Author Topic: Vixen about to become a double champion  (Read 407 times)

Offline Vixen

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Vixen about to become a double champion
« on: April 05, 2013, 11:54:15 PM »
 What you didn’t see at BACW’s Grinder event…

Wiping at the blood on her face, Vixen makes her way backstage to the locker room area to find a group of people milling around near her locker room and a pounding from behind her door accompanied by shouts of rather colourful language coming from Spike Staggs. Rushing towards the door, Vixen calls out to Spike, “Calm down Spike, listen to me. What happened?”

“Batee is what happened babe and when I get out of here I am going to pay him back in spades for this,” is the response from the angered NWA champion. “I came in here to get ready to join Grinder to look after you and found myself locked in here. I sent Jamie to find someone with the keys to the place.”

Vixen looks around for Jamie Staggs but can’t see him. “Spike, Jamie isn’t here yet, is there something I can do?”

A primal grunt of anger is the only answer she gets as she can hear his pacing behind the door. “I could try to kick it open Spike but I don’t think that is going to help at all. You need to calm down if you can.”

The growing crowd of backstage personnel parts as Jamie comes with a locksmith who has a pair of pliers with him. “Spike I got the guy,” he calls out loudly before moving to stand by Vixen. “You’ll be out in a few seconds.” Turning to Vixen, Jamie leans down and whispers, “You better be ready to head him off or someone’s gonna die tonight.”

The locksmith cuts the lock off then rushes out of the way as the door is yanked forcefully open and Spike Staggs charges out with bad intentions in his eyes. Vixen steps up in front of him, catching his arms to try and get him to look at her. “Spike…SPIKE, look at me,” she urges even as the champion tries to get past her. “Spike, listen, you have to stay with me here,” she says, her voice lowering in an attempt to get his attention.

“Batee needs to learn not to mess with me or you,” Spike vows, his eyes searching out the BACW chairman before sparing a glance at his girlfriend who has a concerned look on her face as she breathes softly. A riverlet of fresh blood makes it down her face from the panicked pulsing of her heart at the fury she is trying to control. The red fades from Spike’s eyes as he takes in the blood and then gently raises a hand to Vixen’s cheek, his thumb brushing aside the small trickle. “Vixen, you’re bleeding…”

“They had to make me bleed to get me out of the Grinder match,” she says teasingly, a slight smile on her face.

“I should have been there for you,” Spike argues as Vixen puts a finger over his lips.

“I knew you would be waiting for me,” she responds, “and it is a good thing that you weren’t in the ring because you have to learn to trust me. I know my limits and I am just as extreme as you can be. We make the perfect pair don’t we?” Even through his anger, Spike can’t help but chuckle at that picture. Vixen moves closer to Spike and caresses his cheek. “My night here at Grinder is over Spike so why don’t we get me cleaned up and then the two of us go home. I miss Eden and Timmy and I need to be with them and you.”

Spike seems to be contemplating that idea as Devlin rushes up to the pair only to be held back by Jamie. “She’s got him calmed down man,” he offers, “so don’t you rile him right back up. Better warn Batee that locking Spike away from Grinder just put him in a foul mood and that he is damn lucky Vixen knows how to handle my brother.”

“Batee did WHAT?!?” demands Devlin. “I am gonna talk to him about this…”

“Talk?” asks Jamie “The man stepped between Spike protecting Vixen and you are going to TALK to him…man, we gotta teach you how the Staggs men do things.”

Spike and Vixen turn to Jamie and Devlin with Vixen only shaking her head as Spike grins. “Yeah, show you how to get extreme Dev so if I am not here you can handle Batee. From what I saw earlier, talking isn’t his strong suit, especially when it comes to Vixen.”

At that comment, Vixen’s eyebrow raises slightly. “What are you talking about Spike?” she questions as Spike turns her and walks towards the locker room again. Vixen stops him and stepping in front of him, she runs a hand along the chest of Spike, twisting her fingers in his shirt. “What did he say to you about me?” she adds, her voice low and intense, the French sounds making her words more musical and less of a threat.

“He was talking like you were the eye candy of the federation,” admits Spike as he runs a hand through his hair. A muttered exclamation escapes Devlin before he starts to laugh which gets him a glare from Vixen and questioning looks from Spike and Jamie who holds out a hand at Devlin. “And what is making you chuckle Mr. Laughsalot?” Jamie asks.

Devlin wipes at the tears running down his face from the laughter. “You can’t even tell when Vix there is ready to kick a little or in Batee’s case, a lot of ass. You just told her that he thinks she is eyecandy…all that is going to do is make her that much more dangerous. I wouldn’t want to be in Batee’s shoes once she sees him.”

Spike gets a large grin on his face as Jamie smacks Devlin on the back. The three men share the joke as Vixen rolls her eyes and turns to the door of the locker room. “If you guys are going to stand here and laugh it up, I am going to clean up and then head to the airport without you,” she says. The trio just look at her and as she shrugs, Vixen turns and heads into the locker room.

Spike spends a few more moments with Jamie and Devlin before moving into the locker room.  Unable to see Vixen there, he moves closer to the shower area following the slight sounds of water hitting flesh.  Turning the corner, he spies Vixen standing behind the half wall, her face held up to the spray with her eyes closed, pure enjoyment on her face at the heat of the water.  A low whistle from Spike gets her attention as she opens her eyes.  She moves toward him as he lays his arms on the half wall.  Putting her hands on either side of his arms, Vixen leans forward only to have Spike raise a hand, his thumb thoughtfully rubbing against the slight blood of a cut near her hairline.  “I should have been there,” he says softly, guilt and sadness in his eyes.  “I let you down.”

Vixen puts her own hand over Spike’s and lightly shakes her head.  “You had no choice mon cher,” she says, a smile added to the endearment which only prompts a half smile from Spike.  “If anything, Batee probably had some kind of plan for us and for Grinder.”

“His plan was to ride me for whatever money he could get with this title defense,” Spike admits before shooting a look at Vixen from under his lashes.  “You are one of his moneymakers as long as you shake that rather cute ass…”

Vixen stiffens and glares.  “He said that!” she demands.

“He didn’t say you had a cute ass…that is my very own opinion,” jokes Spike with no real enthusiasm.  Brushing his hand through Vixen’s wet hair, he pulls her close, their lips meeting for only a moment before Spike whispers against her lips.  “Listen babe, let’s just get out of here before I end up going back to Batee’s office and put my boot in his ass.”

Vixen can’t help but dissolve into a chuckle at that image.  “Give me a few minutes and I will be right out.”  She turns back into the water as Spike just stands and watches, a bigger grin crossing his face as the scene fades to black.


“Mommy VIXEN!!  DADDY!!” squeals a little girl as she rushes into the bedroom of Spike and Vixen who are snuggled under the blankets.  The ball of energy that is five year old Eden Staggs leaps on the bed and up to the pillows where she violently hugs the half asleep Spike who had sat up.  “When did you get home?” she asks as she reaches towards Vixen for her own hug.

“We got in last night punkin,” says Vixen in her sleepy French accented voice.  “Daddy and I couldn’t wait to be back here with you and Timmy.”

“Timmy’s still sleeping but I will go wake him,” offers Eden who begins the scramble through the rumpled blankets only to be grabbed by Spike.  “Let him sleep sweetie, gives us more time to be with you,” says Spike as he ruffles the hair of the little girl.  

The grin, so like her father’s, makes Vixen smile in return.  “So what did you want to do today punkin?  I have all day to spend with you if you like,” says Vixen.

Eden’s eyes light up.  “COOKIES!” she shouts into Spike’s ear making her father wince.  “I want to make cookies with you Mommy Vixen.  Can we?”

“Sure enough we can,” says Vixen as she slides her legs out of the blankets and into a pair of ratty fuzzy blue Cookie Monster slippers tucked under the bed.  “But we have to share them with Cookie here,” she adds pointing down to the slippers prompting a giggle from Eden.  Holding out her hand, Vixen watches as Eden jumps off the bed and puts her little hand into Vixen’s.

“Hey, what about Daddy,” grumbles Spike.  “I like cookies too.”

Vixen and Eden share a glance and a giggle.  “You be good Daddy,” says Eden, “and maybe we might give you ONE.”  Eden giggles again, holding up one chubby finger.  Growling, Spike lunges across the bed towards the two females making Eden shreek and hide behind Vixen.  “Save me Mommy Vixen,” she squeals.  

Putting her hand up to catch Spike in the chest, Vixen leans forward and lightly pecks his cheek.  “If you are very good, I might even add a coffee to that cookie you might get,” she teases.  Spike grins and pulls her closer, kissing her slowly, one hand caressing her cheek, their lips melting against each other until a disgusted “ewwww” from behind Vixen makes them part with guilty smirks.  Vixen departs with Eden tugging her along.

As the pair head towards the kitchen with Eden telling ‘mommy Vixen’ all about her birthday again, Vixen can’t help but think back to the first time Eden had called her mommy Vixen.

Eden slowly pushes the door of her father’s bedroom open and makes her way inside.  Climbing up into the bed at the foot, Eden crawls up only to find someone lying in the bed with Spike.  Recognizing Vixen, Eden pokes her father hard.  “Daddy…DADDY, wake up!” she says imperiously.  Spike looks up into the accusing eyes of Eden who has her arms crossed over her chest.  “What is she doing in your bed?  Is she my new Mommy?”

“You want her to be?” says Spike as Vixen replies with “Oh no punkin,” at the same time.

Eden looks at Vixen and then Spike before answering slowly, “but what about Mommy?  She’s my mommy, not her.”  

Before Spike can say anything to the little girl, Vixen sits up and takes the little girl’s hand.  “That’s right Eden, I am not Mommy.  And your Mommy loves you so if you want to call me Vixen, then that is okay by me.”

Eden looks at Vixen then moves closer to the woman.  “But Mommies and Daddies are supposed to sleep in the same bed and be kissy.  And you are in Daddy’s bed and I saw Daddy giving you kisses.  That makes you a Mommy right?”
Sparing a glance at Spike who sits up and puts an arm around Vixen, she pulls the little girl close.  “Eden, there are all kinds of families.  Some families have mommies and daddies that are living in the same house, some families are different like yours and some families are like strangers.  You have a special family Eden.  You have your Daddy and Timmy that live with you and love you and you have your Mommy that doesn’t live with you but loves you.  And you have Aunties Odette and Desiree and Dixie and Jessie and me who love you too.”

Eden looks at Spike suspiciously and leans towards him.  “Do you love Vixen,” she asks slowly.  Spike leans back to look at the girl then leans towards Eden.  “Do you like Vixen?” he replies trying to distract the little girl’s line of thought.  Eden looks at Vixen and then with a small grin, she nods.  “Daddy likes her too,” he admits with a wink at Vixen who just shakes her head at him.

“So I will call her Mommy then,” says Eden, her four year old logic non arguable even though Vixen tries.  

“Eden, I don’t think Mommy would like you calling me Mommy,” she says softly.  If you want, you can call me Vixen…”

“Then I will call you mommy Vixen.  Mommy can’t get mad at that!” she says with finality as she scrambles off the bed and heads towards the door.  Vixen and Spike watch her head out of the room only to be surprised by the little girl once more.  “Mommy Vixen, can we make cookies?  We have none and Daddy hasn’t bought any yet.”

Vixen nods as she pats Spike’s blanket covered leg.  “We certainly can punkin,” she replies.

“Are you listening Mommy Vixen,” says a small voice to the side.  Vixen’s eyes return to the present and takes in Eden who has grabbed a bag of chocolate chips.  “I want to make chocolate chip cookies.  They are my fravourite!” vows Eden as she shakes the bag spilling some of the chips on the floor.  

“Mine too,” says Vixen as she saves the chips and motions for Eden to go and get her apron as Vixen pushes a button on a coffee maker.  The sound of water percolating can be heard as Vixen gathers the ingredients for cookies.  

A half hour later, Eden can be seen sitting watching the Little Mermaid as she waits for the cookies.  In the kitchen, Vixen checks on her messages and notices one from the booking office of Sin City Wrestling.  Opening it, she notes the travel information needed for the flight down to Santiago Chile.  As she is reading, she feels the soft breath of Spike on her neck that tickles at the curls hanging from the loose bun she had put her hair into.  Smiling at the soft pressure of his lips nibbling on her neck and over her earlobe, she shows him the message.

“Are you scheduled for Climax Control this week too?” she asks.  “It seems that I have a chance at the tag titles against the Fallen teaming with Jessie.”  Leaning back against Spike, she sighs as he continues to nuzzle against her neck, his hands moving to wrap around her midsection.  “Do you want to know the crazy about this match this week?  If Jessie and I win, I will be the first ever Grandslam champion of Sin City Wrestling.”

Spike nods with a smile.  “That’s right babe, the first ever Bombshell Grandslam champion,” he says proudly.  

“Says here that it is first ever Grandslam champion of either divisions,” Vixen comments with a raised eyebrow.  “I don’t see how that is possible if I can’t wrestle for any of the male titles here in SCW.”  Turning her face up to Spike’s, she teasingly kisses him.  “But that just makes me that much more loveable huh?”

“Or lucky I don’t take your title,” jokes Spike as he grabs one of the hot cookies cooling nearby.  “I mean you got a tag title match against the Fallen and it will give you the Bombshell grandslam.  But when it comes to SCW, it is NXT that are the ones that will be dominating the titles.  So how are you going to train for the tag title match?  Jessie’s in South America and you are here with me,” he says with a smirk and a kiss.

Vixen thinks for a moment, her head tilted slightly as the takes in Spike in shorts and an NXT extreme tee.  “Well, it is a tag match and we have you, Jamie and Timmy and me and Eden…” says Vixen with a twinkle in her eye.  “Tell you what, why don’t you put your money where your title belt is.  To get me ready for the tag match, you and Jamie against me and Eden,” offers Vixen.

“YEAH!!” screams Eden as she walks into the kitchen with Jamie who ruffles his hair and follows his nose towards the cookies on the counter.  Leaning one hip against it, Jamie shakes his head.  Eden moves towards Vixen and hugging her, looks at her father with a challenge in her eyes.  “Mommy Vixen and me will beat you Daddy!” vows the little girl.

“Oh really?” teases Spike.  “Then Uncle Jamie and I will have to prove you wrong!”  Swooping up the little girl, Spike swings her around generating screaming laughter from Eden.  “We’ll need a referee for this match.  Who should we get?”

“Timmy!” exclaim Vixen and Eden together.

“All right then girls, you got your tag match.  We’ll head to the gym later,” says Spike.  “Right now, there are some cookies that need to be made.”  With that, he and Jamie grab the last two cookies and head towards the living room leaving Vixen and Eden behind, the little girl shaking her small fist at the two departing backs.

“Don’t you worry punkin,” says Vixen.  “Let’s plan for the tag match later.”  Putting their heads together, the pair begin to strategize as they start to make a new batch of cookies.

“All right, winners get dinner and a movie of their choice as well as bragging rights.”

Vixen, listening to Spike lay out the rules, chuckles and nudges Eden who is standing beside her in a leotard and tights.  “I thought we were going to make this interesting,” she offers with another nudge to Eden.  “When we win, we want your title belts Spike.”

“Yep Daddy, when we beat you, I am going to be champion,” declares Eden as she rubs her little hands together.  Vixen raises a teasing eyebrow at Spike who blows her a cocky kiss.  “I want to be first,” Eden adds as Spike motions Jamie out of the ring.  Getting on his knees, Spike motions Eden forward and pretends to lock up with her.  Eden giggles as she catches Spike around the neck and rubs his head with her knuckles.  “I got you Daddy,” she squeals as she kicks when Spike picks her up and gently brings her down to the mat.   She doesn’t let go as Spike is held down with his shoulders to the mat.

“Timmy, Eden’s pinning Spike…” calls out Vixen as the older boy drops and counts two before Jamie comes in and tickles Eden to free Spike.  “No fair Jamie,” calls Timmy as he motions for his uncle to leave the ring.  Eden gets up and makes a face at Jamie.   Spike sneaks around her and tags in his brother.

“Now I am gonna getcha,” he growls as he stalks towards Eden who screams in fright and rushes across the ring and hugs Vixen around the middle.   “Even better peanut, bring in the big guns for the big loss.”

Vixen winks as the little girl slides between the bottom two ropes and Vixen gets into the ring.  “Why don’t you pick on someone your own size Jamie?” she taunts as she motions for him to attack her.  Jamie charges across the ring and is dropped with a toe hold by Vixen who floats over and locks in an armbar.  Eden claps her hands as Spike calls out encouragement to his brother.  “Admit it Jamie, you are holding back aren’t ya?” teases Vixen.

“Yeah, that’s right I am,” he says throught gritted teeth as he fights his way to a vertical base and twists Vixen’s arm into a hammerlock.  On her toes, Vixen struggled to twist under Jamie’s hold but can’t.  Eden sneaks into the ring and tackles Jamie around the legs.  Vixen manages to break the hold and Eden makes it back out of the ring.

Vixen moves again, twisting Jamie enough that he is bent down in half.  He manages to get close enough for a tag to Spike who quickly gets in the ring and catches Vixen around the midsection.   Vixen twists to get away but is forced to bend over as Spike begins to tickle her.  Forced to the mat, Vixen breathlessly calls out to Eden.  “Save me punkin!”

Eden rushes in and grabs Spike, tickling him.  Unable to get away he falls to the side and is held down by Eden who continues to tickle him as Timmy hits the mat three times.

“We won, we won!” cries Eden.  Jamie begins to argue as Spike and Vixen look on.  

“I don’t think the Fallen will be like that,” says Vixen softly as she leans back on her hands.  “But I will be ready for whatever they could try. ”

With that, the scene fades out on the pair as they watch Jamie and Eden argue about the match.