Author Topic: No God! Please No! (Raynin RP 1)  (Read 387 times)

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    • Raynin
No God! Please No! (Raynin RP 1)
« on: April 17, 2015, 11:58:40 PM »

Raynin Climax Control RP

Event: Sin City Wrestling’s Weekly Show, Climax Control    DATE: 04/19/2015

Place:  Malaga, Spain 
 Venue:  Jose Maria Martin Carpena Arena
Opponent:   W/ World Heavyweight Champion, GABRIEL VS.  ANDREW WATTS and AMY MARSHALL

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 She’s done it!!  The Angel of Battle overcame the odds and walked away from Climax Control with the Bombshell World Championship Title belt strapped solidly around her waist!!  Everyone is ecstatic!... Well, everyone except for the Former Bombshell World Champion, Amy Marshall that is.  But that’s alright… Not everyone can be pleased all of the time.  But now, the world of Professional Wrestling is in for an even BIGGER treat, as our very own Warrior Angel, Raynin gets to team up for Mixed Tag Team action with one of the Sins, and the Sin City Wrestling’s World Heavyweight Champion, Gabriel to take on the team consisting of the Number One Contenders to the titles that they currently hold…  Andrew Watts and Amy Marshall!  Raynin’s got something to prove, and she’s ready to use Amy Marshall and Andrew Watts to do just that!  But just where is Raynin’s mindset at these days?  Has winning the title been just the spark needed to keep sanity prevalent in her mind?  Or will she dive back into the deep end once more?  Let’s find out what happens shall we…  

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It had been weeks since the change over had taken place….  And she was literally going stark raving mad being here.  She couldn’t believe things had gone so wrong!  All of her hard work and determination at not just being free, but suppressing the little whelp had gone all for naught as the little twerp had bested her, and trapped her once again behind the reflection….  And worse still!!  Turned things inside the corridors of her mind into this… this… saccharine filled world of ooey, gooey happiness!!

Things had changed in the maze of mirrors so drastically, you couldn’t even believe it was the same place!!  The gloominess had been replaced by lots of sunshine and rainbows.  The scenes of delicious horror and terror that she’d used to torture the little brat… the gory details that had decorated the mirrors had been replaced by scenes of couples on picnics, and holding hands on the beach at sunset, and other scenes of love and affection.  The canopy bed in the center of the maze was decked out with butterflies and hearts and all manners of pink and purple and girly-ness with lace and satin…  It was DISGUSTING!!  She’d never been surrounded by so much happiness and joy that she just wanted to puke.  And everywhere she looked… there were pictures of… HIM!!  

He graced posters on the walls and the ceiling… ON THE CEILING for Christ’s sake!!   Why on the Ceiling??!!  Everywhere she looked, she was being tortured by memories of that night… how he’d helped to free the little twerp from her clutches, and denied her the chance she’d hoped she could have with him…  Those beautiful clear brown eyes… the cute little button of a nose…  the adorable fuzzy face and body…  How could he have done this to her?!!  

She jumped up off of the bed, and that song… that song started playing again… over and over again, it kept playing…  She started to pace, trying to block her ears from the sound, but since it was essentially her head too, there was no escaping it… over and over it played…


We're no strangers to love
You know the rules and so do I
A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
You wouldn't get this from any other guy

I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand…

She put her hands over her ears and shook her head over and over again… She couldn’t believe it…  Not this song!!  Anything but this song!!  She couldn't STAND this song!!  The father of the brat used to play it to put the little twerp to sleep when she was a child...  Every night... over and over again, she'd had to hear it... It was almost bad as when the kid had gone through her whole 'Puff The Magic Dragon' phase and she'd had the VCR set for automatic rewind and repeat.  Oh yes... She knew that Very Long John could bake a cherry pie, quick as a cat could wink his eye...  along with pumpkin, peach, and a half a dozen others... oh yes...  She knew that all too well.  Just like she knew exactly what was coming next...  

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you…

Here she was, stuck in the brain of this totally besotted woman and being Rick Rolled!!  HER!!  The upcoming scourge was being tortured... LITERALLY TORTURED while being trapped!  She had to get out!! There had to be some way!!  She howled and ran towards one of the larger mirrors and tried to throw herself through it head first, only for her head to connect with the crystal, creating a very large cracking sound, and falling back on the ground, holding her head as blood starts to pour from a cut in her hairline.  She looked at the mirror, and shook her head, trying to clear the cobwebs and the stars from her eyes as the sound of the song seems to double and triple on her.  OH MY GOD!!  She almost couldn't believe what she'd done!!  She'd tripled the Rick Roll in her head, and it was driving her nuts as it continued getting louder!!

We've known each other for so long
Your heart's been aching, but
You're too shy to say it
Inside, we both know what's been going on
We know the game and we're gonna play it

And if you ask me how I'm feeling
Don't tell me you're too blind to see…

She got to her feet slowly and shakily, still unsteady as she tried to clear her vision, looking at the mirror , trying to see the spot where her head had connected with it... Looking for the slightest opening that could spell her freedom.  She staggered over to the mirror and started clawing at it... Howling at it... Trying to will it to crack and shatter just so she could get away.  If she hadn't ran full tilt at the wall and knocked herself for a loop already, she might have tried to give it one more go, just so that she could try to get out and away from the God Awful song!!  Others may like it...  But for her, it was worse than nails on a chalkboard.  The brat had finally found a way to get her back for all of the years she'd spent, playing that song in her head...  And that's when it hit her... THE SONG!!  Maybe if she sang the song at just the right pitch, it might counteract the Rick Roll...  It couldn't hurt...  She stood slowly and kept pawing at the mirror, looking for anything... even the slightest crack she could concentrate on to try and break the brat's concentration...

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you…

Just as she was about to give up searching, that's when the twerp appeared in the mirrors, dancing and singing and swinging her hair to the beat of the music.  She growls low in her throat as she watched the brat grinning and shaking her hips to the music, then break out into the Running Man and the cabbage patch.   She was going to do what she needed to do to get out.  She tuned out the kid as she was taunted for her predicament.  

"You know running head first into a brick wall isn't good for your health.  You could bust your skull open doing stuff like that.  I've done it before.  You know, you should just sit back and enjoy it here.  I'm nice... I kept the bed and the tv for you.  Plus, I'm supplying you with such awesome music!!"

(Ooh, give you up)
(Ooh, give you up)
Never gonna give, never gonna give
(Give you up)
Never gonna give, never gonna give
(Give you up)

We've known each other for so long
Your heart's been aching, but
You're too shy to say it
Inside, we both know what's been going on
We know the game and we're gonna play it

I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
Gotta make you understand…

The brat moved on to another mirror, still dancing and oblivious to her.  She was about to show her.  She kept running her fingertips along the crystal until she found just what she was looking for...  A minute crack in the crystal...  Not too big... Just large enough for it to be significant for what she needed to do.  She closed her eyes and tried to still her mind and block out the song that was torturing her because it had to be perfect...  

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

'Tick... Tock... goesssss the clock...  and what now ssssshall we play?...
Tick... tock... goesssss the clock...  All time hasssss gone away….
Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock…  for what you cannot know…  
Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock… The sssssandsssss will ssssstop their flow…

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you…

Tick… tock… goesssss the clock… esssssscape is on your mind…
Tick… tock… goessssss the clock… no way out ssssssshall you find...
Tick... Tock... goessssss the clock...  and assess the hoursssss they fly...
Tick...  tock... and all too ssssssoon...  your hopesssss… sssssshall sssssurely…  DIE!

It was like a battle of the bands almost...  Each song battling to take out the other.  Back and forth it went... Over and over again, one trying to assert itself as the dominant force within the crystal.  She kept on singing, not letting up because she knew this would be her one chance.  

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you

'Tick... Tock... goesssss the clock...  and what now ssssshall we play?...
Tick... tock... goesssss the clock...  All time hasssss gone away….
Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock…  for what you cannot know…  
Tick… Tock…  goesssss the clock… The sssssandsssss will ssssstop their flow…

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you…

Tick… tock… goesssss the clock… esssssscape is on your mind…
Tick… tock… goessssss the clock… no way out ssssssshall you find...
Tick... Tock... goessssss the clock...  and assess the hoursssss they fly...
Tick...  tock... and all too ssssssoon...  your hopesssss… sssssshall sssssurely…  DIE!


That's when she heard it...  The minute sound that made her stop before the brat figured out what had happened.  She let the sound of the other song continue on, but she reached out her fingertips and felt along the mirror where she knew it would be... And she felt it... the single crack had a chip missing.  She backed away from the mirror slowly, then more quickly as she didn't want to draw attention to what she'd done...  She'd just solidified her foothold in the impending take over that was coming.  The brat wouldn't know what hit her when she was done with her...  She even whistled along with the hated song.

Never gonna give you up
Never gonna let you down
Never gonna run around and desert you
Never gonna make you cry
Never gonna say goodbye
Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you…

The sound of her soft chuckling filled the air as the scene faded to black...  

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Date:  April 17, 2015, Time:  Unknown...  
Place:  Somewhere in Spain…   Location:  IUnknown…  

The room is darkened, but there is light enough to see that this is some sort of religious location...  It's a small church, or a small sanctuary in a larger church somewhere, but where it might be is a mystery.   The inside of the place is darkened, but you can see around the edges of the room, near the door that there are a few pews which lead up towards the back of the room in two sets of rows.  

Suddenly, you hear the strike of a match...  And it illuminates a familiar face.  It's Raynin.  She uses the match to light a candle she's holding, then shakes out the match before it can burn her fingers and. The light of the candle is the only thing to brighten up the room, and it's circle of light barely stretches out around her.  She's smiling at the camera with a look in her eye that is one of almost pure innocence... But we all know that she is far from innocent...  At least a part of her isn't.  The camera holds it shot on her face as she continues to smile.

"Amy...  Oh Amy...  Aren't you so proud of me?  I did what most thought couldn't be done...  Well... not most really... mainly just you...  You see, I beat you to claim what I should have had a shot to hold a long time ago...  The Sin City Wrestling's World Bombshell Championship.  Yes, I did exactly what I told you I was going to do.  I'd told you that I was bound and determined to get my hands back on the gold, and yet, you thought that you could truly get one over on me...   Just because you beat Delia Darling, you thought that you were the top shit...  And that you could take out anyone who stood to oppose you...  That was so... so very arrogant of you, Amy.  And that was your downfall.  Your arrogance cause you to tumble from the top of the mountain...  And though you were still at the summit, you think that you can climb it once more.  Well, all I have to say to that is... Good luck!!  You're gonna need it!!  Cause there's one hell of a big obstacle standing in your way...  And that's me!"

The camera pulls back and Raynin lifts the Championship belt out of the darkness to glint in the flickering candlelight.  She smiles and nuzzles her cheek against it with a sigh.

"Isn't this just the most gorgeous sight in the world?  I know you sit back at night and you wonder, just how it was that I was able to beat you while you were on top of cloud nine...  Well, that's just it...  You were on cloud nine, and I was scrappin' and fightin' and kickin' and clawin' my way up to where you were.  You'd thought that your upward momentum would be enough for you to get to the top and stay there...  But in fact, you backed off, just as you made it to the top....  And that was another of your mistakes.  You forgot that old adage... No matter how awesome you get... There's always someone better than you...  You thought that you could sit back and rear back on your thumbs and just coast through a match with me...  but you forgot just who in the hell I am.  I AM... the Warrior Angel!  I AM... the Angel of Battle!  I AM RAYNIN!!..  And I AM your worst nightmare!!"

She lowers the title belt and starts to walk down the center of the room towards the altar at the back of the room.  As she moves, she keeps talking.

"So... I'm going to let you in on something Amy.  You too Mr. Watts.  I know that you're both thinking that this match is gonna be a cake walk, and that you're about to have a grand old time, softening me and my partner up for the pay per view...  But see, that's just what I'm here to talk about.  You see...  when I am in a tag team match...  regardless of if it's with my own partner, Gothika... or if it's someone else who's not an Angel of the Fallen...  I always approach the match in the same way.  Would you like to know what that is?  Oh, I know you do..."

She places the candle on a candelabra, then leans over out of the light of the candle and you hear the sound of a marker squeaking against a piece of paper.  When she stands back up, she lifts a piece of paper with only 2 things written on it...


She lowers the paper back down, and she nods slowly.

"Yes, that's right... 2N...  2N is a code that my team and I used when on missions.  We always had a partner.  We never went solo out there, because doing that could mean your ass was snatched up, tortured, skinned alive, beheaded, or some other crazy ass thing that some terrorist could think up.  It was the macho bravado that had gotten so many of the other squads we knew into trouble.  My company... We had the best track record for successful missions, and we rarely saw injuries.  And while me may not have all come back in one piece...  My company had the highest success rate because we all came back.  2N did that.  I know you have no idea what that means, so I'll tell you.  Two in, Two out.  Two went in, two came out.  And you would stay in until you made sure that two came out.  Two people go in with a single purpose, and you don't come out until that single purpose was accomplished, and even if you had to drag them out on your back, two came out."

She took a deep breath and looked back at the camera, the look in her eyes one of grim determination.

"This Sunday, Gabriel and I are going to step into the ring against you two.  We all have something to prove.  But there's something you don’t' know about me that will truly make you tremble when you stand against Me...  2N...  2N has given me the ability to adjust to just about any partner I have.  And Gabriel... Gabriel has been one of the longest running World Heavyweight Champions in the Sin City Wrestling's History!  Do you have any idea what I'm going to be capable of with a partner like that?  You want to prove that what you did with Delia wasn't a fluke...  But what I have to prove...  It goes even deeper than that.  I have to prove that this Championship Title is once more where it belongs...  I have to renew the faith of the fans in this Championship... That it will be with someone who stands for integrity... respect... and honor...  which let's face it...  it hasn't been held that way since Gothika held it.  Well, maybe Roxi Johnson did an okay job with it...  And Misty, kinda straddled the line a bit...  But my friend said something true...  Only an Angel can hold the title in the way that it's truly meant to be held.  And now... Now it's back where it belongs.  And we're not about to let you take it back away from us."

She picks up the candle and walks over to a corner where she starts to light a series of candles which are around a small shrine... upon which rests a picture of Angel the teddy bear with rose petals and paper hearts and cupids stuck everywhere.  She sighs softly as she looks at the picture, then picks it up and kisses it softly, and sighs like she's lovestruck before she sets it back down reverently in the center of the shrine before she turns back around and speaks again.

"Amy...  Andrew...  I hope you're ready for Climax Control.  It's going to be so much fun for Gabriel and I.  And who knows... maybe I'll finally be able to spend some alone time with the guy of my dreams...  But once I'm in the ring, and I Reach For the Stars before I show you Raynin's Way...  and I pin you for the one, the two, and the three...  you'll finally come to understand what 2N means."

She lifts the candle to her lips and grins and giggles.

"Get Ready!!"

She blows the candle out and the scene cuts to black...  

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 …  END OF FEED  ...  
_______  >>>>>  *******  <<<<< _______  

***  Word Count, 3700   ***

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« Last Edit: April 17, 2015, 11:59:38 PM by roproductions »
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