Author Topic: Battleground  (Read 45 times)

Offline Seleana Zdunich

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    • Seleana Zdunich
« on: May 10, 2024, 02:13:42 PM »

Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Seat 345 + 346
TGV Train
9:07 AM  Local Time

Seleana Zdunich sits next to her wife, Christina Zdunich, on the train as her phone chimes at her. Seleana glances over at it and smiles at the photos just sent to her by their daughter-in-law, Haylie Jo “Halo” Annis despite the fact that it's midnight where she is in California.

Seleana Zdunich: HayJo sent us photos…

Chistina glances over and scans them quickly. She nods to four faces she doesn’t recognize.

Christina "Crystal Hilton" Zdunich-Caldwell: Who are they?

Seleana shrugs and sends the message asking. Almost immediately, the answer comes back. Seleana stares at it in disbelief.

Seleana Zdunich: För fan i helvete!

Christina frowns both in confusion and slight alarm.

Christina "Crystal Hilton" Zdunich-Caldwell: Sel?

Seleana nos.

Seleana Zdunich: She say… they are her sister…

Christina stares at her wife in disbelief.

Christina "Crystal Hilton" Zdunich-Caldwell: I thought she only had the one twin?

Seleana nods.

Seleana Zdunich: Ja…

She sends back the question again. The answer comes back in the form of an e-mail a few minutes later.

Seleana Zdunich: Weird as…

Seleana opens the message and nods as she starts reading.

Seleana Zdunich: She say, “Have you ever heard the siong “Papa Was A Rolling Stone?” Well, our daddy didn’t die and leave us alone, he left us to talk to each other when we bumped into each other and found out the whole bunch of us existed. He used to go to other towns like Shelbyville, Normandy and Lynchburg because he knew of games there and apparently found somebody in each place he could buy drinks and whatever else they liked and get in their pants. So Daddy didn't have “three other kids and another wife”, he had three other baby mamas and four kids. The two with darker hair are from Shelbyville, called “Mockey” and “Tequila” Their mama named them after things to do with “To Kill A Mockingbird” Then there’s the third one, called “Minnie.” Daddy quit talking to her when he found out her mama was part latina despite passing for white. She’s from Normandy.  The last one’s called “C.R.A.V.E.” Those are her initials and she’s from Lynchburg which means the family really has a thing for Jack Daniel’s.”

As Seleana and Christina both stare at the phone, another chime signals them to another message coming in.

Seleana Zdunich: Skit också!

The new message opens.

Seleana Zdunich: She say they are the new people she was trying to get jobs at the zoo.

Nodding to herself, Seleana almost slaps herself, placing her hand over her eye.

Seleana Zdunich: That’s why she no tell me who they are. She did not want to be asking for that kind of favor…

Christina shrugs.

Christina "Crystal Hilton" Zdunich-Caldwell: They might have had habits of some sort too. Maybe she didn’t want to push it. What jobs did she ask for?

Seleana Zdunich: The kind that pay the least. She say if I find they qualified for other work, sweet as but she would only ask for low jobs.

Seleana sighs heavily.

Seleana Zdunich: I hope Alex is having a better time home with Aurora, ja?

Christina smiles.

Christina "Crystal Hilton" Zdunich-Caldwell: They seemed so excited!

Seleana nods knowingly.

Seleana Zdunich: Alex get to be “Mommy” and Aurora gets to have her undivided attention. They looked happy when I talked to them before they went to bed, or at least, before Aurora did.

She pauses and smiles.

Seleana Zdunich: I am happy to be on this trip with you, Estrellita.

Christina smiles back and kisses her wife.

Christina "Crystal Hilton" Zdunich-Caldwell: I love you.

Seleana kisses her back.

Seleana Zdunich: I love you too.

Friday, May 10, 2024
Just outside the Canadian National Vimy Memorial
Vimy Ridge, France
3:04 PM  Local Time

The camera opens upon Seleana Zdunich standing in front of the massive Memorial structure looking somewhere between awed and annoyed 

Seleana Zdunich: Julianna DiMaria…

A look of disgust comes across Seleana’s face at the very thought of the woman that carries this name.

Seleana Zdunich: So now we get round two, ja?

She nods, knowing very well what the answer will be in response.

Seleana Zdunich: So how will you rather hyporcritically dismiss this match this time? 

Seleana nos a if it’s a foregone conclusion this will happen.

Seleana Zdunich: It is what you do best and most often, ja? Even as much as you detest when it is done to you?

Glaring into the camera mockingly, Seleana allow her incredulousness to show ever so slightly

Seleana Zdunich: All those things you have called me and others since your arrival, you got called by others and you did not like it, did you?

Seleana shakes her head as if she knew this would happen.

Seleana Zdunich: Still making hens out of feathers despite all you have achieved because it is still not enough, ja?

She nod pointedly, full to the brim with contempt.

Seleana Zdunich: And it never will be, because no matter who you choose to blame for it so you don’t have to admit it is your fault and who you are, nothing will ever be good enough for you. You came into SCW talking as if one little win meant you were in the conversation for greatest ever despite the fact that Roxi Johnson, Mercedes Vargas, my wife, Mikah, Alicia Lukas and others all still exist.

Seleana pauses to allow the momentary response to build that she knows is coming all too well.

Seleana Zdunich: I will not act as if that is an exhaustive list because I have not been here since the beginning of the company and do not possess the direct knowledge to name everyone but since you dismiss multiple people on that list, what difference does it make. You could not keep your mouth shut and simply accomplish your goal.

She shakes her head angrily.

Seleana Zdunich: No, you had to whine and complain and moan and bitch about everything including those you would use as the very bricks to build your own monument to yourself! “Message bitch,” “Stepping stone,” “Chapter in someone else’s stupid story,” “A last win before retirement,” “Nostalgia act…”

Seleana cocks her head knowingly.

Seleana Zdunich: So you can call others that but when you are called that, it is a “How dare you?”

Glaring into the camera, Seleana

Seleana Zdunich: I am one of those very bricks you chose to step on when you did not even need to. You started saying my name, Mercedes’ name, other names and you were booked or programmed with none of us at the time. You could have gone your entire life without saying any of our names and who would have known the difference?

She nods, glaring disgustedly as she points to the ground beneath her feet.

Seleana Zdunich: You chose this battleground, Julianna.

Again, he nods and points into the camera accusingly.

Seleana Zdunich: You picked this fight and many others for no other reason than you thought we are all beneath you and just hear to service you and now all you can do is whine when we get the call to come take you up on the fight you asked for!

Her hand falls away out of the shot but her contempt does not.

Seleana Zdunich: För fan i helvete! Din jävla idiot!

The hatred in her eyes intensifies like a storm building up for making landfall.

Seleana Zdunich: I have waited for this and I will welcome you to the jungle you freely walked into. Whine all you want about how much it’s a waste of your time, it’s all your fault. You called my name repeatedly almost like a lost lover begging for more when you know you cannot handle it. The battleground awaits, let us not keep it waiting, ja?