Author Topic: Dangerous Desires  (Read 343 times)

Offline Alexis Edwards

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    • Alexis Edwards
Dangerous Desires
« on: October 29, 2015, 09:55:34 PM »
Thursday October 22nd
Las Vegas, Nevada- 1 A.M
Location: Staggs Dungeon

Damn…people love assuming shit based off of the things I say.  I make one comment on Twitter about wanting to cause some trouble, and everyone’s favorite Superhero lesbians assume I’m talking about starting shit with them.  They take what I say and use it against me in my next tweet, which was a complete observation, but of course no one believes me when I’m trying to defend myself.  Because I take such great joy in starting shit with Roxi and Keira, where no matter what I do or say, I look like shit.  It’s really my favorite hobby.

Damn, sarcasm in my own head is a wonderful thing.  At least I can tell when I’m being sarcastic.

Anyway, aside from what everyone else might think, I was NOT trying to start shit with the two Mrs. Johnson’s…or any of the lesbians on Twitter for that matter.  And trust me when I say, there’s a whole lot of them.  They’re like over-running Twitter, but oh well I guess.  As I was saying, I’ve got better things to do than to get into arguments with them day after day, and I’m about to go through with my original plan.

Just a few days ago, I made a new enemy of sorts.  Some tatted up recently hired douchebag security guard by the name of Vince has now become a thorn in my side.  I don’t know why he was hired on at the Staggs Dungeon, but I’m going to see to it that he’s not there for long.  I’m about to cause some serious hell for this guy tonight, and boy am I looking forward to it.

I’m standing a little ways back from Staggs’ Dungeon.  As far back as I can so I can keep a close eye on the surroundings and watch every movement dear old Vince makes, and wait for the right moment to make my move.  I’m dressed in black from head to toe so he can’t see me.  At about twelve-thirty I watch as he makes a run around the perimeter of the building, making sure there is no trespassers around.  I chuckle quietly as I watch him, and when he disappears back inside, I know it’s time to make my move.  

I quickly make my way towards the building.  I’m pretty sure my usual way inside will now be blocked off, but there is only one way to find out.  I have my eye on the window to the women’s locker room, but I can’t even climb up to it anymore, as everything I had used before is now gone.

Lex: Smart son of a bitch.  Looks like it’s plan B after all.

I shake my head and continue to quietly walk around the building, looking for anything to use.  There is not a whole lot that I can use to my advantage, and I’m growing frustrated until I reach the back of the building where the dumpster is.  I feel myself grinning wickedly as I rush over to it, praying it’s not one that has a lock on it.

Lex: Fucking BINGO!

The lid isn’t locked closed so I take it upon myself to lift it up a little bit.  I hold it there for a few seconds before I bring it crashing down against the metal loudly.  I do this a second time and then quickly before I hide behind the dumpster.  It’s not long before I hear Vince rushing back outside, looking of the culprit.  Little does he know yet, that it’s me.

Vince: Alright asshole!  How about you show your face instead of being some pussy bitch and hiding like that?  I can have the cops here in five minutes!

I laugh to myself and shake my head as I watch him from my hiding place.  He’s wearing a sleeveless t-shirt, again, like he’s some sort of badass.  And what kind of security guard doesn’t carry a weapon?!  Shit, I could have a gun right now and he’d be shit out of luck.  He continues to search around and shakes his head with annoyed disappointment that he doesn’t find anyone.  When he turns his back to go back inside, I climb up to the top of the dumpster quickly and then leap towards him, and onto his back.  I’m hoping to tackle him to the ground, but the asshole is stronger than I thought as he stays on his feet.

Vince: Not gonna be that easy, asshole!

I laugh as I wrap my arms around his neck, trying to lock in a sleeper hold.

Lex: I’m not expecting it to be, Vinny.

As soon as he hears my voice, he stops fighting for a moment.  It’s not long though, because when I’m about to lock in the sleeper hold, he stops me from doing so as he grabs a hold of my arms.

Vince: You’re…really…trying to…make…my life…hell!  Aren’t you?!

He can barely talk as I fight with everything in me to at least bring him to his knees.

Lex: I told you Vinny, you don’t want me as an enemy.  How are you liking your job now, asshole?

I hear him laugh and I notice that he’s walking me towards something.  I’m too caught up in trying to bring him down that I don’t notice.  Not that I could see my surroundings anyway, because it’s pretty damn dark outside.

Vince: And I told you, Alex, you won’t get the best of me again.

Lex: From where I’m at, Vinny, that’s about to happen pretty damn quick.  But keep tel—

Before I can finish my sentence, Vince reaches up and grabs a hold of me by the hood of my jacket.  Before I know it, he flips me over his shoulders and I crash against something metal.  I arch my back a little from the stinging pain, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.  When I look around, I noticed he’s flipped me onto the hood of a car.  His car I’m assuming.

Vince: Congratulations.  You’ve dented the hood of my car!

I glare at him, trying to regain my composure.

Lex: You’re the one who flipped me onto it, asshole!  So it’s your fault!

Vince shakes his head, and I can see how frustrated he is.  He grabs at what little hair he has and backs away growing more frustrated.

Vince: Seriously!  What is your problem?!  Why did you come here, again?!

Lex: Because you pissed me off the other day!  And I’m not going to just let you win.

He spins around and laughs at me.

Vince: I pissed you off?!  You’re really fucking crazy, you know that?  I’m just doing my damn job and you’re bitching and moaning because you can’t get a late night workout in.  Well guess what…that’s not my fucking problem!

Lex: Well it sort of is when you’re too pussy enough to break the damn rules!

I slide off of the hood of the car, glancing back at it.  He was right.  I left a nice dent in the hood, but that’s his problem, not mine.  I turn and face him again.

Lex: What kind of security guard are you, anyway?  You don’t even have a weapon.

He laughs and shakes his head.

Vince: Not all security guards have weapons, dumbass.  My weapon is my strength.

Now I’m the one laughing.

Lex: You’re really fuckin’ stupid, you know that?  You’re really not as strong as you think.

Vince glares at me and I see him clench his fists at his sides.  I grin as if daring him to do it and before I can speak another word, he lunges at me, wrapping his hands around my throat, and pressing against my airway.  I can see the danger in his eyes, but I’m oddly not afraid.  He backs me against the car, still choking me.

Vince: So this isn’t strong?  THIS isn’t strong, bitch?!

As he chokes me, I just stare into his eyes, almost into his soul.  I can feel his pain…a pain I’m not fully aware of, but a pain I can empathize with no less, and I stop fighting.  I stop trying to break away from him and I just look at him, quietly begging him to just do what he’s about to do.  Only then does he break his grip and release me.  I collapse to the ground, choking and gasping for air and holding my throat.  I look up at Vince briefly as he backs away, and I see him just staring at his shaking hands.  A few moments later, he just looks down at me, remorseful.

Vince: Get the hell out of here, Alexis.  And don’t come back when I’m working.  I mean it.

He warns me only once before he turns around and runs back inside.  I’m left sitting there, trying to get my strength back, but I’m still pretty damn confused about what just happened, and not just Vince’s actions…but my own.  What the fuck seriously just happened?!

“Congratulations, sweetie.  You just found a better solution to your self-mutilation problem.”

I glance up and see that my devilish friend has appear before me.  I can’t respond to her, however, as my throat is still hurting and I haven’t gotten enough air in my lungs to even try.  She kneels down in front of me, looking at me with a wicked grin on her face.

“Devil” Lex: You don’t need to speak a word, Alexis.  I already know what you’re feeling.  You…enjoyed that.  Didn’t you?

I just continue to glare at her, not trying to speak a word.  I want to deny it, but I can’t.

“Devil” Lex: It’s okay, Alexis.  Really.  That deliciously dangerous man in there?  You need him in your life so if I were you…I wouldn’t listen to his warning.

She stands back up and looks down at me and rolls her eyes.

“Devil” Lex: And for Lucifer’s sake…Get yourself together!

She shakes her head for a moment before she vanishes, leaving me all alone again.  I cough a couple more times and bring my hand to my throat, but the skin is still tender to the touch.  I pull myself back to my feet and look at the Staggs Dungeon, debating what to do next.  Ultimately, I decide to walk away for the night and head back to my hotel.  Too much has just happened and I need to process it all before I attempt to confront Vince again.


No rest for the wicked it seems.  After busting my ass in Puerto Rico and winning the Bombshell Internet Championship…Which by the way no one thought I would…I only get to enjoy a single week off.  Normally I wouldn’t complain, but when we’ve had to do nothing but travel from country to country for so long, it’s getting kind of tiring.  And I’ve only been doing it for three damn months!

Oh well I guess, right?  I knew what I was getting myself into when I signed the contract with SCW and I’m not exactly going to take a leave of absence or some shit just because I don’t like to travel.  Ya know like the asshole that knocked up Liz Smalls uses as an excuse.  What’s his name again?  Oh, right…No one really gives a fuck.

So I did what I said I was going to do at High Stakes V.  I won the Bombshell Internet Championship and I won it by pinning that worthless loser, Amy Marshall.  That shit felt great and to know I have bragging rights over Amy…well, that is an added bonus.  Then again, most everyone has bragging rights over her, because everyone has beat her at some point or another.

But enough about the cocksucking pornstar.  It seems as though I wasn’t given an extra week off, but more importantly, I’m involved in this nineteen Bombshell Going For the Gold tournament to decide who is going to challenge Mikah at December 2 Dismember.  Talk about a big fucking surprise there, because I really wasn’t expecting that.

Nineteen Bombshells…champions included…will be fighting for the chance to be the number one challenger to the World Bombshell Championship.  This puts me in a bit of a predicament if I’m honest, because if I wanted to challenge Mikah for that title I would have chosen to go after it before I targeted the Bombshell Internet Championship.  But…the thought of something different has me really debating this now.  

I have the chance to become a double champion.  Something that only one other person has done if my research is correct.  An opportunity that rarely, if EVER is even given to anybody!  Why the fuck wouldn’t I be for this?  

I’m sure everyone will think I’m jumping the gun and getting ahead of myself because, again, eighteen other Bombshells are in this tournament and of course the odds are stacked against me, right?

It doesn’t really matter how many other Bombshells are in this tournament right now because this week, I only have to get through two of them to start with.  And only one of them I know presents a big challenge and threat to me.  No one outside of the Nobodies really knows a damn thing about Celeste.  She’s the Wild Card in this situation, but that’s not my problem.  

My problem is this…

Do I even really want to win this tournament at all?  Do I really want to be the next one to challenge Mikah for the World Bombshell Championship and at the same time put my Bombshell Internet Championship on the line?  

This whole tournament has me officially pissed off and made things more complicated than I wanted.


Sunday October 25th
8 P.M
Back at the Staggs Dungeon

Earlier today everyone was notified of the next card for Climax Control, and I have to say, I wasn’t expecting the match I had.  I wasn’t expecting a match at all, but I guess I’ll keep my mouth shut on that because people seem to think all I do is bitch.  Not that I really give a shit about their opinion, but I guess I’ll tone it down a little bit right now while I deal with this impending shit storm.

So before the card was even announced, Christian Underwood made some tweet about an impending announcement regarding Mikah and the next challenger to her World Bombshell Championship.  I had figured they were going to go the route of some sort of tournament but fuck if I ever thought that every damn Bombshell would be part of that tournament!  Seriously, a nineteen bombshell tournament in various matches to determine the number one challenger to Mikah’s title…and I’m part of it!  Not only that, but my first obstacle is a damn triple threat match.

Another triple threat match.  I just fought in a triple threat match to win the Bombshell Internet Championship and now the first match is another one…and it’s the damn opener!  I’m pretty sure this day couldn’t possibly get any worse.  And since I haven’t really had many opportunities to get a workout in this last week, I figured I might as well get one in today.

The Staggs Dungeon is going to be closing for the night in a little while.  My duffel bag is still inside in the locker room, but I’m taking a quick smoke break outside after I finished my workout.  I’m standing near the entrance, and just as I take in a puff of my cigarette, I freeze in place as I’m looking ahead.  Vince is walking towards the door and when he sees me, he stops also, quickly peeling his eyes away from mine.  He pretends he hasn’t seen me and that we haven’t made eye contact, but I know otherwise.  As he tries to walk past me, I exhale the lungful of smoke and grab his arm.

Lex: Vince…Wait!

He pulls his arm out of my grasp and refuses to look at me.

Vince: I can’t talk  right now, Alexis.  Not that I have anything to say.

Alexis: Well I have a lot to say.  Would you just stop!  Damn.

I quickly follow behind him as we head inside the building.  Everyone else has their bags already together and are heading out, leaving me the last one.  Spike is in his office, finishing up a few things and I see him glance out the door at me as I chase after Vince.

Lex: Vince I’m not pissed off at you if that’s what you think.

I see him shake his head but again he refuses to turn around and face me.

Vince: Right, because I seem to give a shit whether or not you’re pissed off at me.  Stay away from me, Alexis.

Lex: Why? Give me one good reason why I should stay away from you and maybe I’ll consider it.  Maybe…

I stand where I’m at and fold my arms, waiting for an answer.  He stands where he is at with his back still turned towards me, frozen for a few moments.  When he finally turns around, he’s glaring at me angrily for some reason, but before he can speak a word Spike walks out of his office and looks directly at me.

Spike: Time to go, Alexis.

He’s a lot nicer than he was the last time we spoke, but maybe that is because he had just found out that I had been sleeping in his office for the last year and a half without his knowledge, or permission.  I turn and look at him as politely as I can.

Lex: I’m heading out shortly.  I just want to take a quick shower and get my things before I leave.

He looks at me, hesitant to even allow that but he nods his head.

Spike: Fine.  Vince as soon as she’s done let her out.

Vince nods.

Vince: Sure thing.

Spike then takes his keys out of his pocket and heads towards the door.  He shuts off most of the lights in the building, leaving only a couple until I leave.  Vince walks away without another word, heading into a separate office, presumably for security.  I shake my head with a sigh before I head into the women’s locker room to get cleaned up.  

I take my time in the shower, knowing it will annoy Vince in the end.  About forty-five minutes go by before I walk out of the locker room with my duffel bag in tow.  My hair is still damp, but I’m sporting some clean clothes and of course my black hoodie.  Vince is leaning against the wall just outside the door, looking very annoyed.  I turn and look at him with a grin.

Vince: If you had been in there another five minutes, I was going to come looking for you.

I let out a laugh.

Lex: What?  Afraid that I had slipped in the shower and hurt myself?  Or are you just desperate to see me without my clothes on?

His nostrils flare at both questions and he shakes his head, pushing himself away from the wall.

Vince: No more like I was going to make sure you were actually showering and not just wasting time.  Now come on, I’ll let you out.

He’s about to walk away but I stop him this time.

Lex: I’m not leaving until we talk.

He shakes his head, annoyed.

Vince: How many times am I gonna have to tell you, there’s nothing to talk about?  Give it up, Alexis and just leave me alone.

I shake my head.

Lex: You see, that’s where you’re wrong.  You almost fucking killed me the other night!

Vince: Then why the hell do you even want to talk to me?  Why the hell are you even here and so hell bent on having a conversation?

Lex: Because I’m not pissed off.  You might have almost killed me, but you didn’t.  And I want to know why.

This suddenly gets Vince’s attention.  He looks at me with a raised eyebrow, before he asks the question I was expecting from him next.

Vince: What?  You want to know why I didn’t kill you?  What kind of question is that?

Lex: A question that I want to know the answer to.  Why the fuck didn’t you kill me the other night?

He goes silent for a moment and he still has a baffled look on his face.  When he realizes that I want a serious answer, he shakes his head, deciding how to answer that question.

Vince: You want to know why I didn’t kill you?  Well, instead of me answering that question, how about you answer a something for me.  Why the hell did you stop fighting?  Why did you give me that look that you did?

Lex: What look?

Vince: You had that look in your eyes that made me think you wanted me to do it…

I wasn’t expecting him to have really paid attention to that look, much less ask me about it, so I go silent for a while, unsure of how to answer that.  I realize how stupid I am and I decide to leave without another word.  Unfortunately when I try to walk away, he grabs a hold of my arm this time and stops me.

Vince: No, no, no.  It isn’t going to work like that, Alexis.  You want answers from me, then you give up answers of your own.  You didn’t want me to stop the other night, did you?

Lex: And what if I said I didn’t?

Vince: Shit you’re just all sorts of fucked up, aren’t you?

He finally lets go of my arm and I let it fall to my side as I glare at him.

Lex: All the more reason why you should have killed me.  But you pussied out and stopped.

He narrows his eyes at me clearly irritated by what I just said.

Vince: Why the fuck are you doing this?  You witnessed firsthand just how dangerous I am, so why the fuck do you keep pushing my buttons like this?  More importantly, why are you still talking me?!

Lex: Look, I don’t trust you—

He laughs and interrupts me before I can continue.

Vince: And you shouldn’t.  Now why don’t you leave like you said you would and go irritate someone else.

Lex: I don’t trust anyone, Vince.  Normally I would stay away from someone I don’t trust, but there’s something different about you.  I didn’t see it at first, but the other night…I saw that dangerous look in your eyes.

Vince: Again I have to ask…why the hell are you even anywhere near me?

I adjust the shoulder strap of my duffel bag over my shoulder and look him in the eyes before I head out.

Lex: Despite how dangerous you may be, Vince, I’m not afraid of you.  And, yeah, I’m pretty fucked up.  It has been for a long time.  But maybe what I need is little bit of danger in my life.  Whether or not you agree to it is up to you.  Either way, I’ll just find some other way.

I look at him for a moment, but I’ve left him speechless.  I walk away without another word and let myself out of the building, leaving Vince alone to contemplate what I’ve just said to him.  I need to think it over, too, because I wasn’t expecting this…any of it.  

And somehow I now have to try and set aside anything I may be feeling for Vince aside and try and focus on this Going For the Gold tournament and what I really want out of it all.


Thursday October 29th
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
A Walk To Clear My Head…I Hope

Santo Domingo.  The first stop on the final leg of the SCW World Tour.  Not exactly a place I ever considered visiting, but I really had no choice in this one.  My match is in just three days, and I haven’t exactly done much training for it.  I don’t think anything will fully prepare me for this match.

I’ve decided to go on a long walk to try and clear my mind and focus on what I need to.  Kate Steele shouldn’t be much of a problem, but the third equation most definitely could be.  Celeste may be my stablemate and friend of sorts, but I know that won’t mean shit when we step inside the ring.  Well…it might not.

I have never actually considered losing a match on purpose, but when I saw this match, the thought immediately popped into my head for some reason.  I mean, I have a title now.  I don’t really need to go for another one.  

Do I?

“Why are you still so trouble, Alexis?”

As I’m walking around the area, I nearly jump out of my own skin when I hear that familiar voice.  I lower the hood of my jacket and spin around to see my angel form standing before me.  I chuckle to myself as I notice she is clearly capable of changing outfits as she’s rocking an all white pant suit.  It’s still something that I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing.

Lex: I haven’t seen you in a while.  And I’m not troubled, either.

I fold my arms and turn back around to get a good look at the area.  I really have no idea where I am, but I don’t really care.

“Angel” Lex: I’ve done what your evil counterpart doesn’t care to do.  I’ve given you the space you needed.  I had hoped that your win would have been a tremendous boost, but I see it wasn’t.

Lex: What are you talking about?  Of course it was a big boost.  I’m ecstatic that I won.

She walks towards me and stands next to me.  From the corner of my eye I see her turn her head and look at me.

“Angel” Lex: When are you going to start being truthful to yourself, Alexis?  If you were so ecstatic about your win, you’d be a lot happier right now.  But you’re not.  You can’t lie to me.

I turn my head and look at her, at a loss for words.  I shake my head, then quickly look away again and she looks in the same direction as I do.

“Angel” Lex: I understand, Alexis.  I really do.  You’ve had to deal with so much pain and neglect in your life, it’s only natural for you to feel this way.

I let out a laugh as I roll my eyes.

Lex: You’re about the only one who thinks that.  Too bad you’re not a real person so you’re opinion means shit.

“Angel” Lex: I’m real enough.  I’m just as much a part of you as the devil form is.  We were brought about by your inner struggle and neither one of us is going to go away until the struggle ends.

Just as I am about to turn around to face her, the term “speak of the devil” becomes quite literal as the other thorn in my side appears on the other side of me, glaring at the angel beside me.

“Devil” Lex: Don’t listen to her, Alexis.  She really has no idea what she’s talking about.  Isn’t it clear that I’ve been right more than she has?

“Angel” Lex: How can you be right when you’re steering her down the wrong path?  You’re causing nothing but more trouble for her.  You’re continuing to make her struggle.

Oh great.  Here comes an argument that I really don’t want to be around.

Lex: Look, if you two are going to argue, do it somewhere else please.

“Angel” Lex: We can’t, Alexis.  We’re attached to you.  We can’t go anywhere that you don’t go.

“Devil” Lex: Hey, angel eyes, how about you do everyone a favor and disappear then?  She doesn’t need any of your advice making her weak.

I close my eyes and take in a deep breath.  The two of them go quiet for a moment and when I open my eyes, angel is focused directly on me, as is devil.

“Angel” Lex: You need to figure out what is going to be enough for you, Alexis.  You’re going to take on too much otherwise, and you’re going to burn yourself out very quick.

“Devil” Lex: What do you know?  Let her do what she needs to do.  If being Bombshell Internet Champion isn’t enough, let her go after another title while she has the chance.  If cutting herself isn’t enough, then let her get with that sexy dangerous man Vince.  I can just imagine—

“Angel” Lex: Alexis needs to stay as far away from him as possible.  He is absolutely no good for her.

I feel my nostrils flare as the two now start arguing about Vince.  I turn and face angel, clenching my fists at my side.

Lex: Yeah can we not talk about Vince right now?  Pretty sure he’s a non-issue because clearly he wants nothing to do with a Nobody like me anyway.

“Devil” Lex: Girl, he’ll come around.  Did you see the way he looked at you?

“Angel” Lex: He tried to kill her!

I close my eyes and take in a deep breath.

“Devil” Lex: Yeah and she enjoyed it.  The pain and the excitement she felt when his hands were wrapped around her throat…

Lex: Guys, I really don’t need this shit right now.

“Angel” Lex: Of course you don’t.  You need to find Tim.  The both of you need each other.  You need to let Celeste worry about going after Mikah.

We both laugh at her suggestion, but it is devil that speaks before I do.

“Devil” Lex: Pretty sure Celeste is handling Tim just fine.  No doubt the two of them have already gotten hot and heavy with one another.

After that comment I feel like puking.  What Tim and Celeste do is their business, but I really didn’t want to think about that…at all.

Lex: Thanks a lot for that mental image…

“Devil” Lex: Just saying out loud the thought that has crossed your mind a time or two before.  Why do you care anyway?  Vince is soooo much better for you.

“Angel” Lex: No, he’s not!  He’s dangerous.  Tim and Alexis are better suited for each other.  They need one another.

Lex: Look, Tim and I are just best friends so THAT is how we will be there for each other, and you really don’t need to worry about Vince.  I’m too young for him anyway.  I’ll just have to start taking more chances in the ring to get my dose of danger.

The devil rolls her eyes and turns her attention away, while angel places a gentle hand on my shoulder.

“Angel” Lex: Alexis, listen to me.  You’re all over the place, honey.  You’re standing here trying to convince yourself that actually trying to win this tournament is a good idea, but it’s not.  You know it’s not.

“Devil” Lex: The hell it’s not!  She has the chance to face Mikah and become a double champion.  I’d say that is motivation enough.

Lex: Can you two please stop…

I don’t speak loud enough it seems as the two keep bickering back and forth.

“Angel” Lex: It’s too much!  It’s not going to be enough for her and she’s going to push herself too far and have a complete break down.

“Devil” Lex: Nah.  She’ll be fine.  She’s the only one who could take Mikah out anyway and she knows it.

“Angel” Lex: She could lose everything!  If she wins this tournament and goes on to face Mikah, it’ll be title versus title.  Mikah could walk out as the double champion!

Lex: Please stop!

It doesn’t matter how loud my voice gets, the two are still facing one another, engaged in their argument.  I don’t even know what they are talking about anymore and when I realize that I’m falling on deaf ears, I challenge the angel’s argument from earlier.  I turn and walk away without their knowledge and as I’m walking away, I can still hear them arguing.  Maybe it’s in my head, or maybe it’s not.  I really don’t care.  I just need to get away from them.

“Devil” Lex: Where the hell did she go?

I hear the devil voice in my head and laugh as I’m walking away.

“Angel” Lex: Well that went—

The angel’s voice is abruptly cut off and there is finally nothing but silence and I’m relieved.  I’m on a mission now, and that mission doesn’t include the two parts of my conscience.


Luck of the draw.  Luck…of…the…draw.  I’m not sure I completely agree with that bullshit, but I’m sure I’m not the only one.  The first match of the first round of the Going For the Gold tournament and who am I booked against?  My own fuckin’ stablemate!  Celeste North!  Oh…and Kate Steele, but that virtually unknown bitch is a non-issue at the moment.

Celeste and I…we’re what you call frenemies.  Not exactly friends, but not complete enemies either.  We both get on each other’s nerves and piss each other off.  Oh and here’s a little bit of information that not many people know, but they might have been able to figure out now.  Celeste was part of the group of female Nobodies that beat the shit out of me in my initiation a few months ago.  She led the whole damn thing, honestly.

I know she enjoyed that.  I know she wanted to continue it, but Tim stopped them.  If I know her the way I think I do, she won’t admit it, but she’s jealous that I was initiated before her.  She wasn’t exactly quiet when Tim and I were fighting.  Always calling me weak and shit.  But…that’s just Celeste.

In the end, though…I know she’s got my back.  It’s why this match presents a bit of a problem.  Celeste might have my back, but at the same time…she’s pretty much got the same intentions as I do.  And I know that she’d love to get her hands on Mikah and bring the World Bombshell Championship to the Nobodies.  I think she’s more worried about just getting her hands on Mikah, though.

This past week, I’ve had a lot of time to think…to figure things out.

I’ve been given a chance here.  A chance that I never even thought possible.  But I’m not the only one.  No, the other champions have been given the same opportunity.  This is an opportunity that I’d bet anything they don’t want as much as I do.

Celeste, you know as well as I do what it’s like to be overlooked…overshadowed.  Do you really want to deprive me…deprive The Nobodies…of this golden opportunity?  Don’t get me wrong, you’d make a kick ass champion someday, but…imagine what me being a double champion could do for the Nobodies!  For me!  

Shit…I’m being selfish.  I can’t ask you to just lay down and take a loss.  I’m not that much of a bitch.  But what I’m doing is this…I’m giving you a fair warning that just because you and I are part of the same cause, doesn’t mean I’m going to just give this opportunity to you, either.  I’m gonna fight like hell and I know you’ll do the same.  Shit…I expect nothing but brutality from you.  I know you enjoy any opportunities to kick my ass!  Go for it, C.  Don’t think I’ve forgotten what a weak ass beating my initiation was.

And Kate Steele…I’m sorry, but…who the hell are you?  You’re facing not one but TWO Nobodies, but you’re pretty much the unknown one here.  Seriously, have you even wrestled in SCW yet?  Do you know how much shit you’re in?  It may be every woman for themselves in this match but…when it comes down to it, I’d love nothing more than for this match to be between Celeste and I.  You just drew the short stick and got put in the middle of a very stick situation.

You’ve got no chance, Kate.  No…fuckin’…chance.  C and I...we’ll be sure to get you out of the equation pretty damn quick.  You want a title, Kate?  Go for it, but how about you stick to a title that’s more suited to you.  Like the roulette!  I’m sure you’d be a fair enough fight for Melanie Gabrielle.  I really don’t care.

My point is..even if by some MIRACLE you were to win this tournament…and that ain’t gonna happen, by the way.  If you were to get put in the match against Mikah at December 2 Dismember?  Mikah would rip you to shreds!  I’ll save you the embarrassment.  Celeste and I will save you that embarrassment.

Mikah has been on a roll lately.  Everyone has seen it.  The bitch makes a damn good champion, but here’s the thing…that match against December 2 Dismember?  It has to be a memorable one.  And what better way to make it memorable than for it to be Mikah versus Alexis Edwards.

Title versus title.  Bitch versus Nobody.  

You’re not just the underdog here, Kate.  You’re what they call a jobber.  

I’m sorry that the truth hurts.  But I’ve got a band-aid for ya.

See ya Sunday, bitches!