Author Topic: Vixen's turning things around  (Read 400 times)

Offline Vixen

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Vixen's turning things around
« on: July 05, 2013, 11:57:20 PM »
 The splashes from the pool are drowned out by the squeals and shouts of Eden as she sprays water at her father.  On the sidelines watching the water fight, Vixen sighs and adjusts the frosty pink shades over her eyes, their mirrored surface hiding Vixen’s emotions as she thinks about what had happened in Atlantic Championship Wrestling and what was going to be her match this coming Climax Control.  

Vixen had reached home weary and sore but revelled in the welcome from Spike.  Looking at him catching Eden, she laughs.  After ACW’s show, Vixen had been approached about something big that she needed to take part in.  Those remembrances kept her occupied until…

“AAaaahhhh,” screamed Vixen as icy drops of water splattered onto her warm body.

“It was Daddy,” yelled Eden as she pointed to a very unrepentant Spike who once again shot a wave of water towards Vixen.  

Grabbing a towel beside her, Vixen rubs at the liquid that was rapidly cooling her body off.  “You are so lucky that I am not in that water Spike,” threatens Vixen which only brings a snicker from Spike who nods at Timmy who picks up Vixen and tosses her into the pool.

“Ooooo she isn’t going to be happy,” taunts Timmy who dusts off his hands after a job well done.  His victim breaks the surface of the water, her hair streaming down her back.  “And that is my cue,” he added as Vixen shoots him a glare and wags her finger at him.

Eden paddles over to Vixen who moves into the shallower end.  As the little girl holds up her arms, Spike catches up to Vixen who is hugging the girl.  “Did I ever tell you that water is a good color on you,” he teases as he reaches out and pulls Vixen back into his embrace, falling backwards into the water once again as Eden giggles.

Timmy sits on the side of the pool once more when he realizes that Vixen is too occupied to retaliate for the splashing.  As the two adults come back out of the water, Timmy nods at Vixen.  “Hey Dad, did you remember to give Vixen her message from the bookers at Sin City?” asks Timmy.  

“A message from the bookers huh, must be my match for this week,” she muses as she pushes her hair out of her eyes.   “So who am I facing this week?”

Spike rubs his hand through his damp hair, forcing it into slicked back but tangled curls.  “They said that you have a match against Ambrosia Grey this week,” Spike replies.  “That’s gotta be an interesting matchup for sure.  Lately you have been right up there in the rankings and now you are facing a rookie here in Sin City.  I think that Erik must have set this up before he lost control.”

Vixen swims towards the side of the pool and pulls herself out of the water, twisting her hips to sit on the edge.  Pulling her hair over her shoulder, she squeezes the excess water from it and then tosses it over her shoulder.  “Facing Ambrosia might not be the rookie training match that you think it is,” offers Vixen as she uses one hand to push droplets of water from her legs.  “I’ve been getting too cocky and now I have to take this serious enough to make an impression and get myself back on track.”

Recognizing the defeatist tone of her comment, Spike moves towards her, inserting himself between her legs and resting his elbows on her legs as he answers her, “Bet you are wishing we just walked away last year,” he teases.  

She pushes at Spike with a soft laugh.  “Be serious Spike,” she replies.  

“Back then you talked me into staying and sticking it out.  Well now it is my turn.  You have to know that you will be doing okay in this match.  Think of it as a tune up match, a stepping stone on the path to the Bombshell title.   Every journey…first steps…shit like that,” says Spike as he emphasizes his comments with hand gesturing that just makes Vixen giggle.

“I get it,” she answers.  Getting to her feet, she moves towards the chair and the towel laying there.  “You guys stay and enjoy the pool…I’ll be back soon,” she says.

“Where are you going?” asks Spike.

“I’ve got a match to get ready for,” Vixen returns with a smile.  “Don’t want to let down Ambrosia after all.”

“Get going then,” he answers.  “You got some hard training to do.  Maybe you should call in Jamie or someone else to train with, that is usually good at getting you ready for your matches.”

Without answering, Vixen waves at the trio in the pool as she disappears into the house.


VLOG:  Vixen’s statement

A small windows media player is seen as the video begins.  Vixen appears, a silvery tee with a scrolling ‘V’ begins to speak.

Hi all, Vixen here with just a short statement for all you fans out there.  This week I am in a match with Ambrosia Grey and I wanted to let you know that I was seriously thinking of just how I was going to motivate myself for this match.  

You see lately, I have been on this losing streak that everyone has been using to beat me over the head figuratively with.  And all good things have to end sometime so sad to say for Ambrosia, that streak will be ending on Climax Control when I face her.  

I haven’t heard anything from my opponent and that makes me a little nervous.  I tend not to like surprises but if I am on my game this week, Ambrosia isn’t going to be a surprise at all.  I have prepared to face whatever challenge she may present and I do not intend to lose this week.

So Ambrosia, let me just say this.  I am sorry that you are the first person I am going to have to beat to put me back on the road to the bombshell title.  But don’t get me wrong, I will beat you.  The desire is beginning to burn once again and I have my sights set on getting back the title.  

Till next time, this is Vixen signing off until Climax Control…

The scene stops with Vixen winking as she salutes.