Author Topic: Life and Death  (Read 872 times)

Offline GoddessoftheDead

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    • Necra Octavian Kane
Life and Death
« on: November 02, 2012, 11:03:16 PM »
Act 1: Who was that?

"Here begins praises and recitations, going in and out of the realm of the dead, having benefit in the beautiful West, being in the suite of Osiris, resting at the food-table of Wennefer, going out into the day, taking any shape in which he desires to be, playing at draughts, sitting in a booth, and going forth as a living soul by the Osiris after he has died. It is beneficial to him who does it on earth."
Spell 17 - Book of the Dead


The scene opens on the still darkened cemetery. The trees cast their eerie shadows against the ground, as the bright lights of the city cast their glow around the cemetery. The wind had picked up some, and the leaves stirred along the ground, as we see Necra move into the scene. She is still in a full run, trying to catch up with Roxanne. No one made a fool out of her, and lived to tell about it. Soon she hears footsteps behind coming up behind her. She ducks behind a vault, and pulls out a jagged dagger and waits. As the shadow comes around the corner she jumps out, and plunges the dagger deep within the chest of Ex. He stands there and looks at her, and shakes his head, pulling it out, only to hand it back to her. Necra blushes slightly, placing the dagger back at her side in it's sheath.

Ex: What are you doing?

Necra: I thought you were someone else. I have no idea who that woman was, but she's not going to live.

Ex: I saw that and I thought it was hot.

Necra: Figures you would. Where's Sara?

Ex: No clue. I think I lost her back there somewhere.

Necra sighs, and starts back to where Ex came from. They soon come to one of the open graves and Necra sighs, bending down, and looking into the hole.

Sara: Hello? Is anyone out there?

Necra: Sara why are down there?

Sara: I fell down here, when Ex and I were looking for you ma'am. I guess I wasn't watching where I was going. Congratulations on the win ma'am.

Necra just smiles and pulls Sara out of the hole, and looks back towards the way Roxanne had gone.

Sara: What are you looking for ma'am?

Necra: Not what Sara, but who.

Necra looks down at the ground, as her eyes turn a pale white as she hears voices coming from somewhere behind them. Necra turns and looks but sees nothing. The dead whispered to her again, but this was different. The voice was darker, and seemed almost demonic in nature. Necra's eyes change from the pure white to red in a matter of seconds, before turning back to their normal dark brown color. Necra shakes her head, and sighs as the voice fades.

Sara: Ma'am? Are you all right?

Necra: I'm fine. I just heard something that's all. This city speaks to me even when I'm not listening. There's blood in the streets, and spirits move through the crowds without anyone ever seeing them.

Ex: Are you sure you're ok? You look paler then usual.

Necra: I'm sure. Lets get back to the hotel. I need some rest I think.

Ex just nods, and picks her up. Her injuries weren't bad, but the bruises would soon appear but it was nothing that a long soak in a tub couldn't cure. She had a few scrapes but they would heal with a little bit of salve that was carried in a small case wherever they went. They soon disappear into the distance, and into the darkness as the scene fades to black.

Act 2: It Must Be Rome


The scene opens on the Belliago Hotel and Casino in Vegas. The fountain springs to life, every few minutes. Tourist moved about the now darkened city, taking in the sites, and spending money at any casino that they stopped at. The camera moves to another part of the Hotel, where the Villas sit. We soon see Necra moving along the marble walk way around the lit pool. She sits at the edge of the pool, and puts her legs down into the clear blue water. It ripples, and her reflection seems to change only for a minute to what appears to be a demon. Her red eyes glow, and the black wings extend as a set of horns spring from the forehead. Necra stares down at the visage and smiles. It was her other side... It hadn't been let out in a good while, which meant things could get ugly if she wasn't careful. Necra moves her feet in the water, and the image fades. The night hadn't been a total loss. She and Amanda had won against Odette and Jaya and that's all that mattered. It had been a victory over a woman that they said was unbeatable and Necra proved everyone wrong. She had been the last one standing when all was said and done, and Odette and her partner Jaya had been put into their place, as it was meant to be. Necra leaned back, and looked up at the moon. It was full and round, but it had a strange look to it. Necra caught something out of the corner of her eye, and the smell of sulfur filled the air around her.

Necra: I know you're there. You might as well come out, and say hello.

A young woman with black raven hair, and bright blue eyes steps out from behind one of the pillars. She smiles and moves toward Necra. Necra just smiles back, as the young woman sits beside her.

Young Woman: It's been a while Necra. How come you haven't come to see me?

Necra: I've been busy, if you haven't noticed Rayne.

Rayne: I have, and I must say you haven't given in to your other side lately, and that disappoints me so.

Necra looks over at Rayne and smiles softly. She knew what Rayne wanted, but she wasn't about to give it to her. Death, and lust were the things she knew, while Rayne held the realm of lust.

Necra: I haven't had to feed the demon in a while. I've been doing fine, but now... Being in a city that's made of every sin known to man I've been going insane here. I hear whispers of the dead from every unsolved murder that has ever happened in this city, along with those that have been laid to rest. Then the smell of blood on the streets... It's there, just no one else can sense it, like I can.

Rayne: Then why don't we go out and have a good time before your match. It's a shame that you can't kill all three of them. I mean two of them are headed our way anyway once all is said and done, but the third... Odette is it?

Necra nods, and gets to her feet. Rayne follows behind, as Necra walks around the pool once again.

Necra: I guess I could take time off, and we could hit the town for a good while tonight. Let me get ready and I'll...

Necra turns around, looking for Rayne, but she was gone once again.

Necra: Never mind... I guess she'll find me when I'm ready.

Necra heads back inside, where we find Ex sitting on the couch watching old "B" monster movies. She had to smile. There had been plenty of nights that she and Ex spent watching old movies, and ended up falling asleep. Her mind flashes back to another time, as she stares at him...


The scene soon changes to an older looking home somewhere in the countryside of New York. An old manor house looms over a small town below, and the night was pitch black as the stars twinkled in the sky above, and the moon was round and full as it could get. As the scene changes we see Ex sitting on the couch watching "Troll." As he watches, he doesn't see a little shadow moving across the floor, and then move to the couch. The sound of pitter-pattering of feet is soon heard on the hard wood floors. As Ex turns around, he sees a pair of almost black eyes, and a gleam of a knife as it comes plunging down into his chest. He screams, as the sound a pacifier is heard from the little girl dressed in a long white toga, and a deep green laurel around her head. Ex looks up and sighs, as he picks her up, and laughs, as he takes the toy knife from her.

Ex: Sweety you know that won't do anything to me right?

The little girl nods, and sits beside him on the couch, and stares at the TV.

Ex: Do you want to finish watching Troll with me?

Once again she nods, and Ex smiles softly, as she curls up with him watching the movie.

Necra snaps out of her thoughts, as she leans down kissing the cheek of the skull mask he wore. He looks back, as Necra smiles and walks off, and he shrugs, turning back to the movie that was playing. Necra walks into the massive bedroom and starts going through her outfits, and pulls out one that was tight and showed off every asset that she had.

Necra: It seems so strange that Ex and I have been together as long as we have. He's the only that understands me, and treats me like the Goddess I am. What other man would be willing to bow down to a woman? None. He loves me as I love him, and nothing will ever change that. My mother had men flocking at her door; no matter what life she lived, but me... Ex will be the only one for me. If I ever needed his help in a match he would be there if I asked, but I never have. Tonight was a victory even if it was for my partner and myself. Amanda took care of Jaya while I brought down the woman they said was unstoppable. It's funny really... They say that you can't be beat Odette, and yet, I tossed your sorry Aussie ass down into the grave where you belong. You may have gotten away for now Odette but it won't be that long before we will stand face to face once again. You already know that I fear no mortal that stands before me. I have nothing to fear from creatures that live such short lives. If anything Odette you should fear me, for you have not truly faced death and lived to tell about it. I could have sealed you in that hole, and walked away but I didn't, did I? I want you to stand before me and shake with fear as you look upon me. Your time is done Odette while my time is just beginning. You have every right to believe that everyone is trying to destroy you Odette... Because everyone truly is out to get you... Including me.

Necra just smiles as she steps behind the changing curtain and flings the white toga over the top, and pulls down the tight black dress. When she steps out from behind the changing curtain the little black dress clung to all the right places. The gold hieroglyphics seemed to shimmer as she moved into the light, and stood before the mirror.

Necra: Amanda when will you learn that you will never escape me? No matter where you run, or where you hide you will never leave my sight. Sunday night will be a night that you shall never forget. For I shall walk away with the Bombshell title, and your soul if I desire it to be so. You may have helped me bring down Jaya and Odette, but this week it's everyone for themselves, and I don't plan on losing the match or the title. I had it slip through my fingers once but not this time. It will be mine, no matter what it takes I will make you all suffer for standing in my way. You brought my wrath upon you, when you stood in the ring against me the first time, and now you will fall at my feet, and there is nothing that you or anyone else can do it about it. What I have done to you is just the beginning Amanda. If you walk away with the title, consider your life forfeit in my eyes and those that I seek upon you. You will never know when they are there, or when you will meet your end, until I call upon them. Sunday night will be your swan song Amanda, and when all is said and done, I shall look down at you and laugh all the while.

Necra stares into the mirror, and her image starts to change once again. This time it was of the creature death. Her hand turned skeletal and her eyes seemed to disappear into black holes. Her skin seemed to stretch back from her face, as she continued to stand in front of the mirror. The only time she saw that image is if a soul dies. Her short dress starts to turn into a long robe, and a scythe appears in her hand.

All you that do this place pass by,
Remember death for you must die...
As you are now so once was I
So pray prepare to follow me.

Softly she slept, in the last hour
God's Angel hover'd nigh
He raised with love that fragile flower.

Necra looks at the camera from the mirror, and the twisted skeletal smile seems to fade as Necra disappears into nothingness as the scene fades to black.

Act 3: Death is a bitch


The scene open on the Sunrise Hospital in Las Vegas. The night sky was still filled with stars and the moon was still full. There was very little movement around the Sunrise Hospital this late, except for the Ambulance that had just arrived. We soon see Necra leaning against the wall by the door to the hospital where the Ambulance had just arrived. She was dressed in a tight pair of jeans, and tight fitting shirt. A black leather jacket was zipped up half way, and her hair was pulled back away from her face. No one seems to notice her as they move by her with a body in a body bag. A young man walks up to her, and looks back at the body bag.

Young Man: Poor stiff. I wonder how he went.

Necra: Are you serious? You have no clue what happened to you do you?

Young Man: What are you talking about? I was in an accident and...

Necra: You died... That's why you're here, and that's why I'm here. I've been waiting on you for like 2 hours. I have things I still have to do, and I don't need to be delayed. So can we move this along David?

David looks at her with wide eyes, as she sighs looking at her watch.

David: How did you know my name?

Necra: There isn't a whole lot that I don't know about you. Everything, well mostly everything is right here...

She digs out a PDA, and hits a few things before she hands it to him. He looks it over and shakes his head as he hands it back to Necra.

David: No, this can't be! I'm dreaming, and you're not real!

Necra sighs, and grabs David by the hand. She hated wasting time, but it had to be done.

Necra: All right... I hate when I have to do this the hard way. Do you remember hitting that pole?

David: Not really. I remember driving down the strip to the outskirts of the city toward the Neon Graveyard... And then it's kind of a blur.

Necra: Well... According to this you broke your neck on impact, because you weren't wearing a seat belt. Shame... Now we can either go right now, or I can let you see your body before we leave. It's up to you. Please choose now, because like I said I'm really busy and don't have all night to be spending time with a fascinating guy such as yourself.

David: Has anyone ever told you, you're a bitch?

Necra just sighs, and looks at him. She grabs his hand, and they walk through the door without it even opening. David looks at her, and then down the hallway that was before him.

Necra: I could be a real bitch right now, drag you kicking and screaming to the next life, but I'm trying to be nice. If you want to prove to yourself that your dead then I'll do it. I mean we just walked through a door without it even moving... What more do you want?

David: I am a show me kind of person. So show me my body, and then you can take me to wherever you need to.

Necra nods, and they start walking down the bright hallway. People pass them in the hallway, and no one even notices. The elevator doors open, and they step inside, only to have them close behind them.

David: Why didn't you use that spirit power like you did earlier?

Necra: Because the doors were already open. I don't waste my powers... You wouldn't know where to start in my line of work. Plus this takes a lot out of me.

Necra looks up and watches the numbers go down, as they sink deeper in the hospital. Her mind starts to wander back to her match and to her final opponent.

Necra: *Voice Over* Jaya do you think that I have forgotten about you? I haven't, and I have to admit I'm not that concerned about you, considering that you were in our match last week all of what 5 minutes? Odette and Amanda are a bigger threat than you, and I plan on taking you out no matter what it takes. Jaya do you even know why you're here? Or has it dawned on you that you are going to step into the ring with three extremely talented women that will destroy you if you don't do something before you are put down, and out of your misery? I mean no one has even heard from you yet, but that means you’re afraid and that's a good thing. I love it when people fear me... It just means I have control of the whole situation, and Sunday night I will be in control and you will fall along with Odette, and Amanda, while I walk away with the Bombshell title, and holding on it as long as I can.

David: So what's the after life like? I mean if it's real...

Necra: Depends on where you go. You have a clean soul... You'll go to heaven, and enjoy the rest of your existence in comfort.

David: But I don't know how...

Necra: Get there? You're starting to realize that it's not a dream aren't you?

David nods, and slides down the back of the elevator car. Necra looks down at him and smiles. She's had a few like him that have come through and she had to admit, no matter how annoying they were, she was their only link to the next world. She was their guide to their final judgment. Necra sits down beside him and leans against the back of the car.

Necra: Are you ready to go? Or do you want to stay here for the rest of your existence? I mean earth is really boring after your dead.

David nods, and Necra gets to her feet. She extends the skeletal hand, and David takes it, and the two of them, as the camera moves to the outside of the elevator. As the doors open, we see that the two of them are gone, as the scene fades to black.

I am the Goddess of Death, the Queen of the Dead, the Grim reaper... and your soul belongs to me.

Mummification's: 23  Free Souls: 23

4x Bombshell Roulette Champion
1x Bombshell Tag Team Champion