Author Topic: It's Only Magic...  (Read 426 times)

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It's Only Magic...
« on: December 21, 2013, 12:00:22 AM »
 Event: SCW's Climax Control     DATE: Sunday, 12/20/2013

Place: Las Vegas, Nevada   Venue: Gold Coast Casino


Opponent: with Gothika and J.D. Phoenix Vs.  The Foshan Clan Bombshells and Vixen  


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Well now… Since Diamond wasn’t able toseal the deal during her debut match, everyone is wondering what will happen during this upcoming episode of Climax Control, when the Angels of the Fallen have to team with the Kick Ass Bombshell, J.D. Phoenix in a 6-person tag team match against the FoShan Bombshells, Orchid and Song, and one half of the Bombshell Tag Team Champions, Vixen! Will history repeat itself, or will the Fallen and J.D. Phoenix be able to work together and be victorious?  Let’s ee what happens…

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All you can see is darkness.  It surrounds everything.  It covers, and stifles the air, hanging oppressively over al you can see…  or not see.  But in the darkness, you can hear the sound of breathing.  The breathing is   rhythmic.  It starts kind of loud at first, until the sound of drums begins.  The drumming is as heavy as the oppressiveness of the darkness.   The beat is in time with the breathing.  Soft and slow at first,  but it begins to pick up speed…  and as the speed builds, so does the sound.

When the drumbeat comes to about the speed of a heartbeat, the chanting begins.  It’s a guttural language, but the chanting matches the rhythm of the drumming.  It starts out with a single voice, but builds and builds until there seems to be a whole crowd of people surrounding you.

{  Gunsta gransta brunsta flansta unsta dansta bansta dun…  Gunsta gransta brunsta flansta unsta dansta bansta dun…     }

The sound of the chanting increases in volume as the speed increases, and the darkness actually seems to get heavier.  You still can’t see the people who are chanting, but in your heart you can feel them closing in on you.  Circling like sharks on a wounded dolphin, or wolves on a baby doe, waiting for that proper moment to strike and pounce with fangs bared…

{  Gunsta gransta brunsta flansta unsta dansta bansta dun…  Gunsta gransta brunsta flansta unsta dansta bansta dun…     }

In the darkness, a twin set of eerie green lights seem to glow and move about in the darkness.  It circles around slowly, the only light in the room, but not bright enough to illuminate anything.  The twin lights move in time with the chanting as it builds and crescendos.

{  Gunsta gransta brunsta flansta unsta dansta bansta dun…  Gunsta gransta brunsta flansta unsta dansta bansta dun…     }

Suddenly, there’s a flare of strange green light as a fire pit in the center of the room is lit, and the flames glow a sickly color.   You can see that we’re in the basement of a building, in  a huge room.  On the floor around the fire pit is a circle, dug into the concrete of the floor with ome kind or gouge, the groove of which is filled with some red substance that you just really don’t want to know just what it truly is.  Around the room, there are men, all in random state of dress.   Some are drumming, others are on their knees, hands raised, and dropping down to the rest their foreheads on the ground as they all continue to chant.  All of their eyes are stark white, as if in a trance or glazed over, and they are moving as if they have no control over their own actions.

In the center of the circle, dancing around the fire pit is the person running the show.  The twin green lights are none other than the eyes of the Sin City Wrestling’s Angel of the Fallen, Diamond.   She’s wearing a white piece of fabric wrapped around her body like a halter top toga, letting it fall to about mid thigh.  She’s barefoot, and her hair is piled up on top of her head, small tendrils of curls falling around her face, framing it.  Her pet snake, Baby is wrapped around her shoulders and body, his tongue flickering in and out in the dense air.  Her body writhes and twists as she dances, leaping through the air, undulating as she dances.  She doesn’t miss a step in her dance as she tosses a handful of crystal dust on the fire and it flares again that sickly green color.   She leans back in an almost impossible back bend and opens her mouth.  Baby slithers up between the swells of her breasts as one of the men outside of the circle uses a long barbecue fork to place a guinea pepper in her mouth.  Their chanting builds and builds as he stands there and chews the pepper, letting it’s heat flood her mouth.   She holds the chewed pepper in her mouth and doesn’t swallow, letting the fires of hell fill her senses.   Baby wraps itself around her neck, and she suddenly stands bolt upright and spits the remains of the pepper onto the fire, and it flares once more as the chanting finally reaches a fever pitch.

{ Gunsta gransta brunsta flansta unsta dansta bansta dun…  Gunsta gransta brunsta flansta unsta dansta bansta dun…  GUNSTA GRANSTA BRUNSTA FLANSTA UNSTA DANSTA BANSTA DUN!!  DASTOANON!!     }

When the flames die down once more, and you can see, Diamond is standing completely upright, with Baby wrapped around her hips, trailing down her leg as it starts to slither off to the floor.   In front of her rests a white goat.  Or at least that’s what it looks like.  Every now and then, when you look at the goat, it seems to flash to being the form of a bound and gagged young woman who looks surprisingly a lot like Vixen, except for the stray mole on the girl’s face.  Diamond picks up a picture of Vixen, and a picture of Orchid and Song and places them beneath the chest of the goat who paws and tries to bleat, but can’t, as it’s mouth is wrapped in rope.   The goat shies away from Diamond, and as it does, we get that glimpse of the bound woman, shaking her head as her eyes are wide and frightened, and struggles against her bindings, moaning against the tape gagging her, tears streaming down her face.

Diamond lifts a wicked looking dagger with a curved blade, and a green jewel on the pommel.  She lifts it high in the air and leans her head back.

“Oh great loa… I bring you these humble sacrifices of pain and suffering with my pleas… Fill my with your power…   Give me victory over my enemies…   Let them not be able to stand against me and those I care for…  Let us win at Climax Control…  As only you see fit!!”

The chanting starts up once more, and Diamond puts her hand beneath the chin of the white goat.  Again, it’s image flashes back and forth between that of an animal, and the bound form of the woman who looks like Vixen. Diamond leans over and kisses the forehead of the goat and grins wickedly.

“Just like my opponents at Climax Control…  You will be the sacrifice for my ascension into being one of the greatest bombshells in the SCW.  Nothing personal really.  Just…  the way things must be.”

The shot closes in on the dagger as it’s raised high above Diamond’s head, and hangs there…

{ Gunsta gransta brunsta flansta unsta dansta bansta dun…  Gunsta gransta brunsta flansta unsta dansta bansta dun…  GUNSTA GRANSTA BRUNSTA FLANSTA UNSTA DANSTA BANSTA DUN!!  DASTOANON!!     }

As the last line of the chanting ends,  the dagger falls, and there’s a single shriek as red is splashed on the pictures resting on the floor.  It keeps flowing until the pictures are completely covered.   A red covered hand picks up the photos and they are dropped into the fire and it flares again, and everything is decended into darkness once more.

 ~*^*  End of Scene  *^~  

It’s late at night, and Diamond is laying in her bed, sleeping.  She’s not sleeping well, as she’s being wracked in a nightmare.  She’s  trembling under her covers, and she tosses and turns fitfully.


The cameraman continues to zoom in on Diamond's face, slowly watching the glistening tears drip from her eyes, looking almost crystalline in the glowing moonlight.  As he continues to zoom in on her eyes that are clenched tightly shut, a bright blue flash blankets the scene, and when it finally clears, we see Diamond sitting in the center of what looks like a hall of light blue crystal.  Everywhere you turn, you see Diamond reflected in the glass there.  Every once in a while, the scene in one of the mirrors will flash to somewhere, some time else, and we know that we are in the depths of Diamond's mind.  The look on Diamond's face lets us know that she's being bombarded by emotions. Her face is tear streaked and she's sobbing, the sound of her crying echoing through the hall.  She wipes her eyes and sniffs.

“There are just some memories I don’t want to remember…  But these define me as a person…”

Diamond looks at another one of the walls, and the scene there changes as we watch.  We see a younger version of Diamond dressed in blue and white flannel shorts and a grey ribbed belly shirt, her hair pulled back from her face in a pony tail.  She's screaming in horror as what can only be described as monstrous creatures come through the window of the house she's in and chase her around until she comes to a bedroom where a man and woman who are obviously her mother are fighting off other creatures.  As she pulls out the mojo bag, the man and woman are swarmed over, and all that can be seen are their faces which are contorted in screams of pain.  The young Diamond screams in anger and flings sparkling dust at the creatures, causing pieces of them to melt and steam as they continue to swarm over her parents.  Diamond's mother reaches a blood drenched hand out towards her daughter before even that is covered in the creatures.  Diamond is still continuing to throw the dust around and the creatures that are retreating away from her shriek inhuman cries of terror and flee from the house.  As the creatures are fleeing, Diamond slowly sinks to the floor, still throwing the crystalline dust, screaming in rage.  When the house finally falls quiet, all but for the sobbing of the young Diamond, she finally stops throwing the dust.  She looks over at the puddle of creatures that swarmed over her parents, and sees a double hump where you can see that even through their anguish, her father and mother attempted to reach and protect their daughter.  Diamond looks around at the mess and down at herself with a wild look in her eye.

{  I couldn't save them.  All of that power in me and I froze.  My mind went blank.  }

Diamond's face suddenly goes slack and her eyes turn glassy.  She almost seems to not be breathing as she moves and stands slowly with an almost numb expression on her face.  She then walks into her room, collects a bag of things including her journal and photoalbums, not even a single tear falling from her eyes.  She packs up her cd collection and she can hear people wandering outside wondering what is going on.  She sees a neighbor who used to babysit her come in and hears her scream in horror as she sees the mess in her parents' bedroom, then shudders as she continues packing her rolling bags.  She goes through her mother's jewelry and just tosses the entire jewelry box in her bag, including some of her father's cufflinks.  The neighbor attempts to gain her attention, but Diamond waves her off.  Once she's gotten everything she wants, she goes back to her parents' room and just looks around.  She drags the bags out the big hole in the wall and doesn't even look back as she just tosses a handful of the dust over her shoulder and walks on.  As the dust hits one of the piles of goo that was a creature, it ignites and burns.  Soon the fire spreads and engulfs the entire house.  Diamond sets her jaw and watches the flames from her friend's porch, tears flooding down her face.

{  I made a promisee to myself right then and there not to be put in any situation where I would lose my family again.  I stayed with my friend and her parents until I had to move on to my other grandparents, but it just wasn't the same.  No matter what I have gone through… I have always wanted my parents back…  }

 ~*^*  End of Scene  *^~  

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