Author Topic: Information please  (Read 1245 times)

Offline Surf Boys

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Information please
« on: January 26, 2012, 09:28:33 AM »
 "I mean, bro! Duuude! Did you see the whiny guy going on about taking a step back?"

Narly's voice comes from behind the bathroom door of his and Radical's hotel room door at the In `N Out Motel in Nevada.

"Cha! Totally man! The guy is like, completely delusional. Since when is wrestling a former champion taking a step back?"

Radical walked over to the bed he had slept in this very morning. The sheets were crumpled and he scooped up a crumpled shirt, neon green in color, and looked it over. He gave it a whiff and made a sour face. He looked around until his eyes fell on the prized target.

Radical: Ah ha!

Febreeze! The answer to any and all bachelor men's woes. He grabbed the bottle and proceeded to give the shirt a refreshing once-over. He called back out.

Radical: I know what you mean bro! I think it'd be rockin' to wrestle a champion, whether he had a championship or not.

From behind the closed door, Narly's voice answered;

Narly: Dude, if a champion didn't have a championship, then he'd be a former champion. Unless he didn't win one yet and then he'd be a prenuptial champion.

Radical looked up and frowned. He glanced 'upwards' as if he were processing this bit of info and then smiled and nodded.

Radical: `Cha! That makes more sense.

Narly: Totally! Universal champion...

Radical: Former...

Narly: Right! If that were me and I was wrestling the former Universal champion, I'd be so totally grateful!

Radical: Me too, man! me too! Instead of acting like a howler monkey that drank too much pepsto bismol!

Narly: Pepto Bismol?

Radical: For diarrhea of the mouth.

Narly: Ewwww!

Radical gave the Febreeze bottle a toss onto the crumbled bedsheets and smelled the shirt again.

Radical: That's the ticket! I'll smell like a summer breeze.

The bathroom door swung open and Narly walked out in quite the outfit: a white shirt with a Hawaiin floral print all over ... powder blue shorts ... a baseball cap on backwards ... a digital camera around his neck, sandals on his feet and shades over his eyes. Radical gave him the once over...

Radical: Duuuuude! Total fashion icon!

Narly smiled and held his arms outward.

Narly: Well I try! I didn't want to look like a tourist.

Radical gave his partner a thumbs up.

Radical: You got this! Now let's go get in some sight seeing. Then we gotta hurry back so we can get changed and hit the waves like the pro bono pros we are!

Narly: Ahhh! Hitting the waves. Is there any sweeter way to train for an upcoming match?

Radical: Totally! The Aristocrats won't know what hit `em.

Narly looked puzzled as he walked over to the mini fridge and popped it open and took out a bottle of OJ and gave one a toss to his partner and kept another for himself.

Narly: Say, about them. I'm confused.

Radical: About...?

Narly: Aren't aristocrats like, royalty, or something?

Radical opened his OJ bottle and had a drink before answering.

Radical: Right on.

Narly: Then how can they be royalty? They're like, from the South ... I think. And if they are royalty, can we get in international troubles for beating them in the ring?

Radical blinked and turned his head slowly to meet the eyes of his partner.

Radical: Duuuuude! It is like SO good you thought of that!

Narly: Yah! We better call someone in the know so we don't get jailed. But who do we call?

Radical: Dude! Information, of course!

Narly: Right!

Narly walked over to the phone and picked up the receiver, shaking his head.

Narly: I always said you were the brains between us. I just got the looks.

Radical looks down at the watch on his wrist.

Radical: Ooh! That reminds me. It's time to go pay the desk clerk again.

Narly looked up.

Narly: Wow, that hour went by fast! This place is expensive.

Radical: Right? Who ever heard of a hotel you had to pay every hour?

Radical sccooped up his wallet and headed for the door. Narly watched him go and after the door shut behind him, he started to dial 4-1-1.

Narly: Must be all the rockin' babes that hang out in the lobby.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2012, 09:43:18 AM by Christian Underwood »