Author Topic: You want this title? Prepare to fight for it!  (Read 421 times)

Offline Jessie Salco

  • SCW's Heavy Metal Bombshell
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    • Jessie Salco
You want this title? Prepare to fight for it!
« on: March 19, 2013, 08:44:44 PM »
 Jessie wasn’t in action on Climax Control but she still made her presence felt, first by aligning herself with Christian Underwood and then by joining Belinda and Jason on commentary for Amanda’s match against Odette Ryder unintentionally costing her rival the match in the process.

This week Jessie was in action however and it was her first title defense, her opponent? Recent signee Joanne “The Jersey Devil Diva” Canelli who was very impressive in her first and only match (to date) against Angel Kash, Jessie wants to make her first title reign last as long as she can and Christian and Mark are making her fight for that right, can Jessie win her first defense.

Jessie’s hotel room, Bogota, Columbia
March 19, 2013, 11:00am

Didn’t exactly take the bosses long to find me a challenger for my new championship, did it? Well, one thing’s for sure, I intend to hold onto this belt for as long as I can.

I admittedly don’t know a lot about Joanne, I know she fancies herself as a mob boss of some kind and I know she’s a multiple time champion in two other companies that Jake’s trying to find YouTube footage off so I can prepare for her but besides that I know next to nothing about her but that never stopped me before, just look at my SCW debut match!

At the moment I’m in my hotel room practicing my guitar, rather than wear one of my band t-shirts I’m trying on the female version of the new NXT t-shirt and whilst I have modified it so it’ll show off my stomach and navel I’ll admit it’s a comfortable shirt, Jake and Katie have gone downstairs for breakfast and the only reason I’m not joining them is because I had breakfast earlier but since it’s been a half hour I doubt they’ll be much longer.

“Damn it! I fucked up again!” I grunted in annoyance as I consulted the tab sheet that I have printed off, I’m trying to learn the Slayer song “South of Heaven” but as you can probably tell this is a lot harder than it sounds, and Jake told me that this is one of the easier Thrash Metal songs to learn!

“Having some trouble?” Jake asked as he stood up and I looked up, like me he was wearing the NXT shirt though obviously he’s wearing the male version. “Katie’s gone out to get some food for the week by the way.”

“Here’s hoping she can find her way around the shops easier enough.” I responded as I set my guitar aside. “I could barely make heads or tails of the menu.”

“Yeah you said.” Jake said with a nod. “Good thing that local helped you out, did you catch his name?” Jake asked and I shook my head.

“Nah, he was nice but he already had a girlfriend, besides he was wearing an NXT shirt so it was obvious that he’s a wrestling fan.” I responded as I shook my head. “At this rate I’ll never get a boyfriend.”

“These things take time, just remember that there’s plenty of fish in the sea.” Jake responded as he sat down next to me. “How about you focus on what you’ve already got.” Jake said as he pointed to the SCW Bombshell Roulette Championship. “And defending it for that matter, we both know your first defense is this Sunday.”

“Yeah and I’m facing a tough opponent.” I responded as I folded my arms. “I don’t know a lot about Joanne but what I do know is that she is a former champion and a veteran.”

“She hasn’t held a title here in SCW though; you have that advantage over her.” Jake pointed out and I nodded at that. “Besides you’ve faced veterans before, Misty, Odette Ryder…..”

“How about you list examples of veterans I’ve beaten?” I asked and Jake paused once he realized that I had a point.

“Great point, Angel the Malignant, Alexis Morrison, Tiami Tyler, I could go on.” Jake continued as he turned to him. “My point is that you’ve held your own against veterans in the past, you even beat some of them, and Joanne will not be any different.”

“I know that but I’ll have to be extra careful this time, don’t forget I have to keep an eye out for Amanda.” I said with a frown and Jake nodded. “Speaking of the match I think the cameracrew are waiting for me to start trash talking.”

“Say no more.” Jake said as he stood up, walked over to a sofa in front of the TV, turned it on and turned the volume down. “I doubt there’s going to be much on, much that I can understand anyway.”

“Maybe there’s an option for English Subtitles? I suggested and Jake started looking at the remote for the option eventually settling on trying every button on the remote, now that I had some time alone I started to address the camera. “It’s about time that karma bit you on the ass Amanda, you cost me two matches in a row and now I’ve done the same! Yes, even if it was unintentional.”

And now onto business and my next match.

“And hopefully Amanda won’t show her ugly face in this match, I’ve got my first title defense and it’s against a tough newcomer by the name of Joanne “The Jersey City Devil” Canelli, I know that it’ll be stupid of me to underestimate her because of her credentials so I’m just going to come out and say it! Joanne you may be a multiple time champion but that’s never stopped me from giving it my all!”

Really you should be used to that by now!

“Joanne, I don’t care who I face because I will fight any one who comes my way! Hell if I get a third match with Misty I’ll gladly welcome the challenge! My first title reign ended after one defense because of a mistake on my team’s part but now? I can make up for those mistakes by making this reign last as long as I can!”

Before I could continue I heard…..interesting noises coming from the TV.

“Jake for the love of all that is fucking holy, please, tell me that you’re not watching porn in the middle of my promo!” I pleaded with him as I facepalmed and Jake shook his head.

“No, I accidentally pressed the button for the porn channel whilst looking for the language option.” Jake said as he quickly changed the channel before any of the cameracrew could catch any of the images. “On a side note, this hotel picks up porn channels!”

“I bet Marty’s thrilled.” I said as I shook my head as Jake just continued to channel surf. “Where was I again? Oh yeah, I may be a rookie but that just means that I’m much more determined to hold onto this title for as long as possible, I’m sure you felt the same way Joanne when you won your first title but trust me, no amount of dirty tricks will save you in this match!”

Hell I welcome these dirty tricks.

“You can try to cheat to win but with this match being under Roulette Rules and the title being on the line anything can happen! Sure the Male Roulette Championship changed hands last week on Climax Control but for one thing I’m NOTHING like Hawkes, comparing me to him is like comparing Blaze Bayley to Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden! I won’t need to cheat to beat you if it’s a single’s match with no stipulation and no matter what match it ends up being I’ll fight to keep this title!”

I finally saw some English subtitles on the TV and I grinned.

“Finally found the option?” I asked and Jake nodded.

“Yeah, they have an English version of the manual, presumably for tourists.” Jake said as he held it up. “Why didn’t I think to check that first?”

“Yeah, would’ve saved me the embarrassment of having my brother watch porn mid promo.” I answered and Jake rolled his eyes. “I’ll join you in a few secs; I’m ready to wrap up my promo.”

“That sounds good to me! Just don’t mention the porn incident to Katie; she’ll never let me live it down!” Jake added and I grinned before deciding to wrap things up.

“Joanne, your tough but I have enough drive in me to win a NASCAR event……man, that reference didn’t make any sense…..” I trailed off before shaking my head. “What I mean is that there’s practically no one on the roster who can stop me from having a long title reign, not Amanda and definitely not you! This is SCW’s Heavy Metal Bombshell Jessie Salco reminding the SCW Universe to make it metal and Joanne to not underestimate a rookie!”

I joined Jake on the couch as the scene fades.