Author Topic: O.o There's a Baby in there! (Raynin RP)  (Read 409 times)

Offline roproductions

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    • Raynin
O.o There's a Baby in there! (Raynin RP)
« on: April 03, 2015, 11:56:46 PM »

Raynin Climax Control RP

Event: Sin City Wrestling’s Weekly Show, Climax Control    DATE: Sunday 04/05/2015

Place:  Athens, Greece

 Venue:  Glyfada Indoor Hall


Opponent:   VS.  AMY MARSHALL

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 Who'd have thought that this day would be coming so soon!!...  The Warrior Angel is finally getting another shot at the Bombshell World Championship Title!!   Amy Marshall was feeling... I don't know if you'd call it benevolent...  gracious...  froggish... whatever...  But an open challenge was given, and Raynin stepped up to the plate!  Which means... She's about to give Amy Marshall the fight of her career!!  These two Bombshells have stood toe to toe before, and it's always been a duel of the titans with them.  But with Raynin finally being brought to her senses...  kind of at least... who knows what kind of state of mind the our resident Angel of Battle will be in.  Trapped in the labyrinth of her mind for months while the entity known as The Other drives her like a meat puppet...  What could possibly be going through her mind right now?  And what is this thing about Angel, Despayre's teddy bear friend?  Where's all of this going?  I know I for one can't wait to see what will happen.  Can you?…  

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The scene comes in with a pitch black room silent room.  Suddenly, there's a hazy light in the room.  There's a single spotlight of pale light which is shining down upon a lone figure, sitting in the chair.  You can tell by the silhouette that the figure is feminine, but you can't see her face.  Her hair is hanging down to obscure her features.   From the outfit, you can tell that it's Raynin.  She's wearing a pair of black stretch 5 pocket jeans with rhinestones decorating the outline of the pockets, a matching black halter top decorated with rhinestones, a black leather belt with studs around her waist, and a silver skull belt buckle with ruby red eyes.  On her feet, there's a pair of black boots that look almost like dancer boots.  She's got her elbows on her knees, and she's slowly wrapping her fists with tape.  As she's wrapping her fists, she's lifting her feet up onto her toes to the point where they're almost en pointe, and lowering them down in time with the movement of the tape around her fists.  She uses her teeth to break the tape on one of her fists, then moves to the other, repeating the motion until she's got just the right amount of tape on her fists.  She sighs heavily but silently, then sits there, rubbing her fists in her palms to mold it into the perfect shape for her hands.
Once she's gotten the tape just right, she slowly stands and picks up the chair.  She then carries the chair out of the light into the darkness.  All that can be heard is the sound of her footsteps, tapping out a slow cadence and getting quieter as she moves into the darkness, then the sound of them approaching and getting louder as she returns to stand in the center of the spotlight.  A masculine voice starts to speak in a voice over, reciting the poem Invictus.  At the sound of the voice, she starts to move.  

She bends at the waist and places her fingertips on the floor, then lets her feet spread slowly, sliding down towards the floor, spreading her legs wide in the Chinese splits until her breasts dangle less than an inch above the floor, with her body supported only by her feet and her fingertips.  The muscles in her shoulders and back are visible, and standing out in cords in just that single movement.  She pushes her body up on her fingertips and arches her back, her legs still spread in the Chinese splits, and her hair still hanging to cover her face.  She slowly lifts her lower body up from off of the floor, raising her hips into the air until her upper body is vertical, and her feet are pointing out to each side of her body, parallel to the floor.

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

Between each verse, there's a pause in the speaking, during which she continues to move.  She brings her feet up to a point and begins to raise and lower her body in vertical pushups.  After about ten pushups, she lets her feet fall over towards her butt, and slowly lowers them  until they touch the ground, and she holds the arch.  Her body almost looks contorted and folded in half, the muscles of her stomach shown in stark ripples and contours as she holds this position.  She doesn't complete the movement, but instead, twists her body over until she's again bent forward at the waist and bends her knees down until she's kneeling on the ground, her arms wraps around herself and her head touching the floor for a moment before she raises it from the ground.  A single spot of her eyes shining out in the low light, looking almost feral is caught by the camera before she starts to move again..

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloodied, but unbowed.

She slowly uncurls her body, bringing herself back to a standing position, then does a quick no handed cartwheel, followed by a one handed cartwheel handstand, spinning around in a circle quickly on the hand, her body ramrod straight in the air in a move that almost resembles a break dance move, before she drops her lower half quickly into another spit from the single hand.  The strength and precision used in the movement seeming graceful.  Just as she takes a breath, a figure in black comes darting out of the blackness surrounding the one spotlight of bright and starts to attack her.  She throws her body back in a backroll, flicking her legs up in a series of quick upward thrust kicks as she does, almost running up the body of her attacker, and ending it with a kick to the attacker's chin which sends him back into the darkness.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the Shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me, unafraid.

Another two attackers come out of the darkness, one with a pair of tonfa, striking at her with the fighting sticks, throwing kicks and punches at her in quick succession as she evades the attacks.  You almost think that the situation is one of chaos...  Bodies are flying left and right, and she's ducking and spinning, kicking and punching every way she can to try to avoid real damage.  A small trickle of blood has started to flow from the corner of her mouth, from a few of the blows that  land on her, but she's unphased as she counters with attacks of her own.  A side shuffle kick to the chin of one of the attackers sends him sprawling back into the darkness, only for another to take his place.   A flurry of rabbit punches, followed by a European uppercut sends one of the attackers stumbling backwards, but it's when she does a headstand and locks her legs around his neck and sends him flying back into the darkness with a hurricanrana, then does a backspin and a flare of her feet to return to a standing position that you see the level of control that's she's using .  Each move is sharp and you can tell from the sound of the strikes the level of power behind each punch and kick.

She beckons the final attacker to come at her, and she smirks confidently.  It's the one with the tonfa, and she lifts her fists up into a defensive stance, and swipes at the trickle of blood coming down from her lip with a thumb.  The attacker wastes little time and brandishes his prowess with the sticks before he too takes a fighting stance.  They stand this way until the attacker moves into action.  As the attacker comes at her, she doesn't move.  She just waits until he's about to land what looks to amount to a devastating blow with the tonfa, and she delivers a shakana straight kick to his solar plexus, sending him literally flying backwards and into the darkness, just as the final lines of the poem echo through the room.

It matters not how straight the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.

She finally speaks, and when she does, the voice is low and raspy.  Her hair is still hanging down to cover her face, but you can see a bit of her mouth, which is upturned in a most devilish of smiles as the camera pulls in close.

"That's right Amy...  You thought you were gonna have it easy...  But instead, you're going to face the one person who is about to become your worst nightmare.  I'm going to be the person who takes the World Bombshell Championship title from you and break your heart...   As well as your body... and maybe even your mind.   You see...  It's time that I returned to what I once was...  One of the biggest, baddest, most dominant females in this company!  It's time I took my place once again as the leader of the Bombshells and stand as their Champion.   And while I thank you greatly for being the instrument to my return to my rightful place...   Unfortunately...  you're standing in my way for that return.  I give you props for handling the light work for me, and taking out Delia.  But if you think that you're going to do is take me out, then  go to the next pay per view, still the Champion... Think again.  Because at Climax Control... I will show you Raynin's Way, then have the crowd yelling, 'Whiskey Tango Foxtrot', then pin you for the one, the two, and the three.  And once my hand is held high in triumph, you will be the first to experience the Battle Angel's War Cry."
She backs away with her arms spread wide till she's standing right under the spotlight.

"So Amy... Thank you for signing the death warrant on your title reign by giving me this shot.  You've been ever so gracious."

She starts to laugh wickedly and slowly throws her head back.   And just like that, the light goes out, and again, we're in silent blackness...

The scene fades out...  

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_______  >>>>>  *******  <<<<< _______  
 …  END OF FEED  ...  
_______  >>>>>  *******  <<<<< _______  

***  Word Count, 4003  ***

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« Last Edit: April 03, 2015, 11:58:20 PM by roproductions »
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