Author Topic: Fenris v Supreme Machine  (Read 2588 times)

Offline Mark Ward

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Fenris v Supreme Machine
« on: January 09, 2022, 03:34:38 AM »
Post all roleplays for this match in this thread.
Limits: 1 roleplay per week, 7,000 word limit.

Good luck!
« Last Edit: January 09, 2022, 03:39:14 AM by Mark Ward »

Blessed is he who in the name of charity and goodwill shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger, those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the LORD, when I lay my vengeance upon thee

*NOTE: No longer giving feedback, if you wasn't good enough, you wouldn't be here.
No longer doing show reviews, I already know we're that damn good!

Offline SuMa

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Re: Fenris v Supreme Machine
« Reply #1 on: January 12, 2022, 11:24:17 AM »
Marked (offcam)

The night was quiet, eerily so. A single figure can be seen moving. Supreme Machine is stalking the darkness. He found the house he was looking for and after scouting the perimeter, found his way in. “So arrogant… not even bothering to lock his doors…” he muttered to himself as he walked through the house owned by Matthew Knox. But it wasn’t the Raven he was after tonight. Tonight he had another target. Listening intently he moved about until he found the bedroom. Opening the door quietly he made his way over the bed that had one small figure lying on it.

SuMa stared down his target, assessing his options. It would be so easy to just end her right here and right now. Take a pillow and wound the Raven deeper than ever before. But something held his hand. Or more like, someone. The next generation growing inside the woman. The child who carried the same blood as the Monster hovering over her. So SuMa merely cleared his throat and growled out loud. “Wake up.”

The loud voice echoing was quick to bring the young woman out of her slumber. Her comfortable state snatched away immediately, with the poor girl having no time to adjust to being woken up. Eyes locking with the unfamiliar monster, she went to scream out, but thought better of it, simply clutching the locket around her neck and staying silent unsure of what was going to happen to her.

With the girl roused, SuMa took a closer look. He could feel the familiar darkness emanating from the child growing within her… but something was off. Not breaking eyecontact with the girl who was frozen like a deer in the headlights, SuMa reached over to click on the small bedside light. “You’re not her!” He bellowed out. Despite the fact that the girl infront of him was clearly pregnant with the child of Matt Knox, SuMa’s cousin, that wasn’t who he was trying to find. That wasn’t Kamari. That wasn’t the wife of Knox. SuMa leant down on the girl, grabbing a firm hold of her face. Not enough to break anything, but enough to make sure she knew he could if he wanted to. “Who are you. Where is Kamari.” His voice was a menacing snarl as he spoke inches from the girls face. Staring her right in the eyes in an attempt to establish dominance.

The young girl’s expression was clearly filled with fright, finding herself unable to move despite the attempts. She finally found it in her to speak, thinking it best to not draw any further ire. “Aimi.. my name is Aimi.. I don’t know where Mari is. Maybe in their ro..” her words were cut off by the door opening. It was almost too perfect timing. There stood Kamari, initially with a slightly annoyed look on her face, but it was quick to turn into one of concern. Her eyes darted around, looking for something to use against the beast. Muttering an expletive in her native tongue, she let out a sigh, doing her best to stand her ground. “Let the girl go.”

The reaction from the Monster was immediate. He pushed the girl he was holding down on the bed and with two quick steps crossed the room to stand in front of Kamari. He grabbed a hold of her arm to keep her in place. “This just got interesting…” the monster muttered, a small smile creeping to his mangled lips. “Looks like the Raven is hiding a secret after all” That was directed at the girl lying on the bed, Aimi. SuMa pulled Kamari across the room, not roughly but very insistently and pointed towards the bed. He wanted both the girls in a place where he could reach them at the same time. “Kamari… we know you must be wondering why we are here. We’ll tell you. The Raven finally struck. Chose to escalate. That is why we are here. To hammer home a point to him. A point of just how foolish it is to provoke us. Just how vulnerable he is. And to think…” SuMa let out a malicious chuckle, eyes darting between the two girls sitting on the bed. “We got two birds with one stone…” There was a small pause as he intentionally tried to unnever the girls. “Do tell us Kamari… Tell us her story. Another of the Ravens missteps? Does she know what that child growing in her means. What the blood of Knox truly carries?”

Initially, Kamari’s attention was drawn to the other girl, silently checking to make sure she was alright. Though her expression made it clear that there was worry over the present situation and unwanted guest. Locking eyes with him now, she gave a nod. “I know why you’re here. He told me what he set out to do, I just wish he was a bit more successful. Especially now. It’s okay though, in time things will be made right.” She paused for a moment, reflecting on the situation. “Aimi has nothing to do with any of this, leave it with us will you? She’s going to have a normal life. A normal child. Just as I’ll fight for mine to be the same.” Another moment to gather the right words to say. “If you must know.. she’s not a misstep, simply a welcomed surprise.”

The monster chuckled again. Seeing this very small, very round woman trying to put up a brave face and take care of the other girl amused him. “Things will be made right? You naive fool… the Raven doesn’t care about you. Either of you. OR those children growing in you. You are nothing more than a replacement. A stand-in. We would be doing both of you a favor if we just ended your miserable existences right here and right now… in more ways than one.” He looked down on the midsection of Kamari, making an obvious nod to her pregnant state. “You don’t even realize why the Raven came after us. Why he is going after Bane. You… are nothing more than a Chinese knockoff of the one he really wants… the one he is obsessed about. The one he let slip. Amber Ryan. The Raven is obsessed with her. To a point where the poor delusional fool sees himself as a knight in shining armor…” SuMa paced the room a bit, making note of all the exits and entrances. He had learned to grow careful about Knox. “Twisting himself into a knot to justify his actions. If you were smart Kamari… You would talk him down. Try it. He will show his real face. Challenge his obsession with Amber. And see the true Raven…”

Kamari did her best to scoff off his words, shaking her head. “I know he isn’t perfect. I know most of what he does has many layers of reason, but I also know that regardless of what ends up happening, he will make sure things are okay. Even if it’s for everyone but himself..” a small smile appears. “And you too now.” Before she could say more, she feels a hand on her shoulder. “Plus you are wrong. Wrong with everything.” Kamari turned her attention back to Aimi with a stern look. “今じゃない、アイミ...” it took that one second to see the crack in the armor.

SuMa took note of it as well. He moved quickly, snatching Aimi by the hand and pulled her up, nearly pulling the girl off the ground, forcing her to tiptoe as the monster’s hold on her wrist was relentless. “Wrong? How pathetic. You are so naive. But we guess that doesn’t surprise us. The Raven surrounds himself with people who are unable to see beyond the mask he puts up. He calls us the monster while he is worse than we could ever be. He hides behind a facade of being a hero. We make no such claims. But if he wants us to be the monster… the dragon for him to slay… maybe we could give him an actual reason…” With a vicious smile on his lips, SuMa lifted Aimi off the ground, the girl dangling by the arm in the monsters grasp. He pulled her to a point where he could look her right in the eye. “What do you think little one? Would your broken body light a fire in the Raven or would it get him to back off to avoid other collateral damage?”

Aimi did her best to break free from his grasp, wiggling herself, her expression now mixed in with anger as well. “Fire.. fire is not needed.. only spirit. You.. you know..” her words are cut off by Kamari. “Enough!” She stood up from the bed, stepping up to SuMa. “Put her down. You know the best shot is with me and who knows what that will even lead to, okay?! She’s young, she.. she doesn’t know. So put her down. Hell, tell her the truth for all I care.. just let her walk from this when it’s time.”

The cold gaze of the monster broke off from Aimi and turned to Kamari. He slowly cocked his head to the left and then to the right. Finally he relents and let go of the girl, who landed on the ground with a thump. “Just as we expected.” He looks down on Aimi. “That child that the Raven put in you. Will grow a monster just as us. The blood that we share with the Raven is tainted. Us. Our sister. The Raven. And his two children who are off blood. If you were smart… you would get rid of it and leave. Go far away and forget. But we think that is not an option.” He turned to face Kamari, staring down the small woman. “We think you are playing your own game. One that not even the Raven is aware. We know of your connection to Ahmya. We know some of the depths that she has sunk to. We think you are smarter than you put forth Kamari. And we know that you hear the whispers from within.” He moved forward and grabbed Kamari by the throat, putting his other hand on her bulging stomach. “We can feel the darkness growing there.” He squeezes the throat of the woman, making his intent clear. “And that is why we will let you live. Both of you. The children will be the Ravens final failure. His greatest failure. He will perish knowing he unleashed a whole new generation of monsters into the world.” He let go of Kamari, but with a quick slash of his free hand, cut a gash on  her cheek, not unlike the cuts in his own face. But just on one side as a message. “Unless you prefer oblivion…” he chuckles as he stares at a small bloodied razor in his hand. One that left a smooth cut on her face.

Kamari couldn’t help the struggled hiss that followed the slash. She held her throat for a minute while Aimi rushed to check on her wound, only to be stopped. “It’s fine.. I’m fine..” she let out a short cough before staring daggers now. “You sure have done your research, haven’t you. Wise to facts sworn buried. It’s why the whispers can taunt the way that they do.. but I’m still fighting it. I’ll continue to do so until I run out of reasons to be human. It’s not too late for her, she’ll find a way. Same with Naoko. There is hope for them. As far as oblivion? Maybe I’m doomed to it, maybe not. Why don’t you tell me. Tell me what you see in this room?”

“We always do our research. Unlike the Raven, we do not rush headlong into disaster… That is why we have survived for so long and why he has gone from one fatality to another.” SuMa growled at Kamari, wondering whether she was aware of the circumstances of the deaths in Knox family. His father, his mother. Even charlotte, one of the women Knox once loved. “But to answer your question. We see a facade. A front of happiness held up by a man hanging onto his sanity by a thread. I see two victims drawn in by a charismatic fraud. And we see a future of pain and misery for everyone involved. You should have held the Raven back. You have enough issues with the Kazoka and your own pasts. You are beyond redemption now. The Raven won’t stop escalating. He will pursue his obsession until he dies. He cannot win against us or Bane. If you care for him… make him back out. Or you will bury him and raise the child on your own. We marked you Kamari. The Raven will know what that scar means.” He spoke as he began to pull off the leather mask that hides his face, showing the extent of the damage his years of violence have wrought. He puts his finger on the red scar that goes from his mouth up his cheek, with one identical on the other side. “This is our mark Kamari. And now you carry a similar one… And so will she” He grabbed Aimi again, this time yanking her by the shoulder and with a rapid motion slashing her across the face, leaving a deep cut identical to the one he inflicted on Kamari, just on the opposite cheek. “There. Now you truly are alike. Both claimed by the Raven. Both nurturing the doom of the future… and both marked by the devil the Raven unleashed.” He began laughing out loud as he backed up, enjoying his own handiwork. “Do you have any more comebacks Kamari? Or did we make our point?”

Now it was Kamari’s turn to rush to Aimi, checking on her for a second before looking back up at him, a snarl escaping from her. “This.. this is not the first time I’ve been marked for my fate, probably won’t be the last.. I told you to leave her out of it though. But of course you would never cater to reason or emotion. It’s fine. Soon enough we’ll all burn. I just hope I make it to see yours to completion. Now get out of this house. You’ve done what you set out to do.” She shifted her gaze back to Aimi, doing her best to calm the young woman who is seething as well now.

“We weren’t the one who pulled her into this. The Raven was. We merely made our point.” SuMa turned around, consciously making a point of turning his back to the women, showing no fear of retribution. “Give our message to the Raven. And remember… we can always be back. A war always has collateral damage… innocent victims. Do your best to not become that.” and with that one final threat the monster slipped out of the door, leaving the two women alone in the bedroom. He had fulfilled his goal, accomplished his mission. The ball was out of his hands and in their court.

And the sadistic beast relished the fallout to come. He was ready. The pieces were falling into place.

Oblivion awaited.


Confrontation (offcam)

By the time SuMa made it back to the house owned by his sister, the building that held his lair within, the Raven had found out about his actions. And by that virtue, Jennifer also knew. When SuMa stepped in through the front door, the lithe woman known to wrestling world as Queen Machine was waiting. Her arms were crossed on her chest and the look on her face was one of unbridled fury. “What the fuck did you just do?” she spat the words at her brother, words dripping with venom.

“Sent a message.” was the simple response from the masked monster as he walked past the furious woman. Or tried to. Jenny stepped infront of him, staring upwards. Snarling at the woman, SuMa’s voice turned into a low hiss. “Move.”

“No.” came the defiant reply. Jenny had lived with the monster long enough to know just how far she could push him. Physical encounters between the two had happened in the past, but neither had gotten a true upper hand. They always had a similar course. He charged forward with strength and brute force, while she dodged and ducked, dancing around his attacks like a bullfighter. Even if one got an advantage, neither had ever pressed it. That was what she was relying on, the fact that somewhere deep inside the scarred monster still resided her brother. “You went way too far. Kamari isn’t signed to SCW. She’s pregnant for crying out loud. You can’t just go out of your way to threaten innocents.”

“Yes we can and we did.” SuMa responded in a cold matter-of-factly manner. “We warned the Raven. Multiple times. He didn’t heed the warning. So we followed up. We do not make idle threats.” He pushed Jenny aside and tried to step towards the basement door, only to have the lithe woman yank him by the hair, upsetting his balance for a moment. A growl emanated from his chest as he lunged forward and grabbed her by the throat. Or tried to as Jenny rolled away. “We don’t have the time for this now.” He grunted at her.

“Too damn bad big guy. Either you listen and talk to me, or we can go through this same old song and dance all over again. I’ve intentionally stayed out of your business, but now that you went for Kamari, that puts ME on the firing line. You really think Knox won’t take your actions as a justification to do the same thing?” Jenny responded, holding herself in a fighting stance, ready to react should the masked man lunge again. Her fury was justified, but it was tinged with legitimate fear. When SuMa and Knox first fought, Knox had actually abducted her and held her captive for a week trying to grill her for information. And since SuMa had gone for Kamari… It wasn’t hard to guess Knox might be entertaining ideas of going after her.

Despite Jenny’s clear fear, the masked monster was unfazed. “He won’t do anything. We didn’t just mark Kamari… we found out the Ravens dirty little secret.” That was said with amusement radiating from his normally cold voice. “He can’t afford it to be spilled out… it would ruin his carefully crafted image…”

Jenny stopped dead in her tracks, looking at SuMa with confusion. “Secret? What are you talking about?”

“The Raven has sown his seed further than just Kamari… There is another spawn of his developing. On a young girl…” The beast was enjoying this. His visit to Knox’ house had bore more fruit that he had expected. He had finally found the sword of damocles that he could hang above Knox’ head to keep him at bay until it was time to finish their battle. Being able to buy more than enough time to deal with Fenris and the rest of the Wolf’s Lair without Knox’ interference.

It took Jenny a few moments to digest the news, and then a wave of despair hit her. “Another one?” she asked, her voice quivering. For the longest time, ever since she realized the mental illness that permeated their bloodline, one that afflicted both SuMa and herself, she had hoped that it would die with them. But the revelation that Knox was their cousin had brought new fear into her. When she got to know Knox, she found out he had two children. Hope, who was adopted and Sylvie, who wasn’t. She had helped Knox to curtail Sylvie’s affliction and had hoped it would not blossom. But after that, while she was in the midst of her own downward spiral she had only recently culled… She found out about Victoria Strader, a result of Knox’ misstep in his youth… and then the child with Kamari. She had thought that was the extent of it. But now there was another one? The despair returned to fury. This time aimed at Knox. “... He just can’t keep it in his pants can he?” She let out a groan of frustration and punched a wall. “HE SHOULD KNOW BETTER!”

Jenny’s outburst only increased SuMa’s amusement. He knew that Jenny was a potential ally for Knox against him, depending on her own mental state. But revelations such as this pushed her further away from him. One of SuMa’s goals was to drive a wedge between Knox and everyone who cared about him. To leave the Raven standing alone. Threats. Manipulation. Violence. Those were all tools he was willing and able to use to reach his goal. And he was slowly succeeding. He had gone as far as joining forces with Cam Roth, who Knox also waged a war with, who had seduced Hope, Knox’ eldest daughter. Just for the sake of isolating the Raven further. Not to mention joining forces with Victoria Strater. Or Veronica as she now called herself, in TPW. He said nothing as Jenny kept processing the issue. Merely smiled that unsettling, disfigured smile of his.

“Mac won’t like it anyway. You should know that. He’ll blow his lid when he hears what you did.” The woman had finally calmed down and begun to think logically again. “This stunt you pulled big guy… it might end with the Saviours turning against you.” She looked at him, trying to get the monster to understand the implication.

“That is of no matter.” He shrugged it off. “Bane was well aware of what he signed up for when he invited us to join him. He will end up thanking us once we deal with the Wolf’s Lair and leave the Raven broken and alone. Bane should understand that in war… anything goes.” SuMa stared Jenny down. “Are you finished? Can we go about our way now?” The question was dripping in sarcastic pleasantry.

“You are playing a dangerous game, big guy. Very dangerous. You should just leave Knox alone, focus on the threat infront of you. Fenris is no pushover. And his group has earned its reputation. You risk over-extending yourself. Especially if you end up provoking Mac and the others.” Jenny decided to change her approach, trying to appeal to the logical side of the monster. “You are just one man, big guy. You can’t be everywhere at once. No matter how strong you are… You will end up losing to the numbers game if you get all of them on your tail.”

To her words, SuMa merely responded by moving towards the basement, opening the door and glancing over his shoulder. “Let them come. Before they take us on… they will have to decide amongst themselves… who sacrifices their life for the greater good.”

And with that, the sturdy steel door slams shut behind the monster, leaving Jenny shaking her head in his wake. “I hope you know what you’re doing big guy… monster or not… you’re family”


The Monster and the Mutt (oncam)

We open to a view of the City of Reno  from above as the 6’ 9’’ 360lbs masked monster known as Supreme Machine once again stands atop a tall building, staring down into the hustle and bustle of the biggest little city in the world deep in thought. SuMa had been residing in Reno ever since he resurfaced after his years of slumber, the house that he called home located in the suburbs of the city. So the sight he was staring down to was a familiar one. The camera, that seemed to be mounted on a drone again pans beyond the edge of the building to shoot him from the front and with a small movement of his eyes, he locks his gaze on the lens and begins to speak in his trademark deep, gravelly voice.

“Long weeks have passed… but the time is finally here. The time to put down a mangy mutt. The so-called White Wolf is finally going to stand across the ring from us. Weeks and weeks of attacks and taunts culminate in one clash.”

With his black, coal-like eyes seemingly staring right through the viewer, partly obscured by the greasy hair that always cascaded down to his face, SuMa knew how to demand the attention of everyone watching without making a show of it. The way that his entire body save for his mouth remained completely still as he spoke was eerie, almost sending him into the uncanny valley territory. There was always something almost inhuman in the way he acted and spoke… and looked.

“Unfortunately for the Mutt… It will be his downfall. For weeks now he has trumpeted his greatness, claiming that we are of no challenge to him. Too arrogant to understand the threat we present. The only reason those he holds dear have remained unscathed is because we chose to stay our hand… For the interest of the big picture. We stayed our hand because we didn’t need to push further. Our mere presence in the ring, standing above Bea Barnhart was enough to draw you out the first time. We didn’t need to go further. We annihilated your protege Kasey in short order… we forced your lover to resort to cheap tricks to escape us. Will you take his path Mutt? Will you resort to trickery to survive, and then boast of your greatness? We hope not. That would cheapen the sacrifice made by those who have stood in the path of the Saviors. It would besmirch the reputation of the Wolf’s Lair.”

The camera pulls back and SuMa straightens up, the flickering neon lights casting dancing shadows on his bare torso that was visible from under his open coat. The air around him was freezing, but he showed no signs of being bothered by it. Finally breaking eyecontact with the lens by swiping his hair off his face, SuMa turns to stare into the nothingness of the night sky, slightly adjusting the worn leather mask that covered his disfigured face almost absentmindedly as he continued his monologue.

“Then again… maybe that is what you are planning to do, Mutt. Act in a way that leaves Wolf’s Lair unworthy of being considered a threat to the Saviors. Maybe your whole gameplan is to resort to underhanded tactics and cheat a victory so you can move on with your career. We hope not. We hope that we have stoked enough of a fire within that  you will come at us with your full force and do everything in your power to strike us down. Because then and only then will it be worth the effort of putting you down like the mangy dog you are. You call yourself the white wolf. Well at Inception V your pristine fur will be stained red by your own blood. The rules tie our hands somewhat… but not as much as you are hoping. We have spent our entire existence fighting under restrictions. We might be a force known for Hardocre and Deathmatch wrestling… but we are so much more. You have a history in mixed martial arts, that is what we have been told. They will be of no help to you once the bell rings.”

What made everything he said all the more creepier was the total lack of emotion in his voice. While he did exhibit emotion at times, his ability to completely shut it down was unsettling. When he spoke of all the awful things he was going to do in that steady, monotone voice, the moniker “machine” seemed very fitting. Even when he laughed, like he did at the end of his last sentence… It was a cold, flat laugh. And when he smiled, it never reached his eyes. Like a mannequin painted to appear happy.

“You can try to make us submit all you want, Mutt. It is futile. No matter what you attempt… it will ultimately boil down to a fight. You might have fought big men in the past like Casey Williams. You might think you know what you are in for. You have no idea. We are like nothing you have fought before. You are blinded by what you see. Our size is only part of our might… Yet it is the one everyone fixates on. Those who seek to chop us down to size find themselves shocked when we carry on despite their attacks. Our skin is marked by hundreds of battles… there is no attack, no level of pain… no injury that slows us down. You will have to dig deep, Mutt… as deep as you can… to find the strength to survive our onslaught. Much less overcome it. If you plan on fighting us straight up… you better make sure your affairs are in order. Inception will be the final statement of intent by the Saviors. We will leave you broken and bloodied on the mat to serve as a warning for anyone who wishes to oppose us. You, White Wolf. Fenris. Mutt. You will be the martyr who those that come afterwards will invoke when in need of strength. Like the carpenter from Nazareth… Your mangled carcass will be displayed for all the world to see and the weak will look at it, and hold it dear when their time comes.”

SuMa turned to face the camera again, cocking his head slowly from left to right. It was another of his trademark motions. But as he continues to speak, there is a change. Flavor enters his voice as his cadence begins to rise like a concerto reaching its crescendo. He is not shouting, not even raising his voice, but the intensity changes drastically.

“You have no idea what you have provoked Mutt. Neither does anyone in Sin City Wrestling. When Bane asked for our assistance in his quest to dominate SCW… He came to us because he knew we are capable of feats nobody else is. We are willing to do deeds nobody else is. Our name spreads fear across the world of wrestling for a reason. We have reigned as champion everywhere we have gone for a reason. SCW will be no different. It is just a matter of time until we etch our name into the annals of yet another promotion. Not because we lust for gold… but because we are such a force that no promoter is stupid enough to overlook us. And that is something you clearly do not understand. You see the way we look and shrug us off as just another dumb brute. It will be part of your failure. Infact we welcome that branding. Because it makes it so much more enjoyable to see the face of a man who sold us short, see their face as the realization hits, the revelation of just how wrong they were. See Mutt… we don’t enjoy breaking our prey just physically no… any fool can destroy the body of a man. No. We take extra pleasure from tearing down our foe mentally. Breaking the mind of a once proud and strong man, seeing the despair in their eyes… that is the ultimate prize. Not some lump of metal attached to a leather strap. Not a pinfall in some grandiose event. No. The greatest victory is the utter defeat of a man. Mentally and physically. And that is what you will be facing Fenris.”

A menacing snarl of a chuckle escapes his mangled lips. The stoic machine slowly morphing into a living, breathing monster as he continues to profess his manifesto. His body language becomes more animated. As he emphasizes his words with small gestures and motions.

“So come to Inception V ready to fight. Ready to push yourself to the very limit. Nothing less and your story ends in that ring. We don’t need weapons to put you out of your misery. The human body is riddled with weak spots that are easy to exploit. Be ready to face your worst nightmare… if you wish to survive. If there is one thing you should understand Fenris… one thing you should take note and etch into the deepest parts of your mind… it is that we do not operate within the rules of society. We have no qualms about stepping over lines that should be left uncrossed. And whatever repercussions our actions might have… we have always accepted. So that is what you are up against Fenris. And once we are through with you… so is the entirety of the SCW roster. You are the first line of defense. Your fall will begin the chain reaction that will bring down the entire house of cards. And in six months… You will be forgotten.”

SuMa pauses completely, nothing but the wind howling in the night. He even stops moving. Standing still like a statue against the neon lights of the city below. Then in one quick motion he pulls the mask off his face to reveal the damage that he had accrued over the years, the broken nose, the mangled lips, the bright red scars that cut through both of his cheeks. And those dead eyes staring a hole through the lense once again. And then… spoke as barely a whisper. One last sentence. Not a threat. But a statement. Made with absolute certainty.

“Just another body laid to rest in our path of destruction.”

And abruptly as if cut with a knife, the feed goes dead.

Offline Fenris

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Re: Fenris v Supreme Machine
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2022, 06:53:58 PM »

There are times when we must look back into our lives, back into times where we experience a little something called life, in order to be able to move ahead. Life experiences, be they painful or pleasant, are what we need in order to successfully evolve as a person, be it alone or when we are with someone. Some call these times ‘reflections,’ others call them ‘flashbacks,’ particularly in a little something called storytelling. Here, we go by the latter because much has happened since SCW went on their extended holiday hiatus. Between then and now. To simply do what others have done and skip ahead without telling a tale, one ignores life and leaves a wide open vacancy in not just one life, but in this particular case - the lives of several.

Las Vegas - December 20

Mid-morning. Just past the hour of 8 AM.The sky above the famed “City of Sin” was overcast in a cloudy gray, dank and dreary and threatening to spill over with rainfall, according to the weather forecast. The sun was attempting to peek out from behind the clouds that had kept it hidden ever since the night had given rise to the dawn, but thus far had been unsuccessful and remained hidden from those below that wished it be released from its heavenly confinement. After all, those within the infamous city in the desert, both local and tourist alike, most wished for the sunny skies to make the most of their upcoming holiday and vacation alike. Thus far, they had been vastly disappointed as there had been light rain and even a few threats of wet sleet in such an unusual cold snap for a desert. To hear some visitors, one would think it was a conspiracy of the locals to ruin their prized vacations, all but ignoring that the locals wanted nice weather as much as they.

Not so much a certain man who called Las Vegas his home away from home, namely Kristjan Baltasarsson. Kristjan had little preference in the weather locally, and although he himself would have preferred a sunny day over such a dismal gray overcast, he did not see a point to bitch about it. His true preference lay where he would soon be returning in just over twenty-four hours; his homeland of Reykjavik. There, he knew from past experiences and, of course, speaking with his family members back home, that not only was it cold, but it had also been gloriously wet with both rain as well as the usual hearty snowfall. There, one rarely had to wish for a white Christmas.

For now, this disheartening weather did nothing to detract him from his usual morning routines. Simply put, Kristjan was a creature of habit and he allowed nothing to cause him to stray from his usual routines. Not even when it came time to awaken his brother and drag him (sometimes by force) to the park for their morning run along with his canine companion, the beloved Kyssa. Be it rain, sleet or wind - injury, hangover or illness, Kristjan did not stray and he credited this time of fanatic dedication as to why he remained the best at what he did. Having just returned home and following a scalding hot shower, Kristjan emerged from the kitchen of his and Aron’s luxurious condo, glass of orange juice in hand, and walked over toward the open-air patio high above the city street and slid it open, stepping outside. The weather did not faze him, despite the fact he was clad in a simple open-arm Tshirt and shorts; he WAS from Iceland after all. This chilled weather was to him like spring might have been to the average person. He took a seat on the cushioned patio chair and slid the laptop around on the glass patio table so that it faced him. Had he timed this right, he knew that she would have only just gotten off of work and would be receptive to his call. He knew her and her husband’s habits almost as well as his own family’s, because to him, they were as close as family could be. And mere moments later, his assumption was proven correct when the call was answered, and there was the smiling face of Elisabet Kai.

The mother of his beloved Jökull.

Even in her middle years, like his own mother, she remained a stunning and powerful Icelandic woman. Her wavy, blond curls spilled down onto her shoulders, framing a strong but lovely countenance. Her eyes, a shade of blue darker than his own. She was indeed lovely in appearance, but there was a strength that she bore, emanating from a hard life, the pain of losing her and her husband’s only child all those years ago.

“Right on time.” She teased playfully, her words spoken in their mutual native tongue of Icelandic, even though like him, she was fluent in English thanks in part to her marriage to her Korean-American husband, Han-Jae.

“As if there were any doubt.” Kristjan replied, catching himself as he had inadvertently responded in English rather than Icelandic, quickly correcting himself with a soft smile, which would surprise many who knew him, thinking him incapable of such a thing. “Sorry.” He said, this time in their native tongue. “I did ask you to talk to me today. I need to talk to you. It’s important.”

Those words had a resounding effect on the previous light hearted mood and dampened it somewhat. Her smile remained but the soft twinkle in her eye faded. She cast a glance down, then looked up at him and she said, “I understand, Kristjan.”

“Understand – what?” He frowned, unsure of where this had come from, or where it was headed.

“That you’re unable to come visit this year.” She offered. “I knew given the outbreak of this variant that it might stop you from coming…”

But he quickly interjected, leaning forward in his chair. “Do you think I would let this goddamn virus stop me from coming to see you!? I would have had Aron stuff me in a crate and ship me overnight to get there if that’s what it took!” He waited until he saw some semblance of relief on this woman’s face before he settled down and leaned back into his chair, reaching for his glass of OJ. And he had meant every word. Ever since Jökull’s death over ten years ago, not a single year had passed where Kristjan did not make this pilgrimage back to Iceland from wherever he was in the world, to both pay his respects to his first love, but to also be there for what had to be the toughest time in any parents’ life. After all, if there was one universal truth in existence, it was that no parent should ever outlive their child. From that first year, Kristjan was as close to a son as Elisabet and Han-Jae currently had. After their true son’s passing, they did not try for another. All the light they had as parents had tragically been extinguished.

He added, ”And my brother would probably have been all-too happy to do so, too!”

“Well, I can’t lie and say that I’m not relieved.” Elisabet said with a soft smile that betrayed the very fact she would have been heart broken had he missed this year. She went on, “So what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?”

And this was where the hurdle would come into play, how he would manage to breach a topic that could have positive or negative consequences where Jökull’s family was concerned. Not that they would have a right to be upset or angry, but given the sensitive nature of his visits and the reasons behind them, it was a potential powder keg of combustible human emotion.

“I’m … not coming alone this time.” He finally found his voice to inform her with the news, delicate as it was. “Someone asked to come with me and…”

“Is it the young man that you’ve been spending so much time with?” She asked, stunning him into silence. He blinked, having clearly been caught off guard until he gathered himself and he asked, “You know about…?”

“David?” Elisabet finished his thought for him, then nodded and gifted him with a soft smile. We say ‘gifted’ because it was both unexpected and truth be told, a great relief. Kristjan had no idea how Elisabet might react, knowing he had started dating someone. Truthfully, she and her husband could not have logically expected him to go without having someone - anyone - in his life after Jökull’s passing, but logic goes out the proverbial window when the death of an only child was involved.

“Of course I know.” She continued to ease the inner turmoil that he had been feeling deep inside but forcing back into the very depths of his soul. “Han-Jae and I both do. We do watch your matches, you know. And we saw that little kiss between the two of you last year.”

“Little kiss” being a gross and vast understatement. It was that ‘little kiss’ that ignited the flame between he and David Shepherd, fanning the impending romance into a virtual raging inferno. He felt a warmth begin in the nape of his neck, and could sense it spreading. He would hate for Aron to walk out there and see the flush of scarlet in his brother’s neck and cheeks. He’d never hear the end of it.

“Plus,” Elisabet continued. “Your mother told me that you were seeing someone.”

To this bit of news, Kristjan closed his eyes and felt the color of his slight embarrassment recede and be replaced by a slim sense of annoyance. He shook his head and opened his eyes, stating “She had no right…”

“She had every right, sweetheart.”
Elisabet interrupted him before he could lose any semblance of composure and say something, anything, that he might regret. She continued, “She is your mother, after all. And you called me your ‘second mom’ a few times.”

“I meant it.” And truthfully, he did mean it. His mom Eva was the number one woman in his life, but as the mother of his beloved Jökull, she was practically adopted by him as a second mother figure.

Elisabet said, “Then you should be aware that your mother and I talk - frequently I might add. The subject of this David was bound to come up.”

“You’re not upset?”
He asked, his brows knitted into a frown that betrayed his concern.

“Upset about what, exactly?” She smiled sadly. “That you met someone that makes you happy? Kristjan, did you seriously expect that Han-Jae and I expected you to remain alone for the rest of your life out of loyalty to Jökull?”

To this, he had no real answer. He found himself looking in every direction but where he should have had his attention focused solely on; her. All he could do to answer her sentimental question was to shrug his shoulders. He was not a man that was prone to bits of silence. He was the opposite, in fact, but he could not bring himself to admit that – yes. He had half expected Elisabet and her husband to expect that very thing.

Then she said the very thing, the very fear, that was at the heart of all of his insecurity over the given situation that he found himself in, both now as well a few years ago when he had been in another similar spot. She asked, “Do you think Jökull would have wanted you to remain alone?”

Kristjan looked away once again, but this time it was more because of a wounded sense of pride. There was not a single time when Jökull’s name was mentioned where he did not feel the imminent threat of losing control of his emotions. He had lost control of himself only two times before; once when discussing Jökull with Ben Jordan, and when he had finally confided in David about the very same. It was not something he was proud of, it was just the manner of man that he was. And he absolutely and steadfastly refused to shed a tear in front of Elisabet. Because he knew damn well if he lost himself in front of her, then she would do the same. And he had to admit one thing he was not good at was dealing with someone else’s loss of emotion. Something he would perhaps have to find a way around if he wanted to get very much further in life where a relationship was concerned.

All he could do was barely shake his head and utter a half audible, “No.” Before he turned back to look at her through their video chat and admit a little louder, “He would not.”

“And neither do we.” She replied as calmly as possible, referencing both herself as well as speaking for her husband. Her eyes shimmered with glistening tears that threatened to spill over, but she fought to restrain them as she smiled, telling the man that was as good as a son, “It tells us, and tells Jökull up in Heaven, that you’re moving on — finally.” That ‘finally’ hit like a knife wound to the gut, as he knew full well that Jökull’s memory was behind much of the emotional trauma that he had experienced in life. Would that trauma ever fade away into non-existence? Probably not, but the fact that he was moving on, as it were, was evidence enough that there was something about David Shepherd that at least made everything better. Enough so that he wanted Elisabet and Han-Jae to meet… wait. Did he…?

Elisabet asked, bringing him out of his self-imposed thoughts, asking him, “Now, I do have to ask. Why is David coming with you? Not that we mind, but it is curious considering the hurdles he might have to go through coming here.”

“I’m not altogether sure.”
Kristjan smirked, a soft scoff barely audible under his breath. He gave it a moment's thought, then considered, “I think it’s mostly to support me. I told him about Jökull - and about you. I also think… he’s doing it partly for himself.”

Elisabet frowned, not quite understanding what exactly that was supposed to mean. Sensing this, he shrugged and explained as gently as he could, “He knows about Jökull. We had ‘that talk’ recently. I think… at least a part of him wants to come here to prove to himself he’s not fighting a ghost.”

Kristjan winced openly, then quickly amended, “Sorry.”

“No need to apologize.”
Elisabet assured him. “I know what you meant. So…” She picked up the phone on her end of the call and walked around the home she lived in for the last twenty years with her husband, before Jökull had ever been welcomed into this world. She sat on the tanned, plush sofa and Kristjan was startled to see that her husband Han-Jae was already sitting there. She set the tablet down carefully so that she and her husband could both see Kristjan, and he them.

She crossed her legs and took Han-Jae’s hand into her own and gave it a light squeeze before she said, “So… tell us all about this David.”

Han-Jae added with a slight frown to his smooth, Asian features, “He’s not like that Ty West boy, is he?”

Kristjan couldn’t help but smile as he shook his head in the negative. “They are as different as night and day. Ty was… I guess you might say a bandage on an old wound. David is… more.” He lifted his eyes and looked at them directly, adding, “A lot more.”

There was a shared look between the husband and wife on the other end of this call, and then they turned back to him. Han-Jae nodded, his face impassive, as Elisabet smiled once more, more genuine than before. She said, “Well then! Tell us all about him.”

Reykjavík, Iceland - December 21

Kristjan glanced over from his seat in First Class, on board the Icelandair flight from Las Vegas to his hometown of Reykjavík. Beside him, David Shepherd had fallen asleep the moment they had lifted off from their layover in Seattle, Washington and the rest of the flight would be non-stop. The weather, despite the time of year, was unseasonably smooth with little turbulence, allowing David, who had admittedly grown nervous about going to Reykjavík even though it had been his idea entirely to accompany his man. Whether it was because he would be meeting the parents of Jokull, or that he would be this close to Kristjan’s own family whom he was most definitely not ready to meet, that was the ultimate question. For now, the time change between the United States and Iceland had grown too much for David and sleep overtook him, leaving Kristjan to his own thoughts.

How could he describe this man sitting beside him? The fact alone that he wanted to come with him, to be there for him, that alone spoke more about David’s depth of character than any other words might. Even if David would try to hide the fact away.

Kristjan finally tore his eyes away from David’s sleeping form and looked out from his window seat to the skyline that the jet was now descending toward. Soon enough, the lights of Keflavik Airport, along with the rest of Reykjavík, would slowly come into view as the sun would be setting right about now. And the closer those lights came into view as the clouds broke apart and the cold rain started to pelt the jet, the tighter the knots in his own stomach twisted…

“Fuck’s sake!” David shuddered as the two men had stepped outside of the airport with their luggage being trailed behind them, en route to the taxi that was awaiting them in the receiving bay of the airport. David had worn a tanned jacket lined with wool, taking his boyfriend’s advice that he might want to dress more warmly than he was perhaps accustomed to. David had indeed taken heed to Kristjan’s warning, because the fact was he had never before been to Iceland, but as Ben Jordan himself discovered; it earned its name for a reason.

“What are you complaining about?” Kristjan jeered, teasingly so, as they walked along the pavement outside of the doors, Kristjan already spotting the cab that he had called ahead to reserve for the two of them. The driver waited, his eyes glued to the newspaper held out in front of him. Kristjan went on, claiming, “It’s not that bad.”

“Easy for you to say!” David exclaimed, wishing he had considered taking his boyfriend’s warning seriously enough to pack some gloves but no. How bad could it be, really? He had thought to himself and was now kicking himself for not having done so. David hefted his luggage behind him with one arm while huddling his other closer to his upper body to try to at least stay off the bitter chill somewhat better. He added, “It’s colder than Santa Claus’ butt plug!” Causing a snort of subdued laughter to come from the man walking beside him.

David added, “You’d think it’d be warmer in what’s basically a god damned giant volcano!”

“Oh bitch, bitch, bitch!” Kristjan scoffed. “That’s all you ever are!”

“Hey!” David called sharply, using his free hand to slap his man hard on the ass, unsure which one of them enjoyed such an action more.

Getting through international customs, especially for David, was a trying spot. They both had to show their Covid test cards as well as take an additional test right there and then as they were coming from not just the United States, but an area of the country whose numbers were rising rapidly. After showing their cards, proof of vaccination and their tests returning negative, both Kristjan and David went on their way.

And now here they were, riding in the back seat of the taxi as they were being driven from the airport. As this was David’s first time in this country, he was seeing firsthand why in Iceland, Christmas, or Yule, was such a major holiday. It would seem that they took this special day of days even more seriously here than they did back in the United States. There were Christmas lights, literally everywhere as far as the eye could see. Wrapped around lamp posts and stores and government buildings in the city square. David was practically mesmerized by the grandeur of it all, having seen little to nothing like it before in his living memory. He then felt a judge on his shoulder.

He turned and Kristjan directed his attention out toward the main square of Reykjavík, where a giant structure shaped like a cat on the prowl and adorned with bright, white Christmas lights, and had people by the multitudes gathered around it.

David found himself smiling at such a thing as Kristjan said from his seat, “The Reykjavík Christmas Cat. Means to us what your Christmas tree in D.C. means to you. A part of our Yule folklore.”

“You’ll have to tell me about it.” David said, more of a given statement than a formal request. David’s eyes followed the historical landmark as they passed by it with his eyes, his head fully turning along in order to do so. Kristjan, from his own seat, shook his head.

“I don’t think I can do the fable justice.” He said humbly. Shocking, isn’t it? “I’ll ask Elisbet to tell it to you. She would do a much better job than I would.” Earning him a concerned look from David, although David tried without success to hide it away from him. He did not want Kristjan to know just how concerned this decision had made him in the long run.

And once the city was behind them and they were en route to the more suburban areas of the city behind them, there were lights in and around the houses. Lights around the exteriors and in the windows, and the windows of the homes whose drapes were not drawn, David noted glorious displays inside as they passed, Christmas trees and more. He was probably wrong, but he could swear he did not see a single home as they traveled that did not have some sort of holiday display up for the world to see and appreciate.

Then, David noticed that the taxi was slowing to a crawl and finally came to a halt outside of a particular house. David looked around briefly in confusion. It was a quaint and comfortable looking two story house built in the same style just about every other house he saw in Reykjavík was built in. He had a hard time trying to think of the differences between the house build styles between America and here, but there was a definite difference between them. This house? It was white with an olive green time, and the lamp post on the street outside illuminated it as the sun had continued to set on the skyline above them. There was a single tree in the front yard, and although it did not have the amount of Yule decorations about it that so many other houses he had seen had, still; it had some.

“Kristjan?” David’s eyebrows rose almost to his hairline as the cab driver stepped outside of the vehicle to retrieve their luggage from the trunk. “What is going on? I thought we were taking my things to my hotel before we came here?”

Kristjan stepped out of the taxi, and that left David little alternative but to follow suit. As their luggage was set aside on the curb where it was relatively dry, Kristjan had proceeded to fish out his wallet so that he might pay for their shared ride and tip the driver handsomely; an act that wasn’t expected or customary, but was always appreciated.

Kristjan flashed David a look and shook his head as the driver handed him his card for the return drive, and then proceeded to get into his vehicle and drive off. David then felt the weight of the world on his shoulders as he looked at first his luggage, and then to Kristjan himself who said, “Why? So you can claim to be tired and send me here on my own without you meeting Elisabet and her husband?” That plan had been decided even before they left Las Vegas. It would be distasteful for David to even consider staying in the same house, so while Kristjan did just that, David would be in a nearby hotel overnight.

Kristjan cocked his head to the side and David felt the heat of the dawning realization coming to the forefront of his mind. He shook his head and muttered, “Esther…” Causing Kristjan to smirk that smirk of is and shake his head.

He quipped, “You didn’t think she wouldn’t tell me about that thought that ran through your head, did you?” David frowned quite brazenly, and Kristjan exhaled sharply through his nose and said, “It’s just a visit! They want to meet you! The cab will be back to take you to your hotel after!”

He then turned aside and grabbed his luggage and headed for the house, leaving David to close his eyes briefly before he blew out a suppressed breath through his pursed lips and he grabbed his own luggage to follow. The two men walked around the path to the side of the house and up the three steps and onto the porch. The light above the front door was already on, but before Kristjan could set his luggage down to knock, the front door opened, and Elisabet, mother of Jökull, stepped outside and onto the porch. Kristjan’s description of her to David did not do this woman justice as far as her lovely appearance and strength of character might go. Before either man could speak a word, Elisabet enveloped Kristjan in her arms and held him tight. It was a sight that made David's own heart ache with a longing.

The love this woman had for this man he had found in his life was all-too evident on her face, and he his own in return. Their embrace slowly came to an end and they separated, but not before she took Kristjan’s face in her hands and she simply gazed upon him in what had to be the love of a mother’s smile. She then finally let go, and turned to David. And before David could react, he found her arms suddenly wrapped around him.

With a hard look over her shoulder from Kristjan, David returned the hug, albeit somewhat awkwardly. Elisabet then let go of him and took a step back, but her smile remained as she ran the fingers of her left hand down David’s cheek. She then stepped back to the door and held it open, beckoning with a wave of her hand and a warm smile to boot.

“Come.” She said in invitation, and David felt little choice but to grab his luggage for the time being and graciously accept; Kristjan following behind. Only then did Elisabet step back into her house and the door closed behind them.

The Fossvog Cemetery - December 22

This – this was the whole reason why David had come to Iceland. The visit with Elisabet and her husband the night before had gone better than David had believed possible. Both had done their very best to make David as comfortable as they were able, not allowing him to sit in silence at their table as they had taken the liberty to have dinner ready for the two men, assuming they would arrive hungry. To be welcomed by the parents of his boyfriend’s deceased lover, by his parents no less… hell! To be treated so well and so warmly - to be accepted… It was so much an alien concept to the young Shepherd given the trying times of his own upbringing and abuse suffered at the hands of those who were supposed to love and protect him.

Thus David’s sense of dread had somewhat eased as he had been brought to the house again for the morning meal - Elisabet’s idea - and then to the most difficult task at hand. The reason behind the visit. David can not recall ever seeing Kristjan in such finery, but there he stood in a perfectly tailored, light gray suit that was almost white in color. He was more used to seeing him in casual clothes (or nothing at all which was his personal preference), but the sight of his man in a suit? It was not something he objected to, if truth were to be told. David stayed behind on the path, his choice but one that Kristjan had agreed with because this was his personal penance, and he would not have anyone else ease his burden. Elisabet and Han-Jae had already paid a visit to their son’s grave yesterday, and he was told they would most likely be doing so again this evening after the evening meal. (Of which David was also invited to!) In Kristjan’s hands, he carried uncharacteristically a bouquet composed of orchids and chrysanthemums. He had been told beforehand that Jökull would have gotten quite the laugh out of this action, as he had as much love for flowers as Kristjan did himself.

And Kristjan? The closer the time came for their visit to the cemetery, the more apprehensive he became where David was concerned. This was something that he always did himself. Not even Jökull’s parents went with him because out of respect, they knew he would visit Jökull alone. Plus, it was a matter of some semblance of pride. He knew what this visit did to him every year, and to show another his weakness…

David could not help but notice and admire the small tree that had been planted on this boy’s grave to commemorate his life. It was a custom, Kristjan had explained to him when they had arrived. He watched as Kristjan approached the simple but tasteful marker that stood above ground. Kristjan stood there, flowers in hand, gazing down at the marker that read…

“Jökull Kae -- 04/09/1992 - 10/11/2009,”

And he watched as this man that had forced his way into both his life as well as his heart, slowly sank to his knees.


Las Vegas, Nevada - Turnberry Towers

“Saviors, hm?”

Fenris snorted back a derisive laugh at the ill moniker that the newest stable of Sin City Wrestling had only in recent times had coined themselves with. He stood outside on the patio of his home, basking in the chilled air that the famed City of Sin was now affording him. It was still day, as dusk had not yet begun its descent into night. But the sky was still overcast with gray clouds with the sun barely able to show itself from behind. His arms were folded over his chest, a glass of honey-infused Scotch in one hand as he shook his head.

“A rather pompous name at promoting yourselves, wouldn't you say? What is that? Some sad, schoolyard attempt at vilifying yourself and building yourselves up collectively to be more than you actually are? You are aware of the basic definition of a savior, yes?”

Fenris closed his eyes and held up the hand holding his drink in it, fingers extended for emphasis.

“That was a rhetorical question, in case you were too dense to understand. A savior is someone who saves someone or something specifically, usually our country or some kind of charitable cause, from a specific danger….”So tell me something, Supreme Machine…” He spoke the name with an obviously sarcastic use of ‘air quotes’ behind his tone of voice. “Who exactly are you saving, and from what are you saving them from? No! Let me guess. You are out to save us as well as Sin City Wrestling as  whole - from ourselves? Hm?”

He popped open an eye and waved his hand with the glass.

“Am I close? Am I at the very least getting warm? Oh, before I forget… Another definition of a Savior is the fact that they are regarded with the veneration of a religious figure. You know, notable religious figures such as Jesus Christ or Mother Teresa. But you know that can't be because even your group would not be so arrogant to put yourselves in such a light. Now I admit that I am as arrogant as the next man out there, and if you don’t believe me, ask just about anyone I know!~ But even I would not be so sacrilegious as to compare myself to the Son of God or at the very least, one of the most revered saints of any religious faith! But all of you…?”

He paused to take a drink, savoring the burning feel of the scotch coursing down the back of his throat.

“Well I can’t deny that you are doing all you can to put your names out there. I also can’t deny the fact that you’ve made a bigger impact than anyone thought capable in recent memory. But the thing is, I’m not altogether certain whether that’s a good thing or not. Oh it’s certainly not a good thing that your little group has worked overtime in making enemies for itself and believing yourselves either invulnerable or immune to the certain consequences of your actions. But as a whole…?”

He paused and took another drink before setting the glass down onto the table he stood beside.

“I admit I was curious when Mac made your team known. I can’t recall in my short time in SCW any real stable of note save for London Underground and Wolfslair, and let’s face it…”

He gazed quickly into the camera with a wolfish smile and shook his head.

“You are neither.”

He turned back away to look out into the city to continue his train of thought.

“Gabriel told me all about a time in SCW when there were stables a plenty. The Seven Deadly Sins chief amongst them. The Fallen. Teams of men and women that made an impact but did so without having to resort to the same cheap theatrics and sneak attacks that your team does. Do you know what that makes you…?”

“A carbon copy of every other group that wants to play the numbers game in order to prove their own superiority. Now, Mac Bane is the reigning World Heavyweight Champion. I will give him that - and ONLY him. Mac is a man that I have fought before and he has earned my respect. But you, SuMa? Dominick Strife… ‘Godly’...” He rolled his eyes. “Ken Davison?”

He scoffed quite audibly as you could practically feel him rolling his eyes.

“You’re like a pack of Boy Scouts following your adult leader, ready and willing to do whatever you say in order to impress your own self-entitled importance upon the world! Bottom line, Supreme Machine: This little family that you have surrounded yourself with? Aside from Mac, there is not a single special thing about ANNNY of you! If there were, if you were all as special and as mighty as you would have us believe, then you would not have felt the need to go out there with a numbers advantage and decimate so many men who crossed your paths! A man that bested you? Attack him. A team that got one up on you and derailed your fast track to success? Send them to the hospital! Weeks ago, in our final confrontation, you PROVED yourselves to be over hyped because when you no longer had the numbers advantage, you were no longer all that you wanted us to believe. You were beaten and sent packing! Tails tucked between your legs! Oh… speaking of which…”

Fenris walked over to the railing and gripped the metal with his hands, wrapping his fingers around the metal until his knuckles turned practically white from the pressure.

“Something else happened that day. Something that pretty much sealed your fate to the point even the sacred Norn tore your page from their Book, crumpled it up and tossed it back over their collective shoulders and screamed ‘why bother?’! Do you know what you did that you never, EVER should have done, you big dumb BITCH!? You…”

He held up a single finger.

“... Put your hands on my brother. And when I was down, of all the people who could have come to his aid specifically, was the one who did the same over a year ago; Austin James Mercer. Vinnie, Bulldog and Alex? They took care of your bitch buddies, but you? I was down at the moment but Austin outclassed you in one, fluid move. He not only saved Aron, but he saved your ass as well.”

Fenris looked to the camera and nodded, reaching over to pick up his glass again.

“Because if you had hit that move, if you had choke slammed and done my baby brother any damage at all, I wouldn’t just beat you in Reno on the 23rd. I’d have to had fucking BURIED you! So it is time I did my part for charity and give you a reality check ahead of schedule.”

“SuMa, teams like yours are a dime a dozen. You talk big but you’re just a sad little group of children thrown together because alone, they are unable to fend for themselves. I have no fucking clue where Dominick has been. Not my business and I don’t care, really. The only reason Ken Davison is challenging for the Internet title is because he lucked out and I can only pray to Baldur that Agostino pulverizes the little shit! Mac is the only one of you worth anything, but you, SuMa? Last I saw you in the ring, you got your dumb ass disqualified because David outsmarted you!”

“Granted, outsmarting you is about as difficult as beating a pig in a game of chess, but you get my point. The only one that is worth a damn out of any of you is Mac Bane, and thus far he has had the smarts and respect to keep himself as far away from your bullshit with me and my family as possible. But that is beside the point. I’m not coming to Reno to outsmart you.”

He held his hands up, palms out, and smiled as he shook his head ‘no.’

“No. I’m simply coming out to that ring to fuck you up! Now you can go on and bullshit all you like, thinking that just because you have the size edge over me, that it means something - anything - once that bell rings!? HA! Last time I checked, I was no heavyweight! Look at me, bitch! I’m 204 pounds! 92 kilograms! There is barely a time I get inside of that ring where I am not at a size disadvantage but do you know something? When has that ever stopped me? How many damn times have I taken that assumption and shoved it down the throats of the men who think that! The biggest men I have ever been up against - Austin James Mercer and Casey Williams! Austin is and would always be your better, and Casey? The man is seven feet and over four hundred pounds, so he’s sure as shit bigger! Why don’t you ask him what it felt like when little ol’ me dumped him on his head with a German suplex!?”

“Yeah, me! I know I can take you, SuMa! I know I have to! I can, and will, pick you apart until there isn’t enough left for the ring crew to sweep your sorry ass self up with a Hoover and blow you back to wherever it is that you’re from! I might just tie you up into such a tight knot and stuff you into a package and gift you back to your precious Saviors, if for no other reason than to sit back and enjoy watching how long it takes for them to untie you!”

“So far SuMa, your greatest weapon against your opponents has been the fear factor. Your size, that ugly mug of yours hidden behind an even uglier mask. All of that?”

He spread his arms wide.

“None of that means shit to me because I’m not afraid of you! There are many men in my time in the ring that have earned my respect but not a single one of them has ever instilled in me even the smallest semblance of fear! Despite what you and yours want everyone to believe, your size is nothing but your biggest detriment! Grated you are strong as fuck, but the biggest men also have the weakest pressure points throughout their body and I can not wait to exploit each and every one of yours! The only problem I have going into this match is choices. Whether to knock your ass out, or put you through hell and make you BEG the official to end the pain! And even then I can not promise anything. I can’t guarantee anyone that I will stop. Ask Mercer. Go back and do your homework, SuMa, and find out the lengths I’ll go through to any man stupid enough to touch my brother! It wasn’t pretty, by even my standards, but it was fun!”

Taking a drink, and a pause to collect himself, Fenris looked out over the sky that had by now darkened into a canvas of dark blues, pinks and oranges while the lights of the city reigned supreme.

“Almost as much fun as it will be with you."
"Where wolf's ears are, wolf's teeth are near."
~ Volsunga Saga, c.19

World Heavyweight Champion - 1x - current

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Re: Fenris v Supreme Machine
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2022, 12:16:07 PM »
What was (offcam)

There was once a time when the Supreme Machine didn’t exist. When the masked, scarred beast who spread terror in the wrestling business was just a man. A big and strong, but a kind man. Thomas Rivers was someone who wouldn’t hurt a fly. A cuddly teddybear is how his sister used to jokingly tease him with. Yet, despite his kind nature he loved wrestling. Loved to wrestle. And thanks to his size and innate athletic ability, he did make it into the business.

And that is where it all started to go wrong. See, Thomas wanted to become a star, and was willing to do just about anything to get there. His size made him an attraction, and the promoters loved to put him in matches against “giant killers”. And as he conquered those put against him, the promoters began to add stipulations to the mix. As time passed, he became known as a deathmatch specialist. Not because he enjoyed it. But because he was good at it. And because he was willing to do anything to be a star.

The pain began to rack up though. His smile, once considered boyish and charming, had turned into a lifeless one. His eyes, once sparkling and hopeful, had dulled into dark orbs. Scars began to form on his skin from the light tubes and barbed wire and thumbtacks and whatnot that cut and sliced him on an almost weekly basis. And the face that had once swooned women had become a mess. His nose broken by a stiff chairshot, half of his left ear missing after an incident with barbed wire… But all this time. Despite being in pain daily, Thomas never gave up. He simply pushed the pain into a dark place in the back of his mind and soldiered on. He forced a smile when approached by fans. He faked enthusiasm when the promoter came to him with a new idea. He pretended to be excited when a new opponent was presented to him.

Until one day it all got to be too much.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. August 2006.

“Hey big guy, good luck on your match today! Can’t wait to get my first booking, so I can say I’m a wrestler just like my brother!” A bright, female voice sounded from a phone laid on the table. A voicemail left by Jennifer Rivers. Listening to the voice, Tom sighed. He knew he should warn Jenny about the realities of the business she was getting into, but he just couldn’t. She was so excited. So happy. Just like he had been.

Turning to look at the mirror, Tom cringed. He looked like shit. But the fans or the boss didn’t care. “You’d never sell as a pretty boy” he had been told. “Now you got some real character!” they said. All Tom could think was how he barely recognized his reflection.

He sighed and turned to start putting on his gear. He wanted to put on a long sleeved shirt because he was gonna be wrestling in light tubes again, but he knew the promoter would never let him do that. “People want to see you bleed, want to see you shrug off getting cut. That’s what makes you marketable.”- With a resigned sigh he settles to taping up his wrists to give the crucial area SOME protection.


 a voice rang out, startling Tom. He frantically looked around himself to see who spoke, but there was nobody there. All he saw was the dull gray concrete walls. Tom finally shook his head and got back to dressing up.

As he began to pull on his boots he flinched. He had rolled his ankle the previous week and it was still sore. Taking a deep breath he shoved the pain to the back of his head and yanked his laces so tight the pain subsided.

“So weak…”
 a voice rang out again, causing Tom to bolt upright. “Who’s there? This is no longer funny!” He barked at the empty room around him. But nobody answered. Cussing under his breath he kept looking around himself as he finished getting geared up. As he was doing his last checks the door was knocked on.

“Hey, Rivers. You’re up” Came the staffers voice and Tom walked to the door, pulling it open. “Get ready for your entrance, Dreadnought is going first”. Tom merely nodded in response and started walking towards the entryway. He passed a poster for the show which read in bold letters. “Ladders and Lightubes! Dreadnought vs “The Machine” Thomas Rivers”

He stood behind the curtain as his music hit and as he heard the crowd getting electrified, it was like all the misery he felt was washed away in an instant. He pushed through the curtain and stood, soaking in the adulation. This is why he put up with it all. This is why it was all worth it. This is why he sacrificed so much.

The match was as bloody and brutal as you’d imagine. Dreadnought was a deathmatch legend. Thomas had the upper hand though, and the famously bloodthirsty Philadelphia crowd ate it up.

They fought on a ladder with a stack of light tubes on a table below it, Tom trying to toss the other man through it. But he slipped. And Dreadnought used it to his advantage immediately. He gouged Tom’s eyes and pushed him off. The next few minutes are nothing but a blur.

Pain… Every part of his body is in pain. He is lying flat on his back amongst the remains of a table, with glass shards strewn everywhere. He is barely conscious, the iron taste of blood in his tongue. His own blood. A steady stream of it trickles down his forehead, down his nose and into his mouth. His vision is blurred by the crimson hue.

He tries to move. He can’t. His body won’t respond to the impulses his brain sends. He had just taken a 10-foot fall from a ladder through a table laden with light tubes. “Gotta get up. Gotta keep fighting. I can’t stop now…” a frantic thought runs through his mind as he tries to shake the cobwebs out of his head. From the corner of his eye he can see a man approaching him. His opponent. He can hear the crowd jeering and rumbling as Dreadnought lands a stiff kick to the side of his head, the jolt from it sharpening his senses. He tries to bring his hand up to block the next hit but his body still won’t respond.

He sees Dreadnought say something but the ringing in his ears from the kick prevents him from hearing it. He feels the other man grabbing his hair and pulling his head up. And then he feels something cold on the corner of his mouth. He tries to focus his gaze. But the bloodloss and the pain has brought him to the brink of unconsciousness.

He finally sees what is happening. Dreadnought is holding him by the hair in a half seated position. And on his other hand he has a shard from the light tubes that were shattered by his fall. Suddenly a wave of absolute terror flashes in his mind as he realizes that the shard is the coldness he feels on the corner of his mouth. He stares at Dreadnoughts face and sees the man mouth the words “Smile you motherfucker”... and an instant later searing pain is all he feels. A scream tries to escape his lips, but none comes out. His eyes bulge out as the shard of glass cuts clean through his cheek on the inside and before he can do anything about it, moves to the other side of his mouth repeating the motion there.

Darkness engulfs him. He can feel nothing but pain that burns every other sensation away. Just before he passes out he sees Dreadnought lift the bloody piece of glass into the air like a trophy… and hears laughter. But not from the man standing above him but from the depths of his own mind.

Thomas Rivers woke up at home 20 hours later. He felt the stitches in his cheeks, and saw the bandages around his body. But he had no memory of how he had gotten home. He tried to move to get up from the bed he was lying in, but his body still didn’t respond. He tried again, but nothing happened. And then he saw his own hand moving, the fingers brushing against the stitchwork. He felt it. But he didn’t do it. He felt when the fingers pushed into the wound, sending a jolt of pain through his body, but try as he might he couldn’t stop it. And then… a voice.

“You finally woke up weakling… a cold voice spoke out. It came from his lips but it wasn’t his voice. “We thought you’d never snap out of it…”

Tom began to panic as he stood up, but not by his own will. He watched as he moved to a mirror and saw his reflection. His eyes had turned completely black, or so it seemed to him. The fresh cuts on his cheeks burning bright red. And a twisted smile on his mangled lips. “We finally succeeded…” came a hoarse whisper followed by a low chuckle.

“Who are you?.. .whats happening?” Tom spoke, surprised that he could do that much. Then he realized his lips hadn’t moved in his reflection. He was speaking, but not out loud.

“You broke. You finally let us out… weakling” came the response in a menacing voice as the man in the mirror stretched. “We have waited for this for a long time…”

“Who are you???” Tom’s question was panicked. He was scared to death at the fact that his body was moving on its own and that it seemed like there was someone else in his head.

“We? Yes.. who are we? If you are “The Machine” weakling… then we? We are Supreme Machine. It is a name as good as any… We are what you could not be. We are what you should have been.You wasted all that potential given to you weakling… we are here to rectify it… and you will watch. Watch and suffer”

Tom let out a scream, but nothing came out. He tried to pinch himself in hopes he was dreaming. He wasn’t. Ths was reality. And he? He was a passenger in his own body… at hte mercy of the whims of whatever that hat possessed him.

It turned out he had been sent to his own personal hell.

 Spanner in the Works (offcam)

It was midday in downtown Reno, Nevada. The biggest little city in the world had its usual hustle and bustle as people went about their business in the city dwarfed only by Sin City itself. Amongst the crowd walks a figure that rarely ventures out during daytime. The 6’9’’ 360 pound frame of Supreme Machine was hidden inside his long hooded coat, so unless you knew who he was, you’d never realize it was him. Contrary to his usual determined movements, the monster seems to be wandering aimlessly, taking random turns, stopping and starting at unpredictable intervals.

There was a good reason for that. For the past few weeks, SuMa had felt like he had been followed. Whenever he left the shelter of the basement located under the house owned by his sister Jennifer in the suburbs of Reno, he had this constant feeling of being observed. For an Apex Predator such as him who spent most of his time searching for prey, stalking the unfortunate… It was a really uncomfortable feeling. That is why he chose to act outside his usual routine and venture out into the daylight. Yet, even when he moved about the congested streets, he couldn’t shake the feeling of being tailed. Moving out of the main street, he ducked into an alleyway and took position in a small alcove, unseen until you passed him. And there he waited.

“I know you’re there. You might as well show yourself” Rang a calm, stoic voice that echoed in the alleyway. SuMa had accomplished his goal of baiting his tail into revealing themselves. He processed the voice, feeling that it was somehow familiar but unable to put a name to it. “I don’t have all day.” The voice continued and SuMa walked out of the alcove.

“YOU!” What he saw surprised him. He had expected the stalker to be one of Knox’ allies, or even a Wolf’s Lair disciple. Last thing he expected to see was an unassuming, balding man pushing forty, dressed in a long trench coat. Seemingly harmless on the outside, but the image was shattered by the cold look of his bright blue eyes. “Iceman…” SuMa snarled.

“Hello, Thomas.” came the calm reply. The man invoked a name that SuMa had done his best to eradicate, and hearing it caused the monster to tense up and prepare to lunge at the smaller man. “Not so fast” he seemed unfazed by SuMa’s aggressive posture, his confidence being justified as he opened his coat just enough so that the masked monster could see the .50 AE Desert Eagle aimed at his chest. “I have no desire to fight you Thomas, I know very well what you are capable of. But this thing has the stopping power to knock a grizzly bear clean off its feet… So go on. Give me an excuse to see whether you can shrug off a six inch hole in your chest..”

SuMa growled like a wild beast, anger flaring at the situation. He was unaccustomed to being the one in the disadvantage. His body tensed and then relaxed slightly as he appraised the situation, arriving to a conclusion that as is, there was little he could do. “What do you want, Iceman?”

Adam Mitchell. Also known as Iceman, gave a long look to SuMa. To an outside observer his calm infront of someone like SuMa must have seemed otherworldly, but under the unassuming guise was a man who had been through hell and seen more than any sane man should. The private investigator with a checkered past lived up to his moniker and showed no emotion as he spoke. “Jennifer asked me to keep an eye on you Thomas. To observe… and if needed, intervene should you try to pull another stunt like what you pulled with Marika Knox.”

There was a moment of confusion in SuMa, finding it hard to believe his sister would be so bold as to try and put a leash on him, but it quickly vanished as he focused on the situation at hand. “Then why did you reveal yourself? Now we know you are following us… you lost the element of surprise.” He spoke with a condescending voice, attempting to throw the stoic man off his game.

“Consider this a warning.” Mitchell replied calmly. He had the situation well in hand, so SuMa’s attempts at mind games had little effect. “I want you to know that wherever you go. Whatever you do. I’ll be watching you. Down the barrel of a gun.” Mitchell shook the Desert Eagle a bit to underline his threat. “Jennifer requested that I keep you unharmed. Telling me to use tranquilizers if you seem to be going too far. An idea he got off of Peter Vaughn tranqing you at TPW. But I won’t. I won’t let you hurt anymore innocents, Thomas. And I won’t let you drag Jennifer down to whatever personal hell you’re in. So if you give me half a reason… I’ll put you down like the bloodthirsty animal you are.” Throughout the monolog, Mitchell's voice never changed. It was delivered in the same deadpan, stoic monotone as everything else.

SuMa started to pace back and forth like a caged animal as Mitchell laid down his plan. All the while he was cooking up a plan to turn the situation to his advantage. One Mitchell finished, he stopped and suddenly let out a creepy laughter. “Bloodthirsty animal? You have no room to judge us. We know all about your past. The Iceman. The most feared hitman in the country for over a decade… Your hands are just as bloody as ours…” He pause, cocking his head slowly to the side before chuckling again. “Infact… you are worse than use Iceman. All we do is to further our own goals.. .You? You killed on command. Did the bidding of another. We are a predator.. .you were nothing but a tool”

If SuMa’s words affected him, Mitchell didn’t show it. The only concession he made was a small shrug. “Everyone has a past, Thomas. But I am trying to atone for my crimes. Something I don’t see you ever doing. I punched my own ticket to hell long ago. But keeping you from hurting innocent people… goes a long way to balancing the red on my ledger. And if you push me Thomas… I will send you to meet the horned one long before my time is up.”

“You play a dangerous game, Iceman. You cannot watch us 24/7. One day your vigil will drop… And then you’ll find yourself losing loved ones. Like that little chinese whore that buddies up with Jennifer. Are you willing to pay the price for provoking us?” His voice had become low and menacing. Despite Mitchell having the upperhand in the situation, the masked monster wasn’t afraid to gauge him. Poke him, see what happens.

“Ling? She predicted you would make that threat. She’s well aware of the risks. You are not the first one to threaten me or her.” The response was blunt. “Take a hike Thomas. I’ve accomplished what I set out to do. I won’t stop your war with Knox. But keep it at Knox. Take one step across a line and I’ll be there to stop you.” There was a pause, then Mitchell showed emotion for the first time, as a small sly smile rose to his lips. “And if you think you can intimidate Jennifer to get me back off… let’s just say I got contingencies for that.” He fished out a piece of paper from his pocket, tossing it infront of the masked man. “That’s a copy of a legal document. If anything happens to Jennifer. ANYTHING… it fingers you. Now go.”

As Mitchell waved SuMa off, the beast had no other option than to retreat. Snarling viciously he moved past the vigilant Iceman and disappeared into the crowd.

This presented a complication he had not accounted for. Many of his options had suddenly been yanked away from him. It fed an ember of anger within, and as he made his way towards the Reno Events Center, where he had planned to record his next message to Fenris, plans were forming in his head.

He methodically began to reconsider his course of action. Until now, it had been obvious. Waylay the Wolf’s Lair. Assert dominance over SCW. Deal with Bane if he became obstinate. And ultimately leave the Raven broken and battered. But with the Iceman watching over his actions, he knew that after dealing with Fenris, he needed to deal with Mitchell. It was going to be a cat and mouse game for sure. But oddly enough, some part of the monster relished this.

He rarely met his match. It was… refreshing. Putting all of his instincts and abilities honed over a decade plus… against a man who made his living as a silent killer for the same period of time.

A spanner in the works definitely… but as always, there was a way to turn this into an advantage. That much Supreme Machine was sure of.

Disappointment (oncam)

The view opens to show Supreme Machine standing in the rafters above the Reno Events Center, the location of Inception V. While the arena is not yet configured for wrestling, you can see the SCW staff already working hard beneath the monster's feet. SuMa seems to be watching them, but unlike his usual demeanor, he doesn’t seem to be “on the hunt”. Instead he acknowledges the camera with a small wave of his hand and starts speaking, his gravelly voice lower than usual, and even then creating a small echo in the ceiling.

“Reno. This is where our path of destruction resumed year and a half ago. Not too far from here at the Eldorado Casino we made our return to the ring after almost 5 years. And we resumed where we left off. Ever since that day we have considered Reno to be our home territory. Where we are most at ease. Where we have the advantage. This is something that we didn’t really feel the need to spell out earlier… as we foolishly thought it was obvious. But after witnessing the Mutt’s words for us… we knew differently.”

There is a pause as SuMa breathes in and out, slowly tensing and relaxing the muscles of his body. He then turns to face the camera and cocks his head to the side and continues.

“You disappointed us, Fenris. Severely disappointed. For watching you week in and week out we were expecting you to be something worthy of respecting. They say actions speak louder than words and once again… it was proven correct. See. Mutt… the moment you opened your muzzle and addressed us directly you undermined every single shred of credibility your actions had amassed. When you finally spoke you proved yourself to be nothing more than just another generic hardass.”

SuMa sits down, leaning his massive frame against the guardrails that creak and groan at the added weight. But he doesn’t seem to care. With his palms resting on his bent knees and his head hanging slightly downwards, he continues to talk, staring at the camera from under the cascade of his greasy black mane.

“You spent way too much time musing on the Saviors. Bane has nothing to do with this match. Neither has Davison. Or Strife. You expanded your scope too far in an attempt to mock men who stand far above you. You should have kept your focus on us Mutt. Because it will not be Strife who strikes you down. It won’t be Davison who strikes you down. It won’t even be Bane who strikes you down. It will be us. That alone, attempting to present yourself as a force standing against an entire group was a letdown Mutt… But then you went where everyone has gone before… took the most obvious way out.”

The masked man lets out a deep sigh. It is clear that he had expected more from his foe. A silence follows as the monster just sits and stares into the distance. Then, out of nowhere, he starts chuckling. That cold, empty laughter that seems to be one of his trademarks. With a quick sweep of his hand he moves the hair off his face, revealing the worn leather mask that hides his disfigured features. Shaking his head in a disbelieving manner he finally speaks up again.

“Yes. We get it. You are not afraid. We are a dumb, ugly brute who is a threat to nobody. We’ve heard it all before. And every time we hear it, we are disappointed. You are not afraid, Mutt. But we understand you are not afraid. Fear is a weakness, and showing weakness in the face of adversity is tantamount to a death sentence. But do you know what all those who have boasted of not being afraid of us have in common? When it’s all said and done… when the dust settles they will look up from the ground, broken and beat… See us standing above them, their very lives hanging in the balance, resting on our mercy… and they have all been afraid. So very, very afraid.”

The last sentence was spoken as barely a whisper, a breathy exhalement so completely at odds with his usual gruff presentation. From under the mask you can see that he is smiling, the edges of the reddish scars adorning his face peeking out from beneath the leather. He keeps a silence for effect and then slowly stands up, the steel walkway groaning again under his bulk. Staring down at the hardworking staff, he continues, his voice taking an almost musing quality.

“You prop yourself up as someone who has made a living as a giant killer. But as we mentioned the last time we spoke… This is not the Octagon. You can go to our legs and knees all you want… we have fought against men thinking they had us scouted for years. You can try it, Mutt, but don’t be surprised if it backfires. Only a fool goes for the obvious weakness. Because do you even realize what is the interesting point about an obvious weakness? It is also obvious for the one having it. But go ahead. Do your worst. Don’t be surprised if the obvious weakness turns out to be bait… even if you won’t have much time to be surprised. The big, dumb, ugly brute with weak knees might just end up splattering you into a bloody mess…”

With another chuckle escaping his lips, SuMa turns to face the camera, stretching up to his full height. In the dim lighting of the ceiling, he looks very little like a man, and more like a dark, formless shadow looming over the camera and everything below. He is making a point, and he is making it well.

“You focus too much on our size Mutt. You look at our frame and compare us to the giants you have slain. You fail to see the forest from the trees. It is not our size that makes us dangerous… We are not the Apex Predator because we are big and strong… We are the Apex Predator because we stand above and beyond the moralities of society. We have nothing that holds us back. And most of all.. The most painful lesson anyone who hopes to challenge us learns… the most poignant showcase of where foolishness leads… is that we are far more than a big… dumb… ugly.. Brute. Strength is nothing without the will and the intellect to use it effectively. Where you see random acts of violence, such as the assault on your brother… we see a carefully laid out plan to throw you into a mental state where you cannot think through the red mist. The same gameplan we have enacted on the man who presents our ultimate foe. You are angry, Mutt. It bleeds through your actions and your words. Yet you fail to see that you are in that state because we put you there. Intentionally. Knowingly. Methodically. Yes. Your lover outsmarted us. But it works in our favor. You have spent a long while thinking we are a dumb brute. Now that the truth is revealed to you, Mutt, can you correct your course? Can you alter your gameplan and build a new one that corresponds to the information you have acquired? That will be interesting to see.”

He suddenly drops down to a knee, as if he was speaking to a small child, coming down to their level. And his voice matches the intent of this move, sounding like he was both lecturing and chastising the listener.

“So go on then, fearless wolf. Come to Inception V and conquer the ogre. Slay the giant and avenge those who we have wronged. You are the White Wolf. Show us that it is more than just a moniker. Focus on us. Just two Alphas fighting for supremacy. We will be waiting for you…”

With a flick of his wrist he yanks the mask off his face and as the view fades to black the last image we see is his disfigured face twisted into a malicious laughter.

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Re: Fenris v Supreme Machine
« Reply #4 on: January 21, 2022, 08:36:09 PM »

“You are going to have to forgive me for this change in my usual curriculum.”

The voice of Fenris cuts across as we find the aforementioned “White Wolf'' standing at the very base of Hvannadals Peak, the tallest mountain in the capital city of Iceland, standing at well over 6,952 feet. He stands atop a rocky outcropping in the base slope, eyes staring up into the Icelandic heavens, his chin resting atop the curled fingers of his left hand. As if in deep thought or contemplation.

“This is not usually how I do things.” He shook his head. “Like most others, I make certain to bring things to a close, with business overshadowing pleasure. I do not normally go in for these fanciful promos, preferring to get straight to business. But you know… when inspiration strikes, why fight against it?”

“When someone thinks of monsters, they think your typical Hollywood bullshit. Godzilla. Werewolves and vampires- before they sparkled more than your average drag queen. Frankenstein and his Bride… you know. The usual bullshit. But out in the world around us, in history there were beasts that inspired true fear. The fear that made even the bravest of men feel the stab of ice in their chest.

“In Greece, there was a time when the people dreaded the thought of the harpies spreading disease, manticores and the dreaded gaze of the Gorgons that would turn men to stone. In Scotland they have the Loch Ness. Canada has Ogopogo. Hell! Even North America has Champ, the Chupacabra and Bigfoot! But here’s a little something to chew on; we have our own “monsters” - right here in Iceland. Why do you think I’m here, in particular?”

He points straight up.

“See, even here in Iceland we have our own beasts of lore. Take the Huldufólk as an example. ‘The Hidden People’ we call them. You might think of them as elves that weren’t just mean or evil; they were fucking malevolent! I can remember when my brother and sisters were still kids, our grandfather would take us on hikes and anytime we were near this peak or the Katla volcano, he would give daft warnings not to throw rocks, warning us of the consequences of striking one of the Hidden Ones. So feared are the Huldufólk that road construction had to be diverted around an outcropping of rock in Kopavogur, citing warnings of damaging the home of the Huldufólk. Of course, the Icelandic Administration denied this being the reason. After all…”

He paused to stare into the camera.

“Who believes in monsters?”

Next, we would find Fenris standing in the vicinity of Lake Mývatn, standing in front of a rocky outcropping of lava that stretched as far across the horizon as the eye could see, and  was formed over 2,000 years ago.

“Dimmuborgir, or the Black Fortress. It was here that another monster of Iceland resided, calling it her home. Some thought Gryla as the ‘Queen of Icelandic Monsters.’ A fearless female troll that was mother of the Yule Lads, twelve evil versions of Santa Clause. It was said that Gryla would disguise herself as a beggar, and move from town to town, begging parents to surrender their disobedient children. A dark omen, and a useful tool for parents even to this day to corral a misbehaving child. When we were little, my own mother would use Gryla as a means to end the never-ending fighting between my sisters and I. Granted, it worked better on my sisters, as I did not believe in monsters. But…”

He thought for a moment and shrugged.

“Brave as I was, even I did not want to risk a kernel of truth and be handed over to the Mother of All.

Fenris was now walking alongside a country road in his hometown, away from the heart of the city and more to the countryside. Homesteads were few and far between. Trees were everywhere on the rocky land, and off in the distance was Lake Raudavatn. Hands tucked in his jacket pockets, he spoke as he walked.

“I love my country, but even it has its dark and grisly side in mythology.”

A neighing sound alerted him, and he glanced up at a horse in the distance, closer to the edge of Lake Raudavatn. His eyes locked onto the horse and watched it, speaking as he did so.

“One of the darker stories has something similar to Celtic mythology; the Kelpie. Here, we call it the Nykur. This – thing, will come to you as a weary traveler. Tempt you to ride its back to ease your travels. And once you do, you’ll find yourself unable to dismount. It will ride into the nearest body and water where it will drown you.”

At long last, Fenris now stood in the town square of his very own hometown of Reykjavik, amidst the scattered few number of tourists milling about while the locals went about their business. Before him stood one of the most important local monuments of Icelandic culture, and one of whom he shared only too recently with David Shepherd. He gazed up at the enormous sculpture, a genuine smile, a thing most rare where he was concerned, worn on his face.

“Now this – this has always been my favorite of Icelandic lore. I am not a cat person by any stretch of the imagination, but there is something absolutely primitive about the Yule Cat. Ironic, given this time of year, as the Yule Cat was a demonic feline, giant in stature, that would prowl all of Iceland around Yule, on the hunt for any child that was unlucky enough to not receive clothing as a gift for Christmas. Want a Playstation 5? Fine! Want the latest sports equipment? Your parents will do their best; but to those children of my country who receive gloves, socks and scarves as gifts? There were reasons to this day, and none stupid enough to complain.”

“Now… you are probably wondering where am I going with this? What is my point? When am I going to stop talking about this monster bullshit and get to the actual point of my match this coming weekend?”

He spun about quickly with arms held outward and a manic smile on his face.

“There, you see! That IS my point! Ever since he first set foot in SCW, SuMa has been treated with awe and fear! He has been described more as a monster than as a man! A beast among men, if anything! But now this is no Grimm Fairytale. This is no ridiculous bullshit story of a knight in shining armor off to rescue a princess from a dragon. This is real. This. Is. Life! And, I have news for every one of you out there, watching me.”

He took several steps forward, quickly on his feet until his face filled the camera.

“Monsters are not real. Men – they are real. And I am afraid of no man!”


It seemed an eternity until he found his voice, having stared unendingly at the ornately carved marker that honored his first love, a young boy who had died tragically years before his time. A boy whose death Kristjan placed blame squarely on his own shoulders ever since. He shifted from where he sat before the marker, legs crossed, but it was for naught. Comfort was not to be had, be it physical or emotional.

Kristjan shook his head, his blue eyes on the memorial. “I've been coming here for ten years, and I never know what to say to you.” A soft chuckle escaped from him, and he felt the salty sting in his eyes that he struggled to control. He went on, “Why do I get the feeling that if our roles were reversed, you'd know just what to say?”

“This time….” He drew in a deep breath. He looked down briefly before he looked to the marker, and to his mind’s eye, to Jokull himself. “I brought someone with me. I think you would have liked him.” He drew in a deep breath that shuddered only slightly, betraying the emotion that has, as of yet, been unable to betray him and break from the self-imposed barriers. He let the breath out and looked ahead, finally admitting, “Because I do, Jokull. I like him - a lot. The fact that he wanted to come here, now? To be here for me? I know I talk big and tell people I don’t need anyone to be there for me, and I have to handle this alone. But he actually wanted to come with me – it meant a lot. And spoke volumes about him. Your mom met him. She liked him, I think. I think a part of him wanted to come up here with me, but he’s back there.”

He jetted a thumb back toward David subconsciously, an action David caught from the corner of his eye as he waited.

“But he wanted me to have this time with you, alone.” He nodded solemnly. “He’s a good man.”

Kristjan seemed lost, unsure of how to proceed. He found himself looking everywhere suddenly but at the grave marker, as if he had a sense of guilt behind his admission. But he had to say it, he had to get past this one hurdle.

He said, “His name is David, but I imagine you already knew this. I’ve always felt like you were keeping an eye on me from ‘up there.’” He chuckled. “It’s funny. When we were kids, I would have gone to the ends of the earth to watch over and protect you, but now that you’re gone? I know – I know – that you’re doing the same thing for me. For all I know… you sent David to me so that I could be happy.” He gave the marker a side-eye and a bit of a rueful smile. “I could have done without that Ty West test run.”

“I just – I have felt guilty every time I think I met someone. Every. Time. But, your mom is right. I can’t begin to think you’d have wanted me to be alone and bitter. I’m bitter enough even when I’m with someone.”

It amazed him the level of patience that David gave him.

“Your mom and I had a long talk last night. She told me that I don’t have to make this trip every year, but I do. And I think she appreciates it. I know she does. But I’m not just doing this for me, or for me.”

He finally could not hold it back any longer, and the first of many tears slid from his eyes and down his cheeks, pooling at the defined cleft in his chin.

“I’m doing it for you. Whether I am with someone or not, I don’t want you to ever think I could replace you. I love you, Jokull. I always have, and I always will.”

Finally, Kristjan closed his eyes and recited from memory a prayer he instilled in both body and soul.

“O son of ever-watchful Odin, Balder, best of gods,
I call to you with an open heart, I pray to you
with open eyes. Son of fair Frigga who sought your safekeeping,
who gathered up pledges like flowers in spring,
who begged for salt tears throughout the worlds,
a mother’s love wielded with skill, yet in vain.
Balder, most beautiful, bright-shining god,
there are no words to tell of your glory,
there is no being who burns with your fire. Yours is a tale
of many turns, of what must be and of what must end,
of well-plotted plans and of ill become good.
O Balder who dwells among the dead, holder
of your father’s secrets, hidden hope of all that is,
I honor your story, I honor your might, I honor the worlds
in which you walk. Hail to good Balder, great god of the light!”

Seems strange? Perhaps for any save for those closest to him. Kristjan was what was known as “Asatro,” one of those in the Icelandic culture that practiced the worship of the Norse gods; Baldur. Somehow it seemed terribly appropriate that his patron be the ‘Fallen God,’ given the circumstances surrounding his life.

He reached forward to the bundle of flowers and set them up right against the headstone before finally  pushing himself up to a standing position. Seeing this, David stood up right from against the tree he had been standing against. Kristjan closed his eyes and rested his fingers on the marble stone and whispered, “Blessaður sé.” (“Blessed be.”) He then quickly wiped his eyes with the arm of his sleeve and turned to walk back to David who stood upright to meet him.

Neither man said a word. They didn’t have to. David simply and silently slid his arm around his man’s waist and they walked toward the rental…

The very same rental Kristjan watched drive away in a hasty retreat. Stunned. Shocked. Confused. Three words that best describe the wave of emotions that threatened to overwhelm Kristjan as he watched the car’s lights vanish in the distance. He gave pause and looked around and then down, at the luggage that had fallen over at his feet as David had made his getaway from the very forefront of his family home.

Without thought, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. A flick of his thumb, he pressed the speed dial and held it to his ear. The ring tone went on … and on … but nobody picked up. It didn’t even go to voicemail. He then changed tactics and went to his list of contacts, and dialed a specific one deliberately. After a few rings, the line was picked up and…

“This had better be good!” Came the voice of David’s sister, Esther. A young woman who had fast reminded Kristjan of his two older sisters.

Kristjan drew in a deep breath, and answered, “When you see your brother, tell him he’s a fucking asshole!”


“Who else!?”

“Oh for… did you two fight - again!?” She asked with no small trace of sarcasm. “What happened? You not make it to the point of angry man sex-”

“He fucking just ditched me, Esther!”

“... What are you talking about?”

“We just arrived at my family’s house and no sooner did I get my luggage out of the car than he jumped in and took off!”

“Relax.” She said. “Maybe he just went back to the hotel…”

“And turned off his phone? And voice mail???”

“Okay, I stand corrected. But just take it easy. He probably just got a little spooked. Meeting your family was probably moving too fast for his…”

“Too FAST!?” Kristjan bellowed into the phone. “Esther, I just stopped him from buying us a matching set of rings!”

“... Beg pardon?”

“Never mind!” Kristjan shook his head, wanting to just crawl into a hole and hide. “Just… do me a favor. Tell your brother. I’ve had men make me angry, make me hurt… David is the first one to ever humiliate me.”

“Kristjan…” But before Esther could say anything further, Kristjan ended the call with a click and he THREW the phone as hard as he could against a frozen tree in the yard of his family home, shattering it!

Kristjan?” The voice caused him to turn around, and his father, Benedikt, had stepped out the front door and was approaching him - having seen his outburst and loss of temper. True, as his dad he had been privy to many times over the years at a loss of temper, but this was different.

Benedikt walked up to his son’s side and Kristjan deftly turned his head away, so that his pained, blue eyes could stare off into the direction David had left. Benedikt looked off into the same direction, before looking to his son.

He asked, “Where’s David?”

Kristjan closed his eyes and shook his head. “Gone.”

This cryptic answer caused Benedikt to frown and he was about to question him further, but Kristjan opened his eyes and focused them directly on the man who had been his hero for near thirty years.

“He’s gone … Dad.”

Benedikt looked into his son’s eyes, and understood. Then, nothing further need be said. He simply leaned down to help Kristjan gather his luggage before they went back inside….

Las Vegas, Nevada -
December 24

Time jumps. Funny little things. Tricky, but overall more useful than one might realize in the telling of a tale. Because while we could have spent an endless amount of time regaling you with little anecdotes of what went down between Fenris and the members of his family as they ventured from their native Iceland to America so that they might all spend the holidays together, there was little time to waste so let’s instead skip ahead in our look back to Yule of 2021, and get to the heart of the matter, shall we?

The Baltasarsson brothers’ condo looked much the same as last time we visited this masterpiece of a winter wonderland, courtesy of Danielle Weston, the brothers’ adopted little sister. If anything, it looked even more elaborate than previously seen, as if Aron and Danielle took advantage of Kristjan’s absence to put up even more elaborate decor to welcome both friends and family in what has fast become something of a tradition for this family. The brothers knew full well that their mother would do as she always did, and invite all of their friends to a dinner party where her culinary talents might reign supreme, but this time they beat her to the proverbial punch. Kristjan had already invited everyone, and while he was away, Aron had secured the services of a local caterer much in demand so that their mom would not have to lift a finger. It was her holiday to enjoy too.

And the guest list was extensive,  everyone was there that one might imagine; from the Stevens family to fellow trainees of the GO Gym. From London Underground to Bobbie Dahl and Artie. . .

Kristjan realized he should be more grateful for everything that Baldur had blessed him with, had blessed his family with, but still he found it rather difficult. While it was true that he was currently surrounded by both friends and family, he still felt that there was something missing. And that something - or someone, rather, was … well, you know exactly who is being referred to.

“Here.” Eva said as Kristjan was about to take a seat next to Bobbie and Artie on the prominent, white plush sofa at the forefront of the condo’s main living area, holding out a platter of hors d'oeuvres that the guests had picked clean. “Take this into the kitchen so we can keep things clean.”

Taking his seat, Kristjan raised his brow to his mother and professed, “But it’s my party.”

“And you’re my son.” Eva said, brooking no argument from her middle child and oldest son, shoving the platter into his hands without argument. “Now move.” She said. Kristjan exchanged a look with Bobbie and Artie, Bobbie wearing a wry grin on her face as he stood up and was about to do as he was told/commanded, when the doorbell rang. Or at least, what he used to be his doorbell. It had been deftly replaced from the typical chimes to the tell-tale sounds of Santa’s jolly laugh.

Slowly Kristjan turned to look across the condo to Danielle whose eyes widened under his stare and she somehow made fading into the crowd of guests seem flawless. Kristjan turned to set the tray down so that he might answer his door, but Eva held up a hand, forestalling him. She pointed toward the kitchen with a commanding tone, saying, “Go. I’ll answer that.”

Without waiting to see if her boy would listen, as she knew he would, Eva walked across the floor of the condo’s living area aka “party central,” and toward the front door. Grasping the door handle, she opened the door with a pleasant, expectant expression on her face, but for whom she saw standing there, that expression changed first to a wariness, and then to that of a mother bear. Her brow furrowed and lips pressed thin as she stared straight at the man who had only recently hurt her son, David Shepherd - and his sister Esther.

Perhaps had he been the sort to pay more attention to his surroundings, Kristjan might have noticed that much of the chatter at the party had slowly subsided. Oh people were still talking in conversation, enjoying the festivities and one another's company, but there was a sudden tenseness that had suddenly filled the air and it could not be ignored. But Kristjan seemed to lose himself when he was in his own home, comfortably surrounded by loved ones, that he did not notice. He took advantage of being in the small kitchen to open the fridge and retrieve for himself another beer (much to Eva’s distaste). He turned around, twisting the cap off and was about to take a long and satisfying pull from the bottle, when he stopped. Eva was standing at the front of the kitchen, wringing her hands in worry and her face was set in stone.

“Someone’s here to see you.” She said in a crisp tone, to which Kristjan replied, “Willow?” Referring to his close friend whom he had also invited but knew the chances were slim as she did live in Seattle where her family resided.

Eva shook her head and said quietly, “Not Willow.” And the movement from the corner of his eye, behind his mother and stepping into view - David. Kristjan’s attempt to take a drink stopped just as suddenly, the bottle of Kaldi Blonde frozen at his lips. He slowly lowered the bottle as David stepped into the kitchen, Eva’s eyes remaining glued straight on him.

“Mom…?” Kristjan finally broke the uncomfortable silence with a hidden intent. Eva turned her head to share a look with her son, and then looked once more at David and she said in a hushed whisper, “Meiddu son minn aftur og ég mun hafa eyrnalokkana þína.” Before she finally took her leave to rejoin the party.

David watched her go for a brief moment, before he turned back to Kristjan who was just watching him without saying a word. His backside leaning against the counter, and arms folded over his sternum with the bottle of Icelandic beer still held up.

“What did she say?” David shook his head as he understood not a single word of Icelandic.

“Pretty much she said if you hurt me again, she’d have your balls for earrings.” Was the simple reply. David’s eyes widened for only a fraction of a second, turning back to look where Eva had left the kitchen before returning his attention to where it most deserved to be. Now Kristjan’s attention was sharp, and she saw the reflexive swallow of David and he shook his head.

“You’ve got a lot of fucking nerve just showing up like this after that stunt you pulled!” He said in a monotone voice that hid not just the anger he felt inside, but the hurt as well. Try as he might to deny it, Kristjan was human, and even he could be hurt by someone he cared about. He said, “Ignore calls. Texts. But here you are. Showing up to celebrate Yule like nothing happened.”

He scoffed and took a pull from the bottle in hand, muttering, “You have balls.”

And at that, David had the most difficult time looking at the man who only days ago, he could not tear his eyes off of. For someone who laid claim to being an ‘asshole supreme’ and not caring what anyone thought of him, in this moment, with this man standing across from him, it simply was not true. His hands found themselves deep in his pockets and he asked quietly, “Is there somewhere we can talk?”

To which Kristjan shrugged and answered simply, “Do you see anyone else with us? Talk.” But the helpless, hangdog expression on David’s face and that poorly hidden pain in his eyes gave Kristjan cause to exhale sharply and he set the bottle on the counter and he walked past David, grabbing him by the arm and ushering him from the kitchen. The two stepped out into the living room and ignored the attention that their emergence had received. Friends and family had a habit of not hiding their protective curiosity very well. They stepped just off of the foyer and entered Kristjan’s bedroom, but not before David cast a look over his shoulder and locked eyes with Eva once again from across the condo. She gave him the universal sign for ‘I’ve got my eyes on you’ just before the bedroom door was shut behind him.

David turned around as Kristjan walked across his master bedroom, around the bed and he had a seat on the white, cushioned chair in the corner near his desk. “This should be good.” He said, shrugging his broad shoulders. “Say what you have to say.”

(See, this is where you should read “Brother” David Shepherd's roleplay)

The Reno Events Center had long been set up in preparation for the SCW Supercard event, the first of 2022; Inception V. Soon enough, the Superstars and Bombshells would kick the new year off in pure masochistic sadism; spilling one another's blood and leaving each other laying, beaten, battered and broken. As SCW crews busied themselves in the otherwise empty arena, performing sound checks and checking the stage lights for any undue mistakes, one man in particular took this time for a brief bit of solitude. So that he might focus himself on what was to come in just over 48 hours. When he, a mortal man, would face off against what could best be described as a man-made monster.

Fenris sat clear at the top of the bleachers, keeping himself as far away from the hustle and bustle of activity below by the entirety of the SCW and Reno Events Center staff and crew.

“Do you know what the difference is between us, SuMa? It's not size. It's not by reputation or fear factor, although there is plenty of both to go around on both sides. It's motivation. What exactly are you doing this for, big man? What is your drive going into this match? To try and maintain your carefully crafted monster image? See, that's the funny thing about creating an image for yourself; in the end, it's just an image. There's no substance behind it. Are you hoping to maintain your standing? Well sorry to break this bit of bad news but you have no standing! Not here, not in SCW! So far since you arrived, you've been little more than the Saviors’ attack bitch - dog! I meant dog. Since you showed up, it's been the same goddam act! Attack random people! Growl and gnash teeth! Okay you did try to add a bit of variety when you scared the piss out of Bea Barnhart, but really in the end, all that did  was make you look every bit the girly bitch that I've been saying you are. And all of this? You do it because you can. Because in your own deranged head, it makes you more than you are! You want to walk out of this fight - and it WILL be a fight - being able to tell the world you were one of less than a handful of men who hold a win over me! But you are bullshitting yourself. You laid me out twice, I will give you that. You put me on medical leave, I’ll give you that. But did you stop me? Did you end me?”

He leaned back and shook his head, his eyes emblazoned with feral madness but the corner of his lips turned upward in a trademark smirk that speaks volumes toward his true mindset. Those closest to him, friends and opponents alike, would say this would be the time for concern.

“There is nothing that you can pull out of your relatively small bag of tricks that will keep me down. You could put me down a hundred times over and I will keep getting back up, each and every time! That is what a fighter is, that is what I am! But thinking you’re getting the best of me, you did nothing more than misuse your motivation to hand me my own on a golden platter! That’s right, SuMa. YOU’VE inspired me! You’ve brought the White Wolf out of his den and now he is on the hunt! But you put your hands on my brother, and for that, I’ll put you down once - and that’s it. Because unlike you, I don’t need more than once to put you down and leave you laying, bloody and broken!”

“You’re big, SuMa. I’ll grant you that. A so-called monster. But that’s about the best thing that I can say about you. After all, what does it really say about you when I have half your size, when I haven’t committed half the atrocities that you have, and yet I still have more grown men pissing themselves at the thought of stepping inside of the ring against me!? Now THAT is a reputation to be proud of! THAT is a reputation earned! You can attack every man on this roster a hundred times over and you STILL won’t inspire the same level of fear and anxiety that I have – And I’ve only been competing for nearly four years! You – !”

He jabbed a finger right into the camera.

“Supreme Machine, are all show! Just massive size and strength and nothing else! I’ve been in the world of MMA for years, and here in SCW since 2018 and I’ve earned everything on nothing but my own hard earned skill! I don’t need to play fucking mind games or jump someone from behind to get my point across or prove that I’m the best! I already know I am because I’ve been there! Fastest rising Superstar in SCW history!”

He pointed a thumb toward himself, then turned his hand around and held up four fingers.

“Four months, SuMa. That is all the time it took for me from my debut to Summer XXXTreme VI to win the World Heavyweight Championship! And I stayed unbeaten for almost a full fucking year!  I'm sure as shit not about to be laid waste to by some half-assed cliche! Because that’s all you are; a carefully crafted image to make any man think you’re the boogeyman of professional wrestling! But funny thing about an image; it’s all for show. It has no value, no substance.”

He cast a look over his shoulder and toward the camera directly.

“And neither do you. You want me at my best? You hope to have stoked my fire? Well bitch, ask and you shall receive because the fire inside of my soul has been stoked to the point of a raging inferno and you are going to BURN! And this time? This time it is just you and me. No Saviors. No members of GO Gym. No Wolfslair. Just the giant, and a giant slayer.”

Fenris then jumped to his feet and started down the steps of the stands, but paused and looked down briefly, allowing a brief time for his eyes to rise again. To look down toward the six-sided ring where he would soon stand.

“When you had me at my worst, I had men come to my aid, and more importantly, to the aid of my brother. Men whom I am on good terms with, and men whom I have spilled blood against. That … is what I am about, SuMa. That I have enough respect for men the likes of Mercer, Senor Vinnie, Alex Jones and the Bulldog, that they would be there for me, even if they don’t like me. They respect me, and hate you. Your brotherhood in the Saviors? They won’t do shit when I put you out of your misery, because by then you would have shown your true worth, or lack thereof. Because what value does the Saviors’ monster have to the Saviors themselves, when he can’t even put down a 'many mutt'?”

He went about his way, descending the steps as the camera pulled to a close up of the ring before it faded to black.
"Where wolf's ears are, wolf's teeth are near."
~ Volsunga Saga, c.19

World Heavyweight Champion - 1x - current