Author Topic: I Shall Reign Supreme  (Read 848 times)

Offline Casey Williams

  • Freight Train Of Pain
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    • Casey Williams
I Shall Reign Supreme
« on: June 15, 2012, 02:08:14 PM »
 Scene 1- Wanting revenge

The scene shows Casey Williams heading to Spike Staggs place to check in on him after hearing about the heinous attack on him from Jason Burnside, per orders of Matthew Kennedy.  Casey arrives at the front door, knocks on it, and Spike answers the door.

Casey-“Hey Spike.  I just found out about that attack on you by Jason Burnside before the contract was signed.  How are you feeling?”

Spike-“I am still a little sore.  I guess that is what I get for not being there to back you up.  You were busy getting the rematch contract signed, and I got my ass beat.”

Casey-“Yeah, I am sorry I wasn’t there to back you up man.  Jason got what he had coming to him, and Matthew will be getting what he has coming to him when we do battle at Into the Void.  I will make sure that he doesn’t regain the Roulette Title.  I will do whatever it takes to retain.”

Spike-“What are you going to do about Marty McFarge if he should interject himself in the match?”

Casey-“Don’t you worry about that.  I will have Jim with me at ringside, that way I can focus on Matthew, and not Marty.”

Casey then looks like he is going to freak out on Spike for mentioning Marty, where Casey remembers him from the Asylum Wrestling Alliance, but takes a deep breath.

Spike-“Sorry man, I forgot that Marty was in AWA when you were there, aligned with Jason Stevens.  I know that you guys never got along.”

Casey-“You are right.  I always thought that Marty was a sneaky, conniving bastard who always snuck his nose in where it didn’t belong.”

Spike-“I see.  I am glad you have backup where I am going to be busy during your match.”

Casey-“I get it.  You have things you need to worry about, like your health, and the crap going on with Mark Ward.  Straighten it out, then let’s focus on NXT.”

Spike-“Agreed.  I do think that we need to focus on NXT more than we are.”

Casey-“Yeah, the sooner we do that, the better.  I am getting tired of being the only one who seems to be competing for NXT on a regular basis.”

Spike-“What are you talking about?  When Jordan was with us, you guys were tag team champions together, and since he left, Vixen has been competing.”

Casey-“I know, it is just that I feel that I am doing so much for the stable, and not getting the appreciation that I feel I deserve.”

Casey has a look of annoyance on his face.  He feels like he is carrying the world on his shoulders and it is weighing him down, which causes him to lash out at people whom he may not intentionally want to lash out at, like his stable mates.

Spike-“I know.  I am sorry about that.  As leader, I should be doing more for the stable, and not letting you do so much for the name of New Xtremes.  That will all change.”
Casey-“It better. Because if it doesn’t, there will be hell to pay, and you know how dangerous I can be when I set my mind to something.”

Casey leaves, letting Spike, with a confused look on his face, think about what Casey just said.  As soon as Casey gets in his Hummer, he gets a call from Laura.

Laura-“Hey Casey, do you think you can pick me up some ice cream and pickles. I am having a craving.”

Casey-“Any specific flavor ice cream and style of pickles you want?”

Laura-“Dill pickles and  Chubby Hubby ice cream by Ben and Jerry’s.”

Casey-“Sure, I can get that for you babe.  Anything else you want me to get?”

Laura-“Yeah, pork chops, ah-so sauce, sweet potatoes, and corn for dinner.  Orange soda would be great to go with it.”

Casey-“Okay.  I will grab that and will be home soon.”

Laura-“Okay.  How is Spike doing by the way?”

Casey-“He is still in pain, but that is to be expected.  Damn bastards will be getting what they deserve! Honey, I am at the store now, I will talk to you when I get home.”

Laura-“Ok babe, I will see you when you get home.”

Casey hangs up the phone at the store, exits the Hummer, gets the items Laura asked him to get and drives home.  As he gets out of the car, he decides to call Jim to see what Jim is doing on Sunday.

Casey-“Hey Jim.”

Jim-“Hey Casey, what’s up?

Casey-“I wanted to see if you were free on Sunday. As you know, I am facing Matthew Kennedy at Into the Void, and I am defending the Roulette Championship, and wanted to know if you would join me at ringside, just in case Matthew’s new manager, Marty McFarge, decides to interfere on Matthews’ behalf.”

Jim-“I would be honored to be in your corner for the match.  Anything to get my hands on the people who attacked you for no reason whatsoever.”

Casey-“Good, I will see you on Sunday.  Meet me at my house at 9 AM and we can drive over together.”

Casey hangs up the phone, and he puts the dinner away and asks Laura where the blender is while Laura takes out a glass and the ice cream and pickles as the scene fades to black

Scene 2- Showing what makes a great champion

The scene opens with Casey walking around Las Vegas, debating on what he wants to do with a bottle of water in his hand. Casey gives a sadistic looking smile, and calls out his opponent, Matthew Kennedy.

Casey-"Matthew, you act like Marty McFarge is going to make that much a difference in our match at Into the Void.  You also talk about how I am not going to retain the Roulette Championship.  There is NOTHING you can do that will stop me from walking out of our match with the Roulette Championship.  Even if you got lucky and somehow won the match, I will get m rematch, and nothing you can say or do will stop me from dominating you.  You also talk about bringing a lawsuit onto me for my attack on your bodyguard.  I was doing it because he attacked my friend, Spike Staggs.  I wanted to make sure his reign of terror over people ended, because Spike was the last person he was going to attack, especially after the destruction he caused upon me, Sam Damon, and Tony Andrews.  What I did was called manning up, and proving that when you press my buttons, I press right back, and harder.  You couldn’t beat me before, and what makes you think you can beat me now.  I will prove that I am a better champion than you.  You talk about my lack of title defenses.  Only problem is that I haven’t been booked since I took the title from you, so how could I defend my title?  You only had two title defenses, and lost it on your second defense to me.  Not only that, you held the title all of 3 weeks.  I will have held the title for 4 weeks when we face each other, so I would say my lack of defending the title has been more successful than your reign.  I will show that I don’t need anyone to help me hold a title.”

Casey then takes a deep breath, trying to relax after thinking of all the people who said that Jordan was the reason that they won the tag team titles. He then begins to speak again after he takes a huge drink from his water bottle.

Casey-“Matthew, you think you can play mind games with me?  You haven’t seen the mind games I can play, nor do you want to.  When I get done with you, you will be sharing that hospital room with Jason, the two of you will be wishing that you hadn’t messed with me after I defeated you for the coveted Roulette Championship.  We both entered the King of the Death Match tournament that the Bad A** Championship Wrestling organization, another member of the NWA is hosting.  We both know what it takes to be champion, and have been in some pretty intense matches here in SCW, so I think that we should be able to go far in that tournament, hopefully facing in the finals so I can go up 3-0 against you.  Hell, should I advance farther than you in that tournament; I will feel like I am 3-0 over you even though I only beat you twice. You act like anytime you get a chance to defend yourself against a person smaller than you makes you feel like a man.  Wait until you get me in that ring, one on one, no distractions.  I will make you feel like Sam Damon and Tony Andrews felt after Jason man handled them, the way I felt after that mugging by Johnny Brown, Stu Smith, Jason and you during our contract signing before the triple threat match, the way Spike felt after being mugged by Jason and the way Jason felt after I destroyed him. You talk a big game, let’s see you back it up, because I will make sure that you feel pain in ways you have never felt pain before, because I am the Freight Train of Pain, and I win by any means necessary.“

Casey then arrives home after a long day on his feet running a bunch of errands, goes inside the house.  He throws his keys on the coffee table carelessly as he walks by and goes to the bedroom and collapses in the bed due to exhaustion as the scene fades to black.


SCW Title's held (and reign)
1x Roulette title reign from 05/20/12 to 8/02/12
1x Tag team title reign (w/ Jordan Williams) from 3/18/12 to 4/29/12
Hall of Famer class of 2020