Author Topic: I said what what!  (Read 396 times)

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    • Raynin
I said what what!
« on: September 26, 2014, 11:59:52 PM »
 Climax Control, 9/28/14

Event: Sin City Wrestling's Climax Control     DATE: Sunday, 9/28/2014

Place: St. Louis, Missouri
Venue: Scott Air Force Base


Opponent: with, Raynin Vs.  AZZ ‘N CLASS’s Chanelle Martinez and Torielle Jackson

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After months of being away, the Angels of the Fallen have come back to the halls of Sin City Wrestling.  And what a shocker!!  Gothika is no longer teaming with her best friend, Diamond!  Instead, there is the return of her friend and protegee, Raynin, who has been locked away in a mental institution for almost a year!  What sparked this return in this manner?  What is the mental state of Gothika’s partner?  And what about Gothika herself?  Racked with her own turmoil, what is her mental state?  I know I can’t wait to find out… Can you?...

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**********  WARNING!!  **********

The following are scenes from the daily lives of the Sin City Wrestling's Newest Bombshell Champion, Gothika.  They were not intended for the younger viewers of our audience.  They contain content which is extremely graphic in nature.  So graphic, they've even given me nightmares which make me hide under the bed and use a night light if I watch them for too long.  If you are squeamish, have a weak stomach, are faint of heart, or are eating, I'd suggest waiting until you have something to settle your stomach before continuing.  If you're easily frightened, then... well, you're a punk ass sissy and shouldn't be going any further.  If you do go further, be prepared to wet and soil yourselves.  You have to provide your own diapers and wet wipes.  \'tongue.gif\'  Parental discretion is advised.

**********  END ADVISORY!!  **********


*** An Except from the Online Blog of Gothika  ***

September 26, 2014

Bonjour Tout le monde,

It’s been a long road back to this place, this point in time, this moment when I get to say… The Angels of the Fallen are back home in the Sin City Wrestling!!!  All of us!!  Not one or two of us… Not the ones who people think deserve to be here, but all of us…  And I must say, it feels so good to be back.  There were points in time when I’d think to myself…  â€œHey… Gothika… Do you think it’s all going to be worth it?  Do you think that it’s all going to happen just as you picture it in your head… All of the fans will jump to their feet and cheer and clap and be excited to see you and your friends step back into the ring?”  And what I do is I shrug my shoulders and think back to myself…  â€œHell yeah it’s worth it!!  And I know that my fans will do just that!  Our fans are not fickle creatures who change their minds about who their favorite is from moment to moment.  Our fans are fans for life!!  I got emails and letters in the real mail… I mean snail mail!!  For real!!  All of them asking me, when I was coming back… What was happening?...  And when were they to expect to see me back in the ring?...  I mean, who actually takes the time to write a letter anymore, unless they’re mailing out a payment for something?  THAT is dedication!!  And so, I knew that no matter what was happening, I had to come back.  I had to fight, not just for me…  Not just for my friends… But for the fans that were counting on me to come back to this place right here…  The Sin City Wrestling!

Now yes… I know you’re all expecting it to be me and Diamond, because that’s how it’s been for so long…  But after everything we went through to get my girl back… Raynin was my partner when I came here.  She was the first of us here in SCW.  She was the first of us to become Bombshell Champion…  She was the reason for my being here… And as much as I love Diamond, I have to stand by her now.  She’s put in so much effort to be able to come back, and I have to say, I’m proud of her for not giving in when things looked the darkest.  She is worthy of the name she has with us.   She is worthy of the wings she bears.  Diamond has been and will always be my best friend.  But right now… Raynin is my partner.  I trust her.  I’ve always trusted her.  I always will trust her.  I don’t care how crazy she seems, I know she will always have my back.  Once and Angel… Always an Angel.  

Being an Angel is not some flighty thing.  I know some of these tag teams who exchange members like they change their panties, every other month, they have a new partner, or they break up, and get back together.   Hell, they’re like a Bad Romance or something…  That’s no way to form a team.  That’s no way to be able to truly work together and work well together.    And while we may switch up among ourselves, that’s because we all work together… ALL of us.   We’re like interchangeable parts of a giant puzzle… Or like Legos with all of their little connecting dots…  Or like fried peanut butter and bananas sandwiches...  we just  fit together perfectly, and we're hot hot HOT!  I mean us in the ring, when our adrenaline gets going... no matter which one of is in there... It's ELECTRIC!!  It's like wild fire!!  I mean, we're so close knit, it’s like sometimes, we may bust out each other’s finishers… just to show that we can do it too.  'Why is that?'  you may ask...  Well, for no reason other than we can do it.  I mean, of course we know how to do each other's finishing moves.  I mean, why wouldn't we?  We certainly know how to execute them because we helped each other come up with those moves.  We help each other make sure that they’re perfected, and we help each other to train for those moves over and over again.  We show each other how to up the ante on each move, and make it even more spectacular than it was before.  It's why when we step into the ring, we're like a machine..  A well oiled machine... You can't begin to understand just what that means unless you've ever been in a partnership like that.  I mean, we're more than just partners.  We're like family.  Sisters from another Mister and all that good shit.  

So here we are again, we're back into the thick of things as soon as we touch ground.  We come back, and we have to face a pair of females that we've tackled before...   And I do mean tackled before... I think I speared one of them so hard, she practically flew out of her all too short shorts.  I mean, it was all intense and everything at the time, but...  I mean let's face it... We're talking about a couple of women who helped pioneer the Bombshell Tag Team Division here in the SCW.  We were the whole reason why the Tag Team Division was started... We were one of the original Tag Teams of the Sin City Wrestling...  Raynin was the third Bombshell Champion, and that was only because she didn't come into the company at it's inception...  I am a former Bombshell Champion, and we've both held the Tag Team Championships... Hell, I've lost count how many times.  I'm sure I've got it written down somewhere...  And what does that mean for Miss Martinez and Miss Jackson?  That means that they've got a fight like... well, like the others they've had in the past when they've faced us.  I'm sorry to say that it would be business as usual when they face us.  But then, I think they knew that already.

Have these two women bettered themselves in the time we've been away?  Hmm.. Maybe... Quite Possibly.  Have these two women come up with some new tricks that might surprise my partner and my self?  Perhaps.  But what they don't realize and won't come to know until they have stepped into the rings against my friend and I is that we weren't just sitting back twiddling our thumbs while we were away.  Raynin was in a place that none of you would ever like to see...  She experienced things the likes of which would haunt your most frightening of nightmares.  We were gone so long, just so that we could let Raynin try to come back to the reality that she wasn't locked up anymore.  See, being in that place does things to you...  They say that they're fixing you, but all they were doing to her was making her worse.  But that's probably a good thing in the ring.  But you know what girls...

C'EST CHIENNES DROITE !! Je suis de retour !! Soyez prêt pour les DOULEUR POUR COMMENCER!!!  {“That’s right bitches!!  I’m back!!  Get ready  for the pain to commence!!” }

Very soon, the fun will begin again.  Azz 'N Class...  You may respect us... But there's no way you're going to beat us.  The sooner you accept that fact, and take the whoopin' we have in store for you....  Well, I was going to say the better it would be for you but... Nah... It's just nothing but sadness in your future.

Au Revoir Tout le monde!!

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