Author Topic: Vixen's Inferno, the tenth ring of hell...  (Read 397 times)

Offline Vixen

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Vixen's Inferno, the tenth ring of hell...
« on: February 01, 2013, 11:51:27 PM »
 In the Blast from the Past tournament I’m facing Giani Di Luca and Faith…Teaming with Nick Jones…

Dante said there were nine rings of hell…I just found the tenth and it is going to be at Climax Control.


Sitting on a comfortable chair in her living room in her farmhouse, Vixen can’t help but wonder at what will be coming up on Climax Control.  Thinking back to the night of the lottery, Vixen couldn’t help but cringe at the memory.

Vixen was standing beside Spike as the drawing for the Blast for the Past mixed tag team tournament was held.  She leaned her head against Spike’s shoulder, not wanting to see the draw until the last possible minute.  Hearing her name called, she looks up.

“I hope it isn’t anyone that I don’t think I can team with,” she mutters.  “Maybe it will be Thatcher Rex or Despayre…if I am lucky.”

Christian pulls out a name and then looking at Vixen apologetically, holds it open to read the name on the page.

“Nick Jones.”

Vixen’s jaw drops as across the room, Christian mouths an apology.  Turning, she heads out of the room muttering in French as she walks towards the locker room where her gear is.   Followed by Spike, Vixen can’t help but sigh.

“Why me?” she asks with her arms open wide.  Spike shrugs knowing that whatever he could say would only add to the general vibe of disgust coming from the Bombshell champion.   “It’s bad enough I have to face Faith when I know she is trained by you and is a friend but to be teamed with Nick Jones, as if my gag reflex could take something like that.”

“Trust me babe, I know that his cockiness is something that you are going to have to swallow,” he teases only to receive a soft backhand from Vixen who is pacing nearby.  Rubbing at his chest, he smiles as he puts his arm around her shoulder.   Okay okay, bad joke but seriously you know that he is going to think that he is god’s gift to the match.  Hell, I am sure that he is going to talk about the fact that you won’t have to do anything in the match because he is so damn good.”

“He is a former champion Spike,” Vixen replies as Spike guides her to the couch and pulls her onto his lap.  

“And you are the current Bombshell champion and he is nothing but a former champion until yours truly beat the crap out of him for this title,” Spike adds as he drapes his arm over the legs of Vixen.  “You gotta focus on Faith though.   Let Nick face Giani and since that loser got his ass handed to him by the rich kid wannabe champ, Nick ain’t going to have a problem.”

Vixen laughs for a moment at that mental picture before getting serious.  “Faith’s going to be a heck of an opponent Spike.  I like her and respect her like crazy, since she was trained by you.   I just hope that she realizes that we are more alike than she knows.  She told me that she always had to fight while she was growing up.  I know that feeling and I know that between the two of us we will give everyone in the tournament a run for their money.  I only wish that I didn’t have to face her this early in the tournament.”

“Might be better that you do face her this early rather than having to meet her in the finals.  Either way, one of my girls will win this thing,” he boasts as he leans up and moves his lips against Vixen’s in a long drawn out kiss.

Vixen sits up and runs her fingers through her lightly curled hair.  Bandages from her hardcore match at TVMA cover most of her forehead for the moment but that doesn’t seem to be even on her radar.  Reaching for her phone she begins to dial a number only to hang it up.  Knowing Spike, he would probably have talked to her brother and will have learned just what happened in the match in BACW.  It was going to be bad enough when she got to Vegas and he got a look at her.

Getting to her feet, she walks into the kitchen of the farmhouse and puts on the kettle.  Getting down a mug and a canister of powder, she spoons out the cinnamon apple scented powder into the cup.  Once she puts the cider back, she leans against the counter as she waits for the boiling kettle.  Eyes closed, she sighs.

“God I shouldn’t have let myself get this way,” she mutters as she opens her eyes and looks into the mirror across the room.    “I am going to be in no shape to face anyone like this,” she adds before reaching up and pulling the bandage from her forehead.  Moving to the mirror, she runs a finger across the cut.  As she does, her phone goes off with the familiar sounds of the NXT theme.  Dreading the call, she moves to answer it.

“Hey Spike,” she says as she presses speaker once she hears the whistling of the kettle.

“Are you out of your frickin mind babe?” he states, the deadly softness hiding the anger in his voice.  “I saw TVMA…not ever again.  NXT doesn’t need another bloody loss.  You are too important to it and me…I mean you and I are leading SCW as THE golden couple and can’t let the fans down.”

Vixen smiles at that comment, trying her hardest to keep the smile out of her voice as she replies, “I know Spike I know but I am going to be ready for Climax Control this week and that match at TVMA didn’t hurt at all.  I am so going to be ready to step in that ring for the mixed tag match and give Faith the fight of her life.  Just because we are friends doesn’t mean that I can’t be all business in the ring.  But that is the only place it is going to be a fight…right in the middle of the ring and I am leaving it all out there.”

“Good, and if you get a chance, you might want to get a few shots in on Giani and Nick while you’re at it,” he teases.  “When are you flying down for the show?”

“My flight is leaving first thing in the morning,” she replies.  “I am just finishing my packing then heading to the airport.  Dev wanted me to stop before I head down to Vegas…something about talking me out of BACW or something.”

“Might be for the best,” offers Spike before changing the subject.  “Want me to pick you up at the airport down here?”

“Sure, then maybe you can help me get some practice in for the match, lord knows I am going to have to work out these kinks I got,” teases Vixen which gets an answering laugh from Spike.  

“You better believe I am going to be showing you a thing or two,” he responds before calling out to someone behind him.  Vixen can barely hear the response but can just imagine what is going on in the background.  

“Say hi to Eden and Faith and everyone there for me,” she says before hanging up.  The scene fades out on Vixen as she approaches the table where a pink laptop is resting.


Welcome the the Vixen Vlog, I am your host, Vixen and tonight I am going to be talking about the Blast from the Past mixed tag team tournament and then fact that yours truly is forced to team with Nick Jones in a first round matchup against former NXT teammate Giani Di Luca and Spike’s protégé Faith.

First of all, let me just say that Faith, the only person in this match that I have any respect for is you.  Yes both Giani and Nick have proven themselves but neither of them have done anything to make me respect them.   Sure both men have been in some big matches and Nick was champion and all that but in the broad spectrum of here and there, that amounts to little or nothing in my book.

I talked to Spike about Faith because I know they were close and everything Faith knows, she learned from Spike.  From what he says, I have my work cut out for me this week on Climax Control because Faith is one hundred percent real and ready to take things to the next level.   And speaking of that, the next level for her might just very well be the Bombshell championship.   But we are getting ahead of ourselves, first we have our first match as opponents in a mixed tag match.  Now I hope that Faith knows that I have pretty much the same background as she does and the same ambition for this tournament.  Which means sadly that this week, Faith is going to have to realize that I am coming to win the match and if that means pinning her one two three to the mat, that is just one thing that I am prepared to do.

And Giani…the NXT turncoat, guess you just couldn’t step up because you thought that Spike was just using you…doing nothing for you when all you were doing was blaming him for your skid in the federation.  But that’s fine, be a little boy in a man’s world.  NXT is better off without your deadweight anyways.

And Nick, I know that the Supremacy thinks they own the world and that I am lucky enough to be paired with such an athlete in this tournament.  Bravo, you think you are god’s gift to wrestling.  I want you to realize that yeah, you are gifted athletically but in reality, NXT, Spike and I are all that much better for the fact that we get ‘it’.  We are the ones that are dominant with the titles and the starpower and when all is said and done, we will still be champions.  And you and your little supergroup are the ones that really need to get with the program.  

But, flight is soon and I gotta get me some rest so this is Vixen, signing off once again.