Author Topic: Time for a New Chapter  (Read 1535 times)

Offline Nick Jones

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    • Nick Jones
Time for a New Chapter
« on: January 05, 2012, 11:07:16 PM »
 The scene fades into a restaurant where Nick Jones is seen sitting at a table, along with him is his girlfriend, Diana Roberts, and his friends / employees, Tony Capicelli, Max Goldstein and Bernard "Big B" Jones.  There's also an additional empty seat at the table, and it appears they are waiting for one last person.  Nick is looking around anxiously as he then checks his watch and shakes his head while sighing.  Just then, walking through the restaurant towards them is the last member of Nick's entourage, Jimmy Mason.  As Jimmy reaches the table, Nick immediately speaks directly to him.

Nick:  Where the hell have you been?

As Nick says this, a mother who is at the table behind them with her young child glares over at Nick, clearly unhappy with his use of foul language in public, but Nick and everyone at his table appear to be completely oblivious.

Jimmy:  Sorry baby, I got here as soon as I could, I was finishing up a negotiation for you.

Nick:  Negotiation?  For what?

Jimmy:  I didn't want to say anything until I knew the offer was good, but I got contacted by a publishing agency a few days back.  They want you to write a book, baby!

Nick:  A book?  What the hell would I write a book about?

Nick receives another glare from the woman at the next table as their conversation continues.

Jimmy:  They want you to do an autobiography, baby.  Ya know, the whole nine yards.  Tell the story of your childhood, when you meant up with Marky, and your eventual road to superstardom... it'll be great baby.  They want you to go over all of that and then, ya know...

Jimmy kind of mumbles off, muttering quietly as he finishes speaking.

Jimmy:  ... other stuff.

Nick:  Other stuff?  And what "other stuff" would that be exactly?

Jimmy: Just um... the stuff that happened after that.

Nick:  Which would be?

Jimmy starts to mumble off again as what he says is barely even audible.

Jimmy:  You're fall from stardom.

Despite his attempts to be ultra-quiet, Nick is able to hear Jimmy and leaps out of his chair as he screams with complete anger.


Nick is about to continue to go off even further, but is interrupted by someone elses anger as the woman behind him has finally had enough.  She gets up out of her chair and grabs Nick by the arm, gaining his attention before tearing into him.

Woman:  Excuse me sir, but I've had enough!  I'm here with my son, and the way you have been running your mouth is entirely inappropriate.  This is not what a young child needs to be hearing when he's just out for a nice meal.

Nick simply glares back at her for a moment, before dismissing her and casually making his next comments.

Nick:  Oh, kiss my ass.

Woman:  That's it!  I'm going to talk to the manager!  This is unacceptable!

Before she can walk away, Nick quickly turns around and stops, as he talks to her in a quiet, calming tone.

Nick:  You know what, you're right... I'm so sorry.  There's a lot going on in my life right now, and my friend just gave me some very upsetting news, but that's no excuse.  Please just sit down for a moment and I'll talk to your son and explain to him why those kind of words just aren't appropriate.

Woman:  Well thank you, that's very big of you to admit to that and do that.

The woman sits back down as Nick slowly approaches the kid at his seat and kneels next to his chair.  He then looks at the little boy before speak.

Nick:  Hey little guy, how's it going?  Listen, I know you probably heard the way I was talking over there, and clearly it upset your mommy very much.  So there's something you need to tell her that will make her feel all better.  It's something very nice you can say to her, and show her you'll never talk bad like the way I did.  So just do me a favor and tell her this.

Nick then leans in and whispers something to the little boy that can't be heard.  The boy then looks at Nick and nods his head and smiles.  He then turns to his mother and speaks to her.

Boy:  Hey mommy.

Woman:  Yes honey?

Boy:  You're a bitch!!

The little boy smiles widely as the mothers mouth drops in shock.  She can't even say another word but quickly grabs her son by the hand and pulls him away from the table, storming off.  Nick watches them leave and laughs to himself before sitting back down at the table with his entourage.

Nick:  Now what the hell we were talking about?  Oh yeah, you...

Nick turns back to Jimmy and points at him, but before he continue any further Jimmy quickly puts his finger up to stop him and speaks as he pulls something out from his briefcase.

Jimmy:  Just hold on one second there baby.  Before you say anything else, you have to look at this offer.

Jimmy hands the papers in his hands over to Nick.  After looking over for them a second Nick's eyes go wide.  He looks up at Jimmy for a moment, before looking back down at the contract and then up at Jimmy again.  A smile then comes across the face of Nick.

Nick:  Looks like I'm writing a book!

Jimmy:  There you go baby!  I've already looked it over, the contracts all ready to go, just sign it when you're ready.

Jimmy holds out a pen which Nick quickly snags out of his hand and then signs the contract in front of him.  Nick then slides the contract over in front of Max to show him the amount on it.

Nick:  There you go Maxy, consider it a belated Hanukkah gift.

Nick grins widely as Max looks absolutely delighted.  However, before the conversation can continue any further, they are interrupted as the restaurant's manager approaches the table.

Manager:  Excuse me, we've had a number of complaints about the loud, inappropriate language that is being used over here at this table.  I'm going to have to ask you all to leave.

Nick looks away from the manager, not even responding to him as he looks back to those seated with him

Nick:  What the hell is this guy's problem?

The Entourage members all look at Nick and shrug as the manager just stares at them puzzled by their complete ignoring of him as the scene fades out.

<hr width=50%>

The scene fades in to the hotel room of Nick and the Entourage in San Diego.  All of the members of the Entourage seem to be there, scattered throughout the room.  As Nick emerges from the bedroom, he walks straight over to the table where Max and Jimmy are sitting and appear to be hard at work.  Nick sits himself right between them and then reaches over and pull Jimmy's laptop out from in front of him.

Jimmy:  Baby, what are you doing?

Nick:  Time to start writing my book.  You can do whatever the hell you were doing later, this is more important.

Jimmy:  Alright baby, whatever you say.

Jimmy pulls out some paperwork and starts to look it over as Nick just blankly stares at the laptop screen, not touching a single key or the touch pad. After a few minutes, Nick then suddenly pushes away from the table a little bit.

Nick:  Yeah, I've got nothing.

Nick then pushes the laptop in front of Jimmy.

Nick:  Here Jimmy... you start writing it.

Jimmy:  Me?  Sorry baby, I'm not much of a writer.  Only thing I'm good at writing up is contracts, baby.

Nick:  Fine... how about you Max?

Max:  Oh gawd!  I can't do that.  The only thing I can handle working with is numbers.  Those are just right or wrong, I can handle that.  Anything else makes me so nervous and gives me heart burn.  Oh gawd!

Nick:  Geez, calm down, forget I said anything.

Nick then gets up from his chair and starts to walk over towards the couch, clearly with the intent of still looking for someone to do his work for him.  Big B, who was clearly paying attention to the whole prior conversation, eagerly watches Nick as he walks over, while both Diana and Tony simply sit staring at the TV, not even aware as Nick makes his way over right next to them.

Nick:  Hey Ton... feel like starting to do a little writing for me?

Tony looks away from the TV for a moment and just gives a funny look.

Tony:  Me?  Write sumthin'?  Are ya freakin' kiddin' me?  I ain't hardly able to speak right, you t'ink I'ma write good?

Nick:  Fair point.  Hey baby...

Diana:  Not a chance in hell.

Nick:  Damnit.

Nick looks around, sighs and shrugs before walking away, as Big B is still sitting there watching Nick eagerly.  As Nick turns away, B suddenly starts to get a little frown on his face, before calling after Nick.

Big B:  Hey cuz!  What about me?  I can help!

Nick stops and looks back at Big B and then chuckles for a moment before responding.

Nick:  Sorry B, this is a real book I'm writing here, not a children's coloring book.  I think you're a little out of your league pal.

Big B's frown grows as he sits back into the couch and folds his arms across his chest.  Diana, without removing her eyes from the TV, is familiar enough with the current situation at this point that she just reaches over and gently pats Big B on the head, acting as if though she is comforting him.  Meanwhile, Nick turns back towards the kitchen area and sits back down at the seat at the table.  At this point Jimmy is back to work on his laptop, which Nick once again quickly reaches over and pulls away from him and back in front of Nick.  Jimmy looks over at Nick for a moment, but seems to know better than to bother saying anything again and just goes back to his earlier paperwork.  Nick pulls the laptop right in front of him and then rests his elbows on his table and his head on his fists as he stares at the computer screen and lets out a deep sigh as the scene fades out.

<hr width=50%>

The scene fades back in to backstage at the Aztec Aquaplex in San Diego, California, where Nick Jones is standing by backstage in the interview area, and he appears to be waiting.  Just then, an SCW production crew member comes up to Nick.

Crew member:  Mr. Jones, I was just asked to give you a heads up that Ms. Willow ended up getting tied up with some other things and so is running late, so she's not going to be able to make it for your interview.  But they're sending over someone else right now to take over, so just if you can hold tight for just a couple of minutes, we'll be ready to go.

Nick nods at the crew member who then quickly turns and walks away.  Nick then shakes his head in disappointment as he mumbles to himself under his breath.

Nick:  Just great, now I'll probably have some obnoxious little nerd boy interviewing me backstage.  That's just what I freakin' need right now.

However, just as Nick finishes making his statement, his interviewer for the evening approaches, SCW Backstage Report, Ms. Rocky Mountains.  As she approaches, it quickly grabs Nick's attention, with his eyes quickly moving down across her body and a smile coming across his face.  As he's smiling, Nick then quietly speaks to himself.

Nick:  Man, I love this freakin' place.

Ms. Rocky Mountains than finishes walking over to the backstage set Nick is standing at and extends her hand.

Rocky:  Hi there Nick, I'm Ms. Rocky Mountains.  It's nice to meet you, I can't believe it took us this long.

Nick:  You're telling me, I sure as hell have no idea why it did.  I think I'm going to have to have a little talk with my agent after this.

Rocky:  If you say so... are you ready to get this thing started?

Nick:  Absolutely.

Before continuing, she puts one finger under Nick's chin and slowly raises it in order to bring his vision up to meet here eye to eye.  She then flashes a quick smile before turning to the camera, which then begins rolling.

Rocky:  Hi, I'm backstage with the #1 Contender to the SCW Championship, Nick Jones.  Nick, tonight you fight in the main event in a 6-man tag match that features yourself, Casey Williams and Kain coming up against two returning superstars in Spike Staggs and Jordan Williams, and their partner Wyatt Peterson.  What are your thoughts on this match?

Nick:  My thoughts? It's rather simple Ms. Mounts, I don't know or care to know, much about either of my partners and frankly it doesn't really much matter.  As far as my opponent, unfortunately I'm far too familiar with these clowns, one way or another, already.

Rocky:  How do you mean that?

Nick:  Well that inbred hick guy... not Austin, you know... the other one.

Rocky:  Are you talking about Wyatt Peterson?

Nick:  Yeah, him... I have no clue who the hell he is, but I happened to have a little past experience from the old days with that manager of his, Tom Dudely.  And more so than even that, I've unfortunately spent plenty of time around our two "returning legends" for this evening, Jordan and Spikey.  Which is what I find most comical about all of this.  I was reading over the little SCW hype-up for this card, and they seriously referred to all three of these guys as "legends"... do you believe that crap?

Rocky:  Well they have...

Nick talks straight through Rocky as she attempts to address his comment

Nick:  I mean, really... legends?  Ha, yeah right.  Maybe in their own minds.  Although I'm not sure if even those morons are stupid enough to actually believe that.  Calling those three has-beens is even being far too generous, because that suggests any of the three of them were worth a damn.  What have any of them ever accomplished?

Rocky:  Well correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems your greatest boast has been your GXW World Championship reign, and all three of these men are former World Champions in organizations that you yourself wrestled in.  Both Spike and Tom are former GXW Champions and Jordan a former GCW Champion.

Nick glares at Rocky for a moment, clearly rather unhappy with Rocky's response to what he clearly intended to be a rhetorical question.

Nick:  Listen honey, that's all well and good, but it takes more than just sneaking your name into the books to have your title reign mean a damn thing.  None of those clowns ever beat me for their title reigns, and none of them ever had the balls to defend their titles against me.  And don't forget what happened to Spike when he thought he was some big hot shot with that GXW title reign of his.  We put a quick end to that, now didn't we?  In the end, some people just catch luck at the right moment, but the difference is I proved myself to be a real champion, the best champion, and I will prove that much again very soon.

Rocky:  Well best of luck to you in your match tonight and your upcoming title shot.

Nick:  I promise you, it's those fools who don't know to stop from getting in the ring across from me that will be needing the luck.  Just keep your eye on that monitor tonight and I'll show you why, toots.

Nick smirks and then walks away as Rocky stands there giving him a less than pleased look based on his responses and comments towards her.  As he disppears out of the shot she just watches shaking her head as the scene fades.