Author Topic: Issue #46  (Read 5431 times)

Offline Roxi Johnson

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    • Roxi Johnson
Issue #46
« on: August 08, 2014, 09:17:54 PM »
 {It’s the post Climax Control scene as Roxi, Vixen, Electra, Jessie, Amy and Zuri all walk with an injured Misty. Misty of course shuns any help and soon the other begin to go their separate ways. Roxi walks, talking a few steps before stopping and holding her head in one hand, and bracing herself against a wall with the other. She sighs and hunches over a bit. Electra walks up to her, having noticed this.}

Electra – Did you take a shot out there?

Roxi – No. I’m fine.

{Electra eyes Roxi with a concerned looked.}

Electra – You sure? I’ve never seen you like this.

Roxi – It’s nothing. Really, I’m okay.

Electra – You look like you haven’t slept in days. How are you holding up after…you know, the fire?

Roxi – We’re doing alright. Fire pretty much wiped it out.

Electra – Do they know anything?

Roxi – Not really. The place went up and there’s not much to see. Police and Fire have been there, they can’t make a determination on anything, other than it started inside the apartment. Nothing has been ruled out, but nothing is conclusive…

Electra – Heard you guys lost everything. You know you guys could have stayed with Ryan and me.

Roxi – I know. You offered, thanks for that. But, we’ll manage.  And we didn’t lose everything.

Electra – Oh no?

Roxi – No, actually, they found… Our photo album. Of all things you know? Not even burned.

Electra – Guess you guys are really lucky. What’s going on then?

Roxi – Jenny got us a new place. We moved in on Friday.

Electra – That’s good, but you know, if there’s anyone you need to talk to…

Roxi – I’m fine Electra. It’s just a little stress. Nothing I haven’t dealt with before.

Electra – Rox, this is the first time I’ve ever seen you look like this. In fact, this is the first time I’ve ever seen you even look like you’re in a lot of pain… We don’t need you going down before this fight even starts.

Roxi – I’ll be ready. I… I have a plane to catch, I’ll see you next week.

{Roxi hugs Electra who still has a worried look on her face as she hugs her back. Electra watches as Roxi almost hobbles away, slow and gingerly towards the bombshell’s locker rooms.}

It’s been a trying couple of weeks. I’ll admit that. Ever since I came back from my honeymoon, it’s been one thing after another. The fire, moving in with Jenny, the drama with the mean girls, trying to keep the peace between others, and of course…whomever this mystery woman is that knows about Keira and I. Everything has just been piling up, and its weighed so much on me mentally, that is starting to take a toll physically. I’m fried right now.

But I can’t let people worry about me. I don’t need them to see me slipping or not be 100% committed to ridding SCW of the Mean Girls, and being who they need me to be. I can’t stop now. It’s easy to send an inspiring tweet out, or be there for someone when it’s a slow night, but lately, it’s been causing me too many issues. But I’d never tell them that. I couldn’t. I’m the one who doesn’t quit, the one who can always be relied on. If I slow down, then it could lead to worse things.
Even with all this, there’s still more work to do. A superheroes life is no bed of roses. But now it seems that everything, and I mean everything, is catching up with me. And I don’t know why…

But there’s no time to worry about that stuff, no time to rest or take a step back, there’s war going on here…

And I am needed.

{Keira and Roxi are shown walking towards their apartment, and they stop dead in their tracks.}

Roxi – No…

{They rush towards the fire, and the fire department is already on the scene, along with the police. The officers hold them back as the firefighters try to put out the flames.}

I guess I always sort of knew that it was coming. I knew that everything was going way too well, and something had to happen. I held out some hope in the back of my mind, that maybe this was an accident. These things happen. It could have happened to anyone. One bad electrical short, one crossed wire, something left on, it was a possibility that this just happened.

But, I was suspicious that this was no accident. Part of me knew it wasn’t an accident. We never left anything on, we shut off everything. We double checked, we were too careful of things like that. There was no way that this fire was our doing. Nor was it a coincidence.

{Keira looks at Roxi as Roxi is taking pictures of the flames with her phone. She hurries over and hugs Roxi tightly, and Roxi returns the favor.}

Keira – How did this happen?

Roxi – I don’t know. We’ll get some answers when it’s all taken care of. I more worried about what we’re going to do.

Keira – All of our stuff…it’s gone.

Roxi – I know.  But we’re safe, and we have each other.

Keira – What are we going to do?

Roxi – I can get us a hotel or something for tonight.

{Keira’s phone goes off in her pocket. Keira answers it.}

Keira – Jenny? … Yeah, no we’re okay... I don’t know, they’re still figuring things out… I don’t know… A car? …. Jenny, you don’t have to … Listen, let me call you back in a minute okay? … Okay, thank you.

{Keira ends the call and looks at Roxi.}

Keira – Jenny’s arranging for us to stay with her.

Roxi – I… I don’t think that’s a good idea.

Keira – Why not? Jenny’s been good to us!

Roxi – Theres…

{Roxi is cut off by her own phone. She looks at it.}

Roxi – There’s a few others offering their homes to us. I don’t think –

Keira – I don’t want to stay with twitter friends Roxi, I know Jenny. She’s a friend. I just want to forget this right now.

{Keira again hugs Roxi as the two watch the flames continue to rage.}

Thankfully, no one was hurt. The apartment, and the surrounding rooms were unoccupied at the time. The Guild set me up there, but rented out the top floor simply for me, and had fake occupants that paid their rent on time each month. The bottom floors were evacuated quickly.

Jenny sent a limo to come get us, and it took us to her mansion. She offered free room and board until she could find us another place. It was so different for me. Here, almost my entire life, I had been looking out for people, protecting them, never expecting them to do the same for me. Because it was my job to keep them safe. Now, the roles were reversed. And Just didn’t’ know how to take it.

I was a little suspicious of Jenny’s motives. Keira might have trusted her, but I did not. She had been underhanded and tried to possibly have sex with Keira while I was out during my bachelorette party. And here she was again, interfering in our lives. I wasn’t sure what she was about. Nor did I want to stay any longer than possible. Then, she dropped a bomb on me.

{Roxi is seated on the bed of their living space in Jenny’s mansion. Keira is standing opposite her a few feet away.}

Roxi – I just can’t believe that it’s all gone. We’ve got nothing left…

Keira – We’ve got each other.

Roxi – Yes. But maybe there’s a clue or something back at the apartment. I could go through the ashes, see if there’s anything there…

{Roxi goes to stand up, but Keira places on her hands on Roxi’s shoulders to keep her there.}

Keira – No, you relax, I’ll go.

Roxi – It’s not a big deal…

Keira – You can barely focus on what you’re doing right now. Just relax and I’ll check it out.

Roxi – Are you sure? I can handle it.

Keira – Roxi, please. Let me worry about this. You can take the world off your shoulders for a little while. Rest. It’s a simple in and out. I’ll be back before you know it.

Roxi – Promise me you’ll be safe.

Keira – Always am.

{Keira smiles as she kisses Roxi on the head and then changes into her costume before heading out of the window.}

Keira – Be back soon!

{Roxi watches as Keira leaves. She smiles and turns around, only to see Jenny standing in the doorway.}

Jenny – You know you guys can use the front door.
Roxi – Jenny? What are yo-

Jenny – You don’t have to try and hide it. I know what you do. Keira told me. And I’ve dealt with Sin before, so it’s not a big shock.

Roxi – Well, this is awkward.

Jenny – Look, your secret’s safe here. You brought Keira back. I thought I’d have to deal with Sin myself, and you, you got rid of her.

Roxi – I tried.

Jenny – Well, whatever you did, she’s back, and she’s as happy as I’ve ever seen her. I don’t want to ruin that. So, do what you guys need to do. It’s why you’re here.

{Jenny smiles at bit before turning and leaving.}

Jenny knew. I didn’t like it one bit. That made me all the more suspicious. I may not have been thinking clearly, but all of stuff about Jenny added up in all the wrong places. She knew where we lived, she knew about what we did, she knew we would be gone and what day we’d be coming back. Now, I was even more worried about staying with her. She knew a lot of things about us, and Keira knew a whole heck of a lot more about Jenny than I did.

When Keira returned, she had found our photo album. Virtually untouched by the fire. Almost like it had been removed, and then planted there. Jenny had to figure we’d go back, and she may have even overheard our conversation… All of this started to really play into my head. It all made a lot of sense, and that made me even angrier about being there.

Jenny was looking like a prime suspect. She was rich, so she would have access to a private army, to military grade equipment if she knew the right people. All of this made perfect sense. The only part Jenny didn’t quite fill was the fighting role. Unless she held back as part of LAW and EWE. But she could have hired someone to do that part.

Keira was happy that one thing was saved, but I knew better. She went through the album cover to cover, with all of our friends inside. Weddings, birthdays, all of it was there, people close to us, people we liked. I played even more into my mind that there was a reason Keira found that photo album.

There was no miracle, or coincidence. It was on purpose.

{It’s the next night, and Roxi has returned to the apartment crime scene. She moved through the caution tape and turned on her flashlight, looking to see where everything was. She moved slowly, examining everything possible, trying to find a cause for the fire. Her emotions started to get the best of her, as she pounded the soot and ashes with her fists. Frustrated and devastated, Roxi began to tear up under her mask. Everything she had was now gone. And for the first time in a long time, she was unsure of what to do next. Roxi took off her mask and used it to wipe her tears as she continued to search. But a voice rang out behind her.}

”Lady Bedlam” – I hope you like what I did with the place.

{More melancholy than surprised. Roxi didn’t bother to turn immediately, instead slowly standing up and then turning. Roxi held her arms out and shrugged, at a loss for words.}

”Lady Bedlam” – I’d hoped to have it done before you got back, but a lot of time, you lose track of time. It flies when you’re having fun!

Roxi – … Why?

”Lady Bedlam” – Why? Why not! Now you know how I felt. I had to start over, just like you do now. But were you there for me? Did you help me? No. I did it myself! Now, I’m giving you, the same opportunity.

Roxi – I… I don’t even know who you are.

”Lady Bedlam” – And yet, I know everything about you. I knew you’d come back here. I knew you’d trying to figure out what happened. Let me break it down for you. I shorted out the wires, I turned the coffee pot on, and for shits and giggles, I lit it on fire too.

Roxi – That’s why there’s no clear cause… And I suppose you planted the photo album here too?

”Lady Bedlam” – Check out the big brain on Roxi!

{The imposter mockingly applauds the deduction.}

Roxi – So now what? Why not just end this now?

”Lady Bedlam” – Why? I’m going to make this slow, and torturous. I want you to suffer, before I kill you. And then you’re wife. And then everyone I saw in that album. Or maybe the other way around. Yes. That makes more sense. Killing them, and forcing you to watch.

Roxi – I will stop you.

”Lady Bedlam” – Pfft. Don’t make me laugh. Neither you, nor your wife are going to do anything, but watch helplessly as I turn your world to shit. And after that, you’ll beg me to kill you.

Roxi – Fine then… Jenny.

{The imposter stops, almost frozen in her tracks.}

”Lady Bedlam” – ….

Roxi – Why? Why are you doing this Jenny? This isn’t a game!

”Lady Bedlam” – I… Wait… you think I’m that Tuck bitch? Wow. I don’t know whether to be insulted or flattered.

Roxi – You are Jenny. Jenny knows everything you do. Has all the same connections you do, there’s no one else.

”Lady Bedlam” – Actually, no.  Tuck doesn’t have a fifth of the connections I do. She’s just a rich skank I could kill at any time.

Roxi – No use playing coy now Jenny. If you come quietly, we’ll keep this between us.

”Lady Bedlam” – *Sigh* you are dense. Go ahead, call Jenny right now. Go ahead, I dare you.

Roxi – …

{Roxi reaches into her pouch and pulls out her phone, and dials Keira.}

Roxi – Keira…. Where is Jenny? …. Tell her I need to speak with her. It’s urgent…

{A few seconds later, Roxi is shocked to hear Jenny’s voice on the other end.}

Roxi – Jenny…. I… I’m sorry… About the way I acted…. I must have been imagining things… I just wanted to apologize…. Yes, that’s it…. Good-bye

{Roxi ends the call and puts her phone back. The imposter starts dancing like a tap dancer.}

”Lady Bedlam” – Ta-da! For my next trick, I’m going to make the Statue of Liberty disappear!

Roxi – You know, at this point, I don’t care who you are. I’m going to put an end to this nonsense.

”Lady Bedlam” – I’m… I’m hurt. Here I go out of my way to help you out, and all you do is forsake me. I think I’m going to cry. You have become a sad, pathetic lump, you know that? The old you was way, way cooler.

Roxi – The old me? What are you talking about?

”Lady Bedlam” – Oh come on. You don’t think I haven’t studied you? Watched you? The old you, with Andrea and when you were solo, you were awesome. Always able to laugh in the face of danger. And now, you’re just… blah. Hopefully your wife is more entertaining.

Roxi – You leave her out of this! You wanted me so bad, I’m right here.

”Lady Bedlam” – So you are.

{With lightning like speed, and nearly deadly accuracy, the imposter hurls a throwing knife that nicks Roxi in the upper arm and shoulder. It tears her costume, and causes a large gash, that starts bleeding. The impost snaps her fingers as Roxi clutches her wound.}

”Lady Bedlam” – Crapbaskets. I just missed. You know I was dangerously close to the Axillary Artery. Must hurt like hell though. I’ll see you around. You never know when I’ll get bored…

Roxi – No!

{With that, the imposter leaps off and Roxi stumbles forward before losing sight of the imposter. She looks at her shoulder, and then waits. As it continues to bleed, she starts getting worried.}

Roxi – Okay body, do you’re thing…

{Her body no longer responds with the healing as she clutches her arm, and begins walking away.}


Now there were even more questions than answers. And wow, my arm was killing me. In fact, a lot of things were killing me. But why? Is this what was wrong with me?  Am I losing everything? My mind, and my body? All of it going away? All at the same time? Plus all this other stuff happening at the same time?

I guess it’s true, fate, totally has a sense of humor and dramatic irony about things.

{We flash to the present day, where Roxi and Keira and training on a ring in their new place. Keira seems more aggressive and seemingly stronger. Roxi is able to get out of a hold and rolls out of the ring.}

Roxi – That’s enough.

{Keira is on her knees with a bewildered and confused look on her face.}

Keira – It’s been 5 minutes.

Roxi – I’m just…not feeling it today.

Keira – I’ll say, we usually do an hour. Is there something wrong?

Roxi – No. It’s just a feeling. You’re getting so good.

{Keira rolls out of the ring and spins Roxi around as Roxi wipes her face with a towel and tries to sit down, noticeably groaning in pain the entire time.}

Keira – What’s the matter, are you hurt?

Roxi – It’s nothing Keira. I’ll be fine. Just normal wear and tear.

Keira – Baby, you don’t get normal wear and tear. I’ve never even seen you sick.

Roxi – I’m just tired Keira. A lot has been going on, it’s just making me tired. I’ll be fine.

Keira – This isn’t like you hun. I don’t like it. I think you should see a doctor or something.

Roxi – I said I was fine Keira. I just need a little rest, and I’ll be as good as new.

{Keira folds her arm and gives Roxi a disapproving stare.}

Keira – Don’t you play that game with me, girl. You are going to see a doctor if you keep this up. I’m not going to let something happen to you if I can help it.

{Roxi sits down, still groaning in pain. But a serious look takes over her face.}

Roxi – I’ve been doing this for a long time Keira. The fight just doesn’t end. The truth is there is no time to rest. There’s always a new challenge, new enemies, that have to be stopped. I can’t take too long to rest, I have to be out there. There is no other option.

Keira – This is about the Mean Girls isn’t it?

Roxi – It’s about a lot of things. I have to be out there.

Keira – You’re not going to do anybody any favors like this. I want to get my hands of those bitches too.

Roxi – It’s not your fight.

Keira – They attack you, they attack me.

Roxi – No. This is something that is already being taken care of.

Keira – I saw. It doesn’t seem like Misty is a team player.

Roxi – She’s not. But that won’t stop me from trying to get on her side. And keeping up the fight.

Keira – Rox, you look like you’re falling apart.

{Roxi shoots up as fast as her body will allow her.}

Roxi – I said I’ll be okay. I have work to do.

{Roxi slowly walks by Keira and starts making her way towards the door.}

Keira – By the way, did you find anything new about the old apartment?

Roxi – Not really. But I know she did it.

Keira – What?! Why didn’t you say anything?!

Roxi – I… I didn’t want you to worry. We’ll get to her soon.

Keira – I do not like this Roxi. I hate it when you keep things from me!

Roxi – I… I know. I’m sorry. But she’s out for me. Not you.

Keira – She burned down our apartment! I have just as much stake in this as you!

Roxi – I’m sorry Keira. But I don’t want you fighting this battle.

Keira – I will NOT stand on sideline while you try to do this alone! You keep keeping me there for no reason! We are partners! We do things together.

Roxi – I don’t want you to get hurt!

Keira – That does NOT give you the right to try and take and take on the world by yourself! You’re killing yourself trying to do it alone. It looks like Misty isn’t the only one who needs to learn to be a team player!

{Roxi hugs Keira tightly, and kisses her on the head.}

Roxi – I’m sorry Keira. I really am.

{Roxi slowly turns and walks away from Keira, towards the door, before opening it, and leaving.}

Keira is right. I guess I do need to just settle down and be a team player. It’s going to hard to convince Misty that she can trust me, when I don’t do the same. It’s just I’d rather have it be on me, I’d like to be the one people depend on. I want to be the one who takes the pressure off of everyone else. But Keira is right. I’m going to have to start leaning on my friends if this battle is going to be won.

I have no doubt about Electra being a capable partner, and having my back when it comes to this week’s match. As much as I wish I was fighting a mean girl this week, I still have a job to do, and I intend to do it to the best of my abilities. Regardless of how I feel physically and mentally, there’s a fight to be won. I just hope that management doesn’t just cast me aside with this Mean Girls issue, because I’m am not done with them by a long shot. Neither is Electra, and neither are Jessie and Amy. There are a group of us who are not going to just lay down and let them run things. That’s not how this works.

Which is why I’m shocked about Zuri Justice in particular. Zuri came out last week to help Misty. And that was commendable. But now, she’s more focused on winning a tag match at all costs, and even wiping out her partner to do so. Zuri, I don’t know what exactly your issue is, but your brand of justice isn’t going to fly here in SCW. I don’t know if you have some kind of issue with me, or the way I do things around here, but if you want to settle this issue at a later date, if you want some kind of super showdown, we can do that. But this doesn’t’ have to be this way right now. We can settle whatever issues you have with me later. This tag match is just a step towards the real problem.

Katherine, I know that you’re young into the business, and I wish you all the success in the world, but if you’re going to cry to your dad when you get hit, you might want to re-think what you want to do with your life. You’re still young, and you have plenty of time left if you’re going to make those choices right away. I’m not in the mood for cheating anymore. I’m not in the mood for whining and complaining about things that aren’t the end all be all.  If this is what you’re going to do in this match, I’m not going to be as caring about this as I probably should be. I have work to do, and you are interfering with it a war that you want no part of.

Sunday, Electra and I are going to make a statement, but it will not be anything personal to Zuri or Katherine, it’s going to be simply that there are those who are going to stand up to the Mean Girls. Ask anyone who I’ve had a war with. The Age of Arrogance, The IA, everyone who has tried to take over a place where I call home, I have fought, and gotten rid of them. The Mean Girls will be no exception. But it all starts with Zuri and Katherine.

Sorry about that ladies.
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