulette Championship challenger Diamond Steele also being a cousin of Kelly Taylor in one way or another.  Kelly’s elder sister, Jenni Taylor, had wrestled as a tag team called Union Jacked with Diamond in another company and was currently an associate member of the Gem Stones, being referred to as “Garnet'' on those occasions that called for it. 

With all of that in mind, Seleana is just getting ready to go inside and receive her daughter-in-law when a man she’s never met before comes walking into the shadows of the building.

Voice: Did you not get the message before, chica?

Seleana turns to face the voice and frowns.

Seleana Zdunich: Kan jag hjälpa dig med något?

The man walks into the sunshine so she can see him.

Man: You got told the deal…

Seleana cocks her head slightly.

Seleana Zdunich: Ja?

The man crosses his arms.

Man: Don’t play stupid foreign don’t speak English with me, chica, I know you can perfectly fuckin’ fine!

Still frowning, Seleana 

Seleana Zdunich: Who are you?

The man’s eyes flash with both frustration and anger.

Man: You know who the fuck I am, chica!

Seleana shakes her head matter-of-factly.

Seleana Zdunich: Nej, I do not.

The man takes a step forward, his glare seemingly trying to cut through her very soul as it peered out at her.

Man: My name ain’t important but you got the message delivered before. I was here when Geo told you!

Seleana nods slowly

Seleana Zdunich: Who are you and what business do you have here? I do not do business with strangers.

The man exhales bitterly, clearly fed up with what he perceived to be stalling on the Swedish woman’s part.

Man: You met my cousin, Geo Rondón. I ain’t the pussy that Geo can be sometimes. I’m here to collect and you know exactly what I am talking about!

Geo Rondón…

Seleana had not heard that name in several months. Not since he’d visited her office inside here and delivered an ultimatum about protection money that he called a tax for doing business here and insinuated that harm would befall either Seleana’s wife, Christina, or their daughter, Aurora.

Seleana Zdunich: Ja, I remember him.

The man nods knowingly, seemingly even more annoyed now with this admission.

Man: Damn fuckin’ right, so stop playing stupid!

As Seleana stands there considering what to ay next, the roar of motorcycles can be heard coming around the corner. The man sees them and suddenly looks a little less confident.

Man: The fuck is they doin’ here?

Seleana glances back at the four women in full colors riding into the parking lot, smiling at the blonde in the lead.

Seleana Zdunich: Oh, that is my daughter-in-law.

The man’s eyes go wide.

Man: Your daughter-in-law is a Shieldmaiden?

Seleana nods as the bikes shut off and the four women start walking towards them.

Seleana Zdunich: Ja, we should say hello to her…

The leader of the bikers, Halo, smiles as she and her three compatriots walk to the area.

Halo: Hey, Mama Sel, what’s...

She pauses at the sight of the man and then smirks knowingly, almost playfully.

Halo: Héctor Rondón…  how’s y’all’s cousin doin’? I heard he fell out a tree and is still havin’ surgeries to fix him up…

Already seemingly uneasy, Héctor now raises his hands to try and slow things down.

Héctor Rondón: He…

As Héctor trails off, Halo nods knowingly all over again.

Halo: You know this means we gonna have to make a few calls now, right?

Héctor Rondón: Whatchu mean, chica?

Halo looks back at her fellow Shieldmaidens and giggles, the other three joining her in the laughter as she looks back to him.

Halo: You know we gonna have to call the man now…

Héctor;s eyes, already widened, now go as big as dinner plates with outright panic joining the unease that had already been there.

Héctor Rondón: Now, wait a sec, we ain’t need to bother him with nothin’...

Halo nods curtly.

Halo: Oh yeah, we are, Héctor, and what you think he’s gonna say when he hears?

She nods to Seleana.

Halo: Mama Sel done already had to talk to him once, whatcha think the man gonna say when he hear y’all out here challengin’ him like this?

Héctor starts to stammer, the fear in his eyes now palpable.

Héctor Rondón: W-w-w–we ain’t challengin’ nobody…

Halo glares back at him as if he is the single dumbest human being she has ever seen.

Halo: Yes, y’all is, Héctor! Geo done got told to fuck off once and now here you is again actin’ like the man be some pissant bitch you can just wave off as if he ain’t shit. You wanna go call him a bitch to his face, I’d fuckin’ PAY to see that one!

Héctor starts skating his head in quick, rapid movements.

Héctor Rondón: I ain’t say he…

Halo leans in closer.

Halo: Does he look like a bitch to you?

Héctor steps back, the very thought of saying such a thing visibly making the man’s blood run cold in his veins.

Héctor Rondón: No!

Halo nods.

Halo: Then why you tryin’ to fuck him like he a cheap whore you can haggle with over cab fair?

Stunned, Héctor just stands there almost shaking.

Héctor Rondón: I…

Halo nods and then points to him.

Halo: Tory, you wanna escort this dumbass to the security office, please? We got us a couple of calls we gotta make before we think about lunchtime…

The one wearing a prospect nods and takes the man by his arm.

Héctor Rondón: No man, no… please? I swear, I’ll do whatever you want…  please don’t fuckin’ call him…

Halo shakes her head as Tory does as she’s told by her VP.

Halo: You done fucked up, Héctor. You fucked up bad! 

Shaking her head, Halo turns to face the other two.

Halo: DeeKay, we got a contact number for the man’s assistant, yeah? Call him, tell him I’m gonna need a sitdown today about this. Make sure he knows the call is both about professional respect and family. He’ll get it.

The curly-haired Shieldamiden nods and heads off a few steps to make the call.

Halo: Rocket, you call Tanya. Update her on the deal here. She’s gonna be fuckin’ pissed about this and we’re gonna have to have us a meet with them now too.

The other Shieldmaiden nods and heads off to make her call.

HJA: I’m sorry y’all had to see all this, Mama Sel. 

Seleana exhales heavily and then nods inside.

Seleana Zdunich: Let’s go talk, ja?

Halo nods and follows her mother-in-law into the building. They come to Seleana’s office and each takes a seat.

Seleana Zdunich: Does Brittany know what all you do?

Halo almost laughs.

Halo: She does but she doesn’t. Chi Chi scares her enough as it is, I don’t think she wanted to know what we was doin’ when we got the bikes and kuttes.

Seleana nods.

Seleana Zdunich: Whatever happens to him, it will not be traced back to us, ja?

Halo almost smirks.

Halo: Whatever happens? 

He nods to her mother-in-law.

Halo: Look at you, Mama Sel. How long have you know about the world?

Seleana shrugs.

Seleana Zdunich: Word get around local businesses. I am not keen to lean on friend too much. I thank for his help but keep relationship as before.

Halo nods agreeably.

Halo: That’s probably a smart way to go about it.

She pauses and then nods to the doorway.

Halo: How is you and Mama Chrys doin’?

Seleana smiles.

Seleana Zdunich: We are doing wonderful, ja? Alex and I have seen Christina start to turn a corner.

Halo nods quickly.

Halo: So no problems for this Sunday then? Y’all gonna be ready for y’all’s big fights?

Seleana nods her response.

Seleana Zdunich: Ja, I have been waiting for this with Andrea for a long time. Christina has her opportunity just as she did last weekend.

Halo miles.

Halo: You and Aunt Z got us good on that one! Did y’all really not tell anyone you was comin’ back there?   

Seleana’s smile brightens even more.

Seleana Zdunich: Zenna was finally healthy and ready to go. We were told the door was open to us so we step through, ja? 

Halo nods in admiration.

Halo: You think Mama Chrys is ready for her match?

Seleana almost laughs.

Seleana Zdunich: Is she is not, Aurora will make certain that she is. She gives the best pep talks!

Halo finally allows herself to laugh.

Halo: Gonna be wild steppin’ in there with Aunt Li like this when we’s likely to both be stayin’ in the same house.

Seleana shrugs.

Seleana Zdunich: If you think it will be too awkward…

Halo raises a hand to slow her down.

Halo: Naw, we’ll be good. Probably be too busy laughin’ at Jane and Cheech fuckin’ with B-Brat like normal!

Seleana smiles.

Seleana Zdunich: This will be a fun family moment, ja?

Halo nods as DeeKay and Rocket walk up to the door to the office.

Riki "Rocket" Metcalf: Calls made, meet with man’s in fifteen. Recycling being’ picked up now. Prospect’s ready to go when you are. Tanya says to call her after the meet and y’all can talk about what to do next then.

Halo nods gratefully.

Halo: Alrighty, be there in a minute then.

Rocket and DeeKay nod and take their leave. Halo stands up, Seleana doing the same.

Halo: Love you, Mama Sel. See y’all at the house.

Seleana smiles as she hugs her daughter-in-law.

Seleana Zdunich: I love you too, HayJo.


Friday, March 18, 2022
Zdunich Residence
Hollywood Hills
Los Angeles, California
4:01 PM  PDT

The camera opens upon Seleana Zdunich sitting on a bench in plain gray workout clothes, a towel around her neck and her hair pulled back into a ponytail. Having visibly just finished a workout, she moves her gaze y to the camera and nods.

Seleana Zdunich: Två dagar till…

Nodding to herself, she looks down to the floor and wipes her face with the towel before looking back into the camera.

Seleana Zdunich: Two more days, ja?

Seleana exhales forcefully.

Seleana Zdunich: Two SCW Bombshells meet for the Internet Championship.

Looking down, her hands folded in front of her, Seleana nods to herself again.

Seleana Zdunich: If that was all this match was to be, it would be enough to make people keen to see it. Two former Bombshell World Champions meeting for the Internet Championship. One the defending champion who has met all comers and withstood the onslaught of whatever has been thrown at her. The other a challenger who earned her opportunity by defeating two others in a match at the last pay-per-view with the lights shining bright.

Looking up, Seleana shrugs the worry away, raising her hand to paint the picture.

Seleana Zdunich: Both of us went into that show with opponents that desperately wanted to take that next step at our expense. You had Jessie Salco looking to step up and put herself on a level she had previously only dreamed about and would have beaten multiple former Bombshell World Champions to do it.

Her hand moves to point to herself.

Seleana Zdunich: I had Bea Barnhart looking to make her name and Dani Weston looking to complete her comeback to prominence.

The hand falls back down across her leg and her hands return to being folded again.

Seleana Zdunich: But neither of those steps happened, did they, Andrea? You defeated Jessie and I defeated Bea and Dani…

She moves her gaze back to the floor again.

Seleana Zdunich: By doing so, I secured this match with you for the SCW Internet Championship. The one active Bombshells’ Championship I have not managed to lay claim to as of yet.

She nods to herself all over again.

Seleana Zdunich: Again, if that was all this match was about, it would be enough to make others keen to see the clash and ask the questions promoters of fights wish fans to ask.

Her right hand moves forward, her index finger extending to count off the short list.

Seleana Zdunich: “Can the Champion continue her roll further?”

Her middle finger joins its fellow.

Seleana Zdunich: “Can the Challenger emerge victorious and check the last championship box she has left unchecked in SCW as a single?”

Seleana nods to herself as her hands return to folding before her.

Seleana Zdunich: If…

She slowly looks up to the camera, glaring harshly as she does so.

Seleana Zdunich: But that is NOT all this match is about, is it?   

Her head cocks to the left, somehow making her look even more angry than before.

Seleana Zdunich: We have a history that goes back to when you were challenging for the World Championship two years’ time ago! You attempted to injure me as a pawn to anger someone else. You wanted to anger my wife and so a match between us was booked but defeating me was not good enough for you…

She shakes her head slowly, the glare remaining affixed in place. 

Seleana Zdunich: You wanted to send a message and I was a convenient means of doing so. I meant nothing to you. I was simply a means to an end and was treated as such.

Seleana nods, her hands swinging out wide to encompass the entire view of the camera.

Seleana Zdunich: Now here we are, two years later and I still mean nothing to you because you have decided that whether I jumped through a hoop to get to you or not it was not enough because the hoop was too large or it was not covered in short sharp objects or hanging over violent animals or capable of causing me grievous bodily harm to jump through it. It was not a veritable deathtrap to endure and so it was not enough for you. You saw I had made it through the hoop and almost immediately tried to dismiss it as nothing and me s even less. But you…

She pauses to point accusingly into the camera.

Seleana Zdunich: You did not stop there did you?

She shakes her head slowly again as her hand moves back to the folded position again in front of her, the glare remaining exactly where it had been before.

Seleana Zdunich: You dismissed me and then you invoked my family again!

Seleana stands up, all but daring the camera to tell her she’s wrong.

Seleana Zdunich: You started speaking about my daughter and you brought up the possibility of inspiring people and how I would do the opposite and you channeled your inner Christian Underwood all but saying the magic words he said to me just over three years ago. He berated my wife and then asked…

Her eyes flash with the fire of a thousand suns. 

Seleana Zdunich: “What are you going to do about it?”

As her teeth grind in anger at the memory of the incident, Seleana draws in a sharp, deep breath.

Seleana Zdunich: I answered him by getting myself fired for breaking his face!

Again, she points accusingly into the camera.

Seleana Zdunich: So you start speaking of my daughter as if you have either the knowledge or the right to invoke her name in anything and I answered you in kind!

She swings her hand as if brushing everything in front of her away.

Seleana Zdunich: You left the ring that night bleeding and angry and I stood there asking if that was all you could do, just as angry as I had been with Christian. And then you attempted to double down the next week and again, I struck you and you left the ring angry and humiliated…

She points to herself.

Seleana Zdunich: By me!

Her hand falls away out of the shot.

Seleana Zdunich: That is what happens when people attempt to put me in an untenable position, Andrea! It is what I do!  Whether it is Chtistian Underwood, or someone he has hand selected to put in my way. You all always make promises you cannot keep, write checks you cannot convert into proper funds, dismiss me as nothing you should need worry about and then wake up to the nightmare of this will not end quickly and you will not enjoy it as you said you would! 

She nods knowingly as she asks the question she already knows the answer to.

Seleana Zdunich: You wish me to go away, Andrea?

She points angrily again.

Seleana Zdunich: Others have tried and they could not! Try as you might, you cannot end me, Andrea! 

She points to the camera even more accusingly.

Seleana Zdunich: You can promise people this will be easy for you and that I do not belong here but you have made promises dismissing me before and all it got you was your blood running down your face and humiliation gushing all over you as you backed up the aisle glaring at me as the one looking down on you from the ring!   

She leans in to the camera forcing a close-up

Seleana Zdunich: I have been waiting for this opportunity, Andrea and the time draws near!

She nods angrily, allowing the rage to radiate off of her.

Seleana Zdunich: Sunday, Blaze of Glory 10, with the Internet Championship on the line, I finally get to make the old phoenix crash and burn and show her that sometimes what was born from the ashes is not the same bird that will now fly higher than it ever did before!

She grabs the camera as if to force everyone to watch what comes next.

Seleana Zdunich: And what will you do, Andrea, when you try to dismiss and end me and find that just like everyone else who has ever tried before you, that you are incapable of declawing this cat?

Releasing the camera, Seleana leans back so she’s looking down into the camera almost from above.

Seleana Zdunich: Välkommen till djungeln…  I will see you soon!


Andrea Hernandez

  • Guest
« Reply #4 on: March 18, 2022, 08:42:55 PM »
March 6, 2022

Back in the hotel room that Lorenzo and I were sharing in the hours after the last Climax Control, I was definitely feeling great. My personal winning streak was now at 18 in a row and Seleana’s momentum was all but dead at this point. We were both beginning to get ready for bed and at this point, I was cleaning up all the makeup off of my face. I came out of the bathroom and back into the room. Lorenzo was already waiting for me on the bed.

“Hell of a job tonight…” he said with a smirk on his face. “...I always knew that you knew what you were doing. I didn’t have to question your decision to choose Evie Jordan as a tag team partner.”

“Eighteen in a row! EIGHTEEN IN A ROW! That’s all I really have to say about that. That’s ALL I even care about at this point. I have all the momentum in the world going into Blaze of Glory, Seleana barely has any momentum left if any and I’m on cloud nine right about now.”

“She wasn’t pinned, but you got some for yourself for that last loss that you had too…”

Normally, the mention of that Crystal Hilton debacle two High Stakes ago would trigger some anger within me, but winning that tag match on this night definitely helped me feel a little bit better about that, as if there was a portion of me that was at least able to heal some from that humiliation that I suffered.

“Hey, her name is on that list of names that I’ve beaten during this long, 16-month winning streak that I’ve been on…” I say with a laugh. However, that good mood that I just got myself into was about to disappear. I heard my phone ring. I quickly walked to the dresser and I saw that my mother was calling. I rolled my eyes, but did the best that I could to maintain my composure as I picked up the phone and answered it.

“Yeah?” I said to my mother, clearly sounding like I wanted nothing to do with her at the moment.

“Am I bothering you?” my mother asked me, picking up on my tone.

“You’re fine. Is there something you need?”

“I was just checking up on you, that’s all…” my mother said as I put the call on speaker for Lorenzo to hear.

“Mom, I’m good! We won the tag team match. I’m feeling great. That’s all there is too it. See? It didn’t turn out to be so bad. Evie and I got along, for the most part, just fine.”

“Yeah… I did see that…” my mother said, with her voice starting to seem a bit annoyed in its own right. “I hope you’re happy. You got what you wanted.”

My mother’s comment annoyed me a bit while I heard Lorenzo sigh in the background.

“I did get what I wanted.”

“I understand that you did what you had to do. But I hope to God you NEVER team up with that woman again…”

I bit my tongue to control my anger while Lorenzo was facepalming in the distance.

“You’re really going to call me now to nag about this? AGAIN?”

“Andrea, I am sorry. You may have forgiven and forgotten everything that happened, but I’m NEVER going to forgive that woman for what she put you through. EVER!”

“It’s DONE with, Mom!”

“Promise me you’re never going to team up with that woman again…”

“Oh so now you think you can control my career? Sorry, who was the parent that married into this family and who was the parent that once said that wrestling is the cancer that brings down the entire family? Wasn’t that you? LET IT GO! If I’m over it, then you should get over it too.”

“How CAN you be over it, Andrea? She broke you down to the point where…”

“Don’t mention the mental hospital thing again! For fuck’s sake!”

“The old Andrea… you know… the one that you allowed Evie to kill… wouldn’t have tolerated her ever. She would’ve found another partner and still found a way to keep the win streak going even if she was paired up with Brittany Williams for god’s sake.”

“That’s not true because the old Andrea would’ve never even gotten HALFWAY to the winning streak that I have right now! Sheesh Mom, are you completely incapable of moving on?”

“You’re a better person than the way you act, Andrea. I sometimes don’t even know if I am talking to my daughter anymore. I’ve been missing who you were before the Evie thing happened for so long. You don’t need to be so rude, obnoxious, ungrateful and…”


My anger drove me to both hang up on her and turn off my phone. Lorenzo was already in bed, but he was pretty annoyed by what just happened. I climbed into bed with him feeling nothing but frustration go through me.

“Why do you even still talk to that family, Andrea?” he asked me. “All they want to do is control your every move…”

“I’d rather not talk about it…” I said with annoyance in my voice. I didn’t say anything else after that. I stayed stewed in my anger and all related emotions as I wound up falling asleep feeling nothing but resentment in my heart for my own mother and these unrealistic expectations she had for me…


I was a bit disoriented and confused as I found myself in the bleachers of my father’s old wrestling gym back in Sedona, Arizona. For this particular moment, I at least had the opportunity to move past the anger I was feeling when I fell asleep. There were some training skirmishes going on below and I curiously walked down the stairs of the bleachers wondering what the hell I was doing here. Once I got to the floor, I made my way toward the center ring. I saw one of the people in the ring give an armdrag to another. The one delivering the armdrag turned in my direction and I’d be surprised at the sight of my father’s face.

“That’s it for now…” my father said to the other wrestler as he left the ring. He smirked when he saw me. “Andrea…”

“Dad…” I said, still getting past my confusion. “What the hell am I doing here all of a sudden?”

“What? I can’t spend time with my daughter every now and then? It almost felt like… I don’t know… you were calling out to me when you were at my grave asking if I understood why you did what you did tonight.”

“That wasn’t my intent. That was just me acknowledging that you would’ve understood.”

“Why don’t you come inside the ring and we can talk about that for a moment…”

I was a bit skeptical of my father’s invitation to join him in the ring but of course, since this was my father after all, these qualms didn’t last very long. I got in the ring and met him at the center of it.

“You’re not going to beat me up, are you?” I asked him. This brought some laughter out of him.

“Why the hell would I do that? Besides, you’d kick my ass from Sedona to Phoenix at this rate, Miss 18 Match Win Streak. Besides, you can’t just visit my grave without giving you a piece of my mind…”

I scoffed a bit, but I wasn’t sure if he was toying with me or if he was about to tear into me.

“Please don’t be like my mother just now…” I said with an angry sigh. “She thought she could call me just now and run my life. It’s like she expected me to do things her way or something which is SO frustrating because I thought I had broken away from all the stupid ‘family expectations’. I know I pretty much reconciled with her and Eddie ever since High Stakes a few months ago, but apparently, I gave them permission to just intervene in my career and tell me what to do all over again. They jumped down my throat over the Evie thing as if that throat belonged to Hayley Halsey or something…”

“As you know Andrea, your mother and brother do care about you and it did throw them for a loop that you would ever want to team with Evie in the first place. I get why they feel the way that they do.”

“Oh for fuck’s sake, don’t take their side…”

“I never said I was. I was just acknowledging their point of view. Here’s one for you though. They should mind their own business. I know Evie hurt the hell out of you, but that’s something that they need to move on from. They were not the ones directly affected by that. You were. And you’ve moved on. I’m proud of you for doing that.”

This broke the ice for me and got me to calm down quite a bit. Having my father on my side was definitely helping me sift through some emotions that shouldn’t be flowing through me when I know I have a title defense against Seleana coming up.

“I’m just sick and tired of my family questioning me on everything I do…”

“I suppose I should accept blame for that in my own right for doing so earlier in your career. Let me tell you something, Andrea. When you’re in Heaven and you’re watching things with your family play out like a telenovela, you gain a hell of a perspective on things. I see things in you where I went wrong. For years, I shoved that family legacy down your throat and I placed unholy, unreasonable expectations on you. I know you were hating me for a while and while I do have you here, I do want to take a moment to say that I’m sorry for how I treated you and how I trained you. I should’ve just let you be you and not try to turn you into another Hernandez family robot…”

I was bewildered at the fact that after all of these years, my father finally admitted his own faults. When he was alive, he treated me rather harshly and would always snap at me over every single thing that I did wrong. One mistimed lariat would always turn into ‘you’re a disgrace to the family’. My heart was definitely touched hearing that from him.

“I’ve seen the pattern, Andrea… when it comes to the family legacy and the expectations that came with it… even while I was alive. Butk, I had too big of an ego to ever admit it. When it came to you, whenever you were all about the family legacy, you struggled. You should’ve hit the mainstream sooner than you did…”

“Yeah… I should’ve…”

“But… I placed that obstacle in your way. I brainwashed you into shooting for the lofty standards and expectations and all it did was hurt you. I understand why you broke away from me and went with Myra to GCW. When you did that, you started to show greater potential. In a way, I feel like I cost you a few matches… a few titles even…”

I was suddenly feeling perplexed hearing this.

“Remember in OCW when you were the Paradigm Champion and we tried to help you before your first title defense? You ended up losing that title…”

“I was cheated out of it…”

“I made you too comfortable when it came to the family business and you let your guard down. That’s on me. Hell, I’ll even take the blame for the SCW World title that you lost. I wanted to be part of that. I wanted to celebrate with you. I wanted this to be a huge family affair. But in hindsight, I should’ve left you alone. I should’ve stayed out of it. If I just let you be and refrained from trying to get a piece of your title reign, maybe you do beat Evie and the whole shit with the summer of hell doesn’t happen. That whole summer was my fault, Andrea…”

“Dad, no it wasn’t. I was still the one that lost the matches and all of that…”

“That may be true but I can’t help but feel that if I didn’t die at the worst time, maybe you would’ve gotten the title back. You can’t blame yourself for something that you couldn’t control. I should’ve taken time off after you died even if it was for a few months.”

“No, you did the right thing by keeping on. Whenever you get caught up in trying to meet family expectations, you struggle. When you were world champion, you had the weight of the whole family on your shoulders… even worse when you were trying to win it back for me. I hate to admit it Andrea, because you know I love the family and everything but the fact of the matter is, we as a family have held you back… many times. Your mother and your brother either don’t realize it or don’t want to admit it. You won the world title not to live up to the family name, but because you wanted to break the ceiling of bullshit you dealt with in UWA and OCW, remember?”

“Of course I remember that. With all due respect, the family was the last thing that I was thinking about at that time.”

“As it should’ve been… and as it was when you decided to team up with Evie despite their objections.”

“And yet, they STILL want to act like Evie is the source of all evil even after I moved on. They never got over me losing the title to her… like they EXPECTED me to win and if I HAD to win or else… all I ever felt after that was a huge letdown to everyone…”

“You never let ME down, Andrea…” my father said, causing me to feel relieved. “Titles come and go. Besides, as I said earlier, I take the blame for that. That was never your fault. That whole summer was never your fault. You even cut yourself off from the family at one point and look what happened to you. You went on a huge tear that nobody in SCW wants to talk about. You went on the win streak that you are on. You ended up winning the SCW Bombshells Internet Championship. What you did there with that whole ‘political campaign’ thing was a stroke of genius, Andrea. I mean that. The family had nothing to do with that. You created that all on your own, hit your stride and found your niche. You see the pattern too, don’t you?”

I was starting to feel conflicted about this on the inside. My head knew immediately that my father was right. Every time I was fixated on family bullshit, I had a tendency to be anchored by it and to fall down the ladder or lose a match that I probably should’ve won. Yet, every time I broke away or did something that they would never want me to do, such as teaming up with Evie, I’ve done nothing but flourish. Even with my anger toward my family at the moment, I wasn’t going to stop loving them, ever. It was that love that made me want to NOT acknowledge the pattern and that he was right.

“I know that we’re your family and all, but now isn’t the time to sugar coat. You know what the truth is, but you don’t want to acknowledge it, do you?”

“...are you able to read my mind or something?”

“You’re conflicted between hurting our feelings and looking out for yourself.”

“Yeah…” I said with reluctance. “You’re right. I do see the pattern. I don’t need family approval and I never did and I’m sorry if…”

“Don’t be sorry, Andrea. You are doing the right thing for you and that is all that matters. If they don’t agree with it, they don't agree with it. They’ll get over it and move on. They’re not going to excommunicate you from the family or cut you off. You know they wouldn’t do that. You’re the kind of person that is miserable when she feels like she has to live up to the expectations of others yet is happy and dominant as hell when she only has her own expectations to worry about. Have you not been so much happier ever since you decided to do things your way?”

“I have…”

“Don’t you waste another second burdening yourself with family expectations… not now or ever again…”

My eyes lit up upon hearing that from my father. I was overjoyed by the fact that my father FINALLY gave me his blessing to just be ME and to do everything for ME and nobody else.

“The family is going to chime in and say things and they are going to express disagreements from time to time, but all they are doing is looking out for you and giving you their point of view. You don’t have to agree with them or listen to them because it’s YOUR point of view that matters the most. Is that not a weakness with those Bombshells you work with where they’re all about that family legacy and the expectations that come with that? You know… like Seleana for instance?”

I scoffed, but smirked when he hit close to home with a question that was right on the nose.

“You got that right…”

“That’s the reason why you’re a champion and those with the last names of Zdunich and Hilton are not…”

“Oh YEAH, I’ve REALLY separated myself from that shit, unlike them. Thanks so much, Dad…”

We briefly exchanged a hug.

“You’re right by the way… Crystal’s father was always an asshole…”

I couldn’t help but laugh at this.

“You’re the one that matters the most, Andrea… don’t forget that…”

“I won’t…” I said as he turned and left the ring. I was feeling inspired by that conversation at this point. I was beginning to feel a lot better. The anger that I had within me that was stemming from my mother’s attempted interference  had subsided at this point. I was feeling incredibly happy that any possible chance of ever being burdened by my family or the expectations that came with their legacy was never going to drag me down again. I watched my father disappear through the doors at this point. Before I had a chance to really soak in our conversation, the entire building flashed a bright white light that blinded me.

It was at that point that I woke up the next morning…

March 7, 2022

I sat up on my bed and I was feeling so much better. I was happy that my father turned out to be the voice of reason in all of this. I wasn’t quite ready to get out of bed and go grab my phone again, but at the very least I was just relieved that the anger that I had was completely gone.

“It’s good to know that my dad sees things the way I do, but more importantly, I am eternally grateful that he finally came around, admitted that he was wrong, and realized that forcing something on me was what was holding me back all along. He gets it. But hopefully my mother gets it too and she just leaves me alone and quits trying to interfere so damn much in my career.”

I took a pause in my thoughts, going over the dream that I just had and some of the things my father said: especially regarding wrestling families and all of the unneeded pressure and emphasis that many wrestlers in the business, including Seleana herself and me at one point, put on their careers.

“I wish that I had this attitude now, about four to five years ago. It’s better late than never, I suppose. But then again, when you see someone like Seleana Zdunich, it’s already too late. They’re all about that whole family legacy crpa. They’re all about being relevant off of nothing but an outdated, overplayed family name. Thankfully? I’m NOT one of those people that rely on my family name. I’ve shown that I am so much more and so much better than that. I’m going to continue to do things the way I want to do them. As for my family? I love them to death. I don’t want to cut them off… again… but maybe I should keep my distance from my mother and from Eddie so I don’t have to deal with them nagging at me about EVERY fucking thing…

Who needs them and their unrealistic expectations anyway?”

Before I could answer my own question inside of my head, Lorenzo surprised me.

“Everything alright?”

I looked toward him and he was right next to me of course. He didn’t seem to be too pissed off about the phone call from the night before.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Things just got way too heated last night all because my mother wanted to be so intrusive. I’m past that now. I’m good.”

“Good! I don’t know who the hell they are thinking that they can just tell you what to do. You’re not a kid anymore, Andrea. I don’t know why your mother had to be so intrusive telling you not to team with Evie again.”

“Yeah… and I probably WON’T team with her again if we’re being honest.”

“I can’t stand your family. Savannah’s okay. She’s young and she doesn’t know any better. But the rest of your family? They’re really getting on my nerves.”

“You know it’s my birthday tomorrow and you’re going to cross paths with them, right?”

“Unfortunately. But damn, don’t let them ruin your birthday, that’s all I’m saying!”

“I won’t, trust me. I know that most of my success has been without them. I know that every time I am separated from their nonsense, I am way better in the ring than when I have them attached to my hip. They’re not going to be attached to my hip come Blaze of Glory. Unlike Seleana, I am NOT going to have to worry about the PRESSURE of LIVING UP TO THE FAMILY NAME! It’s about making ME happy and nobody else!”

“That’s my girl…” Lorenzo says to me as he plants a kiss on my check and gets out of bed. “You’re up for some breakfast right?”

“Am I ever?” I said with a laugh.

At this point, I slid out of bed and started to prepare for the day ahead knowing I was far more confident than ever in my upcoming Bombshells Internet Championship defense.

March 18, 2022


I’m in a beaming mood as some cheesy, polka music plays in the background while I am standing underneath a “ZDUNICH FAMILY REUNION” banner! With Regina holding the camera and with her signal, I begin to express my thoughts.

“HELLO! This one's for YOU, Seleana! As you can see here, we have the ZDUNICH FAMILY REUNION going on!”

I pause as the camera pans to reveal a few people gathered around in a party that is clearly NOT anyone that is related to Seleana. The camera comes back to me and I wind up having a chuckle to myself.

“What’s that? You weren’t INVITED? I can’t say that I am surprised considering that ever since you lost the Roulette Championship, you have been nothing but a massive disappointment to your friends, your fans and most importantly, your FAMILY! Don’t believe me? I’ve got a few members of your family here ready to talk about how massive of a disappointment you are…”

An old man in his eighties walks into the shot with  me.

“HEY! Isn’t this your great uncle Jimmy Jack Zdunich? How are you sir?”

Jimmy Jack says something in Swedish that I would not understand.

“Can you say that in English please?”

Jimmy Jack continues to speak Swedish.

“So what do you think about your grandniece Seleana being a total disgrace to the family? What do you think about her constantly letting you down over and over again?”

“Seleana?” Jimmy Jack asks. He turns to the camera and flips the bird toward it. “Fuck you Seleana… piece of CHIT!”

I laugh as the old man walks away from me.

“AW! How could you constantly let down your great uncle Jimmy Jack? You soulless MONSTER!”

A young man about my brother’s age walks into the scene.

“Do you recognize this man, Seleana? Why, it’s your great cousin Bjorn Zdunich! How the fuck are ya?”

“Well… it’s a great pleasure to be here and talking to a real wrestling champion. My cousin Seleana is so bad that this family likes to pretend that she doesn’t exist. She is the biggest letdown ever. World champion for two weeks then ever again? WOW! What a disgrace to the old country. We should deport her to Finland. Useless bitch.”

“What do you think about Seleana letting you down over and over again?”

“As far as I’m concerned, I don’t have a cousin Seleana. Why would I want to be related to a perennial loser, eh? Marrying that wretched woman Christina… Crystal… yuck.”

“What do you think about that polygamous marriage”

“I want to throw up…”

Bjorn runs away from me to do just that. Before I even get to say anything, a young teenage girl, about 16 years of age, stands next to me.

“Hey! You’re Seleana’s second cousin Olga Zdunich aren’t you?”

“Yes I am and I used to look up to her! She used to be my role model.”

“Why isn’t she anymore?”

“Because she doesn’t DO ANYTHING anymore! Her career has crashed harder than the Russian ruble. Why would I want to be related to someone that doesn’t care about her career anymore? When my parents talk about her, they generally tape a picture of her to a dartboard and throw darts at it. They really wish she could be excommunicated from the Zdunich name entirely.”

“So, who is your role model now?”

“YOU ARE! Because you’re the BEST BOMBSHELL IN SCW and you are going to WRECK Seleana… AGAIN! Because unlike her, you ARE a winner. Oh and to my second cousin Seleana, if you happen to watch this, you should totally eat a cheeseburger or two, skinny bitch! If you crash this reunion, the Swedish House Mafia is going to pop a cap in your ass!”

Olga bolts from the shot.

“...isn’t that a musical act?” I ask, briefly bewildered but only for a moment before I let out a scoff.

“ANYWAY, even your own ‘FAMILY’ has given up on you… stand by for a brief disclaimer…”


“Thank you Regina! All this time in your Sin City Wrestling career being a massive disappointment to your family. How must the likes of Linnea and Zenna feel having to console you after a loss so damn much, huh? Oh but they’re FAMILY right? Yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised if they were completely annoyed by you and the fact that you constantly let them down. That’s what separates you from me, Seleana You CATER to these family expectations. You’re ALL ABOUT THE FAMILY! You're all about inspiring your family. You’re all about doing anything and everything for the good ol’ family name! Maybe THAT is why you’re continuing to be a struggling former champion that can never get over the hump again up to this point. ME? I don’t give a FUCK about making my family happy. My half-sister aside, I don’t give a FUCK about inspiring ANYONE. I don’t give a FUCK if they’re disappointed in me or the decisions that I made. That’s why I had no problem all but essentially hiring Evie Jordan as a hired gun to send a fucking message to you last Climax Control. The ones that hold themselves down are the ones that care too damn much and that is something that I would know considering the way I used to be prior to turning on your wife and prior to dumping the idea of living up to my family legacy. Hell, look at my CAREER ever since I decided “fuck family tradition, I’m doing this for me!”

The resume speaks for itself… and hell, it speaks WAY louder than your pathetic, trash bag excuse of a promo you tried to cut there.

I mean really… when you turned the camera on, what was the first thing that came out of your mouth? You’re already talking about how the matches between us were ‘NEVER ABOUT US’ and that they were all about Crystal. WRONG! You are FUCKING WRONG, Seleana! The first match we EVER had with each other back in December 2019, just before that elimination chamber, wasn't about Crystal. That was about ME PROVING MYSELF against a former World Champion that at the time, I greatly admired. Crystal wasn’t even in the conversation. I doubt I even mentioned her even one time. Crystal and I hadn’t even become acquainted yet. So you tell me how the fuck our first encounter became all about HER? You tell me how that elimination chamber we were both in was about her? Oh sure, there was ONE match between us that WAS about her and that was after I gave the bitch a brainbuster through a TV screen, but since then Was our last one on one encounter LAST YEAR at this SAME event about HER? HARDLY! I had ceased mentioning Crystal by name at that point because I wanted to move on. The tag match we just had… it had nothing to do with her. She just happened to be in the match. Holy fucking crap, Seleana. Why would you make a STUPID comment like that? Seriously. YOU’RE the one that brought Crystal into this, not me. You don’t want our matches to be about her? DON’T MENTION HER! How HARD is that?

I was PERFECTLY FINE with not even name dropping her, but YOU had to bring her up. See Seleana, that’s why you’re struggling and gasping for air right now. You can’t even focus on yourself. You’re perfectly content with being Crystal’s sub. I’M not the one that made you a pawn. YOU are! YOU are the one that chose to feel that way. Not me. But hey, PAWN, if you want to feel like one, this QUEEN might as well knock you off the chess board again, right? Now you tell me… aside from that no DQ match that we had in the fall of 2020, when have I EVER tried to burn you down to get to Crystal? Yeah, quit creating crap out of thin air, Seleana. In ONE match out of like five or six that we have faced each other, have I used you as a message to get to her. Aside from that ONE time, I ALWAYS made it about you and me. The last one on one encounter that we had? That was about making a statement to the locker room that I wasn’t going to be laughed at or fucked with anymore!  I mean holy hell, have some COMMON SENSE woman! The reason why you’re struggling so damn much is because you don’t know how to read the room. I mean really… listen to some of your stupid comments that you made in your last promo.

‘Crystal never admitted you were better than her…’ and you’re acting like I give a fuck about that… WHY? I don’t give a FUCK about what that walking telenovela thinks of me.

‘Amber and Alicia are still seen as better than you’. Amber has her little fan club, sure. But ALICIA?

I took a pause and I bursted out laughing.

“According to WHOM? For one, I’ve NEVER heard any talk of Alicia being better than me because she’s NOT! That bitch has fallen down the pole of relevancy so bad that when she slid down the pole, she crashed head first into a pile of glitter, if you know what I mean. Alicia has been totally irrelevant ever since she lost the world title to Keira more than a year ago! Alicia is better than me, yet, I beat her at High Stakes to retain my title! WOW! Could you be any DUMBER? You’re trying to paint this picture as how I was never seen as number one and how that supposedly bothers me but… OH HI POT, MEET KETTLE! First off, NOBODY ever saw YOU as number one and that has greatly bothered you ever since which is why for the last year and a half, you’ve paraded yourself in that ring as the halfass that you’ve become. Oh wait… is that a HATER trying to burst a bubble in my undefeated streak and what I have accomplished the way the likes of Bobbie Dahl used to? Oh, you’re trying to paint the picture that what I’ve accomplished signifies nothing? Look int he damn mirror and reevaluate your career over the last year and a half. Who the fuck are YOU to be the judge of someone else’s value? Who are YOU to talk about anyone else devaluing themselves when one, it’s BULLSHIT to begin with and I’ve done nothing but boost my stock in this company and two? NOBODY has devalued themselves in the Bombshell division in the last year and a half than YOU have. Oh sure, Maki was the biggest Bombshells bust signing in Sin City Wrestling history and the likes of Candy and Alicia fell into irrelevancy, but NOBODY in the last year and a half has crashed harder in this division than you have.

Don’t worry, I’m not going to go over all of your failures from that time period because I’d be beating a dead horse. But what I AM going to talk about is how you’re trying SO HARD to bring me down by putting words in my mouth.

Did I EVER say, point blank, that you aren’t worth my time? NO! I made a call for better challengers because I DON’T WANT A KRYSTAL WOLFE FLUFFY BUNNY REIGN, DAMN IT! EVERYONE knows that in this company, there are better potential challengers to my championship than you. You’re trying to play that same old psychological bullshit about how ‘if you win it means nothing because of what you said but if you lose, you lose everything meh meh meh, blah blah blah’ get that shit out of my face, Seleana. Is your last name Zdunich or is your last name “Little” because holy fucking hell, you were so desperate to paint the picture that the sky is falling and that my career is about to crash and burn all because I have nothing to gain and everything to lose. If I lose, my title is gone. My streak is gone. Sure. I realize that. But you’re acting as if it would be the most devastating, embarrassing thing to happen to me. Spoiler: NOPE! The I Quit match holds the distinction of ‘embarrassing’ while losing the world title to Evie holds the distinction of ‘devastating’. Who’s to say that I wouldn’t get a rematch in two to three weeks anyway and I regain the title? I shouldn’t be surprised that you tried to paint a picture of me that is not even close to being true. After all, that seems to be the only trick in the book you have left against me and I can’t say I blame you. You’re reaching. You’ve become SO desperate to both be relevant in this company again and to win against me considering you’ve beaten me a grand total of ZERO times and that will remain so after Blaze of Glory.

I guess you’d be the expert on burning yourself down to the ground considering that’s all you’ve done ever since you lost the Roulette Championship?

Get with the times, Seleana. This isn’t 2020 anymore when there was even a modicum of accuracy to anything you’d ever say about me. Your complete ignorance and your lack of ability to read the room and really know the score about me is a clear indicator of how much you’ve fallen behind the times and why the likes of Amber, Myra, myself… and as much as I hate to mention her in this context… the likes of Krystal, the likes of Bella and the likes of Levana Cade have all joined Sin City Wrestling since your Cinderella title reign and have not just surpassed you, but completely lapped you. You seem to be the one DINOSAUR of the Sin City Wrestling Bombshells division that just doesn’t want to go extinct just yet with Alicia Lukas not all that far behind you these days. Let me ask you a question, Seleana. This isn’t a trick question. I’m not trying to trip you up here or even mind fuck you or any of that nonsense. Can you tell me what you can even offer to the SCW Bombshells Division anymore? I HATE to talk down to you as if you’re someone that should ship up or shape out, but you represent that status in this division more than anyone else in this company. Hell, as annoying as you are, I don’t even HATE you. Yeah  bet you feel REAL good with yourself considering the outright hate you’ve expressed about me. You’re not worth hating! In fact, I WISH you hadn’t fallen on such hard times. I WISH you weren’t on the downswing as you’ve been for so long. I KNOW what the REAL Seleana can do because when I first got to Sin City Wrestling, I witnessed it with my very own eyes. I WRESTLED against that Seleana when I beat her for the first time and truly established myself as a main event contender here. I had high expectations of you, just like your family did, when I first joined the company.

Suffice to say, you’ve been failing to meet my expectations of you for the longest time. You’re going to take my words personally and act as if I am tearing you down. You’re going to hear my words and act like I’m trying to hurt you here. Here’s a secret for you. I’m NOT! I’m trying to fire you the fuck up because you’ve LONG lost your fire and your desire to be great in this division. I don’t WANT to face halfass Seleana Zdunich at Blaze of Glory. I’m TRYING to give my imminent victory a greater meaning here, Seleana because unlike KRYSTAL, I’m NOT happy with cupcake defenses. Hell, I’ll admit something to you here. Jessie Salco? My last defense. Yeah, disappointing that I couldn’t get a more difficult opponent, and yeah, I STILL beat her… AGAIN… but she actually showed a spark that I hadn’t seen in her yet. I BROUGHT THAT OUT OF HER. I hope and pray for the sake of my title reign that I’m somehow able to find a way to bring it out of you too. Face the facts, Seleana, nobody expects you to win this match. The question in regards to this match isn’t about whether or not I am going to beat you. It’s about whether or not I can light a fire under your ass and actually get a worthy challenge out of you even when the inevitable occurs, I defeat you again, I retain my championship, I prove that I am THE best Bombshells Champion in Sin City Wrestling and extend my winning streak to 19 straight matches!

You can STILL exceed my expectations of you in defeat and I HOPE you do… not for your sake or for your career because I could give FUCK ALL about that… but for ME, my Internet Championship reign, my winning streak and the LEGACY that I am building as the most DOMINANT Bombshell in Sin City Wrestling over the last year and a half! The reason why I’m soaring while you’re crawling in dirt, Seleana? It’s because I don’t just exceed expectations… I CREATE THEM! Please be anything OTHER than selfish and exceed my expectations that I set for you… because I’m going to be fighting you on the assumption that you will…

…so much for ‘underestimating you’ right? Yeah, there went the ONE chance you had in beating me!

So, keep crying. Keep scratching, clawing, drowning, throwing your little temper tantrums and creating falsehoods about me that are irrelevant and could never be true… PAWN!

Because come Blaze of Glory, this QUEEN is about to CHECKMATE your ass back to being the third most relevant Zdunich in your fucked up, ménage à trois.


STILL the SCW Bombshells Internet Champion!

I’m Andrea Hernandez, YOUR president of the Internet, and I APPROVE this message!

I deliver a quick scoff, highlighting my absolute arrogance regarding my title match ahead. Regina shuts off the camera and I begin to wrap up the ‘Zdunich Family Reunion’ that I arranged for the sole purpose of mocking my challenger.

Needless to say?

I was feeling VERY confident about attaining consecutive victory number 19!