Author Topic: Rocky Mountains talking with Vixen  (Read 401 times)

Offline Vixen

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Rocky Mountains talking with Vixen
« on: February 08, 2013, 11:57:24 PM »
 “Lord please save me from the drama,” mutters Vixen as she walks along the hallway of the arena.  It was bad enough that she has to deal with Nick Jones as a tag partner in this mixed tag tournament, she had to face Misty and Thatcher Rex in round two.  Life was just going downhill and downhill fast.

With her bag draped over her shoulder, she moves towards the row of parked cars and stops at a beat up old Camaro.   The mixture of bondo and rust gives it character as the door squeaks once as the bombshell unlocked it and slid inside.  Adjusting herself for the moment, she checks the mirror and rolls her neck.  

Suddenly from the door way, Ms Rocky Mountains can be seen coming out.  Putting the car into gear Vixen drives towards the interviewer and stops with a smile.  “Ms Mountains, I was wondering if I could buy you a coffee and talk to you about this tournament.  I saw your interview with,” she grits her teeth as she pauses, “Nick my partner and I just want to say that I definitely think we need to set the record straight about what is going on in this tournament and with my life as I know it.”

Ms Rocky Mountains gives Vixen a look and shrugging her shoulders, moves around the car and slides into the passenger seat.  Pulling a camera out of her bag Rocky motions at it as she addresses Vixen, “Do you mind if I record this?” she asks.  When Vixen shakes her head no, the woman begins to film Vixen as she drives.  “I guess Vixen that my first question has to be, what is your reaction to the fact that Nick Jones is claiming credit for your win last week and the success of the team so far?”

Vixen can only chuckle for a moment.  “Funny Rocky…I can call you Rocky?” she asks and receives a nod from behind the camera.  “You see, last week Nick and I faced Faith and Giani and after Giani left Faith high and dry, I pinned her to get the win for us.  Granted, if he wants to claim that he was the one that got the win, fine.   If he can’t realize that it is a tag team and not a posing contest for jackass of the year in SCW then I am going to have to prove once and for all that the only carrying done in the team is yours truly.  And we both know that since he just can’t control the urge of needing to put me down by confusing my name with all of the other “reindeer” in Santa’s team.”

“You heard about that did you?” Rocky asks.  “I kept reminding him that your name is Vixen but the man is just one brick short of a load when it comes to names.”

“No, all he is doing is making himself look good because he manages to make the joke about my name by using every reindeer name in his reindeer games.  I am not defined by my name, I am defined by the fact that I step in that ring night after night and do what I need to.  And that means giving it my all to beat anyone that is stepping into the ring with me,” states Vixen with a smirk.  “Bet he would hate to know that not only Spike could beat him but I probably could too.”

“Ooooo I would love to see that one day,” Rocky replies with a giggle.

“If he doesn’t start acting right and respecting me like he should, you just might,” answers Vixen.

“Well speaking of respecting you, I heard that a certain opponent of yours this week does respect you,” Rocky says as she again starts to film Vixen.  “Thatcher Rex says you are one of the good ones .  Do you think that he will think that going into the match?”

Vixen pauses to think about that as the car rests for a moment at a red light on the strip.  As she pulls into traffic, Vixen responds with a smile.  “I respect the hell of him too.  I am just sorry that this week when we step in the ring, one of us is going to be disappointed by the fact one will move on and one will have to lose.  I wish him luck this week, I truly do.”

Rocky takes a slow deep breath before bringing up the biggest subject of this conversation.  “His partner however is Misty and seeing as you are sleeping with the man she left at the alter…”

“Spike wants nothing to do with her and I can see why.  But that doesn’t mean that I don’t want to miss out on an opportunity that is handed to me.  I listen to her go on and on about how she beat me yet she says nothing about having to cheat to win.  I hear her talk about how I follow her and have to deal with her leavings,” says Vixen, a hint of venom colouring her words.  “I don’t think that she realizes just what she is doing when she talks like that.  I mean, you poke someone with a stick that many times, they are going to step right up and beat the hell out of you with that same stick.  Bravo, she was Bombshell champion before me.  She was Spike’s girlfriend before me and she was the one that dropped the ball with that one and Spike traded up to someone better.  She can’t see that of course but then again, the only thing she is going to be seeing after this week is the ringlights.”

“Strong words Vixen, but can you back them up?” asks Ms Mountains as the car pulls up to a small diner.  Cutting the engine, Vixen moves to get out of the car.  Rocky Mountains gets out of the passenger side and once again films Vixen who leans on the hood of the car.

“You know, just like everyone else in this little drama, no one is thinking that the Bombshell champion can beat her biggest nemesis.  Misty to me is just another challenge I have to surmount.  See, all Misty can do is talk about the past and the fact that she had a life with Spike and that she beat me before.  Wow…glad to know that she remembers her history.  Whereas I live in the now and don’t worry about the past, Misty just can’t seem to let it go,” says Vixen, her smile widening as she walks towards the diner door.  “Tell you what Rocky, let me just prove once and for all that Misty’s not going to get away with anything in the ring.  I learned from our match before and I definitely will be teaching her a thing or two about being too confident.”

Vixen walks into the diner and slides into a booth.  Rocky Mountains slides into the seat across from her.  The waitress comes over with a pot of coffee and popping her gum.  “You can’t film in here,” she mutters to Rocky with a patently snide sneer.  Putting away the camera, Rocky is left only her recorder that had also been documenting the conversation.  The waitress takes the women’s orders and wanders off as Vixen leans on the table.

“This week Rocky, I am stepping into the ring with someone that for all intents and purposes thinks that she rules the world of SCW Bombshells.  I am here to tell you that she won’t be stepping out of that ring with that idea.  Dominance in the ring when dealing with someone that is as dangerous as I can be…there will be no question of me not putting Misty in her place and that is flat on her back for the one two three.”

At the three, the waitress sets their order down in front of them.  “You all can’t do any of that recording either,” says the waitress as she motions at the recorder.  Vixen and Rocky share a glance as the waitress crosses her arms and begins to tap her foot.  The last sound heard is Rocky and Vixen giggling as the waitress begins to carp at them about how the diner is a respectable place.