Author Topic: Before and After Climax Control  (Read 3612 times)

Offline Despayre

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Before and After Climax Control
« on: November 21, 2011, 07:38:47 PM »
Dear Synn,

I understand it has been some time since we last spoke or seen each other and I just want you to know that I have been thinking about you and I hope everything is well with you. I know the last time we saw each other, things didn't quite go the way we wanted them to, or at least how you wanted them to and I apologize for that. I'm sorry I've been M.I.A. these last couple of years but I really needed to take time out for myself, after the death of my family I kind of went into a dark space and I never wanted to come out. You know I have a history with drug abuse and at times alcohol abuse but I've really changed that in my life and I'm ready to become a better person. I just hope you can find it in your heart to forgive and forget, but the main reason why I am writing this letter is I got an invitiation to join Sin City and it was a shock to me because I didn't put my name out there or even make a effort to rejoin the wrestling world, I heard rumors that you threw my name out in a list to help me get this and if that's true I appreciate it, but I rather you had come to me first and we discussed it. I feel like you are taking care of me, when in reality I should take care of myself. I've been a horrible person to you at times and I just don't understand why you put up with me the way you do, anyway I hope we can meet soon, maybe talk, have dinner and kind of catch up on things. I really could use your help, especially in the ring since it's been ages since I've stepped in the squared circle, you can reach me by e-mail or contact me by phone. Just know I appreciate you and love you!

<img align=left src= "">Before Climax Control...

Synn leaned back on the plush chair in the spacious living room of the grand house he now owned in Las Vegas. His feet were propped up on the small cushioned foot rest in front of his chair and the laptop computer was rested against his bended knee. He stole glances up every now and again to watch in amusement at Despayre who was seated on the floor with Angel in his lap, and hat pray tell could keep them so preoccupied?

What else? The Looney Looney Bugs Bunny Movie DVD that Teresa had discovered in a small DVD bin at the department store up town. It was endearing that she took it upon herself to purchase this for Despayre from her own money, without being asked or instructed.

It was later in the evening, after eight P.M., and thus Teresa was officially off duty so it came as little surprise to Synn that she was seated in a similar chair to his own, working on her crocheting while she too stole a glance every now and then at Despayre and the TV screen in front of them.

It was just as well that they both were so distracted because he was not sure how he would feel had they noticed how distracted he himself was over the email that he had just opened in his account.

It had been, well, several years if truth were to be told, since Synn had laid eyes directly on this man, a man who could lay claim to what no other could; his heart. Up until he had met Sean all those years ago, Synn wasn't even certain that he possessed one. Not in the sense where he displayed a more family oriented affection towards Despayre, and to a degree, Gabriel and the rest of the team. No, this was different, what he had felt for Sean Williams.

The trials the pair had went through in the span of their previous courtships (yes, plural) had worn on Synn. It had even reinforced a belief he had about romantic entanglements. Yet he had not been able to steer clear of Sean. He had not wanted to. When someone enamors you in spirit, that simply is a fact of life. He knew of Sean's personal demons and torments, and had kept watch over this time without him being aware. He had helped him anonymously when he had been able, and yes, much as Sean suspected, it was Synn who convinced Christian and Mark to give the young Mister Williams a chance again to work the spotlight. The SCW owners were unsure, given his shady past but Synn, he could be the persuasive sort.

If Sean was now signed to SCW, a meeting could no longer be avoided. He tapped the 'reply' option and started typing.</color>


It was wonderful to hear from you, and I admit you took me somewhat by surprise. You know me, perhaps better than most, and you should know how I am about being surprised as opposed to being surprised. I am glad that you are well, but there are things that have changed in my own personal life, which is perhaps best explained in person as opposed to an email. Let me assure you that it isn't what you think, and if you have paid attention to what's been on the TV screen, you might even have a faint inkling to what I refer.

I am glad that you are well, and I am glad that your strengths are finally being given a chance to shine through. You know how I feel about sinful ways and indulgences, but there is a vast difference between you controlling the sin, or it controlling you.

We can talk after the show. I would suggest before or during but as I said, things have changed and it would serve us little to no benefit discussing things between us when I have my men to take care of, and you will be preparing for your own return to the ring.

We can attend the after show party, or you can accompany me to my house afterwards where there will be more privacy. I leave it to you.


"A teddy bear does not depend upon mechanics to give him the semblance of life. He is loved - and therefore he lives."

Offline Sean Williams

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Before and After Climax Control
« Reply #1 on: November 23, 2011, 12:10:20 PM »

It was wonderful to hear from you, and I admit you took me somewhat by surprise. You know me, perhaps better than most, and you should know how I am about being surprised as opposed to being surprised. I am glad that you are well, but there are things that have changed in my own personal life, which is perhaps best explained in person as opposed to an email. Let me assure you that it isn't what you think, and if you have paid attention to what's been on the TV screen, you might even have a faint inkling to what I refer.

I am glad that you are well, and I am glad that your strengths are finally being given a chance to shine through. You know how I feel about sinful ways and indulgences, but there is a vast difference between you controlling the sin, or it controlling you.

We can talk after the show. I would suggest before or during but as I said, things have changed and it would serve us little to no benefit discussing things between us when I have my men to take care of, and you will be preparing for your own return to the ring.

We can attend the after show party, or you can accompany me to my house afterwards where there will be more privacy. I leave it to you.


<img align=left src= "">After Climax Control...
I guess people thought I was kidding? Really? I work hard and I'm good at what I do, my life may be one fucked up situation but I know how to keep myself together and not fall apart. I won't say this match was easy, but it wasn't difficult. I may sound cocky, maybe that's just my EGO, but this win made me feel so good about myself that I'm ready to jump out there and experience more fights, more matches, hell maybe even win some gold.

But thats not really the issue at hand, I'm back in Philly and I'm ready to leave, I miss Los Angeles, I can even say I miss New York a little, but being here just isn't making me happy right now but I have no where else to go. This place is what my budget could afford and until I start getting some real checks from this company, then Philly is where it will be.


Downtown Philadelphia (Center City)

The scene opens up with Sean inside his condo, Sean walks through the front door and drops his duffle bag on the floor, he makes his way over to his laptop and pushes the mouse to take the screen off idle. Sean then walks into the kitchen and grabs a plastic cup from the cupboard and pours the rest of the pepsi out of the bottle inside the cop and sticks it in the freezer, he turns and notices his e-mail still up with a reply from Synn.

Damn, should I read it? I hope he didn't say anything rude. I know whatever he says it comes with love and from the heart, but sometimes his delivery can be cruel, but I'm older now I should be able to handle anything that Synn throws at me, and who knows this not necessarily a open invitation for us to re-start or re-build a relationship, but at least we could get in contact and kind of see what's been going on with each other.

Sean reads the e-mail and a smiles brushes across his face, he moves the mouse and clicks reply, he starts to type but quickly backspaces and leans back in his chair in thought.

F*ck! What can I say? I don't even know where to start.

Sean looks around the desktop area and searches for his weed baggie, he pulls the drawer opens looking inside to see if he had anything in there. Sean sighs as he pushes the drawer close, Sean sits forward and starts to type again.

Hey Synn,

Sorry it took me so long to respond, I've been busy these last couple days with flying back and forth from Los Angeles to Philly, I know we were suppose to meet after the show but I had a flight to catch and I didn't want to miss this opportunity to move back to Los Angeles and be where I'm suppose to be. I was looking at some property down there and hopefully I can become a resident again because you know I miss home, Philly is not the place for me. Anyway, I'm happy that you were able to read my e-mail and respond, that means a lot. I know I haven't been the best friend or at least the best supporter or person in your life and I do apologize for that, but I'm a fucked up individual and you already know that. So many issues, and life is so short and I don't know. I just want to be where I use to be, financially stable, and just living a better life. I don't want you to think I'm asking you for help or trying to take advantage, I guess you could say I just missed you a little and I heard through the grapevine that you were involved in SCW so I knew we would eventually run into each other. But anyway, maybe we can try and get together in the near future, possibly sometime this week or after Thanksgiving. My Uncle is flying in from Indianapolis and he wants me to spend Thanksgiving with him and his family, and really those are the only family I have left so I think I will spend some time with him this holiday and hopefully sometime after that we can set a date of when and where we can meet. I still think about you from time to time Synn, and again I appreciate you taking the time out to respond to my e-mail.

Sean smiles as he clicks the sent button, he jumps out of the chair and makes his way into the bedroom closing the door behind him as the scene fades.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2011, 02:51:38 PM by Sean Williams »

Offline Despayre

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Before and After Climax Control
« Reply #2 on: November 23, 2011, 10:54:24 PM »
 <img align=left src= "" width=265 height=320>After Climax Control...
2:23 AM

The after-show party at the Oracle Lounge had been its usual success with wrestlers, staff, and fans alike mingling with one another. It was a song and dance routine Synn always found amusing at its best, watching the serious wrestling fan compete for the attentions of their favorite stars alongside the scourge of wrestling circles known as "ring rats", those sad female fans with stars in their eyes and their only heart's desire being to sleep with a pro wrestler.

Despayre happened to chase five away from Gabriel, as he put it "No rat is good enough for MY buddy!"

Gabriel of course replied forlornly, "Thanks Despy!" as they dropped the champ off at his home.

Synn unlocked the front door of his and Despayre's home and pushed it open, stepping back knowing that Despayre would streak inside with great gusto and energy, anxious to tell Teresa all about the evening's doings. Even if he had to risk her wrath by waking her up at this late hour to do so.

The evening had been a rousing success, but Synn could not help feeling it bitter sweet. One person booked on the show had not shown up for the party as he had hoped. He had seen Sean backstage, but only briefly and given his own duties, was unable to break free in order to approach. He knew Sean was recovering from his "demons" so it came as little surprise he did not attend the party afterwards.

Still, he had hoped they could have shared a brief enough word so he could pass along his address or phone number to initiate a visit, even a brief one.

Synn locked the door behind him and walked down the hall, loosening his tie as he listened to Teresa shouting from upstairs as Despayre had obviously managed to rouse her from her slumber. Synn smirked as only he could, knowing Despayre would have no idea what he did wrong to incur her ire.

He slung his tie over a coat rack in the hall before stepping into his office. He flipped on the light and walked over to his desk where his laptop rested open. he had a hunch and he pressed a button to bring it from it's "sleep" state and he found he had a new email.

From Sean.

Frowning at the timing the pair seemed to be cursed with, Synn clicked on the tab to open the mail.</color>

Hey Synn,

Sorry it took me so long to respond, I've been busy these last couple days with flying back and forth from Los Angeles to Philly, I know we were suppose to meet after the show but I had a flight to catch and I didn't want to miss this opportunity to move back to Los Angeles and be where I'm suppose to be. I was looking at some property down there and hopefully I can become a resident again because you know I miss home, Philly is not the place for me. Anyway, I'm happy that you were able to read my e-mail and respond, that means a lot. I know I haven't been the best friend or at least the best supporter or person in your life and I do apologize for that, but I'm a fucked up individual and you already know that. So many issues, and life is so short and I don't know. I just want to be where I use to be, financially stable, and just living a better life. I don't want you to think I'm asking you for help or trying to take advantage, I guess you could say I just missed you a little and I heard through the grapevine that you were involved in SCW so I knew we would eventually run into each other. But anyway, maybe we can try and get together in the near future, possibly sometime this week or after Thanksgiving. My Uncle is flying in from Indianapolis and he wants me to spend Thanksgiving with him and his family, and really those are the only family I have left so I think I will spend some time with him this holiday and hopefully sometime after that we can set a date of when and where we can meet. I still think about you from time to time Synn, and again I appreciate you taking the time out to respond to my e-mail.

Synn wasted little time in deciding what to do, as he immediately clicked reply and typed a simple message;


Shall we end our little game of musical emails? I am enclosing my phone number and my address on an attachment, and if you check the attachment further you will find the claim number for a round trip plane ticket to Las Vegas for the weekend. You are welcome to stay with Joshua and myself. I will brook no disagreement.


"A teddy bear does not depend upon mechanics to give him the semblance of life. He is loved - and therefore he lives."

Offline Sean Williams

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Before and After Climax Control
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2011, 12:43:48 AM »
 The scene opens up with Sean lying in his bed, door locked and the tv loud. He reaches for his tablet scanning through his email box. Sean smiles as he notices a reply from Synn, short and sweet Sean grabs his phone entering Synn's contact informartion.

I just don't get Synn at times, he's so sweet, so genuine but at the same time he's a private person, a person that I know who has secrets, a dark past, I wouldn't say he's hiding stuff from me but in reality that's how I felt. But who cares, it must be something about me that makes brings out another side of him, but really a round trip to Vegas, ugh! I can't turn this down.

Sean opens his text box on his phone and starts typing a message.

Hey Synn, text me when you can get a chance. I can't wait to see you!

Sean sends the message, he lays the phone on the end table beside the bed waiting n wondering if Synn will responds, he looks at his phone a couple times before heading into the kitchen to help his Aunt prepare Thanksgiving Dinner as the scene fades to black.

Offline Despayre

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    • Despayre
Before and After Climax Control
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2011, 11:34:49 AM »
 <img align=left src= "">Synn started to head out. He could hear Despayre from all th way upstairs, chattering away to poor Teresa who would surely want to go back to sleep from where she had been disturbed as opposed to having her ears assaulted like this.

Even though it happened after every SCW show, so you'd think she'd be used to it, wouldn't you?

He started to step into the hallway when he heard a *ping* on his computer that told him he had a new email in his account. Frowning, he turned around and walked back over to the computer and saw, much to his surprise, it was Sean again.

"That was fast." He murmured softly and he opened the email to read,</color>

<quote>Hey Synn, text me when you can get a chance. I can't wait to see you!</quote>

Synn simply typed in a short reply.

"Now Sean, what part of ending email tag did you not understand? One more word out of you and I'll have to put you over my knee when you arrive. I expect to see you at the airport first thing in the morning."

Synn hint 'send" with a devlish gleam in his eye.</color>
« Last Edit: November 24, 2011, 11:37:11 AM by Despayre »

"A teddy bear does not depend upon mechanics to give him the semblance of life. He is loved - and therefore he lives."

Offline Sean Williams

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Before and After Climax Control
« Reply #5 on: November 26, 2011, 10:47:37 AM »
 I hate plans, I was never a fan of them. I remember when I was younger and I would travel with my grandparents across country to visit their families, those long plane flights use to scare the shit out of me. But flying on planes is apart of my job, all the traveling and going to different places


Las Vegas Airport - Arrival // Baggage Pick Up // 7:27AM

Synn doesn't know I'm flying in today, I guess I should of told him but it was more of a spur of the moment type thing. After the club last night, Mercedes decided to just drop me off at the airport, no underwear, no fresh clothes and I swear I smell like I just finished running a 10 day marathon. I felt bad for the person sitting next to me on the flight, because cologne and sweat just does not mix.

Sean shows his ticket to the clerk standing on the outside of the door, he walks towards the baggage area and remembers he didn't bring anything with him. He reaches in his pocket and grabs his iPhone which died 2 hours ago, he pulled some cash out of his pocket and headed towards the gift shop hoping to find a charger there.

Damn, I'm only going to be here overnight and I feel like I need to go out and buy a whole freaking new wardrobe.

Sean picks up the charger at the counter and hands it to the clerk, he pays for the charger and heads out the store refusing a receipt or a bag because he needed to use the charger right away, Sean walks over the sitting area and finds a chair next to a outlet plugging his phone up.

10 Minutes Later

Sean lifts his phone up to his ear and to check his voicemail box, his first message was from Mercedes.

Mercedes: Sean, Hey I got you a reservation at the MGM and I already paid for your room, the guy who works there is a close friend of mine and he already arranged to have some clothes for you there. I told him your sizes and stuff, so once you get there, take a shower, get some rest and then have fun.

Sean smiles.

Just like Mercedes, always ahead of the game and damn she knows everyone in the freaking universe. I swear that girl snaps her finger and she can bring you anything you need or could ever wanted, thats why I am so thankful to have friends like her.

Sean unplugs his phone and rushes to the outside to catch the next cab, he dials Synn's number, the phone rings once and quickly goes to voicemail.

Sean: Hey you, I know its early and I'm sorry I didn't fill you in on the details of my arrival or if I was even coming, Mercedes drove in from NY and she is staying at my place so a lot is going on right now. But I am in Vegas and I'm on my way to my room now at the MGM, so maybe you can come there and pick me up or we can hang out there, it doesn't matter. I guess once you get this message to give me a call, if my phone goes to voicemail that is because its at 15% battery life but it should be on later!, okay bye!

Sean slides his phone back into his pocket and jumps in the cab as the scene fades to black.

Offline Despayre

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Before and After Climax Control
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2011, 05:02:36 PM »
 <img align=left src= "">The lobby of the MGM Grand was a spectacular sight to behold in space and design, the eye catching highlight being that of the golden lion stationed atop the marble dais with the green grass and floral arrangement.

Ooo!" Despayre cooed in wide eyed fascination as he and Synn entered the MGM lobby through the front doors. Despayre made his way right for the lion, with Synn bringing up the rear and dialing on his cell...


Upstairs in his room, Sean's cell phone rang...


Synn caught Despayre's upper arm and reeled him back as he tried to make for the casino which was in plain sight past the lobby.

Despayre started fidgeting and whining as Synn spoke into the cell
, "Sean, I'm down in the lobby with Joshua. He's getting fidgety so could you hurry down? He can be quite the handful when he gets restless."

Sean could hear over the phone, Despayre's sing song whine..."But ngel wants to play the slots...!"

Synn reeled Despayre in a second time...

"Please hurry!"

"A teddy bear does not depend upon mechanics to give him the semblance of life. He is loved - and therefore he lives."

Offline Sean Williams

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Before and After Climax Control
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2011, 05:24:50 PM »
 <img align=left src= ""><This whole moment was new to me, and even though I've known Synn for quite some time now, it felt like I was meeting him for the first time all over. I guess you could say I was nervous, its been some time since we've seen each other, had a conversation, let alone be in the same room with each other. This is important to me, Synn is important.

The scene opens up inside Sean's room, standing by the mirror, he takes a couple more puffs of his dutch and lays it down in the ash tray. Sean runs over to the bed grabbing the Air Freshner and spraying around the room to hide the odor of weed. Sean tosses the Air Freshner on the bed and runs over to the mirror again, making sure his hair is fine and nothing is hanging from his face or nose.

It amazes me that Synn still sticks around, especially after everything I have put him through. Synn and I tried to have a decent monogamous faithful and long lasting relationship but at the time it could never work, Synn is older then me, more mature and definitely the type of guy you could settle down with. But even at that time Synn wasn't ready himself, If I can remember I think it was me that kind of slow his sexual ways down because he figured he could, I don't know, wife me?

Sean laughs to himself.

I don't necessarily me play the role of his wife, but he wanted to hold me down and make me his only one. But I was young, when I first met Synn I think I was 19 going on 20 and I definitely wasn't looking for a serious relationship at that time. It was more about having fun, doing drugs, and just having casual sex. Sounds bad I know? But that period of my life was a fucked up time!

Sean grabs his iPhone off the counter and races toward the door, he stops pass the mirror to give it one more glance and he races out the door heading towards the elevator.


The elevator slowly makes its way down to the lobby area, Sean walks out from the elevator looking around hoping to spot Synn before he spots him, Sean walks out towards the entrance area and notices a gentleman standing before him, from the back it could be Synn but Sean was unsure.

Sean: Synn?

The man turns around and to his surprise it wasn't Synn, Sean sighs as he continues to look ahead hoping to again see Synn before Synn spots him, Sean makes his way towards the casino area, but before he could reach that area, he's feels a tap on his shoulder as the scene fades to black.

Offline Despayre

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    • Despayre
Before and After Climax Control
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2011, 08:24:55 PM »
 <img align=left src= "">Sean turned around and found himself staring up into the eyes of the man that he had just so recently been nervous about seeing again after so long. There was no mistaking a second time. This indeed was Synn. His emerald green eyes were smoldering, as was that 'hint' of a smile that creased the corner of his lips. He looked Sean up and down as if he were some sweet treat that were about to be devoured when he broke the lingering silence that permeated between them.

"Mistaking another man for me?" He quipped. "I should be insulted."

He tilted his head to the side, scrutinizing Sean closely, the smile falling from his lips. This was just how Synn was, especially with those he cared for. Just being near him could be an intimidating factor. It was as if his eyes could see into the depths of the soul and after getting to know him, one would think that to be the very case. Especially with Sean.

He said, "So, don't I get a hug?"

"Okey dokey!" And Despayre stepped up and wrapped his arms around the much taller Synn and squeezed him tight, and Sean was surprised to see a genuine smile break out onto the big man's face.

"Thank you, Joshua." Synn exclaimed as Despayre stepped back, cuddling Angel the bear to his chest. "And you, Sean?"

Synn offered his hand to Sean, and when it was accepted, Synn pulled him against his own solid body and wrapped him into a tight embrace. After a few moments enjoyment after so much time between them had expired, Synn released the hug and took a step back.

"Now.." he said. "Two things. One, please do go get your things. I find it ridiculous that Mercedes rented you a room here when she knows full well I own a house here in Las Vegas. We can cancel the reservation and you can stay at my place."

Sean blinked, wondering how Mercedes would know such a thing when Synn's smile returned and he answered the unspoken question.

"I've been keeping tabs on you since we parted ways in GXW, Sean. Who do you think was my source of information all these years?"

"Oh." Sean cleared his throat. "What ... what was the second thing?"

Synn asked matter-of-factly. "Oh, that. I was just wondering; when you roll your joints, do you do it by hand or do you use a rolling machine?"

The stunned silence followed as Synn tucked his hands into his side pockets and waited, when Despayre's sing-song voice carried over them, "Someone's gonna get it..."</color>

"A teddy bear does not depend upon mechanics to give him the semblance of life. He is loved - and therefore he lives."