Author Topic: The end of the Mean Girls? At least not now  (Read 331 times)

Offline Amanda Cortez

  • SCW's tough and ticklish Biker Chick
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    • Amanda Cortez
The end of the Mean Girls? At least not now
« on: June 09, 2015, 08:43:16 AM »
 During the last weeks really a lot has happened. It's not only that the Mean Girls has split and Amanda is now in a team with her tag partner Vero, while Delilah and Mercedes went away, she also lost a singles match against Vero and got humiliated really bad, but the worst thing is, that she and Vero lost their titles against Delilah and Mercedes. Amanda is a proud and cocky little diva and so alone the fact that she lost these titles hurts and bothers her more than she would ever admit, but losing it against two persons who she really hates is more than she can stand.

So she has spent the last days alone at home and was thinking about the whole situation with her former stable. Being pretty emotional, she came to a conclusion of the whole situation, but like usually, it isn't so easy for her. She would have preferred to stop the whole Mean Girls thing, especially as she never really has fit into this group. Everybody has said that she is the nicest Mean Girl and that the others are only using her.

At the beginning she didn't believe them and thought that the people only said that because of their success as a stable, but slowly she believes it. Ok, Delia is one of the best female wrestlers in this company, but Vero and Mercedes mostly lost their singles match and the cocky young woman begins to think that all their success is only because she's a member of this group. So it really looks a bit like the others would use her. At first it didn't really bother her, but her last matches haven't been very successful and now the whole situation begins to go on her nerves. It's ok to be one of the strongest members of the group, but in some way she doesn't know anymore what it brings her to be in a tag team if she doesn't has a title or any success. The the whole thing is completely useless for her.

So now the only conclusion would be to leave the Mean Girls completely. Fuck Delilah, Vero and Mercedes. Amanda is a strong and really skilled wrestlers and now she doesn't need a group anymore to support her. At the beginning, as she came back to SCW, it has been good and useful, but mow it doesn't bring her anything and probably it would be better for her and her career to fight alone and go for singles gold.

In some way she really likes this idea, especially as she sees that the others aren't her real thing and she would have broken up with Vero too, if there wouldn't be the thing with her rematch. As the former champions she has the right to get a rematch and this would be a last chance to get the titles back, a thing she likes, even though she still has enough of tag matches and stables. It really sucks to be reliant on someone and Amanda hates this. If she loses a match, it should be because she wasn't strong enough and not because her partner got pinned and exactly this has happened a few times in the past.

So, after some more thinking about the whole situation, she came to the conclusion to make one last match together with Vero and this will be her rematch. If she wins it, she will stay with Vero and defend her title again, but if she loses it, she will break up with Vero too and leave the Mean Girls completely, an idea, she slowly begins to like.

But till her rematch she still has some time and there will be another show before the PPV and during this show she will have to face Mercedes in a singles match. After her loss against Delia, she isn't really sad to have such a match. It's not for the title, but it will be good for her ego, especially as Mercedes has cost her the win in her match against Delia. So it will be a great chance for a revenge and Amanda doesn't even think about the possibility that she could lose this match. Ok, Mercedes isn't bad in the ring, but she also didn't win too many matches and so it won't be too hard for Mandy to take the win.

Now some people might call her cocky, but she still thinks that it will be an easy win for her and a great chance to weaken the team of her enemies before her title match. Amanda isn't a mean person and she also doesn't enjoy it to hurt or even injure other wrestlers, but this time she is willing to do it. It would be too great to get these titles back and a little cheating can be useful from time to time, especially as she really doesn't like her opponent. So she doesn't feel any remorse and she is willing to take out Mercedes in a really brutal way, or even to bring her to hospital. But that's not all, she also has some plans for Delilah. She's no fan of backstage attacks, but before she will do her title match, she will attack Delilah too and try to injure or at least to weaken her.

She doesn't really like this idea, but it will be the easiest way to get the titles back and Amanda loves it to have it easy. She has always been a bit lazy and so it fits pretty good to her.

All these thoughts brought her into a really good mood and so she thinks about what to do today. She would love it to spend the rest of the day in bed, together with her wife Rose, but sadly Rose has to work in her flower shop. Another option would be to spend the day with her two kids, but they are at the beach alone and so the last thing she could do would be to do some raining with her stepsister Casey, but for doing this Amanda is too lazy.

She hates it to be alone and so her good mood slowly fades away, but then she gets a pretty good idea. She could prepare a nice little dinner for Rose and before she does that, she could go to a beauty shop. Amanda is a really pretty young woman, but it couldn't be bad to get her hair done and also a manicure and a pedicure could be nice and useful. She has planed to spend a wonderful night together with Rose and so she wants to look pretty and she also wants her skin to be soft and nice, so she really loves this idea.

But it's still pretty early in the morning and Amanda didn't even had a breakfast. She loves eating, but at the moment she isn't hungry, but a nice hot coffee and a cigarette would be awesome. So she makes a coffee and lights a cigarette. Then she goes to the bathroom and looks for some clothes. With a happy smile in her face she puts on a small pink top, a tiny and tattered jeans shorts and some flip-flops. Like usually she looks so damn cute and sexy and as she looks into the mirror again, a smile comes into her pretty face. She already can feel Rose’s fingers everywhere on her petite body, caressing and lightly tickling her, and she begins to giggle. Already the thought of this makes her horny and for a moment she thinks about visiting Rose in her flower shop, but probably Rose wouldn't have time for her. So she sighs and begins to prepare the bed room a bit. She puts some soft ropes on the bed, so that Rose can tie her up, a thing she really loves and as she looks through all her toys, she also finds a little dildo and some soft and fluffy feathers. She looks at these toys and giggles again. She really loves it so much to get tickled in a sensual way till she almost goes insane and as she closes her eyes, she almost can feel the feathers slide all over her soft and sensitive skin. So the idea of getting a pedicure is really good. She wiggles her cute little toes and giggles again, but then sh goes back to the kitchen to drink her coffee. After the first cup she pours in another one, lights a cigarette and sits down on one of the kitchen chairs. She inhales deeply and blows out a smoke ring. Then she tucks up one leg, puts her foot on the chair and rests her chin on her knee. A smile comes into her pretty face,, but then she becomes serious again. Her thought go back to her match and in some way it’s an annoying thought. Again she drags at her cigarette, but now it’s not relaxed anymore, now it’s more nervously.

“Ok, now really something must happen. The last weeks me and Vero looked liked the complete losers and it seems that nobody takes us seriously anymore. We just lost too many matches. As we still had the titles it wasn’t a major problem, but now, without titles, it is. It makes us look like morons.
But that’s not all. It’s not only that we look like morons and losers, we are losers. Or how can you explain the fact that not even a cheating partner can bring us the win? This sucks completely and it’s something that has to change soon, otherwise it would be better to leave this company and to retire.”

For a moment the pretty young woman pauses and takes another sip of her coffee and drags at her cigarette again. The good mood she had is completely gone and she growls in a really frustrated and angry way.

“But retiring sadly is no option, I need the money for my family. So I have to see that our fucking losing streak will end now and what could be better for this than facing Mercedes? She’s a fucking loser and it won’t be a bigger problem to defeat her and it will be fun too.
The last weeks I was accusing Vero that we lost our matches and in some way that was true. I haven”t been the one who got pinned and even as we lost our titles, Vero got pinned. So there is the question whether she is the right partner for me. Well, a question where it isn’t easy to find an answer.
Ok, at the beginning she helped me with her cheating, but now it seems that this is over. All she does at the moment is going on my nerves. I don’t like her fighting style, I don’t like her cheating and I don’t like her arrogant behavior. So all in all she only goes on my nerves and it becomes time to get rid of her, the same way as with the other former Mean Girls. Now I know it, this whole stable thing is nothing for me and it’s better if I fight alone. At least then I can only blame myself if I lose.”

Complaining about Vero’s arrogant behavior is really a bit laughable, because Amanda can be arrogant and cocky too, but she doesn’t see it like this. She still thinks that she’s all nice and friendly.

“But this will have to wait till our rematch is over. If we can get these titles titles back, then I will stay with Vero, but if not, then Good Bye Vero.
Ok, but now it’s enough of the talking about my useless partner, now let’s come back to my opponent, to Mercedes. As I already mentioned, I really have enough of the whole Mean Girls thing. I would ignore them completely, but sadly this isn’t possible, because Deliah and Vero turned against us and for this they have to get punished. I tried it two weeks ago with Deliah, but sadly I failed, but only because this slut Mercedes knocked me out with this fucking chair. Ok, she said that she was sorry for it, but I don’t give a fuck about what she says. I want my revenge and I want her to pay for it and exactly this will happen this week. I will beat her up as never before in her fucking life and she will regret it so much that she turned against us.
She and Deliah might be the champions right now, but it will be a short reign and this you can see as a promise. Yeah, alone and without Mercedes Deliah has no chance against Vero and me. Now you might wanna know why I say that Deliah will be alone and this is really easy to understand. I’m not only defeating Mercedes this week, no, I will destroy her. I will send her right to hospital and I’ll make sure that she won’t come back so fast.
Now you can say that I shouldn’t take it all so personal, because it is only a job, but exactly this is the problem. It is only a job, but with a title you get paid better for your matches and that’s my problem. As I already said, I do all this here for my family and if my family gets problems because we don’t have enough money, then it really becomes personal and there has to be someone who will pay for this and this someone will be Mercedes.”

Amanda wanted to go to this beauty shop, but now she’s so much in rage that she forgot it. Her cigarette is finished and she lights a new one. As she drags at it, she coughs and remembers that she really should quit smoking.

“Ok Mercedes, now it’s the second time that you cost me the win. At first in my match against Deliah and now in this fucking title match. Damn, who do you think you are that you mess with me? What makes you think that you will get away with this?
Fuck, you act like you are one of the best wrestlers in this company, but you aren’t. Ok, you have been a champion in the past, but these good times are over for you and they will never come back.”

A cold glare comes into her eyes and she smiles in a mean way. Normally Amanda is a nice person, but she’s very emotional and if she doesn’t like a person, she can’t hide her feelings, and Mercedes she really doesn’t like.

“Ok, that’s not completely true, at the moment you are the champion, but I’ll make sure that it will be a very short reign. A person like you doesn’t deserve it to hold a title. And now let me explain this.
Really long ago you already have been champion, but since my come back to SCW you never had a title again. All you did was useless talking, but a match you never won and I never understood why you were a member of the Mean Girls. I always thought that there should only be the best wrestlers in this stable, so that we are dominant and deadly, but it seems that I was wrong. I never understood why Deliah kept you in our stable. If you ask me then I’d say that you were only ballast and that’s something we should get rid off. Deliah didn’t kick you out, but thanks God Vero did it a few weeks ago and now I will have the chance to show that this was the right decision and you can believe me, I will take my chance. This you can see as a promise.”

Still with this mean smile in her face she takes another sip of her coffee. She should get ready to leave the house and go to this beauty shop, but it’s just too much fun to talk about her enemies.

“Normally I would feel sorry for you, a former champ who’s a sore loser now, but it’s your fault that I don’t. If you wouldn’t have turned against me, then everything would have went in a different way. Then we might even still be friends, but now it’s too late to change anything, now you will have to pay and I’ll make sure that it will be a really high price. Yes, the price will be your career, because this will end after our match.”

Eventually Amanda is finished with her talking and she stands up. She puts her used cup into the kitchen sink and then she leaves the house. As she tries to start her old truck, she remembers that she really could need a new one, but also that she doesn’t has enough money and so she only sighs. A few attempts later, the engine runs and she drives off to this beauty shop. The girls there already know her and they also like her, because when Amanda has no match, she really is a nice person. She loves it to laugh, she’s a cheery young woman and she can be so friendly.
So after some minutes of talking and laughing, she sits down on a chair and leans back. One of the girls begins to wash her hair, so that they can color it black a bit later, while two others take care for her finger nails and two give her a pedicure. Now one of the girls looks at her and smiles.

“Haha, maybe we should better tie you up, I’ve never seen someone as ticklish as you and I don’t wanna get kicked in my face.

Amanda laughs in a cheery way and winks at the young woman. She knows her for a really long time and it’s no problem for her that she almost laughs herself to death while she gets a pedicure, no, it’s even fun for her and so the little joke is ok.

“Not necessary, I’ll do my best not to kick you. Haha, and tying me up will be Rose’s job tonight. Hehe, that’s the reason why I’m here.”

And now the fun begins. After two hours of wellness, talking, laughing and giggling they are finished and Amanda stands up. Her hair is colored black again, her finger and toe nails are painted red and she got a new make up. As she looks into the mirror, she is really happy with what she sees. So she pays the girls and promises to come back soon. Then she leaves the shop and climbs into her truck again. This time it’s a bit more easy to start the engine and so she is ready to drive back home. But after a few minutes she stops the car again. She really doesn’t like it to be alone and so she decides to visit Rose in her flower shop.
She turns the car around and now she drives really fast. Getting this pedicure has really tickled so bad, but it has also turned her on and now she can’t wait to be in Rose’s arms. She wants to get huddled and kissed and so she’s really in hurry and doesn’t realize how fast she drives, but the cops have realized it and stop her now.

A bit annoyed she shuts off the engine, but as the cop approaches her car, she manages it to smile in such a cute way. Amanda really knows that she is pretty and that nobody can be mad at her when she smiles, so hopefully this will work here too. So she gives him her documents and as he tells her how fast she has been, she bites her lip and looks to the ground.

“Oh shit, I’m soooo sorry. I really haven’t realized how fast I have been, I’m sorry and I won’t do it again ….”

Then she tells him that her family is waiting for her and that she has been a bit in hurry, because she doesn’t want them to wait or to worry about her and it seems that she has success. The young cop looks at her and smiles at the pretty young woman. He has also realized that she is one of the SCW wrestlers and now he also wants an autograph.

“Ok ma’am, I’ll caution you, but now your really don’t drive so fast again. The next time it will be more expensive for you.”

Amanda still fakes to feel sorry and she nods in a remorseful way. Then he gives her her documents back and she can go. She starts her truck again and with a smile in her face she drives to Rose’s flower shop, but this time not as fast as before. And a few minutes later she arrives at Rose’s flower shop. She jumps out of her car and storms into the shop and as she sees Rose, she jumps into her arms. She kisses her again and again and almost clinches at her. Thanks God the shop is empty right now and Rose has some time for her, so the two can talk a bit. After Amanda has released her grip, Rose sits down on a bench and Mandy climbs on her lap, her arms around Rose’s neck and she kisses her again. Then she tells her what has happened today.

“You won’t believe it, I’ve been in a beauty shop and later I got stopped by the police, because of speeding ….”

She laughs a bit in her cheery way and then she shows Rose her freshly painted finger and toe nails. She wiggles her toes, hoping that Rose will take care of them a bit later when they are alone.

“I hope you like it …”

Rose looks at the nail polish and nods. Amanda is always a pretty young woman, but after she got out of a beauty shop she is even more hot. Then Rose smirks.

“And now lemme guess …after your pedicure you’re all turned on?”

The cute Amanda blushes and nods. She really loved it, even though she was laughing and giggling all the time and even though all the others at the beauty shop were looking at her because she was so noisy.

“Oh yes, it tickled so bad and you know what happens when I get tickled …”

Again she kisses Rose, but then Rose breaks the kiss and shoves Amanda back, but it’s really gently, because she doesn’t want to hurt her love. It’s just not the right moment for having fun, even though she also is in the mood for kinky little games.

“I know, but not here in the shop, I might get some customers …”

And then she looks at Amanda and shakes her head, knowing that Amanda won’t like what she has to say now.

“And you should be a bit more carefully when you’re driving. Ok, here it is only expensive, but don’t forget that you’re in Qatar next week and there they might arrest you for speeding.”

Amanda looks remorsefully again, hoping that this will be enough to shut Rose off, but Rose doesn't even think of stopping.

“They have pretty brutal punishments in such countries, they might even whip you or give you a bastinado …”

The cute Amanda shivers lightly and curls her toes. She has a really soft and sensitive skin and can imagine how much this would hurt.

“Ouuch …”

She likes light S&M stuff, like bondage, spanking and tickling, but real pain she doesn’t like. In the past she had done so many fetish videos and performances and once she also got her feet whipped and it had hurt like hell, even though it had only been a light whipping, but she had really cried. So she really doesn’t like the thought of such a punishment, but punishment in general is fun and she winks at Rose.

“Well, I take care that nothing happens. This kind of punishment I don’t like, but ….Hehe ….maybe You could …I mean I’ve been bad, so …”

Rose knows exactly what Amanda means and she smiles. This kinky little girl is really too cute and she loves Amanda so much, but she still hesitates.

“But customers could come and we need the money.”

And Amanda is really disappointed. She still kneels in Rose’s lap and looks at her with her sad puppy look and so Rose can’t resist any longer. She caresses Amanda’s pretty long legs and as her fingers run over Amanda’s ankles, the dark haired cutie giggles and wiggles her feet, so that her flip-flops fall off. And now Rose spiders her fingers over Amanda’s soft and sensitive foot bottoms. Immediately her cute giggling becomes louder and she curls her toes. She presses her body tightly against Rose and is in heaven. To make it even better, Rose gags her with a long kiss and Mandy forgets everything around her. She’s so excited and she wishes that Rose will never stop to tease,, caress and tickle her, but then Rose breaks the kiss.

“Gimme a second …”

A bit frustrated Amanda climbs down from Rose’s lap, so that her wife can stand up. Then Rose locks the door and attaches a sign with the letters ‘Closed’ at the door. Then she comes back to Amanda. But before she reaches her, she opens a locker and looks around a bit, then she has a long soft rope in her hand and smiles at Mandy.

“And now we will see what I can do with your punishment.”

Amanda giggles and turns around. She crosses her wrists, so that Rose can tie them behind her back. Then she turns around again and lays down on the bench and now her ankles and knees are tied next. Then Rose ties her wrists to her ankles and Mandy is all helpless. Rose laughs a bit in a sadistic way.

“And now comes the whipping …”

Amanda’s eyes widen in shock, but Rose would never hurt her and so she also doesn’t whip her. Instead she begins to tickle Amanda’s feet again and the cute tattooed girl really goes wild. To make it even better, Rose also sucks and nibbles her toes and Mandy is really in heaven. This punishment goes on for a really long time and Mandy is ready to explode. Then Rose unties her and the two make love. Half an hour later later Amanda lays in Rose’s arms and still breathes heavily. Her hair is a mess, her face is red, but she’s in heaven, but sadly it’s time again to open the store again. Amanda still doesn’t want to be at home alone and so she decides to help Rose a bit.

So she gets dressed again and after a few minutes she stands there in her skimpy shorts, her small top and without shoes. Her still is a bit messy, but she looks cute and sexy as hell. Rose smiles at her wife, gives her a quick kiss and then she opens the shop again. Today is a pretty quiet day and so the two have some time to talk, while they do their work. Amanda tells Rose that she should come with her to Qatar and Rose is more than happy. She doesn’t like such countries too and it’s too warm for her there, but at least this way she can take care that Amanda doesn’t get in trouble and in some way she sees it as a little holiday for the two.

“That’s a great idea and I’m happy to come with you. It’ll be like a small vacation and I’ll get the chance to watch you perform in the ring again.Don’t you have to face one of the girls who took the titles from you and Vero?”

As Rose talks about Mercedes Amanda roles her eyes and she becomes annoyed again. In some way even the mentioning of this name makes her almost freak out and she becomes violent.

“Don’t remind me at this bitch or I can’t guaranty that I won’t freak out completely. I’d love to buy a gun and shoot her right in the head ….”

Rose looks a bit shocked, but then she starts to laugh again. She doesn’t like such violent stuff, but she knows her wife and she also knows that Amanda would never really injure another person.

"Oh shit, you really seem to hate her and in some way I can even understand you, but killing her might be a bit too harsh. Maybe a nice beating up would be enough for her.”

Amanda nods, but she still isn’t happy to talk about Mercedes again. She already has thought too much about this person and in some way she thinks that Mercedes isn’t worth her time, but at least not worth to become angry and ruin her day.

“Ok, no killing, but if something goes wrong in this match, I can’t promise that it won’t become bloody and dirty …”

Rose is a friendly person and she doesn’t like violence, but she nods. She knows the business and she also knows that sometimes someone gets injured, even though she still doesn’t like it.

“That’s ok, but I don’t know what should go wrong. I’ve seen her perform in the ring and even though I’m no real wrestler, I still think that she doesn’t do very good in her matches. She might be tough, but that’s all. Technically she is just crap and if you look at her win/loss record, then you see that I’m right. I haven’t seen all her matches, but from what I have heard, there’s almost nobody who hasn’t defeated her during the last year. And now look at you, you’re the Goddess and you took the win against the toughest wrestlers of SCW. So I really don’t think that something can go wrong. I know that you’ll leave the ring as the glorious winner again and that you will hold a title again soon.”

Amanda isn’t pessimistic, but it still feels good to hear this and to see that the person, she loves, believes in her. She smiles happily and kisses Rose again.

“Thank you so much. It means so much to me that you believe in me and it makes me so damn happy. And you’re right, Mercedes’ wrestling skills are really more than crappy and there wouldn’t be much I have to worry about it. But the fact that she’s a sore loser also makes her dangerous. Now she has a title and she will do everything to keep it and to look good in the ring. Ok, with some cheating I can live, but don’t forget that she also has her partner Delia at her side and this can make it dangerous. I know that Delia condemns me and even hates me, so I’m pretty sure that she will try something to get me. In some way she seems to like it to humiliate me.”

Now Rose interrupts her. She still thinks that Vero could be a help during this match.

“But you have a partner too, you have Vero.”

A bit surprised Amanda looks at Rose and then she bursts out laughing.

“Haha, yes, I have a partner, but sadly it’s someone whom I can’t trust. She’s exactly the same as the rest of these so-called Mean Girls, sneaky, mean and stupid, but the worst thing as that you can’t trust them and that you never know whether they will stab you from behind.”

Again Rose interrupts her.

“But in the past she had helped you …”

For a moment Amanda is quiet and nods, but then she begins to talk again and explains everything.

“That’s true, but look at the matches where she has been a help. It only have been our tag matches and there she supported me, because she knew that she would never had taken the win without me. So you see that it brought her something. But this time it is completely different, it doesn’t matter for Vero whether I win or lose my match and so I know that she will be absolutely no help for me. So forget Vero, I’ll have to deal with Mercedes and maybe with Deliah alone.
But anyway, I still think that I will take the win. Mercedes is a sore weakling and if Deliah should really come with her to the ring …Well, then I will beat her up too. It will be a bit harder than a normal singles match, but I know that I can do it. I’ll teach these two sluts a lesson they will never forget. They will see that it has been the biggest mistake in their life to turn against me, the Goddess of War.
Ok, the stable of the Mean Girls is dead and doesn’t exist anymore, and prolly pretty soon also the team of Vero and me doesn’t exist anymore, but I’m still here and I’m still one of the most dangerous wrestlers of this company. If I can’t have tag gold, well, then I’ll go for singles gold. And even if that takes a while, I will still destroy everybody whom they throw into my way and this week this everybody is Mercedes. Haha, bad luck for her, but I must say that this slut deserves it. She’s really a pain in the ass and everybody can be happy if we eventually get rid of her. It’s time to end her stupid career and the fans should be thankful …”

Suddenly Amanda is interrupted by applause and she looks up. As she was talking, she was completely lost in thoughts, so that she hasn’t realized, that some customers have entered the shop. They have listened to her speech and they know Amanda from television. They like the cocky little diva and so they cheer at her.

“Great words and we really hope that you will win. By the way, it is cool that you will leave the Mean Girls. In some way you don’t fit into this group. You are too nice for them and I think it’s better if yo fight alone. Most of the fans love you and they will support you when you go against the Mean Girls. So your next match will be a great chance for you to show that you’re honest with your plans. Don’t disappoint the fans.”

With a smile in her face Amanda looks at her fans and nods. It makes her feel so good that there are people who like her and who wants to see her win.

“Don’t worry, I won’t disappoint you. The era of the Mean Girls is over and I will destroy them one by one. This week it will be Mercedes, thee next time we will get these tag titles back and I’ll fuck up Delia and then ….Well, then I will go against Vero. Yes, and then there will only one person be left who’s worth to hold a title, me, the Goddess of War, Amanda Cortez.”

She poses a bit for the fans and they cheer at her again. But then everybody remembers that they are in a flower shop, and so they order some flowers. Amanda and Rose bring them what they want and then Mandy signs some autographs and the fans leave. They are alone again and Rose kisses her on the cheek and smiles lovingly.

"You see, the fans love you, so everything is ok.”

Then she winks at Amanda and playfully slaps her ass, so that the petite young woman shrieks.

“And you’re a great publicity for my shop. You really should be here more often. If the people see that they can meet a SCW superstar here, they will all come here. Haha, and Buy my flowers.”

Now Amanda laughs too and nods. Rose is right and as they really need the money, she came to the conclusion to spend more time in Rose’s shop.

“Ok, I’ll be here as often as I can, hehe, but only if we also repeat this cute little punishment session from earlier today.”

The couple laughs and then they kiss again. Tightly pressed against each other, the kiss becomes more and more passionately and the scene fades to black.

Word count: 6067


Huddle me, tickle me, I'm so cute

Records Amanda
Win: 20
Loss: 13
Draw: 1
Thrown: 0