Author Topic: SIMON/BEN VS CASEY/DAMIEN  (Read 1350 times)

Offline Mark Ward

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    • Hot Stuff Mark Ward
« on: September 29, 2013, 09:57:50 PM »
 Post your roleplays here! Good luck!

Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger, those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the LORD, when I lay my vengeance upon thee

*NOTE: No longer giving feedback, if you wasn't good enough, you wouldn't be here.
No longer doing show reviews, I already know we're that damn good!

Offline Ben Jordan

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« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2013, 12:05:20 PM »
 Pussy Willow taps on a door impatiently, looking down at her watch.

PW: He was meant to be here.

Pussy mumbles to herself as she taps on the door again.

Voice: Keep ya bloody knickers on!

The door swings open to see Ben Jordan, standing in just his boxer shorts. No people, not the Wile E's today. On the front of the boxers is Stewie Griffin, with the words "Victory Is Mine" around the waist band. Pussy looks down at the front of his shorts but Ben explains himself.

Ben: Thought we'd have a change from the Wile E ones today. Anyways sweets, what are you and this guy behind the camera that no one ever sees, doing here?

Pussy looks at the camera and then back to Ben.

PW: Ummmm, your DVD and Bluray.

Ben scratches his head.

Ben: Not got many of them here sweets, not even a bluray player in this room. Are you sure you're not confusing me with my ginger ninja friend who has used worse to get women to his room.

PW: No Ben, your bluray, that we're filming. The one with you talking and your greatest matches.

A cheeky smile crosses Ben's face

Ben: What? All two of my greatest matches? Cause I don't want any with Crippler on there, fought him every week, beat him every week, could do without him on there.

PW: Very funny. We was meant to film some scenes and sound bytes for it today to get it in production by Christmas.

Ben waves his hand, beckoning Pussy and the unseen cameraman in to the room. The room is an absolute mess. Clothes and beer bottles cover the floor, and table.

PW: Must have been one wild night for you last night?

Ben: Nah, pretty average sweets, just another day that ends with a Y.

Pussy surveys the room, her eyes darting around everywhere.

PW: What happened here last night?

Ben: Well it started off all classy and such, few gentlemen talking about the financial states of our homelands.

Pussy raises an eyebrow.

PW: Really?

Ben: No we were talking about birds and football but for a second there, you believed me.

Ben winks at Pussy.

Ben: So where ya wanna do this darling? We can kick away some bottles, make it look presentable, but you chief.

Ben points at the cameraman.

Ben: Don't be swinging that camera around to show this shit hole off to the world.

The camera bops up and down and Ben gives a thumbs up.

Ben: Blinding mate, blinding.

PW: How about we play it safe and do it on the balcony.

Ben pokes his lower lip out and nods in approval.

Ben: Love a bird who likes it on the balcony and talks about playing safe, but usually in a whole different situation. Balcony it is sweets.

Ben points to a door in the corner, the curtains barely open and the sunlight just peeking in. Ben moves towards it and pulls back the curtain further, the sun from Trinidad bursting through the window and filling the room.

Ben: Bloody hell, that's bright.

Ben squints his eyes and puts his hand on the door handle, pulling it down and sliding it across. A gentle breeze blows the curtains slightly back as Ben steps out on the balcony, the sun kissing his body. Ben looks at a plastic table and chairs and points to the chairs as he looks at Pussy.

Ben: This should do the trick.

PW: Don't you wanna get dressed first?

Ben looks down his body, a smile on his face.

Ben: Nah.

Ben looks at the cameraman.

Ben: Oi Chico, shots from above the waist only please, not dropping the camera down to the family jewels if you don't mind.

The camera bops up and down again and Ben walks around the table and sits down. Pussy steps through the door followed by the cameraman. Pussy takes a seat opposite Ben and the cameraman positions the camera facing Ben.

PW: Right, I will be off camera. All that will be heard is my voice asking the questions. We're gonna need you to give an intro.

Ben gives a double thumbs up.

Ben: Ready when you are.

PW: Go for it.

Ben looks in to the camera, his head slightly tilted and a smile on his face.

Ben: Alright people, how ya doing? Good? Good.... you're sitting on ya jacksy watching Ben Jordan's Rise Of The Cockney King on bluray or DVD. Good call buying this thing, unless you illegally downloaded it. If you did, shame on you, go and buy the thing when you realize how good it is. Right, less talk from me, hit the music and let's get cracking, shall we?

Ben winks at the camera and then looks at Pussy.

Ben: How was that?

PW: Not bad, ok. Ready?

Ben nods.

PW: Why don't you tell the people where you are right now.

Ben: People, we're sitting here on the lovely island of Trinidad, soaking up some sun and getting really for the SCW flagship supercard, High Stakes III

PW: This will be your first appearance wrestling in a Sin City Wrestling ring, having made a big name for yourself in ACW.

Ben: It will be. ACW was home, a big part of my life, without ACW I couldn't have been so successful.

PW: Tell us how you found your way in to wrestling and in to All-Pro, formerly Atlantic Championship wrestling.

Ben: I've always been a fan of wrestling, growing up. I got to watch promotions like Global Championship Wrestling, Generation X Wrestling, and All Star Fantasy Wrestling. I saw a lot of the guys work for each company and got to see stars born in the ring. I got to see guys go in for their first ever matches and build themselves in to ring legends and I thought to myself 'Yeah, Benny, you want a piece of that action'.

PW: Who did you admire most from that time? Who did you want to be like?

Ben: There was a lot of great workers at that time, but I think when Jordan Williams shook off the Marauder thing and became Jordan Williams, everyone wanted to be like him. Same when Austin Parker shook off the Romeo gimmick and became Austin Parker, it brought a whole new level to his game, and I wanted to be like those guys. I saw Billy James walk in and defeat everyone over and over again, so I admired a lot of what he could do. You don't know it back when you watch these things back then, that these guys would go on to be legends. Wrestling can be fickle, one minute you're on top of the mountain, the next, you're opening the show, but these guys were consistently good throughout and I wanted to be like them.

PW: A lot of people get in to wrestling at a young age, but you got in to it just a couple of years ago. Why was that?

Ben: I'm from East London, it's working class people, I'm a son of a publican, never knew anything else but bar work, and like most in east London, people live from hand to mouth, we have to work hard to save, up until the pub got sold for obscene amounts of money, there was no way I could afford to train to be a wrestler. People had to rob Peter to pay Paul as the saying goes, get in debt with one guy to pay off a debt with another. As much as I wanted to train to wrestle at a younger age, I couldn't afford to but that worked out to be the best thing for me.

PW: How so?

Ben: I feel like I've worked harder to catch up with everyone else in the business. I came in to this in my twenties and felt like I had to work a lot harder to just catch up and keep up with everyone else and it drove me on. Harder I worked, because I had to, showed people in ACW that I was worthy of a shot at better things.

PW: When you could afford to get in to the ring, what made you decide that Chett Hawkins was the man to train you?

Ben: I had no experience in the ring, and I felt I needed to start from the bottom. I don't mean that as Hangman is the bottom, I mean it in the sense that while I could have begged Austin Parker or Jordan Williams to train me, thrown dirty amounts of cash in their direction, they needed more to work with than what I could give 'em. I needed toughening up, I needed someone to kick my arse big time, before I could learn the stuff that only Jordan and Austin can teach. I needed someone to kick seven bags of crap out of me, to show me that I could do this, that I could be tough enough to let people kick my cockney arse constantly.

PW: How did your first meeting with hangman go down?

Ben: He looked at me, laughed and said there's not enough time in the world to teach me to be even half decent in the ring, but I think he wanted to see me reaction, wanted to see if I would drop my dome and walk away, but I didn't. He told me he wasn't interested, I told him he must be getting old if he couldn't bring himself to kick peoples arses anymore. Told him where I was staying if he changed his mind.

PW: What happened then?

Ben: The Texan tosser woke me up at 5am by spraying me with a fire extinguisher.

Pussy lets out a laugh, as Ben tilts his head.

Ben: He then made me run five miles, battered my body until midday, then made me do it all over again.

PW: Tough love.

Ben: I think he got a sadistic kick out of it at times.

Ben laughs

Ben: But its something that needed to be done to drive me on. I'd work from 5am till 10pm, and paid to work that long. He'd wake me up at 5am every single day to do the same again, but that's how I proved I could do this, that I could fight for a spot on any roster.

PW: How did ACW come around for you?

Ben: Hangman heard they were hiring, put my name forward and I got given a chance to impress in a battle royal. I wasn't happy at the outcome to it cause I thought I could have done a lot better but instead, I met Casey Williams, who told me to keep my head up, not take it too serious and keep fighting.

PW: You obviously impressed to get a title shot at the following show.

Ben: Yeah, I got a shot at the Maritime Junior Heavyweight championship on the following show and won it.

PW: That's a good intro to show the match here.

Ben nods at Pussy.

Ben: I think so.

PW: So say the match has been shown there, let's move on with more dialogue. Your first championship, after just two matches as a professional.

Ben: Yeah, it was slightly unexpected but I knew I didn't wanna go in there and roll over like a dog waiting for it's belly to be scratched. I knew I had to work hard for it, but knew it was gonna be harder to keep that title, because of the amount of talent there.

PW: Not long after, Mickey Carroll appeared, what is the history with yourself and Mickey?

A wide smile crosses Ben's face.

Ben: Me and Mickey went to school together, grew up together, got in a lot of trouble together, nothing major, but we were and are best friends. When Mickey had his run in with the law, I stuck by the ginger one. It took a lot of hard work to get him out here to wrestle considering his run in with the old Bill, but it was worth it and I knew he could possibly be better than I am at this. He's a quick learner, considering he spends half his time drunk and the other time chasing birds around.

PW: You ended up finding yourself thrown in to the Super J Cup tournament. How did that happen?

Ben: J.J Dixon, when he was an approachable nice guy told me he wanted some proper ACW geezer in it - well, he didn't use those words to be exact, but the gist was the same. A lot of people in ACW were working for every Tom, Dick and Harry, who would throw money at them. A lot were in ACW, just because they thought their name would put them on the top of the pile, well that to me was a pile of horse crap. J.J wanted ACW represented by a proper ACW guy and that was me.

PW: A few people said that you wasn't too keen when you was first asked.

Ben: I was always torn on it. I saw some decent names go in to the pot for it and had to figure out if I could do myself proud. Had to work out if I could at least compete with some of the bigger names, and I knew I could at least get to the semi finals with the right draw, and a little bit of luck, and I would have been happy with that.

PW: But you went on to win it.

Ben: I did. When I saw Misty on the opposite side of the draw, I thought that if anything it would be me and her in the final. Me guts were giving me that feeling I would have to face her and look, you don't do what Misty has done in SCW and wrestling in general without being that good. Yeah, me and her had a few build up digs on Twitter, but I think she knew I'd be there in that final.

PW: Good time to work in that Super J Cup match here.

Ben: Definitely.

PW: So what was the feeling winning that match?

Ben scratches his head, a smile on his face.

Ben: Shock, surprise, complete and utter disbelief that I won it. Inside there was a bit of a happy dance going on, but I was shocked that I came through that match and was lifting the J Cup above my head.

PW: That wasn't the only prize on the line to win that tournament though.

Ben: No, I won a cruiserweight title shot too.

PW: Which you passed on to Simon Jones.

Ben: Jonesy deserved it. He'd work his socks off every night to show he's a legend at what he does, absolute diamond bloke and he deserved the shot and went on to win it. He showed everyone that he wasn't just here for the ride, that he could make massive waves anywhere he went. Well proud of me Brummie mate.

PW: Other gold also fell your way too.

Ben: Yeah, tag title with Mickey. Winning those things and keeping them till the end was the mutts nuts, blinding result for me and Mickey. We had to overcome a lot of decent teams in that match to go out and prove we had it in us and it is one of my top three fave matches I've been involved in. Competition was immense, absolutely immense and to walk out a double champ was great. Put in a lot of hard work to get to this point and it showed.

PW: Think we can put that match in here.

Ben: Blinding. Top match, everyone brought it and was proud to win that one.

PW: Let's talk about Drake Green.

Ben: Drake is quality. One of the best I've ever been in a ring with, without a doubt in my mind. Everything about him screams future legend, everything about him screams that he will be the best for years to come.

PW: Let's talk about the match for the Maritime Junior Heavyweight championship.

Ben: It's something every man and his dog wanted to see. They wanted to see me and Drake mix it up because we were both absolutely flying at the time and people wanted to see it and they got to see it.

PW: Needless to say....

Ben: Yes, that match is going in right now.

Pussy nods at Ben.

PW: Was your disappointed by the outcome?

Ben: Not at all. If I was gonna lose that title to someone, I'm glad it was Drake. One of the good guys in the business and I have no shame losing to someone as talented as he is. If I would have won, woulda been massive, but no disappointment here losing to a fella like Drake. Drake is a rare talent, once in a generation star, losing to him was fine with me.

PW: You moved on to bigger and better things some would say.

Ben: I did. I moved on up to face Casey Williams for the World title, the big boy, the one everyone dreams about.

PW: Match in here I think, but first ever Triple Crown champion.

Ben: Yeah, it was something special for just over a year of my career, three titles and a Super J Cup to my name was pretty special, not many have done it before and it set me up for life. Beating Casey Williams and holding that gold was something I never expected to get so soon, but a lot of people had a lot of faith in me to go and get it.

PW: You won that on the last ever ACW show.

Ben: I did.

PW: How did it feel to hear the news that the place you've been involved in since day one, has been taken over by SCW?

Ben sighs

Ben: I was gutted, very very gutted. Put a lot of work in to that place.

PW: How did you hear about it?

Ben: Just like everyone else. Called to the SCW show, sent in to a locker room with everyone else so they could get reaction shots.

PW: What was the feeling like in that room?

Ben: Disbelief. We all looked around each other for answers but none of us had them. A lot instantly started thinking of our future when Erik Staggs put his head in the door and said our contracts have been taken over and we needed to sign SCW deals if we were to stay, if not, they'll let us all go. Gave us time to think on it.

PW: You went to the ring that night and agreed to sign at the end of a very emotional speech.

Ben: Can we put that speech in here? I was proud of that.

PW: I think so.

Ben: Good. It was all said from the heart, every word that rumbled it's way off my tongue, I meant. People were telling me all night that I was the face of ACW, I was the main man, the most decorated in it's premature history, me not coming over to SCW just wouldn't make sense.

PW: Then I believe you had a conversation with a staff member.

Ben: I did, with Christian Underwood. He explained some big spur of the moment plans to me, how I could be big in SCW, really sold me a dream gaff so to speak. He told me that I could breeze to the top because of my work ethic, because I could be the man in the ring, that I was the guv'ner of ACW and could be here. So I went to the ring, poured my heart out, signed a deal.

PW: Then things went quiet for you.

Ben: They did. It could have been the emotion of the night that lead me to sign, but when it came down to it, I couldn't give SCW what it deserved, I couldn't give it my all, I couldn't do what I wanted to do. I was a little burned out and had some personal things take over so I stepped back.

PW: This match is billed as a one time only for you in SCW.

Ben: Chances are it will be. I'm not ready to give Sin City Wrestling what it deserves, but for one night, one night, I get to live a dream and be in the six sided ring. I will give it everything I got for one night.

PW: What made you come back for this match?

Ben: Teaming with Jonesy against an old friend and rival. You can only improve by being in the ring with great partners and top opposition, or you just begin to drift. Simon Jones is one of the best. Casey Williams is an old friend and an old rival. Damien Kingston is for my money, the best heel in the business right now, so it's good to test myself against established stars and everyone in the ring will be an established star. Couldn't resist bringing my ACW flavor to an SCW ring.

PW: How do you feel ACW stars have done since they moved to SCW?

Ben: Brilliant, proper decent. You look at the guys who were in ACW and SCW at the same time. Jonesy, Drake, Vixen, Casey. They've all fought to keep the ACW brand in peoples noggins. Traci has looked great since being here, Jade was impressive last week, Mickey is putting himself about a bit and even Trauma gave Nick Jones a decent match. These people are becoming the heartbeat of the gaff, absolutely the mutts nuts.

PW: Is there a chance we might see Ben Jordan in SCW on a regular basis?

Ben: There's always a chance, but it won't be until I think I can give SCW everything on a regular basis. I can put my bollocks on the line in this match at High Stakes III, I will put my knackers on the line with my heart, soul and everything else I have in me, but until I can put that in every single show, you're just gonna have to enjoy this brilliant match coming up.

PW: Ok, I think that covers it for now Ben, but once we run this through editing, and past the management, we may have to shoot some other stuff.

Ben: Sounds good sweets.

Ben looks at the cameraman.

Ben: Nothing went south?

The camera shakes from left to right in a no action.

Ben: Wicked.

Ben stands up and walks back in to the apartment, leading Pussy towards the door.

Ben: This has been blinding sweets.

Ben opens the door as Pussy gets close.

Ben: Buy ya a drink or five later, but I gotta go get my arse dressed and go meet The Real DG himself, alright? Cushdy!

PW: Sounds good.

Pussy leaves the apartment and Ben turns back to the camera.

Ben: Looks like it's just me and you sweet cheeks, because you get to sit there and listen to me talk about my upcoming match and all that bollocks, cause that's the part that hits peoples television screens and gets them wetting their Alan's.

Ben strolls through the apartment, pushing empty bottles off the sofa and sits down.

Ben: Finally back in the ring, a Sin City Wrestling ring, in the Caribbean, abso bloody lutely perfect if I'm honest. There are gonna be lots of questions on why this took so long, why did it take a serious age to get Benny boy back in front of the fans? Well they say timing is everything and everything is right here. Well I couldn't have asked for a better match to give you lovely jubbley people a one night only match. I get to be in the ring with a mate of mine Simon Jones.

A wide smile crosses over Ben's face.

Ben: Now Jonesy, I know you have a bit of bragging rights with the football this week.... for you lot that doesn't follow the beautiful game, Jonesy's Birmingham lot happened to beat Millwall by a few goals this week and got a lucky penalty that was two yards outside the area, I got proof of that one Jonesy.... ok, few goals, four goals, whatever.

Ben turns away, whistling and looking up and away from the camera. Ben slowly turns around to face the camera once more.

Ben: Anyway, Jonesy and I differ when it comes to teams in that sport, but in this one, people, it's a whole different game and what you're about to see is Simon and I working as a team for the first time and not only working as a team, but being a very, very successful one and what a couple of opponents we have now.

Ben runs his hand over his chin, looking for his next words.

Ben: I won't lie to you all, but I am a bit of a fan of Damien Kingston's work.

Ben puts a shocked look on his face.

Ben: I know, surprising right? No one's meant to like Damien Kingston, he's a bad arse heel that has a tongue sharp enough to cut diamonds, but still, Damien Kingston is no doubt a very talented man, a man who is good enough to step on up and rule SCW at some point, but even the mighty must fall on it's arse every now and again. It's what keeps us human, it's what makes us pick up our game, it's what turns us in to bigger and better people, not just wrestlers, but people. Kingston will come back stronger after being taken down a peg or two. No easy task, I admit, but balls on the line, I will give it a go. I know I gotta be on top of my game to even come close to matching up with Damien Kingston, I know the little sharp tongued bastard is gonna be coming at us, no doubt moaning about being stuck in a tag match, yada yada ya, I know he'll be thinking he deserves so much better then this. Maybe he does but this is a good chance to get past a couple of decent opponents and prove your worth. This is SCW for Pete's sake, this is the big time, where you have to win to be remembered, no matter what the match, and it's time to put the effort in, because as much as I gotta come out all guns blazing, so does Damien Kingston. Be in the ring with a former ACW triple crown winner and a former SCW Heavyweight champion. This one ain't gonna be an easy night for ya geezer, trust me.

Ben swings his legs up on the sofa.

Ben: It's bloody ironic, or clever booking really, that they have me in the ring opposite Casey Williams yet again. Don't know if you lot remember a little while ago, Casey and I was in a cage, fighting for the top gold in ACW. One on one, beating seven bags of crap outta each other, just to be the last ever ACW champion. Obviously, we didn't know at the time or there would have been a good chance Casey would have tried to eat my face or something to just win.

Ben's face turns serious.

Ben: He probably would. Now we get to face off against each other again, although very different. There's no titles on the line, there's more people in the ring, this is not headlining a supercard, but there will be one tiny, yet very important detail that will stay the same Casey me old mucker, just the one and that one will be that again, I will be winning and again, you will be losing. Sorry geezer, it's just how it's down to be. We've done this dance before Casey, we've been in that ring and it didn't end well for you. I'm sure you sat there and rubbed your meaty King Kong hands together when you saw the card and knew one more time, I'm tempted back to face you. I bet your mind has been going mental thinking about revenge and how you're gonna pop my head off my shoulders and use it as a bowling ball or something equally wacky, but not gonna happen. Don't get me wrong son, nothing wrong with having an active imagination at all, but now you're just misleading yourself me ol' mate. Only one way this is going and it's not gonna go in your favour. Sorry geez.

Ben stands up.

Ben: Now my lovely people, I have to love you and leave you, because I gotta meet a man about a dog.... English people will get that one. You people keep your eyes peeled for High Stakes III, because I will be putting on a show you won't wanna forget. Cockney King will be flying high but for now, time to get me arse in gear, cause I'm outta here.

Ben winks.

Ben: Laters people.

Ben walks away as the camera fades out.

Cockney King.
SCW World Heavyweight Champion
SCW Internet Champion
SCW Roulette Champion
SCW Tag Team Champion (3x)
SCU Underground champion
ACW's only Triple Crown Champion.
Super J Cup Winner 2013.
Twitter: @CockneyKingBen

Offline Casey Williams

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« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2013, 02:39:02 PM »
 Scene 1-Confidence and Revenge

The scene shows Casey Williams, pacing back and forth at the airport in Barbados, with his wife Laura, and their son, Nils Patrik.  They are waiting to go through security to go to Trinidad, the final leg of the annual tour that SCW hosts to end its calendar year and to start the new year.  Laura looks at Casey like he is a caged animal.

Laura-”Casey, I know you are proud that you beat Simon Jones. I was a little shocked that you did.”

Casey looks at Laura, as they go through security before speaking again.

Casey-”Why are you shocked?  I mean, I did weaken him, did I not?”

Laura-”Well, he is a former SCW Heavyweight Champion.  I know you have not had much luck against former champs and everything.“

Casey growls with joy as they pass through security and walk towards the terminal in which their plane to Trinidad will arrive from.

Casey-”You are right, I have had my issues beating former champs and all.”

Laura-”Yeah, but you got that monkey off your back, and now you get to face Simon once again, and your last opponent from ACW in Ben Jordan.”

Casey-”I am obviously seeking revenge on Ben for defeating me for ACW‘s heavyweight title.”

Laura-”I seriously hope so.”

Casey, looking proud, kisses his wife, while the scene fades to black.

Scene 2-Meeting with a foe/ally

The scene shows Casey Williams in the lobby of the hotel in Trinidad that all the SCW stars are staying at.  He sees his tag team partner Damien Kingston and Casey stops him to talk about their upcoming match at High Stakes III.

Casey-”Hey Damien, do you have a minute to talk?”

Damien-”Make it quick. I have to get to the gym to train!”

Casey-”Ok, I was hoping that we could put our dislike for each other aside and be able to work together in this tag match.”

Damien-”Why in the hell would I want to work with a loser like you?”

Casey-”That is something you would have to ask our pathetic owners, Mark Ward and Christian Underwood.  I cannot answer that, but if you are going to give me an attitude, I guess I will have to force you to face both Ben Jordan and Simon Jones alone.”

Damien-”Did I call you a loser?  I mean, you did beat Simon Jones last week, so you are not a complete failure.  I guess I can put my dislike for you aside long enough for us to get the win, then I will go back to hating you.”

Casey-”That is all I ask.”

The scene fades as Damien walks away, scoffing at Casey.

Scene 3-This Day I Fight

The scene shows Casey Williams relaxing in the locker room at the Turtle Rock Beach in Trinidad, where Casey Williams is involved in a tag team grudge match, teaming with a foe in Damien Kingston, and they go up against a man who Casey has been in a bitter rivalry with as of late in Simon Jones, and the man who beat Casey at the last ACW show, Massacre at Moncton, Ben Jordan.  Casey then calls out his rival, Simon, first.

“Hey Simon, how does it feel knowing you lost to me?  Not only did you lose, but I made your pathetic ass tap out.  I will do it again.  I told you that I would make you feel pain in places that you would not have felt pain, and I did.  Hell, you were in so much pain that you didn‘t even bother to show up at the last Climax Control before High Stakes III.  I know you didn‘t have a match, but you could have still cut a promo on the loss, talk about how bad your knee hurts because of the pain I caused.  Oh wait, you didn’t want to bore the fans.  I am excited to do even more damage to your knee, and to other parts of your body, and I am sure Damien feels the same way.  We may not like each other, but we are both fierce competitors that are very dangerous, and likes to inflict pain to people.  When we get going, there is nothing that you can do to stop us from defeating you and Ben.”

Casey then smiles, and talks to Ben Jordan.

“Hey Ben, how was that title reign that you had?  I am glad that you beat me.  I have a chance to seek revenge on you, and that your title shot was short, and I bet that I can force you to retire because of the pain I put you through.  I know you heard me say that before, and you know how tough I am, and how much of a hard time I gave you in ACW.  You can expect the same kind of fight from me now.  I will not die, and there is nothing you can do to stop me from plowing through you like the piece of shit you truly are.  You will fall to the Freight Train of Pain come High Stakes III, plain and simple.  I will show the world that your victory over me at Massacre at Moncton was a fluke.  I will show the world that as talented as you are, I am more talented.  You praise Simon Jones as if he was a legend, and I beat the so-called legend a few weeks ago.  Wouldn‘t that make me a Legend Killer of sorts?  Oh wait, I am the Freight Train of Pain, which is much cooler than what Randy Orton used to call himself.  If you think I would turn to cannibalism, you must be joking!  I am not that desperate.  Things will totally be different this time around.  Yeah, we aren‘t fighting for a title, but this is personal.  I will take your manhood from you.”

Casey gives a cynical laugh and walks out of the locker room and towards the bathroom, with a smile on his face, content with himself as the scene fades to black.


SCW Title's held (and reign)
1x Roulette title reign from 05/20/12 to 8/02/12
1x Tag team title reign (w/ Jordan Williams) from 3/18/12 to 4/29/12
Hall of Famer class of 2020

Offline Simon Jones

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« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2013, 10:07:30 PM »
 3rd October, 7:00 p.m.

The scene opens to show the inside of Durty Nelly's, an Irish pub in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The pub appears to be in the midst of a lively Thursday evening, with people sat at the majority of the tables, enjoying themselves, whilst plenty of others are crowded around the bar. One of the individuals stood queuing for drinks - who is wearing pale blue jeans and an un-tucked black shirt - turns away from the bar, and into view comes the face of Simon Jones; Simon is holding two glasses: a pint of beer in his right hand, and in his left hand he has half a pint of what appears to be orange juice.

The camera follows Simon as he makes his way over to a table that has four chairs by it - two chairs on either side of the table. Occupying one of the chairs, to the left of the table, is former ACW reporter DeMarcus Paris. DeMarcus is wearing dark grey trousers, and a black and white check shirt; a brown jacket is hanging on the back of his chair. DeMarcus' focus is on a mobile phone that he is clutching in his right hand, but he looks up as Simon places the pint of beer down on the table, in front of him.

DeMarcus: 'Thanks.'

Simon: 'You're welcome.'

Simon then also places the glass of orange juice on the table. As DeMarcus turns to put his phone into one of the pockets of the jacket on the back of his chair, Simon steps towards the chair opposite DeMarcus, on the back of which hangs a black coat; Simon pulls out the chair, and takes a seat at the table. With his right hand, Simon then picks the glass of orange juice back up, and having now turned back to face Simon, DeMarcus picks up the pint of beer, with his right hand; the pair clink their glasses.

Simon: 'Cheers!'

DeMarcus: 'Cheers!'

The two men each take a sip of their respective drinks, before placing their glasses back on the table; Simon then looks in the direction of the bar.

Simon: 'You see, that is how you can tell that your pub is really a pub, and not a wine bar.'

DeMarcus: 'What do you mean?'

Simon turns back towards DeMarcus.

Simon: 'The ultimate pub tradition: blokes getting their round in.'

DeMarcus frowns.

DeMarcus: 'Erm...okay.'

DeMarcus then blinks twice.

DeMarcus: 'What's wrong with wine bars, anyway?'

Simon: 'Simple: they focus on selling wine, rather than beer, or liquor.'

DeMarcus: 'Not a fan of wine, I take it.'

Simon: 'Nope, I've never liked the stuff; one of the girls that I worked with in my old job, who is something of a connoisseur, once told me that I just hadn't found the right wine for me, but I have long since stopped searching - I'll stick to drinking lager.'

DeMarcus: 'So why, then, are you are drinking orange juice, and not beer?'

Simon: 'Because at the end of July, I promised my wife, who is currently unable to drink - due to being six months pregnant - that I would give up alcohol until after she has given birth, so that she does not have to put up with having to watch me drink, reminding her of what she is missing out on.'

DeMarcus: 'Oh yeah, I remember you mentioning that previously.'

DeMarcus takes a sip of his beer.

DeMarcus: 'Well, I won't be having many more after this one - I've got to be in work in the morning.'

Simon scoffs at DeMarcus' statement.

Simon: 'Lightweight.'

DeMarcus: 'Excuse me?'

Simon: 'You not having much to drink because it's a school night - you're a lightweight; I never let having to be in work the following day prevent me from enjoying a night out. I can even give you an example, from my time at my old job: there was one year where the company elected to hold its AGM on a Thursday evening, at which they laid on free beer and wine, up until about ten o'clock. Well, I took full advantage of the free alcohol - the number of bottles of Budweiser that I consumed that evening must have been close to hitting double figures. But then I went home, slept it off, and the following morning I was back in the office, as right as rain.'

DeMarcus: 'Was that the same AGM at which you performed your stand-up comedy routine, in the talent show?'

Simon smiles.

Simon: 'Yes, that's the one.'

Simon drinks some of his orange juice.

Simon: 'If you know about that, then I can only assume that you must have been paying attention to what has been occurring in SCW.'

DeMarcus nods his head.

DeMarcus: 'With several members of the roster in SCW being wrestlers that I was familiar with from their time in ACW - such as yourself - I wanted to keep an eye on SCW, to see how you're all doing in Las Vegas, now that you're no longer wrestling in Canada.'

Simon: 'The reason that I invited you here for this drink was because I wanted to find out how you are getting on, post-ACW.'

DeMarcus: 'I'm coping fine - I'm just carrying on with the job that I've had dating back to before ACW's inception; I do miss getting to work the shows every other week - I'm not going to pretend otherwise - but when ACW was shut down, at least I had something to fall back on.'

Simon: 'What about the other men - and the one lady - that made ACW tick? Have you kept in contact with any of them - do you know what any of them have been up to since ACW closed its doors?'

DeMarcus: 'I'm not sure what Elise is doing, now that she has graduated from university.'

Simon: 'Probably pining for Drake Green.'

DeMarcus: 'Yeah.'

DeMarcus takes a sip of his drink.

DeMarcus: 'Speaking of Drake, I hear that Kenny Chisholm has been working on some project with him.'

Simon: 'What kind of project?'

DeMarcus: 'I don't know what the specifics are, but I think it's a safe assumption that it's something wrestling related.'

Simon replies with a sarcastic tone.

Simon: 'Well obviously.'

DeMarcus: 'Kirk Starratt and Jay Kelly have both returned to their day jobs, like myself. But as for the others - Trevor, Richie and Hector - I don't know about them.'

Simon: 'May I ask you something, about your time in ACW?'

DeMarcus: 'Sure.'

Simon: 'How do you feel that you were treated by the wrestlers that you had to interview?'

DeMarcus shrugs his shoulders.

DeMarcus: 'I don't know; okay, I suppose - I can't say it's something that I'd given much thought to. Why do you ask?'

Simon: 'Because the way that some of the wrestlers in SCW treat the reporters there, it's...I think it's abhorrent. I always try to treat other people the way that I would wish to be treated: by being courteous and respectful. Now, that might be difficult with an opponent - when you set foot in the ring with someone, even if you're up against your best friend, any semblance of a relationship goes out of the window, at least until the match is over - but away from the ring, there's no excuse for being an arsehole to someone.'

Simon sighs.

Simon: 'I just think that some of my contemporaries in SCW could do with learning some manners - they seem to have forgotten that it's nice to be important, but that it's more important to be nice.'

DeMarcus: 'What about the way that you spoke to Casey Williams a few weeks ago?'

Simon: 'I could have chosen my words better, admittedly, but I don't think I said anything that was too untoward; I certainly don't think that I acted like an arsehole towards him - had I done so, then the way in which he reacted would've been more justifiable, but as it was, I think that what he did to me was over the top. Which is why I felt the need to challenge him to that match we had - so that I could exact some retribution.'

DeMarcus: 'That didn't quite go according to plan though, did it?'

Simon shakes his head.

Simon: 'Nope, not at all.'

Simon takes a drink from his glass.

Simon: 'Perhaps I returned to singles action too soon after suffering the injury to my knee - perhaps I tried to come back from it too quickly. But as I said, after what Casey had to done to me, I felt that I had to get him in the ring. And having pinned Goth the previous week, I went in to the match full of confidence - my tail was well and truly up. Hindsight is a wonderful thing though: during the mixed tag team match with Roxi Johnson - against Goth and Gothika - at times I got to stand on the apron, and briefly rest my aching knee. However, against Casey, I was never going to get a chance to rest - he was never going to allow me a chance to rest. So in retrospect, perhaps I should have waited a little longer before challenging Casey to a match.'

DeMarcus: 'How is the knee now?'

With his left hand, Simon pats his left leg.

Simon: 'Much better - I'm hoping that I'll shortly be able to run without having it cause me any pain. I was glad of the week off from competition, as for the first time since I suffered the injury, it gave me the opportunity to properly rest my knee. Instead, the only issue affecting my leg that I had to contend with in the past week was having some insect feast on me: I've got two bite marks on my left leg, and three on my right leg - the two marks on my left leg are close enough together that it almost looks as though Gothika has sunk her fangs into my calf.'

DeMarcus: 'You not being at Climax Control didn't stop Casey from bragging about his victory against you.'

Simon: 'No surprise there. I have to say, there is some logic to his argument that he is now more deserving of a shot at the heavyweight title than I am, so it's up to me to return the favour - to defeat Casey, and to give everyone a reminder of the ability I have that led to me becoming the champion in the first place.'

DeMarcus: 'Did you not consider attending Climax Control, to address your loss?'

DeMarcus then takes another sip of his beer.

Simon: 'I did give it some thought, but in the end I decided to stay in Canada, and have a weekend at home with my wife, for a change.'

DeMarcus: 'Well, you won't have to wait long until you're stood across the ring from him again - in only ten days from now, the two of you will be on opposing sides in a tag team match.'

Simon: 'Indeed. I was curious to see what the powers that be had in store for me at High Stakes, and I'm more than satisfied with the match that I've been given: another chance to battle Casey Williams, with Ben Jordan playing the role of my tag team partner.'

DeMarcus: 'And with Damien Kingston as Casey's tag team partner.'

Simon: 'Yup. I think he's going to be the wildcard in the match. I mean, Ben and I, although we've never teamed together previously, we get along well, we both have a massive amount of respect for one another, so there's not going to be any problems there. Plus, we both have history with Casey. But Damien Kingston, he's kind of the odd one out - unlike Casey, he doesn't have any history with either myself or Ben, so is he going to be as motivated for the match as the rest of us? Also, considering that in August - at Summer XXXTreme - he and Casey were opponents, and then two weeks later - on Climax Control - he attacked Casey, how well are the two of them really going to coexist? I expect that in public they'll say all the right things - I expect they'll state that they're going to put their animosity to one side for the duration of the match, to work together to get the win. Can they really do that though, so soon after having fought one another?'

DeMarcus: 'I guess we'll find out in ten days.'

Simon: 'I guess we will. I just think that the team of Damien Kingston and Casey Williams is going to be a combustible partnership - a partnership that will go down in flames, to the benefit of Ben Jordan and I.'

Simon drinks some more of his orange juice.

Simon: 'Did you ever watch Everybody Hates Chris?'

DeMarcus: 'Yes. Why?'

Simon: 'Because, given the fact that even the man that will be his tag team partner has a dislike for him, the match at High Stakes could quite rightly be billed as "Everybody Hates Casey."'

DeMarcus again takes a sip of beer.

Simon: 'I am eager to find out what crime against wrestling Damien Kingston accuses me of having committed - my guess is that he'll brand me a "phony," as he did with Drake Green, but maybe he has other ideas.'

DeMarcus: 'I hope Drake Green defeats Kevin Carter, to win the SCW Heavyweight Championship.'

Simon: 'As do I.'

DeMarcus: 'Because Carter beat you to end your reign as champion?'

Simon: 'No - I don't hold a grudge against him for that, or for any other reason; I want Drake to win for the same reason that I assume you want him to win: because he's a fellow SCW alumnus.'

DeMarcus: 'And what about you - don't you have aspirations of being the champion again?

Simon: 'Of course I do. And as a former champion, I'm entitled to another shot at the title - as Christian Underwood pointed out this past Sunday. But so too now is Goth - and should Drake indeed be victorious in ten days, then Kevin Carter will be entitled to another return match for the title. So it's probably a good job that I'm a patient man - I'm happy to bide my time, to wait my turn before striking. Besides, I've got other things to take care of first - namely, my conflict with Casey Williams; pinning the then-champion, Goth, in that mixed tag team match was one step forwards, but the loss to Casey was two steps backwards, so, as part of my aim to eventually regain the title, I want to rack up a few more wins, to build up momentum - I intend for the tag team match at High Stakes to produce one of those wins.'

Simon pauses to take another swig of orange juice.

Simon: 'Plus, I want to wait for my knee to be fully healed - when I do finally challenge for the title again, I don't wish to display any obvious signs of weakness to whomever the champion is. But injured knee or not, at High Stakes III, hopefully I can return to winning ways, to get me back on track towards regaining the heavyweight title, so that I can resume etching my name into SCW history, and go about leaving an indelible mark upon the promotion. Because history is written by the winners - which is why French history books are blank from cover to cover.'

As DeMarcus laughs at Simon's remark, the scene fades to black.
« Last Edit: October 04, 2013, 10:08:37 PM by Simon Jones »

Offline Damien Kingston

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« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2013, 06:06:19 PM »
[ prologue ]

In one week's time Sin City Wrestling will be hosting a super card known as High Stakes III. On that card there's a lot of great matches that are set to take place in front of the entire world. Specifically the SCW Heavyweight Championship match that features the champion, Kevin Carter going one on one with the chosen number one contender, Drake Green. A match that has a ton of history involving the two of them and a match that without a doubt could and will steal the show.

That and some other matches are bound to be great. There's just one match though that doesn't seem to make much sense and a match that's bound to have some conflict taking place within it. That match of course being the tag match featuring Simon Jones and Ben Jordan versus Casey Williams and... the Man of Liberty, Damien Kingston. Yes, you read that right. Kingston and Williams will be on the same team for this match at High Stakes III.

Now based on the history between Kingston and Williams. One could only imagine it's going to be an explosive tag team. One could only imagine that it's going to be a team that self destructs among themselves. One could only imagine that in the light of all of that it'll be an easy win for the team of Ben and Simon. Surely, not how either man would want it because it wouldn't prove anything but at the same time what can they do to stop a team that's bound to self destruct?

Guess, we'll all see how it turns out at High Stakes III. Be sure to tune in and watch all the action unfold.

[ scene one ]

October 6th, 2013
Sunday Evening
Undisclosed Location

Sunday in America had become a day that is all about the National Football League. It was a day for fans to enjoy their favorite football teams. Watch them win or lose depending on how bad their team was. Get together with their buddies to drink themselves stupid, shout at the top of their lungs, give each other high fives, and so on. There was one man in particular though that had decided that he wasn't going to be that guy based on the fact sports didn't amuse him like that. But more specifically on this particular Sunday, the man had far more on his mind than to deal with anything else other than what was on his mind.

That man just happened to be none other than wrestling icon and the self-proclaimed Man of Liberty, Damien Kingston. It was understandable that he had a lot on his mind. Considering what happened at the Rumble in the Bronx match last Sunday. Not to mention he had a huge match coming over at Sin City Wrestling. Although, it was a match that he didn't find himself being too fond of for a couple of different reasons but that was something that we would get into before too long.”

With a camera crew on hand the scene would open up to feature Damien standing there in a bit of an undisclosed location. No sooner than the cameras were placed on him. The New York Loudmouth began doing what he does best.

In the short amount of time that I have worked with Sin City Wrestling. I've earned myself quite the reputation. From what I have established from the guys and girls in the back. From what I have established from the fans are the following. I'm an asshole. I'm arrogant. I'm egoistical. I don't have any respect. I'm constantly breaking the rules. I don't know what's best for this business. So on and so forth, and every time I hear these things. I can't help but laugh my ass off.

There was a small shake of his head at that moment.

It sounds like to me that people form these opinions of me because they don't like what I say or what I do, but they don't like it based on one simple fact and that fact being that everything I say. Everything I do is the truth. And most people whether they admit it or not, most people can't stand the truth. They don't like hearing the truth. They don't like seeing the truth. They would much rather hide themselves away from the truth in all cases. Unfortunately for you people. I am a man of many truths. I am a man that spreads the truth and I am a man that never runs away from the truth. Therefore the truth will continue to come from me. Night in and night out.

One could only imagine that wouldn't go over very well with the fans or anyone in the back. It was obvious he had already rubbed people the wrong way as it was. Now for him to act this way and let it be known it was going to continue. Yeah, it was going to create more issues.

High Stakes III is right around the corner and therefore I can promise you that the truth is going to come into light when that night rolls around. Starting with this little tag match that I happen to find myself. I'd like to start off by speaking the truth on the people that book the show around here. They really have no idea what the fuck they are doing. Why on earth would you put me in a pointless tag match? What do I gain from it? What does anyone else around here gain from it? No one gains anything out of it, but at the same time I think I have figured it all out.

Kingston would bring his hand up and slightly stroke the facial hair that was growing on him. Almost like it was in a bit of an evil manner and certainly he was going to have the attention of people as they'd all want to know what he was getting at.

I know for a fact that I'm not liked around here. It's been clear since I walked through the doors and it's all because I happen to be a man that speaks his mind. I'm not afraid speaking the truth. I'm not afraid to put it out there the way I feel it needs to be put out there. I'm not afraid to be a man that has an opinion, but that doesn't go over very well with the folks that are running a company. Not that it matters to me, however like I said I know what this entire tag match is all about.

I was booked in it against a super team like Ben and Simon with a shitty ass fucking partner like Casey for the simple fact that those in charge of SCW want to see me finally lose my first match. They want to finally see me get what's coming to me. Something they tried to have happen to me a few weeks ago when they put me in the ring with Nick Jones. They wanted me to lose then, but I wasn't going to allow it and that's when you saw me walk on out of the match. Of course it was something that got me more heat with the company.

Obvious none of that bothers me. I can have all the heat in the world with the company. Makes no difference to me. Much like it didn't make a difference to me in the least bit that they tried put me in a losing situation again. That's exactly what they did when they placed me against Drake Green a few weeks ago when I wasn't given enough notice. I was just put in the spot as a last resort and everyone thought I was going to lose because no one ever defeats Drake Green. He's just go great and so good that someone like me possibly couldn't stand a chance against him. Yet I did.

That smug arrogant smirk started to form over his lips. One that pissed off quite a few people.

Long story short anytime I've had the “odds” stacked against me and anytime I have been put in a “losing” situation. I have defied the odds and I proved to be a winner, something that's clearly pissed off the powers that be. Now they've put me in this match where it would seem that I virtually have no chance at winning. Casey is a complete joke. There's nothing that he could bring to the table in order to be a threat with me as a tag team. He's basically the thing that's going to lead to me being on the losing side of things. Add in the fact, I am against a team that's actually talented. Yeah, it's pretty obvious to me what is trying to be done at this point. Per usual though, I'll take the bull by the horns and do just one of the things that I do best.

There were a lot of things that Damien considered himself the best at. Hard telling exactly what he meant by that without actually saying it, but rest assured before long we would going to have a better understanding to what he meant.

Simon and Ben, I hope that you two are truly proud of yourselves. You two agreed to be apart of a match knowing that it wasn't going to be a fair match. You agreed to a match knowing that there were elements involving my team not being able to get along. You agreed to the man knowing without a shadow of a doubt that it was going to be a gimme kind of win for you two. That honestly shocks the hell out of me, but at the same time I understand that when the price is right in this business. When it's a guaranteed win where you don't have to try and where you know it's going to get you somewhere. It's a hard situation to turn down. After all not everyone can be like me.

But it doesn't change the fact it was still a shocker. Look at you for example Ben, you are virtually a nobody around here. No one gives two fucks about you. I know I certainly don't give a damn about you. With that being said and with you being under the radar. You would have figured you would have wanted to do something. You would have wanted to do anything that had some type of meaning. Something to get your name out there and something to get people to start looking in your direction. Anything that would make people start to take you seriously, but no you take the easy route. You take the easy win. You take the easy match.

Something that's going to end up doing nothing for you. Sure, there's a chance that I could lose the match but it won't actually be me taking the pin fall. It won't be me tapping out. It won't be me looking bad. Instead it'll be Casey, and honestly what does that prove for you? Because from what I can tell. All it proves is that you are good enough to beat Casey Williams which is everyone on this roster. So essentially, you prove nothing. It gets you nowhere and you are still going to be a fucking nobody after this match ends. Guess, that's how you like judging by your actions. To each of their own douchebag, to each of their own.

The New York Loudmouth shrugged his shoulders a little bit which said more than enough about his outlook on the situation at hand and his outlook on Ben. Course, he wasn't done yet. He wasn't done by a long shot because that's when his attention would head in the direction of someone else involved in the match.

Then there's you Simon. From the day I stepped into SCW, you are one of the names that kept coming up. I guess that was understandable considering the fact that you were the SCW Heavyweight Champion at the time I walked into this company. Since then you have clearly falling from grace, but at that time I was always told about how you were one of the best. I was always told about how you were such a stand up guy. How you were someone that loved to do things by the book. How you were someone that never cut corners. So on and so forth, but here you are taking such a match knowing the stakes.

I guess you aren't such a stand up no cutting corners kind of guy after all... or maybe it has something to do with the simple fact that you felt you had to take this chance. I mean you a former champion – the one that everyone has seemingly forgotten all about. No one seems to remember you as a champion. No one seems to remember the fact that you were dominating the main event scene not too long ago. No one seems to remember anything at all when it comes to you. It doesn't help much that not too long ago Simon, you went and dropped the ball against the biggest joke on the roster and yes, I'm talking about Casey Williams. Not a single person expected that from you.

But when it happened you just went ahead and buried yourself even further into that deep dark hole that you can't seem to get yourself out of. Then what happens? You're approached by management about this tag match. Knowing that it was going to be easy and all the shit I mentioned before. You took it because you knew it was a chance to redeem your loss. You also knew it was a chance to get people looking your way again, but honestly I'm going to keep it real with you Simon. It's too late for that. Nothing you do will ever gain those people back. Might as well stick a fork in your career because it's as good as done with or without this win.

Again there was a small shrug of his shoulders to get his point across.

Like I said a little bit earlier, I am a man of many truths. I speak the truth at all times despite every single person wanting to escape the truth at all costs. Casey doesn't want to accept the fact he's worthless. He wasn't want to accept the fact he's the weak link. He doesn't want to accept the fact that he's going to be the one that loses this match. Much like Ben and Simon don't want to admit to them taking this match based on the easy factor. They don't want to admit that they took this match knowing it was going to be a win given to me. They don't want to admit to the fact that's all they are going to be remembered for now when this is all over. They were just the guys that would rather have things handed to them rather than work for them.

But I think the people that run from the truth the most though are the ones that run this company. Neither Christian or Mark want to come to terms with the truth that I am the best thing that's ever come to this roster. Neither one of them want to accept the truth that I'm better than every single person they signed before me or they will ever sign after me. They don't want to come to terms with the truth that I am without a doubt the present and the future of this company. They don't want to deal with the truth that every single thing they do to me and every single odd they stack against me ends up coming back to bite them in the ass. They don't want to admit the truth that I am soon enough going to be their Heavyweight Champion.

Thing is though people can only run from the truth so long before they finally cave and just give in. It's all a matter of time till Casey accepts the truth. All a matter of time till Simon and Ben accept the truth. All a matter of time before SCW and their management accept the truth as well. Best part about it will be the fact that I played a hand in all of it. I played a hand in getting them to realize it. Deny it now, but I know the truth and soon enough it'll all come to the surface.

Kingston paused for the moment as he looked at the cameras there in front of him. He was obviously a man that meant business and obviously he believed everything that was coming out of his mouth even if that meant no one else believed in him. At this stage though, there was one final message that he felt that he had to deliver. One that was the most important and one that would likely be the one that pissed off the most people, something he aimed for every single time.

Understand this much though Simon and Ben. You might get a win. SCW might look at this as a loss for me. You all might take pride and joy in stacking the odds against me the way you did... but in the end I always prevail. In the end I always come out looking like a million bucks. In the end I will BRING YOU LIBERTY or I will BRING YOU DEATH!

Like that there was nothing more he needed to say or wanted to say. Kingston just walked on out of the camera view headed to the right. Once he was out of the view the cameras stayed there for a second or two before fading out and leaving people on edge wondering what could happen when all four of these men hooked up in the ring against each other. Obviously, Kingston had his view on it and that could happen but it was a matter of seeing how he managed to make himself look good because that was the main thing in his book. Never the less it was a match no one wanted to miss because it was going to be something special.
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Offline Christian Underwood

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« Reply #5 on: October 06, 2013, 08:19:02 AM »
 The first RP period is over. All posts following this will be for RP period two.

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Ben Jordan

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« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2013, 12:18:52 PM »
 The calm ocean rolls up on the sandy shores of Trinidad, two wooden boats is seen on the half empty beach, one the right way up, one upside down. The camera moves to the front of the boat the right way up, peering over the top to see Ben Jordan laying across the wooden seats, his white shirt buttoned up wrong, and his tan khaki combat shorts half way down his leg on his left side. Ben blinks his eyes as the sun starts to move across the boat.

Ben: Now that was a good night.... I think.

Ben clears his throat as he exhales, sitting up a little, but quickly falling back down in to the same position.

Ben: Yeah, sitting up is not gonna work.

Ben lays in the same spot for a few second, his eyes closed again but a thumping sound is heard, fist on wood.

Ben: Bloody Nora, my dome is thumping.

Another thump is heard.

Ben: That sounds way too loud to be my dome. Someone stop that bloody thumping.

Another three thumps are heard. Ben puts his hand on the side of the boat, pulling himself over and landing face first in the sand. Ben lifts his head, spitting sand out of his mouth, a look of disgust on his face.

Ben: My mouth is drier than a nun's cu....


Ben thankfully stops speaking and turns his head to the upside down boat as another thump echoes from that area.

Ben: Now this has horror film written all over it. Never understood that. I mean if the house is dark, and you hear a noise, then light that bitch up like Blackpool illuminations before looking for the noise. It's not rocket science, is it? I mean come on, easy stuff.

Another thump distracts Ben. Ben pushes himself to his hands and knees as he looks towards the other boat. He looks up at the sun.

Ben: Bit like Blackpool lights I guess.

Ben stands up, moving towards the boat and banging on the top.


A voice calls out with a distinct Irish accent.

Voice: Oi! Me bloody 'ead!

A smiles crosses Ben's face as he lifts the boat over. Mickey Carroll lays in the sand, a bottle of beer in each hand. Ben looks down at Mickey as his eyes slowly open.

Mickey: Turn that light out.

Ben: It's the sun geez, can't turn that out.

Mickey sits up, his eyes blinking in the morning sun.

Ben: You shock me Mickey.

Mickey: I shock meself when I look in the mirror and think what a handsome fella I am.

Ben bites his lower lip.

Ben: Shocks me too, that mirrors don't shatter when ya put ya mug in 'em.

Mickey fires Ben a look of disgust.

Ben: What I was thinking is I was shocked that you could thump on the side of the boat without breaking those beer bottles on the side of the boat.

Mickey rolls on to his knees, slowly getting to his feet and looking at Ben, putting his arm out and offering a beer to Ben.

Mickey: I'm more shocked I didn't drink them both in me sleep.

Ben takes the bottle from Mickey.

Ben: Cheers

Ben and Mickey unscrew the caps and knock the bottles together before both men drink.

Ben: Surprisingly cold.

Mickey: Been in the shade all night.

The two turn to walk along the beach and away from the boats and up towards an area where beach front hotels and apartments are seen.

Mickey: So Benny boy, one last match?

Ben shades the sun from his eyes as the duo walk.

Ben: Yeah. Well, for now anyway.

Mickey: Ya an idiot Benny, total tit head for this.

Ben stops walking and looks at Mickey.

Mickey: Ya know why?

Ben: Enlighten me ol' ginger one!

Mickey stops to look at Ben.

Mickey: Well, you've gone and won title after title, competition after competition since ya got ya arse out of bed and got in a ring. In less than two years mate, you've kicked more arse than a wife beater. You now get plans put in front of ya that could make ya bigger than before and ya happy to toddle ya arse away from it all for what?

An uncomfortable look crosses Ben's face.

Ben: Mate, I've been like a teenager grabbing his first tit, shot too soon and now left with always setting impossible goals.

Mickey: So ya saying you shot ya load too soon with your success.

Ben: Yeah. My ACW stuff happened all too fast and I can't repeat what I've done in the past now.

Mickey: You can. Look at it this way you Cockney bellend. Not many people come out of where we come from and can claim any success.

Ben rubs his head.

Ben: You're right geez, but I wanna leave my legacy where it is. The most successful geezer to ever enter ACW. I'm happy with that. It doesn't mean I won't appear every now and again, show up in your promo stuff and on TV if needed, but I don't wanna get in the ring as much as I did before. Sometimes mate, you have to sit there and look back on all the things you've done and be proud of them, rather than sit back and think what could have been. I'll go out there and put my bollocks on the line here, have my "SCW moment" and be happy with that.

Mickey takes a long drink from his bottle before looking at Ben.

Mickey: We can have more success in this gaff Benny.

Ben: You can young Michael. You can go be the first paddy heavyweight champ in SCW. You could batter half these people, with ya minces closed.

Mickey: I could.

Ben: So do it son, SCW is where Mickey Carroll should beat the crap outta people, with his eyes closed. I'll be about if I'm needed but sometimes geez, other things just take the lead.

Mickey: So what's ya plan?

Ben: No idea. Maybe go home, throw some love back to the east end. Maybe sit on my arse and play FIFA all day. See people I miss, drink with the old lot of people, buy a boozer, sit in the pissing down of rain at a Millwall game to watch us lose. I want the simple things in life now Mickey, I wanna do the simple things, see the people I miss more often, wake up at noon with no stress, no hassle, no bollocks, no drama, just the nice easy simple life.

Mickey wrinkles his nose as he looks at Ben.

Mickey: So basically, you wanna become a boring bastard?

Ben pokes out his lower lip as he returns Mickey's stare.

Ben: Profound Mickey me ol' son, very profound, but yeah, boring bastard will suit me fine.

Mickey: I lay a score you won't be able to stay in on a Saturday night for more than a week.

Ben puts his free hand out, to shake Mickey's hand.

Ben: You're on son.

Mickey smiles and shakes Ben's hand.

Ben: I can do it geez. My bollocks will be on the line for this match. This match can have the full Ben Jordan experience, then I get to put my plates up and not worry for a while. I'll sit back on a Sunday and watch you drooling over random birds on television.

Mickey taps the side of his head with his finger.

Mickey: Just collecting images for the visual wank bank.

Ben: You're a sick man Mickey. It's the reason we get on so well.

The two knock the beer bottles together.

Mickey: Ya sure ya don't wanna stick around? I can get ya some strippers and beer.

Ben: So basically like last night?

Mickey: Exactly! What a night!

Mickey looks serious for a second or two.

Mickey: I think it was anyway.

Two females walk towards Ben and Mickey, one blonde, one redhead.

Blonde: Hey, it's the two guys from last night!

Ben and Mickey look at each other, both men slightly confused.

Redhead: You guys were so wasted last night.

Ben and Mickey once again exchange looks.

Ben: That doesn't sound like us two.

Mickey: Nope. Pissed, smashed, slaughtered, rat arsed, that sounds like us but waste, nah.

Blonde: Oh you was.

Redhead: Yeah, we was drinking together up there.

The redhead turns, pointing towards the direction of a bar, before turning back to Ben and Mickey.

Blonde: Last time we saw you...

The redhead points to Ben.

Blonde: You was running down the beach.

Ben scratches his head confused.

Ben: Why?

Redhead: You said you was off to find Nemo and ran.

Mickey bursts out laughing as Ben scratches his head.

Ben: Where was he?

Blonde: About thirty feet in front of you.

Ben: Why?

Redhead: You thought he was Nemo.

Mickey stops laughing and looks at the two women. Mickey looks seriously at them but his face brightens up.

Mickey: Sounds like a quiet night out really.

Ben: Yeah it does.

Mickey: Ladies, how about we continue last night, in about ten minutes.

Redhead: Why ten minutes?

Mickey looks towards Ben before quickly looking back towards the two women.

Mickey: I get this feeling Ben is about to click his fingers, the scene will freeze and he'll waffle on about his match at High Stakes III. I figure it will be about ten minutes of talking and he'll unfreeze us and we won't know anything he's been banging on about.

The two women look at Ben, both as confused as each other.

Blonde: How does that work?

Ben: Like this.

Ben clicks his fingers and everyone in the scene freezes.

Ben: It's like that ginger ninja knows me so well. Look, it had to be done so I can go and have a beer with these two ladies, so might as well crack on and get on with this now.

Ben raises his eyebrows.

Ben: Hello ladies and gents, lads and ladettes, birds and the butch, my name is Ben Jordan and it's time for a little promo concerning those two big fellas, one in terms of size, one in terms of star power - Casey Williams and Damien Kingston. Ah fellas, what a day Sunday promises to be, eh? We get ourselves a decent midcard match where we have to impress and it could lead to blinding things for some of us. For me, this is just a way to show you all what ya gonna be missing when I go kick off my boring life, but for you two and indeed Simon Jones, it's a chance to put yourself in the fellas in the boardroom's mind to give ya a kick up the ranks. It could be a big chance people and it's time to step up and show people what four talented geezers can do.

Ben gives a thumbs up to the camera.

Ben: Now we've all had a chance since this match was booked, to be creative and flap our gums a little bit and we've all taken up the offer and  I have sat between moments of sobriety, watching these things and gents, you're doing well here. You've picked up the ball and ran with it like a big geezer chasing cake.

Ben nods slowly.

Ben: Casey mate, you never fail to disappoint with your promo stuff. Quick, strong, straight to the point, bad arse, angry, looking like you're about to explode. I love that intensity Casey and you have every right to be proud of beating Jonesy, a former champion, a top level talent, I would be proud of beating Jonesy myself one on one. I love the fact that you now wanna sit there and beat me cause I beat you before. I love the challenge of facing ya Casey, but mate, as much as you wanna win this one, I can't see it happening. I mean this is a big ask of you to beat me Casey, big big ask my ol' mate.

Ben shrugs his shoulders.

Ben: You asked me a question or two Casey, please allow me to answer geez. How was my title reign? Well, I beat you, ACW decided they couldn't top my greatness and decided to close.

Ben laughs.

Ben: It was fun while it lasted Casey, it made people sit up and notice. I hope you enjoyed seeing me with that belt. I may not have had a chance to get out there and defend it against the biggest and best ACW had to offer, but triple crown Casey, that can not be replaced. Now saying you're going to force me in to retirement is a little daft Casey because I've already made it very clear this is my only match in SCW for the foreseeable future, made yaself look a bit thick and slow there, but never mind mate, most people didn't notice. You can call our last ACW match a fluke, I'm well happy you think that one geezer, well happy you did, because when it comes down to it and I prove it's not a fluke, there's gonna be some serious egg on your face. I mean serious egg on that mush of yours. It wasn't a fluke Casey, it was some top drawer work son. You wasn't exactly an easy opponent to get in the ring with, so calling it a fluke, when I had to work my bollocks off just to get there to beat ya, will make me prove that it wasn't a fluke, it was talent.

Ben tilts his head to the right.

Ben: Now taking my manhood....

Ben covers his... erm.... man parts.

Ben: You leave my Jacobs exactly where they are if ya don't mind. I don't play that game, hands off the jewels, alright?

Ben uncovers his man parts.

Ben: Right, done with him, now time to talk about Damien Kingston.

Ben taps the side of his chin with his forefinger.

Ben: Another impressive promo from the man of liberty. I can't knock that at all, but I need to know why you think you and Casey will explode? I mean look at it, you two could be one hell of a team but coming in to things thinking you can explode, then it will happen. I don't see how you two set to explode will drive you to victory, it makes less sense than a Rubix cube.

Ben drops his hands in front of his chest, gesturing as he speaks.

Ben: What I respect about you Kingston is the fact that you speak your mind and to hell with what people think. You are a man with his own brand of integrity, that is worth respecting. You step in to matches just like that.

Ben clicks his fingers.

Ben: And you make people look stupid, you put on a show, that is worth respecting. I have to thank you for thinking me and Jonesy are a super team, but here's the thing mate, me and Jonesy, never teamed before, never been on the same side before, but if you think we're like Batman and Robin, who am I to argue. You could be on to something before Jonesy and I have the same work ethic and we will be coming out with something to prove. Super team or not, we'll be looking like a billion dollars when we get in that right at High Stakes III.

Ben puts his hands together in front of his face.

Ben: It's almost like a bit of a love in with us Damien, you respect my work, I respect your work, this is why SCW is in for a huge treat come Sunday. You might not think that fella in your corner is that dangerous, but mate, I've seen what he can do. I've watched that huge right hand of his, he can be a monster. I base the fact that your talent and Casey's beast mode bollocks, against talent like me and Jonesy, this is gonna be a tag match each and every single wrestling fan in the world will wanna put their peepers on. I believe this is gonna be a fair match Damien, but I get what you're doing. I see that you're trying to get excuses in early, just in case. A part of my one match only return was because you was an opponent. Don't demean your own talent by making excuses already Damien, you are better than that, tons better.

Ben sighs deeply.

Ben: I show you respect, you show me attacks, but you are right. I am a nobody around here Damien and you should be glad about that, because if I was someone, you wouldn't even be remember here. Me being no one here is actually giving you a bit of a career, cause take it from a Triple Crown winner and Super J Cup winner, attention would be on me if I was a little more active and put myself about a bit. It would be Kingston who? Hey, that Ben guys on the card! You'd be unmarketable, considering it's so stuck in your head that the brass don't like ya, but pretty sure they'd like me.

Ben's face turns a little more serious.

Ben: Mate, you're passing me off like I've done nothing or beat no one with any credentials. Pal, I beat Misty in the final of the Super J Cup. Now I know you'll have something to say about beating a bird, buuuuuuuut, fact is, she's had way more success than you and beat way bigger people than you. I went out and beat about ten other teams, to win ACW tag gold, yeah, easy matches eh? I defended an ACW singles title for damn near a year, against everyone thrown at me.... easy matches yeah? You sit there and give it the big 'un about who I've beaten, who I have faced, blah blah blah, but I'll lay money on the fact that you know very little about me. I've lost twice in my career, just twice, do you know who they was against? Nope. I've beaten pretty much all that's been put in front of me and I will lay more money on the fact that IF I was to stick around, I reckon I will be the first man to pin you.

Ben nods.

Ben: Seriously, I reckon I could do it.

A confident look crosses Ben's face.

Ben: Anyway, I'll give ya a little taste at High Stakes III. Anyway my lovely people, Mickey's gonna buy a beer. Don't worry, this probably won't be the last ya see of me, but for now, sit back, enjoy the Cockney King in action and I'll guarantee, I will give you lot a quality match. Time to shoot, laters people.

Ben clicks his fingers and the scene starts to move again as the camera fades out.

Cockney King.
SCW World Heavyweight Champion
SCW Internet Champion
SCW Roulette Champion
SCW Tag Team Champion (3x)
SCU Underground champion
ACW's only Triple Crown Champion.
Super J Cup Winner 2013.
Twitter: @CockneyKingBen

Offline Simon Jones

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« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2013, 08:00:10 PM »
 The video opens with a blank, black screen, and part of a song is played, which contains the following lyrics:

#I say
#I don't like cricket oh no
#I love it
#I don't like cricket no no
#I love it

The song then stops, and the black screen fades away to be replaced by a shot of Simon Jones, who is sat on a bench, in front of a row of lockers, staring at the camera; Simon is wearing a white Warwickshire C.C.C. shirt and a pair of navy blue shorts. To the left of Simon, also on the bench, is a white sheet of paper; the paper has some text on it - printed in black - although the text is too small to be readable. Simon begins to speak.

Simon: 'If this video has been edited correctly, you will have just heard a piece of "Dreadlock Holiday" by 10cc. The reason for me choosing that particular song to accompany this video is that I am currently sat in a changing room that is located inside of the Queen's Park Oval, which, for those that are unaware, is a cricket ground that is situated in Port of Spain - the capital of Trinidad and Tobago. I know that the vast majority of people on the North America mainland are unfamiliar with cricket, but here in the West Indies, it is the most popular sport - and it is also one of my favourite sports.'

Simon leans back to rest his head against the locker behind him.

Simon: 'My home city of Birmingham - whilst now in the county of the West Midlands - was historically a part of Warwickshire, due to which, the county's cricket club is based in the city. During the nineties, Warwickshire had the best cricket team in England, which made it easy for me to become interested in the sport. And my all time favourite cricketer is Brian Lara, a batsman nicknamed "The Prince of Port of Spain." So, a couple of months ago, when I discovered that the final stop on SCW's tour of the Carribean was to be in Trinidad and Tobago, I knew that I had to visit this venue, which has the largest capacity of any cricket ground in the West Indies.'

Simon glances around the room, before looking back at the camera.

Simon: 'I will shortly be making use of some of the Oval's other facilities - specifically its gym. But, as I await the arrival of Jason O'Neil - who wants to test how well my left knee has recovered in the four and a half weeks since it was damaged by Casey Williams - I've decided to occupy myself by setting up a camera, so that I can use this spare time to discuss the big event that is fast approaching: High Stakes III. And I'm going to break the habit of a lifetime, by making some predictions for the show. However, I won't be predicting the outcome of the match that I'll be involved in on Sunday - no, I'm going to predict the outcome of the other ten matches that will take place that night.'

Simon leans forward and turns to pick up the sheet of paper from next to him on the bench; he grips the paper with both hands, and then turns back to face the camera.

Simon: 'I've printed out the card for High Stakes, so as to make sure that I don't forget any of the matches that are scheduled for Sunday night, which is why I am now holding this piece of paper. So, let's commence the predictions.'

Simon looks downwards, at the sheet of paper, as he reads the contents.

Simon: 'First up is the battle royal to determine who will join Misty in being one half of the Bombshell Tag Team Champions.'

Simon looks up at the camera.

Simon: 'I'd like to think that I know a bit about what it takes to be successful in a battle royal, with my debut in SCW having seen me be victorious in such a match. Regardless of that, I'm picking Vixen to be the last Bombshell standing.'

Simon lowers the sheet of paper, although he keeps it in his grasp.

Simon: 'Earlier this year, putting Misty and Vixen together on the same team would've made for an even more toxic combination than the duo that will be the opponents for Ben Jordan and myself on Sunday: Damien Kingston and Casey Williams. But with Misty having apparently turned over a new leaf, perhaps she and Vixen will now stand a better chance of coexisting - I believe we'll soon get to witness whether or not that is the case.'

Simon lifts the paper back up, before looking down at it again.

Simon: 'In the next match, I expect Brother Grimm to overcome Shane Spencer. After that, I think that Max Burke will again successfully defend the Roulette Championship against Steve Ramone.'

Simon looks up at the camera.

Simon: 'I'll leave the tag team match that follows that until later.'

Simon looks back to the sheet of paper.

Simon: 'I'm picking Roxanne to make the most of her size advantage, and overwhelm Amy Marshall and Necra Octavian Kane; I think that my namesake, Nick, will beat Tom Dudely; I'm going with Nessa Wall to retain the Bombshell Roulette Championship, against Traci Patterson and Mercedes Vargas; I believe that Despayre and Rage will defeat Young Money to become the new Tag Team Champions; I think that Goth will get the better of Kain; I'm picking Roxi Johnson to successfully defend the Bombshell Championship against Gothika...'

Simon looks up at the camera once more.

Simon: 'Forgive me for showing some bias, but I've got to side with my occasional tag team partner in that match.'

Simon looks back to the paper.

Simon: 'Which just leaves the main event, in which I believe that Drake Green will supplant Kevin Carter as the SCW Heavyweight Champion.'

With his right hand, Simon screws the sheet of paper up into a ball, before raising his head, and throwing the ball towards the camera; the ball of paper flies past the camera, to its left. Simon then shrugs his shoulders.

Simon: 'Oh well. Hopefully my aim will be better this Sunday, when I'm in the ring with Damien Kingston and Casey Williams. But before I say much more about that tag team match, I want to concentrate on the match between Kevin Carter and Drake Green a little longer.'

From out of sight, the Irish accent of Jason O'Neil is then heard.

Jason: 'What about the match between Kevin Carter and Drake Green?'

From the right of the shot, Jason walks into view, wearing a red t-shirt with the Nike logo on it, and a pair of black shorts; Simon turns to look at him.

Simon: 'Alright Jase?'

Jason nods his head; he then glances towards the camera, before looking back towards Simon.'

Jason: 'What are you up to?'

Simon: 'While I waited for you to arrive, I've been giving my views about the matches at High Stakes III - hence the presence of the camera.'

Maintaining eye contact with Jason, Simon motions in the direction of the camera with his hands.

Simon: 'Now that you're here, maybe you can help me with something - you've seen what Kevin Carter has had to say about Drake Green, haven't you?'

Jason: 'Yes; why?'

Simon: 'Then you can help me with something. Please come and stand next to me, and face the camera.'

Jason does as instructed, walking over to stand to Simon's left.

Simon: 'All I need you to do is stand there and answer a couple of questions that I'm going to ask.'

Jason: 'Okay.'

Simon: 'I'm about to pick apart some of the things that Kevin Carter had to say in relation to Drake Green, like Aaron Rodgers picking apart an opposing secondary.'

Simon turns his attention back to the camera.

Simon: 'Carter has criticised Drake for being a hypocrite. He also claimed that Drake has copied him, with the way that he acts. And he referred to Drake as a "phony" - a term that Damien Kingston previously used to describe Drake Green. But if Carter criticised Drake for supposedly copying him, only to then himself copy Damien Kingston, what does that make Kevin Carter, Jason?'

Jason: 'A hypocrite.'

Simon: 'Kevin Carter then stated that whatever Drake Green had done prior to his time in SCW was "irrelevant," before going on to criticise Drake for not having looked into Carter's past - Jason, if Kevin Carter criticised Drake for not having done something that he had also not done, what does that make him?'

Jason: 'A hypocrite.'

Simon: 'Kevin, Drake might be a bit of a hypocrite, but at least he admits it - he's certainly no worse than you.'

Simon turns to look at Jason.

Simon: 'Thanks for your assistance with that, Jase.'

Jason: 'No problem; I'm looking forward to watching Drake Green defeat Kevin Carter at High Stakes - after you and Ben Jordan are done beating Damien Kingston and Casey Williams, of course.'

Simon smiles.

Jason: 'I'll go and wait outside, until you're finished.'

Simon: 'Okay. I shouldn't be much longer.'

As Jason walks towards the right of the shot, before disappearing from view, Simon turns back to face the camera.

Simon: 'Time for me to quickly say a few words about my opponents for this Sunday - I don't want to keep Jason waiting too long; I'll start with Damien Kingston - the "man of many truths."'

Simon sighs.

Simon: 'I'm used to hearing fellow wrestlers - whether forthcoming opponents of mine, or wrestlers competing in other matches on the same show - claim that they are going to be victorious, but I can't recall ever having previously heard another wrestler state that they are expecting to lose. That, however, is exactly what Damien Kingston has done, which - given how self-assured he usually is - surprises me, regardless of how he feels about the man that he has been forced to team with at High Stakes.'

Simon looks down at the floor and pauses for a few seconds, before looking back at the camera.

Simon: 'Damien, you said that everyone on the SCW roster is good enough to beat Casey Williams, but then you also pointed out - as if I needed reminding - that I lost to Casey two and a half weeks ago. So what does that make me? The exception to the rule? The exception that proves the rule? You say that no-one expected that from me - well, on Sunday, I plan on living up to your expectations, by being on the winning side in our match.'

Simon quickly glances to his right, and then back to the camera.

Simon: 'One final thing, Damien: you said that people have forgotten about me, now that I am no longer the SCW Heavyweight Champion. Now, whether or not that is true - and in your mind, it clearly is - do you think it bothers me that those people have forgotten about me? Until last November, I had gone nine years without setting foot inside a wrestling ring - you think people didn't forget about me during that period? Of course they did! When I returned to wrestling, I had to remind those that had seen me in the past what I can do, as well as showing a new audience what I'm capable of. And seven months after getting back in the ring, I won the SCW Heavyweight Championship; you say it's too late for me to get myself back into the spotlight, headlining shows? I say, I've done it before, and I'll do it again.'

Simon nods his head, confidently, before continuing.

Simon: 'And so on to Damien's partner for the night: Casey Williams. Prior to our last encounter, Casey said that he would defeat me - and he has since taken great pleasure in telling anyone who will listen, that he did exactly what he said he was going to do. But how do you feel now Casey, knowing that your own partner has already written this match off as a lost cause?'

Simon leans towards the camera slightly, as if expecting to hear a response; he then leans backwards.

Simon: 'One thing I can safely say, is that Ben Jordan and I will not have any problems getting along as partners, but yourself and Damien, well, you two appear to be doomed to implode - which is only ever going to lead to one result: a win for me and Ben. Now, I know that a win on Sunday - a win in a tag team match - won't completely make up for the loss that I suffered at your hands a couple of weeks ago, but it'll be a step in the right direction. As for the time for proper redemption - that'll come at a later date.'

Simon gets up from the bench, continuing to look at the camera as he does so.

Simon: 'That's enough for now - time for me to let Jason put me through my paces. But I'm going to bring you with me.'

Simon takes a couple of steps towards the camera, before the scene fades away to another blank, black screen; a further portion of "Dreadlock Holiday" by 10cc is then played:

#Don't you walk thru' my words
#You got to show some respect
#Don't you walk thru' my words
#'Cause you ain't heard me out yet.

After the song stops, the screen fades away to a shot of Simon Jones and Jason O'Neil, who are still indoors, but are now stood by cricket practice nets; Simon is looking towards the camera, whilst Jason has his back to the camera - the view from the camera comes from one end of the cricket pitch, with the two men in the foreground of the shot, and with a wall visible at the far end of the pitch; Simon turns towards Jason, and is the first of the two to speak.

Simon: 'Okay, so what do you want me to do?'

Jason turns around, to look at Simon.

Jason: 'I want to check that your knee has recovered to the point of you now being able to run without having it cause you any pain.'

Simon: 'I've already told you, Jason, my knee is fine - it doesn't hurt any more if I try to run.'

Jason: 'I know, but I want to see it for myself. Now, how long is a cricket pitch?'

Simon: 'Twenty-two yards.'

Jason: 'Which is enough distance for what we need. I want you to sprint the length of the pitch - and I do mean sprint.'

Simon: 'Fine. I'll start the sprint from the other end - if I do it from here, I risk running into that wall at full speed.'

Simon walks to the opposite end of the pitch and then turns to face back towards the camera.

Jason: 'Whenever you're ready.'

Simon: 'Are you going to time me?'

Jason: 'Time isn't an issue - what's important is whether or not you feel any pain doing this.'

From a standing start, Simon begins to sprint along the pitch, from one end to the other, reaching the near end in between two and three seconds; after reaching the near end of the pitch, Simon slows down, coming to a halt out of view of the camera, before walking back into view shortly afterwards, and wandering over towards Jason.

Jason: 'How was that?'

Simon: 'It was fine - just as I told you it would be.'

Jason: 'Okay, but now I want to try something else: I want you do some shuttle runs, to see if you can change direction quickly without being in any pain.'

Simon: 'Alright. How many do you want me to do?'

Jason: 'Four lengths of the pitch should be enough.'

Simon begins to run towards the far end of the pitch, pacing himself this time, rather than sprinting; once he reaches the far end, he quickly turns and runs back towards the near end, before going on to repeat the process. As Simon nears the far end for the second time, Jason shouts towards him.

Jason 'Give me a sprint finish!'

Having made the final turn, Simon does as ordered, sprinting back towards the near end; after slowing to a walk, Simon strolls back over to Jason again, this time breathing slightly heavier.

Jason: 'So, how was that?'

Simon: 'That was fine too; are you satisfied now?'

Jason: 'Yeah, I am now - it certainly seems like you're going to be close to fully fit come Sunday.'

Simon: 'And fully prepared for my opponents. I'm just left wondering if - given that he has already consigned himself to a loss - Damien Kingston will stick around until the end of the match, or whether he'll walk out on the match, and leave Casey to fend for himself. I mean, he's already done it once before - what's to stop him from doing it again?'

Jason: 'People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, Simon.'

Simon: 'Fair enough, point taken.'

Simon glances towards the far end of the cricket pitch, before looking back to Jason.

Simon: 'So, first a sprint, then shuttle runs - this is almost like the NFL Scouting Combine; what are you going to have me do next - the bench press?'

Jason: 'Actually, I did have a weights session in mind. So, seeing as you brought it up, let's go and get started.'

The two men both turn and walk in the direction of the camera.

Simon: 'I set myself up for that one, didn't I?'

Jason: 'Yup.'

As they near the camera, the scene fades to black.

Offline Casey Williams

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« Reply #8 on: October 11, 2013, 02:39:40 PM »
 Scene 1-Annoyance

The scene shows Casey Williams, sitting down at a fancy restaurant in Trinidad, with his wife Laura, and their son, Nils Patrik.  Laura is feeding Nils a snack while looking at Casey like he is a caged animal.

Laura-”Casey, I am happy for you for speaking your mind and how you are gonna go after Simon and Ben, and proud of you for trying to make peace with Damien Kingston for this upcoming match.”

Casey looks at Laura, as she gets up to get a bottle of water before speaking again.

Casey-”Well, thanks, I guess.  I am more frustrated that after I tried to make peace with Damien, he had the gall to run his mouth about me.”

Laura-”Well, does that really surprise you though, knowing how Damien doesn‘t really play well with others?“

Casey growls with joy after hearing Nils giggle in the background.

Casey-”You know, not really.  I mean, the guy is so selfish, that he really doesn‘t care who he has to hurt to get what he wants.  Hell, I would do the same thing in his shoes.”

Laura-”Yeah, but you also know that you have to focus on facing Simon Jones and Ben Jordan, not so much what Damien will or will not do.”

Casey-”You are absolutely right, but I feel like I am in a 3-on-1 handicap match opposed to a tag team match, the way Damien is and all.  Then again, with my size, that shouldn‘t be a problem. I mean, look at how many handicap matches guys like Andre the Giant had in his career, and did he let that stop him.”

Laura-”I seriously doubt it.”

Casey, looking proud, kisses his wife, while the scene fades to black.

Scene 2-Cocky, yet Confident

The scene shows Casey Williams relaxing in the locker room at the Turtle Rock Beach in Trinidad, where Casey Williams is involved in a tag team grudge match, teaming with a foe in Damien Kingston, and they go up against a man who Casey has been in a bitter rivalry with as of late in Simon Jones, and the man who beat Casey at the last ACW show, Massacre at Moncton, Ben Jordan.  Casey then calls out his rival, Simon, first.

“Hey Simon, you want to know how I feel about Damien writing me off before our match?  Well, let me tell you.  I feel that he has every right to do that, but then again, who here has won championship gold around here?  Not him.  In fact, the only two who have won gold in this match are you and me.  Which makes us the 2 best men in this match.  I know that lately I have been on a losing streak until I faced you, but that is neither here nor there.  You can talk about Damien and my so-called implosion all you want, but when we destroy you and Ben and get our hands raised in victory, we will have proven that we are as good as we think we are, and that you and Ben are nothing more than the joke Damien thinks I am.”

Casey then smiles, and talks to Ben Jordan.

“Hey Ben, you can say how this is going to be your only match in SCW for the foreseeable future all you want.  The truth of the matter is you won’t last when I get done with you.  When we step inside the six sided ring, you will be the one on the losing end, and that Damien and I, despite our dislike for each other, will prove to be too much for you and Simon Jones.  I will show you and the world that as good as you may have been in ACW, I am the only one in this match that has won multiple titles here in SCW.  Yeah, Simon has held the top title, where I have not, but my 2 title reigns were just as good as Simon‘s one.  You can talk about how good you are and everything, but the fans here in SCW don‘t know how good you are, except at cutting a promo.  The fans know how good Simon, Damien and I are, and the fans know that as of right now, you are the weak link.”

Casey gives a cynical laugh and walks out of the locker room and towards the bathroom, with a smile on his face, content with himself as the scene fades to black.


SCW Title's held (and reign)
1x Roulette title reign from 05/20/12 to 8/02/12
1x Tag team title reign (w/ Jordan Williams) from 3/18/12 to 4/29/12
Hall of Famer class of 2020