Author Topic: Fan encounter  (Read 442 times)

Offline Vixen

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    • Vixen
Fan encounter
« on: October 12, 2012, 11:58:27 PM »
 Home sweet home…or something like it

Finally back in the States, Vixen opens the hotel room door to her home away from home this week in Reno Nevada.  Dropping her carryon bag on the bed, she sets the rolling luggage upright and sighs softly.  Moving to the end of the bed where the light rests on the bedside table, she turns it on then flops on the bed to look up at the ceiling.  Another sigh escapes her as she reaches towards her bag that is emitting a soft ringtone song.  Pulling out her phone, she recognizes the number and reads the text on the phone.

Pushing the button to reply, Vixen begins to type her reply, talking out her reply as she goes.  “Betcha thought that owning a federation would be easy huh?”  Once she finishes, she tosses the phone onto the bed beside her.   Bored with being in the room, Vixen gets to her feet and grabs her bag and drags it towards herself.  Pulling out a wallet, she grabs some money and her room card and heads into the hallway.  

Making her way to the elevator, Vixen presses the call button to summon the car.  As she is waiting, she is approached by a tourist leaving their room.  He moves closer to her, the obvious recognition dawning on his face.  

“You’re Vixen aren’t you?  Man I am here for the wrestling thing and to meet you,” says the man as he puts a fake belt over his shoulder.  Vixen nods and smiles at him without making a comment.  The man nudges her as if he has known her a long time.  “Soooo…you ready for your match this week?”

Vixen turns and steps to the side away from the gentleman.  “Yeah, I think I have it covered.  I’ve been busy preparing for this match and I know that Carly will want to take my title away from me.  But will I let her is another matter.  I am not going to let her get her hands on it.”

The man laughs.  “It’s the Roulette championship Vixen,” he says slowly.  “You have no clue whatsoever of what kind of match you will be in for the title match.  So how do you prepare for that?”

The soft double ding of the elevator is heard that interrupts Vixen before she has a chance to say anything.  Stepping into the car, she is joined by the man who hmphs to prompt Vixen for her answer.  Looking up at the numbers as they start to flash as the elevator goes down.  “It’s true I have no real way to prepare for the match,” says Vixen.  “But I do know that there isn’t any match that I can’t prepare for.  It may be that I am taking my chances when I step in the ring but I can always fall back on my skills and training and will do what I need to do to keep this title.”

“And Spike Staggs?  What about him huh?” he asks.

“What about him?  He’s not in the match is he?  He has his own match to worry about,” says Vixen.  

“You know what I mean,” says the man.  “You guys seem to be pretty cozy and hell, after Misty did what she did, you might want to rethink being so close to him.”

Vixen shakes her head as the elevator doors swoosh open.  Leaving the car, Vixen turns to the man and smiling, she holds her arms out.  “I’m NXT and there isn’t anything that will take the Roulette championship from me and I am not worried about Spike either.  He and I are both in NXT and that means we look out for each other.”

“So you have any last words?” the man calls out to Vixen who turns back to head to the casino.

“Yeah, a message for Carly…Your luck has just run out.”