Author Topic: Truth and Consequences  (Read 459 times)

Offline Vixen

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    • Vixen
Truth and Consequences
« on: July 13, 2012, 11:54:05 PM »
 Truth be told

The image of a plain white wall is seen with the crosshairs of a camcorder framing a shot.  In one corner is the words “FoxCAM” and in the other is a blinking red light indicating that recording is going on.  The top of a desk can be seen, a white square indicating some papers are resting there.

Suddenly from the left, a flurry of movement is caught as a woman sits down in front of the white background and smiles for the camera.  Being dressed in a pair of denim shorts, a soft camo tee, and barefeet, Vixen looks relaxed as she shuffles the papers sitting on the desk in front of her.

“I thought that I would address the state of delusion that a certain bombshell is living in and I figured what better way to do it than live and in living colour so to speak,” offers Vixen as she coughs slightly, clearing her throat for what very well may be a rather long rant.  “I just have one thing to say…”

“Just what kind of Kool-aid are you drinking Trish?!?!”

Vixen shakes her head sadly, dropping it slightly as a soft whistle escapes her.  “I thought that you would be someone that wouldn’t judge people by appearances.  And I certainly thought you wouldn’t make things up but honestly, those hits to the head have certainly scrambled something.”

Leaning towards the camera and once again smiling, Vixen holds up the papers beside her face.  “Right here I have a transcript of your nice little rant you put out there.  Let me just use it to do what I do best and that is show up cocky little girls who think because they are able to talk a good game they deserve to be the best in the federation.”  Vixen leans back again and begins to read outloud…

“Let’s see…you say right here, ‘What are my thoughts about my opponent this week, Vixen? I read the information about who you are, and that sad Lifetime-made movie on how your parents never wanted a child so they abandon you.’  Seriously, you expect me to thank you for giving me a fake life that would be a movie of the week when in reality that is the farthest thing from the truth,” offers a now angered Vixen.  “I don’t share my life with anyone because what happened in the past doesn’t matter today.  But let me set the record straight shall I?”

Vixen’s eyes narrow as she looks into the camera.  “My parents wanted me.  Both of them were excited but you see, the Colonel wasn’t a really good father figure.  See he had a little problem when he and Jack Daniels mixed.  His sadistic side came out.  And moms, she wasn’t a saint but she tried her best. “

Vixen begins to choke up a little and a voice from behind the camera can be heard.  “You don’t have to do this sis,” says the voice which only brings a negative shake of the head to the woman in the camera’s focus.  She brushes her hair back as she takes a slow shaky breath.

“I was never abandoned, I was a victim of a system that decides that a man that beat his wife and kids didn’t deserve to be a parent once he was burned badly in the same fire that killed his wife.  You talk about how my parents just wanted to…” Vixen’s voice lowers as she quotes Trish’s ‘fuck’ before continuing “and be stupid.  Tell me, how stupid do you have to be to be a colonel in the military?  How stupid do you have to be to have graduated summa cum laude from a university?  You know exactly jack about me and my family.  So before you decide you want to go there, just be prepared for what it is going to start for you.”

“You also want to talk about how I have been weak.  You want to talk about how my match against Misty couldn’t have been lost on the fact that maybe Misty was just that much better than me that day.  I don’t care if you think that you are oh so much better than me.  See, all that is going to do is make me that much more determined to beat you,” says Vixen.   “You want to talk about drive, reading this drivel you seem to spout and believe it is God’s own truth is giving me the drive to shove it right back down your throat with one swift kick to the teeth.”

Vixen twists her neck slightly and lets her eyes close for a moment as a smile slowly passes over her face.  “Trish, you know what, maybe before you think you are queen turd of Crap Island, you need to remember that I am really an unknown to you.  Sure you make up my history to make it look like I am nothing in the grand scheme of things but in reality, there is more to me than you know.  And trust me that on Climax Control, you will be learning more about me than you really wanted to know.”

Vixen gets to her feet and leans closer to the camera.  “Trish, your No Regret is going to be the fact that you think that you will be able to step in the ring with me and feel the Fall from Grace,” Vixen states with a wink before moving back and out of the shot.  From behind the camera, the male voice can be heard again.

“Damn Vix, nice one if you ask me,” says the voice as the sound of hands being slapped can be heard.  The camera is still focused on the white wall but then fades to a video of Vixen wrestling with Rev Theory’s Light it up playing.

Cooling off and Heating up

The buzz of a heat bug can be heard as a woman can be seen resting on a air mattress that is floating on the surface of a pond.  Vixen’s eyes are covered by a pair of ruby sunglasses and she is dressed in a denim bikini as she floats there.  Seemingly relaxed, like she has no worries in the world, Vixen smiles as the sound of a vehicle approaching can be heard, the slow rumble indicating her peace is about to be disturbed.  

One last rumble of the truck can be heard then shuts off as Vixen’s brother climbs out of it.  Dressed in cutoffs with a pair of flpflops, he walks towards the water with a smile on his face.  “Vixen, you aren’t going to believe what I have for you,” he calls to his sister.  “Someone’s got a secret admirer or something.”  Reaching into the bed of the truck, he pulls out a bouquet of roses with a large bow on it then waves it in the air as Vixen sits up and pulls the glasses from her eyes.

“Nice, who are they from?” she calls out.  Putting her hands into the water and begins to paddle herself towards the beach.  Once she gets there, she climbs out of the chair and moves towards her brother and takes the roses from him.  Deeply inhaling the flowers’ scent, she looked at her brother and raises an eyebrow.  “Was there a card?” she asks as her brother pulls out a small white card with only a small name on it.  

“Okay, it was me but still, I want you to know that I really appreciate you being home this week,” he says.  We have the wedding before you go tomorrow.  But we got the rehearsal dinner tonight so I figured that I should come and talk to you about it. ”  
Vixen nods slowly as she reaches for the air mattress and pulls it out of the water.  Still standing in the shallows, she is joined by her brother.  He nudges her with his own arm as he smirks slightly.  “Figured you might not have your mind in the right frame for this day of mine,” he mutters as he looks at Vixen.

“I do bro but I can’t help but think about this match coming up,” she replies.  “You saw all the stuff that Trish Newborn has been saying about me.  She is talking like I don’t matter, that she is going to put me down because I am weak and that I don’t even register for her.”  Vixen’s anger begin to simmer as she reaches for a stone and sends it skipping across the pond.

“Are you letting her get to you?” her brother asks, a bit of concern appearing on his face.  Vixen lets a cynical chuckle escape.  “Get to me,” she replies.  “There is no getting to me other than the fact I want to shove her sanctimonious self absorbed attitude right down her throat.  And trust me, I am going to really enjoy doing that.”

The siblings share a smile as Vixen shoots a glance at her brother then moves deeper into the water and motions towards a raft in the middle of the pond.  “You still got it?” teases Vixen before she dives into the water and sets out to swim to the raft.  Her brother quickly joins her in the swim to the raft.  Once there, the two pull themselves out of the water to flop on the raft.  

Turning to Vixen, her brother gives her a serious look.  “Honestly Vixen, how are you?  You are burning the candle at both ends, so do you think that you are really ready for this.  You wrestle on a national level with NYDW and SCW.  Maybe you need to take some time off…”

Vixen pats her brother on the chest and shakes her head.  “I can handle it, trust me.  And this week I am going to be handling Trish.  And the gloves are going to be off so I have some frustrations that I am going to work out on her head and body.  As soon as that bell rings, all bets are off.  And Trish is going to be feeling the fall from grace…and maybe more than once.”

With that, Vixen gets to her feet and with a backwards glance at her brother, dives back into the water.  Her brother watches her as he shakes his head, letting her get the headstart.  “I hope you know what you are doing Vix…seriously.”

Vixen climbs out of the water as her brother dives into the pond.  Getting to the truck, Vixen waits for her brother as she slides the glasses back over her eyes.