Author Topic: New Year...Same Alexis  (Read 407 times)

Offline Alexis Edwards

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    • Alexis Edwards
New Year...Same Alexis
« on: January 08, 2016, 10:07:37 PM »
 These past three and a half weeks since December 2 Dismember have been so fucked up.  Like...really fucked up.  After EASILY retaining my title against little Miss Lyah, who by the way up and disappeared after our match, I was expecting things to be a little more...I don’t know...normal for me?

I guess I was wrong.

I was hoping to be booked at the Climax Control before Christmas, but low and behold...disappointment yet again.  I didn’t really complain then because I just got done defending my title against Lyah and I had a feeling they’d probably just throw my next “challenger” at me in my next match.  Seriously...what ever happened to earning shit around this place?  Random people get random title shots and it’s so fucking annoying.  

Anyway, ever since December 2 Dismember and the Christmas show the week after, I’ve been kind of anti-social, aside from stirring shit up on Twitter of course.  Why, you might ask?  Well, I haven’t said anything about it anywhere else, but after Riley showed up on the Christmas show, I got a pretty big surprise.  And it wasn’t a good one.  Not in my eyes anyway.  I’ve been pretty fuckin’ annoyed since then.  I’d like to forget about all that shit, but can’t I can’t exactly forget something like that.

What a Christmas present I received…


Sunday December 20th
Immediately Following Climax Control
An Early Christmas Surprise

I knew damn well that Climax Control was going to be boring as fuck, which is why I didn’t want to show up in the first place.  But I went against my better judgement and showed up anyway and of course it turned out to be a big fuckin’ mistake as usual.  Not only was there really nothing remotely exciting about tonight, but I was yet again confronted by Tim’s wanna-be mommy, Misty.  And to top it all off…Riley showed up!

I went along with her little idea and gave the ever hilarious Despayre a quick kiss on the cheek, but that was a one-time thing.  After Despayre ran for the hills and disappeared, I was all set to head out and leave…on my own.  But, again against my better judgement, I somehow let Riley talk me into going back to her hotel because she said we needed to talk.  I don’t know why I felt the need to go with her, but I really wasn’t in the mood to fight with her.  If I’m honest, fighting with her is getting a little old in itself, but we’ll see what she has to say.

Lex: I don’t get why you couldn’t just tell me whatever it is that is so important back at the Gold Coast Casino.  Why do you have to drag me all the way to your hotel?

I’m sitting in the passenger seat of her car as she’s driving towards her hotel.  Apparently she is staying at the Venetian.  She turns to me, flashing a quick smile before planting her eyes back on the road.

Riley: Because it wouldn’t have been right to tell you back there.  I told you, it’s a surprise.  I have to say, I’m really surprised you agreed to come with me so easily.  I thought for sure you were going to put up more of an argument.

I let out a sigh and shake my head as I stare out the window at the lights of Las Vegas.

Lex: You and me both, Riley.  I’m just…I’m getting tired of arguing and fighting all the time.  It’s exhausting.

Riley: You have no idea how great it is to hear you say that.  I know when you left home it wasn’t on the best of terms, but…I really feel like—

I turn my head and glare at her again.

Lex: Can we not talk about that tonight, Riley?  Please?

Riley: We have to talk about it, Alexis.  All of it.  Eventually.  How are we all supposed to get past it if you refuse to talk about it?

Riley finally pulls into the parking garage of The Venetian hotel and casino.  It takes a while before she finds a parking space, but she manages to find one and shuts off the engine.  I turn to her before we get out of the car.

Lex: You just don’t understand, Riley.  You can say all you want that you do, but you don’t.

Riley: Because you won’t let me.  Anyway, I’m hoping after tonight you’ll change your mind.  Like I said, there’s something you need to know.  I’m not sure how you are going to react but just…keep an open mind, okay?

I roll my eyes and shake my head and moments later, we both exit the car.  We head towards the elevator that will take us to the hotel and she presses the button to head downstairs to the lobby.  I look at her confused.

Lex: Uhhh…why are we going to the lobby?  Don’t you have a room?

She nods, but she doesn’t turn to face me.

Riley: I do, but...

Lex: But what?  Riley, what the fuck is going on?  Tell me the truth right now before I hit the emergency stop button and beat it out of you.

Riley lets out an audible sigh as I demand answers.  I know she’s hiding something from me and the look on her face when she finally turns to face me tells me that I’m right.  I fold my arms across my chest, waiting for her to answer.

Riley: We’re meeting someone downstairs.  I didn’t come here alone, Alexis.

There it is.  I should have known.  She fucking tricked me!  I start shaking my head and begin furiously hitting buttons on the elevator hoping it will stop on another floor before it reaches the lobby.

Lex: Fuck this.  You brought Mom and Dad here didn’t you?!  I’m not doing this, Riley.  No!

Riley: Dad isn’t here, Alexis!  I swear!  Mom is here, but—

The ding of the elevator door quickly cuts her off.  I was hoping it would be on another floor, but unfortunately it’s stopped in the lobby.  When the doors open, we both look out to see our mother standing just a few feet away, but she’s not the only one.

Lex: Holy shit…Riley!  Don’t tell me you went and got knocked up and had a kid!

I point to the little boy in my mother’s arms.  From the looks of him, he can’t be much older than a year old, and his face lights up when he sees Riley in the elevator.  But then he also looks to me and gets that dumbfounded little kid expression.

Riley: What?  No!  Of course not!  Oliver isn’t mine…

Riley steps out of the elevator and I reluctantly follow behind her.  She walks up to our mother and the little boy, who has his hands outstretched to her, while our mother is staring directly at me.  She’s on the verge of tears as this is the first time she has seen me in almost two years, but I’m still confused as hell wondering who that baby is...until it hits me.  I start shaking my head and try to walk backwards into the elevator but the damn door already closed and it’s making it’s way back up the hotel!

Mother: Alexis…Oh sweetie, it’s so—

She hands the baby over to Riley and I shake my head, glaring at her.  This bitch better not try to hug me because I won’t hesitate to knock her the fuck out and get myself arrested in the process.

Lex: Don’t…Don’t you fucking speak to me!  Riley…please tell me that kid isn’t who I think he is…

She cradles him in her arms and as any little kid would do, he messes with her hair and just laughs.  Looking at him, I can see the resemblance, and I really don’t need to hear the answer out loud to know who he is.  Riley goes to speak, but our mother speaks up before she has the chance.

Mother: His name is Oliver…and he’s your baby brother.

There it is.  The answer I already knew but sure as shit didn’t want to hear!

Lex: Well that’s just fan-fucking-tastic!  Why the fuck did you bring him here?!  Why the fuck are YOU here?!  Was me leaving two years ago not proof enough that I wanted you out of my life?!

The more I shout and make a scene, the more people begin to look over towards us, but I don’t give a shit.  I notice the hotel employees at the front desk keeping a close eye on the situation, knowing full well they could call the cops at any moment.  Oh well.  Fucking let them!

Riley: Alexis, please calm down.  I know you’re obviously upset, but don’t take your frustrations out in front of Oliver.

Mother: Honey, I want you to come home for Christmas.  I came here to bring you home.

This bitch has to be joking.  She BETTER be fucking joking, because I’m not going anywhere with her!

Lex: Fuck you!  I’m not going anywhere with you guys!  Why should I go back to Phoenix with you guys?  I don’t want to see you guys and I sure as shit don’t want to see Dad, either!  And I don’t want to see that new kid of yours!

My mother takes a few steps towards me, reaching and grabbing a hold of my arm.  She has a pleading look on her face but I yank my arm away from her.

Mother: Honey, he’s your brother!  He’s just a baby!

I laugh and shake my head and my brother starts to cry in Riley’s arms.  She tries to comfort him as I just glare at my mother, wanting to get as far away from her as I possibly can.

Lex: No, Mom, he’s not.  He’s just a fucking replacement for me.  Congratulations, Mom.  You’ve got your precious daughter in Riley, and now your Mommy’s boy in little Oliver there.  I’m sure Daddy is real proud to have his little boy, isn’t it?

She tries to talk and chokes back tears, but I hold up my hand and stop her.

Lex: It doesn’t even matter.  Just stay the fuck away from me.  All of you.

Riley tries to stop me as I rush towards the door, but I quickly dash around here and dart out of the hotel.  No fucking way am I going to look back at those two, or three as it is now.  I don’t care.  I really don’t.  I don’t care about Riley.  I don’t care about my mother, and I sure as shit don’t care about that demon spawn son of hers.  As far as I am concerned, I have no family and there is only one thing on my mind right now…

I need some fuckin’ booze.


Fast forward several to several hours, and I don’t even know how much booze later, and I’m not one hundred percent sure where I am.  I’m not even sure how the fuck I got my hands on any alcohol, considering I’m underage but I don’t give a fuck.  I’m just happy that I did.  And I’m pretty sure I’m plastered at the moment.

And it’s dark outside.

Lex: Fuuuuck.  I went and got myself…lost.  I think.

Did I?  I open my eyes as wide as I can, trying to get a look at where I am, but I’m seeing double.  The area looks familiar and I suddenly stumble over a rock or something and fall.  I land on one of my knees and the sudden pain causes me to wince a little.

Lex: Damn it!  I’m such a clumsy fuck.

I can’t even get myself to stand up so I just let myself collapse to the ground, and I don’t even care.  I look up at the stars in the sky and I feel like I could pass out at any second.  Some asshole has other plans, however, as the light from a very bright flashlight shines right in my face.

“Alexis?  What the fuck are you doing?”

Lex: Duuude…I can’t fuckin’ see with that light in my eyes!

He moves the light out of my eyes and I have a blink a few times before I can get a good look at who is standing over me and I feel myself smile.  Why the fuck am I smiling?

Lex: Vinny!  What’re youuu doing here?!

My buddy Vince!  Wait…is he my buddy?  I can’t remember, but who cares.  He’s really good to look at.  Easy on the eyes, but man…he doesn’t look real happy to see me.  I can’t really tell from the look on his face, though.

Vince: I work here, remember?  Alexis, what are you doing on the ground?

Lex: I’m on the ground?

I turn my head and look to either side of me.  Huh…what do you know?  He’s right!  I really am on the ground.  I laugh as I look back up to him.

Lex: I…I think I fell.  I don’t really know.

He kneels down next to me and I get a closer look at his face.  He almost looks concerned.

Vince: Shit…you’re drunk aren’t you?

I nod slowly, feeling my head rubbing against the blacktop.

Lex: Yep.  I am.  But I don’t think I’m drunk enough…

I lift my head and try to sit up, but everything starts spinning pretty damn quick so I change my mind.  I lay my head back down on the ground and close my eyes.

Lex: Oooor…maybe I am.

I hear him laugh and before I know it, he’s wrapping my arm around his neck and pulling me back to my feet.  Whoaaa…bad idea.

Lex: Duuude…I’m about to barf all over you…

He shakes his head.

Vince: No, you’re not.  Come on.  I’m taking you inside.

He tries to help me walk inside, but even with his help I stumble over my own feet.  He lets out a sigh as I laugh and next thing I know, he scoops me up into his arms and actually carries me inside.  Wherever inside is anyway.

Lex: Would you put me down!

Vince: Once we’re inside I will.  You’re clearly too damn drunk to walk.

Lex: Dude, I’m not an inva…inva…Fuck!  What is the damn word?!

He laughs and shakes his head again and as I get a good look around I now remember where we are.  The Staggs Dungeon.  Of course.  Because Vince works here.  Wait…why the fuck did I come here?!

Lex: Why the fuck did I come here?!

I suddenly flail around in his arms and he has no choice but to put me down just before he drops me.  I stumble around as I stand on my own two feet, spinning around and glaring right at him.

Vince: I don’t know.  You tell me.

I think for a minute, trying to remember why I came here.  I don’t think it’s because I wanted a late night drunken training session, so I had to have wanted to talk to Vince for some reason, but—Oh!  That’s right!

Lex: I wanted answers.  But you’re probably too big of a dickhead to give them to me.

I spin around, way too fucking fast and nearly lose my footing as I reach into my pocket and take out my cell phone.  I stumble around with the screen, trying to remember how to use the damn thing in my drunken stupor as Vince follows closely behind me waiting for me to fall apparently.  Sorry, asshole, I’ll walk just…whoa!  I stumble back and he’s right there to catch me.

Vince: Answers?  What answers?  Who are you calling?

I smile and let out a laugh as I work my way through the contacts in my phone looking for his name.

Lex: Answers on why you’re such a dickhead.  And I’m not calling anyone.  I’m texting Johnny…

Vince: Who is Johnny?  Oh wait…he’s that guy you were having breakfast with a few weeks back, isn’t he?

I let out another laugh as I send a fucked up message to Johnny.  I can’t even see clearly so I don’t even know what the message said, or if Johnny will even be able to understand it but I don’t care.  I look back to Vince.

Lex: What does it matter to you, Vinny boy?  You don’t want me, remember?  Beeeesides…I think I like Johnny just a teeny bit better than you.

Vince: Alexis, you really don’t know what you’re saying right now.  You’re completely plastered.  Come on, let me go get you some cof—

He trails off as I yank my arm away from him when he tries to lead me somewhere.  I may be drunk, but I’m not stupid and I know exactly what I’m doing.

Lex: Don’t fucking touch me, asshole.  I know exactly what I’m saying.

Vince is left speechless as I glare at him.  I vaguely hear my phone notify me of a new text message, but I ignore it for the moment, giving Vince all of my attention.

Lex: Do you honestly expect me to believe that you actually want me now?  Why should I fucking show any interest in you when you wanted nothing to do with me before, huh?  Suddenly jealous now that someone else is showing an interest in me?

Vince: It’s not like—

He takes a step towards me but I take a step back, somehow managing to keep my footing in the process.  I seriously don’t know what the fuck I ever saw in this guy.

Lex: You’re seriously pissing me off, dude.

Vince: Look, Alexis…it’s really complicated, alright.

Lex: Just fucking explain, asshole!  If you’re lucky, and hell if I am too, I won’t remember this in the morning but I’m sure I will so what the fuck is the problem?

He stares at me for a moment and I fold my arms across my chest, waiting very impatiently for an answer.  He lets out a sigh before he finally starts to speak, and somehow I think I’m going to regret this.

Vince: I’m fucked up, Alexis.  More fucking up than you can imagine, okay?  My problems…my anger problems…they cost me my marriage.

I suddenly hold my hands up, forcing him to go quiet as I hear that last bit of information.  I open my eyes and stare at him.

Lex: So because you were married you—

He shakes his head.

Vince: Not past tense, Alexis.  I’m still married.

I shake my head and begin backing away from him, not wanting to hear another word from him.  There’s probably more to the story, but I really don’t want to hear it.

Vince: Look, you were the one who came on to me first, Alexis!  Don’t get pissed now that—

Lex: Fuck you!  I know now that I made a huge fucking mistake.  I don’t want to know your fucked up story, Vince.

Vince: At least let me give you a ride home…

I shake my head and give him the finger.

Lex: I can find my way back to my own hotel.  Fuck off and stay out of my life, douchebag.

I quickly turn around and hightail it out of there.  I’m holding myself back from throwing up as I’m more focused on getting away from Vince and the Staggs’ Dungeon as fast as I can.  I’m so caught up in trying to get away that I forgot that Johnny texted me back.  Oh well, I’ll just have to text him back tomorrow.


Needless to say, I didn’t text or call Johnny back after that.  I wanted to, but my head was pretty fucked up at that point and for some reason I still don’t understand, I didn’t want to either make myself look like a fool or push Johnny away all together.  Times that like, it’s best I just be alone for a while.  I don’t mind being alone anyway because I have my way of dealing with the stress and bullshit of my life.  

Seriously the fuck was I supposed to react to finding out I have a little brother?  Was I just supposed to be all happy and shit and forgive my family for everything they put me through?  Fuck no, I wasn’t going to do that!  That just proved even more that I’m replaceable.  And seeing that kid...Oliver?  It was like looking at a tiny version of my father and I felt my blood immediately boiling at that point.  I don’t give a shit if people like me or not, but I’m pretty sure punching a one year old kid wouldn’t be a good thing, so getting as far away from him was probably the best thing for everybody.

But I still can’t figure out why the fuck I went to see Vince.  I guess it doesn’t matter at this point because I’m never gonna see that asshole ever again.  

I really could have used a match around that time.  I really needed to kick someone’s ass, but because of the holidays, which people shouldn’t even give two shits about anyway, SCW took it’s week long break that week.  I was, however, expecting to be booked on the first show of 2016 because, after all, it was Mercedes’ Queen for A Day show.  She HAD to book me, right?  I mean, she had full control of the show and EVERYONE hates me anyway.  I figured it was a given.

Wrong again.  Boy...this year is shaping out to be fan-fucking-tastic.  Only one good thing came out of that whole week before New Year’s…

I finally found a shitty little apartment to call my own…


New Year’s Eve
Alexis’ apartment
Ringin’ In The New Year...Alone

Perfect.  Just.  Fucking.  Perfect.  It took me forever to find an apartment in Las Vegas, and this is the fuckin’ best I could find in my price range.  I guess I shouldn’t be all that surprised and I shouldn’t complain either.  I’d rather live in a piece of shit run down apartment than some huge mansion and be a stuck up rich snob like some people.  That is yet another reason why I got out of Phoenix as soon as I could.  

It didn’t take me long to move in, either.  Considering I don’t have many belongings to call my own, I didn’t have to get a moving truck or people to help move shit.  I don’t need a lot of stuff so I went and bought an air mattress, some pillows and a few other things and called it a day.  I was just getting tired of getting hotel rooms so I’m happy with my own place now.

Or am I?

In just a couple of hours, 2015 will be over and done and 2016 will officially kick off.  I don’t know what everyone else is up to tonight, but I’m hanging out in my apartment.  Partly by choice and partly because I tried to get a hold of Johnny and couldn’t reach him.  Maybe he’s pissed at me.  Maybe he’s decided that I’m not as interesting as he thought I was.  I don’t know, but I guess it doesn’t matter.  I’m just chillin’ in the dark, waiting for midnight to roll around.  

My air mattress is on the floor against the wall of my studio apartment.  The only light offered up in my apartment right now is the lights of Las Vegas shining in through the window.  Other than that, I’m completely satisfied with being in the dark.  

I have a little end table next to my mattress and I slowly turn my head towards it.  Sitting out in full view is my trusty razor.  The razor that I’ve used on more than one occasion to feel something...anything...other than the complete emptiness that I’ve come to accept as a part of my life.  I’m staring at it, feeling the urge to use it for the second or third time tonight.  I don’t even remember at this point.  I just…

Lex: No..I have to stop this shit.  It ends tonight.

I quickly grab the razor off the table and stand up from my mattress.  I turn around and open up the window, ready to toss the damn thing out to the street below my apartment building, but I’m suddenly stopped by a familiar voice behind me.

“What the hell do you think you are doing, Alexis?!”

I almost drop the razor out the window as I spin around to see the evil side of my conscience staring at me.  She’s wearing that signature strapless red mini-dress with stiletto heels and she has her arms folded across her chest.  I roll my eyes and hold on to the razor blade, if only temporarily.

Lex: I was about to do something I should have done a long fucking time ago.  What do you want now?  And why do you just pop up every few weeks?

She smirks and takes a few steps towards me.  When she stops, she glances to the hand that I hold the razor blade in, then looks me in the eyes.

“Devil” Lex: Getting rid of that razor will solve nothing for you, Alexis.  It’s your salvation.  And I appear to you when I have to, and this is one of these times.

I shake my head and laugh at her.

Lex: This razor blade is not my salvation.  It never has been and it never will be.  Cutting is so fucking juvenile and I think I’ve finally come to realize that.

“Devil” Lex: Juvenile?  Baby doll, you might have forgotten, but you’re only nineteen.  You’re still a baby so it’s perfectly fine for you to use cutting as your escape.  You know you enjoy it.

I stare at her for a moment before I look to the razor blade in my hand.  The truth is, I’m no longer drawn to it as much as I used to be.

Lex: Hate to break it to ya, but you’re wrong.  Cutting no longer does it for me, and I think I figured that out today.  I don’t feel anything from it anymore.

A disappointed frown crosses her face.

“Devil” Lex: Probably because you keep hacking up your damn legs, baby doll.  That area is probably desensitized or something.  You can’t tell me that--

Lex: If you think for one second I’m gonna start slicing up my arms or some place that everyone and their mother’s can see, you’re out of your fucking mind.  Face it.  Cutting isn’t for me.  I just need to find some other way.  In fact, I think I might have found a way.  But I’m putting it to the test on Sunday.

I toss the razor blade down on the table again and grin as I think about the idea I got this week.

“Devil” Lex: PLEASE tell me it has something to do with that dangerously sexy man, Vince.  I’m sure he is capable of--

I immediately hold up my hand and shake my head.

Lex: Yeah, let’s not bring him up anymore, okay?  That shit was over way before anything could even start.

“Devil” Lex: Oh, honey, what the hell did you do now?  You could have had something amazing with that man!

I roll my eyes at her disappointment.  What the fuck am I doing, though?  I need to see a shrink or something because talking to myself like this is clearly not all.

Lex: Not that I need to explain anything to you...or me...whatever the fuck you are.  But Vince is married.  Second, I didn’t want him.  Not really.

“Devil” Lex: Tell me this isn’t about little Timmy Staggs.  Ugh, what am I--

Lex: This has nothing to do with Tim, so just shut the fuck up about that.

I give her a stare that warns her not to pull that shit again, and I hope she got the hint.  She suddenly grins.

“Devil” Lex: Oooh, I know.  You’ve got the hots for Johnny then?  You know, you could have played them both, babe.  I’m sure Johnny is a fantastic lay, but that Vince...the danger he brings to the table?  A major turn on, don’t you think?

She winks at me and I roll my eyes.

Lex: Can we just drop this, please?  It doesn’t matter anymore why I’m not pursuing Vince.  The fact is that I’m not so just get the fuck over it!  Besides, I wasn’t exactly ready to get involved in some fifty shades of fucked up situation with Vince, so let’s just leave it at that, okay?

She shrugs.

“Devil” Lex: Suit yourself.  I still think it’s a mistake.

I let out a sigh and I notice her glance to the razor blade on the table.

“Devil” Lex: So...tell me about this idea you have then.  I’m very curious now, but I’m sure it has something to do with your pathetic wrestling career.

I let out a growl.

Lex: Maybe you and everyone else will be happy when I offer myself up in a match against that psycho looney bin freak, Twisted Sister!  I’m sure she’ll get a few good shots in on me before she gets disqualified…

To my surprise, she smiles then slowly claps.

“Devil” Lex: Bravo, babe.  Good move!  I think I need to agree with you on this one.  A match against Twisted Sister is just what you need.  Can you imagine the amount of pain that woman will put you through?

I shake my eyes.

Lex: Yeah, well let’s not forget the woman is the type to hide a fucking chainsaw under the ring.  As funny as it was back then, it was pretty messed up to watch her try to hack Roxi Johnson to shreds.  I’m looking for pain...not suicide.

She laughs and then walks over to the table, grabbing the razor blade.  She walks back over to me and holds it out to me.

“Devil” Lex: Yes, well we’ll see the outcome of that in a few days now won’t we?  In the meantime, know what you have to do, baby doll.  Your life isn’t getting any less lonely…

I narrow my eyes, refusing to fall for it.  I know what she wants me to do, and it isn’t happening.

Lex: Fuck off!  I’m not cutting my arms or my wrists!

“Devil” Lex: Oh come on!  You honestly think people don’t know about your little secret now?  What do you think is going to happen the first time you and Johnny hook up, huh?  He’s gonna see all those cuts on your legs, baby doll.  Unless of course you plan on keeping the lights off…

I let out a growl.  I push past her, walking over towards the door to my apartment.  She turns looks at me as I search through my pockets, making sure I have my keys.  Once I find them I turn around and glare at her.

Lex: Before you ask, I’m going for a walk.  Don’t fucking follow me and when I get back, you better not be here.

She laughs.

“Devil” Lex: I’m always around you stupid stupid girl.  I’m inside your head.  Just remember that.

She vanishes a few seconds later and I let out a relieved sigh before I turn and walk out of my apartment.  I don’t know where the hell I’m going or for how long, but I can’t sit alone in my apartment anymore tonight.  Maybe not even for the rest of the week for that matter.


Sunday January 3rd
Backstage following Alexis versus Twisted Sister
Medical Locker Room
A Swirley and a Major Headache

Well...that fucking backfired, didn’t it?  Thanks to Mercedes Vargas, what was supposed to be MY moment, turned out to be a fight for my life...literally!  It’s no secret how batshit crazy Twisted Sister is, and while I was brave enough to actually put myself in a match against her, I NEVER would have been stupid enough to make a no disqualifications match!  I’m not afraid of a little pain, but that doesn’t mean I’m out for a death wish!

But Mercedes Vargas...that BITCH is made a big fucking mistake.  She made the match a No disqualifications falls count anywhere match and because of her, I got my ass handed to me tonight!  Because of her, I was humiliated in front of everyone.  I hope that bitch doesn’t expect me to forget this, because I promise I won’t.  

My head is fucking killing me right now.  The last thing I remember was my head getting stuck in that disgusting men’s room toilet and Twisted Sister flushing the damn thing.  After that, I don’t remember anything, and it’s probably a good thing.  

When I finally started coming around, people were swarming all around me.  A light was shining in my eyes, but my vision was pretty blurry.  They helped me onto a stretcher and wheeled me into the medical locker room first to assess me.  As soon as I heard the word “hospital”, though, I spoke up as loud as I could, refusing to be taken to the hospital.  Everyone was against it, but it was my decision.  

So here I am.  Laying on an exam table in the medical locker room with a bag of ice on my head.  The lights are off and the only in the room is shining in from the hallway.  As I lay here with my eyes closed, I hear a quiet knocking on the door, but it’s intensified because of my headache.

Lex: Go away!

I raise my voice as much as I can, but even that is a mistake as it only makes my head pound even more.  The voice that follows is not a welcome one, either.

Pussy Willow: Somebody is feeling better I see…

I pull the bag of ice off my head and bring my head up enough to look towards her.  I give her the finger just for added effect.

Lex: No, actually...I’m not.  Now get the fuck out of here because my head is already killing me…

Pussy Willow: That was some loss, sweetie.  Tell me, though...have they started you on antibiotics just as a precaution?  I hear the toilet in the men’s locker room is pretty filthy and--

I let out a loud growl before I lay my head back down and bring the ice back to my head.

Lex: Did you come here just to make fun of me, blondie?

Pussy Willow: No, actually.  I didn’t.  I came here because I was genuinely concerned for you.  Though I’m sure you don’t believe it.

I laugh and shake my head, though I’m fairly sure she didn’t notice.

Lex: You’re right, I don’t.  If that’s all you need, though, you can leave.  I’m trying to get this headache to subside before they let me leave and you’re only making it worse…

Pussy Willow: When are you going to learn, Alexis?  If you weren’t so angry and negative all the time, people might actually have a different opinion of you.  You bring this all on yourself.

This bitch is lucky that my head is pounding right now, because if it wasn’t, I’d have jumped off the table, charged at her and punched her in her fuckin’ mouth!  Ouch!  My head!

Lex: Look, I’m really not in the mood for this bullshit lecture right now, and I’m not exactly in any condition to defend myself the way I’d normally like to so will you please get the fuck out of here?

I hear her let out a sigh and I think that maybe she’ll listen to me and leave.  Unfortunately I’m wrong because the bitch continues talking.

Pussy Willow: Fine, I won’t talk about your loss to Twisted Sister anymore, but…

Lex: Uuuugh...please, no buts!

I hear her let out a chuckle.  Is this bitch serious right now?

Pussy Willow: Relax, sweetie.  I have just one more thing to tell you, though I’m sure you won’t be happy.  Too bad you put yourself through this tonight, because you need more than a week’s rest.

Lex: Would you just get to the--Wait...what?

Pussy Willow: It’s another reason I came here.  Despayre’s King For A Day card has been released, and you have a match sweetie.  A title defense no less…

Lex: You’ve gotta be shittin’ me!  Despayre booked me in a title defense?!  What the fuck have I ever done to him to deserve that shit?!

My head is pounding even more now.  Seriously...I didn’t think I’d ever really done anything to piss Despayre off for him to do this to me.

Lex: Ugh...So tell me, who did he give the shot to?

She goes silent for a moment, and I know that isn’t a good thing.  Oh great...what more punishment is he putting me through?

Lex: Just spit it out, blondie.  Who the fuck gets a shot at my title next week?!

Pussy Willow: Well, in his defense, he said he drew your match at random so I doubt this is some sort of grudge against you.  Not that Despayre could hold a grudge anyway,’s Kate Steele.  But--

I start to laugh uncontrollably, totally ignoring the pounding in my head.  Kate Steele?  Seriously?  Well...this should be easier than Amy Marshall.  No pun intended.

Lex: Kate Steele?  You’re serious?!  That...that’s great!

Pussy Willow: Alexis, there’s something--

Lex: Whatever it is, I don’t give a shit.  You can leave now.  Thanks for the information, blondie.

Pussy Willow: But…

I’m not angry, but she’s annoying the hell out of me so I whip the bag of ice at her.  It hits the wall and she lets out a scream.

Lex: OUT!

She bolts out of the room as I lean my head back down on the pillow.  The light shining in from the hall hurts my head even more and I let out a groan as I realize what I just did.

Lex: Oh well...the ice wasn’t helping anyway…

I take in a deep breath and keep my eyes closed as I try to relax.  I’m hoping this headache subsides soon, or else they may end up taking me to the hospital against my will.  Time to relax, Alexis.


The Super, Terrific, Happy Show...Is Despayre serious?  Okay, I get the kid is pretty upbeat about everything but...this is messed up.  I know Despayre wants this show to go a certain way, but as is the case often in SCW, I’m sure that this will be anything BUT super, terrific or happy.  Especially not where my opponent for this week, Kate Steele, is concerned.  But, I’ll get back to her in just a second.  More on Despayre’s King For A Day show, right?

Not long after Pussy Willow told me just who Despayre booked me against, I got wind of more specifics on Despayre’s show.  Apparently every match will have a special fun factor theme tied to it from a list of special stipulations on the roulette wheel.  Umm...okay.  This should be...interesting.  I’m really interested in finding out just what kind of matches Despayre cooked up in his head, because judging by the few times I’ve seen the kid, this is gonna be one whacky show.  

Now, apparently the show is kicking off with an open battle royal, but the only two who are actually ANNOUNCED in the match are Mikah and Celeste.  The rest of the participants will be decided by the open invitational part which means that even I could enter.  If anyone but Mikah wins the match, they get a shot at Mikah’s World Bombshell Championship.  If Mikah wins...which I’m assuming she will (Sorry C!), she gets to choose her next opponent.  So...naturally every Bombshell will want to enter this one.  Well...I know of one who won’t.


Don’t get me wrong, I thought long and hard about entering this match.  I could win it if I really wanted to, but I’ll do Celeste a favor and let her actually stand a good chance at winning.  I’ve got no desire to enter that match, so I’ll just sit back and watch it all unfold.  I’m still feeling the effects of that beating from Twisted Sister last week, so I don’t really feel like pulling double duty for no fucking reason.  I’ve got a title to retain anyway.  Not that it’ll be hard to accomplish anyway because I’m facing Kate Steele.

Kate Steele!

Seriously...I wasn’t even sure Kate was even still employed in SCW before this match.  I’m really glad this match against her was apparently drawn at random because that bitch has done absolutely NOTHING to earn a shot at my Internet Championship.  Not a single thing.  

The last time she even had had a match was like a month and a half ago when she beat Amy Marshall.  Not like that’s something to brag about because everyone can beat Amy Marshall.  A month before that, though, she was in a match against me and Celeste in the first round of the Going For The Gold tournament and what happened?  Oh, right...I won.

Yes, I had a little bit of help from Celeste in that but that doesn’t change the fact that either way, Kate didn’t stand a chance in that match.  Kate Steele is more of a Nobody than we are!  She gets a match once a month, if even that, and now she’s lucky enough to get a shot at my title!  She must be thinking herself the luckiest bitch around...But I’d have to agree at this point.

Kate, let’s get one thing straight.  Heh...that rhymed.

Aaaannnnyyyyway...back to the point.  Kate, if you think for a second that I’m going to let you be the one to take my Internet Championship away from me, you’re dead wrong.  I’ve held this title for almost three months and I don’t plan on losing it anytime soon.  Especially not to you.  You probably won’t put up much of a fight anyway, because you never do.

Don’t make the mistake in thinking that just because I’m still feeling the effects of the match against Twisted Sister last week that it gives you some sort of advantage because, trust me, I’m still standing and even that won’t hold me down.  Nothing, and I mean NOTHING is going to stop me from beating you Kate.  Not even some ridiculous stipulation that Despayre cooks up.  

I don’t know what he has planned, but it doesn’t matter.  I can beat you on my worst day.  I can beat you with one hand tied behind my back.  The fact is...I can beat you, period.  You’re just not worth this title opportunity that you lucked out in getting.  Face it, bitch...had Despayre not drawn your name at wouldn’t have even gotten this shot. might have, because that’s just what happens in SCW all the time, because you sure as shit haven’t earned it at all.

The Bombshell Internet Championship is staying around this Nobody’s waist, Kate.  That’s all there is to it.  

See ya Sunday, bitch!
