Author Topic: Putting Amy Marshall in her place  (Read 835 times)

Offline Original Cyn

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    • Cyn Marlowe
Putting Amy Marshall in her place
« on: April 26, 2013, 10:04:06 PM »
 A chuckle is heard from a woman sitting in the pool bar, an ipod in front of her beside the half empty glass with a cloudy pineapple scented drink.   Her red hair hangs down her back as she tosses her head and pushes up the large sunglasses.  Pulling the earbuds out of her ears, her chuckle gets louder.  Reaching to her small table, she pulls out a smartphone with a microphone.  She puts the headset on and begins to speak into the phone.

Cyn Marlowe:  Talking back to Amy Marshall take one…

Her soft drawl is tinged with laughter as she again addresses the headset microphone.

Cyn Marlowe:  Awww did someone’s panties get into a bunch when they heard my interview?  Did I hit a sore spot with someone’s sense of self?  I think I did.  Y’all just proved how much of a ditz you are and how cheap.

First let me talk about how you seem to think that I am some kinda ditz.  Well considerin’ that I am college educated, and I know that my definition of a ditz is a dumb lame or stupid person, you know,  some kind of silly stupid know nothin’ kind person.  Y’all proved just how stupid you are when you said that Metallica sings my theme song.  Let me show you just how stupid you made yourself.  Metallica sings songs like Enter Sandman, One, Fixxxer and others.  My theme if you knew music at all is sung by MEATLOAF, not Metallica.

Cyn smiles as a couple of Brazilians walk towards her, taking in the silvery bikini.  Waving them off, Cyn listens to them talk in Portuguese as she starts to talk again into the microphone.

Cyn Marlowe:  And thank you sooo much for letting me know that you have been in porn.  Now I know it was a good idea to get that booster shot before I came down here.  Now my only worry is makin’ sure there is a good supply of penicillin ready should you manage to beat me or make me bleed.

Cyn sighs with laughter once more then speaks.

Cyn Marlowe:  Y’all talk a great game Amy and I am terribly sorry that you took offence at anything I said.  But I guess the truth hurts doesn’t it.  When I said that you were a two bit ditz, I meant that you were cheap and easy and stupid.  Then I heard y’all’s interview and realized that you just prove my point.  I mean really Amy, you’re proud of being easy.  A girl like you, back home would be like the village bicycle and idiot rolled into one.

But hey, I can be the bigger person here.  After all I have the manners and the attitude and the class to admit when I am wrong.  Not saying that I am wrong about you Amy but you know, I do have this thing called modesty.

And Amy, when we step in the ring and you decide that you want to try and kick my ass I will be doin’ what comes naturally to a gifted athlete like myself.  Makin’ you the laughing stock of SCW and winning the match.  You like to think that because I was doing some schoolgirl fightin that I am not dangerous.  Saying I was schoolgirl fightin’ is like saying Mike Tyson nibbled that boxer’s ear.

Cyn shakes her head in disbelief.

Cyn Marlowe:  The fighting I did in school trained me for the no holds barred, beating silly little punks like you fighting.  And besides, I got my training there and at Neiman Marcus on their sale days.  You ain’t never fought anything like someone looking for a bargain in Neiman Marcus.

Cyn reaches for her glass and sips at the frosty drink then sets it down once more before continuing to talk into her microphone.

Cyn Marlowe:  I don’t really care about what you think anyways Amy.  I am not that concerned that you have all those blue collar businesses.  I don’t care that you spread yourself the way you do.  The only thing I am going to care about is beating you and then getting cleaned up after having to put my hands on your dirty skank body.

Cyn gets a look of disgust on her face

Cyn Marlowe:  So you just keep underestimating me or thinking that I am no competition because that will make it more satisfactory when I pin your shoulders to the mat.  And you know that is going to be the only result in our match.

Cyn is interrupted by the arrival of the two Brazilian males each with a drink in their hands.  Without skipping a beat, Cyn turns off the recording and smiles in their direction as the scene fades out.