Author Topic: Starlight... Starbright...  (Read 370 times)

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  • The Fallen
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    • Raynin
Starlight... Starbright...
« on: October 17, 2014, 09:01:02 PM »
 Event: SCW's Climax Control     DATE: Sunday, 10/19/14

Place: Parris Island, South, Carolina

Venue: Parris Island Stadium


Opponent: with, Raynin in her corner Vs.  ROCK ROSE w/Felony Fontanna

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So, the Powers That Be tried to split up the Angels of the Fallen…  Dangling the possibility of Tag Team Gold in the face of Raynin… But fate has other plans for these brave women…  It just wouldn’t be to have someone like Veronica Taylor with a pair of angel wing son her back, now would it.  Instead, the Angels are willing to put their bodies, their minds, and their souls through Hell on Earth to gain the Tag Team Titles the right way… the only way that it would matter… TOGETHER!!  And putting their foot on the path in a big way, Gothika is going to step into the ring with a true freak…  by facing the Freakette’s powerhouse, Rock Rose.  With a definite height and weight disadvantage, one would think that Gothika would be intimidated…  But intimidation is Gothika’s middle name…  She oozes intimidation from every pore.  She ain't afraid of no Rock Rose.  And with Raynin in her corner to handle any possible low down and dirty shit from Felony Fontanna, and possibly start a little bit of low down and dirty shit of her own, you know things will certainly get way more than interesting!  I can’t wait to see what’s going to come from these tow teams!!  Can you?...

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 â€¦  STARS ALIGN ...  

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**********  WARNING!!  **********

The following are scenes from the daily lives of the Sin City Wrestling's Newest Bombshell Champion, Gothika.  They were not intended for the younger viewers of our audience.  They contain content which is extremely graphic in nature.  So graphic, they've even given me nightmares which make me hide under the bed and use a night light if I watch them for too long.  If you are squeamish, have a weak stomach, are faint of heart, or are eating, I'd suggest waiting until you have something to settle your stomach before continuing.  If you're easily frightened, then... well, you're a punk ass sissy and shouldn't be going any further.  If you do go further, be prepared to wet and soil yourselves.  You have to provide your own diapers and wet wipes.  \'tongue.gif\'  Parental discretion is advised.

**********  END ADVISORY!!  **********



*** An Except from the Online Blog of Gothika  ***

October 17, 2014



Stars align for me just right…

When I step into your sight,

Better prepare for one hell of a fight…

When Sunday comes, Climax Control night…

Rock Rose will scream when she feels my bite!!

Bonjour Tout le monde,

It’s about that time once again… It’s about time for the Angels of the Fallen to step up into the fray and do what we do best, which is lay some hurt on some people.  The management thought that they could break up the bond that was between my partner and me, but…  they should have known better.  Even if Raynin had won the tag team title with Veronica, all that would have happened was… either I would have taken her out and brought the titles completely over to the Fallen, or she would have finally found the spark inside of her which would have been the final screams of the rotted mass of desiccation she calls a soul that she’s got trapped inside of that plastic coated Barbie Doll exterior.

But see, what people don’t get is, when I look at Veronica Taylor, I see what’s truly inside of her.  I see how much she truly despises herself.  How worthless she feels… How when she looks in the mirror, she doesn’t see herself, but an amalgamation of everything everyone else has ever wanted her to be… And she hates herself that she’s let herself become not what she wanted, but what other people wanted.  Had Raynin actually won, the Mean Girls would have really been shit out of luck, because we may have just opened Veronica’s eyes to reality…  Being a Mean Girl truly ain’t no fun.  They’re a contradiction in and of themselves.  All they can do is spark negativity.  They eat, breathe, sleep, and spew negativity.  They wouldn’t have an ounce of positivity between them, and they couldn’t find a true fan even if they were hanging from a ceiling.  

They say if you do it, you're a slut.  If you abstain, you're a prude. If you're straight, you're not creative.  if you're bisexual, you're confused. If you're gay, it's a sin.  If you're skinny, you're on drugs. If you're fat, you look nasty.  If you're dressed up, you're conceited. If you dress for comfort, you're a slob. If you speak your mind, you're a bitch.  If you don't say anything, you're a mouse or rude. If you're nice to strangers, you're a fake. If you cry, you're a drama queen.  If you are female and have a male friend, you're a whore. If you're male and have a female friend, you're a player.

We live in a society where people can't survive without judging other people. I for one don't give two shakes of a fleas ass on a rat's tail what other people think.  Don’t fucking judge me!!  Don’t fucking judge my friends!!  You can’t judge me cause you can’t handle have of the shit I’ve dealth with in my life!  There’s reasons why I do the things that I do!  There’s a reason why I am who I am!  Every up and down... every turn of the wheel we call life that I survive… Every corner I go around… Every obstacle I overcome, every hurdle I vault over… These shape me into the person you see standing in that ring.  If we all went through the same shit, maybe we could all fit into that cookie cutter mold that some people like the Mean Girls think that everyone should fit in…  but that’s the beautiful thing of evolution!  Even two identical embryos , split from the same egg and sperm grow into two completely separate people.  They may be called identical twins, but each has minute differences… one may have a dimple, one may have a beauty mark on her left cheek, one my have a birth mark on his right thigh shaped like a strawberry… One’s eyes may be slightly darker than the other’s, one may have slightly darker hair, or a streak of red that his or her twin may not have in their hair.  It’s that spark of individuality… that uniqueness… that certain flair that makes each of us… EXTRAORDINARY in our own rights.  

The Mean Girls try to claim that they’re some kind of SuperHeros…  But they’re not SuperHeros… Superheros inspire people to do and be better!  They help people… They are compassionate, sometimes sarcastic little shits…  But they’re not there to put people down.  They’re not there to make people feel bad about themselves.  Delia, Veronica, you aren’t SuperHeros… You’re ANTI-HEROS!!  You’re Super Villains!!   You’re the Lex Luthors of the SCW!  You’re so conceited and self absorbed that you think that it’s all about you!  When it’s so far from it!  And once my partner and I have taken care of our… light work with my taking out Rock Rose at Climax Control this Sunday, we’re gonna be gunning for you… Like a bullet straight out of a gun!  An AK-47 filled with Angellic FURY, fueled by the blood, sweat and tears of  our opponents as I run roughshot right over them... and reclaim the gold that has been itching to be wrapped back around our waists.  

You see..  Some people call me a troublemaker...  Some people call me a loose cannon... Some people call me a crazy person who should be locked up so I don't get my hands on anyone.  Ha ha ha... I love the last one...  Crazy...  so priceless... Anyways... THAT'S WRONG MOTHER FUCKERS!! I'm a bitch who speaks her mind and won't take no shit from ANYBODY!   My friends and I... We've always been touted as the meteoric up and comers... The ones who have the highest heights to fly to... The ones who are the most ground breaking...  the most innovating... The big ballers and shot callers of the industry who step into a company and put everyone around us on notice that we're coming for them... And WE BACK THAT SHIT UP!!  Now I'm not saying we're perfect... Everyone has low times... Everyone has shit that they have to deal with.  Everyone has those moments where they feel like they're just going to break into a million pieces, and it is going to take tankers upon tankers of superglue to put them back together...  But it's not about whether you break down, or if you break down... hell, or WHEN you break down, cause everyone breaks down eventually.  It's about how you get backup that matters.  It's about how you pick yourself up from the rubble around you after the entire mountain has crashed down around you, dust yourself off and keep on stepping that matters.  Because the you that comes out of that dust and muck and mire has been forged in fire, and blood, and pain, and anguish, and that version of you is so much stronger than you were before BECAUSE of what you've been through.

I mean let's face it... The world is certainly not all sunshine and rainbows.  It's thunderstorms and rainy days, and hailstorms, and earthquakes and tidal waves.  You... Me... NOBODY is gonna be able to hit as hard as life.  And you know I'm damned sure gonna try...  But it's not about how hard you get hit.  It's about how hard you can get hit and keep on moving forward.  It's about how many times, you don't give up!  It's about fighting not just to survive... BUT TO WIN!!

To put it in Scientific terms…  For a star to be born, there’s one thing that has to happen…  One very important thing…  A gaseous planet has to collapse…  So it doesn’t matter if Raynin has a nervous breakdown or two.  So what?   It doesn't matter if I lose control and go into a frenzy!  Who Cares!!  It doesn’t matter if I slip and gorge myself on the red every now and then.  It simply doesn’t matter.  We can crumble, or collapse… It’s not our destruction.  It’s not us slipping into chaos.  It’s our rebirth into the shining stars that we are becoming.  

Well... I should say... that's what matters for us anyways.  What should matter for our opponents is... just what kind of stars we're becoming.  Because we do tend to see things in a much different light than others.  There's one very interesting point about my friends and I that most people forget.  Oh yes... we clean up nice... We look pretty... We have our goodie two shoes cloak put over us.  We fight the good fight.  But deep down, we know exactly who and what we are.  We stopped looking for the monsters under the bed once we realized they were inside of us.  Some people think that to fight evil, you have to use an even stronger force for good.  But the best way to combat the truly bad monsters is to use an even bigger monster.  And we're the biggest, baddest monsters in this business.  

I mean, doesn't it scare you even the littlest bit to know... everything that we've been through... and we're still smiling?  That should be some serious flags...  I mean, it's partly because I'm strong... yeah, I'm strong... but it's mainly cause... well, let's face it... I'm fucking crazy!  My friends and I are all fucking crazy in our own ways!  And yet, people like Rock Rose still want to stand against us!  Now... If I know it's because they feel like in order to be the best, they have to beat the best...  And we're at the top of the fucking food chain.  But you don't dangle fresh meat in front of a predator and not expect to come out without a scratch.  And yes... Rock Rose will not be walking away from Climax Control unmarked.  I'm hungry... Very... very hungry...  And I can't wait to sink my fangs into some Bombshell Flesh once more.  Come Climax Control, I will dine in a fashion that only a monster can truly enjoy.  Long, slow…  and painful.

C'EST CHIENNES DROITE !! LE MONSTRE DE à l'affût !! Et elle a la nécessité de nourrir !! PEUR !! Ayez très peur!!  {“THAT'S RIGHT BITCHES!!  THE MONSTER'S ON THE PROWL!!  AND SHE'S GOT THE NEED TO FEED!!  BE AFRAID!!  BE VERY AFRAID!!” }

Au Revoir Tout le monde!!

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 â€¦  END OF FEED  ...  

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***  Word Count, 2,147  ***

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