Author Topic: KATE STEELE (c) v ZURI CHASTAIN  (Read 1118 times)

Offline Christian Underwood

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    • Christian Underwood
« on: May 22, 2016, 07:32:50 PM »
 Please post all RPs here!

First RP Period Deadline:
United States: 11:59pm EST Saturday 05/28/2016
England: 04:59am Sunday 05/29/2016

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Kate Steele

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    • "The Nurse" Cynthia Warren
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2016, 12:02:21 PM »
 Off Camera
Long Island, New York
The Warren Home

Kate Steele and Todd found themselves in Long Island. New York and to be more precise they were in Todd’s childhood home. They wanted to find some answers after all with their adoption looming on the horizon they wanted to find out about Teddy’s biological parents as a precaution on what to do if Juliet asked Kate and Teddy what happened to hers down the road. Teddy however was content with being apart of an adoptive family. He truthfully didn’t want to know about the roads of his past and having things come back to haunt him but he knew how Kate was. Kate would do anything to push the envelope and she would do anything to make sure that she got her way. The couple pulled up in front of a hi ranch home.

They both exited the vehicle as they made their way towards the front door. Teddy smiled as he had no reason to knock. After all this was his home. He slid his key into the door and quickly opened it. Kate’s and Teddy’s eyes both wide up in amazement as they saw Todd’s adopted mother watering plants in the living room. She was making sure that her counter flowers were getting as much as possible as the sun beamed through the windows. Todd smiled wide in amazement as he looked over at his mom and quickly ran over to her.

“Hey mom…” The woman stopped what she was doing as the man ran over to her. They both hugged one another as tightly as possible. Kate followed next as she wrapped her arms around the woman smiling at her. “And my beautiful daughter in law… It’s so great to see you both…”

There were smiles everywhere. As everyone was very happy to see the other. Well mom’s smiles started to fade away as she looked at Kate. “I was hoping that we could talk soon and I am glad you came…”

Kate nodded her head in agreement. “And the feeling is mutual. There’s so much we want to ask you…”

The matriarch of the Warren family however shook her head in disgust as she beamed her eyes right into Kate. “So let’s cut right to the chase… Is there a reason why you broke your sister in law’s arm on television for all of the world to see? What was the reason in beating her up anyway? What did you have to gain from it?”

Kate was taken back as she didn’t know how to answer that. Todd however was the one to answer as he kept his wife behind him. “Wait mom we didn’t come for that… We have something important that we wanted to ask and…”

The mother however stood her ground as she started to shake her head in disgust back at her son. “So you are going to tell me that a family affair isn’t that important? You need to get your priorities straight. Especially considering your brother James called me as soon as it happened and told me everything that happened… So I just want to know why did you do that?”

Kate’s eyes were that of flames as she glared right into Todd’s adopted mother. She started to draw closer to her as Teddy was holding her back. “Wait Kate don’t you dare… Look it’s not what it seems… Cindy and Kate had a big falling out before they even approached one another on television. What happened in that confrontation was just the icing on the cake, and Cindy should have never gotten in Kate’s face to begin with. If you want to blame anyone blame Jimmy because he should have kept his wife on a leash…”

Todd’s mother was taken back as she couldn’t believe what she was hearing from her son.  Kate however shook her head as an evil grin started to form slightly on her lips. She stepped away from her husband as she looked at the mom in her face. “Let me guess… James was calling you like a little baby crying over what I did to his wife… Well maybe your son shouldn’t have let that happened then. After all isn’t his job to be there for his wife when she needs him. Guess he failed at that…”

The mom couldn’t help but shake her head in disgust as she looked back at her daughter in law. A long sigh escape her lips as she looked deeply into her eyes.

“Kate what has gotten into you? This doesn’t sound like you…”

Kate however can’t help but smile evilly as she turns her attention back to her mother. “Yet I am the bad person here… Mom I appreciate what you are doing but that vanilla blonde bitch got in my face. She was practically asking for it and I gave her EXACTLY what she wanted. I don’t understand why everyone thinks I am changing but this is how I always was. I always wanted respect but now that I am reacting people want to call me out on it… Seems silly to me…”

“Watch your mouth young lady. Didn’t your parents ever teach you some respect?”

Kate smiles. “They did but I also lived my life getting bullied by my sister repeatedly… Tough love at it’s finest so sometimes one just needs to learn how to roll with the punches…”

The two women seem as if they were going to collide with one another but Teddy quickly gets in the middle of it as he keeps both women far away from one another. “Look we didn’t come here to fight with you mom… We just wanted to get some information about me…”

His mom opens her eyes in amazement as she looks back at her son. “What do you mean information on you?”

“You know the hospital that I was born at… Seeing my birth certificate… Adoption papers... I never really had a reason to look at any of that stuff but…”

The mother’s eyes open wide up in amazement as she looks back at her son. “And why exactly do you need any of that? I thought I did a great job in raising you and yeah we might not look the same but I love you just like you were one of my own…”

Kate however is the sympathetic one now as she offers a long sigh. “Look mom it has nothing to do with the way you raised Todd. The only thing we want to know is what it would feel like if an adopted person wishes to find their parents. Todd and I are going to be adopting a little girl. In the same way that you took Todd in we are going to be doing that for someone else but we know that one of the biggest worries as a parent is what Todd is about to do now…”

Kate just looks away as she walks over to the older Warren and wraps her arms around her. “Now it shouldn’t have that much of an impact now considering that Todd’s at an age where he knows you did all you could in raising him but what if Juliet wishes to know about her real parents before she even makes it into adulthood? What happens if these are just constant thoughts that linger on her mind? We just want to go through the process so that we will be ready to deal with whatever comes our way… So please anything you can do to help us…. Please….”

Kate shakes her head as she continues to pour her heart out. The mom takes it all in as she looks at her daughter in law before she turns her attention over to her son.

“Alright… You both seem determined about going through this so I will help you… I just want you to know whatever you both find I believe in the both of you… You would make great parents…”

She takes a deep breath as she continues to speak. “You both have been through a lot in your lifetime that I know for a fact that you won’t let anything happen to your child. Kate you always have your hand in something. You are a multitasker but I know when push comes to shove. You will be able to put your child first and foremost, and as far as you go Todd… I have watched you for the 29 years of your life. You are the most kind and gentle person I know. Granted you can say some stupid stuff at times but I know deep down you are kind hearted…And I love you for it…”

She grabbed her son as she embraced him into a tight hug again. Kate just sighed as she crossed her arms looking back at her. “Isn’t that nice but can we really hurry this up? We really don’t have all day…”

She nods her head as she walks away. A few moments go by and she returns with some papers. She hands them to Todd and Kate before she glances over at the both of them. “This is everything that you need… Your birth certificate… Your adoption papers… Everything there is to know on you...I hope you find whatever it is that you are looking for…”

Kate grabs them as she looks back at the woman. “Thank you so much… We will find what we are searching for... “ Todd grabs his mother embracing her into a tight hug. “I love you so much mom and no matter what happens nothing will ever change the fact that you are my mother… I will always be a Warren and you don’t have to worry about that…”

The married couple exchanges hugs with the older lady before they leave the house and walk out towards their car. “Now that they had what they were seeking for they could properly get started in the right direction as they headed off in pursuit to see who Teddy’s biological parents were…

Round and round the Roulette wheel spins… Where will it stop? Nobody knows… Well let me just say something… Here we are at Into The Void and this is my Second Super Show at being a champion. To be honest I am starting to think that there isn’t anybody in this company that is good enough at taking down the Siren. Every time I step in the ring with someone it feels like I am flat out to be brutally honest proving myself to be the better wrestler and I won’t stop until I am acknowledged as being the best Roulette Champion of all time.

Which isn’t hard to do considering this title has normally been passed around like it was involved in a game of hot potato, but you aren’t going to get that with me because I plan to surpass Vargas reign with the championship and go down in history as being the best ever. However there is an idiot who obviously doesn’t know what the hell she is talking about in Zuri Chastain…

Can I just get by with calling her a bloody idiot? Seriously who is she to tell me that I am not a credible champion and all I do is hide in the shadows. Was she not paying attention to what has been going on for the past months? Has she not seen what I have been doing on television. Orchestrating things such as helping the Clan pin Team Hero inside of the ring or the fact that Crystal and I happily ran down to aid Veronica Taylor?

Yet last week Zuri tries to puff her chest out and claim that I am merely hiding in the shadows and nobody knows that I am even around. That’s kind of stupid considering I been damn near on every SINGLE FUCKING SHOW! In some shape or form… I have showcased myself as a champion and I have let everybody know that I am to be taken seriously but maybe you should put your mask back on. Take off that ridiculous bandanna and take the sunglasses off because you can’t see your own bullshit.

Or better yet listen to yourself speak. It sound so ridiculous. But I think everybody knows that I am the Roulette Champion for the reason and I find it humorous that a woman such as you doesn’t see it. Who in the bloody hell are you anyway to question anything that I do?

Out of everyone on the roster I would say I have the hardest time out of anybody because every single title match that I have to go into I have to prepare for the unknown. I don’t really know what type of match I am going to wrestle in until just before the match begins. So I have to always prepare for the unexpected because I never know what kind of match I might find myself being thrown into. How are you going to question what I do or that I am drinking someone else’s kool aid?

That in itself makes little to absolutely no fucking sense but apparently my husband accepting this match isn’t good enough for you? Why isn’t it Zuri? Why isn’t this a good thing?

The fact is everybody already knows that when it comes to competing in the ring I am the better woman between the two of us. I am the better wrestler and I can beat you in any kind of match. Yet here’s my question for you. How many times have you been in this company now? Seriously it’s at a point where I have lost count, and you have tried desperately so much to be noticed yet all we get is the same old shit from you.

You aren’t champion material and you have no business at even being in the ring with me. You wish to shit on those who I surround myself with but they have achieved so much more than you have ever accomplished in your time in being here.

Yet you wish to end my tyranny because you don’t like what I am doing with the title. And what exactly am I doing that’s so bad Zuri? What makes me so evil and not that credible of a champion Zuri?

Seriously I am dying to hear this… Is it because I have beaten five other women including the current Internet Champion to stake my claim in this company as a champion? Is it because I got past my first defense? Is it because I have done things to stand out and now that a woman like me gets some momentum behind her you want to catch that train so that some of it can rub off onto you?

The fact is I am more than just the short woman that stands in front of you. I am a wrestler and someone who could break your arm if push came to shove. We both might hail from England before everybody knows I am THE English woman on the roster and if you haven’t accomplished anything in the past there’s nothing you can do now that will make that much of a difference. You are just the same old car with a new paint job. You can cover all of the shit up but at the end of the day you are still a pile of shit and nothing won’t change about that.

So please show me something different. Please come to the ring and give me all that you got because I know for a fact it still won’t be enough. I will beat you. I will stomp you the fuck out and I will keep my reign going stronger.

I will help showcase why Silver Screens & Screams are the most dominant duo in the company today. I will showcase why it’s about about 3M and with my title, Crystal’s new title, and of course Veronica beating Mikah we will show that we are the future of this business and nobody, and I mean nothing can stop us…

I’ll see you at Into The Void Five… Hopefully you can keep up with me otherwise you just might just find yourself SHIPWRECKED…
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Offline Char Kwan

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« Reply #2 on: May 29, 2016, 12:01:15 AM »

In two weeks, I will be fighting in my first championship bout in over a year. I know what some of you are thinking. Why am I getting this kind of chance when I haven't earned it. What will I prove come Into The Void?

Well isn't it obvious, I am looking to prove that Kate Steele is unfit to be the champion this company should be proud of. Yes, she has made her presence felt over the past few months but why did you wait till then? Why are you suggesting that I should be afraid of you? Who have you beaten since becoming the champion? How many times have you defended it in a close bout?

I bet you can't even answer these questions due to your lack of challengers or even your lack of motivation. You are so quick to judge but can't handle the pressure. I will beat you Kate. I will teach you that facing The Masked Vigilante is very bad for your health.

Offline Christian Underwood

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    • Christian Underwood
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2016, 07:39:01 AM »
 We are now in the second RP period.

Second RP Period Deadline:
United States: 11:59pm EST Friday 06/03/2016
England: 04:59am Saturday 06/04/2016  

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Kate Steele

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    • "The Nurse" Cynthia Warren
« Reply #4 on: June 03, 2016, 11:52:17 PM »
 Off Camera
The Hunt For Finding Teddy’s Biological Parents

While stars are born in many glamorous locations like Los Angeles, Houston or Miami, the story of Teddy Steele starts here in Rockville Center, New York. There’s no glitz or glamour to be had here, there’s barely entertainment to be had here but this still felt special to him as he and his wife, Kate Steele drove into town. It felt like he belonged, felt like home and for the first time, he could really say that convincingly to himself. You go through a lot of emotions when you find out you’re adopted. Where you not good enough? Did something happen to your parents? Were they not fit parents? All of these questions circled around Teddy’s head like a Ferris Wheel as they drove further into Rockville Center, but there was some relief as no matter how bad it was, he was getting closer to the closure he’d sought for years.

Kate followed the end destination of the GPS and it brought the both of them to the Catholic Dioceses of Long Island. It seems like they were the ones who handled his adoption. Teddy seemed nervous as Kate glanced over at her husband.

“Are you sure you are ready to go through with this?! We don’t have to go in there if you aren’t ready…” Kate said with a look of concern on her face as Teddy just shook his head in return.

“No I’ll be fine… It’s just I never thought I would be going through this… I was one who was happy being adopted by the Warren family… So I really didn’t want to go through with this…” He said back but Kate sat there as she reached over and hugged her husband in return.

“But don’t think about doing it for yourself… Think of you doing it for Juliet… When she comes to the house there may be a chance she will want to go on the same kind of adventure that you went on and at least we will be experienced at doing it so she doesn’t feel alone…”

“I know Kate, I know… It’s just I can’t believe I am actually going through with this… What happens if my mother is just average, what happens if she has like ten kids and all of these other kids are going to be looking up to their big brother? And what about my father… I would hate to think about what kind of deadbeat he could be… Why would they give me up in the first place?!” Teddy said in an upset manner as Kate shook her head at him.

All valid concerns from Teddy, Kate thought, and she really wasn’t in a position to tell him that any of that was wrong, all she was here to do was support her husband like he would support her if the roles were reversed. Thinking carefully on how to phrase things, she tried to console him. “Don’t think about it like that… Besides there has to be a piece of you that wants this too… Come on… Let’s just go inside and see where everything takes us…”

Teddy nodded his head in agreement. After all what did he have to lose? This was a chance to unlock one of the mysteries of his life so he might as well go about it. The two of them made their way inside the agency and it was empty. Teddy and Kate walked right up to the counter with their papers in hand. A receptionist looked as she greeted the married couple.

“Hi welcome to the Catholic Dioceses… I am Rachel how can I help you?”

Teddy didn’t know what to say as he stood there and Kate took the papers from him as she showed it to the woman. “Hi Rachel my name is Kath-Lyn and this is my husband Todd… The reason we are here is because my husband was adopted from this agency and we just want to find out more on his history. Such as his parents, his heritage and what not…”

“Sure…” The woman smiled back as she looks back at Teddy. “I will just need some identification and your Social Security card…”

Rachel took the papers from Kath-Lyn as Todd reached in his pocket for his wallet, opening it up and taking a deep breath. This was it, this was the last step to finding out who he truly was, there was no going back from here, good or bad. Good? Why would he think there could be any good in this? He wasn’t really in a positive headspace right now, but he thought of Juliet and how he needed to be strong for her, set an example she might have to follow in the future and be strong for her like the Warrens were strong for him. He took a deep breath, taking his wife’s hand for support and putting his Passport and Social Security card on the desk for evaluation.

Rachel took the two items as she looked it over before she entered into her computer data base and pressed some buttons. A few moments the sound of a printer could be heard going off and that’s when she stood up and walked over to the printer. She pulled out a piece of paper as she handed it back over to the couple.

“This is it… You will see the mother’s name right on there along with her contact details and current address…”

Todd’s eyes opened wide up as he looked back at Kate before staring back at Rachel.

“Ok so where’s the father’s name?!”

Rachel shrugged her shoulders. “He must have not signed the birth certificate but that’s not a big deal. I am sure if you find the mother she can tell you the details of what happened… Is there anything else I can do for you?”

Kate smiles as she shakes her head in return. “No thank you that will be all for today. Thank you and have a wonderful day…”

She smiles as the married couple begins to leave. Teddy seems a bit taken back as he looks at Kate.

“What’s wrong?!”

“My mother… Her name is Shaniqua… What kind of name is Shaniqua?!”

Kate can’t help but giggle in return. “”I am sure it isn’t that bad… Come on… Looks like our next journey is to go find Shaniqua… Onward Shaniqua’s wayward son!”

Teddy just stands there motionless as Kate smiles.

“What I at least thought it was funny…”

With that being said the two of them make their way to the car as they hop inside and begin to take off.

Long behold the moment for Into The Void V is upon us, and I get stuck with having to step in the ring with Zuri Chastain… You know I am going to feel so honoured to outwrestle this bitch. Tommy Knocks said it best why is it that I go under the radar?!

I am awesome!

I am amazing!

Yet people don’t see that… I appear on tv every week. I showcase my talents as a true star in this industry but I feel as if the respect isn’t there.

Is it because I am like the shortest woman on the roster?!

Is it because people think they can just look past me and think that they have things under control…

I don’t know what it is but at Into The Void V I will beat Zuri. My reign will continue and I will continue to be the fighting champion that I know I am. Zuri didn’t even bother to say that much to me. She ran her mouth for weeks but now that the match that is upon us she’s literally had little to say so why should I waste my time talking her down.

We all know what’s going to happen the moment I step in the ring with her. She will get outwrestled and outclassed. There’s a reason why I am the best damn submissionist on the planet and she’s going to find out why in tokyo… Hopefully it will be a match that will be in her favor otherwise...She will find herself shipwrecked…

See you at Into The Void Zuri…. Time to put you out of your misery courtesy of the Siren.
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