Author Topic: I love Europe  (Read 355 times)

Offline Amanda Cortez

  • SCW's tough and ticklish Biker Chick
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    • Amanda Cortez
I love Europe
« on: February 17, 2015, 09:30:45 AM »
 “Another match, another win. It seems that I’m really on a winning streak. I could take the win in each match during this tournament, I git the tag titles and now we are in the next round, the semi finals. Yay, it looks like nothing and nobody can stop me, SCW’s very own little Goddess. Life really couldn’t be better, even though a lil break would be awesome too, so that I could focus on my other jobs too. My club is run by my wife Rose now and for photo shootings I don’t have enough time too. And even if I would have time, with all the marks and bruises of my matches nobody will book me. It’s not that I don’t get enough money for my matches, but in some way it still sucks, because I really love this photo shootings and doing these lil fetish videos is even more fun. Damn, I really have to change some things in my life.”

This week the SCW show will be in Stockholm, Sweden and so Amanda and her team, Rose and Casey, didn’t fly back to the USA. Amanda hates the cold weather in Europe, but flying back home would be too much stress. So they booked a flight directly to Stockholm and the three are in their hotel now. Casey spends the rest of the day at the gym, like usually, and Amanda and Rose are at the spa area of the hotel. They both lay in the yakuza, with a drink in their hands and enjoy the hot water. In some way Amanda is already a bit excited again, especially as she sits there, with her feet in Rose’s lap and Rose lightly rubs them. Now Rose winks at Amanda.

“Well, the thing with the photo shootings really sucks, but maybe we will find someone here in Sweden, who will book you. And with your lil movies I can help you out. Haha, we can do it right here.”

Rose laughs in a cheery way and licks her lips as she looks at the naked Amanda. She really loves what she sees and she can’t get enough of Amanda. With her long red hair, her pretty fave and her gorgeous body Amanda really is a dream girl and if she isn’t in the ring or cuts a promo, she is really such a cute and nice person, so the fans love her and all her friends do so too. Even though she can be really sassy, nobody can be really mad at the cute bubbly girl.

“But I think we shouldn’t do it too extreme. I mean you had a hard match last week against this idiot called Dreamwolf and his useless bitch and this week won’t be better. You’ll have to face Alex Kaelin and a girl called Jade Manendez-Arcador. I don’t know whether they’re really good, but at least this guy is the Roulette Champion and she has held this title too, so they can’t be too bad.”

A bit curious, like usually, Amanda looks up. She never is worried before her matches, but it’s still exciting, especially as she doesn’t know many of the SCW wrestlers after her long break. It’s not that Amanda doesn’t care about her job, but she can be pretty selfish and cocky and so she doesn’t watch most of the matches of the other wrestlers. This time it hasn’t been different, but she doesn’t care and only shrugs.

“Good to know, but they can’t be that good, otherwise I would have heard of them. And don’t forget that I have Despayre as my partner. This kid is really awesome in the ring. He might be a bit strange and acts like a lil boy, but when he’s in the ring, he’s really a force. Just look how easy he could handle this stupid Indian. He didn’t had a problem, even though this guy has been so much bigger than himself. So I’m pretty sure that he won’t have a problem with Kaelin too. And the girl won’t be a problem. I have defeated so many of these wannabe wrestlers and socalled divas that it really won’t be so hard. If I can handle these monsters Gothika and Raynyn, then Ill be able to pin Jade too.”

As Rose hears Amanda’s cocky talking about her former opponents, she laughs a bit. Even though Amanda mostly acts cute, she van also be a brat and be very offending. She never talks nice about her opponents. But the pretty redhead can be so cute and Rose loves her more than everything else and so it’s always fun to listen to her trash talking.

“Haha, yes, you did a really good match, but you can be happy that it’s not allowed that the guys fight the girls. Otherwise Bo would really have tied you to a stake and tortured you to death. Haha.”

Hearing Rose talk like tis makes Amanda giggle too. This thought is really funny and Amanda loves kinky little games, even though she prefers such things with her wife Rose or her friends. There she is open to everything, but she also does such stuff for money, at home at her club Amanda’s Dungeon.

“Well, maybe this would even have been fun. At least it’s better than all these boring and exhausting long wrestling matches. But true, it’s good that the girls can’t face the guys and in some way I’m really eased that it is this way, even though I think that I also could win against some of the guys, maybe not against Despayre, but Kaelin shouldn’t  be a bigger problem for me, so Jade I will just blow away.”

For a moment she pauses and takes a sip of her drink. It’s so nice here in the warm water, together with her wife and Amanda is completely relaxed. Ok, she will have a match soon, but in some way her thoughts are not really by her match. She would prefer a nice long vacation now. But after this small break she comes back to her match.

“It sucks a bit that I don’t know much about these two idiots, but anyway, maybe it’s even good. I mean then they can’t be that great. I really don’t know how these two managed it to advance in this tournament and what’s even more strange is that they even managed it to get a title. I always thought that SCW is a company full with great wrestlers, but it seems that I’m wrong there. People like Jade and Kaelin aren’t great and will never be. I don’t know how they could manage it to win their matches, but it must have been just luck and nothing more. Their inring skills can’t be the reason for their wins, cu even my grandma could defeat them with ease. They are idiots and they don’t belong into a wrestling ring.
Ok, that might be a bit too harsh, so I’ll correct it. They can wrestle, but please not in a match against me, the Goddess and Despayre. We really deserve it to get good opponents and not such idiots. This match is a farce.”

She puts her drink to the side and wipes some of her hair out of her face. In the meantime Rose Lightly tickles her foot and Mandy giggles happily. She curls her cute lil toes and wiggles her foot, but she doesn’t pull it back. It just feels too good and she loves the light tickling. It makes her happy and also arouses her.

“But anyway, maybe it’s even good. I mean it’s an easy way to get into the next round and then the next title comes closer. And I wanted a break, well, this match will almost be like a break and we can see our lil trip to Stockholm like a nice vacation. We can go shopping, we will party and have fun in bed and we will just have a great time. It will be wonderful and not even the cold weather can bother me. So if it’s too cold we will just spend a whole day in bed or here in the whirl pool. It’ll just be awesome. About getting ready for this match we can think later.”

But now Rose stops tickling Amanda’s foot and looks at her love. She agrees with what Mandy says, but even though she has done some matches too and also won a few titles, she still is also a bit more insecure and not so full of self confidence as the tiny tattooed diva.

“But don’t underestimate them. I really don’t want that anything goes wrong. I wanna see you as the winner and not these idiots. They might have won their matches with some luck, but this can always happen again. So later we should really join Casey in the gym.”

With a smile in her face Amanda shoves her foot between Rose’s legs and gently rubs her there till she moans and begins to make cute noises. It doesn’t take long and Rose is in heaven and her noises become louder. She screams out in passion and then it’s over. Pretty exhausted she sinks back and looks at Amanda with a happy smile in her face.

“Wow …That was really awesome …Hehe, and now it’s your turn …”

Amanda crawls forward and wraps her arms around Rose, holding her close. Normally the petite bubbly girl is always up for having fun and now it’s not different, but in some way her thoughts are already at her upcoming match. So she only smiles at Rose, but she shakes her head.

“No …let’s do it later. You’re right, I shouldn’t underestimate my opponents. They might be bad wrestlers, but sometimes even such morons have luck and win a match. This happened in their last matches and I don’t wanna have this happen again. So we better get outa here and meet Casey at the gym. Some training is always good and then we go a bit shopping or sight seeing. And then we have the whole night for having fun.”

That’s true and Rose understands that too. So they climb out of the whirl pool and dry each other in a really lovingly way. It doesn’t take very long and Mandy is excited again, but now it’s too late. Rose is already dressed and so Amanda gets dressed too. Just as they are about to leave the spa area, Amanda’s cell phone rings and she answers it. It takes a few moments and then she shoves the phone back into her pocket, with a huge grin in her face. So Rose becomes curious too.

“Hey ..what was this?”

For a moment Amanda waits, but then she begins to tell Rose everything. She would have teased her a bit by not telling her, but it would be mean, because Rose really is so curious and it’s so easy to make her worry.

“Well, it seems that we have some luck. It was a big photo studio here in Stockholm and they wanna book me. I think it’s pretty cool. In LA we can’t do much at the moment, because we are always on tour and I really don’t wanna disappoint all my fans. So we will have the chance to do a big photo shooting here in Stockholm. He told me that we should meet him tomorrow in the morning and that he wanna do a lil video too. Hehe, this will be so much fun and we still have enough time for some training in the afternoon. Haha, at least if I’m not too exhausted after they are done with me.”

The two young women laugh in a cheery way and then they leave the hotel to look around a bit in the city. After two hours of walking around in the cold, they are both a bit tired and it’s time for a little break and a cup of hot chocolate. They stop at a coffee shop, sit down there and order. Amanda looks at her wife and smiles.

“By the way, I think I should do something with my hair. I mean when I have a photo shooting tomorrow, then it should look really good. And a manicure and a pedicure will be good too. I wanna look nice, sexy and cute. Oh, and I think then we could go and buy some shoes. I mean I could need some boots, it’s so damn cold here.”

Rose nods. She loves the thought of visiting such a beauty shop together with Amanda and buying boots is fun too. So she likes this idea and after the two have finished their hot chocolate, Amanda pays and they are on their way again. They stop at a beauty shop and Amanda talks to the girls there. A few minutes later she already sits in the chair there and one of the girls makes her hair, two take care for her fingernails and two more give her a pedicure. Ticklish as the cute Mandy is, immediately her giggling can be heard and it’s so cute that really everybody has his fun to watch her. And so does Rose. She just sits there and drinks a coffee while she waits for Amanda. Still giggling Amanda begins to talk to the girls and one of them recognizes her. She ask her whether she is one of the SCW wrestlers and Amanda nods.

“Yeah, I am and I’ll have a match this weekend.”

Amanda is really good in the ring and her performances are awesome. She knows it too good how to entertain the fans in the best way, but she is also cocky and so she loves it to get all the attention of the people around her. But she’s also a nice young woman and so she promises them to give them free tickets for the show on Sunday.

“Hehe, and if you manage it not to tickle me to death, then you all get free tickets for the show. I love it to have my fans with me, so it’ll be awesome and you all can see your Goddess perform in the ring. Ok, you’ve seen me on TV and that’s already great, but live it will be even better.
So you will have your fun and I’ll have a few people there who cheer at me. Hehe, it has been a really great idea to come here.”

Again she giggles and the girls continue to take care for her. They are a bit more carefully now, but Amanda looks so cute when she giggles and so they can’t resist and from time to time the two girls tickle her toes. Rose watches them having their fun and smiles lovingly while she drinks her tea.

“Oh yes, it was ..I always love it to see you in such situations and getting some new fans is good too. We need everything that’s good for your publicity.”

The girls are happy about their free tickets and Amanda too. Now they ask her about her plans, especially about what she will do if she wins this tournament, because she already has a title and then there’s only one title left, the one of her friend and team member Delia. For a moment Amanda isn’t so sure about what to say. She never doubted that she would win this tournament, but she also never thought about a match against Delia.

“Well, it’s no question whether I will win, because it’s a fact that me and Despayre will leave the tournament as the winners. Hell, what should go wrong? Do you really think that this nobody Jade will stop me? Look, I had had real wrestlers as opponents, such as the Fallen, Misty, Melody, Amy and many more and in most of these matches I ended up as the winner or at least I made a great performance. So this stupid bitch won’t be a problem for me. I’ll blow away this fat cow like this.”

She snaps her fingers and laughs out. Sadly this has ruined her fresh nail polish and so the girls have to begin again, but it’s no problem for them. They all love Amanda’s talking and also her cute reactions to the pedicure and so the two girls who are giving her the pedicure aren’t mad, even though they now have a bit more work.

“So it’ll be an easy match. Against the Fallen Vero and me didn’t look so good, but last week my performance was pure perfection. I have been the one who pinned the opponent and this week I’ll do it again. There won’t be any moment during this match where Jade will have a chance against me. So there’s nothing to worry about.
Well, after this win there will be one more match and this is the finals. I think this could become pretty hard, but in some way I know that I’ll leave the ring as the winner again. So you can already see me as the next no.1 contender for a title of my choice. Ok, here at SCW gender mixed matches aren’t allowed and in some way I’m happy about it, even though I know that I could even defeat some of the guys. So if there would be something like the cruiser weight division, then I would have chance to win such a title. But that’s not possible. The tag titles I already have, so there’s only the bombshell’s title left and sadly this one my friend Delia has.
But anyway, all that counts is that I win this damn tournament. I’, mew in this group of the Mean Girls and so I’ll have to prove that I’m worth to be a member. Ok, I proved it by winning the tag titles, but if I win this tournament, what I don’t doubt, it’ll even be better. Delia will be proud at me and everybody will accept me as a full member, even though I’m a bit different than the other Mean Girls. That means that I’m not that mean and that I still have friends and that there are still fans who cheer at me like you guys.”

She smiles at the girls and then she giggles again. Damn, if this pedicure wouldn’t tickle her so bad, but in some way she still has her fun and the girls too. It’s so cute to see the tough championess laugh and giggle like a school girl, especially as Amanda also begs in such a cute and innocent way.

“Hehe ..please be carefully …”

The girls give their best and eventually Amanda manages it to speak again. She is a bit out of breath and from time to time she has to laugh again, but all in all the speaking works properly. To relax a bit Amanda lights a cigarette and even though it’s forbidden in the beauty shop, nobody stops her. They even bring her an ashtray.

“So if I win I’ll be a full member and then the only choice I have is to face Delia, but I doubt that this will be a bigger problem. That doesn’t mean that it’ll be easy to defeat her, I mean that it won’t be a problem to face her in the ring. Look, all that counts is that one of the Mean Girls holds the title, so it doesn’t matter whether it’s Delia or me and I know that Delia sees it the same way. So what ever happens, the Mean Girls will be the winners.
And there’s one more thing, I might try to get a fun match so that it doesn’t get to violent and nobody gets hurt. The other option will be to just lay down and let Delia take the win, even though I don’t like this option, so this I prolly won’t do. So pretty soon you will see me in the ring against my partner.
Delia can be a very tough opponent and her wrestling skills are awesome, so I’m not sure how this match will end. I’m really not so sure whether I’ll be able to win against her in a fair fight. But that doesn’t matter, she’s my friend and so it’ll be ok if she pins me, cuz cheating and mean tricks I’d never do against her.”

She smiles in a friendly way and even though she can be a bit sneaky, everybody believes her. They all know that she would do everything for her friends and for the people she loves and that cheating in a match against them is no option for her.

“And this is a promise. But I don’t promise that I won’t cheat against these two motherfuckers Kaelin and Jade. They aren’t worth my time and so I’ll do everything I can to make it a short match. I just need a win and I really don’t wanna waste my strength and energy in such a match, because I will need it for the finals. So this Sunday everything can happen. And this Sunday I won’t promise that I won’t cheat or use weapons. Sadly they took away my brass knux at the airport, but that’s no bigger problem, my love Rose bought me some new ones here. Haha, so I’ll be armed and it’ll be an honor for me to smash them into Jade’s ugly face. Haha, and for her it’ll be a favor too, cuz she’ll need a surgery and this they can combine with something to make her look prettier, even though it would prolly be the best to cut off her head. Sadly this isn’t allowed here …”

Everybody laughs about Amanda’s joke and for a moment there is a small break. Then the girls are finished with her nails and hair. Amanda stands up and looks at her nails and her hair and as she is really satisfied. Her hair is freshly colored and her nails are bright red and her feet are wonderfully soft again. So she smiles happily as she carefully puts on her shoes again, taking care not to ruin her fresh nail polish. Then she pays and Rose and Mandy leave the shop.
The two walk around in Stockholm and really enjoy their time. They stop at a few coffee shops and have hot chocolate and cookies and then they continue their sight seeing and shopping tour. It’s just fun and the two are in a really good mood, but it’s so damn cold. Amanda comes from LA and so she really isn’t used to this weather, but in some way she loves the snow. It’s so romantic and she already thinks of a nice evening, together with Rose, in front of their fire place. She’s a bit lost in thoughts, but her cold feet bring her back to reality and she remembers that she wanted to buy some new and warm boots. The two stop in front of a shop and look insides. Immediately Amanda discovers some really hot looking high heeled overknee boots, but Rose stops her.

“Hey …I thought that you’re looking for something warm.”

That’s not really what Amanda wanted to hear and she pouts a bit. She loves sexy outfits so much and especially high heeled boots are awesome. They look good and make the tiny diva a bit taller and so Amanda would love to buy them. A bit frustrated and sad she looks at her wife.

“Damn, but they look so hot and sexy …I love them …”

But there’s no discussion. The two enter the store and after some looking around Rose comes back with a pair of ugg boots in her hand. As Mandy sees this, her eyes widen in horror and she shies back. They look comfortable and warm, but running around in such ugly boots really is a thing Amanda doesn’t like.

“No way that I’ll wear these ugly things …I”d look like an elephant. Forget it.”

Rose roles her eyes. Sometimes Amanda can be so annoying, especially when she acts like a lil kid, but Rose isn’t willing to listen to this. So she shuts her up with a gesture and for a moment she even glares at her pretty wife.

“Just shut up. I’m fed up with your constant whining that it’s so cold, so you buy these things. I don’t care whether they’re ugly or not, at least they’re warm. And here’s nobody who knows you, so it really doesn’t matter how they look. Hehe, at home they come off anyway, so don’t worry about it.”

She winks at Amanda, but Mandy still isn’t happy. She sighs frustrated, but then she buys these boots, puts them on and the couple leaves the shop. Without her high heels Amanda is much smaller and looks so cute, so that Rose has no choice and has to hug her. She wraps her arms around the petite redhead and kisses her lovingly on the lips.

“Damn, you’re cute too with these boots and I love you, so don’t worry.”

Pressing her body tightly against Rose, Amanda smiles happily. She feels so safe and comfortable and she really wishes that this moment would last forever, but sadly her cell phone rings the second time this day and she answers the phone. Like usually when Amanda is at the phone, it takes a while and it seems that Mandy really likes what she hears. After a few minutes, she hangs up the phone and has a huge grin in her face.

“So what was this about?”

Rose is always a bit curious and so Amanda tells her everything. She lights a cigarette, inhales deeply, but then she doesn’t want to let Rose wait any longer.

“Ok, it was a call from a local photo studio here at Stockholm. I was already a bit worried, because we never were at home the last weeks and we couldn’t do any photo shootings, but now everything becomes good. They wanna book me and they pay good. The last weeks we didn’t had much income, especially not as our club is closed at the moment, but this here is even better. Normally I take 300 USD for one hour, but here in Europe they even pay more. They are willing to pay 500 Euro for one hour and they wanna book me for about three hours, so we will get more money than at home. I love Europe.”

Happy and really in a good mood Amanda lights a cigarette. Then she takes Rose by her hand and smiles. The two start to walk again and now they are looking for the next coffee shop.

“And what do you have to do there? I doubt that they pay you 500 Euro just for a few photos.”

Amanda nods. She drags at her cigarette and blows out a smoke ring, then she turns back to Rose. With a smile in her pretty face she shrugs. She already knows wha awaits her, but that’s absolutely no problem for her. As a professional fetis model she is used to such stuff.

“Well, some photos they will take too. Just the usual stuff, you know, me getting tied up in different ways and so on. And then they wanna make such a lil fetish movie. But I’m not worried, it’s nothing new and it’s much money for doing nothing, just sitting there and laughing while getting tickled silly. It’s almost like the stuff I do in my sessions at home.”

Now Rose looks up. She knows that Amanda loves such kinky stuff and she always likes it to come with her to these sessions, but she still is a bit worried, because of Amanda’s important match.

"But three hours is pretty long. I hope you won't be too exhausted after it's over. Don't forget that you have a match the next day.”

But Amanda only shrugs again. It seems that the tough tattooed young woman really isn’t worried and that she even likes the thought of getting it for such a long time. In some way it’s a challenge, but it can also be relaxing.

“Don’t worry, I’ll survive it. Look, at home I have these one hour sessions without a break and this movie will be with breaks, so it can’t be that bad. I doubt that I’ll be to exhausted to fight the next day. And don’t forget that it won’t be such a hard match. These two are really no opponents for me. These wannabe champions are just laughable. They are no wrestlers, they are a joke. I really can’t understand how they managed it to stumble into the semi finals. It’s a miracle, but anyway, I’ll make sure that their way will end here. No finals for Kaelin and Jade. The finals will be a match between me and Despayre against Misty and Watts. That’s a match, but not this farce this week. I think we would even win this match with hands tied behind our back and blindfolded. It really will be easy, so we don’t need much preparations for it.
But don’t worry, I won’t underestimate them. They might be bad wrestlers, but I still watched their last matches. It wasn’t very impressive. The guy only stumbles around in the ring like a blind idiot and Jade acts like a pregnant elephant. Just nothing to worry about. But anyway, I studied all their moves, even though they don’t have many. But so I’m prepared and I know what awaits me. And then we still have the afternoon after my photo shooting. We can pick up Casey and do a last training. This should really be enough for these two idiots. More would be a waste of time and energy. But now lets get the next coffee and let’s enjoy the day. These two aren’t worth to think about them any longer.”

With this she takes Rose by her hand and they enter the next coffee shop. Like usually Amanda is hungry and so they order some more cookies and two cups of coffee. As the waitress brings them their food they start to eat again. In a really good mood the two enjoy their day and then the scene fades to black.

Word count: 5057


Huddle me, tickle me, I'm so cute

Records Amanda
Win: 20
Loss: 13
Draw: 1
Thrown: 0