Author Topic: Off to the zoo we go  (Read 487 times)

Offline Surf Boys

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Off to the zoo we go
« on: December 05, 2012, 07:06:11 AM »
 The Surf Boys are seen in their very own Surf Shack. Surf Boards are seen around the room, mounted on walls, and a small television sits against the wall in the room. On the sofa, SCW's part time superstars and full time, slower than the average person, Surf Boys are seen watching TV.

Radical: It's nearly Christmas dude

Narly: No way!

Radical: Way!

Narly: Wasn't it Christmas like eleven months ago?

Radical: Sha dude! We totally need to get people Christmas presents

Narly: We do?

Radical: We do!

Narly: Like what dude?

Radical: Suntan lotion for Milfalicious, new pack of cards for the magic dude.

Narly: Sha, he goes through a lot of cards

Radical: Cork hat for Aussie lady, some gold polish for the Spike dude, some baby oil for the Italian guy.

Narly: Why baby oil?

Radical: Cause the dude must use so much of it.

Narly: Sha

Radical: Bikini for Melody Grace.

Narly: Dude!

Radical: She's hawt!

Narly: Totally

Radical: Some hair ties for the long haired boss dude, some cherry coke for Despy, a santa hat for the teddy bear.

Narly: Face paint for the goth dude?

Radical: Sha! Good thinking dude! Ummmm, how about some money for the rich kid?

Narly: Sha! He likes that stuff.

The sound of a phone ringing, playing Surfin' USA plays somewhere around the room. Radical bops his head up and down.

Radical: I love this song! Everybody was surrrrrrrrrrfing, surfin'USA!

Narly: Um dude, think that's like your phone or something?

Radical: No way!

Narly: Way!

Radical reaches in to his pocket pulling out an old looking phone and holds it up to Narly.

Radical: You were totally right!

Narly: Answer it dude! It could be your mother!

Radical: Right!

Radical presses a button on the phone.

Radical: Hello, oh hey Mr Wood.... sorry, Underwood.

Narly: Underwood? That's a funny name, can't believe no one told him his name could be a slang term for boner.

Radical continues to listen

Radical: Uh uh, sure, like we can do it. Who would be facing?

Radical's eyes widen.

Radical: Like real life lions that are young?

Radical listens, but sighs a huge sigh of relief

Radical: Oh thank god, I thought you was making us fight lions, that would not be cool. Have you ever been close to a lion? Their breath is totally not narly

Narly: I'm Narly!

Radical: Yeah you are!

Narly: Yeah I am!

Radical goes back to his conversation.

Radical: Totally Mr Underwood dude! We'll see you Sunday!

Radical hits a button on the phone and puts it back in his pocket.

Narly: Who was that?

Radical scratches his head and looks at Narly

Radical: That was Mr Underwood dude.

Narly: Awesome!

Radical: He called to tell me we were fighting Young Lions, but he must have been confused

Narly: Why Dude?

Radical: Cause we're not fighting lions, we're sitting on the sofa!

Narly: Sha we are!

Radical: He did say we need to learn about young lions.

Narly: To the zoo!

Radical: To the zoo!

The duo bop their heads and leap up.


The scene changes to the local zoo. A crowd move around looking at various animals, located in different areas of the zoo. Narly and Radical are seen amongst the crowd, standing out in Bermuda shorts, an unusual choice of attire considering the early December chill in the air.

Narly: So where's the young lions and what do we need to learn about them?

Radical: I dunno, he just told me to go learn about young lions.

Narly shrugs.

Narly: He's the dude who pays the moolah, so let's go find out about these young lions.

The two walk though the crowd and Radical jumps up and down, pointing in a direction away from them.

Radical: Over there dude!

The duo move in the direction that Radical pointed and stand before a cage with Lion cubs in the cage. Narly points at a plaque in front of the cage

Narly: Maybe that will tell us about young lions!

Radical: Totally!

The two look at the lion facts inscribed in to the metal plaque. Narly reads them out loud

Narly: Lions stalk their prey needing to get close for a surprise attack. The tall, dry grass provides an excellent camouflage. With Wildebeest in the distance, this lioness stalked right past vehicles seemingly unaware of their presence.

Radical: Does that mean we're like Wildebeests and they're gonna stalk us?

Narly: Sha! We gotta be careful about them sneaking up on us!

Radical: What's the next one say?

Narly: The average male lion weighs around 180 kg (400 lb) while the average female lion weighs around 130 kg (290 lb).

Radical: So they're totally gonna outweigh us, so we totally need to be like quick

Narly: Sha dude!

Radical: Read on dude!

Narly: Lions can reach speeds of up to 81 kph (50 mph) but only in short bursts because of a lack of stamina.

Radical: Ok, so we run around the ring, then they get tired, fall over and we win!

Narly: Sounds like a plan!

Radical: When lions breed with tigers the resulting hybrids are known as ligers and tigons. There are also lion and leopard hybrids known as leopons and lion and jaguar hybrids known as jaglions.

Narly: I totally want a Liger!

Radical: Tigon sounds cooler!

Narly: Nu uh!

Radical: Ya ah!

Narly continues reading

Narly: In the wild, lions rest for around 20 hours a day.

Radical: That's one lazy lion!

Narly: Sha dude! New plan!

Radical: We had an old plan?

Narly: Good point! New old plan!

Radical: What is it?

Narly: We run around faster than fifty miles an hour, they get tired, sleep for twenty hours, and we pin them!

Radical: Awesome plan!

Narly: Sha!

Radical: We got this!

The two nod in agreement as the scene fades out