Author Topic: Not My Fight  (Read 389 times)

Offline Jake Sullivan

  • TAFKAR-The Artist Formerly Known As Rage
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    • Jake Sullivan
Not My Fight
« on: November 29, 2012, 10:28:04 PM »
 Anger. We are all subjected to it. We all experience it in some form or another on a daily basis. Every situation effects each person differently, and how we react is equally different, but how we react to these situations is what is important. How we deal with our anger directly affects our lives, and the lives of those closest to us. If we don’t find health ways to deal with anger, the choices we make can have severe and irreversible consequences. And some of us may just regret those choices, but it will be too late.

How do you deal with your anger? Do you take the appropriate route and talk about the situation calmly and rationally? Do you take a few deep breaths to calm yourself down and realize that perhaps you are overreacting? No, I assume you don’t. I bet several of you listening to me at this very moment do what so many others do in frustrating and stressful situations, because when some people get angry, they simply cannot control their emotions. They lash out at those around them and say or do mean and hurtful things. Some show little to no remorse for what they have said or done. People like your former SCW Heavyweight Champion, and the man who is known as the "Sin of Wrath. The man named Rage.

It is no secret that this man has serious anger issues. He gets frustrated at the simplest of situations, and his normal reactions are well known to most of you. How many times have you heard this man growl, curse or yell in any given situation? More times than you can count on your hands and feet I’m guessing, and his actions in the ring are worse at times. Rage doesn’t let anyone stand in his way, and if they try, he uses his physical strengths to stop him. Now, don’t get me wrong, I understand this is part of his job. Physical violence is part of the wrestling career, but what happens if Rage’s temper gets out of control? What if one time, he can’t control his temper, and takes it a step too far? Have you ever thought about that? I’ve only known him just a few days, but I already sense the inevitable happening unless he gets the proper help he needs. The help I can give him. You all are probably wondering just who I am, aren’t you? Allow me to introduce myself.

My name is Sabrina Stevens. Let me show you just how I met Rage and how I decided that I would give him the help that he so desperately needs.


Sunday After Climax Control

Everything just seems to be getting worse and worse as time goes by for former Heavyweight Champion, Rage. He hasn’t had very many matches the past few months, not that he has wanted to wrestle as of late since everything is going downhill. He lost the Heavyweight Championship. He lost to James Shark, and just a few weeks ago at High Stakes II, he lost the triple threat match when Tom Dudely pinned him for the victory. So to say that Rage is in a bad mood is a bit of an understatement.

After his brief appearance at Climax Control and finding out he had been booked for the next show to take place in Newark, California, Rage decided to go for a little drive…well, a long drive to clear his already messed up head. After seeing his match, it took all of his strength and willpower not to flip a gasket and just start wrecking things in the building, or worse, going straight to the office of either "Hot Stuff" Mark Ward or Christian Underwood…hell, maybe even Erik Staggs! He didn’t care who he’d confront, but one thing was for sure…He was livid about this match, and for more reasons than one.

Reason one…He was in booked in a tag team match. Now, Rage may be a former Tag Team Champion with Jamie Staggs, but for some odd reason, he could trust Jamie Staggs. Jamie might be a complete idiot at times, but he is good at what he does, and he gets the job done. When it comes to anyone else, other than the Seven Deadly Sins, there are very few people, if any, that Rage can trust on the SCW roster. So someone please explain to the big man just why he’s being partnered with one of the very men he had to face at High Stakes II, "Primetime" Matthew Kennedy?! Which one of our genius bosses decided to book this one?

Because of his lack of trust in most of the SCW roster, this is a very logical reason why Rage and the tag team division just do not mix. He would rather focus on kicking ass himself than have to worry about sharing responsibilities with a partner that could potentially screw him over. It happens all the time in the "lethal lottery" style in tag team wrestling, so who could blame him?

Now, not only is Rage being thrown into a tag team match with Matthew Kennedy, but combine that with their opponents, Nick Jones and Jordan Williams, and what do you get? A very pissed off and unstable Sin of Wrath. Seriously…what were Mark Ward, Christian Underwood and/or Erik Staggs thinking when they booked this? What did Rage do to piss one, or all, of these guys off?

That is what is going through the mind of Rage at this very moment as he speeds down the streets of Los Angeles after leaving the Eagle’s Nest Arena. He hadn’t arrived with the rest of the Sins, and he didn’t leave with them either. He just wanted to be alone, which was probably better for the group. He clutches the steering wheel of his Hennessy Venom GT tightly, driving at a speed much higher than the speed limit, but he doesn’t care. The high speed is an adrenaline rush for the big man, and if he gets a speeding ticket, who cares? He needed this. He needed to think, and there wasn’t anyone in the car with him to tell him to slow down. Not that he’d listen anyway.

"You need a drink, Jake."

Oh great, the demon is back. He had managed to silence the thing for a short while, but after recent events, he wasn’t too surprised he was hearing him again. What he was surprised about was the fact that his demon was telling him to get a drink. He didn’t want a drink. He just wanted to drive in peace!

"I don’t need a damn drink, and I don’t fucking want one. Shut the hell up and leave me alone. I just want to drive in silence without you telling me what I need or what I should do."

Rage swerves in and out of traffic like a pro, though he receives a few honking horns and obscene hand gestures in response to his reckless driving. He doesn’t even pay attention to the other drivers, and his demon laughs at him.

"Yeah, it’s probably a good idea that you don’t stop for a drink, now that I think about it. There’s a good chance you’ll get drunk and get behind the wheel of this beautiful car that Gabriel bought you and wrap it around a tree like a true dumbass. And if you survived the inevitable crash, Gabriel would probably kill you for ruining this million dollar car. My mistake for suggesting such a stupid idea."

"What the fuck do you want?! Are you being sarcastic or do you really give a fuck about someone other than yourself?"

"Well, considering what you do directly effects my existence, yes, I do give a fuck, Jake. If you die..I die. So, I’m trying to prevent that from happening. Not to mention that just by getting drunk—"

The demon’s voice trails off midsentence, causing Rage to grow a little suspicious. He doesn’t slow his driving down and continues to drive dangerously.

"What’s that you were about to say, buddy? What would happen just by getting drunk? I’m pretty sure I can guess judging by your sudden silence and refusal to tell me, but I’d really like to hear it from you."

"Nothing, Jake. Absolutely nothing would happen. I would continue to bug you and attempt to control your ever move, and you would continue to not allow it."

Rage shakes his head as he keeps his eyes on the road, and swerves directly in front of an eighteen wheeler. The truck driver honks his horn, and flashes his lights at Rage, but he just rolls his eyes and keeps on driving.

"Right, like I actually believe that shit. I can tell you’re lying, so don’t try to deny it. I’m guessing if I get drunk tonight, or any night, you’ll disappear won’t you? I’ll finally be rid of you!"

The demon goes silent in Rage’s mind, and his eyes light up excitedly. He hits the steering wheel with his left hand and smiles.

"Hot damn, I’m right! Fuck this shit, I’m going for a drink now. Enjoy your time while you’re still here demon boy, because you’re about to be buried once and for all."

"I’ll only be gone temporarily, Jake, and you can’t possibly stay drunk twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. It’s impossible, and I’m pretty damn sure Mark Ward and Christian Underwood wouldn’t allow it either. You have better ways of dealing with all this anger you’re feeling right now and you know it. I have better ways of dealing with the anger, so why don’t you just let me take control for a little while. Let me have some fun, Jake. You need a break!"

Rage lets out a laugh as he ignores his demon half. He swerves in front of another vehicle as he approaches the next highway exit. He speeds up just a little, trying to exit the highway in search of a bar or club he can go to for a drink or several. His demon growls in his head, knowing there is no way he can stop Rage from doing something stupid. He had been just strong enough lately to maintain control, so the demon was forced to watch from deep within Rage's mind.

As Rage turns down a local Los Angeles street, he keeps his eyes open for a place to stop. He drives down the street for several minutes before he spots a nightclub on the left side of the street. He pulls his car into the parking lot, and several people turn and stare in awe of his very expensive ride. He gets out of his car, slamming the door closed and hits the remote lock button before heading towards the entrance to the nightclub.

"This really isn't a great idea, Jake."

"Too fucking bad. You were right. I need a drink after the couple of months that I've had. I don't get why you care anyway. You're a fucking demon. You should encourage me to do this shit."

"As if you'd listen to me either way, but suit yourself. I'll just sit back and watch as you drown away your sorrows and your self-pity. Have a fantastic evening, Jakey boy."

Several people stare at Rage as he talks to the demon inside his head. He shoots evil glares in their direction, and they immediately turn their heads away nervously. The bouncer outside the club steps in front of him, though Rage has a noticeable size advantage over him. The bouncer looks at him, focusing on Rage's frustrated facial expression.

"Whoa, buddy. Take it easy, big man. What's the rush?"

Rage glances down to the bouncer's hand planted on his chest. He grabs it gently and pulls it away, giving the bouncer a less than pleased look.

"Rush? No rush, pal. I'm just in need of a drink. Is there a problem with that?"

"No. No problem with that, but there will be a problem if you cause a scene, big man. I see it all the time with guys like you showing up in a bad mood, and if you cause any shit here tonight, I'll throw you out myself. Are we clear?"

Rage grins a little and nods, folding his arms across his chest.

"Some employee they have in you, don't they? Judging someone you don't even know and assuming they'll cause a problem. Don't worry, though. I'm not much of a people person, so we're crystal clear."

Rage goes to step around the bouncer and enter the club, but the bouncer steps in front of him again. Rage glares and him and growls, but he keeps himself under control if only for the moment. The bouncer smiles and folds his arms across his chest.

"Oh I know who you are. A lot of people do. You're Rage. The former SCW Heavyweight Champion. The Sin of Wrath. I know you, and I know what problems follow you. My job is to make sure the club stays under control, so I even see so much as a stare down between you and someone else tonight, you'll be asked to leave."

"As long as some other prick doesn't decide to pick a fight with me, you won't have a problem. Now, do you mind if I go and buy myself a drink, or do you want to continue to piss me off? Because I'd have no problem kicking your ass right now."

The bouncer lets out a laugh but steps aside. He gives Rage a look that says "I'm watching you", but gets back to his post outside the door. Rage walks inside the packed nightclub, heading straight towards the bar. He pulls out one of the barstools and takes a seat, waiting for one of the bartenders to walk over to him. Once the other people have their drinks, one of the bartenders heads his way. She is a tall and slender dark haired woman, and she gives him a polite smile.

"Hey there big boy. What can I get for ya this evening?"

"I don't care. I need something strong, so surprise me."

"You got it. I'll be right back."

The bartender smiles and walks away to make Rage's drink. He turns turns around to look at all the people dancing and having a good time out on the dance floor. He laughs and shakes his head, not sure why he picked this club instea of a bar. It doesn't matter, as he's only worried about getting a few drinks in his system.

As he is about to turn back around and wait for his drink, a woman at a table several feet away catches his eye. He notices her watching him intently. She raises a glass to her lips, taking a sip of her drink, but she keeps her eyes locked on Rage. He looks around him for a second, thinking maybe she's staring at someone else, but she's not. Rage shrugs, then turns around when the bartender comes back with his drink.

"Here ya go. This is my own personal creation. Hope you like it."

Rage picks up the glass, looking at the liquid curiously. He brings the glass to his lips, then downs the entire thing in one gulp. The bartender's eyes widen as he sets the glass back down on the counter.

"That was pretty damn good. Better keep those coming."

"I'd take those in moderation big man, otherwise you might be on the ground in a little while. You having a bad night or something, big man?"

She takes the glass, but doesn't refill it right away.

"Yeah something like that, but no offense I'm not here for a therapy session. I'd really like another one of those drinks if you don't mind. And a beer would be great too. Okay?"

"Sure. No problem. Sorry for prying. What kind of beer would you like? Or do you want me to surprise you with that, too?"

"I don't care as long as it's not cheap shit. I'd prefer real beer."

The bartender nods again and walks off to make him another drink and get his beer. He stays in his seat at the bar the whole time, and about an hour and several drinks and beers later, a very intoxicated man stumbles up to the bar, bumping into Rage and causing him to knock over his beer. Rage turns his head and glares at the man, who doesn't even seem to care what he just did. He laughs at the spillex beer.

"Whoops. Was that my fault?"

"Gee, ya think? Watch where you're walking next time asshole."

The bouncer from earlier is now inside the club and he is watching the situation with Rage like a hawk. Rage notices and turns away from the drunk guy, but the guy's eyes light up excitedly as he gets a good look st Rage and recognizes him. He points his finger at him and laughs.

"Holy shit, it's you! You're Rage! I was just at the show tonight, dude. Not surprise that you didn't have a match though, but I'm not complaining because there were a lot of hot Bombshells to stare at. I can't believe you're actually here. Say, is Shane with you?! I've always wanted to have a drinking contest with him."

The bartender brings Rage a fresh beer placing it in front of him. He takes a drink, and looks at the drunk guy from out of the corner of his eye before responding.

"Nope. Sorry."

"Damn what's with the attitude man? I was just asking a simple question."

"Trust me when I say you’d know if I was giving you attitude. Now, I suggest you just leave me alone and mind your own business and let me drink in peace."

The drunk guy laughs and looks at the bartender who is minding her own business and wiping up with spilled beer in front of Rage. The drunk guy pokes Rage in the arm, further agitating the already pissed off big man. Rage does his best to ignore him, but he keeps egging him on and annoying him.

"You really are an asshole, aren’t you? I thought it was all just some lame act, but apparently not. I bet you’re sexually frustrated now that that Carly chick up and disappeared on you, huh? Don’t worry, dude, you’ll get some eventually. You just have to place nice with the ladies!"

"Don’t fucking touch me again man. That’s your first and last warning. Got it?"

Rage turns his head and glares at the guy. He places his half drank bottle of beer on the counter in front of him, as the bartender and the bouncer both keep an eye on the situation closely. Rage stands up, towering over the drunk guy, but the drunk guy doesn’t seem intimidated by him.

"Oooh, look at this guys. The big scary *air quotes* Sin of Wrath is gonna hurt me. Say, can I get security over here?!"

"Sir, why don’t you leave him alone? He was minding his own business, and you’re about two seconds away from being thrown out. I’m sure our security staff doesn’t want to split of a fight tonight, but they will if they need to."

The bouncer is on the scene within just a few seconds, and he immediately approaches Rage. He stands next to him and glares at him, but he gives Rage a smile that says ‘I knew it".

"What did I tell you earlier, pal? If you cause any shit, you’ll be asked to leave."

Before Rage can respond to defend himself, the bartender gets involved in Rage’s defense.

"Hey, Danny, he’s not the one who started this. If you’re going to ask anyone to leave, ask the drunken idiot standing next to you, okay? This gentleman was just minding his own business."

Rage and the bouncer engage in a stare down, and the drunken guy looks between the both of them. He shakes his head, then backs away.

"Man forget this shit. I don’t feel like getting my ass kicked tonight, and there are some hot chicks waiting out on the dance floor for me."

He then turns and walks away, stumbling and shoving his way through the crowd of people as he makes his way back to the dance floor. The bartender walks away to help another customer leaving Rage and the bouncer standing there alone, save for a few people watching them expecting them to fight. Rage has his arms at his side and his hands are clenched into fists as he tries to restrain himself from doing something stupid. The bouncer’s eyes look down, noticing Rage’s clenched fists, and he lets out a laugh.

"What you gonna do big man? You gonna kick my ass? Go ahead. I dare you to try."

Rage cracks his knuckles, then reaches into his pocket and pulls out his wallet. He pulls some cash out, then sets it on the bar just as the bartender walks back up to him. Rage takes his bottle of beer and polishes it off, slamming the bottle back down on the counter, and looks at the bartender pointing to the cash.

"Keep the change."

Rage then shoves his way past the bouncer, purposely knocking his shoulder against him. The bouncer leans against the bar, watching Rage as he walks out of the club, followed by a young attractive red-headed woman. Outside the club, Rage is making a beeline for his car, with the red-haired woman following behind, trying to catch up to him. Rage can hear the clicking of her heels, but ignores it, and he hits the remote to unlock his car. As he is about to open the door and get inside, the woman calls after him.

"Excuse me! Hey, wait a second!"

Rage lowers his head. He had hoped he would make it to his car before anyone was able to stop him, but apparently he wasn’t fast enough. He leans against his car, looking at the woman, but he doesn’t say anything.


"Are you okay, sir? I was watching you in there and I could tell you’re pretty upset about something, and from the looks of things, you clearly wanted to beat those two guys up."

She walks up to his car, first looking at him, and then glances at his car. Rage looks at her, remaining expressionless.

"I’m fine, but why do you care? You don’t even know me."

"True, I don’t know you personally, but I make a living dealing with people like you. I watched you from a distance, but I felt your anger and your stress level from that far away, so I thought I would introduce myself."

"Really?  You make a living out of approaching complete strangers who you think need your help?  Has anyone ever told you that's not exactly a safe move, and its how pretty little ladies such as yourself wind up hurt...or worse?  Thanks for the offer but I don't need your help...I don't need any help."

The woman folds her arms across her chest, taking a step closer to his car.  She looks at him with a smile, but doesn't appear to be afraid of him.

"Oh, I'm fairly sure you don't mean that.  And if you do, you just don't realize that you need help.  I see this kind of behavior all the time.  I know how to spot a person with anger issues.  It's what I'm trained to do.  I was watching that confrontation between you and both of those men the whole time, and I can see the anger issues you have.  You clenched your hands.  You glared at them from the corner of your eyes, then stood up to them trying to show your dominance over them.  They were clearly making you very angry, and I must say I'm very surprised you didn't resort to physical violence."

"Look lady--"

"Please, call me Sabrina."

Rage lets out a laugh and shakes his head.

"No thanks.  I don't need to introduce myself, and neither do you.  You can go ahead and walk back inside to your boyfriend, your friends or whoever you're here with.  I'm leaving and getting the hell out of Los Angeles and heading back home.  So thanks, but no thanks.  I don't want your help."

Rage is once again about to get into his car, but Sabrina speaks again.  Rage lowers his head and growls under his breath.

"You're not from Los Angeles?  What a coincedence, neither am I."

Rage rolls his eyes at Sabrina's attempt at small talk.

"No, I'm not, but good for you.  I don't care."

Sabrina places her hand on Rage's car, running it along the exterior very slowly.  She walks around the car, standing in front of it, locking eyes with Rage.

"You know, you should try being polite sometimes.  Especially to someone who is showing nothing but kindness to you in the first place.  You've got some serious issues, but I'm sure it's nothing that can't be helped.  I'd like to help you if you'll let me.  Though it would help if I knew your name."

"I'm sure it would help, but you're not getting my name.  You seem to enjoy picking up guys at clubs this way, so why don't you go back inside and find someone else who might want your *air quotes* help, because once again, I don't.  My problems are none of your business, and trust me when I say I'm beyond help anyway.  Now, get away from my car.

Sabrina laughs and walks over to Rage.  She stands directly in front of him, but as is the case with most everyone else, he towers over her.  She looks up at him, them reaches into her shirt, specifically her bra, and pulls out a card.  She grabs his hand, then places the card in it, wrapping his fingers around it.

"Alright, I'll leave you alone now, but sooner or later you'll want my help.  When you do you can give me a call and it will be my pleasure to help you."

Rage looks at the card and raises an eyebrow.  He reads the information on the card as she walks away, and he goes wide-eyes suddenly.

"Shit...You're from Las Vegas, too?!"

Sabrina turns around and just smiles.  She waves to him and continues walking back toward the club.  Rage stands by his car for a few minutes staring at Sabrina's business card.  He shakes his head then puts the card in his pocket and sliding inside his car.  When he puts the key in the ignition and is about to start his car, he is startled by a little "mewing" sound coming from the passenger seat where his jacket is laying.  His jacket is moving, and when Rage picks it up he is shocked at what he finds.  Looking up at him with those tiny innocent eyes is the little kitten Gabriel had earlier at Climax Control.  It meows at Rage again.

"Son of a bitch!  You've gotta be fucking kidding me!!!!"

The kitten then pounces on Rage's lap, digging its sharp little kitten claws into his leg through his pants, causing the big man to jump and hit his head on the roof of his car.  The scene fades out to the sound of Rage's loud growling and cursing.


"I need to fill you all in on a little secret.  I pretended I didn't know who Rage was that night just a few days ago, but I knew who he was the whole time.  I don't follow wrestling, but living in the Las Vegas area, I was well aware of Sin City Wrestling and a few of it's superstars.  I have friends who watch SCW and attend their shows in the area, so I've seen Rage before, and I'm very well aware of his...reputation.

Rage walks around seemingly pissed off at the entire world, and for reasons I am not quite aware of just yet.  I know he had a very difficult childhood, but until he tells me the events that took place, I am not going to pry.  He has to want my help before I can gve it to him, and I know that very soon, I'll be getting that phone call.  In fact, I believe my phone will ring tonight and within just a few hours.  Call it a hunch, but I'd place money on it.  You might not believe he'll call, but I do.

I saw his reaction when he looked at my business card, and I heard his car speeding off down the road after my confrontation with him.  He could have easily ripped up that card, but did he?  No, I don't think he did.  Whether he wants to admit it at the moment or not, Rage wants help.  He knows he needs it, because let's face it, he's not getting any youger.  None of us are.  It's time for him to stop dwelling on the past.  He needs to live in the moment and focus on the future and leading a happy life.  Not a life full of anger and resentment.  I'm not saying he's not allowed to ever get angry at certain situations. He just needs to learn to control his temper a little better.  

How do I plan to do that?  Well, that is for me to know, and you all to find out, but my techniques have worked before, and I fully believe they will work on him.  And what do you know, my phone is now ringing.  I'll give you all a guess as to just who is calling me at this very moment.  

And he's much sooner than I first anticipated.  It seems he does want my help after all.


Rage has never been to Gabriel and Odette's home yet, surprisingly, but he knew how to get there.  He wasn't invited to their home this evening, nor did they know he would be stopping by, but he had a certain feline friend of theirs to return to them.  And there wasn't a chance in hell he'd keep the thing(oops! Sorry Odette!)...Err, the kitten...Overnight at his place.  No way!  The little hairball had already dug its little claws into his leg much like Despayre's devil cat has done numerous times only ten times worse than the little kitten belonging to Odette and Gabriel.

Rage is not a fan of cats...or any animals for that matter, so the farther away from them he is, the happier (Rage?  Happy?  There's an oxymoron!) he is.  He wasn't sure how the little kitten managed to stow away in his jacket, but it did, and he had to return it as soon as possible before he, and even Odette, had a heart attack, but for two different reasons.

Rage pulls his car into the long driveway leading up to Gabriel and Odette's home.  He parks his car next to Gabriel's precious Bugatti  Veyron (did I get that right \'tongue.gif\') and snarls as he looks at it.  He still wanted to drive that car just once, but Gabriel would never let him so much as touch that car.  Oh well...He wasn't here about the car anyway!  He takes his keys out of the ignition and, as gently as he can, picks up the little kitten that was rolling around playing in his jacket, and gets out of his car.  

As Rage walks past Gabriel's car he does something very stupid out of rebellion against his magician friend.  With the kitten in his left hand, Rage takes his right hand and touches the hood of Gabriel's precious car, and the moment he does, the car's alarm system goes off, scaring the poor little kitten in Rage's hand.  It yelps, then claws its way up Rage's arm and to the top of his head, where it holds on for dear life.  Rage hollers and stumbles about, and the front door to the house swings open and Gabriel runs out in a panic.  Upon seeing Rage, and the frightened kitten on top of his head, Gabriel silences the alarm on his car, and looks at Rage amused yet slightly baffled at the same time.

"You mind telling me what the hell is going on?  Did you just touch my car?!"

"Screw you car at the moment!  You mind giving me a little help here?!"

Gabriel looks at the kitten with its nails dug into Rage's head and shakes his head with an amused smile.

"If he reacted like that because you touched my car then nope.  I'd say you deserve every one of them claws dug into your brain, assuming you even have one."

Rage  glares at Gabriel then reaches up to his head and gently tries to pry the poor little kitten from off of him.  He winces as the claws tug at the skin on his head, and just then Odette comes running out the front door, equally curious as to what is going on.

"What's going on out here?"

No sooner does she say that does she notice her kitten holding on to Rage's head for dear life.  Her eyes light up in relief as she runs over to Rage, reaching for her "baby".

"Princeton!!!  Careful RageFace!  Don't you hurt my baby or I'll hurt you!!"

Rage has gotten to his knees, making it easier for Odette to get the kitten.  She swats Rage's hand away, and as little Princeton spots Odette, he gets equally excited to see her.  He releases his grip on Rage's head and practically leaps into Odette's arms. Odette hugs her little kitten, relieved to see him, and Gabriel watches on still smiling.  Rage runs the top of his head and looks at his hand seeing little specs of blood from his most recent war wound.  Odette walks up to Gabriel clutching one of their "babies" protectively in her arms.

"Remind me to park the car in the garage from now on sweetheart.  That way if baldy here decides to show up unannounced again, he won't be able to put his  dirty hands all over it.  Though little Princeton's reaction was priceless."

Rage snarls at him and Gabriel laughs.  Odette playfully slaps Gabriel's arm and Princeton meows, voicing his opinion as well.

"You were supposed to be watching him!"

Gabriel shrugs his shoulders innocently and Rage laughs as he walks up to the both of them.  Odette plays with Princeton, who is playfully swatting at her.

"He apparently wanted to spend some time with Uncle Rage here.  No
Need to worry.  The little guy is okay."

”Yeah and what about the big man?  You know the one who just had kitten claws dug into his brain? “

Gabriel and Odette both look at Rage, and then at each other before laughing.  Odette pets little Princeton again.

”Hey, you got what you deserved baldy.  Maybe that will teach ya not to tough my car ever again.  Not that you’ll ever get another chance again.”

”I’m going to take Princeton inside.  Carrot has been looking everywhere for him!”

”Yeah and you might want to give the little bugger a flea bath while you’re at it.”

”He doesn’t have fleas!”

Rage laughs again as he rubs his head.  Odette sticks her tongue out at him and then disappears back inside, glad to have her baby back.  Gabriel looks at Rage and shakes his head.

”I’d watch what you say about our kittens if I were you.  She’s very protective of those little guys.  Don’t underestimate a woman’s motherly instinct, bud.”

”It’s a cat, Gabriel!  It’s not a human being.  It’s a annoying…furry…FLEABAG!”


Gabriel turns around to glance inside the house and laughs.  Rage just rolls his eyes.

”Don’t say I didn’t warn ya.”

”I’m not afraid of her.  She should be thanking me for bringing the little fl…Princeton…back home!  And you’re both lucky that all he managed to use for a scratching post was my damn jacket and not the leather interior of my car.”

”Lighten up, bud.  You’ve been more cranky than usual lately, you know that?  Apparently you getting laid did help your attitude, but now that Carly is missing in action, I guess I shouldn’t be too surprised.”

Rage glares at Gabriel and turns around walking back over to his car.  He leans against his car and looks at Gabriel again.

”My attitude has nothing to do with Carly and you know it.  I’m just sick of how things are right now, and I’m only getting more and more pissed off as each day goes by.  I can’t win a match for shit lately, so why the hell should I even bother anymore?  What’s the fucking point?”

”How many matches have you even had lately?  Your match at High Stakes II was the first match you had in almost two months.”

”Yeah, and the match I had before that I lost, but I’d rather not talk about that shit ever again.  It’s one thing to lose to Nick Jones, but—“

Gabriel holds his hand up, silencing Rage before he can even finish what he was going to say.  He holds up a finger telling Rage to hold on for a second, and he walks inside the house.  A few minutes later he walks back out, holding his Tag Team Title belt.  He walks up to Rage, holding the belt up for him to see.

”What is this?”

Rage looks slightly confused as he looks at Gabriel, then at the belt.

”Do you think I’m stupid?  That’s your tag team title.  Do you really have to rub it in my face that once again you have a title and I don’t?”

”I’m not rubbing it in your face, baldy.  I’m trying to motivate you again.  It seems like ever since you lost the Heavyweight title you just don’t care.  When you lose a title you don’t just give up.  You keep up with what you’re doing.  You lost the title three months ago.  Get over it already and get back to doing what you do best…what we all know you can do.  Kick some serious ass.  Because if you don’t, you’re just going to be stuck right where you are.  Is that what you want?”

”I don’t know what the fuck I want.  Nick Jones isn’t the champion anymore, so technically I could go after the title again if I wanted to, but fuck if I know if I really want to.  I don’t even give a shit about this pointless tag team match that I’m being thrown into.”

Gabriel places his tag team title over his shoulder, and Rage just glares at it.  He growls and cracks his neck, the tension clearly building up inside of him.

”They don’t just throw someone in a match, bud.  You’ve faced Nick and Jordan before, so you know what to expect from the both of them.”

”I was thrown into this match!  Just like I was thrown in that match with Tom Dudely and Primetime!  I’m being thrown into the middle of this bullshit with Mark and his lackeys, and it’s pissing me the fuck off!  I’m gonna have to sit back and listen to Nick talk his shit AGAIN because I’m in this match, and I’m tired of it.  Primetime can face those two shitheads by himself, because this fight is not mine.  I’m not going to be tossed into a match as just filler.  I was the Heavyweight Champion for crying out loud!”

Rage’s face begins to flush red and his nostrils flare.

”So start acting like it.  Don’t stand there and bitch and whine—“

”I’m NOT whining or bitching, Gabriel!  I’m fucking pissed…and I’m leaving.  I’ll see you later.”

”If you say so, but why don’t you think about what I said.”


Rage walks around the side of his car and gets in the driver’s side.  The engine roars to life shortly after, and Rage watches as Gabriel disappears back inside the house, shaking his head.  Rage sits in his car for a few minutes, contemplating his next move.  He reaches into his pocket and takes out his cell phone, and the business card Sabrina had given him earlier.  Rage stares at the card for a minute before dialing the number, and bringing the phone to his ear.

”I can’t believe I’m doing this…”

Rage puts his car in reverse, and begins backing out of the long driveway, still holding the phone to his ear.  After three rings, Sabrina’s voice answers on the other end.

”Hey Sabrina, it’s me…Uh…Rage…Look, I’m not used to this shit at all.  What are you doing later this week?"

Rage backs out of the driveway, looking in either direction making sure the coast is clear.  He speeds off down the road and the camera fades away.



"I guess this is the part where I should get down to business and  focus on this match on Sunday, shouldn't I?  I'm not even going to call it my match, because it really isn't my match. It's not my fight...not ny feud.  The bosses just chose me as Primetime's partner for this match for reasons I still don't understand!  I'd bet any money on the guess that if Mark Ward made the decisions by himself, Matthew Kennedy would be facig his two bitch boys all by himself, but Mark doesn't make all the decisions does he?  No, Christian Underwood has a say, which is where my involvement in this match probably comes into play, doesn't it?

Interesting that Matthew Kennedy doesn't seem to care that I'm his tag team partner this week.  He's only worried about taking on Mark and his boys all by himself because he wants what almost everyone else on the roster wants.  Matthew Kennedy wants what I used to have...what Spike Staggs now has.  The SCW Heavyweight Championship.  And he thinks that picking a fight with Mark Ward and his buddies will really get him anywhere.  Newsflash, Kennedy, it won't.  The only place it will get you, is at the bottom of the barrel scratching your way out.

I don't really know how the hell to deal with this match.  On one hand, I think about facing Nick Jones again, and I can't wait.  I've wanted to kick his ass one more time ever since he took the Heavyweight title back.  I've wanted to, but I couldn't.  I had to walk away from the Heavyweight Championship for a while, waiting for the moment Nick's reign ended..if it ended.  Looks like that time is now, isn't it?  Nick isn't the champ anymore.  So what's a big man to do?  That's where my predicament comes in.  

On one hand, I want to fight Nick again, but a bigger part of me just doesn't.  It's like Nick Jones is the ONE guy I don't want to fight right now.  After I left Gabriel and Odette's place earlier this week, I knew I had to avoid everyone at all costs.  I had to stay away from people in general, because these past few months...more so lately...I just want to beat the shit out of anyone...anyone except Nick Jones.  So that leaves me in quite the predicament this week doesn't it, considering Nick is one of my opponents.  His former friend, turned enemy, turned friend again Jordan Williams is teaming with him, which most people would say doesn't bode well for Kennedy and me.

I couldn't disagree more, honestly.  You see, I've been avoiding people. I've been keeping all this anger and frustration bottled up inside all week.  My mind is telling me I need to destroy something...hurt someone...but I'm doing everything in my power to hold back.  I'm saving it for this match on Sunday.  I'm saving it for you Jordan.  

Why, you might ask?  Why focus on Jordan when he's only one half of a team?  I've asked myself the same question several times this week, but the only answer I can come up with is this.  I've already proved to myself and Nick Jones...that I can kick his ass, because I have.  I've faced him, what four times already this year?  Hell I barely even remember.  I simply don't give a rat's ass about Nick Jones anymore.  As for everyone else, that's a different story.  I'll fight Nick if I have to...if we're both the legal men at the time...But his boy Jordan has a world of hurt coming to him.  As for Matthew Kennedy...

Stay the hell out of my way and don't piss me off.  Tag team partner or not, I'll kick your ass if I need too.  Take that as your one and only warning."