Author Topic: Round two...BFTP  (Read 309 times)

Offline Sam Marlowe

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    • Samantha Marlowe
Round two...BFTP
« on: March 11, 2016, 11:55:54 PM »
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Sitting on Ben’s plane, Sam Marlowe was for the most part quiet as she opened her bag and pulled out a small notebook and a pen.  Looking up at the others on the plane actively engaged in a rather rowdy game of FIFA that had started not five minutes after take off she smiles before she again looks down as she writes.

Sam’s Diary Entry:
Climax Control tonight had been a rather heart racing event.  It was my first round match up in the Blast from the Past tournament.  I was able to go toe to toe with a former tag champion and beat her to win the match.  Only bad part of the night was the terror of Raab laying his hands on me.  Trust me when I write that my life flashed in front of my eyes.  Thank goodness for Rage and the save he made…

A shout of ‘foul!’ can be heard from the group as Melody glares at Ben who smirks as he taunts her about a goal.  Sticking her tongue out at him, Melody tosses her hair only to point out that she is still winning.

“You aren’t going to let her get away with that are you darling?” demands Ben as he turns to Sam.  “She’s only winning by one point that I will get back as soon as she pressed the start button to take it off pause.”

Melody rolls her eyes as she motions at Ben and exaggerates pushing the buttons again.  Shaking her head Sam then holds up her finger to wag it at the pair playing the game.  “Play nice you two or no treats for you,” Sam teases as she holds her book to her chest.  Melody nods as Ben reaches over and hits play on the controller.  

Sam can only laugh as Melody and Ben keep up a steady stream of chatter at each other and the game.  Melody again complains as Ben scores to tie the game up.  Figuring that she was safe to start writing again, Sam puts pen to paper.

Diary entry continues…

Now I have round two coming up and I am worried because I don’t want to let my partner down.  And from what I have been told, if I manage to win this tournament I won’t have to worry about a number one contender, I will be able to name who that might be.  Makes one wonder who I might name…

Sam doesn’t see Ben move closer and sit beside her.  He reaches towards the book only to have Sam quickly slam it shut almost catching his fingers.  Smirking, he leans forward and teases reaching for the book again.  “Secrets darling” he asks.

Sam smiles back as she reaches for her bag, tucking the book and pen inside the setting it on the floor beneath her feet.  “More like thoughts and musings really.  Just putting it on paper and out of my mind is all,” she says as she tucks a foot under her leg to better face Ben.  “So who won?” she adds wanting to change the subject.

“Deadlocked in a tie once more, I swear that Melody is getting better at button mashing,” he replies before leaning a bit closer to Sam.  “So Sam, what’s on your mind…or paper.”

Leaning back and letting her head rest on the chairback, Sam sighs.  “Mostly it was sheer terror of Raab in that ring but I guess a little bit of it is the fact that I made it to round two and now the competition is getting to be harder.  After all, the field is narrowed down to the quarter finals and I don’t know who I am going to be facing even if I am in the ring next week.”

Simpson leans over and begs the couple’s pardon to mention that he had just read the new card for the next week.  “It seems Ms Sam, you are in a match against Frost and Keira Fisher,” he tells them.  Sam and Ben share a look before Sam leans forward.

“Thanks,” she says with a smile and once more leans back.  “Great, facing one of the tag champions next week and her partner who I have no clue who he is or what he is able to do.  All I know is that I am going to be in that ring and I am going to have to fight Keira just like I did with Mikah.”

Ben nods as Sam turns her head to look at him.  “If I am honest Sam, you are going to do fine.  And you aren’t the only one responsible in the match you know.”

“I know Ben, I know.  And trust me, my partner’s a great person to have one’s back like he did tonight with Raab,” she says slowly.  “What I need now is a drink and sleep and just a night devoted to just relaxing as I get ready for next week.”

“The drink you can have,” Ben says as he moves slightly to get to his feet and walk to the galley to grab a couple of Fosters and hands one to the bombshell champion.  “Sleep too if you want, but I make no promises.”

Sam takes a slow sip and narrows her eyes.  “Are you trying to get me to go to sleep so you can read my journal?” she asks suspiciously.

Looking like he was accused of stealing the crown jewels, Ben shakes his head.  “I’m innocent darlin’” he says putting a hand over his heart.  “You can trust me,” he adds with a smirk that only makes Sam more suspicious.

Before she can respond, the pilot comes over the speakers announcing the approach to San Francisco.  Sam smirks as Ben snaps his fingers in disappointment.  Reaching for the seat belt, Sam buckles it closed after putting her beer on the floor of the plane.  The plane begins to descend as Sam relaxes with her beer as she continues to softly talk to Ben.  Once they land, she pulls the bag from under her feet and tosses it over her shoulder.

“Thanks for the lift darlin’ and fly safe,” Sam says as she moves towards the door.  The pilot opens it for her allowing her to deplane.  Stopping at the bottom of the stairs, she turns and waves at Ben.  “And be good, if you can,” she taunts before turning back and walking towards the airport, disappearing inside.

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It had been a long week for Sam as she went through the motions of getting ready for round two of the Blast from the Past tournament.  But that wasn’t the whole of the week as Sam made some decisions about what she wanted to do.  Granted, she was the Bombshell Champion and that she was in a tournament that could for the most part see her win the right to choose her challenger or be the tournament to decide her next challenger.

Sitting at her desk in her rather comfortable office, Sam puts her signature on an application that has the University of Nevada’s letterhead on it.  Picking it up, she slowly turns it to a webcam that is pointed right at her.  Beside it is her laptop, the screen showing her friend from college.

“What in the hell do you think you are doing Sam?  You are the champion and now you are putting more pressure on yourself?  I think y’all are cray cray,” says her friend who moves jerkily in the screen,  

“Don’t worry about it Bobbi,” offers Sam as she folds the application and puts it into the envelope.  “I am just going to get my masters and since we are close to home, U of N seemed like the logical choice.  Besides, if I do this right I can still be the champ and the student at the same time.”

Her friend Bobbi shakes her head in wonder as she takes in the application and the books beside Sam.  “I guess I can’t talk you out of it can I?  Well let me just say this, I knew you were crazy when we went to school and now I know y’all are crazy.”  Sam can only laugh at her friend who begins to laugh along with her.     “So Sam, I hear you are heading down Tuscon way this weekend and have round two in that tournament.  What’s that gonna mean?”

Sam thinks about it for a moment before answering slowly.  “I guess it means that I am going to be fighting tooth and nail to move on to round three.  Which means I am going to have to be better than a fellow champion,” she says slowly.  “And if this woman were a bee with an itch, I would have no problem talking trash about her but she is so dang nice that I could never give her anything but the most respect I have for the bombshells in this company.”

Her friend holds up a finger, waving it in the screen.  “That’s no habit to get into girl.  You gotta have the killer instinct in this match, the never give up or never say die attitude,” says Bobbi as she motions at the screen.  “So when do you fly out?”

“I’m leaving tomorrow morning and will be gone the whole weekend.  And I think I should be getting ready for that.  It’s been great talking to ya Bobbi and when you are in Vegas next time, let me know and I’ll give ya my address because you can stay with me.”

The two friends say goodbye then Sam reaches to turn off her Skype.  Opening her facebook, Sam clicks on the icon for being live on the social media account.  Fluffing her hair, she looks into the webcam and begins to speak.

“Keira Fisher-Johnson, I have been watching you and I gotta say that there might not be a tougher challenge to my sense of accomplishments here in SCW but let me remind you of something.  In this match I don’t have to put my all my effort into beating you by any means necessary.  See because I trust you enough to realize that you are literally just as tough as I am.  And the fact that this is a mixed tag match tournament that will for all intents and purposes put a spotlight on the bombshells of the tournament because this is the time when all the bombshells want to advance in this tournament.  

Now if you would try to say that I am not a good champion because I won’t face bombshells in the ring for my title belt and that I am hiding behind the tournament you would be dead wrong.  But that isn’t what you are saying at all is it? ”

Sam pauses for a breath before continuing.

“If you were like that and we were facing each other I would have no problem proving you wrong and trust me when I say that I do have the utmost respect for you in and out of the ring,  But that isn’t your fault that I have to beat you to continue on my journey as Bombshell champion.  

I have watched you, studied you and generally watched for those little openings that one could exploit.  And if truth be told, I really couldn’t find any reason to trash talk you.  But that won’t mean that I won’t be coming for you on Sunday to make sure that I am still standing at the end of the match.  Because I am not in this tournament to lose, I am not in this tournament to hide, I am in this tournament to win and keep winning.  Which means that this week, you are the immoveable object that this little ball of Texas wildfire is gonna beat on Sunday.  

They say that Rage and Frost will be the ones that will go the distance, they say that you and I Keira, we are just the support for this match.  Well, between you and me the only thing I am supporting in this match is the skill set of the better trained champion and that my dear is gonna be me.”

With that, Sam leans closer to the camera with a smile.  “See you Sunday champ.  Looking forward to this match and moving on to round three.  I am just sorry I can’t take you with me.”

With that comment, suddenly the circle with the play symbol shows up on the screen where the live video had been playing.  Sam closes the laptop and moves towards her bedroom to begin to pack for Tuscon.