Author Topic: my quest to obtain the championship  (Read 378 times)

Offline Goth

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my quest to obtain the championship
« on: August 30, 2013, 07:56:00 PM »
 A shot at the gold…., My life…. My story…, my everything…,

A championship goal…, it seems to have been so God damn long that I once had a shot at the World championship… or whatever you want to call it these days. Global Championship, Universal Championship… World championship.., in the end it will come down to the fact that you got what others want. And guess what?? I want it to…, I deserve it..,

I once remembered the day that I had my first shot at the big one, competing at the one federation at that time that I thought that mattered. The one federation that I never thought I would ever go away from, then again. I never thought it would eventually close their doors, the one championship belt that I felt that it meant something to have held, even if it was just for one week.


Because who wouldn’t want to be a part of a legacy that you will be remembered as champion? Who wouldn’t wanted to be recognized as one that paved the legacy of that championship belt as a champion? To put your name on the golden dotted line and make your historical step to something that others haven’t done???

Its like I have a dream…, famous words I know. Words that once were spoken by a man that had a dream of having the grandchildren of slaves and slave keepers join hand in hand. A dream where people would share love and be each others equal instead of looking down upon others. I have a dream indeed, a dream that I once again be an equal of those who came before me. I have a dream that I once again be recognized as someone that mattered… I have a dream that once a name that is called Goth is whispered with respect. Not being taunted at, not being destroyed as a nobody, not as being laughed at as I have not achieved riches as I have done in the past…..,

The first night I became champion, a night I would never forget. Beating down a man that I have come to respect, a man that went on to greatness and multiple title reigns. A man that I learned so much from as I became his equal that given night, only to have it been taken away from me the week after. A moment where I realised my equality was destroyed in an instance… realising that my quest for gold was shattered like that. Do I blame the owners? Do I blame them for putting me in a match that it was impossible to win? Or do I blame myself??? I know now that it was all me that fucked up….,

Six months, it took me six months to get my gold back… and boy did I ever destroy the competition the months that followed? Did I ever become the thorn to the side of everyone who dared to take me down… who dared to oppose me and question my own ability. Those who dared to knock me off my throne, only to be crushed by these bare hands and my arrogance that made me who I am today. To try to wake the wrath of the Goth is something that I have cherished for eternity. The wrath of the Goth, one future of the one is the demise of the other. For whom the bell tolls is a song that simplifies the quest at hand that I used in the years that followed.

The only man in GWA history, its five year epic history that has held the Global Championhsip for a record four times. The only man that has quested his own thirst to be the very best, to improve records. To put others into shame, to hold the championship belts that I have held with pride… only to wonder when the next time would come that I would hold the big one once more….

I ask you to ask yourself, when is a mans thirst for competition gone? When is it the moment where you would ask yourself when it was enough? Oh sure, I would not dare to go to the lengths of being a Ric Flairs age and still fight the test of time. I would not dare to become Father Time and age while the others just get younger and faster. But until the axe has fallen down upon my face and blast my dreams into a million pieces. The world has not sent he last of me…

The truth hurts doesn’t it?? The truth that you wished that I would never come to this position in the first place. The reason why people hate me so much, is because they do not know how I have become… become the man that I was destined to be. The man that knows all when it comes down to wrestling gold… the man that combines mental anguish with physical torture in a fashion that you would only dare to dream about…. Hatred is a way of respect, hatred is a sign that you have wished it was you… Hatred shows your weakness upon one man, one man that is so much more than just merely that one man…

Soon I will open up my eyes and these words that I have spoken upon you will echo through the minds of many. Once a simple man, a son of a carpenter and a pregnant virgin grew to be the most loved and hated man. He once hung up high on the mountain of Golgotha, dying for their sins… as he had a dream also. A dream where people would speak out of his deeds in all languages, to have the world put down their weaponry and disregard the hatred that ages upon ages have been build all destroyed in an instant flash. Crumbled upon the might of one mans ability to be human, to be weak. To be just merely flesh and bones… as I am just like that, the flesh and bones of that what are millions before me and after. Flesh and bones that can tear and break, flesh and bones that in the minds of those who oppose me will stop me from my quest. My quest of once again be champion… a quest that I have held dear to my heart for too long… I am coming for you… the thirst has begun once more… as I have a dream….

New York City, New York.

Goth’s home, the penthouse that only the richest of the rich can afford. His trophy room is filled with the many championships that he has earned over the years in many different federations. The gold that he has won at the GWA placed high and proud as the many golden belts that he won there created his legacy that he still lives on to this very day.

We see him stare at the golden belts, the belt that he wore as the final world champion of the federation that was called Pryde. It died off after rising from the ashes of another federation. The AWA championship belts that he has created of his own federation are stored underneath each other at a different wall, showcasing all the men that has gained the golden belts. Creating a wealth for this man that is unheard off. But the camera suddenly moves to a different wall, a wall that states the name of the SCW… missing the World heavyweight championship.

As the camera moves back towards Goth we see Pussy Willow be seated opposite him, she is waiting for her cue to get her interview started with the man that will be facing the World champion this coming week.

Willow: Goth, thank you for having me here today to talk about your championship match this coming week.

Goth: The pleasure is all mine.

Willow: Before we start on your match, I would like to go through your long career. As many of our older viewers may know you from the GWA, but I feel there are still a lot of young viewers that may just heard you by name.

Goth: By all means, go ahead.

Willow: Thank you, first of all. I want to ask you how does it feel to look back at your career. Seeing all these championship belts on the walls, that you are still wrestling?

Goth chuckles as he understands her question.

Goth: You make it sound like I am already at the age of seventy Willow, how do I feel? It feels like I am withstanding the test of time and still able to compete at a level that is worthy of making me a champion.

Willow: So you feel that you can still headline PPV shows as the world champion?

Goth: If I didn’t, then why would I be wasting my God given talent Willow?

She nods in agreement as she looks down upon her cards and comes up with her next question.

Willow: In the GWA you were known to be a man that was labelled as a mere hardcore wrestler. Many of the critics back then claimed you would not achieve to any heights. How did you feel about their criticism?

Goth: How I felt? I felt like I had to prove something, I felt that after wrestling the indy leagues for so long that I finally had at least done something right. I mean, I came from a background of wrestling sheds and gymnasiums, to the spotlights of the big arenas. I am sure that they watched some tapes of me doing some death defying moves, but come on. Me just merely a hardcore wrestler? Oh no, I took that as a motivation to prove them wrong.

Willow: How would you describe yourself then?

Goth starts to think for a few moments, rubbing his chin before answering her question.

Goth: A mere hardcore wrestler.

Willow: But you…,

Goth grins as he sees her reaction to his answer. Clearly not expecting his answer to what she wanted to know from him.

Goth: You see, I give people what they want. Oh and I am aware to the fact that in Hardcore or extreme matches that I excel. That I feel as if I am growing to a level that I have never thought that it was possible for anyone out there to reach. But you see Willow, even though I did win the most championship matches in these type of matches. I excelled in where others never thought I would be capable of doing. I remember how I put Chaos to sleep in my quest to take away his contender spot for the big one. I was destined to face the United States champion. That was my level of ability that they thought I was going for. I was just another example of a Good wrestler. Nothing more and nothing less, even when they realised that I had some of the best moves in this industry… I was still in their minds a gamble that they did not wanted to take a risk upon.

Willow: Your first championship match you won was a First Blood match.

Goth: Ah yes, the Airborne championship. A match where I was called a fluke. Winning a title because someone else blasted the belt in my opponents face. A reality that I could care less for, a win is a win isn’t it??

Willow: Yes, but…

Goth: You see Willow, I could talk about every title that I have captured in the GWA. But then we would be here until the next year. And then my title shot would have been long gone, no Willow. Lets talk about those what really sets the tone… wouldn’t you agree?

Willow nods her head, shuffling her cards until she finally comes to the right one.

Willow: In your second ever title match for the Global championship, you earned the title by beating Staniak. What did that for you??

Goth: That title match was the combination of several things, the fact that I could win a championship belt that mattered made me realise that I wasn’t just a good wrestler. The problem alone is that I lost it the week after.

Willow: How did you feel about that?

Goth: I realised that I did not sacrificed everything that I needed to sacrifice. But that was something I realised months afterwards.

Willow: What do you mean?

Goth: What kind of champion would want to look down upon his career, realising that he has climbed that ladder of success for such a long time. Finally obtaining that one goal in life and then have it snatched away from you? Just because you had your eyes set on a big paycheck. Forgetting what comes with being the champion? Realising that the bulls eye on the chest of the champions that I was aiming for… was now on mine, realising that I did not perform on the way I knew how I could. I forgot to deliver the goods.

Goth: How would you feel if you realised that this was the only time that you have held a championship like that? Knowing that you fucked up and never could obtain that same level of greatness? Thinking back many years afterwards and realise that I did not go to the limits of my ability… knowing that I fucked up. Fucking up in this line of sports will never be accepted Willow… perhaps that’s something you don’t know a damn thing about or do you??

Willow sits there, letting the words of the wrestler sink in before giving an answer.

Willow: I cannot say that I ever was in that kind of position, but in my line of work I need to be on the edge at all time.

Willow: Did you ever doubt if you would get another chance at the gold?

Goth: I would be lying that I would have scratched my head in the six months that followed. Six months Willow, six months without even having that title rematch. Six months where I was surpassed by others… six months until I did the unthinkable… not just winning the big one, but destroy those who I never thought I could ever destroy in my entire life. Eleven men elimination Hell in a Cell match. Being allowed to bring in a weapon and fight until there is only one man left…. A night that made the critics say that they were right.

Willow: What you mean??

Goth: The fact that I was nothing more than a hardcore wrestler… but at least someone that had a heart and passion.

Willow: After a long title reign, you had two more championship reigns. Can you please tell me which of these title reigns meant the most to you?

Goth: What title reign meant more? I mean come on now Willow, the first was the breaking in of the virginity that I had to fight for to be broken for almost a year. The second was without a doubt one of the sweetest and the hardest fought victory that I have ever gone through. Eleven men inside a cell, eliminiation match with weaponry at hands. People I got bombed off the top of the cell, landing on the man to pin and beat for the gold. I did it on my own, I did not needed any help from anyone. Hell, ask Nathaniel Havok. That guy will tell the world that I did the unthinkable and I made the world pay for betraying me.. the third? It was a goal of the riches, I beat a guy that was a machine they said. I beat a guy that was a wrecking ball he said.. I beat a guy that once trusted me before I betrayed him… SO HE SAID!! Now you just realise that have done so much in the past of trust issues and breaking them… or being broken.. but I always came out on top… and the fourth? Lets just say that it was the most historical feat that I have ever gone through in life. Becoming the only… I will rephrase that for you…. THE ONLY four time Global Wrestling Alliance Global champion. Something I cherish until the end of time. To be out there, being once the nobody and then someone that people nowadays want to be like.

Goth: To be that man, to have grown out of the shell of just being a hardcore wrestler… to become the most dominant champion in HISTORY of that company… that tells something now doesn’t it?? It shows you that I am beyond words that are spoken by airheads, that I am beyond the written words of those who never watched a match in their entire life. Airheads fill the airspace a lot I have learned since the first day I stepped foot inside that squared circle. Whether you call them Al Cohol, Grinder, Mark Underwood and his shiny partner. I could give a rats ass about that… it’s all about what I want and I want that gold around my waist once more.

Willow: Do you think you still have what it takes to be champion once more?? I mean it has been how many years since you held that Global championship? I know that you went on and become a successful owner, but that means no competition on a weekly basis. I….

Goth cuts her off as he smirks towards her as he puts his finger to his lips, signalling her to shut up.

Goth: Let me guess, you were going to say I wonder right??

Willow: Well…,

Goth: Why don’t you just shut up and listen to a man that has not held a world title that mattered in like six years. Oh sure, I have been an owner for almost that period of time. Sure I have held a world title here and there in federations that died off shortly after. Federations that people never seemed to be interested in…. or so they want you to believe. I mean come on now, I have held more titles in my career than Casey Williams has ever had dates. More championships than Kain has ever had the opportunity to go…. Oh no, I can’t say that on national television now can I??

His eyes show that he was about to say something unfitting to the ears of our youthful fans.

Goth: You see little girl, with every passing of an era that I have held a title I changed. I evolved into something that the world didn’t thought it was possible for me to go to. I went from the brawler to the mastermind, I went from the mastermind to the King of Kings. Something beyond that what Kain is trying to act on a Kellogs cereal box. Imitation is the worst case of flattery when it comes to ruining what I tried to build… I changed from the King of Kings to the master that became the Devil. Oh no, I am not going to play the Muppet charade that Nathaniel wishes us to believe. I was the real deal… and until this very day, nobody has ever gotten the point how I evolved… what I evolved into. I have grown into the likes of the few that deserve another title shot.

Willow: And this coming show, you have the opportunity to face the man that became world champion at our last PPV extravaganza. Winning the World title

Goth: And I applaud him, I know what it is like to come from somewhere and seem to be impossible to achieve riches… and then shock the world and do it. To have men that they expected that would win it and those who were the lucky guesses. It happens, it can make a career… but if you don’t watch out… it will cost yours before it even started.

Willow: How do you see your chances against Kevin Carter???

Goth: How do you see your chances grow of becoming a serious interviewer Willow? No, seriously. My chances going into a battle like this? They are as always, fifty percent. You either win or you lose, oh sure you have the opportunity to be counted out, disqualified or have someone run away. But that’s something I’ll have to gamble going into a match like this. But I see my chances going into this match as a good one, good enough to take away the cloud that he is riding on. Take away that championship belt, take away his run that he is on… and most of all… take away the weight that the championship belt will have on him.

Willow: I have a few more questions, I…,

Goth: I am sorry Willow. But I feel that I have said enough on this moment of time. I want to ask you to leave as I got some stuff that I want to address some people on my own.

He stares her into the eyes as she gets the message that her job is done and gets up and leaves, Goth watches her as she is leaving the room before letting out a sigh of relief.

Goth: And I thought that Page Harris was worse, but it is always a good thing that they get a clue for a change.

He chuckles as he undoes the top buttons to his blouse and reveals a part of his chest, his familiar tattoos are slowly getting visible as he grabs a bottle of Scotch. He pours in a glass of Scotch and takes a drink from it.

Goth: That hit the spot, oh I am sure that the people have enough of my rambling as my opponent will undoubtedly will say to me. But you know what? Just like Carrey once said in a movie, that’s how the cooki crumbles kids.

He grins as he takes another swig of his glass before placing it on the table next to him before wiping his lips dry.

Goth: But before I go towards that one main target that I got my sights set upon… I got a few things to say. So bear with me folks, but the Gothic One has got some overtime talking to do. And where to start?? Oh yes, with my favourite ignorant friend… Kain…, how are you doing my friend??

Goth opens his arms as if he is greeting an old friend but ultimately bursts out in laughter.

Goth: Look at me now Kain, I made sure that you did not regained your tag team titles that you once desired so much. Oh sure, I am not holding them anymore. But at this moment, who is complaining? Not me for sure, but then again… how are you?? I mean where are you now? The King of Kings who supposedly is better than me, what are you doing at this moment big oaf? Are you in a shot at the World championship? Oh wait, no of course not. I AM!! I wonder how it feels for your arrogance to see your successor do something this coming week, something that you have so far not managed to do. To take home the big one, that must be eating you inside now huh Kain???

Goth: Oh and I know how you work, I know how you think. I know that from the outside you would never admit to these words, you will just say that I am lying. That I would not achieve that goal, that I am just wasting my time and energy on this shot. That I should be wasting more time upon you, time that I am spending on ducking you. Because that’s how you work huh Kain? I was the one that challenged you, I was the one that wanted that match and never did anything to make it happen.

Goth chuckles as he shakes his head while unbuttoning some more of his blouse revealing more of his physique.

Goth: Have you forgotten that I do not run thes how here? How you were hiding behind your duty as a tag team champion to defend those titles? How you hid behind excuses like you are hiding behind the skirt of a woman? Is that how a King works these days Kain?? Deep down inside I know that you are burning inside with jealousy, that I will take home something that you are unable to do. Just like I did with all these championship belts that I have obtained… how many times have you had your hand risen in glory for a golden title?? Try to speak out without lying through your teeth Kain…. It would only suit you as a human being… instead of just being a clown and a coward.

Goth: It would only build to our big rivalry Kain… to have you fight for your only title htat you got left. That title that you believe is still yours to use, the one title that I gave you when I assumed you were the future of MY company. The AWA, where you were crowned my King of Kings… to be like me in the years to come. But look at you now?? A shed of your former self, oh sure that has beaten me here. I admit, you did… but then again… what was on the line at that moment? Nothing Kain, no championship, no glorious risk of losing all that you fought for. Oh no Kain, you never knew what it was like to take a risk of losing it all….

He lowers his head as he watches him self pouring another glass of Scotch before emptying it in one swift motion.

Goth: And you know something Kain? I could have had my lawyers do my dirty laundry for me, I could have sued you for using a title that you could never use again. That King of King title is trade marketed by AWA industries.. did you ever ask me for my permission? Did you ever pay me a dime for using that title? Oh no Kain, beating you in court would have given me the satisfaction of emptying your pockets until the final dime. But what would I do afterwards Kain? Watch you struggle as a garbage man? Have your wife clean toilets at a local fast food restaurant? Have your children polish men their shoes for a lousy buck?

Goth: Or would I put yourself to shame? By dragging you through the court of the Gothic One? The man that loaned you that title and is about to take that away. You see Kain, I would put it all on the line, my career. My title as the King of Kings as well as the World title that I would be obtaining this coming show. Just watch, just watch me walk out the first ever show with that title over my shoulder. To have my woman stand beside me and watch the world stand in awe, after more than six years be a world champion once more. A champion of a federation that the world look up to in awe. To put that on the line as well, giving you hope. A final hope of obtaining a championship, making you believe that your past accomplishment make you think that lightning could strike again. Putting your King of Kings rip off against the title would be your downfall even more Kain. And you know why??

He rips off the shirt and throws it away, revealing his muscular upper body and the scars that show up from the past wars he has been through.

Goth: Because you are so full of yourself. Believing your own lies, your own stinking lying word by word as if you are truly that great. You cannot live with the fact that I would always be better than you and even a single handed loss would not change that one damn thing. Admit it Kain, you are just another excuse for a lousy competitor that once got a break. You still are angered over what I did to you, believing that I am doing this because I could not do it the first time.

Goth: The truth is so far more away from that Kain, the reality of it all is this Kain… at that given moment you were not worth the bloodshed that I want to spill on that given night when it finally will happen. You made it so much more personal that I cannot think of anything else but thank you. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to become champion, thank you for ruining another mans career. Thank you for giving me that greed one more time to destroy someone else… you see Kain. If it wasn’t for you, I would not be here in the first place. If it was not for you, I would not become champion of this company. You have no one else to blame, but yourself. How does that make you feel when the realisation sinks in hun Kain? Oh I am sure that it is difficult for you, because lets be honest Kain. You never could do anything else but look at yourself. Your capability to think of other peoples misery is never something that you had to worry about now was it Kain? No, you had your stinking wife to soothe your ego when you were mad. When you got beaten down, she was the one that would say that it was not your fault. I wonder how long you will be able to believe her lies to get another good night sleep, without having to hear her husband weep in misery as he tries to fall asleep.

Goth puts his finger to his face and pretends to wipe a tear away from his face.

Goth: Man up Kain, because when I take away that what you got left… I at least want to take it away from a man that has got some dignity left. Not a crying bitch….

Goth pours a final glass of Scotch before putting the bottle down.

Goth: Then there were you two Mark and Chris. I am surprised that you would take that gamble guys. Putting a man of a different federation, a fellow fed head in the main event for the World title. How much of a risk would it be for you, to see me with your gold on my shows? Oh don’t worry, I am not that much of a risk now am I??  I just never thought you would do it, I mean lets be honest. I am not one of the young guns, I am not one of the guys who has been a winner as of late. Or is there something else behind the reason of putting me in this match?

Goth: It cannot be the fact that you want people to think that I don’t have it anymore huh? That you want to give your champion a simple match, against a jobber who is past his prime huh? I just hope that it wasn’t a good laugh over a good drink before signing the dotted line. Because you must be aware that when it comes to the World title, I am on my best… I am always planning to take home the gold. No matter who I am facing, I just don’t care.

He finishes his final glass before placing the glass next to the bottle as he stares into the camera.

Goth: Or were you just hoping that I would rid this kid from his world title? Believing that you would do me and him a favour? Believing that he is just not ready to have a reign at this moment for that championship belt. Believing that you owe me a favour for having me help you guys out, helping you out with that little struggle you once had with that Staggs fellow. Because lets be honest, at one given moment you lost all the gold. All the gold except for the tag team titles that me and Grimm took away from them. Giving your men hope once more, making them believe that there was still a grasp of hope and taking it to the point where you once again got it all.

Goth: So I would just have to thank you for this huh? It only shows that you as business men are just aweful. I only asked for one thing, one thing. To have that one match, that one match where Kain would put it ALL on the line. And now I got this?? I am sorry that I just don’t start to hop on my legs of joy and start to wiggle my tail in happiness like a dog would when I got fetched a stick. You see boys, I am going to take this opportunity to give Kain a signal. A signal that I am going to do this what I am going to do to the champion to him. What I will do to Kevin Carter is that what should happen against Kain. And there is nothing that you guys or Kain can do about it, just watch and pretend to enjoy it. Because people these days still believe that I am just an ordinary Hardcore wrestler that got lucky all these years. I am going to make them realise that luck is all it takes for people like Kain, people like our owners and our champion to get where they are today. But luck is not something that I need to get where I am today, I need my God given talent, my sadistic nature and my ability to take away the gold.

Goth: So I hope you made a right decision boys, because if my career hasn’t made you realise anything else but the fact that I am a killer. Than you have made the right decision, or else it was a gamble that paid off in the wrong way. But then again, as if I ever cared about how you two felt in the first place…..,

Goth: And then we got the champion, I applaud you son. I applaud you for winning that big matcha t the PPV. Winning the world title by beating everyone in that match, great names. Great talents. Some of them I have faced and either I won or lost, and again a great feat for you to do so. Because now, now you are the top dog in this company. The man that has got all eyes set on your championship belt that you got around your waist, I would be lying that I am not one of them… seeing that I am the first guy that is lined up to take away that belt.. because I believe it should be mine in the first place.

Goth: And then again, it is up to you to prove me wrong huh?

His eyes are shining, he is enjoying the fact that he is facing the world champion in his first title defence. He closes his left hand and puts his fist in his right as he squeezes it.

Goth: I know how it is, winning a huge match. Feeling the hype, the joy running through your body. Your first world title in this federation, working your ass of for so long to obtain it. And when you have it, you feel like nobody is able to take it away form you huh? Already having those thoughts running through your mind how far you would be in how many months from now. The phone calls that never stop, the attention from everywhere that is non stop. People that believe that they own you, that they want to be seen with you. Ahh yes, the drama that could either make you or break you. The perfect test for a world champion to see if he is capable to withstand everything that will be thrown at you.

Goth: Even the Gothic One….,

He lets go off his fist and raises his hand to his face, he stares at the fingers that he slowly opens up. He sees the scars on his fingers, he sees the veins on his arm and he seems to be mesmerised by it for a few moments.

Goth: Even though I respect you Kevin, there is one thing I must do. I must show you that I feel that I am a better champion than you. I must show you that I should be the one that holds that championship belt, just like you showed the world that you were a better champion than any of the other five men you faced. I must show the world that I am the one that will dethrone you from your golden ticket to make a name for yourself. Don’t worry, its merely business to do something like that… again, I got nothing personal against you son… you just don’t deserve that belt… at least I am honest.

Goth chuckles as he repeats that final word in a soft whisper.

Goth: Isn’t that just a terrible word in a world that we live in huh Kevin? Honesty? As if anyone we face in this industry is truly honest with another man or woman. The reality of it all is that honesty is such a cliché in our line of work. Because in everyone’s mind when you enter this world, honesty is showing the world that you dare to show your softer side. To show the world that you are vulnerable, that you show a side that we don’t want to world to witness as we all are egotistic maniacs huh Kevin?? I know you agree… we all do don’t we?? Men like Kain would, because they don’t know anything else besides their mouth filled with profanity and bullshit….

Goth: But you? You are different aren’t you? That’s why I can be honest. You see Kevin, the honest man that I am is just unlike those who you have faced in the past. My honesty leads to show you what I have in mind, the honesty I preach shows you that I do not mind to show a vulnerability that in the long run will become my thirst for your success and your gold. Because lets face it, even with all the millions that I have made, with all the championship belts that I have obtained… it is never enough Kevin. You see, besides the fact that I want to be called champion once more… I want to stick it to the one man that will be unable to sleep at night. screaming out my name in his dreams. Keeping his wife up from her sleep, worrying for his own well being.

He licks his lips as he is truly enjoying what he is aiming at with his intentions of taking away the World title from his opponent.

Goth: You see, I can understand that you feel the need to show the world that you are a truly worth of being the champion. In your mind you are, you beat those five other competitors that were great competition. In your mind compared to that match, this will just be easy for you huh Kevin? In your mind I do not deserve this shot, in your mind you have fought for this opportunity for so long. That you are not willing to let go off this belt.

Goth: And yet Kevin, my thirst for that belt is something that I have to showcase in the end. To prove to you that my thirst is even far more than yours ever could be huh? Because you are the one that is already at the top, looking down upon every hunger filled challenger that wants his belt back. Looking down upon those, waiting for the attack to happen. For the first hungry driven bite to sink down at your reign… until the bites are finally taking their toll upon you.

Goth: So tell me Kevin, are you ready? Are you ready to finally defend that belt for the first time? Because we all know the saying don’t we? It’s rough to win the championship, but it is even harder to keep it. I want to look into your eyes, I want to see if there is a shadow of doubt running through your mind behind the eyes that seem to be so confident. I want to taste it, I want to smell the doubt whether you can do it or not. To have that fight within our fight. The fight of who will snap first and who will choke….

Goth: It has been six long years since I have held a belt that meant something Kevin, six long years. Oh sure, running a federation made me decide retiring for a moment. But you see, unlike those who retire at an age that their bodies wont function anymore as they should… it would be normal. But to a man like me, a man who lives on fighting. A man that lives on success, a man that lives on putting people down and look down on others. It is something that I live for, it is something that I am willing to die for Kevin….

His eyes are showing the intensity that he has. His will to become champion once more in a new federation. To complete his already successful career.

Goth: I need that belt, not only to show Kain that he is just a fly that tries to hide at my wall. hoping for an attempt to make you itch. No Kevin, I need that belt because I was born to be champion. I need that belt because I need to prove to myself that there is nothing in this world that is better than me. You just happened to be at the wrong time at the right place my friend. But to be honest, I don’t think you deserve to be called champion. Winning a six pack challenge is something. But in my views, you do not deserve it until you beat me for it.

Goth: I don’t see that thirst in you, I don’t see the desire in you that I have. I do not see that burning desire inside of you that is willing to do whatever it is you need to do to keep that belt. You see my friend, I am sure when you have processed these words that I am saying to you, you will be uttering that you do. But saying the words doesn’t mean it, I need to feel it. I ask you to put it all on the line my friend, because that’s what I expect from somebody that says he is a champion. A champion, how sad must it be for you to wake up the night after our fight and realise that the belt is gone already. To be a champion and fails in your first title defence, a champion that will be remembered by the people as a choke artist. A champion that wishes to hide in shame afterwards, trying to take a warm shower and wash away the shame that will follow you for the rest of your existence… I know how that feels Kevin…

He chuckles, he lets his hand run over his cheek for a few moments before looking into the camera.

Goth: It seperates the boys from the men, it is almost as if you have lost your virginity to another person…. Only to expect it to happen in a romantic way, but in the long run realise that it ended up in a three minute screw job. Making you feel dirty Kevin, making you wonder if it was all worth it in the first place. Because inside that ring Kevin, I wont give you one second to breathe. I will wrestle you until you cannot go anymore. I need to prove the world that I am still up to it, I need to prove you and the boys in the back that I deserve that championship. There are those who believe that I do not deserve this championship opportunity, wishing that they could stab me in the back when they have the opportunity to do so.

Goth: My hands are itching, itching for success. My body is aching, aching for me to undergo everything that I need to put my body through to get what I want. Tell me Kevin, what is it that you would do to a man that would go through everything that a human being can endure to take away your belt. What would you do to me Kevin? I will tell you what you are going to do. You will fight, you will put yourself through everything that you know what you are capable off. And seeing that you are the champion of this federatin, that must be a lot. But that’s just it, you know nothing. Your mind is not capable to block out to the pain that I will put your mind and body to go through. Because in the end Kevin, all that matters to me is to be called World heavyweight champion once more. To be recognized as the greatest wrestler of all time, to be more than just a hardcore wrestler that knows to accept pain and to dish out pain to get what I want. Because in the end, I am going to be the one that is going to be left standing, I am going to be the one that will look down upon your body and admit to you that you put up a hell of a fight. I am going to make you struggle to defend that championship, but in the end… a struggling man does not deserve that belt Kevin. A struggling man needs to be someone that claws for ends meet, a struggling man deserves to be riding across this nation in a beat down car. A struggling man does not deserve to have a golden belt that means so much more than your entire life.

His eyes are burning with fire as he starts to enjoy every word.
Goth: Remember the last time we met Kevin? The night that you and your stinking partner were the tag team champions? How a new team of me and Grimm dethroned you for those belts? It must be haunting you huh? To realise that lightning can strike twice, to have the same man take down the World title away from you just like I did with the tag team titles. Oh sure I admit, you will realise that winning the tag titles needs to trust upon a partner. Did you fuck up? Or did your partner fuck up? Was it luck? Or was it the mere fact that your chemistry that you had with your stinking partner was not enough?? It was already a signal on the wall that your ability is lacking compared to mine, it was already a signal that I know that I can take you down and keep you down. Here I am to face the man that took away the tag team gold away from a lowlife that I got to face very soon, facing the man that took his tag team title away.

Goth: Do you know what that means Kevin? That means that your ability is good…. But that I am better. That your intensity is almost unmatched, but it is nothing compared to mine. Tag team wrestling may not be the same as singles competition, but come on now Kevin. Deep down inside your belly you know that I am beyond the tag team champion that I once was. I am beyond that what you faced at that given night, the fact that I did not care about either Staggs or the Team SCW must have given you already one signal. A signal that my intentions are solely bound on gold, golden championship reigns. Title reigns beyond the grasp of the likes of you. You could not stop me to become tag team champion, so what would make you think you can stop me from becoming World Heavyweight champion? The championship that is the most important of all, the one thing that we live for. You know that you cant Kevin. You never will, that’s why I am going to beat you. That’s why I am going to rip that title out of your hands and laugh at you for your futile attempts. Because just like history has shown us in so many other ways, it will be destined to repeat itself. I am already the champion of the world, I am already the one man that everyone including you want to beat down. So enjoy the gold while you still can, because in the long run Kevin… it will be Goth, the NEW World Heavyweight Champion…. I just love the sound of that….,

He spreads his arms and grin evil

Goth: In the end you just wish that what happened at the Six Pack challenge never happened Kevin. In the end you just wished that it was any of the other five men that would go through what you are about to go through. In the end you just wished that would be a forgiving man, to hand out my hand and pull you back up to your feet. Telling that I feel sorry for you and forgive you and walk away. But that’s not how I live Kevin. I live to be the very best, my life means nothing without that belt. You just have to show me how much you want it… because that will be the only thing that you can do to stop me from becoming champion Kevin.

Goth: The only thing I can do now is when we step foot inside the ring, that I will have my actions speak louder than my words. Just understand Kevin, your title reign needs to be stopped even before it begins. History will repeat itself once more Kevin… and there is nothing and I mean NOTHING that you can do about it to stop me.

Goth: It could not have happened to a nice guy like you Kevin….  It seems to me that once again the King will be on top of the world… Its good to be the King, the real King of Kings…,

Goth grins as the shot slowly fades to darkness.

<span style="color:limegreen">First Ever Triple Crown and Grand Slam Winner and 2nd ever Grand Slam Winner</span>