Author Topic: How Quickly Things Change  (Read 296 times)

Offline Nick Jones

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    • Nick Jones
How Quickly Things Change
« on: April 18, 2014, 07:40:04 PM »
 The scene, somewhat surprisingly, actually opens up back in Los Angeles, California, even despite SCW being in the midst of its African tour.  The opening shot shows the very familiar locale of the fancy home of former two-time SCW Heavyweight Champion, and a man who has been noticeably absent from SCW for the past few months now, Nick Jones.  After a few moments pass, a taxi cab pulls out in front of the home and stops, and immediately the door opens up and out steps the very familiar face of the towering man known as Bernard "Big B" Jones.  Big B goes right to the trunk and grabs his bag from the back, before walking back over towards the driver's side window and paying the cab driver.  The driver quickly drives off as Big B heads up the driveway and then across the front walkway to the front door.  B goes to open the door, but quickly finds that the door is surprisingly locked and a quick peak inside the windows makes it seem as though the house may be empty.  Given that, Big B opts not to even bother with the doorbell and instead goes fumbling through his bag looking for his keys.  While this is going on and B is distracted, it can be seen just for a moment that there is a shadow lurking behind the curtain of the window just next to the front door, but it quickly disappears out of view before Big B can look back up.  A moment later, B finally pulls his keys out from his bag, then unlocks and opens the front door.  Big B steps in and immediately drops his back off to the side of the entry foyer before letting out a deep sigh of relief.

Big B:  Ahhh... home sweet home.

Big B doesn't even look back as he simply reaches behind him and shoves the front door shut.  As the door swings shut, it suddenly reveals that hiding behind it was none other than Big B's cousin Nick, unknowingly lurking behind B with a devious smirk on his face.  Nick looks ready to strike and quickly moves right in at B from behind and... actually just smacks B upside the back of the head.  B immediately grabs his head and spins around to see where it came from.

Big B:  OW!!!  That hurt!

Nick:  Oh, don't be such a big baby.  You should be grateful I didn't do much worse.

Big B:  Well why did you do that?!?

Nick:  Because, lucky for you, at the last second I opted not to beat the living crap out of you.

Big B:  No, I mean why did you hit me at all?  I didn't even do nothing!

Nick raises an eyebrow at his cousin as he responds.

Nick:  You sure about that.

Big B:  I couldn't have!  I don't know what that's all about, because there's nothing I could have done.  I haven't even been home since before Blaze of Glory III.

Nick:  Exactly!

Big B seems thoroughly confused by that response.

Big B:  I don't get it.

Nick rolls his eyes as he responds with a very sarcastic tone.

Nick:  Yeah, there's a freakin' surprise.

Nick then gets a little more serious as he explains the situation to his cousin.

Nick:  The fact that I have not seen you since then is the exact reason why you got smacked, and why you deserved to get smacked, because I wasn't able to do it before now.  That one was waiting for you.

Big B:  But... why?!?

Nick:  You're kidding, right?  What, you don't think that I watched you out there at Blaze of Glory?  I saw that performance out of you, if you can even call it that.  It was a joke.  If you want to be a real wrestler out there, than you sure as hell better learn how to act like one.  Yeah sure, when you're out in the real world you're used to being bigger and stronger than just about everyone around you.  And you know what, that might even be true most of the time once you step into that ring, but it's time you learn, that doesn't make a damn bit of difference when you're in that ring.  It takes more than just size and strength to be a real competitor, and that complete lack of preparation was an absolute joke.  You should consider yourself lucky you didn't get the living crap beat out of you out there.  I mean hell, do you realize that you would have lost the match all your own out there if it wasn't for that scrawny little weirdo buddy of yours saving your ass?

Big B:  Come on, cuz.  Don't be like that.  Me and Despy are a team, we worked together to win.

Nick:  Oh, that is such a load of nonsense.  You might both get credit for that victory, but you didn't both earn it.  For crying out loud, it's almost like you didn't even bother to show up for the match!

Big B:  Well what do you care?  We won, and besides, you couldn't even be bothered to come see us wrestle anyway.

Nick:  Is that was this is all about?  You were all pouty and upset because I didn't come watch you suck it up in the ring while the little nutjob carried your sorry ass to victory?  You have got to be kidding me.  If you want to be a real wrestler and have some degree of REAL success in this business, that kind of whiny little attitude isn't going to get you anywhere.  You may be able to get away with having the mind of a child with the intelligence of a toddler, but unless you can actually start acting like a real man once you step between those ropes, that's not going to cut it anymore.  You're not going to win that way.

Big B:  And so what if I don't win?  You don't care.

Nick:  Oh shut up.  I may give you a hard time and you might drive me absolutely insane, but you're still my cousin and as much as I might dislike you sometimes, I promise you I hate the rest of the useless pieces of crap that fill the SCW roster far more than I ever could you.  So suck it up, start acting like a man and realize that I'm telling you all of this because whether or not you realize it, I'm on your side.  So how about you stop your whining long enough to listen and learn from a multi-time, multi-company World Champion?  Maybe then, you can realize your potential and see what it's like to be a real winner, rather than picking on those at the bottom of the barrel while your little looney tune saves you when that doesn't work.

Big B:  So if all of this is true then why didn't you come to see the match?

Nick:  Let's not forget, I haven't exactly been in the greatest of health shape lately.  I had to go see some doctors... AGAIN... and well, at least I'm getting there.

Nick motions down to his lower body, and the shot pans down to show that Nick is no longer in a cast and as B checks out his cousin, it seems to be the first time it was particularly noticeable that he is no longer on crutches either.  However, Nick does have a cane in his hand and hobbles a bit as he takes a step closer to Big B.

Nick:  So yeah, it caused me to miss one of your matches.  Get over it, alright?  As long as I'm still not able to get back into that ring, I've only got that much more motivation to be helping you out, and if you don't believe me then just consider this:  I just had a quick chat with my old limey buddy the other day about the next stop of this tour and let's just say, you won't be flying to Egypt on your won.

The expression on Big B's face quickly change, as he lights up and has a big smile from ear to ear.

Big B:  Really?  You mean it?!?  You're going to come with me to Care-O.

Nick:  It's pronounced... you know what, just forget it.  Yeah, I'm going with you, but that's not all.  The entire Entourage is going to be coming with you too.  We all heard about the big match you've got coming up this week and trust me when I say you won't be able to get away with the kind of crap you did a few weeks back.  So we're all going to be there, and we're going to make sure that you do this right and not only get, but EARN, that win.

Big B:  Earn the win?  But didn't you always used to say that when it comes to wins...

Before Big B can even finish his point, Nick pops him on top of the head with the the top of his cane, causing B to immediately stop talking as he starts to rub his head.

Nick:  Don't talk back to me, alright?  I'm trying to help you here.  You can start arguing with me about the question of when wins are and aren't "earned" when you're not just getting carried along by someone half your size to victory, got it?

Big B:  If you say so cuz.

Nick:  Good.  Listen to me and before you know it, you'll be on your way straight to very top of SCW.  Of course you'll never be as good as me, but there's nothing wrong with that, no one else ever has been or will be, but you can one day be good enough to beat the rest of the no-talent bozos who flood SCW's roster.

Big B:  Um... thanks?

Nick:  Don't mention it.  It's just what I do.  When you're this damn good, all it takes is people being around you for it to wear off a bit.  And now that I'll be back by your side, you'll get a gentle reminder of how true that really is.  So pack yourself a new bag and be ready to roll... tomorrow, we head for Egypt.

Big B:  Tomorrow?!?  But I just get back!

Nick:  Well yeah, and that's great and all, but the flights are already booked.  When did you think they would be booked for?  You've got a match for THIS SUNDAY!

Big B:  Yeah, I know that.

Nick:  Well it's not exactly a short trip, so you want to give yourself plenty of time to get out there and settled in before your match.  Trust me, you don't want to be flying around the freakin' world the day of the damn match.  Take that as tip number one, alright?

Big B:  Yeah, I get all of that, but why tomorrow?

Nick:  What other day would you think that we would go.

Big B then stops and scratches in head in confusion for a moment.

Big B:  Wait a second, what day is it today anyway?

Nick:  Well, um... this thing probably won't get posted until Friday.

Big B:  Huh?

Nick and Big B both look straight into the camera for a moment, before Nick eventually shakes his head and continues on.

Nick:  Never mind that... we're just going tomorrow, so be ready.  I've got a car service coming to pick us all up in the morning.  And remember, you're the one who we're all making this whole damn trip for, so don't be expecting the rest of us to drag you along like normal.  If we miss this flight, it's going to be your problem, not ours.

Big B:  No problem cuz, I'll be ready to go.  I'll make sure to pack my bag tonight and even get to bed early.  I promise!

Nick:  Whatever you say, B.  Oh, and one last thing.

Nick stumbles forward a bit and then uses his cane to reach out and grab one of the handles of B's duffle bag.  He then uses that the pull the bag up before grabbing it with both hands and throwing it right into B's chest.  B barely realizes it is coming and only just manages to catch it before it crashes to the ground.  B looks confused as Nick simply glares at him.

Nick:  With you finally out of here for a few weeks, we were finally able to get the mess around this place cleaned up.  So let's try to keep it that way, alright?  Just remember, you might be the active wrestler right now, but I'm still the one who runs the show around here, got it?

Big B quietly nods his head as Nick stumbles off, with the aid of his cane, as the scene cuts away.

<hr width=50%>

The scene opens back up a day later at the Los Angeles International Airport.  The airport is very crowded and busy with people rushing around all over the place, as the shot focuses in on the areas where there are the lines for the ticket windows.  On one of the international ticket lines, it moves in further to show a very familiar group of people, as the group is lead by Nick and Big B, and also features all of the rest of the Entourage, Diana, Tony, Max and Jimmy.  The camera manages to pick them up in mid-conversation.

Jimmy:  B, baby, all I'm trying to say is it's time for you to let me work my magic on you too.  You let me handle your business and before you know it you're going be rolling in the money too, baby.

Big B:  I don't know.  I'm not sure I want to do a lot of that other stuff.  Plus I already have my SCW contract negotiated.

Jimmy:  Yeah, and I'm the one who negotiated it for you baby, but don't you know, that old contract is nothing now.  That was before you were an active in-ring talent, you let me take a crack at those back office chumps and I'll have you a new contract in no time.

Big B:  No, I meant I already have a new contract as an active wrestler.

Jimmy:  B, baby, I don't know what kind of hit to the head you took in your last match, but I didn't negotiate you a new contract; trust me, baby.

Big B:  I know that, Synn negotiated my new contract.

Jimmy:  What?!?

Jimmy is taken back in complete shock and Nick immediately spins around and shoots a displeased look over at his cousin.

Nick:  Oh really, is that so?!?  How much...

Nick stops himself as he looks around at the rest of the Entourage members.

Nick:  ... you know what, we'll discuss this later.  So how about this match.

Tony:  Yeah, dat's wut I'm talkin' 'bout.  Forget dis otha' stupid crap, let's talk about dese bozos who's asses you's gonna be kickin'.

Nick:  Frankly I can't be bothered to keep track of these second class nobodies, so I can't be bothered to remember their names.  Who is it you're facing again?

Big B:  It's me and Despayre against the team of John Dough and Connor Murphy.

Nick:  John Dough and Connor Murphy?  So what's the deal?  One is a second-rate criminal on the run and the other is the owner of some dive bar irish pub?

Diana:  I think you're giving them both too much credit.  That would assume either of those clowns have actually accomplished anything at all in their lives.  Even a successful crime and failed business are more than these two idiots could ever dream of.

Tony:  You's got dat right.  If it ain't bad enough, dese two are both in dat stupid friggin' NXT group.

Nick:  Seriously?  You've got to be kidding me.  Well then maybe I was wrong when I said you need to start taking things more seriously in the ring, B.  If you're facing a couple of NXT guys this week, you might actually be able to LITERALLY sleep through this match and still win.

Big B:  I don't know, I actually think they're pretty good.

Nick:  Pretty good?  You can't possibly be serious.  Nobody who ever associates themselves with those complete scumbags is anything but the biggest pile of crap on this planet.

Big B:  I've never had anything against...

Big B stops as he suddenly realizes the extreme look of intense anger on Nick's face.  He then looks Nick up and down, focusing on his still injured leg for a moment.  Big B then shows a surprising degree of smarts (at least for him), and makes sure to quickly change the subject as he points past Nick towards the front of the line.

Big B:  Looks like we're up next, cuz!

Nick turns as the group in front of them heads up to the next free airline employee and he stumbles up to the front of the line.  As everyone else moves up behind him, Nick looks back at the rest of the Entourage.

Nick:  Alright, let's get our stuff ready.  Max, you got everyone's passports?

A look of complete panic comes across Max's face as he immediately starts to breath heavily.

Max:  What?!?  Me?!?  I'm supposed to have everyone's passports?  Nobody told me that!  OH GAWD!

Nick:  Oh, just freakin' relax.  I'm just screwing with you.  Wanted to make sure you were paying attention.  You say so little sometimes I forget you are even there.

Max:  Oh thank gawd, you had me so scared.

Nick:  Yeah, yeah... whatever.

Nick then reaches into his bag and pulls out the stack of passports for the whole group, along with another piece of paper.  A moment later one of the employees is free and waives them over, so Nick immediately leads the group to that ticket counter, as they all follow him.  Nick reaches the counter and puts everything in his hands up on the counter.

Nick:  Here you go.  There's six of us, there's the passports for all of us, plus the reservation.

Airline Employee:  Ok then, just one moment please.

The employee looks at the reservation and then types some things into the computer before speaking again.

Airline Employee:  Ok, it looks like we have everything ready for you.  There will be six tickets and it looks like your company actually put in an upgrade for you.  So that will be five economy class tickets and one for first class for a... Mr. Jones.

A big smile comes across Nick's face as he hears that.

Nick:  It looks like SCW finally knows when they need to start taking care of their superstars, huh?  Thank you very much.

Nick reaches his hand out toward the airline employee as she was grabbing the ticket printouts, but she is quick to pull away to keep the first class ticket out of Nick's reach.  She looks them over and instead takes the five coach tickets and piles them up with five of the passports, before taking the first class ticket and folding it into the one remaining passport.

Airline Employee:  I'm sorry, I didn't realize there were you two of you.  The first class reservation is actually for a Mr. Bernard Jones.

The airline employee hands the ticket and passport over to Big B, who gets a huge smile across his face, as Nick's jaw drops as he looks on in complete shock.

Big B:  Wow, this is awesome!  I've never flown in first class before.  Can you guys believe it?

Big B turns back to the rest of the Entourage as he says that, but they all seem to be a bit too afraid to chime in on this topic.  Big B, clearly clueless to Nick's displeasure with the situation, cannot help but carry on about it.

Big B:  I mean, me?  First class?  I never would have guessed.  I mean, not even you got first class cuz!

With the group not getting out of the way despite having had their tickets, and the tension clearly building, at least clear to everyone but B, the airline employee does her best to get them to all move along.

Airline Employee:  Well you guys have yourselves a great flight!  Goodbye!

Nick doesn't say a word and just stares at the employee for a few more moments, clearly trying to come up with the words but not quite sure what to say.  Finally, he just says the only thing that can come to his mind, as he points over at his cousin while talking to the employee.

Nick:  Him?!?  SERIOUSLY?!?

The employee clearly has no idea what to say, so she simply shrugs in response.  Nick angrily grabs the rest of the tickets, along with their passports, off of the counter and shoves them into the hands of Max before storming off as best as he can given his condition.

Big B:  It's just so awesome, I mean...

Nick:  Just shut up.

Big B is so excited that he clearly does not even hear his cousin as he continues on.

Big B:  Synn must really be doing a great job to get me this, he's the best!

Nick suddenly stops in his tracks as he spins back around and gives an angry stare to his own agent, Jimmy Money.  Jimmy stops in his tracks as he realizes what's going on and quickly turns his attention to Big B.

Jimmy:  Didn't you hear, Nicky?  You gotta shut up, baby!

Big B seems confused, but simply gives a shrug and nod anyway.

Big B:  Um... ok, whatever you say.

Big B is quick to continue on, rather excitedly, as everyone else in the group seems to be in various stages of awkwardness, while they all follow behind B and the scene slowly fades out.