Offline Christian Underwood

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    • Christian Underwood
Please post all roleplays here! Have fun and good luck!

“To err is human - but it feels divine.”
? Mae West

Offline Austin James Mercer

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    • Austin James Mercer

Time has been moving slowly. Happily. Austin has been able to let go of so much of that pain, anger and frustration. A few months ago he was angry all the time, from the moment he opened his eyes at 5am till the moment he closed them at night, he felt a burning anger in his stomach and chest that wouldn’t go away. It was there, day in and day out. It made him snap at people, he was short with them with every answer and every moment.

But then a few months ago something changed.

Alicia, his long term friend and someone he had worked with and trained with for years had come to him. Their shared experience of life and sadness bringing them closer together than either of them had previously thought of or wanted. The close friendship morphed and changed, turning it to something else. Some nights spent together, talking in the backyard under the stars, eating together and watching their kids play.

Those talks turned to affection and caring. Then the looks between them at the gym changing from simply a glance and a smile to longing stares and warm looks. And those around them have noticed. The whispers and questions being asked. Just what the hell is going on there?

The thing is, Austin wasn’t sure either.

After the talk with Alex he was even more confused. He could see it, the connection between them, But as Alex asked his questions and Austin answered as best he could, well he realised he had more questions of his own.

So now here they were, a night that began like others had. Alicia and Austin made dinner for their kids, Austins young ones going to bed earlier, Alicia's boys passed out watching a movie. And the two adults sat outside, looking up at the sky and talking with a few glasses of wine between them. It felt warm and natural, the happiness between them was clear and so natural. Like breathing. Austin smiled, something that is so easy for most people that he had to relearn how to do. He looked over at Alicia and shook his head with a heavy sigh.

She knew him well enough to know something was up. She reached over, squeezing his hand to get his attention. ”Dollar for your thoughts?”

Austin smirked and shook his head. ”Isn’t it a penny?”


Austin couldn’t help but chuckle while also rolling his eyes. ”Stealing my dad joke gimmick?” She shrugged and Austin sighed pushing to his feet as he looked up at the clear sky. ”Alex was talking to me a few weeks back. About us.” Alicia just listened silently. But her facial expression changed from happy go lucky to more flat and almost annoyed. Austin leaned against one of the pillars, folding his arms over his chest. ”It was nothing bad or uncomfortable. I just had no idea how to respond.”

”Did you need to?” She smiled again and shook her head as Austin looked over with a quizzical look. ”This is us, just you and me. I get that people have been staring at us, we aren’t exactly subtle. My sister asked me about us to, and if I didn’t know any better I’d say she’s getting ready to confront you.” Alicia shrugged and stood up moving across to Austin. ”Does it bother you? Not having all the answers?”

Austin shook his head and looked over at her. ”I suppose not, but it would be nice.”

Alicia laughed to herself and gave a small nod before getting closer to Austin, getting up on her tip toes giving him a light kiss on the lips before putting her hand and her head on Austins chest. ”I am whatever you want me to be Aus. Stay friends, agree that we’re in a relationship…it’s up to you….” There was silence between them, Austin took a deep breath and gave her a nod before kissing her again. This time there was more feeling and passion behind it. As Austin pulled back Alicia couldn’t help but smile. ”So….”


They both laughed, Alicia turning and putting her head and shoulder against Austins chest as he wrapped an arm around her. His large frame dwarfing hers. Neither needed to say it, theory both know where this is going. They know what they are.Relationships are never easy. But living without happiness, keeping everyone at arms length and staying broken….

That isn’t for either of them.

Alicia took his hand, backing up to the door, kicking it open they moved through the house, quietly sneaking around to the stares as Rory and Ryan stayed on the coach, snoring as their movie played on the television. Austin looked in on Marcus and Mia as they both slept soundly in their rooms. Alicia and Austin stopped at the bedroom door, Alicia opened it and backed into the room, pulling Austin with her.


”Being a king isn’t worth a damn..”

Austin couldn’t help but chuckle, his hair flowing down over his eyes as he lets out a deep, controlled exhale. His knees pulled up to his chest.

”There’s so many kings in this business that the term and name has lost all meaning. There was a time when calling yourself a king in professional wrestling was something to be earned and revered, now there’s so many that game of thrones thinks we’re overdoing it. But this one, atleast has a time limit. One show. One show that you get handed control over. It’s a fun concept, it really is. The whole idea of booking yourself or a friend in any match you choose. A championship opportunity. Or an act of revenge. The possibilities are endless. And what would I do?”

“Truth is, I don’t know.”

“Part of me would select a certain individual for a trial by fire. Or give a deserved title shot to a person near and dear to my heart. Then there’as another side of me, one that believes I would use it to serve my own glory. To get an opportunity at the SCW world title, or maybe, the Roulette title as a way to sew the seeds of chaos and anarchy that I enjoy so much.”

“But that’s what I mean, I honestly don’t know what I would do.”

“This entire concept is not without its flaws. I look at the others in this match and question what they would do. The dark holke of stupidity that certain individuals would step into with their own choices. While my choices are up in the air I can honestly say that they wouldn’t be overtly moronic. I can’t say that about others. But this match has a chance to revitalise a career, or make a persons life in one moment and one chance. That is the nature of the King for a day match and to win it, all you have to do it climb a ladder and retrieve it. To grasp it.”

He slowly closes his fist with a small smile before exhaling and continuing.

”Jack Washington, Alexander Raven, Miles Kasey. Three men who I have history with in some form or another. Admittedly Jacks history is more intertwined with Alex than me. But I was there Jck, I was there when you and Alex first tussled. I was there when I saw your amazing ability to get under his skin. The way your words twisted him and made him snap. It was impressive to see.”

“You made a veteran of this business, someone who has been playing mind games with others for twenty years snap. And what a career you have had. You came into this company as a smiling, smirking, arrogant little upstart. A little shit that we all loved to hate.”

“But, in three years you’ve become something…different.”

“You are a two time world champion, a two time internet champion, beating Alex Jones and Kris Ryans for the former and Ken Davison and Alexander Raven for the latter. Like me the only singles championship you are yet to hold is the roulette title. But, while your contemporaries and those you face have been veterans or become veterans you yourself are still viewed as the young upstart.”

“An unfair statement maybe…but one that holds true when you look at how people talk about you or view you. And three years in to your SCW career it’s somewhat maddening isn’t it? To have grown so much, as you have, to have won so much, as you have. And still be viewed in that way. Well, make no mistaker Jack, I see the truth. I see what you are, I see what you’re capable of. And I’m not going to make the mistake of underestimating you…”


It was a new day.

Yes it is.

The sun was shining, the birds were chirping. The morning was a mix of laughter and hard work. Austin had walked in, helped set up the different stations, he talked and laughed with those at Wolfslair. He laughed with Alex Jones and Lachlan Kane, he even gave a respectful nod in Miles Kasey and Finn Whelans direction. He even helped Aiden Reynolds, the one he usually referred to as “that dumb Australian dickhead.”

Everyone noticed a certain, skip in his step. A change in Austins demeanor. He still wasn’t the laughing, smiling, happy go lucky Austin of days past. He was still weathered and hardened by his experiences. And maybe that was the point.

Everyone wanted the old Austin back. The one before losing his mother, his father and his wife.

The one who was happy to be there.

The long hair, the beard, the bouncing personality with jovial jokes and lighythearted comments and conversations. But, that Austin was gone. Dead and buried. Thing is, the Austin of the last few years also needed to go. The angry, dark, pained Austin filled with disdain and hatred for humanity and a depression that seemed to crush his heart. The one that covered his body in tattoos to map out that pain, the one who cut his hair short and shaved. That Austin needed to go and disappear.

What was left now? A combination. An amalgamation. A metamorphosis.

We can’t turn back time, but we can learn from it. And that is what Austin was doing. He sat down on the concrete steps outside. His container of food in his hand. Steamed broccoli, grilled chicken and sauce. All the iron and protein a growing boy needs. In high doses. Alicia sat next to him, a similar container with the same mixture in it, she shuffled a few pieces in her mouth and smiled, they laughed, she leaned over and put her chin on his shoulder.

He chuckled and gave her a nod as Alicia turned and looked up, she gave a nod and pushed off the steps moving back inside the gym. Alex stood there, his eyebrow raised, his hair tied back except for a few errant strands down the side of his face. He was still in phenomenal shape. Almost as if he was in a constant state of readiness.

”Well, you two seem…”


Alex laughed and sat down next to Austin, his feet on the step directly under him as he let his arms rest on his knees and his hands clasp together. ”I was going to say happy…” Alex laughed again and Austin gave a slow nod. ”So, you got your answers? You know where it’s going and where you stand? And you thought about what I said?”

Austin growled and put his large plastic container down, now empty and finished. Austin wiped his mouth, cleared his throat and turned to Alex with a small smirk. ”Yes and no…” Alex tilted his head, his eyebrow raising again, asking a question that he didn’t need to verbalize. ”I know what she wants, she knows what I want. How we get there, what we do there? Well I don’t know.”

”And you’tre both alright with that?”

Austin took a deep breath in and stared out toward the street. The day was calming, the city sounded quieter than normal. ”Yeah, yeah I am. And she is too. But, to answer anyones questions, yes Alicia and I are together and yes we’re happy. And truth be told Alex…that’s all that matters…and it’s what we both deserve….after everything.”

He trailed off and smiled. Alex said nothing. Instead he stood up and gave Austin a small tap on the shoulder. This wasn’t the old Austin, or the one that had infected the place the last few years. This was a new Austin, one who had been harened by life and his past experiences. But also one that remembered how to smile…and enjoy life.

The raven and the swallow.

”It seems destined that you and I will fight forever Alexander.”

Austin sneered, his growing hair slicked back now away from his face with a five o clock shadow on his face. His bright blue eyes looking almost a shade of violet as he turned his head and moved with it.

”I have said it many, many times. I don’t like you. I don’t like anything about you. I don’t like your face, your voice, your attitude. The fact you try to make everything some kind of debate or physiological evaluation. I don’t like that you keep trying to sound smarter than you are while freely admitting ninety percent of what you say is nonsensical jibber jabber. You are an infected boil on the ass of SCW. And as a person you are the literal definition of crocs footwear…”

“However, you're not without your merits. Much l;ike crocs.”

“I do respect what you are capable on in the ring. You are someone who can take beating after beating after beating and somehow, someway still come back for more. I’ve seen it. I’ve watched it and I have been impressed  by it. You are a former roulette champion and internet champion, having respectable runs with those titles and even beating me.”

“Yes Alexander, unlike others I have no problem admitting my loses and trying to grow from them.

“Don’t get it twisted. I was impressed with your wins and your accomplishments. You beat Finn Whelan, no easy task. Despite the fact Finn has wrestler ADD and loses focus in about five seconds. But if you know anything about Finns personal like you’d understand why the poor guy has no idea which way is up and why he had to leave. But, you still beat him, you still wernt on a great run with the roulette title and still parlayed that into an internet title run.”

He pauses and laughs, looking down at his black and red wolfslair t shirt.

”It just occurred to me that you should be thanking us Alexander. Thanking Wolfslair. Because we have been there at all your big moments. You won the Roulette title from Finn Whelan, a man intertwined with the gym, you lost it to Miles Kasey, one of Wolfslairs promising professionals who I have been trying to take under my wing. But it was in a match that was incredibly hard fought and well received and earned your respect”

“You beat me, in a match that some would say was your crowning moment in the sun. Beating a destructive force and former world champion is a feather in your cap. And hell, even your internet title win was against Lachlan Kane, another wolfslair member.”

“You owe more to the gym than some of it’s members Alexander.”

“But I can’t help but wonder, someone like you. Someone who is so intertwined in ideals that make no sense and inside his own mind and up his own ass, what will you do if you become king for a day? What kind of random stupidity and assholary will you book? That is a future that I don’t want to see and would purely be the darkest timeline.”

Austin shakes his head, moving around and reaching down to pick up a photo frame. Inside it, a picture of the key members of wolfslair. On one side is Austin, towering above move, but crouches down to the other side, putting up the two fingers, an eye closed and his tongue out, a young Miles Kasey.

”This next one. Well. This is hard. Because I want to seer you succeed Miles. I do. While Jack has proved himself time and time again and Raven is a nonsensical moron, he has still had success. While your lone moment of clarity and lone moment of glory was against him. Since then you have been nothing but my bitch. And all I have wanted through all of this. From the moment I attacked Carter to the moment where I beat you last was for you to step up and show your worth.”

“But each time you let me down and you failed Miles. And now as we head into the King for a day match and as I look at someone like Jack Washington it finally hit me. Jack is everything you are not and everything you should have been. But what you were never mentally strong enough to be.”

“He is ready to go that extra mile, to destroy those in front of him verbally and physically. To be a champion.”

“But you? You’re content with just being here. Content with playing the clown with Carter and not focusing on your career. Content with living under Finns roof and having your friends around you. And, you know what another word for content is Miles?”


“That is what you are, what you have become. Complacent.”

Austin lowers the picture back down and grinds his teeth together, clenching his jaw before taking a deep breath in.

”This match is a chance for you to break that. And I wish I could say for sure that I know, if you won, that you would take the opportunity with both hands and do something with it. I really do. I want to have faith in you, that you’ll win and go after someone like J2H with all the vigor you have and try and become a champion.”

“But, I don’t have that faith in you Miles.”

“Instead, I believe if you somehow won, you’d book Carter in a match against J2H after he failed. You’d gift that to him in some kind of misguided selfless act of love and respect. And while it’s a lovely story and while Carter is an impressive athlete and someone who has accomplished alot….it would still be a waste.”

“And I refuse to allow you to waste this chance.”

“I’m going into violent conduct to collect heads and become a king. To book my way to what I want and what I need. And this lesson, Miles, willl be your last. Much like the ass kicking I give Alexander Raven will be, or the eye opening I give Jack…”

Offline MiloKasey

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Alright, assholes. Buckle-Up.

You ever get the absolute feeling that you are about to be completely fucked over by the one person that you were teaming up with?

YEP, that was me on Sunday.

I’m a toss pot for ever thinking less of Austin, and I knew it was coming and yet like a fucking moron, even after I saved his arse, got us the does that twat repay me?

It’s not the first time that I have felt that kind of pain and it sure as hell won’t be the last. But when you are coming off an injury, bust your ass to win the fucking thing only for something like THAT to happen?

You’d be a little hot under the collar too.

Here, let me set the scene for you:

Think of this as an SCW extra, if you will...

Following what had happened in the tag match, a commercial had thankfully begun to air on the screen for the whole world to see. Austin had already left the scene of the crime, Jack and Raven could have been giving each other the business on the other side of the ring for all Miles could give a shit. He only had one thing in mind.

He carefully rolled himself out, to the protest of the officials and staff around the ring and made a bee-line for his mum and sister who were sitting in the front row close by where the time-keeper and Justin were sitting. His head was buzzing from the win, his blood was boiling from what had occurred after the win but he walked over and gave the both of them a hug. That would slow the blood racing that would keep him from going to the back and going on the proverbial hunt for now.

He knew that the crowd was watching as they gave a little cheer. Course, some of the fans that sat close by couldn’t help but give him a slap on the back as he made sure to let his family know that while beaten up, he wasn’t broken.

He would motion to the security to make sure that they would be properly escorted to back when they were ready and then dragged his ass around the ring giving some fans a high five and a couple selfies but there wasn’t much time. He made his way up the ramp and stopped for just a brief moment to give them all one final cheer towards him as he smirked for a brief moment before turning and heading to the back.

It was there that the switch flipped.


It hadn’t even been 30 seconds since Miles stepped through the curtain to the gorilla position before the trainers were on him, like flies on shit, to make sure that he was alright. He hadn’t even gotten to Carter yet, who was waiting by the desk with a look of concern.

Miles was not having it though. He had enough over the last 3 weeks of being poked and prodded at and on any other given Sunday he would have had no issues but seeing as what he just went through with the whole ‘I don’t trust you to win this match, Miles’ all the way to the fact that Austin had zero fucking reason to NOT trust him and the thanks he gets is being attacked?

Everyone but one individual in that area could get soundly pounded with a rusty, crusty artificial phallus as far as he was concerned.

But to appease the masses, he stopped and took a deep breath and let it out and held his arms out, “Bueno?” is all he said before they all parted the seas and let him through. He would gather his ring jacket over his one arm and before giving a salute to Mark and Christian who were watching the whole situation and wrapping a protective arm around Carter and whispered in his ear, “I know that look. I’m fine, love.

Can’t really blame me, can you?” Carter whispered back, “Besides, it looked like you were about to start throwing fist the minute you walked back here.

Only because I knew for a fact that the med staff was gonna be just waiting. That Legacy Bomb is not a fun ride and Austin put some stank on it just for me.” Miles quipped, rubbing the back of his neck, as he steered their way out of the area and through the halls of the arena, “Nothing a good glass of whiskey for dinner can’t solve.

Don’t you mean ‘with dinner’? Your family is joining us after all.” Carter laughed.

I said what I meant, but considering what you said earlier and seeing as I did get the win, I fully plan on you paying up on your little ‘incentive’ as soon as we are all alone in our hotel room,” Miles smirked, and looked back for a moment just to make sure that no one overheard that, “That was cruel by the way and I have never been so thankful that I don’t wear those shorts anymore.

That caused an immediate pout from Carter, “Ohhh I miss those! I mourned when you switched to the long tights.

That was forever ago though!” Miles looked at him for a moment and couldn’t help but laugh, “Ah, so that’s how I looked when you got your new gear.

At least I didn’t try and hide it!

Yeah, but don’t think I didn’t notice you sneaking in those shorts from that lingerie match into my bag whenever you get a chance,” he let out before opening the door to the men’s locker room, “Do me a favor? Keep an eye out for my mum and sis while I go grab a quick shower, just something to take the stink off and then after dinner...

Miles whispers into Carter’s ear and it causes a shiver, before he gets caught up in his boyfriend’s eyes, “Now who’s being the mean one?

He shakes his head and gives him a peck on the nose, “You started it.

You know, I love you with a touch of vicious.” Carter said with a flirtatious tone.

Mmm, well stay tuned.” Miles raised his eyebrows, “I’ve only just begun.

A Heartfelt Farewell

The morning after the tag match, as the sun began to cast its warm glow over the bustling streets of Rio de Janeiro, Miles found himself in a cozy cafe with Carter, his mother Mora, and his sister Brianna. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the faint scent of pastries, creating an atmosphere of comfort and togetherness.

They sat at a table by the window, the morning light filtering through the glass and painting gentle patterns on the tablecloth. Miles sipped his coffee, savoring the rich flavor as he exchanged quiet smiles with Carter. The night before had been eventful, but this morning was reserved for something more intimate.

"It's been an eventful few days," Mora spoke, her voice carrying a mix of pride and concern. "You kids have been through a lot."

Brianna nodded, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "And who would've thought I'd witness you getting attacked on TV?"

Miles chuckled, shaking his head. "I know, right? Wrestling can be fun, entertaining and unpredictable. Even if you saw that shit come from 100 miles away."

Carter leaned back in his chair, his fingers lightly tracing patterns on the rim of his coffee cup. "But you handled it like a pro, babe. Even if you wanted to rip people’s heads off after."

Mora's gaze softened as she looked at her son. "You've come a long way, Miles. I remember when you were just a young boy with big dreams, running the streets like a maniac. Now look at you."

Miles felt a swell of emotions as he met his mother's eyes. Her support had been a constant in his and his sister’s life, a source of strength even in the most challenging times.

"As crazy as it has been...and believe me I’ve had more than enough, I'm grateful for every step," Miles said, his voice filled with sincerity. "For the wins, the losses, the injuries... They've all shaped who I am."

Brianna reached over and placed her hand on top of Miles', her touch a silent show of solidarity.

Miles smiled at his sister, a mixture of emotions bubbling within him. "As nuts as this sounds, I know that I'm lucky to have you both. I know I wasn’t always the easiest to deal with, but this....ah I’m getting mushy."

As the conversation continued, laughter and stories flowing freely, the cafe seemed to hold a bubble of warmth and connection. It was a moment of togetherness, a quiet pause in the midst of their busy lives.

"It almost doesn’t feel right that we have to head back today," Mora said with a touch of regret in her voice. "But we'll be watching you, Miles. Rooting for you from afar."

Miles couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort, a reassurance that he was not alone in this journey. He reached over and clasped Carter's hand, the touch grounding him.

"You know, I don’t say it enough...But...Thank you," Miles said, his voice carrying a depth of emotion. "You know, for everything. For being here, for being my rock. Hell for...just everything."

Brianna leaned forward, her eyes shining with mischief. "OK enough with the mushy stuff, it’s bad enough I gotta go home to a one-year-old and a pain in the ass mother-in-law. I want you to go kick some ass in that ladder match, my dear sweet brother."

Miles grinned, the tension from the past few days lifting in the presence of his loved ones. "You bet I will."

Carter smirked, “Oh and do give your husband’s mother all of the hellos when you see her. I’m sure she misses us.

“Only if it has the possibility of sending her into an early grave,” Bri says sipping on the last of her coffee, “Did mum tell you about her latest blow up?”

NO! Are you telling me you’ve been here for almost a whole week and you’ve been holding out on us?” Miles said, giving his mother a look.

“Let’s just say that her reputation with the MP’s office has officially been trashed and she has no one to blame but herself,” Mora said with a tone that was proper but in a way that says she ‘fucked around and found out’ the hardway.

Miles looks at Carter, “My mother has a vindictive streak! Who knew?

I know I should refrain from commenting but knowing you like I do and getting to know your sis a little more...” Carter raised his eyebrow, “Bravo, to you Miss-

“Carter, call me Mora. And by the way, I also know if it wasn’t for you...well let’s just say I have a lot to thank you for as well.”

Miles nudges him a little bit, “She’s right, you know?

A Moment of Reflection in Yucatan

The waves lapped gently against the shore, the rhythmic sound echoing in the air as Miles stood on the sandy beach in Yucatan, Mexico. The sun hung low on the horizon, casting a warm golden glow that painted the world around him in hues of orange and pink. It was a moment of calm before the storm, a respite amidst the chaos of his thoughts.

The upcoming King for a Day ladder match loomed large in his mind, its significance magnified by the setting sun and the serene surroundings. This was a far cry from the locker room, a place where he could let his thoughts roam free and reflect on the journey that had led him here.

Miles took a deep breath, the salty breeze tangling with the strands of his hair. He closed his eyes for a moment, letting the moment wash over him. The memories flooded back, a torrent of emotions and challenges that he had faced head-on.

"The road to this beach has been anything but smooth," he whispered to the wind, his voice carrying the weight of his journey. "It's been paved with pain, doubt, and betrayal. But I've walked it, I've trudged through the storm, and I'm still standing."

He thought of that tag match, the sting of Austin's inevitable betrayal, the ache of his body after the Legacy Bomb that had long since faded a couple of days ago. But, it was a wound that ran deep, a scar that would remain long after the physical pain had faded, much like everything else that had been done to him at the hands of Austin, Alexander and Jack as well. But he wouldn't let it define him. He wouldn't let Austin's actions be the anchor that dragged him down.

"This isn't just about Austin," he said, his voice firm and resolute. "It's about every moment, every match, every obstacle that's brought me to this point. I've faced monsters in and out of the ring, and I've stared them down with everything I've got."

Miles walked along the shore, the sand cool beneath his feet. In his solace he could easily picture letting his fingers brush against the golden briefcase, a reminder of what was at stake. It was more than just what the case could bring; it was a chance to prove to himself and to the world that he was more than the sum of his scars.

"At Violent Conduct IX, I step into that ring not just as a wrestler, but as a survivor," he declared, his words carried away by the wind. "I carry with me the weight of every challenge, every heartache, and every triumph. And as I reach for that briefcase, I'm reaching for a future that I've fought damn hard for. I have never in my life wanted to be handed ANYTHING."

The sun sank lower, painting the sky with streaks of red and purple. Miles looked out at the horizon, a sense of peace washing over him. He wasn't alone in this fight. He had his family, his friends, and the unwavering support of those who believed in him.

"And not to sound cliche, but I've climbed mountains of doubt, swam through rivers of pain, and faced down demons of betrayal," he said, his voice echoing with determination. "And now, after seeing what happened in that tag match, knowing that Jack loves to underestimate me...which after getting his ass pinned to the mat by me, he’d be a tosser to do that again...I'm ready to climb that ladder, to seize control of my destiny. Just like it seems all three of you have been trying to get me to do, all along."

He let the words hang in the air, a promise to himself and a declaration to the universe. The ladder match ahead was a culmination of his journey, a chance to turn his scars into stepping stones, and his pain into power.

"Alexander Raven knows FIRST HAND what it was like to push me to the breaking point. At Violent Conduct IX, in that ring, I'll carry the weight of my past, but I won't be defined by it. In fact I’m pretty much fucking over that definition, because in all honesty I cannot let put a stamp of ‘lovable loser’ printed in big bold letters across my ass," he said, his voice unwavering.

As darkness settled over the beach, the stars above twinkled like beacons of hope. Miles stood tall, his gaze fixed on the horizon. The path ahead was steep and treacherous, but he was ready to face it head-on, to overcome, and to emerge victorious.

"With the echoes of the waves as my witness and to whatever Gods may be watching, I'll finally stop fucking my whole career up and FINALLY seize control of my destiny. At Violent Conduct IX, I'll write the next chapter, and it won't be a tale of betrayal, it won’t be one of tripping at the fucking line and falling on my ass, or my head," he said, his voice carrying across the beach. “I’m going to climb that ladder, I’m gonna grab up the destiny....and I’m going to make a whole lot of people sweat in anticipation of what I have in store for you.

Miles gives a wicked little smirk before he turns away from the sea, his heart filled with a renewed sense of purpose. He was ready to face the ladder match, to face his past and his doubts, and to emerge stronger on the other side. The beach stood silent, a witness to his determination, as he walked back toward the lights of the city.

Offline Jack Washington

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Jack figured it was a losing battle for the tag match. He knew he couldn’t trust Alexander Raven, nor was going to bother trying to. At the end, Jack and Raven lost, which Jack would obviously attribute to Raven. Jack wasn’t big on this match to begin with since he doesn’t trust anyone and his suspicions were proved correct. But now, there are no teams in the next match. Now, the four-way match would be between the four men, and one will emerge as King for a Day. Jack is hard at work preparing for his chance to repeat as King.


Outside the ring, Jack was taking care of his brother Jason after a morphine overdose. Now with Jason back on his feet, the brothers, and Uncle Brian, look to solidify their position in Vegas. But first, some loose ends needs to be tied up



Washington Estate

Las Vegas, NV


Jack was seated as Brian walked in the door, it being his day to look over Casino management. The quick nod of acknowledgment hit and no words were spoken. Brian, as he always did, poured himself a glass of whiskey and drank it. Jack was looking at his phone, but he still knew what Brian was doing.


Jack: Rough day?


Brian: Same shit, different day, really. 


Jack: That bad, huh?


Brian: Yeah.


Jack: Good, just means the money comes in.


Brian: How’s your brother?


Jack: He’s better now. Still trying to figure out where he got that stuff from. 


Brian: Why don’t you ask him?


Jack: I just need to have the time be right, I think. 


Brian: You gonna wait until he overdoses again?


Jack shoots a glare at Brian


Brian: Just asking.


Jack: That’s not funny.


Brian: You need to find out, you better go to the source.


Jack again glared at Brian, and then realized he was right. He took a second, and then put his phone in his pocket and stood up, heading to Jason’s room to check on him. He knocked firmly on the door.


Jason: Yeah?


Jack entered as that was what Jason usually said, but his response was good to hear. He was coherent at least. Jack looked on as Jason strummed on an acoustic guitar, sitting on the floor.


Jason: What’s up, Bro?


Jack knelt down to be eye level with Jason, a small smile on his face.


Jack: How ya feelin’.


Jason: Better. Just took a lot out of me.


Jack: I’m glad you are feeling better. But we have to address the elephant in the room.


Jason: What?


Jack: Who is giving you the morphine?


Jason: What?


Jack: You don’t just get morphine like that Jay. I’m not an idiot. Don’t insult my intelligence or try and hide it. Just tell me.


Jason: I... uh... I got a guy.


Jack: I figured that much. Who?


Jason: Oh, a dude I’ve known since our days in the Army. He was a medic. 


Jack: Jay, you do realize that you almost fucking died, right? I don’t know why you’re treating this like it’s no big deal.  It’s really not. You need to get it together man. I need you. I can’t have this. WE can’t have this. You have to give me something here.


Jason: I’m just trying to stay positive after all this. I feel like this is about to become a negative.


Jack: YOU DYING IS FUCKING NEGATIVE, JAY! I... I’m sorry, but we have to make sure this dude stops. You have to cut it off. We need to get you the help you need because I need you for the future.


Jason: I... I’ll just tell him to stop then.


Jack: Don’t. Jason, come on man, I’m being serious. That shit is killing you.

Jason: I need it. You don’t know what it’s like to have PTSD


Jack: And morphine isn’t the answer, Jay. Stop this. Look, you just tell me where to find the guy, and I will go take care of it. 


Jason: What?


Jack: I said, just tell me where the guy is, and I will take care  of it.


Jason: Nah bro, you can’t just wipe that dude out! He’s cool. He didn’t do that to me, I did. I let it get out of control and I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.


Jack: Jason, you know how many times I’ve talked to addicts? And you know what they all say? The same thing. Exactly what I want to hear. I know you have a problem. I’m trying to help you fix it. Once that’s done we won’t have any more issues. But you can’t hide this from me anymore. Just... trust me on this, okay? I know, you think you need that stuff, but you don’t. I’m trying to help you. But you have to let me help you.


Jason puts the guitar down and sits up on his bed.


Jason: I don’t know how to say this. War does this to people. And they present some questions, and those questions are ugly. And I didn’t want to know the answers to those questions. It’s like banging on a door and it opens and there’s noises you’ve never heard before and it’s dark. Do you want to go into that room? No. It’s messed me up. 


Jack slowly stands up and places a hand on Jason’s shoulders.


Jack: Let’s go get you some help, but first... what’s his name?


Jason: Bro, don’t do this...


Jack: The name, Jay.


Jason pauses, looking up at Jack and there are tears in his eyes.


Jason: Cosmo...




On Camera:



Jack is leaning back in his recliner. Instead of the scowl, we again get a smile, but this is even more smug than usual.

Jack: I bet you are all thinking that I’m gonna be mad or pissed off about what happened at Climax Control and how Raven lost the match for our team, but I am not. Because I know the truth about all this stuff. So me losing a match that really wasn’t going to change anything for the future, is fine. I knew that Raven sucked so he wasn’t going to be a partner who was worth a damn. I knew that Miles and Austin were going to turn on each other and that’s what happened. I knew that. What’s the point of stressing over this? The facts are the facts. I am the only man in this fatal four-way who actually beat someone of quality to qualify for it. Raven got the Troll, and Austin and Miles couldn’t even beat each other so they both got rewarded for being inept.

But no, I’m not mad, why would I beat mad about this? So, if you’re disappointed that I’m not all up in arms about this, that’s too bad. Because I’m not sweating a match on Climax Control with the same group of idiots I’m fighting in two weeks time, where I don’t have to depend on somebody else who I know isn’t going to be able to watch my back. No, now I can take my time and enjoy things. As a matter of fact, I’m feeling pretty generous since Sunday. So you know what I’m going to do? I’m going to give each and every one of my opponents a round of applause.

Jack reclines back, and begins applauding.

Jack: Here is a round of applause for Miles Kasey. You were actually able to continue your amazing streak of winning matches that nobody will care about outside of Carter. Congratulations on getting to say you beat me in a match that in the grand scheme of things will mean less than nothing. You’re really great at doing that type of stuff. You can get to a point where you can compete for something, and then... when it looks like you’re going to break through, you fall flat on your face. It didn’t even take 10 seconds after that bell rang and you got your hand raised and Austin took you out. This is you, Miles. This is what you do. You can’t tell me I’m wrong. I’ve seen it time and time again. So you got your win, way to go.  I hope you enjoyed it for those 10 seconds, because that’s all you’re going to get my guy.

Again, I can’t really emphasize this enough, you’re here, because you didn’t lose. Not because you won, not because you got your hand raised, but because you weren’t good enough to win, and not terrible enough to lose. You are middle of the road, Miles. That’s what you are, and that’s what you will always be. But again, you really deserve this round of applause to living up to what you’re good at. It’s amazing that you have gained zero progress after all this time.

So, you don’t need to worry about finding some way to win and making a big name for yourself after what seems like forever. I’m sure that after I win this match and go on, that you will inexplicably receive another opportunity in which you will fail at. You are the most consistent person I know Miles. So at Violent Conduct, I am sure you will not disappoint, by being what you are: Disappointing.

Jack goes back to the mocking applause for the next person.

Jack: Here’s a round of applause for Alexander Raven. You deserve this for being incredibly stubbon and stupid. It must take a lot of your mind and body to be so persistent, knowing full well you simply don’t have the ability to do what you think you can do. That part of your brain must not have evolved with you, because it’s all I see time and time gain. You just are here, and then you fail and you start over, and you get to your peak again. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad. Well, maybe sad isn’t the word for it. Annoying is more fitting. 

It’s just the facts of the situation, Raven. I told you that the Internet title was as far as you were going to go, and that’s exactly where you should stay. But no, you continue to poke your head out of the basement, and then make noise like you’re important, and then you get slapped back down to reality. I mean, are you really going to gloat about beating the Troll? The Troll, bro? Really? They might as well have handed you a god damn invitation. This was gift-wrapped for you. You even made a joke about it, and then you won. Do you feel proud? Accomplished? Do you feel some sense of pride that you pretty much cost us the tag match last week? I bet you do, don’t you? Well, I will give you this round of applause, because you deserve it. And much like I will with Miles, and with Austin, I will slap you back to reality, because you should already know I’m the man around here. This match at Violent Conduct, is just more proof of that.

I just hope that at the end of this, it finally gets through your head that you’re not on my level, and you never will be. Just like I took your title, I’m going to take this away from you too. Because much like the Internet division, this is as far as you go.

More mocking applause follows. Jack actually stands up.

Jack: And of course, a huge round of applause for Austin James Mercer. Holy shit make it a standing ovation. You won last week, and THEN you attack your partner from behind like a chump. I mean, a huge cheer for you, not for those actions specifically, but... you actually showed you still have a pulse after all this time. I mean, I was thinking you were some kind of zombie at this point with how sad it has been to watch you shamble around and fail time after time and accomplish next to nothing anymore. I mean, my god dude, you were the world champion like 3 years ago or something.  What the hell happened to you?

Wait, nevermind, I already know, you ran into me, and I exposed you. I mean, you are like 8 feet tall, 280 pounds of muscle, and it’s all going to waste because you want to lay back and not put in the work. Your master Alex at least tried, but you? You rolled over and played dead like a dog. So don’t come at me now, or anybody else now like you’re a bad ass. It’s embarrassing to watch. It just makes me shake my head. You really have accomplished zero since I took it all away from you. You’ve been stuck at level 1 and you’ve never made any effort to actually get yourself back up. You’ve been stangnent. And now, you are in the wrong place, at the wrong time if you’re hoping that sneak attacking someone and getting a tag match will jumpstart you back to where you think you belong. Because the truth is Austin, you don’t belong trying to go for the world title, you don’t belong in the main event. You have your 15 minutes and you wasted them. Now, we’re moving on to bigger and better things in SCW.

Namely, Me. We’re done with people like you wasting your potential and our time if you’re not going to do anything. I tried before to light a fire under your big ass and you did nothing with it. Why on EARTH would anyone give you another chance? No, Austin, just no. It’s over, and I will prove it to you, once again at Violent Conduct.

Jack’s intensity dials down just a touch as he finishes this up.

Jack: Now, you can all line up and thank me for giving you way more credit than any of you deserve. I earned my win and you all didn’t. I have been the best for a while now, and this company continues to make me jump through hoops to get where I need to be. And now, all of that is going to go away. There will be NO ONE who denies me being the SCW World champion again, because I should be. I make no bones about it, There is no hiding what I’m going to do. I did it last time, and I will do it again.

I will be facing whoever is the SCW world champion, be it Hawkes, or be it old man Harris. It doesn’t matter to me. The title will once again be mine after all is said and done. And there’s not a damn thing that any of my three opponents can do about it. Nobody is going to stop me. No matter how hard you all try and stop me, you won’t. I am zeroed in on this, and it will be a reality.

Just accept it.


Jack shoos the camera away as the scene fades.


Face. Of. The. Franchise.

Offline Austin James Mercer

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    • Austin James Mercer

He opened his eyes, looking over at the empty side of the bed, reaching out, and his fingertips dance along the mattress. He shook his head as he sat up, kissing his legs to the side and wincing in pain. He had only been back a day, arriving back at home late in the afternoon. Not early enough to do anything with his children, but not loud enough that he didn’t get to see them before bed.

But now, it was the next morning. And as Austin looked over at the digital clock, sitting on his bedside table, he realised, the kids would be at school.

He moved along the hallway to the stairs, moving down towards the kitchen, where he heard movement, footsteps, the unmistakable sound of kitchenware being moved and used. Smell in the air. He laughed and shook his head, moving down into the kitchen, where he found her. Alicia, One pants sitting on the stove top, the air fryer switched on. And a few plates sitting on the centre part of the kitchen bench.

She looked over her shoulder, a small smile coming across her face as she motion for Austin to sit down in front of a large glass of fresh juice that she had made.

Austin took a deep breath in, finding in self able to relax, even with the nagging pains from his last match. It has been a long time since Alicia had been in the ring, taking time off to deal with nagging injuries, and looking after her sons. But she was ready to return soon, ready to come back to the world, that both she and Austin had fallen in love with.

In fact, they had a lot in common. They were both from families involved in wrestling. Alicia‘s father. Jason had been a large name in the late 80s early 90s, and then in Japan towards the back end of his career, his sister and brother, both stepping into the business. Austin to came from that side of the family. His father, before giving it all up to dip his toes in business, have been a professional wrestler before him. Along with his grandfather, his great aunt, and great uncle, stretching back generations up across the north east of the United States.

But, it wasn’t that shared past or experience that through them together. At least not that side of it. It has been everything else they had gone through in their personal lives that seemed to match up. The sense of loss and pain. Alicia turned placing two plates down and sliding one of them across to Austin. Toast, scrambled, eggs, and fried bacon. Everything are growing Austin needed. ”Morning”

Austin could not help but laugh. He shook his head and took a sip of juice before finally responding. ”Yes it is…” Alicia shook her head and sighed rolling her eyes, seemingly sick of Austins dad jokes. He laughed to himself and stretched his neck. ”Sorry…”

”No you’re not.”

He laughed again, it seemed that Austin finally found his laugh again after so much time. ”You know, Zoey came to me…she wanted to talk.”

Alicia popped a bit of bacon in her mouth, sitting back onto the opposite bench, her arms folded over her chest, wearing on of Austins t-shirts, it looked huge on her. ”Oh? What did she say?”

He cleared his throat, sitting forward and looking Alicia right in the eye, a few strands of his flowing dark brown hair falling on either side of his face, framing it. ”She needed to vent.” Alicia tilted her head to the side, waiting for more information. Austin sighed and continued. ”So, you and me, our relationship. I think it shocked her. Because of what I did to Aron and Fenris….the whole past that we had…I think you being with me hurt her.”

Alicia looked less than impressed, gritting her teeth together. ”Seriously? She came at you like that? Like she’s so perfect and never hurt anyone or made a mistake? Fucking Zoey, I told her to back off, I told her this was my decision….I’m going to kill her…”

Alicia was angry, frustrated. She paced back and forth. Austin pushed off the counter, moving around to Alicia, he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her to face him, she looked up, he shook his head with a small smirk. ”It’s ok. I get it. She has every right to want to talk about it. Alicia stayed silent, Austin shook his head and stepped back. ”After what I did to Aron, even though he and I are cool now and even though it’s in the past…well…I’m suddenly involved in her family…it can’t be easy.”

”Well…I still don’t like it…at all..” She closes her eyes taking a deep breath and running her hands through her long blond hair as Austin moves back around to enjoy his breakfast. Something else seemed to be on Alicias mind. She took a sip of her own juice and then a deep breath followed by a question. ”Aus…can you…come with me to see my mother?” Austin paused, he knew this was a big step and wanted to chose his words carefully. ”I mean….only if you want to, if it’s too soon we can wait..”

”No, not it’s not that. I get it…I think it’s time…besides, I know it means alot to you and is a big step.” Alicia relaxed, she moved forward kissing Austin and wrapping her arms around his neck before putting her head on Austins chest.

”Thank you,,,”


”Some of you are so disappointing it makes me feel nauseous. See, I give you people rope to run with and instead you end up hanging yourselves with it.”

Austin groans and shakes his head before looking forward with a smirk.

[color=lightblue}”Strangely enough the only one of you that didn’t hang himself with it was the one who normally never shuts up. While Miles and Jack had no problems running their mouths as we lead into the match Alexander Raven decided that silence was the better route, and truth be told. I was impressed that he came to that conclusion. However, we’re in the entertainment business. As much as I wish all of this was just about who the best was and who can prove it…well…it’s not.”[/color]

Austin shrugs and sits back, reaching forward and picking up a small glass with scotch and ice, taking a sip.

”This is about promotion. You see, if I beat you three, and no one is there to see it, did I really do it? If people don’t care about the match, because people in it don’t seem to care about it, will they bother watching, or keeping track of what happens? this is the reality that we have all faced. And while I am faced with two paths of thought, when it comes to Alexander Raven, part of me, believes that the silence was the lesser of two evils. You see, there is an old adage that comes into mind whenever I have a look at Alexander and listen to anything he has to say.”

“It is better to be thought of as a fool that to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.”

“However, Alexander, your silence speaks louder than any words that you could have brought up say. You know damn well that no one wants to see you win this match. You know that no one wants to live in a world where you have any type of power over their careers or their lives. No one wants you to win this because of how unbelievably up your own ass you are.”

“So, what exactly do we do now? Where do we go from here? Everything I said about you last week still rings through today. Yeah I have nothing to work off of. You said nothing. So I can’t sit here and Terrett apart and make you look like an idiot, and when it comes down to it? You have ruined my farm. Some of the most fun I’ve ever had is listening to all the dumb crap that you say, and being able to not only refuted, but completely Terrett apart. And you have taken that enjoyment from me and out of my life. So, when we get in that bring, I’m gonna do everything I can to make your life a living hell, Alexander. “

Austin takes another sip of scotch and sits back further in his chair, a figure moves behind Austin, pouring another drink for him as a hand slides down from his shoulder across his chest.

”Atleast Alexander, decided to stay silent instead of opening his mouth and saying something stupid. Miles on the other hand, didn’t quite learn his lesson. I was impressed miles, I was. You showed this fire in your stomach that I don’t believe I’ve ever seen in you. It is one of the things that I’ve always criticised before,  while you show some form of passion, it is never been a directed focus. It’s something that you’ve always lacked. You don’t lack the talent, you don’t lack the fire, you don’t even lack the drive. You lack  the focus.”

“The only problem is that I didn’t believe it.”

“It was just talk. And talk does not impress me. You can sit there and you can promote the match, you can talk yourself into any type of confidence that you want. But at the end of the day, you have not shown any of us anything that would lead us to believe that what you said was true. everyone does it in this business and this company. They lose and they fail and they fall, and when they try and pick themselves up, he just want to make outlandish promises and talk about passion like it means something. I have fallen and been beaten and dragged myself back up time and time again, and I have proven myself. Something that Jack seems to have forgotten, but I’ll get to him in a moment. Right now it’s all about you Miles.”

“It is about your failures, your fall. And the fact that you’ve never been able to pull yourself back up. “

“You need to stand up. You need to go into this match, one that you seem to want to win so badly, and show that fire physically. You need to climb that ladder and take your opportunity. And to do it you have to beat Alexander Raven, you have to beat Jack Washington, and you have to beat me. And you know what I’m capable of, you know better than anyone else what I’m capable of, and that should make you feel fear. The other to think they know me, and they want to talk as if I am inconsequential in this company. But you know the truth, you know the difference, and you know what I am prepared to do, and how far I’m willing to go. So now you need to sit back and think, how far are you willing to go Miles?”

Austin scoffs and rolls his eyes before taking down the last mouthful of scotch.

”Miles tried to show fire through words. But someone who I know has fire and passion in the stomach is Jack, Washington. He has to have it. He has to have all of this fire and passion for the business because that blaze needs to hide all the insecurities that he has. All the ones that he tries to keep hidden away, in a little box, because he doesn’t want the world to know that he’s still a scared child.”

“A a scared child who tries to hide it all Beneze smart arse humor, and impetuous youth. And that is something that I can identify with. I remember what it was like when I came into the business Jack, I remember all the success that I had when I first came into professional wrestling. I know what it’s like to have it also early and then have to live up to it for the rest of your career. it’s something that you threw back in my face. You want to talk about me like I’m has been? You want to talk about me like I haven’t done anything since I was the world champion? You want to forget about my mixed tagteam title reign, or the Internet championship reign, or all of the legends in this company that I’ve beaten put to the sword?”

“Maybe I deserve it. And maybe you’re right. But then again, maybe you need to look in the mirror. For all the great things you’ve done so early in your career, you have also stumbled and fallen. The only difference between you and Miles is that you’ve pulled yourself back up time and time again.”

“The impetuous youth is not the one that we want Jack. I don’t want to see that version of you become king for a Day. If you are to win this match and take all of that control, then I’m going to want to see the champion that you were. I’m going to want to see the guy who was the world champion who destroyed everyone in his path and prove everyone wrong when they said he wasn’t ready. That is the kind of person I want to see climb that ladder and become king for a Day. I want to see the champion, not the fucking child. And that’s why I’m going to have to stop all of you and become the king for a Day, because I’m the only one who will know what to do with it.”

Offline Jack Washington

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    • Jack Washington

Jack continues to prepare for his King for a Day match at Violent Conduct. As the days get closer, Jack gets more and more confident in his chances to win. Will it happen, or will it all backfire in his face?

 Outside the ring, Jack now knows the supplier of Jason’s drugs, and in order to stop any further issues, Jack plans on paying a visit to the one known as “Cosmo”.


Washington Estate

Las Vegas, NV.


Jack was walking outside, headed to his car with his brother behind him, but Jason wasn’t pleased about what was happening. 


Jason: Come on bro, you don’t have to do this.


Jack paid his brother no mind headed to his car. He wasn’t in the mood to talk about it at this point. Jason finally tugged at Jack’s jacket to stop him.


Jason: Come on man... 


Jack: Jay, stop. There’s only one way this ends, and that’s me doing this. You’re not going to talk me out of it.


Jason: Comso is a good dude.


Jack: He nearly killed you. No Jay, I’m done playing nice. 


Jason: Dude...


Jack: You can either come with me, or go back inside. I’m not dealing with this. I’m doing to deal with him. There’s no other way that this goes down. I’m not having it happen again.


Jason: …


Jack got into the car and started it. Jason sighed and rushed over to the passenger side and got in.


Jason: Just don’t do anything crazy.


Jack: … Trust me.



Unknown Address

Las Vegas, NV


Jack pulled up to the house.


Jason: Just let me start, please.


Jack didn’t respond to his brother, instead shutting the car off and exiting the car. Jason frantically doing the same and the effort was to stay in front of Jack.


Jason: Dude, don’t. 


Jack: Get out of the way, Jay.


Jack physically moved his brother out of the way. He walked to the door, where the lights were off, but there was still music audibly coming from behind the door. He knocked, at first firmly. And there was no answer after a few seconds.


Jason: He might not even be home.


Jack glared at his brother and knocked again, this time more forcefully than before. Again, after a few seconds, there was no answer. 

Jason: Dude, come on. Let’s just go.


Jack once again glared at his brother and then pounded on the door. Finally, there was some rustling and the door swung open. The dishevled bearded man stood in the doorway, no shirt, no shoes, and some fatigue pants which he was buttoning up.


Jack: You must be Cosmo.


Cosmo: Whoa, like... who are you? Do I know you?


Jack: No, but you know my brother. 


Cosmo: Oh.. .cool. So uh... what’s up dude?


Jack: We need to talk about your stuff.


Cosmo: My stuff? Dude I don’t know what you’re talking about. My stuff is my stuff. You can’t take my stuff dude. That’s against the law. It’s unlawful. You will go to jail, dude!


Jason walked up and put his hand on Cosmo’s shoulder, and Cosmo’s face lit up.


Jason: Cosmo, bro.


Cosmo: Whoa, dude, hey how you doing man? Listen, you know like, there was this other dude that was just here and he was a total buzzkill.


Jack had already heard enough and just shoves Cosmo into the house with Jason following behind them and shutting the door. Cosmo ends up on his couch.


Cosmo: Hey dude! That’s not fucking cool!


Jack: It wasn’t meant to be. Now shut up, and listen.


Cosmo: Yo, who’s your friend man, he’s a total asshole.


Jack: I said shut up.


Jack sits squats down, not wanting to sit in anything. 


Jack: Now, you’re going to listen to me, and listen good. Whatever you gave my brother here, almost killed him. I had to take him to the emergency room and he almost died. And that is on you. So, I think you’re going to owe me for a hospital bill. But, you know what, I don’t even really care about the bill at this point. No, no, I want something better.


Cosmo: Yo, this dude is crazy Jay-Jay. 


Jason: Cos, you gotta wake up.


Jack leaned in close to Cosmo, and whispered, but loud enough to make his point.


Jack: If you ever sell my brother anything ever again, I’m going to come back here, and I won’t be alone. I will have my people and we’ll take you on a little trip. A trip that you will NEVER come back from. You understand me? 


Cosmo nods as he gets the message.


Jason: Bro, you have to understand him. 


Jack: UNDERSTAND? Jay, that motherfucker is a junkie and he’s no good. No Jay, I think you need to understand that you don’t need people like this in your life. Now come on, let’s go.


Cosmo: Rude. So damn rude.


Jack kicks over Cosmo’s table in response, and then Jason has to physically drag him out of the house. 


Jason: You didn’t -


Jack: Don’t tell me what I did or didn’t have to do, Jay. Just don’t. You know it was only a matter of time before he gave you something else, or something stronger, and then you’d be fucking dead. Don’t try and defend this piece of shit. Now come on, we’re going home, and if I see that you are still getting shit from this guy, I’ll put him in the fucking ground.


Jason can only hold his hands up.


Jason: Yeah.



On Camera:


Jack was eased back into his recliner in his home, arms behind his head to begin. He then leaned forward and looked at his watch, smirking.

Jack: The countdown is on. There are only a few days remaining until I take the crown and become King for a Day yet again. I hope that this is actually going to open eyes around here and let everyone understand my greatness. Stop questioning me when I say I’m the man. Stop questioning me when I say I am the face of this Franchise. If you thought I was going to fall off, you were once again, wrong. It must be a miserable feeling to be wrong so often and hate on me so much. I’m just a man who comes out here and tells you the truth. You may not like it, but you don’t have to. All you have to do is accept it. Accept that I am as good as I say I am. How many more times must I jump through these hoops? I busted my ass time and time again, so don’t act like I didn’t earn it, because I did.

Now, as for whatever else is going to happen when I’m King, I don’t really care. I guess I have to make up some random card and put together some matches and whatnot, but that’s not important to me. You may say I’m playing with people’s careers, and you’d be right, and whatever happens to other people’s careers is not my concern anyway. Not my monkey’s no my circus. I’m only doing things for them, because it will be my duty as the King.

But I know, you’re asking yourself right now, “Jack, how can you be so confident? You’re sitting here talking about being King and you haven’t even won yet!” 

First of all, I can be as confident as I want. Second, do you honestly believe that any one of those three jokers has a chance? Look, I gave them all their flowers last week. I gave them a round of applause and that’s as much as I’m going to give them. No, actually, I’ll give them a little more how about that? I’ll give Austin Mercer credit for being tall, I’ll give Miles credit for being fearless, and I’ll give Raven credit for being stubborn. But that’s about it. They don’t deserve any more from me. What have they done lately? All they’ve done is float around aimlessly and stumble their way into this match. All three of them. So, would I have any less confidence than I usually do. This thing is a forgone conclusion. 

It just makes me scratch my head that any of you think that any of these three others have a chance. Do I look like a man who’s going to fall flat on his face? No. Absolutely not. I have come through time and time again, and these three have a combined one fluke world title reign between them and a whole lot of unused potential. You can have potential in one hand and shit in the other and you know which will fill up faster.

Jack shakes his head and continues.

Jack: Do you think that Alexander Raven, after being dismantled by me multiple times, is all of a sudden going to rise and show everyone he’s as good as people have been hyping him up to be? Please. Alexander Raven has shown me nothing but the fact that he is stubborn and won’t get it through his thick skull that he’s not in my league. He keeps trying, knowing damn well it’s only going to lead to embarrassment and another loss. Maybe he’s got a thing for that, I don’t know. All I know if that every time he’s been in the ring with me, I put him down. He may have been the smartest one this week by not actually bothering. Maybe now, he will accept reality and quite being some damn stubborn. 

The man can talk, he can really waste oxygen, but you know what, this time he wasn’t going to do that, and for that, I actually applaud him. He stopped wasting my time and your time by doing that. It’s wasn’t going to make a big difference anyway, but my point still stands. Maybe this is a step in the right direction for Raven. I thought after the last two times he would just go away. I put him in the rear-view mirror and now he’s back on more time. Hopefully, this is the last time. I will once again make an example of Alexander Raven, on my way to the top. That’s just how it is, and that’s how it always will be. So no, I am not worried about Alexander Raven.

Jack scoffs and shrugs.

Jack: Oh, maybe I should be worried about Austin James Mercer. Maybe somebody finally woke up this sleeping giant. Maybe. In reality the word should be “hopefully” Because Austin hasn’t been relevant in like 2 years. The man wins the world title and then fades into obscurity. And the whole story from that time has been the same. Can Austin James Mercer get back to where he once was? 

And the answer, obviously, has been no.

What has Austin does recently to make anybody think he’s actually a threat? What? I ask you, right now, what is it? He has been here. He has been in matches, and at the end of the day, nobody has cared about anything he’s done recently. He has been trying to re-capture the past and the truth is, that small dance at the top was a fluke. Austin will NEVER get that again. He is right now, where he belongs in the shuffle, with all the other stiffs. He is interchangeable with everybody else in SCW. The proof is in the pudding people. If Austin thinks that because he cheap shotted his partner that it means something important, he is wrong. The only thing it means is Austin is really good at attacking people when they aren’t looking. Meaning he’s pretty much a coward.

Austin has no business getting this opportunity, it will be yet another failed revival for someone who has had far too many at this point for me to care, or worry. 

Jack’s eyes widen, holding up a finger as if he just remembered something.

Jack: Oh, wait, I think you guys really want me to worry about Miles Kasey. I shouldn’t underestimate Miles, because he’s been shown to be willing to do anything and everything. He’ll put his body at risk. And he’s apparently big mad now at Austin and at me and Raven and he’s really gonna make all of us pay and show everyone that he is a main event player.

Yeah, been waiting on that for a long ass time. Nothing has come from it yet, and nothing will come of it. 

Miles has simply shown he’s really good to convincing everyone he is going to break through that glass ceiling that everybody talks about. And again the question is, how long do we have to wait? When is Miles going to actually do something instead of making it seem like he’s about to do something? If Miles was a little smarter, he may have seen Austin was going to attack him. Austin is desperate for relevance after all. But Miles still fell for it like a dummy.  So now he’s mad.

And I don’t care.

Miles’s track record speaks for itself. He’s another person with so much wasted potential. It’s really sad. The man has had countless opportunities and failed time and time again. That’s his thing. That’s what he does. This match isn’t going to be any different. Miles will fail, because that’s what Miles does. And no matter how mad he gets, no matter how hard he tries, he is simply not good enough to break through that ceiling, he will always smash his head and it will put him right back down at the bottom. That’s how Miles is. Nothing will change that.

Jack shrugs, ready to finish this up.

Jack: So no, After careful consideration, I have ZERO reason to be concerned about any of these three men. Sure they may look tough, they may act tough, but at the end of the day, there is one star in this match, and three would-be stars if they actually acted on their potential. But thus far, none of them have, and I don’t think any of them will. 

No, this match is about ME. It should have been about me from the jump and not any of them. I am the star. I am the future. I am the present. I am everything I say I am. This is just another occasion where I have to prove it again. And quite frankly, I’m tired of doing it. 

I’m going to climb the ladder, and become the King. And then I will make the match and give myself the world title match I’ve deserved for over a year. There is nothing and nobody that can stop me in this match. I will not be denied. 

So I hope that J2H and old man Harris are paying attention. I’m calling my shot and coming for that world title. 

And I will be the world champion again. 

The countdown is on.


Jack takes one last look at his watch, before easing back in his recliner and shooing the camera away as we fade to black.




Face. Of. The. Franchise.

Offline MiloKasey

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Just Laying It All Out There

Have you ever felt completely naked while fully clothed? I’m always been told that I’m never tough enough, that I just roll with it and have no problem in remaining less than my ability.

Let’s get something out of the way from the get, there is a fine line between being content in life and people out there actually trying to claim that I don’t want more!

Pardon me, but WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!?!

If anyone knows me, I do not like to settle for more than a moment when it comes to my career. I’m always looking for some way to improve. And if you don’t see that, than you need to call your doc, have your eyes, your ears and maybe even your brain checked. Take off those damn blinders.

Or better yet, keep talking your shit because me and you? We’re about to have a ‘Come to Jesus’ moment, where you are not going to like the outcome.

You bastards want a more vicious Miles Kasey, instead of the ever loveable Milo?

On your head be it.

The studio lights flickered to life, casting a warm glow over Miles Kasey as he settled into his chair. Across from him, a well-known wrestling journalist flashed a congenial smile. The camera began to roll, capturing the charged atmosphere.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Tonight, we have the privilege of sitting down with none other than Miles Kasey, an absolutely outstanding SCW star and some would say the embodiment of resilience and tenacity. Miles, this weekend is participating in Violent Conduct IX and their traditional King for a Day ladder match," the interviewer began, his voice tinged with excitement. "Miles, welcome."

Miles inclined his head, his expression a mixture of confidence and focus. "Thank you for having me."

The interviewer shifted the conversation slightly, his tone now lighthearted. "Let’s talk about the obvious here first and let's talk about something a bit more personal. We've seen your partner, Carter, by your side through thick and thin. How does having that kind of support impact your approach to a match as crucial as King for a Day?"

Miles' expression softened, a fond smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Ah, Carter. He's been my anchor, my rock. It’s so easy, when you have a match at the caliber of what I am facing at Violent Conduct. Having him by my side isn't just about having someone to come home to—it's about having someone who understands this world, who understands me. He's seen the sweat, the pain, and the sacrifices that go into what I do."

He leaned back, his gaze distant for a moment. "But it’s just so much more. When I step into that ring, I know I'm not alone. Carter's support fuels me, drives me to push through the challenges. It's a different kind of motivation, a reminder that there's something beyond the cheers and the spotlight. He's a constant reminder of the life waiting beyond those ropes."

The interviewer nodded in understanding. "It sounds like he's more than just a partner to you."

Miles chuckled, a warmth in his eyes. "Absolutely. Let me just put this out there, he is without a doubt my better half. I’m not gonna go all Tom Cruise crazy and whatnot but I love and adore him. He's the one who keeps me grounded, who reminds me that there's more to life than this crazy world of wrestling. His unwavering belief in me, even in my darkest moments, it's like having a piece of home wherever I go."

He leaned in, his tone earnest. "Carter's taught me that the strength to conquer anything I do comes from within, but the strength to conquer life? Well, that comes from the people you choose to share it with."

As he spoke, there was a depth of emotion in Miles' voice, a recognition of the profound impact Carter had on his journey. The human aspect, the personal connection, was an integral part of his preparation for the match.

The interviewer leaned in, a hint of curiosity in his gaze. "Let's address the recent events, going back to the most recent Climax Control. Your tag match victory followed by an unexpected attack from your own partner, Austin James Mercer. It must've been quite the emotional rollercoaster. How are you processing it all?"

Miles leaned back, a wry grin playing on his lips. "Ah, the tag match. That was a hell of a ride, wasn't it? As for Austin's little 'surprise,' well, it wasn't exactly a shocker. I've had my fair share of encounters with that bloke. But you see, when you've been through the trenches, when you've faced betrayal and pain from life itself, you're not easily fazed. I've taken punches from life that hit a whole lot harder than anything Austin's thrown at me."

The interviewer nodded, his intrigue growing. "Strong words, Miles. Speaking of Austin and your other opponent, Jack, they've been quite vocal about their doubts regarding your ability to seize control, especially in a match like King for a Day. How do you respond to their skepticism?"

Miles leaned forward, his eyes locked onto the camera. "Austin and Jack can talk all they want. I've never been one to rely on words to define me. It's in my actions, my journey. I’ve been called complacent for how my own career has gone. People want me to try and take the fast track, when I am perfectly fine to show people that I am more than capable of standing there, IF  I should so choose to do so. I don’t wanna burn out too fast, I wanna be able to enjoy my time in my career. A career where we see people getting so badly hurt at such young ages, that they have no choice but to give it up. As for King for a Day? It's more than just a match. It's a chance for me to prove that I've been seizing control from day one. I've fought uphill battles, faced demons that would've shattered others. This match, this moment, it's the culmination of all I've overcome. And trust me, I won't let their doubts determine my destiny."

The interviewer leaned back slightly, a sense of captivation evident in his expression. "And what's your strategy going into the ladder match? It's a complex and physically demanding match type."

Miles grinned, his fingers tapping rhythmically on the armrest. "Ladder matches are about more than just brawn. They're about strategy, about outwitting your opponents. I've been studying, learning from the best in the business. My strategy? It's simple: I'll outlast them and maybe attempt to outsmart them. We’ve all seen what it’s like when I let my brain get in the way and when it comes to those in this match, the three other individuals are far more cerebral than I could possibly ever be. I've climbed metaphorical mountains of doubt, swam through rivers of pain. This ladder? It's just another obstacle, and I'm damn good at overcoming those."

A flicker of admiration crossed the interviewer's eyes as he pressed on. "Any words for your opponents, Miles?"

Miles leaned back, his expression serious. "Austin, Jack, and anyone else underestimating me...keep watching. And please go right ahead and keep doubting. But remember, come Violent Conduct IX, you'll be witnessing a new chapter in my story. A chapter where I take the reins, where I show that I'm not just a contender, but a force to be reckoned with. It's going to be a night that leaves a mark on SCW history."

The interviewer leaned in again, his tone becoming more inquisitive. "Miles, there's one more name that's been conspicuously absent from the recent chatter—Alexander Raven. He's remained rather quiet leading up to Violent Conduct IX. What's your take on his silence and how do you anticipate his presence might factor into the match?"

Miles leaned back, his brow furrowing slightly. "Ah, Alexander Raven. The enigma in the shadows. You see, Raven's silence doesn't fool me. He's a strategist, a thinker. I've been in the ring with him before, I know what he's capable of. His quiet demeanor? It's a facade, a smokescreen. Underestimate him, and you'll be playing right into his hands."

He leaned forward again, a glint of determination in his eyes. "Raven's not the type to make noise for the sake of it. He's saving his energy, biding his time. But let me tell you something—I won't make the mistake of overlooking him. I've faced adversity from all sides, and I'm prepared for whatever curveballs he might throw. The quiet ones? They're often the most dangerous."

The interviewer nodded, a sense of intrigue coloring his features. "So, you're keeping a close eye on Raven?"

Miles smiled, a mixture of respect and caution evident in his expression. "Absolutely. I’d be a fool to not take his threat seriously, much like I’d be an absolute belland for not feeling threatened by Austin and Jack. Because I know that when they do make a move, it'll be calculated, it'll be impactful. I will say that Raven might be the wildcard in this match, but I won't let any surprises catch me off guard. I'll be ready for whatever any of them brings to the table."

As Miles spoke, there was a palpable tension in the air, a recognition that in a match like King for a Day, every participant would bring their unique strengths to the battleground.

The interviewer grinned, a sense of camaraderie in his tone. "Well, there you have it, folks. Miles Kasey, resolute and ready to seize control at Violent Conduct IX. Thank you for sharing your insights with us, Miles."

Miles stood up, extending his hand with a confident smile. "Thank you. And to everyone watching, brace yourselves for Violent Conduct IX. It's going to be a night of unforgettable action."

As Miles walked off set, the studio lights casting a final glow around him, the sense of unyielding determination he exuded lingered in the air—a testament to his unwavering spirit in the face of challenge.

Restless Night

Let it be known though, through the swagger, the smirks and all- I am my own worst critic. I could easily live in my own head 24/7 and what good does that do for me?

A lot of sleepless nights.

My energy level has been jacked for the better part of a week too. I’ve been lucky to get a solid 3 hours of sleep at times. Tonight, no exception and I’m not about to keep Carter up for all hours of the night to work through my own bullshit. He gets a little cranky on little sleep and there is not enough caffeine to remotely make up for it.

So here I am. In my own head.

The hotel room was steeped in darkness, the only source of light being the soft glow of the moon filtering through the curtains. Carter lay in peaceful slumber, his steady breaths a soothing lullaby. But for Miles, sleep remained elusive, his mind a swirl of thoughts and emotions.

He tossed and turned, the sheets tangling around his legs, as his gaze flicked restlessly between the ceiling and his phone resting on the nightstand. His heart raced, the anticipation of the match and the undercurrent of adrenaline refusing to let him find respite.

With a frustrated sigh, Miles reached for his phone, the screen casting an eerie glow in the dim room. His fingers danced over the screen, scrolling through his messages. Then, a notification caught his eye—a message from Bella. His lips curved into a small smile.

"Hey, stranger," her message read.

Miles' thumbs danced over the keyboard as he typed out a reply. "Hey yourself. Can't sleep?"

Almost immediately, Bella's response appeared. "Nope, wide awake. Máire's got me on mommy duty."

Chuckling softly, he pulled himself out of bed carefully so as to not wake Carter and Miles typed as he made his way into an area separate from the bedroom, "Ah, the joys of parenthood. How's the little one doing?"

Hold on.” is what he got next, followed quickly by a video chat via messenger as Bella's smile was evident as she was cuddling her daughter in one arm while holding her phone with the other, "She's an almost three-week-old bundle of energy, even at this hour."

Miles chuckled, seeing Bella's hands full with her newborn daughter. "Just like her dear old mum. Well, at least you're not alone in the sleepless nights."

Bella's laughter seemed to fill the room, despite the distance. "True that. So what has you up so late, recently? So, pre-match jitters?"

Miles leaned back against the pillows, a mixture of exhaustion and anticipation evident in his gaze. "Yeah, you could say that. It's like my mind's racing a million miles an hour."

Bella's eyes sparkled with understanding. "I remember that feeling, even if it was from a different kind of performance."

Miles smiled, the familiarity of their friendship providing a sense of comfort. "You were always good at channeling that energy."

Bella shrugged playfully. "Or maybe just good at hiding the nerves."

Miles chuckled, his restlessness momentarily forgotten. "You've always been a pro at that."

Bella leaned back, her expression softening. "So, King for a Day. Big deal, huh?"

Miles nodded, a mixture of determination and excitement in his eyes. "Yeah, it's a hell of an opportunity. A chance to show the world that I'm not just a fighter, but a strategist too. And that's what I've been working on. Besides Lach, it doesn’t seem like much of the gang from Wolfslair wants to remind me of it because they’re trying so hard to stay out of the middle of all this stuff going on between myself and Austin."

Bella leaned in, her expression serious yet encouraging. "Hey, listen to me. You got this, Miles. I've seen you overcome hurdles that would've broken others. You've got the heart and the talent. Now it's just a matter of seizing that moment."

"Thanks, Bella," Miles said sincerely. "Means a lot coming from you. It's just...sometimes the weight of it all, you know? But talking to you, it kind of eases the tension."

Bella's smile was gentle. "That's what friends are for, right? That and I’m sure Carter will appreciate you talking someone else’s ear off and letting him sleep."

Miles nodded, a grateful warmth flooding his chest. "Absolutely. ...wait...has he said anything?"

Just the lack of sleep he’s been getting, that and the one twitter post where he was cranky.” she teased, “Call it a mother’s intuition. Find that comes it quite useful with you guys.

They chatted for a while longer, about wrestling, life outside the ring, and everything in between. The screen cast a soft glow on Miles' face as their conversation flowed effortlessly. The restlessness that had plagued him earlier began to dissipate, replaced by a sense of connection and camaraderie.

As the conversation came to a close, Bella yawned, her eyes twinkling, she had long since put her daughter down in her crib. "Well, I should probably try to get some sleep before Máire's next feeding."

Miles chuckled, his own exhaustion catching up to him. "Yeah, I should probably attempt that too. Thanks for this, Bella. Seriously."

Bella's smile was warm and genuine. "Anytime, Miles. You know where to find me. Good luck. Kick some ass out there."

"You too. Take care," Miles said as they bid each other goodbye.

The screen went dark, leaving the room in soft shadows once again. Miles settled back against the pillows, a sense of calm washing over him. Though sleep might still be elusive, the weight of the upcoming match felt a little lighter, thanks to a friend who understood the intricacies of the wrestling world.

He smirked and laughed that one of the best friends he could ever ask for knew how to break him down and get him to at least rest a little bit. He would carefully crawl back into bed next to Carter and pull him close. As he closed his eyes, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the connections he had made, the support he had, and the journey that had led him to this moment. The night might be restless, but there was a quiet confidence that was building within him—a fire that would guide him through the challenges that lay ahead.

Seizing Control: A View from the Shadows

The arena was cloaked in darkness, a stark contrast to the blinding spotlight that awaited its moment. Miles Kasey stood at the edge of the ring, the canvas beneath his boots almost buzzing with anticipation. His silhouette was sharp against the dimness, his outline etched in the subtle play of light and shadow.

"So, I stand at the crossroads of doubt and determination," his voice, low and resonant, sliced through the stillness. "I can still hear their voices—the skeptics, the naysayers—questioning my ability to seize the big victories that have been plaguing me on and off for quite some time. But doubt is just another opponent, and I've faced worse. Doubt is the fire that fuels my ambition, that drives me to reach heights I once thought impossible."

As his words echoed through the arena, a projection began to play on the screen behind him. Images of his past battles, his triumphs, and his moments of vulnerability flashed by in rapid succession. It was a visual representation of the journey that had brought him to this pivotal juncture.

"It's funny, you know?" he continued, his gaze fixed on the screen. "Life is a lot like this match. A ladder of challenges, each rung taking us higher, each step fraught with uncertainty. But we climb because we crave something beyond the struggle. We climb for the view from the top, for the moments that make every bruise and every tear worthwhile."

The spotlight intensified, casting a stark contrast between Miles and the surrounding darkness. His form appeared almost ethereal, as if he was a beacon of resolve in the midst of the unknown.

"And as I ascend that ladder tonight, I'm not alone," his voice held a note of conviction, of unity. "I carry the lessons of those who came before me, the mentors and the friends who've shaped my journey. And I carry the camaraderie of those that have cheered me on, who've shared in my victories and defeats."

With each word he spoke, the screen behind him showcased the faces of those who had been a part of his wrestling odyssey—his partner, his friends, and the fans who had stood by him through thick and thin.

"Austin James Mercer, Jack Washington, and Alexander Raven," his tone shifted, an edge of determination piercing through. "The men that even the smartest gambler would bet on as the sure thing to walk away with that Golden Briefcase that is going to be hanging high above the ring."

As he spoke, images of his opponents flashed on the screen—one by one, their faces appeared, each accompanied by snippets of their confrontations.

"But there when you come down to it," he continued, his voice gaining intensity, "and nothing against these men, when it comes to hunger and the absolute NEED to shut all three of them up."

The screen transitioned to show the three opponents he named, each in a moment of triumphant arrogance.

"Yeah, that goes to yours truly," he declared, his voice unwavering. "I’m not blind. I am certainly not deaf. I hear every single thing that is being said about me and about how it seems like I am complacent with being in the middle."

As he spoke, the images shifted to show headlines and tweets questioning his place in the wrestling world, doubting his capability.

"Some would even say that I don’t even belong there," his voice carried a mixture of frustration and resolve. "I have been working myself down to the absolute bone, trying to figure out what exactly it would take to finally live up to each and every one of your supposed expectations."

The images on the screen began to blur, overlaid by a transparent image of Miles in a contemplative pose.

"And the more I worried about that," his voice softened, tinged with self-discovery, "The more I realized that if I finally gave in, if I finally am like ‘yeah you’re right’ I would turn into bitter, cocky pricks that seemingly do not give a rats ass about anyone but themselves."

The screen shifted to show moments of his vulnerability—times when he questioned his own worth.

"I’m supposed to run with a pack," his tone grew resolute, "That pack is supposed to have each other's backs. Instead, I find myself the lone wolf of the pack because it has to always be the hard way."

Images of his friends, his alliances, juxtaposed with moments of isolation.

"I have had no issues with that in the past and I certainly have no problems with it now," his voice resonated with a mix of acceptance and defiance.

The screen was dominated by a stark image of a wolf, fierce and untamed, embodying Miles' spirit.

"I can feel it, I can feel that moment is right there," his voice surged with anticipation, "And just because of three men that seem to think they can make me the fodder of every single joke they have about the guy that ‘Should have been the next big one but keep tripping at the finish line’, they feel like I am unworthy of getting this crowning achievement."

The screen transitioned to show the opponents' taunts, the laughter that had echoed in his ears.

"And make no mistake," his tone turned fierce, "I have had no issue in making fun at the expense of myself but I am so totally fucking over the whispers."

Images of Miles confronting his opponents, of standing tall in the face of mockery.

"And it’s about damn time, don’t you think?" his words hung in the air, charged with determination.

The screen displayed a moment frozen in time, Miles looking into the distance, a fierce determination in his eyes.

"Actually I wanna thank Austin and Jack and even Raven," his voice took on a touch of gratitude, "For shelling out my weaknesses for the whole world to see, just so I don’t have to."

Images of his opponents' criticisms and provocations, overlaid with images of Miles in contemplation.

"I actually have to thank you," his tone shifted, grew resolute, "For actually not whispering behind my back because you all know exactly what I am capable of."

Images of Miles fighting back, his spirit unyielding in the face of adversity.

"And I’m about to prove it in one of the most spectacular ways ever," his voice swelled with conviction.

The screen shifted to show moments of Miles' training, his preparation, his unwavering dedication.

"And you better believe that I’m gonna take advantage of it in the grandest way ever," his words echoed, charged with the energy of his determination.

The screen displayed images of Miles in victorious moments, his hand raised in triumph.

"Just remember, YOU wanted this," his voice was a battle cry, a declaration of his readiness.

The screen faded to black, leaving the arena in darkness once more, the echoes of Miles' words lingering in the air.

"Now, you’re gonna get it."