It’s been a hell of a year.
I know what your thinking, that can apply to pretty much everyone on the planet that made it through 2020 but between my family moving me from Greenock to Las Vegas out of the blue in August and my subsequent decision to start training to become a wrestler, there’s part of me that’s wondering what 2022 will hold for me and, by extension, my older cousin, off course you should know who my cousin is, she is the Bombshell Roulette Champion after all.
Krystal was out on a date with her fiancé Makayla leaving me in charge of babysitting her step-niece (and by extension, my second cousin) and she was playing with her toys in front of the couch whilst I was playing on my Nintendo Switch, it was a relatively easy gig because Krystal and Makayla made sure Rachel had something to eat before they left.
”It’s a dog’s life, huh Garrus?” I asked the puppy as he let out a big yawn before stretching his legs and laying down in front of the Sofa, I paused my game of Metroid Dread to check the time and seeing that it was nearly 18:00pm I sighed to myself. ”Krystal and Makayla left around 16:00pm so they are probably waiting on their desert by now……..” I mumbled to myself before hearing a text notification from my phone, I reached over and grabbed it figuring it was just a text notification from Krystal saying that they’d be back soon.
I wish it was, because what I got instead was WAY worse. “Is something wrong Cassie?” I looked up and saw Rachel looking towards me and I shook my head knowing that the contents of the text where inappropriate as all hell for a girl her age, or any age really.
”It’s fine Rach, how about you go play with your toys in the other room? I’ve got to call Auntie Krystal.” I responded once my surprise wore off and Rachel took a few of her toys into the other room. ”How the hell am I going to explain this to Krystal? She’s a lot more famous than me so maybe I should just tell her straight.” I muttered to myself before switching to Krystal’s contact in the texts and quickly typing my text to her. ”A guy I was playing against yesterday just sent me an unsolicited dick pic, no idea how he got my number.” I muttered to myself as I typed the message and hit send.
It was exactly five minutes later that I got my reply from Krystal. ”Call me, now!” Once I read the reply I quickly called my older cousin via Facetime and she answered. ”Not something I wanted to read whilst on a dinner date Cass, please tell me Rachel didn’t see it?”
”No, I sent her into the other room before I texted you, most she caught was my rapid change in facial expressions.” I responded and Krystal breathed a sigh of relief. ”Only other person in the room that’s close to her age is Garrus, and I’m pretty sure doggos don’t even know what dicks are! Even the intelligent breeds like German Shepherds.”
”Yeah, we should be fine on the doggo front.” Krystal responded with a low chuckle before I leaned back on the sofa. ”Sit tight Cass, me and Makayla are just waiting on our deserts ut as soon as the bill’s paid we are coming straight home, and whatever you do, don’t delete that guy’s contact info!”
”You want to give him a piece of your mind, don’t you?” I asked and Krystal nodded on the other end. ”Like I said, I don’t know how he got my contact info, you and Makayla helped me set up my accounts on PSN and Nintendo Online so there’s no way he could’ve gotten that info from there.”
”That will be my second priority when I come home, and I had better let Matthew know about this.” Krystal responded and I nodded in agreement. ”If he knows your phone number, he’ll know where you get most of your training, which wouldn’t exactly be hard to deduce given that you say that on your Twitter profile.”
”True enough, I guess I can play with Garrus for a bit until you get back.” I responded with a sigh as I glanced down at the adorable puppy. ”That incident has put me off anything to do with joysticks for the rest of the night, and this time that innuendo is intentional.”
”As funny as those tweets were, I don’t blame you one bit.” Krystal nodded in understanding before I let out a deep breath. ”See you when I get back.”
”See you!” I waved off my cousin before she hung up, I set aside my phone and Switch before plopping down to the floor. ”Garrus, here boy!” I called out to him and the puppy raced over with his tail wagging, ready for some playtime.
*just under an hour later*
The hour just flew by and I managed to sneak in some selfies with the doggo before we heard the door unlock and Garrus raced off to greet his mistresses, by the time I had stood up Rachel had joined them and it wasn’t long before Krystal marched over to me.
”I’m going to need your phone, I’m not asking.” Krystal told me bluntly and I handed it over without hesitation, Krystal took one look at the dick pic before shaking her head with a scoff. ”Beyond how disgusting this is, did he really thing he was going to impress you with a dick that small?!”
”Tell me about it! What are you going to do now?” I asked my cousin and she didn’t answer, she just hit the call button and went off into the other room. ”Well, that answers that!”
”Krystal is just concerned Cass, plus she was rehearsing what she was going to say to that prick on the way home.” Makayla assured me as Krystal’s fiancé joined me in the front room, followed closely by Garrus and Rachel. ”Here, your twitter details are saved to my phone if you still want to tweet, how are you doing?”
”Well, I’m over the initial shock. I just don’t know how that happened.” I admitted before brushing some hair over my shoulder and taking her phone for the time being.. ”Any idea what she wanted to say to him?” I asked but it wasn’t long before we got an answer.
"IF YOU EVER SEND MY COUSIN OR ANYONE ELSE I KNOW A DICK PIC AGAIN, I'LL CUT OFF YOUR TINY DICK AND SHOVE IT DOWN YOUR THROAT!" Krystal’s voice bellowed from the other room making Garrus jump in the process and Makayla just shook her head, unfortunately that was all I heard from that conversation.
”I’m definitely tweeting that later.” I commented with a chuckle and Makayla nodded with a laugh. ”You have any idea how he got my number.”
”Only theories really.” Makayla responded before she stood up. ”Krystal will sort out your payment when she gets off the phone but try not to let this dampen your Christmas cheer Cass.”
”I’ll try.” I nodded before she left the room with Garrus in tow and I made myself comfy again, off course I didn’t realize that this was just the beginning of the hell this asshole was going to put me through.