Author Topic: Main eventing once again  (Read 476 times)

Offline Casey Williams

  • Freight Train Of Pain
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    • Casey Williams
Main eventing once again
« on: October 19, 2012, 05:55:39 PM »
 Scene 1-Anything is possible
Casey Williams is backstage at the conclusion of Climax Control in Reno with Jessie Salco.

Jessie-”Hey Casey, did you see the new card?”

Casey looks curious, and responds to Jessie.

Casey-“Yes, I see that you are in the SCW Bombshell title hunt, and you have to face Odette Ryder and Laura Jackson.”

Casey pauses and lets Jessie speak once again.

Jessie-”Yeah.  I am torn.  I love Odette like a sister, don‘t get me wrong, but to have a chance to get the Bombshell title.  I would give anything to be champion.”

As soon as Jessie says this, Odette walks over and speaks.

Odette-“Really Jessie?  As close as we may be, I am not going to let you get in my way of getting my Bombshell title back.  No IFS, ANDS, or BUTS about it.  I am the only one in this match who hasn’t had an issue with drugs, and I won’t let two people who used drugs stop me from success.”

Casey then grabs Jessie, who lunges toward Odette with a look to maim on her face.

Casey-“Easy, Jessie.  Save it for the match. ”

Casey then lets Jessie go once she calmed down as Odette walks away.

Jessie-”Yeah. You are right Casey.  I will save it for the match.”

Jessie takes a deep breath and Casey tells Jessie how he feels.

Casey-”I know exactly how you feel Jessie.  The night I accepted Spikes invitation to NXT, I had to face him and Jordan in a 6 man tag team match.  It wasn‘t easy going up against stable mates, but it had to get done, and granted my team lost, I feel like I still won because NXT was victorious either way. I also wanted to thank you for the petition to get James and Cody fired for their Twitter comments about me being gay.”

Casey then looks at Jessie, who opens her mouth.

Jessie-”Do not mention it.  Seeing as I am bi, I took offense to those pictures simply because I know that you are a happily engaged straight man.  ”

Spike Staggs comes over to talk to Casey about a few things, as Jessie walks off to give them some privacy.

Spike-”Hey Casey, you ready to discuss plans of attack in regards to the tag team match we have against Nick Jones and Tom Dudely?”

Casey looks at Spike and answers him.

Casey- “You know I am.  I am frustrated our match last week got cancelled especially with all the crap that was said on Twitter about me, and the fake Casey Williams account that was made.  I mean, come on, seriously, that‘s how low people go, create a fake twitter account and make one sound gay like it is 1999 or some shit.”

Casey breathes as Spike speaks again.

Spike-”Me too, but there is nothing that we can do, James and Cody quit over the weekend due to their comments to you and Jessie and the rest of NXT‘s petition to get them fired over it.  It goes to show that despite their party antics and the Party Horde‘s inactions in NXT, they truly care about NXT, and want us to strive.”

Casey nods his head as he speaks again.

Casey-“Agreed. I have never had any issues with the Party Horde, even though Jamie did Dick me, it was in good fun.”

Spike raises an eyebrow, and speaks again.

Spike-”Yeah, that is how he is.  He just likes to have a good time.”

Casey smiles and then grabs his water bottle and takes a sip of it.

Casey-“I do too.  I also like to kick peoples asses, and now I won‘t even be able to get to do that to James and Cody.”

Casey poses for the camera, and winks as he and Spike leave the arena to head back home.

Scene 2- Kicking ass and taking names
The scene shows Casey Williams back at his home in Las Vegas after the long Asian tour.  He calls out the man who has talked the most shit to him on Twitter, James Shark

“James Shark, you can talk all the shit about my being gay on Twitter all you want, but nothing changes the fact that I am NOT GAY.  I mean, I am engaged to be married to Laura, and I was the one who got her pregnant, so how can I be gay? Even if I were gay, why would you even care?  It isn’t like I would make a move on a loser like you, so you can stop with the gay comments on Twitter. I have no control on the changes to the match we both wanted, one on one.  We all know you beat Anthony King and the current Roulette Champ Argento in your debut match, and then defeated Rage, a former Heavyweight Champion in your 2nd match.  But that does not give you a heavyweight championship title shot.  If it was the current Heavyweight Champion, Nick Jones, then yeah, I would say you would have earned a shot at his title.  You act like you are the greatest thing since sliced bread, but news flash, you are not.  You won the future star of the year award, but you have a long way to go if you think you are going to be heavyweight champ anytime soon. All I know is that you can run your mouth all you want about me or my partners, but when I knock your ass out, you won‘t be running your mouth for a while because I will have broken your damn jaw and it will be shut.  Yeah you will have Twitter, but after I beat you, you will be crying because I broke your jaw, and you will realize that you don‘t mess with the Freight Train of Pain, because I have caused people to retire because of the pain I caused them inside the squared circle and made you less of a man than you already are. You act like a homophobe, the way you talk about me on Twitter, but you have an obsession with me, to the point of creating a fake Casey Williams account to make it seem as if I have something to hide with being gay, but I think it is you who is the one who is secretly gay with Cody. You talk about me being a coward, yet you ducked the match we were slated to have by quitting SCW. I hate bullies, and I will leave you with these thoughts best said by Metallica in the song Hate Train:

‘Hate is a train
That thunders aimless through my head
And hate is the fame
Chained to the wheel until I’m dead

Rage is a flame
Creates a touch to boil the seas
And rage is to blame
Forever sorry I shall be

And from a darkness I descend
Clenching a torch of sweet revenge

You took away tomorrow, still I stand
I ride into the sorrow, still I stand
You took away tomorrow, still I stand
Straight down into the sorrow, but still I stand

Wrath is the name
Branding suffer onto you
And wrath takes the shame
And holds me down until its through
And from a darkness I descend
Clenching a torch of sweet revenge

You took away tomorrow, still I stand
I ride into the sorrow, still I stand
You took away tomorrow, still I stand
I sink into the sorrow, but still I stand

And hate is a train
A beast awakened by your call
And hate is a train
A beast that never slows at all

And from a darkness I descend
Clenching a torch of sweet revenge
Burst into flame, the bitter end
And shake the gates of hell again

I’m left to drown in sorrow…

You took away tomorrow, still I stand
I ride into the sorrow, still I stand
You took away tomorrow, still I stand
You left me here with sorrow, still I stand‘”

As Casey says this, he gets up from the chair in the living room and goes into the kitchen to make himself a ham and cheese sandwich as he turns his attention from James to one of his tag team partner and best friend, Cody Taylor.

“Cody Taylor, every time I see your tweets on Twitter defending James Shark, I can only think of the song entitled Faggot by Mindless Self Indulgence, which goes like this:

‘I been denied all the best ultrasex
I been denied all the best ultrasex

I - I tried to consume just like a super faggot
I got some dude
How can y'all bring a muthafucka something so good he couldn't say no
You nailed me hard
I love 'em when they don't give a motherfucking shit
I could've been someone instead of falling flat upon my ass

Dig me now and fuck me later
And sing it to the tune of faggot, faggot, faggot
Oh - dig me now and fuck me later
And sing it with the...

I been denied all the best ultra sex
I been denied all the best ultra sex

I - I could've been a star
It freaks me out when I sound just like my mom
I could've rocked the spot
Instead of being just another faggot like I am
I played that shit straight
Blowin' suckas on the side hopin' I get laid
Now everybody knows
No way in hell I can ever live it down

Dig me now and fuck me later
And sing it to the tune of faggot, faggot, faggot
Ow - dig me now and fuck me later
And sing it with the...

I been denied all the best ultra sex
I been denied all the best ultra sex

I could've been someone instead of falling flat upon my ass

Dig me now and fuck me later
And sing it to the tune of faggot, faggot, faggot
Ow - dig me now and fuck me later
And sing it with the...

I been denied all the best ultra sex
I been denied all the best ultra sex

Faggot, faggot, faggot, faggot ‘

Now you know how it feels to be called gay.  Doesn‘t feel good, now does it?  Didn‘t think so.  I don’t tolerate bullies, and I only treat people the way I would like to be treated, so if you are going treat me like shit, I will treat you like shit, and like James, you ran like a coward before I could kick your ass.”

Casey then focuses his attention to the first man on the tag team he is facing this week at Climax Control as he goes back to the living room after making his sandwich, and the one who Casey has faced before in Tom Dudely.

“Tom Dudely, the man who I have the longest history with as an opponent.  You are going to feel my wrath like you have never felt it before. I know in our previous encounters I have failed to defeat you, but I know what it takes to do so, and Spike and I will succeed in doing so.  I know that I can trust Spike to watch my back, whereas you turned your back on Wyatt by attacking him for no good reason.  Spike and I teamed against Justin Underwood and Kain, and we were victorious.  I am glad I am not teaming with you like Nick Jones is. How can he trust you?  He really can‘t, and if he does, he are crazy to trust a man who will stab him in the back.  There is nothing you can do that will prevent us from destroying you two. You say I am a man with no talent, yet why was I able to win 2 of the 3 titles that SCW currently has for the men to compete for, and am in the hunt to become SCW‘s first Triple Crown Winner?  What have you accomplished here in SCW? Not a damn thing.  You talk about attacking men from behind, but isn‘t that exactly what you did to Spike at Violent Conduct?  You, sir, are a hypocrite and Spike and I will make sure you pay for your actions during Spike‘s title shot.  You forget that everything I did that was successful in SCW was after Ryan King left, and I will show you how dominant a wrestler I am, and prove that it wasn‘t my size that got me here in SCW, but my skill. You think you are special but you aren‘t worth the paper you shit on.  You think you are better than Spike and me, or Sinful Obsession?  Please, I dare you to challenge Spike and me to a handicap match or challenge Sinful Obsession.  Prove that you are as good as you claim you are.  Otherwise, you are just speaking hollow words that mean JACK SHIT!!!!!!”

Casey then takes a bite of his sandwich and turns his attention from Tom to his tag team partner, and current SCW Heavyweight Champion, Nick Jones.

”Nick Jones, you think you are so tough hiding behind your entourage and not facing Matthew Kennedy like a true champion.  Well, you won‘t be able to do that against Spike and myself because we will hunt you down, and make sure you man up and face us.  You may have beaten me every time we have faced each other, like Tom has, but you think I will let a few losses stop me from pursuing your coveted SCW Heavyweight Championship?  I don‘t think so.  I know what I have to do to defeat you, and I will get that win, even if it kills me.  I am hunting you down because, like everyone else in this match, I want a title shot against you, and prove to the world that I am deserving of that title and the distinction of being SCW‘s first Triple Crown Champion.  I know how good you can be, otherwise you wouldn‘t be a two time SCW Heavyweight Champion.  At the same time, you are beatable and Spike and I can see how flawed you are, and will expose those flaws and cause you to lose.  I don‘t care who you‘ve beaten, what our records are, none of that.  All I care about is kicking your ass and cementing myself in the hunt to take the strap off you.  At the end of the day, Spike and I will reign supreme, and our legacy will be cemented, proving that you are nothing more than mere mortal.  Nothing you can do will derail me from causing pain and agony to you and to Tom. If somehow, Spike and I were to lose this match, I will do everything in my power to get that title shot against you, no matter what you do.“

Casey then gets up, turns off the lights and cackles as he goes to his bedroom while the scene fades to black.


SCW Title's held (and reign)
1x Roulette title reign from 05/20/12 to 8/02/12
1x Tag team title reign (w/ Jordan Williams) from 3/18/12 to 4/29/12
Hall of Famer class of 2020