Author Topic: Season's Beatings from Vixen  (Read 479 times)

Offline Vixen

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Season's Beatings from Vixen
« on: December 21, 2012, 11:58:23 PM »
 Climax Control...Just after the Bombshell tag title match

Vixen and Jessie had chased Misty backstage after she had inserted herself into the match costing Vixen and Jessie the title belts that they had in their grasp. To add insult to injury, Misty had the bombshells of NXT.

Stopping near the locker rooms where Misty had been seen to disappear, Vixen and Jessie share a look of disgust before turning towards the NXT locker room. Barely able to control her anger, Vixen’s hand shoots out, slamming into the glass of a fire hose cabinet and breaking the glass. Hissing in pain, she pulls her hand back, cradling it in her midsection, blood welling from the scraped knuckles. Jessie had just opened the door to the room as Spike was leaving for the match. Seeing Vixen, he moves to check her hand out.

“Nice to know that I am rubbing off on you,” he teases as he adjusts the belt over his shoulder and reaches for her hand. “So what’s got you beating the crap out of glass doors as if I need to guess?”

Vixen sighs as she shoots a dirty look in the direction of Misty’s locker room. “It’s a whole lot of nothing,” she replies. “A whole lot of nothing that is going to get a big reckoning when she decides she wants to try and go through me to Odette.” The last comment was almost lost in the chuckle that had come over Spike which only made Vixen turn to look at him and then smile sheepishly. “Okay, so I lost my temper, so sue me. I was this close to gold only to have ‘Miss I want to mess with Odette’ interfere and cost us the titles.”

Pulling Vixen close he kisses her on the forehead before pulling back. “I have to go out for my match and I want you to have that hand looked at and then I will see you later and we will talk more,” Spike says. Vixen nods which makes him smile before he walks towards the entrance way.

“Good luck,” Vixen calls out as she waves her injured hand. Shaking his head, Spike turns the corner as Vixen lowers the hand, cursing in French as she does. From behind her, she hears a voice.

“Wow, that’s pretty what you just said,” comments Pussy Willow. “Was that Italian?”

Vixen turns and just shrugs. “French actually. What can I do for you Ms Willow?”

“I would like your reaction to what happened early. Are you upset that Misty basically cost you the Bombshell tag titles?” demands the interviewer.

“Of course I am disappointed that Misty is that insecure that she has to stick her nose where it doesn’t belong and just because she has this jones for Odette she feels a need to get to her through Jessie and I,” Vixen states calmly. “Bravo Misty, you made your point, you can interfere in NXT business to send a message. But when it came down to it, she ran like a rat from a sinking ship when it looked like she was going to have to put up or shut up.”

“But Vixen, to be honest, it would have been a two on one if both of you had gotten your hands on her. Now is that fair?” asks Pussy Willow as she points the microphone towards Vixen once more.

“I don’t know about fair but it would have made me feel better,” replies Vixen who cracks a half grin. “Besides, we both know that she can’t fight her own battles without her little entourage fighting it for her.”

Pussy Willow gives Vixen a once over, finally noticing the blood that is dripping from her knuckles. “Oh my god, what happened to your hand? Did you manage to catch Misty and this is the result of hitting her repeatedly and ...”

Vixen holds up a hand as Pussy’s voice fades. “Misty isn’t the one that caused’s my own fault but I really need to get this checked out.” Vixen begins to move away as Pussy calls out to her, asking if she wanted to say any last words. Vixen stops and turns with a smile. “Now that you mention it, sure, I have something to say.”

Taking the microphone from Pussy Willow, Vixen turns to look into the camera and takes a slow deep breath. “I hope you are happy Misty. I hope that you are sitting back and chuckling it up about how you took it to NXT to send a message to Odette. Because all you did was make someone a little bit more determined and a little bit more dangerous when you try to use her to get Odette’s notice. I myself can’t wait to see what you think you are going to do when you decide that you want to go through me to Odette. You have put yourself into the crosshairs and made yourself a target. So come on want to get froggy...then JUMP.”

Vixen holds out the microphone to Pussy who grabs it before Vixen drops it. Ms Willow watches as Vixen heads towards the EMT area as it fades to black...

Christmas shopping

“I don’t know what he will like,” moans the woman who is standing and looking over some of the selection of things she has in a shopping cart as the person beside her rolls their eyes as they pay for a pair of warm drinks. “I mean this is so difficult. I haven’t had to buy anything like this for someone like Spike before. I mean yeah, I’ve had to buy for guys before but he’s special you know.”

Vixen shoots a look of ‘help me’ at her brother who hands her the hot cup of tea. “Relax Vixen, you will find something he is going to like. Unlike me who has to buy for a woman who changes her moods like socks or underwear...hey, that’s an idea...”

“You are NOT buying her underwear,” warns Vixen. “Why don’t you buy something in gold or silver...maybe with a diamond or something,” she adds teasingly. The pair sit down in the food court of the mall and leaning on her elbows, Vixen sips appreciatively at the drink. “Soooo, anything to tell me, like what I am going to do about buying a Christmas gift for Spike,” Vixen says.
“Trust me, you will find the right thing to get him eventually Vix,” her brother says. “Did you ever think he might not want a Christmas gift huh?”

“Come on Dev, be serious,” she growls.

“I am serious Vix, maybe he doesn’t want anything,” reiterates her brother. “After all, this is your first Christmas together and it is still rather brand new for both of you. Why not keep it casual...something low cost but still from the a keychain.”

Vixen disgustedly looks at her brother, her eyes narrowing slightly. “Ha ha, funny man. You are NO help!” she exclaims. “Just for that, I am not inviting you to the farm for Christmas.”

Dev just laughs for a moment then gets a seriously thoughtful look on his face. “You said Spike has kids right? Why not invite him and them up to the farm for a weekend or something. They would probably get a kick out of doing the winter thing. You got the sleigh and that awesome sledding hill.  I don’t know but it might be a great idea for a gift.”

Vixen is about to reply when her cell phone tone goes off indicating a message.  Pulling it out of her pocket, she reads the screen and smiles with a shake of her head.  “Merry f’n Christmas to me,” she says as she stabs a finger on the home button then pockets her phone.  Her brother raises one eyebrow looking at her.  

“What’s got your panties in a twist?” he asks.

“The card for the show this week came out and I am in a match against Jessie and Karina Koji and Amy Marshall,” Vixen says angrily.  “Guess Mr Lukewarm Ward decided that he wants to see me working hard for the holidays.”

Getting to her feet, Vixen takes the final sip of her drink and tosses the cup in a nearby garbage can.  Grabbing the handle of the cart, she begins to push it towards another of the stores in the mall.  Catching up to her, her brother chuckles as he walks beside her.  “Working hard or hardly working Vix?” he teases.

“This is serious Dev…I am in a battle royal against three other bombshells who for all intents and purposes are looking to make a name for themselves in the ranking.  Hell, one of them is the Tag title holder that I was this close to beating last week.”  Vixen holds up one hand, the thumb and forefinger only an inch apart.  “And this means that none of them are push overs, even though Amy’s title was saved by a very bad twist of fate so to speak.  Only one that really worries me is Jessie Salco.”

“Isn’t she in NXT with you?” he asks.

“Yes she is and last week we were working on winning the bombshell tag titles,” says Vixen.  “Jessie is really good even though she is kinda rookie-ish too.  But I have to remember that Amy is a champion and Karina was a former champion.  This isn’t going to be as easy as most people will claim.  Trust me that I know what I am doing and trust me I am going to make sure that when push comes to shove and that when the roulette wheel spins, I will have the best match possible.”

“Roulette wheel?  What is that?”

“The matches on this card are all roulette rules specialty matches with a Christmas theme.  So I have to be prepared for anything,” Vixen says as they approach the next store where a crowd has gathered.  “Just like that crowd, I have to be prepared to get right in the thick of the match and make my way through it.  And once I do, I think that they will have no choice but to realize that I am the only one that can step in the ring with Amanda Cortez for the Bombshell title.  And speaking of getting into the thick of it…”

Vixen doesn’t give her brother time to catch up as she moves towards the store, disappearing in the crowd.

Snowed in...But still prepared for the Bombshell battle royal

Sitting in front of a laptop as behind her a whiteout of a blizzard blows across her farmhouse picture window, Vixen readies the webcam.  Once it is finalized, she begins to speak into it.

Welcome to the Vixen vlog for December 21st.  I am sitting here at home, flight cancelled due to a snowstorm that has hit my hometown.  Now I know that the in a few days I will be stepping in the ring with Jessie and Karina and Amy but right now I have a couple of messages to send to those three, Misty and Amanda Cortez.

So a merry seasons beatings for my opponents at Climax Control, my gift to you will be a loss that night.  Don’t think of it as me being a scrooge, think of it as my gift to the fans to have someone that will step into the unknown of the match and be the best of the night between the four of us.  Guess that means it will be lumps of coal for you.

And Misty, I want you to know that even though you were a Grinch last week when you prevented me from gaining the Bombshell tag title I am ready to face you and beat some respect into you.  You owe me for costing me the titles and I am going to collect with interest when I have you in the ring.

Finally, Amanda, I am coming for your title.  It is the reason I am in the Bombshell division and when I say that I am coming for the title, you know that I will fight tooth and nail to gain it.  Which means that when we face each other, I will be taking what I consider should have been mine a long time ago.

With that, I have to finish packing since my flight will be leaving tomorrow and I haven’t got anything wrapped or packed or anything…

So Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Season’s Beatings to you.
