Author Topic: At least someone knows what they are doing.  (Read 1389 times)

Offline Lizzie Short

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    • "The Prodigy" Lizzie Short
At least someone knows what they are doing.
« on: January 20, 2012, 01:05:15 PM »
 Matthew Kennedy lost his debut match against Lucian Frost last Monday on Climax Control but got some form of retribution after the match in the form of a low blow, now both men had a chance at revenge against each other in a Fatal Four Way match between them, Old Skool and Blaque Hart Bruce Evans to determine the first ever SCW Roulette Championship, none of the competitors knew what was in store for them nor would they know until Monday Night.

Matthew's hotel room
Friday the 20th of January 2012, 11:00am

Finally, someone recognises my talent.

After last week's travesty of a match I have a chance at retribution against Lucian Frost AND a chance at winning my first title in this bloody promotion, the newly created Roulette Championship, only thing is I also have to worry about Old Skool and Bruce Evans.

MK: Old Skool, Bruce Evans, you blokes are an afterthought for the time being because for now I want to talk about the masked freak known as Lucian Frost, Lucian let me start of by saying that your win against me last Monday was a travesty of justice and should never have happened, every bloody time I went for a cover that incompetent bloke that this joke of a company has hired as a ref counted far to slowly and every time Lucian Frost made a cover, including the one that ended the match, he counted far to quickly and as a result of this I am calling for the immediate dismissal of that referee from this company but in the meantime I have this match to worry about.

No, I don't care if that idiot has a family to feed!

MK: As for this match I don't care if it's a blindfold match, a Steel Cage match, a bullrope match, hell even if it's a bloody Cage of Death match I wouldn't care less as all I care about is getting revenge for last week's travesty of justice and as for this roulette championship well......that will be an additional achievement in this match, Lucian I will defeat you make no mistake.

Now for the other blokes.

MK: I almost forgot that I have two other opponents in this match, Old Skool and Bruce Evans and you know what? I'll start with the obviously uneducated Old Skool, Old Skool when I look at you I see one thing, every thing that's wrong with this wretched country and no I'm not talking about the fact that he's African American, fact is that SCW shouldn't of even considered hiring this street urchin because all I need to do is take one look at his name and I can tell that he has a criminal record, in fact his ring name may as well be Prison Bitch.

I shook my head.

MK: I'd ask what self respecting wrestling organisation would hire someone calling himself Old Skool but that would imply that wrestling in this wretched country has any respect let alone a wrestling organisation but I digress, like I said a couple of minutes ago whilst addressing Frost I don't care what match this ends up being because I will beat you all the same no matter what match it will be, do you understand me Old Skool or am I using far to many big words for you to understand what I'm saying? Who honestly cares?

Last but not least Bruce Evans.

MK: Blaque Hart Bruce Evans, you are slightly less repulsive than the rest of my opponents because your from Canada rather than America but not by much, and no I'm not related to that blonde haired idiot in some other company because for one thing I'm English and he's American, as for you Bruce your just as big an idiot as the other competitors in this match not named Matthew Kennedy.

I shook my head.

MK: Bruce, how can you honestly call yourself a wrestler when you've never heard of the greatest wrestling talent to come out of England in over twenty years? Don't answer that because your answer will obviously be as idiotic as Old Skool's name, I will beat you alongside the others and I will take great pride in it.

I grinned.

MK: If these three men are the best that this company has to offer then not only will I successfully win the Roulette Championship this Monday but I will quickly move up the ranks and win every other male title in the company finally finishing off with the SCW Heavyweight Championship, this title? The Roulette Championship is only the beginning.

And with that I decided to wrap things up.

MK: Evans, Old Skool, Frost, no matter what match it will be I will beat you all and win the title continuing my crusade against American ignorance, my name is “Prime Time” Matthew Kennedy and the three of you are about to be cancelled.

I turned on the television as the scene fades.
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