Author Topic: When One Door Closes Another Opens (Teddy Warren Rp)  (Read 237 times)

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    • Crystal Millar
When One Door Closes Another Opens (Teddy Warren Rp)
« on: May 24, 2024, 05:39:58 PM »
It’s really funny how the world works at times. I know it’s really easy to get caught up in the moment. One can have a dream but it’s really going above and beyond to make it a reality that counts at the end of the day. When I first came to this company all of those years ago it truthfully it was to just try something different. It was to have fun and to support my wife Kate Steele at the time. I know I became larger than life. I ascended through the ranks. I became a household name by winning the Roulette Championship and even going as far as winning the Internet Championship.
I felt like I was having the time of my life. Add in the fact that I gained a lot of notoriety by making a name for myself as a cross dresser and even winning most hated star. That felt like it was the icing on the cake and wrestling became as fun as it possibly could. It didn’t matter if people booed or cheered. As long as I was getting a reaction I knew that it was worth it. When I had won the Mixed Tag Team Championship with Kate Steele. I knew at that very moment that there was something special about me. I knew that there was much more than just the simple dream of supporting my wife.
That is when the dream slowly started to change, and in that moment I only had one thought on my mind. I wanted to be considered the best. I want to go down in the history books. Hell if things work in the way that I really wanted them to work. I could even go as far as being a Hall of Famer. I now know that is the end goal and I would do anything in my power to get there.
So with this new dream of simply trying to be the best I did what I could to get there. I signed up to be in the Blast from the Past and I poured my entire heart into that tournament. I was overly excited when I got paired up with Kat Jones. I mean Kat is the younger sister of Kimberly Pain who had been training my sister. She is also the woman who took the Roulette Championship away from my former wife. I know she had all of the drive in the world to go out to that tournament and do the unthinkable.
The way I saw things and the way she saw them must have been different because she just didn’t show that drive. As a matter of fact, she hasn’t really said anything about the tournament or anything like that after getting eliminated. At the end of the day it’s unfortunate because she didn’t have it in her. Normally I wouldn’t mind and I was Kat all the best in the world
However, what she did has affected me and now I was forced to take an early exit from the tournament. The moment that Luna had pinned Kat Jones I knew that my journey had ended. I didn’t know what to do with myself. I took a long walk of shame back to the locker room.
How was I to handle with the reality that my dreams were going to fade away?!
How do I go back to my wife Michelle and tell her that her husband couldn’t deliver on his promise?!
Most importantly how do I hold my seven month old daughter Marlene and tell her that her father was a failure?
There were so many negative thoughts running through my mind and I just wanted to run away from it all. Things were looking as bad as they could possibly be but that was until I received a phone call from Christian Underwood last week that would change my entire world. He told me that there was no active challenger for the World Heavyweight Championship and that a battle royal would happen to determine who would face Finn Whelan at the Super Card. I am not a member of the active roster but the very moment that he asked me that question is the moment that I realized that I just couldn’t say no.
When life seems to chew you up and spit you out, you think it’s all over because one door closes in your face. However, in the midst of everything that is when another door opens. Now the way has been shown to me, you can bet your bottom dollar that not only will I walk through that door but I am going to break that thing off of its hinges and storm through the thing.
Opportunities like this don’t come often and there is always more than one way to get to the destination. Of course I am entering the Battle Royal and you better believe that I will win this match. I don’t care who is in this match but I know it’s all or nothing. I can get what I want and unlike the tournament I don’t have to rely on anybody but myself.
Watch out world because it is indeed Teddy time and he refuses to be stopped. Not now and certainly not ever. Of course I am going to do everything in my power to make sure that the dreams of a 37-year-old man come true but more importantly than that. I am doing this for my thirteen-year-old and my seven month old daughters.
I want them to learn the valuable lesson that just because things don’t go your way that doesn’t mean you should give up and quit on your dreams. One needs to persevere and you keep on going no matter how hard the journey might seem. As long as the heart is beating you have it in you to make ends meet and to prove to the world that you are deserving. The more you try at something is the better you get at it, and with enough hard work you can accomplish anything.
I will win… I refuse to give up, and I won’t until I have a chance to make my dreams come true…

Long Island, New York
Where it all began
One phone call had changed Teddy’s entire perspective about where he was in his life. He could hear the sentence from Christian Underwood as clear as day. It was as if it was happening over and over again, “Do you want to be in a fresh face battle royal to determine a World Championship contender.” That is the only sentence that had played in Teddy’s head, and of course with the response of “yes” Teddy Warren knew he had work to do. Climax Control was set to take place in the city of the site of one of the United States most famous battle grounds in Gettysburg Pennsylvania. However, before Teddy would dare to step foot in such a historic place he wanted to go back to the basics. He wanted to go home which going back to Long Island, New York.
Teddy had arrived at a medium sized hi-ranch home on Long Island. He smiled as he ran up the steps until he reached the front door of the house. He pulled a key out of his pocket and thought about sliding it into the door but instead he decided to ring the doorbell. He waited in anticipation and it wasn’t that long until he could hear the steps of somebody in the background. The door swung open and standing on the opposite side was an older woman who smiled at him in return.
“Todd is that really you?! Long time no see…”
Teddy had tears in his eyes as she kept looking at the woman. He was slow but he suddenly grabbed her and pulled her in tightly for a hug.
“I missed you so much mom… I feel like I have so much to tell you and I don’t even know where to begin…”
She just smiled as she kept her eyes locked on him.
“Todd you don’t’ have to say anything. Why don’t you come inside and make yourself comfortable?! Your brother and sister are both here… I prepared supper and I thought we could have a big family dinner. It has been so long since I had all of my kids at the house. This is definitely going to be a good day indeed. I hope you brought my grandchildren because if you happened to come all the way from California without bringing them I am really going to be upset…”
Teddy just shakes his head as an uneasy expression escapes his lips.
“Actually I wasn’t really planning on inviting them. I just wanted to come over so I could clear my head. I got a big wrestling match coming up and…”
Before he could say anything else he could feel the footsteps of somebody coming up from behind him. It happened to be from that of his wife Michelle Chavez and she was holding little Marlene against chest. Running up from the steps was Teddy’s eldest daughter Juliet. She quickly runs past all of them as she goes to the elder woman.
“Grandma Mary, it has been a long time. I missed you so much!!!”
“I miss you too Julie… It’s going to be an amazing time. You know your cousin Terra is here and…”
It wasn’t long before Teddy’s thirteen-year-old niece Terra ran after Juliet and the two of them hugged each other tightly. “Julie it feels like forever. Let’s go play fortnite together…” Both girls just smile as they run off. Meanwhile Teddy is still confused as he turns around to look at his wife Michelle who just smiles.
“I didn’t know you were coming; you could have told me you wanted to come to my mother’s…”
Michelle however just shakes her head at her husband as she sighs in return. “That would require you and I to actually communicate or more so you not holding your feelings in. I love you and I enjoy being married to you but you don’t need to hide your mother from me. I want to know you more Todd… I want to know your world and your intermediate family…I don’t understand why I have to hear from your sister Dawn and my sister that you were going to come here…”
Teddy’s mother just smiles as she hugs Michelle as tightly as she can as she smiles at her.
“It’s about time we could finally meet one another. I am so sorry that I didn’t get to attend the wedding last year. If I wasn’t in the hospital, I would have definitely been there… Is this my little granddaughter Marlene?! She is beautiful just like her mother. You are definitely a keeper. Stay on top of my son and make him realize he has something good in life…”
“I will try my best Miss Mary…”
“Please… Just call me mom. It would make me feel so much better…”
With that Michelle and Mary walk away with the baby leaving Teddy to just stand there with a sigh. He slowly walks up the stairs until he makes his way into the living room. He looks at the various pictures that are plastered everywhere. As he stands there he looks at different pictures and they are of his siblings James (Jimmy) and Dawn. Teddy just shakes his head as he sees a picture of Dawn holding a World Championship in her hands. He looks over at a different picture of his sister in-law Cindy holding a World Champion and one of his former wife Kate Steele-Warren holding different titles. Teddy looks at his own picture and just sighs but that’s when two voices begin to call out to him. One of them is from his little sister Dawn.
“What’s up jerk face loser… You should feel ashamed of yourself! You totes could have told Shelly that you were going to mom’s house. You don’t have to feel ashamed! Mom hasn’t even met Marlene yet. You don’t even make an attempt to visit that much and it’s not fair to her!”
Dawn begins to vent her frustrations but that is when their older brother Jimmy just smirks. He looks at Dawn pulling her away before glancing into the eyes of his brother.
“Dawn you do realizing that yelling at him isn’t going to solve anything right?! Why don’t you just cut the man some slack. He’s been through a lot and I am sure he didn’t come all the way to New York to get badgered to death by his baby sister. I am sure he deals with enough of that in Los Angeles. You don’t have to bring that to Mom’s house…”
Dawn looks like she is going to say something else but Jimmy shakes his head. “Don’t even say anything. Why don’t you go in there and talk to Cynthia, I bet you two have some catching up to do…Besides I think I would love to speak to my brother. It’s been a while since us bros got to speak without having a certain pink puppy in the midst of everything.”
Dawn pouts as she storms away leaving Teddy and Jimmy just standing in the room by themselves. Jimmy smiles as he has a seat on the sofa before she looks into the eyes of his younger brother.
“Why don’t you have a seat Todd… We could use a good heart to heart. It certainly has been a while. If Juliet and Terra can catch up, if mom can talk to your wife, and our sister can speak to my wife. I believe it’s time for our chat especially considering you don’t really visit North Carolina that much…”
Teddy just sighs in return. “Bro I am all the way on the other side of the country in California. I don’t know what it is you want me to do…”
Jimmy grins. “Dude just relax! You don’t have to get so defense with me. I am your brother, let’s just talk… You know I am going to be honest with you… Let’s start with something easy. Why did you wait so long to come visit mom?! Our mom was in the hospital last year fighting cancer and you didn’t even bother to check on her to see how her chemo treatments had gone. Instead you were in your own world. You were too busy finding a life of your own, getting married having a kid and not once bringing your family into any of this. What gives?!”
Teddy just looks at his brother as he shrugs his shoulders.
“I just didn’t want to bring mom into my mess. These past few years haven’t been the best. I guess I didn’t want mom to figure out that I failed Kate… I didn’t want her to know that we had divorced and it’s all because I was an abusive husband… Right after I would fool around with Dawn’s wife’s sister. I will admit it has been fun but I should have known better than to get this woman pregnant within a month of dating. It just doesn’t look right and it goes against everything that mom had taught us…”
Jimmy just shakes his head.
“Dude, it is what it is. Does it look bad?! No duh but she would understand. After all you are her son and she wouldn’t cast you out like that. I am her actual biological son but she always held on to you the most and how you felt about things. Why do you think when her and dad got divorced that I was quick to choose dad and leave with him to North Carolina?! Part of it had annoyed me how much invested she was into you when I was her flesh and blood…”
Jimmy takes a breath as he speaks some more.
“I would be a fool though if I said that I didn’t love you though. Even if you and Dawn were adopted in my eyes you are my brother and that is the only thing that matters. I love you and I think you shouldn’t hold onto what you might think may hurt somebody else. Did mom teach us better?! Of course she did… I know it probably felt weird dealing that her daughter came out as a gay woman, and it have hurt that I decided to move away from her or that you made some questionable decisions, but at the end of the day as long as we show her our love. That is all that she wants. We have to stay connected. Family is supposed to have each other’s backs when the world doesn’t…”
“Jimmy I know you could say that but it just feels like I am doing everything wrong. Even when it comes to the Warren name… I took my wife’s surname and…”
Jimmy laughs. “Damn bro, I always knew you were a little bi…”
He stops himself as he giggles in return.
“Who cares… None of that matters. You might have made mistakes but you want to know what mom sees, because it’s the same thing that I see… I see a man who has owned him mistakes. A man who apologized to his ex for putting his hands on her. Now that same woman that he abused he now has a healthy co-parenting relationship with. You found love again and are determined more than ever not to hurt the new wife in the way you hurt the old one. If there is something that we are proud about it’s that you have matured. You have learned from your mistakes and are striving to be a better man everyday… So why worry about your past… Your past doesn’t disqualify you from anything, it actually qualifies you to be a better man and to be a mentor to others…”
Teddy smiles. “You really think that?!”
“No duh I do… I give great advice. I mean I am the only one in the family that’s an actual doctor. It’s up to you if you want to actually follow what I say so you can live a long and prosperous life…”
Teddy nods his head as he keeps looking at the photos and Jimmy speaks some more.
“And dude stop trying to look at those photos questioning if you will ever be good enough as the other Warrens. It’s your destiny to go on to win the World Championship. Get past this battle royal. Go cement your spot and go handle your business. We will be there rooting for you. Stop looking behind and look ahead…”
Teddy grins. “Aight, bet… Time to make it happen… People will know who Teddy I if I have my way…Time to finally conquer what I set out to do…”
“Good go handle yours bro… You got this…”
With that the two siblings get up and hug one another as tightly as they can.

Good evening to all of my Teddy Bears out there. It won’t be that long until we will have the pleasure of competing at one of the most historical battlegrounds in American history. We get to compete in Gettysburg. That in itself is awesome because who knows what would have happened if the Union didn’t win such a pivotal battle. As a black man I am so overjoyed by that victory and it helped lead to the freedom that I have today. I could go on and on speaking about my country’s history but the thing that is on my mind the most is that at this edition of Climax Control I have the opportunity to do what I set out to do.

With the entire world watching I can close out another chapter of the book that is Teddy Warren, I can win this main event battle royal and I could march forward to challenging Finn Whelan so that I can become a World Champion. That has always been the end goal and now I can finally accomplish what I always wanted to do. In order to accomplish the unimaginable I need to get past a couple of people that currently stand in my way.

One of those men in question is Caleb Storms. Is Caleb Storms a good competitor?! Sure if that’s what you want to call him but let’s be honest here. is he worthy of being in the main event?! I highly doubt that but hey let’s promote the living hell out of Caleb because his resume seems to be up there right?!

One would get all excited seeing that he is a former Roulette Champion, former Mixed Tag Champion, and even a former three time Internet Champion but when you take a moment to really investigate and research what he did it’s not that impressive. I mean he WAS a Roulette champion but that was only for only two weeks. That means for two weeks he may have carried the belt but he really wasn’t a champion because he couldn’t get past a defense. Of course he won the Mixed Tag Team titles. With a partner with Sam Marlowe I could only expect something of greatness but once again when you look at the length of time he only had the title for three weeks.

At least losing the title came with an asterisk next to the match and when you research why there’s that small star next to that lost you will find out it was because Caleb got pinned....which confirms my suspicion that he’s just not ready for prime time.

You could look at his Internet reigns but he was GIVEN his first Internet title after J2H had beaten me, and the rest of his reigns are just one big mess. The fact is Caleb might look good on paper but the closer you look at things you will just realize he’s just a male form Jessie Salco. If he gets into the Hall of Fame it won’t be because he won the big one but mainly because of service. Get out of here with that nonsense he’s not ready for the big spot… Not now and not ever…

Of course we could talk up Bill Barnhart, he seems like a good dude but let’s be honest does anybody take him seriously?! Does anybody actually enjoy watching his promos because I think I would get more enjoyment watching a wall of paint dry instead of actually listening to him speak. Hey let’s give it up for this man. He actually she be thrilled because Kate and I felt like we won the Mixed tag titles to check that box off the list that he and his wife were able to win the Tag titles when they didn’t care about them anymore. This is too much of a big match for Bill to conquer. I know it’s not often he gets to be all the way up here on the show but it’s going to feel so good to bring him back down to reality. The fall is going to come fast and it will come fast so brace yourself Bill…

Your landing is just going to showcase that you suck and aren’t ready to play with the big boys…

Oh my goodness it looks like I get to stand in the ring with the one and only Jamie Dean. What’s happening Jamie?! Now when I look at you I see the definition of the word luggage. It must be awesome to be “carried” to success after all how else does one define that your only accomplishment has been a two time tag team champion?!

I bet Ben Jordan must have felt you were quite the suitcase to carry around and when you have Ben Jordan as a partner I guess winning is all you really could do. It’s a known fact that Ben Jordan is one of the very best to have step foot in the company. That has always been legacy but what does that say about you. Let’s be real. You were just there as he did most of the work. It’s nothing to be ashamed of as you got to reap the rewards of what he accomplished. Hell I can relate considering I was married to Kate Steele. Why do you think I always went around using the moniker of Teddy “Steele” I knew whose Bitch I was but can you be open and sincere, to admit the truth about you.

No disrespect Jamie, but a tag team specialist at best isn’t ready to be in the main event let alone competing for this company’s biggest prize. Maybe in a future far far away you might be ready but Sunday just won’t be THAT night and it won’t happen when I am standing in that ring with something to prove.

My main Rodrigo what’s happening buddy?! It must be nice getting to carry around a briefcase and be in control of your own fate. I am sure being in a match like this isn’t that important to you because you could get a title match whenever you see fit. Let’s talk about that briefcase though and be honest about it but holding it is not impressive. You won that briefcase by being in a match with Bill, Matty Mallow, and Justin Smith. One of those individuals just sucks as I shared earlier and I have no idea who the other two people are…

The landscape of the SCW superstars division must have been really weak if that’s who was in that match with yourself included of course. Hell me at ten percent would have won that match with ease. Let me give you some advice. Save your briefcase hold it for a Roulette match, an Internet title match. Hell go out there and call the best bombshell you know and get yourself a Mixed title because you damn sure won’t be coming ANYWHERE near the big title. Not when I am ready to get into the fray of being here.

Speaking of people I don’t know I guess that brings me to Justin Smith. It’s a tragedy that you lost to Artie. I could rub that fact in but I am more curious about your love for the Yankees. Trust me as a man who grew up in New York I know all about the Yankees even though if that isn’t the team I cheer for. I was born in the 80s and to be exact the year 1986 in which my team the Mets won the World Series. Do I remember it?! No because I wasn’t even born but what do you really know about the Yankees?! You were born in 2000 and by the time you got to an age that you could remember they might have been good but the Red Sox have pretty much dominated your team’s division.

Your team hadn’t been relevant except by winning a World Series in 2009 with steroid using A-Rod, and aside from that being known in the sports by having the highest payroll and not delivering shit. At least you got a man who broke the American League home run record but that fails in comparison to actually winning a title.

I am in this to be that champion and I think you will continuing to fade in irrelevance…

Last but not least there’s L J and out of everywhere I feel like I can relate with you. You are out trying to figure out your own identity and trying to bring out more about who you are. As a sibling to a fellow wrestler I know what you are going through. In my case it has always been about trying to be better than Dawn and my brother Jimmy. Trying to see how I stand out from my sister in-law Cindy or what my previous Kate did.

That’s why I am here right now to figure all of those things about myself but what are you really trying to accomplish?! I think you will find what you are looking for and will indeed get what you want. Just don’t assume that it’s happening on Sunday night because that’s going to be my night.

There are so many people that are included in this battle royal and it’s going to come down to who really wants it the most. Who is ready to finally broke out of their shell and showcase they have what it takes to be a main event star in SCW?!

I know I broke down everybody else but everyone in the world should know that it’s me. It has always been me. Fate has made it where I could have this opportunity so that the book of Teddy Warren can come to a close. I need to close this out. I need to be in the Hall of Fame and I damn sure need to be a World Champion.

SCW to me seems to be in a weaken state by the talent that is in this company. It’s amazing with the champions that are here but it needs serious work with everybody else and especially when it comes to the Superstars division. I have been in the ring with Fenris, with J2H, with Austin James and even Senor Vinnie. I have fought a list of the big names and it has all been for the sake of preparing me for this moment to be in the ring with the best.

It’s time to reach for the top and to take what belongs to me. Finn you better be watching because at the Super Card it will be you and I fighting for the biggest prize and I WILL beat you to make my dream come true. SCW brace yourselves because it’s Teddy Time!!!

NRP : Good luck rp came in at 4985 not including the gif image
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