Author Topic: First Impressions  (Read 369 times)

Offline Kristopher Ryans

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    • Kristopher Ryans
First Impressions
« on: August 15, 2014, 10:31:09 PM »

The hotel room is trashed. Actually, trashed may be a bit of an understatement. Lamps are knocked over, chairs are inverted, the bed is thrashed even though there is nobody in it, and there were these little serving size bottles of alcohol just about everywhere on the floor. Jason checked the mini fridge of the room, to find it empty. He pushed the door closed with his foot, but it didn’t seem to catch like it should, instead just hanging open. He had expected most of this. Kris was never one to simply sleep with a smile on his face after receiving good news. That wasn’t the norm for anyone in this family though. The good news was, in all of his snooping, he didn’t find a most empty plastic bag with white powder in it. There were no empty gel caps on the floor. There weren’t any metal spoons, broken rubber bands, needles or anything of the like. The kid had even placed “Do Not Disturb” signs on both sides of the door. One was to tell housekeeping that he would clean up the mess. The other was to tell himself that he shouldn’t disturb others by taking the party out of the room in whatever state he was in. It was a concept that the two of them had drilled into their heads more than a dozen times while together. It was like putting a stop sign at the door, even when they were inebriated, that sign was still there.

That is why, even with seeing the room in disarray, he is completely calm. That is why, when he pushes open the bathroom door, he is happy to see a trail of empty bottles leading to a limp arm hanging out of the bathtub. If he is honest, he should have definitely expected him to be here. If Jason had learned anything from the constant hungover state of their parents come time for sunrise, it was the value of silence. So, when he steps around to look down at his kid brother in the bathtub, the kid is still asleep. Then again, nobody would wake up from this kind of bender just by someone poking around in their room. Jason grabs the lid of the toilet and gently closes it before sitting down on top of it. For a moment, he just watches the kid sleep, but then the curtain catches his attention. It was half closed, probably to block out the light, but not even opening it would wake him up. Jason pulls it back, and then slowly lifts it out of the tub and lets it hang just above the floor. He looks from his sleeping brother to the faucet, and the lever on the top of it that causes water to come through the showerhead instead of out of the faucet itself. He takes hold of it and lifts it, just in case. Finally, he starts to look around the room. The plunger sitting on the floor under the countertop catches his eye and puts a smile on his face. Jason leans over and grabs it and then turns back to his brother, slowly leveling the suction end to his bare chest. With a quick jabbing motion, he sticks the plunger to him, and with luck, the suction cup actually holds to him. The force of the jab even wakes him up.


The look of surprise on his brother’s face was worth it. However, it is something else that brings the smile to his face.

I have always wanted to say this….

Kris tries to shove the plunger away, but Jay leans into it hard.

Say what?


He immediately rips back on the plunger. It doesn’t give for a moment, but when it does there is a loud snap. Kris’ arms go up to his chest to cover the red circle that is already forming there. The younger brother kicks at his elder as he pulls the plunger away, sending it flying across the room. Jason watches it fly, unable to contain his laughter. The plunger lands on the counter and comes to rest only when it smacks against the wall. Kris kicks again, this time at his brother, but clearly the hangover comes into play. Jason is able to move out of the way, and Kris slides down further into the bathtub, now with his leg hanging out over the side. He pushes himself up, enraged at how he was woken from the most peaceful of slumbers.

… you don’t want to do that.

Jason reaches over, finding the cold water knob with his fingers while maintaining eye contact with Kris. The laughter has faded, but the devious smile is still on Jay’s face.

Do it and I will kill you.

He considers the threat, and then shakes his head, rejecting the thought.

On a hangover? Not likely.

Kris opens his mouth for a retort, but doesn’t find the words. His brother did have a point. The light in the room was already starting to melt his brain. Being actively angry would just make his head throb worse. Still, he wasn’t exactly going to give up.

What do you want?

You just go right ahead and lay back down there as you were. There is no reason this has to get nasty kid. It was all just a practical joke.

Kris holds up his hands, and exhales heavily, not happy about it, but compliant. He leans back against the back of the tub, and reaches down into the pocket of his pants to find his phone. Jason sits back, taking his hand off of the knob and waiting on his brother. He pulls the phone free of his pants and looks at the screen.

It’s eight in the fucking morning man…. what is wrong with you?

This draws a small laugh, and a shrug of the shoulders from the older brother. The smile on his face fades though, and he turns his attention to the bottles on the floor. He points to them, and watches some of the light fade from his brother’s eyes.

Should I be worried about any of this?

Kris leans to the side of the tub and looks at the floor, noting the single serving bottles there. How many could he remember throwing down? For that matter, how in the hell did he get in the bathtub? His best guess is that the mini fridge probably got emptied. He probably made a huge mess of things, and then sleeping in something bigger than a Prius just wouldn’t do. However, there had been a reason for celebration.

Well…. no… It would be a problem if there was anything other than alcohol here. From the look on your face, and the lack of police and handcuffs in here, tells me that you didn’t find anything that could get me in any real trouble so….

Jason cuts him off, unable to let his brother talk his way out of the hole just because it was one substance and not another.

It doesn’t matter if I didn’t find you here with a needle in your arm. It matters that this is clearly not very CLEAN. Which is what you are supposed to be, right? So what reason did you have to throw all this back, huh? What good news did you get?

There was clear anger in his voice, but his tone never raised to the level of yelling. If anything, he sounds hurt by the fact that he hasn’t had him back long enough to be ok with him relapsing and having to take another tour of hospitals. It isn’t fair. Not yet.

Man, I am in an awesome place right now. Ava and I are clicking. This SCW is taking off. The money from Matthews is rolling in. It was a night to have fun. I put the stop sign on the door, just in case. Clearly knocking back one or two isn’t going to work. Lesson learned.

…. and like that, all that anger faded. The disappointment was still there, but the hot flash of anger subsided. Jason looked out of the bathroom to the doorknob of the hotel room. He had set something up to stop him, IN CASE, it didn’t work out. He hadn’t planned to fall down the rabbit hole, but he was smart enough to know it could happen. It was better than being reckless.

So… Have you put together the real reason I have dropped by this shit hole?

The change of topic was the only assurance Kris was going to get that his brother was ok. Sure, he had made a mistake, but Jason had found something inside what he had said that made him back off. Whether that was Ava, or some part of his actual story, he didn’t know, and probably wouldn’t ever know. Hangover aside, he knew exactly why his brother really stopped to see him in.

Still making excuses not to go home to the wife? Or is it that she and Ava, your former wrecking ball, are there together that is detracting you?

Jason rocks back on his heels with a comically surprised look on his face. He gives his best shot at a sarcastic gasp, and even raises his hands up to his face to cover it.

Ladies and gentlemen, albeit hungover the kid has a brain.

Kris allows himself a smile, and an accepting nod. If Jason was willing to be sarcastic, it meant that he really wanted to hide just how interested he was. Had he done nothing, Kris would have been able to see the genuine reaction he had. Jason would have tipped his hand and given Kris power over the conversation. They both knew this, but since it wasn’t out in the open they couldn’t reference it.

So I can chalk this up to a "Jay running scared" type of visit? I mean I knew you were rethinking this whole retirement gig, but I didn't think you would be running from your bride to be and a teenager.

It isn't like that. I have been pretty hushed about this whole project I am working on. The love fest between Ava and Haley is hardly a reason to really avoid Seattle. In all seriousness, I need a favor. Not necessarily one that needs to be made public either.

It was this side of his brother that he admired, and was absolutely terrified of at the same time. Kris got to see behind that mask. He doubted that even Haley would be able to have the conversation with Jason that he was about to have.

So its back to Blyss, huh? How did you put it exactly? You want me to “make sure she gets so twisted up inside that she implodes before the match” right?

The air quotes made it so much more entertaining to hear. Kris’ impression of his brother wasn’t too far off either. Though, he was still paraphrasing.

Right now she doesn't even know there is going to be one. She hurt me, we hurt her. Right now we are even. We don't do even, do we?

Kris smiles and sits up slightly.

No, you don't do even. I am more than happy with even. You are the one that has to weave elaborate plans to avoid being bored. Me? I am content to show up every week and do a match. I dont have to tour the world. I dont have to be rolling in a bed of cash. Why isn't even good enough for you?

Jason laughs and waves that question off.

Just chalk that up to you owing me a favor.

Kris didn't like all of these favors he owed his brother. There seems to be an unlimited balance on them.

Dont forget, you and Ava would have never happened without me. It was one of my "elaborate" plans that dropped that relationship into your lap. This one has already got you a little name recognition from working in IWF and you got Matthews to shell out some cash. Thats more than you would have gotten just working with SCW.

Kris put his hands together and clapped softly a few times. It really was an amazing sight. His brother was a master at spinning a story so that the actions he takes to benefit himself always appear for the greater good of everyone.

Sure. You've done me some good. All I had to do was throw on a black hoodie and attack the woman you think crippled you. Now I am just trying to enjoy my hangover headed into this match for SCW and you pop in. What do you want? You are talking in circles and not really saying anything.

It was Jason’s turn to put his hands together. He feigned surprise and rocks back on his heels and then holding his hands to his chest.

What do you have to stab me like that? Can't I just stop in to say hi?

The light fading from Kris' eyes gave him an answer to that before the kid even opened his mouth.

You always have a reason right?

Jason reaches into his pocket and takes out his phone, tossing it into his brother’s lap. Kris turns it over in his hands, and quickly finds the button on the side to illuminate the screen. Kris looks up from it confused.

Flight plans sir. After the show, we have places to go and people to see. We have hands to shake and promotional pictures to take. So sober up, pull yourself together and lets move.

Kris rolled his eyes and tossed the phone back to his brother.

You can't make yourself busy enough to ignore family.

Kris sits up from his position and looks his brother in the eye, unbelieving.


Kris maintains eye contact with him.

Is that what you are trying to do? Making these plans, or continuing this IWF stuff even though you wont see the inside of the ring for… what? Six months? So you are showing up to harass me, and making all of these plans, for what? So you don’t have to sit at home and be normal.

Kris tries to say more but he loses the breath. Even in the haze that is the alcohol in his bloodstream, he can see it in his brother’s face.

Are you telling me that I can’t be normal? What is normal about getting wasted in a hotel room by yourself when you have a job to be doing? What is normal about dating a chick that used to be obsessed with your brother, huh? What’s normal about you?

This doesn’t strike the chord that he hoped it would with his little brother. He sits back, raising his arms up and cradling his head in the palms of his hands.

Nothing. I am a drug addict. I am a fuck up. I get to do shit like this because I am barely out of my teenage years. You, you are on the wrong side of thirty to be sitting in a hotel bathroom trying to deflect your bullshit onto me.

Jason looks away. That was a lot more truth than he was prepared to hear. People always tried to say that he was the smarter brother. That wasn’t necessarily the truth though. Kris was just as bright, but never had the willpower to see anything through. Their personalities were polar opposites. Their priorities were not even close to aligned. Now, Kris managed to pull this nugget of truth out of the bullshit. He had to give the kid props.

What is normal?

Kris averts his eyes by finding something interesting on the wall. He makes his brother wait almost painfully long for a response.

Fuck if I know man…. I am kind of hoping you figure that out so that when I am in your shoes, you aren’t some asshole in a bathtub pointing out my flaws.

Jason laughs and pushes himself up from his porcelain throne.

Haley would beat my ass if I passed out in a bathtub in some ass backwards hotel..

They both laugh.

Maybe that is what normal is supposed to be. Someone that stays home. Someone that doesn’t steal shit. Someone that doesn’t get wasted and beat their kids. You know… things we didn’t have.

He seems to think it over on his way out the door.

Get yourself cleaned up. Go win a match for once.


The scene opens with Kris stepping out of a bar. The camera is on his right, and he turns that direction, comically surprised to see it standing there.

So it is almost like I called us arriving to this point.

He seems to almost immediately shake that thought away. He looks around at his surroundings with a frown on his face. He starts walking towards the camera.

I mean not necessarily “this” point. I mean not right here, where I am standing. What I mean is that everything comes full circle. Twenty-five years ago, about five minutes away from where we are right now, I was born. I grew up in this city. I started training in this city. I used to live under a bridge in this city. Every single up I have had, has been here. Most of my rock bottoms have been here as well. When I am here, it brings back all of those feelings. It brings back all of those memories.

He stops at a street corner, having walked the distance from the bar to the end of the block while talking. He mashed the crossing button, and then camera turns to show the crosswalk start to countdown to when the light will change. It turns back to the young talent, who is zipping up his jacket for what appears to be a chilled walk.

A couple of weeks ago I made my debut here. A lot of people put a lot into first impressions. I don’t. If I did, then I would be wasting my time being butt hurt over losing. More importantly, I would be wasting your time talking about it. Look at me now though. I’m home. I’m cheery. I’m all bloody smiles and rainbows.

The light finally changes so that he can make his way across the street. He seems to check all of his directions, even making sure nobody is following him out of the bar, before stepping out onto the street. The camera backpedals in front of him.

Apparently I was some kind of impressive in that match though. Apparently people saw something in me that was a little more than winning or losing. Gabriel Asar beat me as fairly as anyone beats anybody these days. Look at where it got him. He got the same week off treatment that I did, and now he is stuck opening the show and I am up for this Roulette Championship tournament. Like I said, I don’t put a lot into first impressions, but if he does, he should be ashamed of himself. Somehow he managed to win, and yet still lose. I managed to lose, but still win.

They move out of the road, starting to pass little shops and things of the sort as they do. Traffic, on the viewers right moves past, not paying any attention to the man chatting with the camera.

I haven’t had a ton of experience inside the ring yet. As a matter of fact, I can count the matches that I have had on one hand. One thing that I do know is, when you add more people to a match, I become exponentially more successful. Force 1 had a match with thirty something people in it for my first contest ever. Thirty something of those people ended up out of the match before me. Next week, a triple threat match. I won that one. The week after that was a fatal fourway. I didn’t lose then either. The one match that I did lose, was the one match that I had, one on one, right in the middle of that SCW ring two weeks ago.

They move into a large parking lot, and Kris starts to walk up the hill towards the hotel that can’t be seen from behind the camera. Although, for him, he realizes it means his time is drawing to a close.

So here is what I am trying to say, I may have misstepped in my first match here. If that is what you expect to happen to me every week, then you are going to be disappointed, sadly. I guess you could say that statistically, when my chances of winning should be going down, they only seem to be going up. If this triple threat match follows that trend, I am taking it easy. If the four corners match at Violent Conduct II follows suit, I am going to be walking out with a championship.

The camera starts to turn, and Kris walks past it. As the viewers are rotated, Kris turns with the camera so that he is still facing it. The giant hotel stands behind him, with a valet moving to park a car up the hill from them.

Ninja? Vince Peterson? I have no idea what to say to you two. I don’t know you. Neither of you know me. That makes for less of the chatty and nagging stuff before the match and more beating the hell out of each other. That’s nice. That works for me.

He raises his hands to his chest and then breathes deeply, exhaling all of the air with a smile on his face.

I feel like a weight has been lifted off of my chest. I feel like this is the start of something new for me. I am looking up in the air and all I see is bright lights and my name on a marquee. After all, my last name is already one that has been up on a lot of them. Vince? Ninja? Here’s hoping you two can don’t end up catching a SmackShot.

He turns away from the camera and waves back over his shoulder as he steps away towards the hotel.
