Author Topic: Broken Bond...  (Read 3883 times)

Cordelia Clark

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Broken Bond...
« on: December 29, 2021, 10:41:22 AM »
Valedictorians of Virtue (Morgan & Cordelia Clark) vs. Sedona Sky (Chelsea LeClair and Andrea Hernandez)

Chelsea and Cordelia circle the ring as the bell rings, starting the match for their team. They lock up for a bit in the center of the ring. Cordelia drops down to try and get an advantage, but Chelsea clubs her in the back a few times before picking her up and taking her down with a gutwrench suplex. Chelsea gets up quickly. She sees Cordelia doing the same and she grabs her and whips her into the corner. Cordelia comes off of the corner and then Chelsea dropkicks her back into it. Cordelia stumbles out even groggier and when she turns in Chelsea’s direction, Chelsea is quick to spear her into the corner. Cordelia comes out of the corner clutching her chest. Chelsea nails Cordelia in the gut, doubling her over and then she comes back with a running backhand elbow to the face knocking Cordelia down to the mat. Chelsea drops down and hooks the leg for a cover…



Cordelia kicks out!

Chelsea goes back to her corner to tag Andrea in. She gets to the top while Chelsea holds up Cordelia and Andrea leaps off the top rope and nails Cordelia with a missile dropkick. Chelsea leaves and Andrea gets Cordelia back up. She attempts to make a move, but Cordelia counters with a back elbow and a headlock takeover. Andrea is able to get up rather quickly, but Cordelia knees her in the gut and drops her with a DDT. Cordelia fires some rights at Andrea as she gets back up, then she picks Andrea up and nails her with a flapjack near the center of the ring. Cordelia has a little more confidence dragging Andrea to the corner. She follows up with a reverse corner splash that nails Andrea cross the chest then stays on her for the pinfall attempt…



Andrea grabs the bottom rope.

Cordelia isn’t all too thrilled with this, but she drags Andrea to her own corner and tags in Morgan. Both of them beat the heck out of Andrea in the corner. Cordelia lifts Andrea in the air in an electric chair position while Morgan goes to the top. Before Morgan can make a move, Andrea counters with a sunset flip of sorts to take Cordelia out. Morgan dives into a cross body taking Andrea down into the mat. Morgan gets angry as she traps Andrea in a cobra clutch. Andrea grits her teeth as she tries to fight the move. She is able to fire off a few elbows before Morgan gets her up to her feet. Morgan picks up Andrea and gives her a side slam into the mat. Morgan yells “this is how you do it” at Cordelia in the corner before she picks her up again and takes her down with a high knee to the head. Morgan makes the cover…



Andrea kicks out!

Morgan drags Andrea back to her corner and Cordelia takes in on Morgan’s demand. Cordelia steps in and Morgan whips Andrea off of the ropes. They both prepare to take her down, but Andrea comes back with a double clothesline. Morgan gets back up, but Andrea clotheslines her over the top rope and onto the floor. Cordelia pounces and fires off a few shots, but Andrea counters with a back elbow. Andrea then grabs Cordelia, who is doubled over, and she takes her down with a running bulldog. Andrea is starting to feel some momentum as she steps through the ropes. Cordelia slowly gets back up to her feet. Andrea then slingshots herself back into the ring. She attempts and connects with an impressive springboard senton that takes Cordelia down and pins her shoulders right into the mat for a direct cover…



Cordelia kicks out!

Andrea goes back to her corner and she tags Chelsea in. Andrea then drags Cordelia up to her feet and holds her up. Chelsea fires off a couple of kicks to the gut before Andrea nails her with a double underhook suplex. Cordelia is able to stand up after a while. Andrea grabs her and whips her right over to Chelsea who knocks her down with a shoulder block. Andrea goes back to her corner. Chelsea traps Cordelia in a surfboard stretch causing Cordelia to struggle for a bit and for Morgan to have a laugh to herself in the corner. Cordelia indicates that she isn’t going to submit. Chelsea lets go. Chelsea quickly climbs to the top rope again while Cordelia remains down. Chelsea leaps off of the top rope and then nails Cordelia with a somersault leg drop that lands right across the throat. Cordelia struggles to catch her breath while Chelsea quickly crawls over to her, turns her over and hooks the leg for the cover…



Cordelia kicks out!

Chelsea remains confident as she goes back to her corner to tag Andrea back in. Andrea remains on the apron for a bit and then Chelsea gets Cordelia back to her feet. Chelsea whips Cordelia to a springboarding Andrea who flattens Cordelia with a cross body. Chelsea is quick to drag her up again and both she and Andrea pick her up and flatten her on the mat with a double flapjack. Cordelia rolls away while Chelsea locks her in a leg lock. Andrea runs to the ropes, comes off of them and nails Cordelia with an Asai moonsault. Andrea doesn’t cover and Morgan chases Chelsea out of the ring. Andrea then grabs Morgan from behind and throws her out of the ring as well. Focusing back on the task at hand, Andrea gets Cordelia back to her feet and follows things up with a sunset flip right into a pinfall attempt…



Cordelia kicks out again!

Andrea drags Cordelia by the hair all the way back to her corner where Chelsea is tagged back in. Chelsea gets in on the action and they drag Cordelia back to the center. Morgan then comes in and gives a chop block to the back of Chelsea’s leg and Cordelia shoves Chelsea away. Andrea tries to fight off Morgan, but Morgan runs at her and manages to clothesline both Andrea and herself out of the ring. Chelsea is barely getting up, but Cordelia chop blocks Chelsea herself then locks in a kneebar. Chelsea struggles with the hold for a bit, but within a minute, she is still able to grab the bottom rope. Cordelia refuses to let go and the referee has to begin a five count. Cordelia lets go at four, then stands up and drags Chelsea back up to her feet. Cordelia drags Chelsea back to the center and nails a Floatover DDT! Cordelia turns Chelsea over for the cover…



Chelsea kicks out!

Cordelia crawls over to her corner and tags Morgan back in. Morgan is fresh and she shows it with a quick spinning heel kick to the side of the head that knocks a rising Chelsea back down. Morgan gets Chelsea up again and whips her over to Cordelia who follows up with a back body drop. Chelsea looks a little bit worse for wear as Cordelia exits, Morgan commits to a corner foot choke on Chelsea who struggles to breathe for a bit. The referee then begins a five coult and Morgan releases the choke at four. Chelsea tries to roll away. However, Morgan picks her up by the hair. Morgan has a big smirk on her face as she gets her up and drops Chelsea near the center of the ring with a snap suplex! Morgan is definitely smirking with confidence as she drops down for the cover…



Chelsea kicks out again!

Morgan traps Chelsea in a sleeper hold and tries to choke her out. She struggles to breathe for a bit but she is able to fight back with some elbows to the chest. She’s able to get up, but Morgan viciously throws her back down. Cordelia asks for a tag, but Morgan ignores her. Chelsea is able to stand back up and then Morgan grabs her and takes her down with an STO near her corner. At this point, she tags Cordelia back in. They both get Chelsea back up to her feet and they lift her up and take her back down hear the center of the ring with a double powerbomb. Cordelia and Morgan stumble back to their corner and Morgan grabs the tag rope, tagging herself back in much to Cordelia’s annoyance. Chelsea crawls on the mat for a bit and then Morgan runs up and gives her a running punt to the chest before pulling her up to her feet and delivering a backbreaker. Morgan goes for the cover again…



Chelsea kicks out.

Morgan grows frustrated and headss to the top rope. She goes for a diving headbutt, but Chelsea rolls out of the way. Both women race back to their corners, tagging their partners simultaneously. Cordelia and Andrea dart back into the swing of things and the fists are flying for a while. Cordelia catches Andrea with a spinning heel kick to double her over and when she tries to go for an axe kick, Andrea manages to dodge it. Cordelia turns around and Andrea gives her a bicycle kick in the ribs. She attempts to follow up with a standing hurricanrana, but Cordelia manages to throw her down to the mat. Cordelia remains confident as Andrea gets up again. Neither is aware that Morgan has stood up behind Andrea. Cordelia goes for the Heartbreaker on Andrea, but Andrea sidesteps it and Cordelia nails Morgan with the move accidentally. Cordelia turns around into a double knee gutbuster from Chelsea. Andrea goes to the top rope at this point, then leaps and nails Cordelia with the “Rise of the Phoenix”. The move lands perfectly into a cover…




WINNERS: Sedona Sky

The fans pop for this finish as Andrea rolls off of Cordelia. Chelsea helps Andrea back to her feet and this results in the two on-and-off again friends having a bit of a staredown. In a warm surprise, they even exchange a hug, indicating that any bitterness is behind them. They celebrate together as they leave the ring.

Back in the ring, Morgan is stunned. She looks down on Cordelia who is stirring. Morgan gets to her knees and crawls over toward her sister. She helps her up to her feet as she gets herself up. Morgan has a compassionate look on her face…


Morgan completely snaps as she starts beating down on her own sister…


Morgan goes on an absolute rampage, beating Cordelia all around the ring before violently throwing her out.

Morgan: I HATE YOU!!!! I FUCKING HATE YOU!!!!!!!!

Morgan grabs Cordelia and throws her head first into the steel steps as the rampage continues.


Morgan grabs a chair from under the ring and violently beats Cordelia with it asking “WHY?” again and again and again.


Another chair shot.

Morgan: I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD… FUCK YOUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One last chair shot for the road. Cordelia has been bloodily beaten as referees come out to finally end this


Morgan backs up the ramp continuing to scream “I HATE YOU” over and over while  more help is requested for Cordelia…