Author Topic: Memories Of The Past Can Shape The Future  (Read 3932 times)

Offline Peter Vaughn

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Memories Of The Past Can Shape The Future
« on: September 22, 2023, 08:25:09 PM »
~We once again return to the Garden of Betrayal, a rather fabulous park that Peter Vaughn has created in the midst of what was once a large warehouse space. To be exact, we're actually outside of the garden, in the parking area that is the sole remaining piece from the original building. A van pulls into the lot, parking in its usual spot, shown from a drone shot from above. Yes, it's strange the cameraman is filming himself arriving, but you can never have too much extra footage nowadays, thanks to digital storage. The drone comes downwards, as the van door opens, with the cameraman stepping out to catch it.~

~The shot then changes to more of a traditional one, as the cameraman has now got the mounted camera on his shoulder in place. He checks a few items in front of him, sticking them away in various pockets.~

Cameraman: Let's see. Gatorade, lemon-lime flavor. Granola bars. Extra camera batteries. Okay, I think I'm about ready for another hike. Damn job.

~The camera shakes for a second, as the door gets slammed shut. The cameraman then turns, taking a deep breath before heading towards the entrance to the garden. That's when he hears a car horn behind him, sounding extremely close.~

Cameraman: OH GOD!!

~The cameraman frantically spins... but the car has already stopped. The passenger door opens, with Vaughn nodding to the woman in the driver's seat before hopping out. She then pulls away, as Vaughn jogs over to the cameraman.~

Peter Vaughn: Hey, man. Sorry, did we startle you? I just didn't want you to hike all the way in there when we can do this just as easily out here.

Cameraman: That... actually sounds like a wonderful idea.

Peter Vaughn: We can just film right here at the gate, right?

~Vaughn walks over to the gate, but the cameraman instead turns, focusing again on the car that's now leaving quickly down the street. He then turns back to Vaughn, zooming in on him to get a close-up.~

Cameraman: Wait. Was that... Gwen? From the head office?

Peter Vaughn: She prefers Gwendolyn. And yes, she does work for Sin City, just like we do.

Cameraman: But, I thought... aren't you seeing Sadie Anderson now?

Peter Vaughn: Sure, I see Sadie all the time.

Cameraman: No, I mean...

~Vaughn looks puzzled for a second, before he finally understands. He shakes his head.~

Peter Vaughn: C'mon. Can't coworkers of different sexes share a car ride without people getting suspicious? Besides, Gwendolyn is 20 years older than me at least.

Cameraman: So... why are you in a car with her, then? Is this like when I saw you in the park talking to that other SCW guy, Steve something?

Peter Vaughn: I told you, that wasn't Steve. It was a, uh, lookalike, that's all.

Cameraman: I don't think so. I think you're trying to make lots of connections now in SCW. But why? What's pushing you to do it now?

~Vaughn sighs, before leaning an arm on the gate.~

Peter Vaughn: Because the squeaky wheel gets the grease. I mean, look at things so far? I went from defending my Roulette Title early in the show to being in the main event against some of the top headliners in the company. I'd say it's working, don't you?

Cameraman: I suppose... or it could be completely unrelated.

Peter Vaughn: I don't believe in coincidences.

~The wrestler takes a moment to get himself focused, before turning towards the camera and slipping a smile back on his face.~

Peter Vaughn: That said, I'm still doing everything I've said I was going to do. By the time the show gets here, I'll have surpassed 140 days as the SCW Roulette Champion. Fifty days left to the record, a path that I'm sure is going to get more and more treacherous. Maybe, in a way, this tag-team match is Sin City's way of trying to break that path. After all, if Goth and I defeat Harris & J2H, well, that'd make us the defacto #1 contenders soon, wouldn't it? And if I get past them all and win the Heavyweight Championship, I assume they'd force me to vacate the Roulette Title, leaving it for 'less experienced' competition.

~Vaughn shrugs his shoulders, not exactly impressed with who would be following after him in the Roulette division.~

Peter Vaughn: But that's not something to worry about at this point. As always, I'm taking my fights one at a time, and the next one's certainly a big one. The best of the best of Sin City will be facing off on Climax Control, with two men who can't stand each other facing off against two Saviors. If you're a betting man, I'd say the choice is pretty obvious. If you're not, then save your money, because the house always wins, right?

~Vaughn laughs to himself, even though the cameraman doesn't respond. It's a strange comment, after all. Vaughn notices this, shrugging to himself.~

Peter Vaughn: Anyhow, the journey continues, doesn't it? I look forward to one of the greatest battles I could ask for, with a chance to prove myself by throwing down those at the top of the mountain. It's going to be a hell of a war, guaranteed, and once it's over, I think a lot of people will have more respect for the Saviors and our future here in Sin City. With that, I'll talk to you later, boyo. I've got some more business to take care of inside the Garden.

~Vaughn does a quick nod of his head, almost a half-bow, before departing through the gate. He's quickly jogging up the path, as the cameraman moves, following him for a few steps before coming to the quick realization that there's no way he's keeping up. The cameraman then turns back to the van.~

Cameraman: Short day today. I wonder if I can tell them it took 3 hours again...

~The cameraman gets to the van, suddenly cursing as he realizes he's still filming. He then shuts down the camera, sending us quickly into darkness.~

~The picture comes back up, showing us a beautiful view of the East Texas landscape. The shot moves across the land, showing us a cloud of dust moving in the distance. The drone moves closer, revealing that we're seeing a small herd of cattle being directed across the plains by several ranchers, each riding on either side of the herd. They all seem to be trained well at their jobs, as not a single calf is escaping their attention. The drone moves down to the far left, where two specific riders can be seen, keeping up with the group. One appears to have ridden horses all her life, looking completely confident. The other is less steady, although no less in control, pulling the reins tightly.~

Sadie Anderson: Your grip's a little tight there, Peter. Remember, trust in your horse, and he'll never steer you wrong.

Peter Vaughn: So you say. Your "steed" didn't try to bite you earlier.

~Vaughn readjusts his grip, while still keeping a wary eye on the horse, who seems to snicker as if he understands.~

Sadie Anderson: Niels is one of our horses with more... personality than most. But he'll get you where you need to go.

Peter Vaughn: I still prefer ATV's.

Sadie Anderson: That would just spook the cattle, you know that.

Peter Vaughn: Yeah, you're right. But next time, as ranch owner, I pick the horses, got it?

~Sadie laughs, seeing no problems with this. She pulls her horse a little closer to Vaughn's as they continue to ride, smiling at him. He returns it the best he can, still trying to work through his own feelings, as lessened as they are. Sadie then glances to the right, spotting something.~

Sadie Anderson: We're starting to lose one. I guess she can't wait until we get to the fresh grass around the next bend.

~The camera shows that one of the cattle is, indeed, slowing down, having turned to the left to consider a patch of grass there. Sadie, the experienced ranch hand, immediately begins to move back that way to corral her.~

Sadie Anderson: I'll be right back.

Peter Vaughn: That's what they all say.

~Sadie quickly moves off with her horse, Lightning, taking no time in getting over to the 'runaway'. She starts to run around the cow, startling it and causing it to head back towards the pack. Vaughn watches as his horse trots on, marveling at her skill on the back of a horse. He smiles, knowing that he's lucky he found her. That's when there's a hiss nearby, from underneath, and suddenly the horse is bucking upwards violently, standing up on its hind legs.~

Peter Vaughn: Whoa! Neils! NEILS!!!

~Vaughn spins, grabbing at the horn on his saddle, but his fingers slide off of it, just barely unable to get a grip. In a split second, Vaughn is airborne, thrown from the back of his panicking horse, flying backwards towards the ground behind them. Instinctively, Vaughn's wrestling training kicks in, as he works to flatten out to take the bump across more of his body. This is very effective in a wrestling ring. It's less effective on the uneven, rocky ground of East Texas. Peter hits hard... and the lights go out.~

~After a few seconds, Peter sits up, rubbing the back of his head. He takes a deep breath, calming himself, as he checks for any other obvious injuries.~

Peter Vaughn: Do they still send horses to glue factories? Or was that a myth? Either way, Neils, you're in for it now...

~Peter then stops, looking upwards in surprise, as a hand is lowered down to him, offering to help him up. After a moment, Peter accepts, grabbing hold with his right hand and getting pulled to his feet. He stares at the man in front of him, considering his options, as the man smiles back at him.~

Man: Hello, Peter. It's good to see you.

Peter Vaughn: Hey... Dad. It's been a while. I haven't seen you since...

Mr. Vaughn: The funeral? I wasn't exactly looking the best then, was I?

~Peter's deceased father gives a glowing grin to his son, grabbing him by the shoulders before pulling him into a hug. Peter, clearly out of his element, just accepts it, hugging his father back.~

You never know what this world is going to throw at you next, do you?

For instance, I can state with certainty that when I put down the challenge of Afonso, I wasn't expecting to be hit with the news that I would not only be wrestling again a week later, but it'd be against two of the best talkers in the business? I mean, how else can you explain Michael Harris and J2H convincing management to allow them to keep fighting in the main event of PPV after PPV? The guys have silver tongues, no doubt. They're lining up for a third bite of the apple, aren't they? Using Goth and I as a way to keep their feud going, even though everyone in the audience knows that there's no way these two can work together.

I'd say it was like oil and water coming together, but let's face it, both are heavily oiled down at this point.

So Michael Harris beat J2H for the championship at Violent Conduct. Before that, J2H beat Harris for the belt at Summer XXXtreme. So does that make them both winners... or both losers? It's really open to the viewer's interpretation, isn't it? Neither was able to hold onto the gold when they had the champion's advantage, and they even knew what type of match they were going to be in beforehand. There's a certain amount of planning one has to do to ensure that they stay a champion in this universe.

Both of their plans failed. Does that make them failures?

Now, me personally? I don't want to think of them as losers or failures, because then, a victory over them would mean a lot less. I want to add them as worthy names to my List of the Vanquished, placing them alongside some of the greats I've taken down over the last few years. Former World Champions like James Raven, Matt Knox, Mac Bane, all comparable to names like Harris and J2H.

By the way, James, congrats on successfully shortening your name like that. You saved the announcers a lot of syllables in the long run, I'm sure they appreciate it. Plus, there are enough bird-named wrestlers floating around there. Best to just forget about the Hawkes part, anyway.

Really, Harris should take your example and run with it. Immortal Michael Harris. IMH.

Nah, sounds like a venereal disease, never mind.

Besides, no man is immortal. Time will catch up to all of us. No one's ever made it out of life alive, after all. But can a person be remembered for all time? That's certainly possible. I think Harris and J2H both have a chance of making that happen, maybe Michael more than initials boy. But I haven't given up on my own prospects of that. I'm a six-time World Champion, and very interested in adding to that number. I've taken the Roulette Title to heights that no one expected.

And now, Goth and I can be remembered by tearing down the terrible two of Sin City in one fell swoop, blackening their records right before their eyes as the Saviors rule supreme.

That would definitely shock the two 'main eventers', wouldn't it? Having their own challenge tossed back in their faces? Oh, the look in their eyes when they realize what's going to happen to them... I really can't wait...

~The embrace is slowly released, with Peter stepping away and looking around the area. It looks like the same Texas plains that they had been herding the cattle through, but there's now no sign of the cattle nor the herders. In fact, it's strangely quiet, with only a small breeze rolling through the grass. After a second, Peter turns back to his father, who is waiting patiently for the expected questions.~

Peter Vaughn: So... am I dead then? Because I've been to Hell, and this sure doesn't look like that place, but I can't see them letting me head upstairs...

Mr. Vaughn: No, son. You're not dead. I'm not here to take you anywhere. You just took yourself a nasty spill off of your horse and hit your head, that's all.

Peter Vaughn: Ahhh. So it's just brain damage. Great. Good to know.

Mr. Vaughn: Hah! You think a fall like this could do any more damage than all you've put yourself through inside that squared circle of yours?

Peter Vaughn: ... Touche. So I'm not dead, and I'm not, like, comatose... I'm just... where again?

Mr. Vaughn: Let's just say that your fall knocked you into a slightly different plane of existence for a short time and leave it at that, okay? You always did tend to overthink things, son. Why not just enjoy the ride?

~Peter can only shake his head at this, hearing his father's eternal optimism. It helped his dad survive when his wife left him to be the only parent of a young boy, working as a janitor under excruciating conditions in order to keep food on the table for them. For a time, it felt like something he had passed on to Peter... but wrestling took care of that, for the most part.~

Peter Vaughn: So what's the next part of the ride, then?

Mr. Vaughn: Just hang out with me here, son. That's all I can ask. It's beautiful country around here, isn't it?

~Mr. Vaughn looks around in wonder, apparently enjoying the sights. Peter can't help but smile, remembering that his father spent the majority of his life behind glass windows in city apartment buildings.~

Peter Vaughn: Yeah. It really IS nice here. When I heard the ranch here was for sale and saw the land, I had to have it.

Mr. Vaughn: And you made sure to swindle that family out of it as cheaply as possible, didn't you, with that inspector you paid off, what's his name...

Peter Vaughn: ... Corsairs. But they were lucky I helped them out. Nobody else was buying this place.

Mr. Vaughn: That's a lie, and you can't tell lies to me here, son. I know pretty much everything I need to know.

~The mood has taken a considerable shift downwards, with Peter rubbing at the back of his head, suddenly uncertain. He shakes it off, though, as he's still proud of his ranch.~

Peter Vaughn: I've gotten pretty successful in life, Dad. I've brought fame and success to the Vaughn family name, something it hadn't seen in a long while.

Mr. Vaughn: Yes, well, I've watched a lot of what you've done for your 'success'. It hasn't been that pleasing to watch, kiddo, I don't mind saying. Many times, I've thought to myself that I had raised you better than that...

~Both men are silent, as Peter can only look away, controlling his frustration at his father's words only by clenching his fists closed, then opening them again. But Mr. Vaughn isn't through, as he puts a hand on Peter's shoulder.~

Mr. Vaughn: But I've seen lately that you've made some changes. You're starting to care again. You've been there for your half-brother Thomas, and for my own daughter, Samantha. You've even started to form something with your girl, Sadie, something I didn't know if I'd ever see happen. And you've been showing the world that you can be successful even without someone else's help, staying a champion with minimal interference. You've been making strides, son. And I just want you to know... I'm proud of you.

~This one shakes Peter a bit, as he wasn't expecting things to go that way. He actually wipes a hand across his eyes, as if clearing them. Mr. Vaughn smiles, seeing a version of his son that hasn't been around that often. Peter then straightens up, blinking a few times before regaining control.~

Peter Vaughn: Sorry. Ahem. Some dust must have gotten blown into my eyes.

Mr. Vaughn: Uh huh.

Peter Vaughn: I will say, Dad... I do miss you. I know we didn't get along the best near the end, but I thought we did reconnect on that cliff that day. Our final talk, although I did most of the talking, didn't I?

Mr. Vaughn: I'm just glad you didn't push me off the edge of that cliff, you weren't exactly stable in those days, were you?

~Both men share a laugh, which strangely almost sounds like an echo. Clearly, Peter got his laugh from his father's side of the family. They finish, with Peter looking around again, while again rubbing the back of his head.~

Peter Vaughn: So what's next? We just sit here enjoying the scenery while they put Humpty Dumpty together again back in the real world?

~Mr. Vaughn's smile fades away, as he lets out a sigh.~

Mr. Vaughn: You know it's never that easy, son.

Peter Vaughn: Yeah. Yeah, I kind of figured.

~There's a sudden pick-up in wind as both men turn to the west, taking in what appears to be an oncoming storm. The black clouds move extremely fast, even for a Texas squall, heading right towards them.~

Mr. Vaughn: You can enjoy the peace of the light, but you'll always have to deal with its opposite: the dark.

Peter Vaughn: ... Bring it on. Vaughns don't back down.

~Peter squares off, preparing himself, as the storm gets closer... closer... and is upon them.~

Everyone's got a little darkness in them, don't they?

Just look at Goth. The Messiah of Pain. He's certainly led a colorful life in his run through Sin City, hasn't he? A two-time SCW Heavyweight Champion. A four-time Roulette Champion. A two-time Internet Champion. Tag Champion. Mixed Tag Champion. There's very little that Goth hasn't done in this company. And yet, since his return, I've felt a lot of reluctance from others to accept his talents. They haven't considered him a threat to them, nor have they taken the danger of the Saviors seriously, as if Mac and Kenny were the true hearts of the group.

That's precisely the reason that they're all going to fall to the Saviors down the road. Overconfidence. Overlooking the competition.

It can make people like Mikey and Hawkes vulnerable.

Of course, the #1 thing we have going for us is the fact that we're actually a team. Okay, sure, I've been rather... interested in moving up towards the Heavyweight Title, the same as Goth. But doesn't mean we can't be a dangerous duo, a terrifying team-up, an unstoppable juggernaut together. We've worked together before, to great success, and we've fought each other in the past as well, so we tend to know each other's strengths and weaknesses, just like our opponents.

We'll also not be looking to get in that cheap shot on our teammate like Harris & J2H probably will be.

I mean, c'mon, you guys KNOW you don't trust each other. J2H badly wants to reclaim that championship that he only held for a short time before Harris snatched it back. Harris is frightened that J2H can once again dethrone him, and will surely do anything in his considerable power to make sure that happens. Is anyone out there really not expecting one of them to turn on each other at Climax Control? Please. It's almost guaranteed to happen.

The only real question is will it happen before the match, leaving us in a handicap situation? During the match, with someone ko'ing their 'partner' and leaving them for the pin? Or can they somehow hold it together until after the bell, blindsiding the other when they least expect it? Honestly, I don't expect the last one to happen. Their competitive spirits are too strong.

When Harris is standing on the apron, demanding the tag because he thinks J2H is getting his ass handed to him by Goth, J2H is going to be resenting it. When J2H starts laughing after I rub Harris' face into the mat with little respect or remorse, Harris is going to remember it. And when one of them inevitably screws up and 'accidentally' slaps the other, things will fall apart. And us Saviors? We'll capitalize, like we always do. And the egg will be all over the faces of the "main eventers" as they are embarrassed on national television.

Then again, would either of these guys ever allow themselves to feel embarrassment? Probably not.

But inside, they'll feel that shame. They'll think to themselves, if I had just WORKED with that asshole in my corner, perhaps we could have avoided this. They'll think, it didn't have to end this way.

And then, when one passes out to the Gothic Dream while the other takes the Plunge, they won't be thinking anymore. At least for a while.

But I hope it helps motivate them in their main event match at High Stakes. Because whoever survives that encounter? They're going to have to deal with us again. Soon.

~It's basically like a Texas Twister. The tornado swirls around both men, cutting off their view of everything else, as they stand in the eye of the storm. Peter faces it head-on, showing no fear, ready for anything.~

Peter Vaughn: So what now? We fly up to Oz or something?

Mr. Vaughn: No, Peter. We stay here. Everyone must face their own darkness, as I know you do every day of your life. It doesn't have to control you. You don't have to feel fear.

Peter Vaughn: Fear? Hah! I don't feel fear. As for it controlling me...

~The wild winds suddenly seem to be shrinking, passing right through the two men. Mr. Vaughn leans away from it, but Peter just puts out his hand, seemingly containing the storm right on his palm. He stares at it, feeling its power.~

Peter Vaughn: I'm the one who's been in control of the darkness for the last two years. And look what I've done with it.

~As Peter holds up the 'storm', we see a championship belt shine across his midsection, locking into place. He smiles, liking the feel of the gold, as he continues to hang onto the spinning cloud in front of him. But his father doesn't look pleased, as he steps forward, grabbing hold of Peter's other arm.~

Mr. Vaughn: No, son. You only THINK you've been in control. But nobody can control the darkness. Not even you.

~Suddenly, the storm starts growing again, despite all of Peter's attempts to control it. It begins to spin just around Peter, as if threatening to consume him, even as he stretches out his free hand, fighting it. But just as suddenly, Peter's clear of it... pulled out of it by his deceased father, who clings to his other arm, keeping him from falling back inside.~

Peter Vaughn: I... I can still take it, Dad. I can still bring it under my control...

Mr. Vaughn: Or you can let it go for now, Peter. Let it be. Use your gifts the way they were meant to be used. Your soul does not need to be black for your waist to be golden. Trust me on this, son. A father always knows.

~Confused, Peter looks back at his dad, while his left hand reaches once more for the 'storm'... before dropping back to his side. The darkness spins away, leaving them both, although it's not going anywhere. It'll always be there, in some form or fashion. After watching it depart, Peter looks back at his father, who's still clutching at his right hand.~

Mr. Vaughn: You still have greatness ahead of you, Peter. And you know I'll be watching.

Peter Vaughn: ... Dad...

~The father smiles, a grin that Peter has secretly longed to see for at least a year now. He steps towards his father, wanting one final embrace of his closest family...~

~And that's when Peter Vaughn wakes up, looking up into the clear, blue sky. He looks to his left... seeing Neils the horse leaning over, munching at something it found on the ground. To the right... he sees a worried-looking Sadie, still holding his right arm.~

Sadie Anderson: Thank God you're awake. Just stay down. We've got help coming, okay?

Peter Vaughn: ... I'm okay. Let me just...

~Despite Sadie trying to stop him, Peter sits up, immediately feeling the pain from the back of his head. He checks there, feeling a lump, but not finding much in the way of blood, which is a relief, really.~

Sadie Anderson: You took a pretty bad bump, Peter. You scared the hell out of me.

Peter Vaughn: Eh, I've had a lot worse. I should tell you about this time on the top of a Hell in a Cell cage... well, it didn't end well for me... I survived that. I'm sure I'll survive this. Just help me get up, this ground is making me feel itchy...

~Peter ignores the pain, working his way up, with Sadie giving him a helping hand the rest of the way up. A few other cowboys nearby quickly start talking to each other, with one holding over a handful of cash to a second one. They clearly had bets on whether Peter would stay down. A sucker bet, the guy who lost his money deserved it. Peter, meanwhile, makes his way over towards Neils, glaring at him.~

Peter Vaughn: Ever had horsemeat stew? I've heard it can be a delicacy.

Sadie Anderson: You'd never do that, Peter.

Peter Vaughn: Oh, really? Why not?

Sadie Anderson: Because you'd have to spend money replacing the horse, for one thing.

~Peter considers that for a moment, before nodding... and then immediately regretting the nod.~

Peter Vaughn: Ow... okay, you're right, Sadie. But I'm going to be switching horses. Hey, who over there bet against me? It's time to switch.

~One of the cowboys groans before riding over, reluctantly getting off his horse.~

Sadie Anderson: Are you sure you'll be okay to ride back?

Peter Vaughn: Don't worry about me, Sadie. I always bounce back, no matter what goes down. I guess... it kind of runs in the family.

~Sadie, confused, doesn't say anything, even as Peter stares in the distance at the lowering sun, taking in the colors that are displayed in the sky. We slowly fade out.~

And now, the stage is set. Two of the greatest superstars to ever come to Sin City... vs. Michael Harris and J2H. What a war this is likely going to be.

I can't wait to see what the two of you can bring to the battlegrounds. I can't wait to see everything you do fail.

It's the night of the Saviors. It's the beginning of the end for the top title being out of our grasp.

It's going to be the highest rated match in Sin City Climax Control history.

And in the end? It'll be a Plunge for the ages.

See you then, boyos.